view qiime_feature-classifier_classify-consensus-blast.xml @ 0:09b7bcb72fa7 draft

author florianbegusch
date Thu, 24 May 2018 02:11:44 -0400
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line source

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<tool id="qiime_feature-classifier_classify-consensus-blast" name="qiime feature-classifier classify-consensus-blast" version="2018.4">
	<description>- BLAST+ consensus taxonomy classifier</description>
		<requirement type="package" version="2018.4">qiime2</requirement>
  qiime feature-classifier classify-consensus-blast --i-query=$iquery

  #if str( $id_to_taxonomy_fp.selector ) == 'history'
  	#set $tax = $id_to_taxonomy_fp.taxonomy_fp
  	--i-reference-taxonomy '$tax'
  	#set $tax = $id_to_taxonomy_fp.taxonomy_fp.fields.path
  	--i-reference-taxonomy '$tax'
  #end if
  #if $ppercidentity:
  #end if
  #if str($cmdconfig) != 'None':
  #end if
  #if $pminconsensus:
  #end if
  #if str($pstrand) != 'None':
  #end if
  #if str($punassignablelabel):
  #end if
  #if $pevalue:
  #end if
  #if $pmaxaccepts:
  #end if
  cp oclassification.qza $oclassification;
		<param format="qza," label="--i-query: FeatureData[Sequence] Sequences to classify taxonomically. [required]" name="iquery" optional="False" type="data"/>
		<param format="qza," label="--i-reference-reads: FeatureData[Sequence] reference sequences.  [required]" name="ireferencereads" optional="False" type="data"/>

		<conditional name="id_to_taxonomy_fp" optional="True">
		   <param name="selector" type="select" label="Reference taxonomy to query">
			  <option value="cached">Public databases</option>
			  <option value="history">Databases from your history</option>
		   <when value="cached">
			  <param argument="--taxonomy_fp" label="Reference taxonomy" type="select" optional="True">
				 <options from_data_table="qiime_taxonomy" />
		   <when value="history">
			  <param argument="--taxonomy_fp" type="data" format="qza," label="Reference databases" optional="True" />

		<param label="--p-maxaccepts: Maximum number of hits to keep for each query. Must be in range [0, infinity]. [default: 10]" name="pmaxaccepts" optional="True" type="integer" value="10"/>
		<param label="--p-perc-identity: Reject match if percent identity to query is lower. Must be in range [0.0, 1.0]. [default: 0.8]" name="ppercidentity" optional="True" type="float" value="0.8"/>
		<param label="--p-strand: [both|plus|minus]    Align against reference sequences in forward ('plus'), reverse ('minus'), or both directions ('both').  [default: both]" name="pstrand" optional="True" type="select">			
			<option selected="True" value="both">both</option>
			<option value="plus">plus</option>
			<option value="minus">minus</option>
		<param label="--p-evalue: BLAST expectation value (E) threshold for saving hits.  [default: 0.001]" name="pevalue" optional="True" type="float" value="0.001"/>
		<param label="--p-min-consensus: Minimum fraction of assignments must match top hit to be accepted as consensus assignment. Must be in range (0.5, 1.0]. [default: 0.51]" name="pminconsensus" optional="True" type="float" value="0.51"/>
		<param label="--p-unassignable-label: [default: Unassigned]" name="punassignablelabel" optional="True" type="text" value="Unassigned"/>
		<param label="--cmd-config: Use config file for command options" name="cmdconfig" optional="True" type="data"/>
		<data format="qza" label="${} on ${on_string}: classification.qza" name="oclassification"/>
BLAST+ consensus taxonomy classifier

Assign taxonomy to query sequences using BLAST+. Performs BLAST+ local
alignment between query and reference_reads, then assigns consensus
taxonomy to each query sequence from among maxaccepts top hits,
min_consensus of which share that taxonomic assignment.

query : FeatureData[Sequence]
    Sequences to classify taxonomically.
reference_reads : FeatureData[Sequence]
    reference sequences.
reference_taxonomy : FeatureData[Taxonomy]
    reference taxonomy labels.
maxaccepts : Int % Range(1, None), optional
    Maximum number of hits to keep for each query. Must be in range [0,
perc_identity : Float % Range(0.0, 1.0, inclusive_end=True), optional
    Reject match if percent identity to query is lower. Must be in range
    [0.0, 1.0].
strand : Str % Choices({'both', 'minus', 'plus'}), optional
    Align against reference sequences in forward ("plus"), reverse
    ("minus"), or both directions ("both").
evalue : Float, optional
    BLAST expectation value (E) threshold for saving hits.
min_consensus : Float % Range(0.5, 1.0, inclusive_start=False, inclusive_end=True), optional
    Minimum fraction of assignments must match top hit to be accepted as
    consensus assignment. Must be in range (0.5, 1.0].
unassignable_label : Str, optional

classification : FeatureData[Taxonomy]
    Taxonomy classifications of query sequences.