diff nf/subworkflows/ncbi/target_proteins/miniprot/main.nf @ 0:d9c5c5b87fec draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/ncbi/egapx commit 8173d01b08d9a91c9ec5f6cb50af346edc8020c4
author fubar
date Sat, 03 Aug 2024 11:16:53 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/nf/subworkflows/ncbi/target_proteins/miniprot/main.nf	Sat Aug 03 11:16:53 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
+include { merge_params } from '../../utilities'
+def get_effective_params(parameters, max_intron) {
+    def default_params = "-t 8 -G ${max_intron}"
+    def value = parameters.get("miniprot", "")
+    value = value.replaceFirst("-cpu-count", "-t")
+    value = value.replaceFirst("-max-intron", "-G")
+    parameters['miniprot'] = value
+    def effective_params = merge_params(default_params, parameters, "miniprot")
+    return effective_params
+workflow miniprot {
+    take:
+        fasta_genome_file  //path: genome fasta file
+        fasta_proteins_file  //path: protein fasta file
+        max_intron          //int: max intron length
+        parameters      // Map : extra parameter and parameter update
+    main:
+        // println("Miniprot max intron: ${max_intron}")
+        def items_per_chunk = merge_params("-n 1000000000", parameters, "split_proteins").replaceFirst("-n ", "").toInteger()
+        def protein_chunks
+        if (items_per_chunk == 1000000000) {
+            protein_chunks = fasta_proteins_file
+        } else {
+            protein_chunks = split_proteins(fasta_proteins_file, items_per_chunk)
+        }
+        run_miniprot(fasta_genome_file, protein_chunks.flatten(), max_intron, parameters)
+    emit:
+        miniprot_file = run_miniprot.out.miniprot_file
+process split_proteins {
+    input:
+        path fasta_proteins_file
+        val  items_per_chunk
+    output:
+        path 'output/*'
+    script:
+    """
+    #!/usr/bin/env python3
+    import os
+    os.makedirs("output", exist_ok=True)
+    with open("${fasta_proteins_file}", 'rt') as f:
+        items = 0
+        chunk = []
+        nextfile = 1
+        for line in f:
+            if line and line[0] == '>':
+                items += 1
+                if items >= ${items_per_chunk}:
+                    with open(f"output/{nextfile}.fa", "w") as outf:
+                        outf.write(''.join(chunk))
+                        chunk = []
+                        nextfile += 1
+                        items = 1
+            chunk.append(line)
+        if chunk:
+            with open(f"output/{nextfile}.fa", "w") as outf:
+                outf.write(''.join(chunk))
+    """
+    stub:
+    print("items_per_chunk ${items_per_chunk}")
+    """
+    mkdir -p output
+    touch output/1.fa
+    touch output/2.fa
+    touch output/3.fa
+    """
+process run_miniprot {
+    label 'huge_job'
+    label 'long_job'
+    input:
+        path fasta_genome_file
+        path fasta_proteins_file
+        val max_intron
+        val parameters
+    output:
+        path ('output/*.paf'), emit: 'miniprot_file'
+    script:
+        def paf_name = fasta_proteins_file.baseName.toString() + ".paf"
+        def effective_params = get_effective_params(parameters, max_intron)
+        // println("Miniprot params: ${effective_params}")
+    """
+    mkdir -p output
+    miniprot ${effective_params}  ${fasta_genome_file} ${fasta_proteins_file} > output/${paf_name}
+    """
+    stub:
+        def paf_name = fasta_proteins_file.baseName.toString() + ".paf"
+        def effective_params = get_effective_params(parameters, max_intron)
+        println("Miniprot params: ${effective_params}")
+    """
+    mkdir -p output
+    touch output/${paf_name}
+    """