diff jbrowse2broken.py @ 57:94264fe60478 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/usegalaxy-eu/temporary-tools/tree/master/jbrowse2 commit 4b5df41484f6bdf316edaf95b53c92d328ec1674-dirty
author fubar
date Thu, 21 Mar 2024 08:01:42 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jbrowse2broken.py	Thu Mar 21 08:01:42 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1656 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# change to accumulating all configuration for config.json based on the default from the clone
+import argparse
+import binascii
+import datetime
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import struct
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import urllib.request
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from collections import defaultdict
+log = logging.getLogger("jbrowse")
+JB2VER = "v2.10.3"
+# version pinned for cloning
+TODAY = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+# version pinned for cloning
+mapped_chars = {
+    ">": "__gt__",
+    "<": "__lt__",
+    "'": "__sq__",
+    '"': "__dq__",
+    "[": "__ob__",
+    "]": "__cb__",
+    "{": "__oc__",
+    "}": "__cc__",
+    "@": "__at__",
+    "#": "__pd__",
+    "": "__cn__",
+class ColorScaling(object):
+    function(feature, variableName, glyphObject, track) {{
+        var score = {score};
+        {opacity}
+        return 'rgba({red}, {green}, {blue}, ' + opacity + ')';
+    }}
+    """
+    function(feature, variableName, glyphObject, track) {{
+        var search_up = function self(sf, attr){{
+            if(sf.get(attr) !== undefined){{
+                return sf.get(attr);
+            }}
+            if(sf.parent() === undefined) {{
+                return;
+            }}else{{
+                return self(sf.parent(), attr);
+            }}
+        }};
+        var search_down = function self(sf, attr){{
+            if(sf.get(attr) !== undefined){{
+                return sf.get(attr);
+            }}
+            if(sf.children() === undefined) {{
+                return;
+            }}else{{
+                var kids = sf.children();
+                for(var child_idx in kids){{
+                    var x = self(kids[child_idx], attr);
+                    if(x !== undefined){{
+                        return x;
+                    }}
+                }}
+                return;
+            }}
+        }};
+        var color = ({user_spec_color} || search_up(feature, 'color') || search_down(feature, 'color') || {auto_gen_color});
+        var score = (search_up(feature, 'score') || search_down(feature, 'score'));
+        {opacity}
+        if(score === undefined){{ opacity = 1; }}
+        var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{{2}})([a-f\d]{{2}})([a-f\d]{{2}})$/i.exec(color);
+        var red = parseInt(result[1], 16);
+        var green = parseInt(result[2], 16);
+        var blue = parseInt(result[3], 16);
+        if(isNaN(opacity) || opacity < 0){{ opacity = 0; }}
+        return 'rgba(' + red + ',' + green + ',' + blue + ',' + opacity + ')';
+    }}
+    """
+        "linear": """
+            var opacity = (score - ({min})) / (({max}) - ({min}));
+        """,
+        "logarithmic": """
+            var opacity = Math.log10(score - ({min})) / Math.log10(({max}) - ({min}));
+        """,
+        "blast": """
+            var opacity = 0;
+            if(score == 0.0) {{
+                opacity = 1;
+            }} else {{
+                opacity = (20 - Math.log10(score)) / 180;
+            }}
+        """,
+    }
+        (166, 206, 227),
+        (31, 120, 180),
+        (178, 223, 138),
+        (51, 160, 44),
+        (251, 154, 153),
+        (227, 26, 28),
+        (253, 191, 111),
+        (255, 127, 0),
+        (202, 178, 214),
+        (106, 61, 154),
+        (255, 255, 153),
+        (177, 89, 40),
+        (228, 26, 28),
+        (55, 126, 184),
+        (77, 175, 74),
+        (152, 78, 163),
+        (255, 127, 0),
+    ]
+        "BrBg": ("#543005", "#003c30"),
+        "PiYg": ("#8e0152", "#276419"),
+        "PRGn": ("#40004b", "#00441b"),
+        "PuOr": ("#7f3b08", "#2d004b"),
+        "RdBu": ("#67001f", "#053061"),
+        "RdGy": ("#67001f", "#1a1a1a"),
+        "RdYlBu": ("#a50026", "#313695"),
+        "RdYlGn": ("#a50026", "#006837"),
+        "Spectral": ("#9e0142", "#5e4fa2"),
+    }
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.brewer_colour_idx = 0
+    def rgb_from_hex(self, hexstr):
+        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4296249/how-do-i-convert-a-hex-triplet-to-an-rgb-tuple-and-back
+        return struct.unpack("BBB", binascii.unhexlify(hexstr))
+    def min_max_gff(self, gff_file):
+        min_val = None
+        max_val = None
+        with open(gff_file, "r") as handle:
+            for line in handle:
