1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <tool id="qiime_quality-control_evaluate-taxonomy" name="qiime quality-control evaluate-taxonomy" version="2019.4">
3 <description> - Evaluate expected vs. observed taxonomic assignments</description>
4 <requirements>
5 <requirement type="package" version="2019.4">qiime2</requirement>
6 </requirements>
7 <command><![CDATA[
8 qiime quality-control evaluate-taxonomy
10 --i-expected-taxa=$iexpectedtaxa
11 --i-observed-taxa=$iobservedtaxa
13 #if str($pdepth):
14 --p-depth="$pdepth"
15 #end if
17 #if str($ifeaturetable) != 'None':
18 --i-feature-table=$ifeaturetable
19 #end if
21 #if str($ppalette) != 'None':
22 --p-palette=$ppalette
23 #end if
25 #if $pnorequireexpids:
26 --p-no-require-exp-ids
27 #end if
29 #if $pnorequireobsids:
30 --p-no-require-obs-ids
31 #end if
33 #if str($psampleid):
34 --p-sample-id="$psampleid"
35 #end if
37 --o-visualization=ovisualization
38 ;
39 qiime tools export --input-path ovisualization.qzv --output-path out && mkdir -p '$ovisualization.files_path'
40 && cp -r out/* '$ovisualization.files_path'
41 && mv '$ovisualization.files_path/index.html' '$ovisualization'
42 ]]></command>
43 <inputs>
44 <param format="qza,no_unzip.zip" label="--i-expected-taxa: ARTIFACT FeatureData[Taxonomy] Expected taxonomic assignments [required]" name="iexpectedtaxa" optional="False" type="data"/>
45 <param format="qza,no_unzip.zip" label="--i-observed-taxa: ARTIFACT FeatureData[Taxonomy] Observed taxonomic assignments [required]" name="iobservedtaxa" optional="False" type="data"/>
46 <param label="--p-depth: INTEGER Maximum depth of semicolon-delimited taxonomic ranks to test (e.g., 1 = root, 7 = species for the greengenes reference sequence database). [required]" name="pdepth" optional="False" value="" type="integer"/>
47 <param format="qza,no_unzip.zip" label="--i-feature-table: ARTIFACT FeatureTable[RelativeFrequency] Optional feature table containing relative frequency of each feature, used to weight accuracy scores by frequency. Must contain all features found in expected and/or observed taxa. Features found in the table but not the expected/observed taxa will be dropped prior to analysis. [optional]" name="ifeaturetable" optional="True" type="data"/>
48 <param label="--p-palette: " name="ppalette" optional="True" type="select">
49 <option selected="True" value="None">Selection is Optional</option>
50 <option value="Set1">Set1</option>
51 <option value="Set2">Set2</option>
52 <option value="Set3">Set3</option>
53 <option value="Pastel1">Pastel1</option>
54 <option value="Pastel2">Pastel2</option>
55 <option value="Paired">Paired</option>
56 <option value="Accent">Accent</option>
57 <option value="Dark2">Dark2</option>
58 <option value="tab10">tab10</option>
59 <option value="tab20">tab20</option>
60 <option value="tab20b">tab20b</option>
61 <option value="tab20c">tab20c</option>
62 <option value="viridis">viridis</option>
63 <option value="plasma">plasma</option>
64 <option value="inferno">inferno</option>
65 <option value="magma">magma</option>
66 <option value="terrain">terrain</option>
67 <option value="rainbow">rainbow</option>
68 </param>
69 <param label="--p-no-require-exp-ids: Do not require that all features found in observed taxa must be found in expected taxa or raise error. [default: False]" name="pnorequireexpids" selected="False" type="boolean"/>
70 <param label="--p-no-require-obs-ids: Require that all features found in expected taxa must be found in observed taxa or raise error. [default: False]" name="pnorequireobsids" selected="False" type="boolean"/>
71 <param label="--p-sample-id: TEXT Optional sample ID to use for extracting frequency data from feature table, and for labeling accuracy results. If no sample-id is provided, feature frequencies are derived from the sum of all samples present in the feature table. [optional]" name="psampleid" optional="True" type="text"/>
72 </inputs>
73 <outputs>
74 <data format="html" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: visualization.qzv" name="ovisualization"/>
75 </outputs>
76 <help><![CDATA[
77 Evaluate expected vs. observed taxonomic assignments
78 ####################################################
80 This visualizer compares a pair of observed and expected taxonomic
81 assignments to calculate precision, recall, and F-measure at each taxonomic
82 level, up to maximum level specified by the depth parameter. These metrics
83 are calculated at each semicolon-delimited rank. This action is useful for
84 comparing the accuracy of taxonomic assignment, e.g., between different
85 taxonomy classifiers or other bioinformatics methods. Expected taxonomies
86 should be derived from simulated or mock community sequences that have
87 known taxonomic affiliations.
89 Parameters
90 ----------
91 expected_taxa : FeatureData[Taxonomy]
92 Expected taxonomic assignments
93 observed_taxa : FeatureData[Taxonomy]
94 Observed taxonomic assignments
95 depth : Int
96 Maximum depth of semicolon-delimited taxonomic ranks to test (e.g., 1 =
97 root, 7 = species for the greengenes reference sequence database).
98 palette : Str % Choices('Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Paired', 'Accent', 'Dark2', 'tab10', 'tab20', 'tab20b', 'tab20c', 'viridis', 'plasma', 'inferno', 'magma', 'terrain', 'rainbow'), optional
99 Color palette to utilize for plotting.
100 require_exp_ids : Bool, optional
101 Require that all features found in observed taxa must be found in
102 expected taxa or raise error.
103 require_obs_ids : Bool, optional
104 Require that all features found in expected taxa must be found in
105 observed taxa or raise error.
106 feature_table : FeatureTable[RelativeFrequency], optional
107 Optional feature table containing relative frequency of each feature,
108 used to weight accuracy scores by frequency. Must contain all features
109 found in expected and/or observed taxa. Features found in the table but
110 not the expected/observed taxa will be dropped prior to analysis.
111 sample_id : Str, optional
112 Optional sample ID to use for extracting frequency data from feature
113 table, and for labeling accuracy results. If no sample_id is provided,
114 feature frequencies are derived from the sum of all samples present in
115 the feature table.
117 Returns
118 -------
119 visualization : Visualization
120 ]]></help>
121 <macros>
122 <import>qiime_citation.xml</import>
123 </macros>
124 <expand macro="qiime_citation"/>
125 </tool>