1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <tool id="qiime_sample-classifier_scatterplot" name="qiime sample-classifier scatterplot" version="2019.4">
3 <description> - Make 2D scatterplot and linear regression of regressor predictions.</description>
4 <requirements>
5 <requirement type="package" version="2019.4">qiime2</requirement>
6 </requirements>
7 <command><![CDATA[
8 qiime sample-classifier scatterplot
10 --i-predictions=$ipredictions
11 --m-truth-column="$mtruthcolumn"
13 --m-truth-file="$metadatafile"
15 #if str($pmissingsamples) != 'None':
16 --p-missing-samples=$pmissingsamples
17 #end if
19 --o-visualization=ovisualization
20 ;
21 qiime tools export --input-path ovisualization.qzv --output-path out && mkdir -p '$ovisualization.files_path'
22 && cp -r out/* '$ovisualization.files_path'
23 && mv '$ovisualization.files_path/index.html' '$ovisualization';
24 cp mtruthfile.qza $mtruthfile
25 ]]></command>
26 <inputs>
27 <param format="qza,no_unzip.zip" label="--i-predictions: ARTIFACT SampleData[RegressorPredictions] Predicted values to plot on y axis. Must be predictions of numeric data produced by a sample regressor. [required]" name="ipredictions" optional="False" type="data"/>
28 <param label="--m-truth-column: COLUMN MetadataColumn[Numeric] Metadata column (true values) to plot on x axis. [required]" name="mtruthcolumn" optional="False" type="text"/>
29 <param label="--p-missing-samples: " name="pmissingsamples" optional="True" type="select">
30 <option selected="True" value="None">Selection is Optional</option>
31 <option value="error">error</option>
32 <option value="ignore">ignore</option>
33 </param>
35 <param label="--m-truth-file: Metadata file or artifact viewable as metadata." name="metadatafile" type="data" format="tabular,qza,no_unzip.zip" />
37 </inputs>
38 <outputs>
39 <data format="html" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: visualization.qzv" name="ovisualization"/>
40 </outputs>
41 <help><![CDATA[
42 Make 2D scatterplot and linear regression of regressor predictions.
43 ###################################################################
45 Make a 2D scatterplot and linear regression of predicted vs. true values
46 for a set of samples predicted using a sample regressor.
48 Parameters
49 ----------
50 predictions : SampleData[RegressorPredictions]
51 Predicted values to plot on y axis. Must be predictions of numeric data
52 produced by a sample regressor.
53 truth : MetadataColumn[Numeric]
54 Metadata column (true values) to plot on x axis.
55 missing_samples : Str % Choices('error', 'ignore'), optional
56 How to handle missing samples in metadata. "error" will fail if missing
57 samples are detected. "ignore" will cause the feature table and
58 metadata to be filtered, so that only samples found in both files are
59 retained.
61 Returns
62 -------
63 visualization : Visualization
64 ]]></help>
65 <macros>
66 <import>qiime_citation.xml</import>
67 </macros>
68 <expand macro="qiime_citation"/>
69 </tool>