+                try:
+                    value = float(line.split("\t")[5])
+                    min_val = min(value, (min_val or value))
+                    max_val = max(value, (max_val or value))
+                    if value < min_val:
+                        min_val = value
+                    if value > max_val:
+                        max_val = value
+                except Exception:
+                    pass
+        return min_val, max_val
+    def hex_from_rgb(self, r, g, b):
+        return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (r, g, b)
+    def _get_colours(self):
+        r, g, b = self.BREWER_COLOUR_SCHEMES[
+            self.brewer_colour_idx % len(self.BREWER_COLOUR_SCHEMES)
+        ]
+        self.brewer_colour_idx += 1
+        return r, g, b
+    def parse_menus(self, track):
+        trackConfig = {"menuTemplate": [{}, {}, {}, {}]}
+        if "menu" in track["menus"]:
+            menu_list = [track["menus"]["menu"]]
+            if isinstance(track["menus"]["menu"], list):
+                menu_list = track["menus"]["menu"]
+            for m in menu_list:
+                tpl = {
+                    "action": m["action"],
+                    "label": m.get("label", "{name}"),
+                    "iconClass": m.get("iconClass", "dijitIconBookmark"),
+                }
+                if "url" in m:
+                    tpl["url"] = m["url"]
+                if "content" in m:
+                    tpl["content"] = m["content"]
+                if "title" in m:
+                    tpl["title"] = m["title"]
+                trackConfig["menuTemplate"].append(tpl)
+        return trackConfig
+    def parse_colours(self, track, trackFormat, gff3=None):
+        # Wiggle tracks have a bicolor pallete
+        trackConfig = {"style": {}}
+        if trackFormat == "wiggle":
+            trackConfig["style"]["pos_color"] = track["wiggle"]["color_pos"]
+            trackConfig["style"]["neg_color"] = track["wiggle"]["color_neg"]
+            if trackConfig["style"]["pos_color"] == "__auto__":
+                trackConfig["style"]["neg_color"] = self.hex_from_rgb(
+                    *self._get_colours()
+                )
+                trackConfig["style"]["pos_color"] = self.hex_from_rgb(
+                    *self._get_colours()
+                )
+            # Wiggle tracks can change colour at a specified place
+            bc_pivot = track["wiggle"]["bicolor_pivot"]
+            if bc_pivot not in ("mean", "zero"):
+                # The values are either one of those two strings
+                # or a number
+                bc_pivot = float(bc_pivot)
+            trackConfig["bicolor_pivot"] = bc_pivot
+        elif "scaling" in track:
+            if track["scaling"]["method"] == "ignore":
+                if track["scaling"]["scheme"]["color"] != "__auto__":
+                    trackConfig["style"]["color"] = track["scaling"]["scheme"]["color"]
+                else:
+                    trackConfig["style"]["color"] = self.hex_from_rgb(
+                        *self._get_colours()
+                    )
+            else:
+                # Scored method
+                algo = track["scaling"]["algo"]
+                # linear, logarithmic, blast
+                scales = track["scaling"]["scales"]
+                # type __auto__, manual (min, max)
+                scheme = track["scaling"]["scheme"]
+                # scheme -> (type (opacity), color)
+                # ==================================
+                # GENE CALLS OR BLAST
+                # ==================================
+                if trackFormat == "blast":
+                    red, green, blue = self._get_colours()
+                    color_function = self.COLOR_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE.format(
+                        **{
+                            "score": "feature._parent.get('score')",
+                            "opacity": self.OPACITY_MATH["blast"],
+                            "red": red,
+                            "green": green,
+                            "blue": blue,
+                        }
+                    )
+                    trackConfig["style"]["color"] = color_function.replace("\n", "")
+                elif trackFormat == "gene_calls":
+                    # Default values, based on GFF3 spec
+                    min_val = 0
+                    max_val = 1000
+                    # Get min/max and build a scoring function since JBrowse doesn't
+                    if scales["type"] == "automatic" or scales["type"] == "__auto__":
+                        min_val, max_val = self.min_max_gff(gff3)
+                    else:
+                        min_val = scales.get("min", 0)
+                        max_val = scales.get("max", 1000)
