comparison qiime2/qiime_gneiss_assign-ids.xml @ 0:51b9b6b57732 draft

author florianbegusch
date Thu, 24 May 2018 05:21:07 -0400
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:51b9b6b57732
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <tool id="qiime_gneiss_assign-ids" name="qiime gneiss assign-ids" version="2018.4">
3 <description> - Assigns ids on internal nodes in the tree, and makes sure that they are consistent with the table columns.</description>
4 <requirements>
5 <requirement type="package" version="2018.4">qiime2</requirement>
6 </requirements>
7 <command>
8 <![CDATA[
9 qiime gneiss assign-ids --i-input-table=$iinputtable --i-input-tree=$iinputtree
11 #if str($cmdconfig) != 'None':
12 --cmd-config=$cmdconfig
13 #end if
14 --o-output-tree=ooutputtree --o-output-table=ooutputtable;
16 cp ooutputtree.qza $ooutputtree;
17 cp ooutputtable.qza $ooutputtable;
18 ]]>
19 </command>
20 <inputs>
21 <param format="qza," label="--i-input-table: FeatureTable[Frequency] The input table of counts. [required]" name="iinputtable" optional="False" type="data"/>
22 <param format="qza," label="--i-input-tree: Phylogeny[Rooted] The input tree with potential missing ids. [required]" name="iinputtree" optional="False" type="data"/>
23 <param label="--cmd-config: Use config file for command options" name="cmdconfig" optional="True" type="data"/>
24 </inputs>
25 <outputs>
26 <data format="qza" label="${} on ${on_string}: output-tree.qza" name="ooutputtree"/>
27 <data format="qza" label="${} on ${on_string}: output-table.qza" name="ooutputtable"/>
28 </outputs>
29 <help>
30 <![CDATA[
31 Assigns ids on internal nodes in the tree, and makes sure that they are consistent with the table columns.
32 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 Assigns UUIDs to uniquely identify internal nodes in the tree. Also
35 corrects for polytomies to create strictly bifurcating trees and aligns the
36 table columns with the tree tip names
38 Parameters
39 ----------
40 input_table : FeatureTable[Frequency]
41 The input table of counts.
42 input_tree : Phylogeny[Rooted]
43 The input tree with potential missing ids.
45 Returns
46 -------
47 output_table : FeatureTable[Frequency]
48 A table with features matching the tree tips.
49 output_tree : Hierarchy
50 A tree with uniquely identifying ids.
51 ]]>
52 </help>
53 <macros>
54 <import>qiime_citation.xml</import>
55 </macros>
56 <expand macro="qiime_citation" />
57 </tool>