diff nf/subworkflows/ncbi/main.nf @ 0:d9c5c5b87fec draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/ncbi/egapx commit 8173d01b08d9a91c9ec5f6cb50af346edc8020c4
author fubar
date Sat, 03 Aug 2024 11:16:53 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/nf/subworkflows/ncbi/main.nf	Sat Aug 03 11:16:53 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
+// main nextflow script for EGAPx execution
+// route data to subworkflows
+include { rnaseq_short_plane } from './rnaseq_short/main'
+include { target_proteins_plane } from './target_proteins/main'
+include { gnomon_plane; post_gnomon_plane } from './gnomon/main'
+include { orthology_plane } from './orthology/main'
+include { setup_genome; setup_proteins } from './setup/main'
+include { annot_builder } from './default/annot_builder/main'
+include { annotwriter } from './default/annotwriter/main'
+params.intermediate = false
+params.use_orthology = false
+params.use_post_gnomon = false
+workflow egapx {
+    take:
+        genome          // path to genome
+        proteins        // path to proteins, optional
+        // Alternative groups of parameters, one of them should be set
+        // reads_query - SRA query in the form accepted by NCBI
+        // reads_ids - list of SRA IDs
+        // reads, reads_metadata - path to reads accompanied by metadata
+        reads_query     // SRA query
+        reads_ids       // list of SRA IDs
+        reads           // path to reads
+        reads_metadata  // path to reads metadata 13 tab-delimited fields, 1-st - SRA ID, 3-rd paired or unpaired, everything else - not used, but must be present
+                        // 4, 5, 13 - numbers, 5 - non zero number
+        organelles      // path to organelle list
+        // Alternative parameters, one of them should be set
+        // tax_id - NCBI tax id of the closest taxon to the genome
+        // hmm_params - HMM parameters
+        tax_id          // NCBI tax id of the closest taxon to the genome
+        hmm_params      // HMM parameters
+        hmm_taxid       // NCBI tax id of the HMM
+        //
+        softmask        // softmask for GNOMON, optional
+        //
+        max_intron      // max intron length
+        genome_size_threshold // the threshold for calculating actual max intron length
+        task_params     // task parameters for every task
+    main:
+        print "workflow.container: ${workflow.container}"
+        def setup_genome_params = task_params.get('setup', [:])
+        setup_genome_params['max_intron'] = max_intron
+        setup_genome_params['genome_size_threshold'] = genome_size_threshold
+        def (scaffolds, gencoll_asn, unpacked_genome, genome_asn, genome_asnb, eff_max_intron) = setup_genome(genome, organelles, setup_genome_params)
+        // Protein alignments
+        def protein_alignments = []
+        def unpacked_proteins
+        def proteins_asn = []
+        def proteins_asnb = []
+        if (proteins) {
+            // miniprot plane
+            (unpacked_proteins, proteins_asn) = setup_proteins(proteins, task_params.get('setup', [:]))
+            target_proteins_plane(unpacked_genome, genome_asn, gencoll_asn, unpacked_proteins, proteins_asn, eff_max_intron, task_params)
+            protein_alignments = target_proteins_plane.out.protein_alignments
+        }
+        // RNASeq short alignments
+        def rnaseq_alignments = []
+        if (reads_query || reads_ids || reads) {
+            rnaseq_short_plane(genome_asn, scaffolds, unpacked_genome, reads_query, reads_ids, reads, reads_metadata, organelles, tax_id, eff_max_intron, task_params) 
+            rnaseq_alignments = rnaseq_short_plane.out.rnaseq_alignments
+        }
+        // Combine RNASeq and protein alignments
+        def alignments
+        if (proteins && (reads_query || reads_ids || reads)) [
+            alignments = rnaseq_alignments.combine(protein_alignments)
+        ] else if (proteins) {
+            alignments = protein_alignments
+        } else {
+            alignments = rnaseq_alignments
+        }
+        // GNOMON
+        def gnomon_models = []
+        def effective_hmm
+        gnomon_plane(genome_asn, scaffolds, gencoll_asn, proteins_asn, alignments, tax_id, hmm_params, hmm_taxid, softmask, eff_max_intron, task_params) 
+        gnomon_models = gnomon_plane.out.gnomon_models
+        // outputs 
+        annot_builder(gencoll_asn, gnomon_models, genome_asn, task_params.get('annot_builder', [:]))
+        def accept_annot_file = annot_builder.out.accept_ftable_annot 
+        def annot_files = annot_builder.out.annot_files
+        if (params.use_orthology) {
+            // ORTHOLOGY
+            orthology_plane(genome_asnb, gencoll_asn, gnomon_models, annot_files, task_params)
+            def orthologs = orthology_plane.out.orthologs
+            if (params.use_post_gnomon) {
+                //POST GNOMON
+                post_gnomon_plane(gnomon_models, gencoll_asn, orthologs, tax_id, task_params)
+            }
+        }
+        annotwriter(accept_annot_file, [:])
+        annotwriter.out.annoted_file     
+    emit:
+        out_files = annotwriter.out.annoted_file
+        annot_builder_output = annot_builder.out.outputs
+        // locus = post_gnomon_plane.out.locus