+                    if scheme["color"] == "__auto__":
+                        user_color = "undefined"
+                        auto_color = "'%s'" % self.hex_from_rgb(*self._get_colours())
+                    elif scheme["color"].startswith("#"):
+                        user_color = "'%s'" % self.hex_from_rgb(
+                            *self.rgb_from_hex(scheme["color"][1:])
+                        )
+                        auto_color = "undefined"
+                    else:
+                        user_color = "undefined"
+                        auto_color = "'%s'" % self.hex_from_rgb(*self._get_colours())
+                    color_function = self.COLOR_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_QUAL.format(
+                        **{
+                            "opacity": self.OPACITY_MATH[algo].format(
+                                **{"max": max_val, "min": min_val}
+                            ),
+                            "user_spec_color": user_color,
+                            "auto_gen_color": auto_color,
+                        }
+                    )
+                    trackConfig["style"]["color"] = color_function.replace("\n", "")
+        return trackConfig
+def etree_to_dict(t):
+    if t is None:
+        return {}
+    d = {t.tag: {} if t.attrib else None}
+    children = list(t)
+    if children:
+        dd = defaultdict(list)
+        for dc in map(etree_to_dict, children):
+            for k, v in dc.items():
+                dd[k].append(v)
+        d = {t.tag: {k: v[0] if len(v) == 1 else v for k, v in dd.items()}}
+    if t.attrib:
+        d[t.tag].update(("@" + k, v) for k, v in t.attrib.items())
+    if t.text:
+        text = t.text.strip()
+        if children or t.attrib:
+            if text:
+                d[t.tag]["#text"] = text
+        else:
+            d[t.tag] = text
+    return d
+INSTALLED_TO = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+def metadata_from_node(node):
+    metadata = {}
+    try:
+        if len(node.findall("dataset")) != 1:
+            # exit early
+            return metadata
+    except Exception:
+        return {}
+    for (key, value) in node.findall("dataset")[0].attrib.items():
+        metadata["dataset_%s" % key] = value
+    if node.findall("history"):
+        for (key, value) in node.findall("history")[0].attrib.items():
+            metadata["history_%s" % key] = value
+    if node.findall("metadata"):
+        for (key, value) in node.findall("metadata")[0].attrib.items():
+            metadata["metadata_%s" % key] = value
+            # Additional Mappings applied:
+            metadata[
+                "dataset_edam_format"
+            ] = '<a target="_blank" href="http://edamontology.org/{0}">{1}</a>'.format(
+                metadata["dataset_edam_format"], metadata["dataset_file_ext"]
+            )
+            metadata["history_user_email"] = '<a href="mailto:{0}">{0}</a>'.format(
+                metadata["history_user_email"]
+            )
+            metadata["hist_name"] = metadata["history_display_name"]
+            metadata[
+                "history_display_name"
+            ] = '<a target="_blank" href="{galaxy}/history/view/{encoded_hist_id}">{hist_name}</a>'.format(
+                galaxy=GALAXY_INFRASTRUCTURE_URL,
+                encoded_hist_id=metadata["history_id"],
+                hist_name=metadata["history_display_name"],
+            )
+    if node.findall("tool"):
+        for (key, value) in node.findall("tool")[0].attrib.items():
+            metadata["tool_%s" % key] = value
+        metadata[
+            "tool_tool"
+        ] = '<a target="_blank" href="{galaxy}/datasets/{encoded_id}/show_params">{tool_id}{tool_version}</a>'.format(
+            galaxy=GALAXY_INFRASTRUCTURE_URL,
+            encoded_id=metadata.get("dataset_id", ""),
+            tool_id=metadata.get("tool_tool_id", ""),
+            tool_version=metadata.get("tool_tool_version", ""),
+        )
+    return metadata
+class JbrowseConnector(object):
+    def __init__(self, outdir, jbrowse2path, genomes):
+        self.outdir = outdir
+        self.jbrowse2path = jbrowse2path
+        os.makedirs(self.outdir, exist_ok=True)
+        self.genome_paths = genomes
+        self.genome_name = None
+        self.genome_names = []
+        self.trackIdlist = []
+        self.tracksToAdd = []
+        self.config_json = {}
+        self.config_json_file = os.path.join(outdir, "config.json")
+        self.clone_jbrowse()
+    def subprocess_check_call(self, command, output=None):
+        if output:
+            log.debug("cd %s && %s >  %s", self.outdir, " ".join(command), output)
+            subprocess.check_call(command, cwd=self.outdir, stdout=output)
+        else:
+            log.debug("cd %s && %s", self.outdir, " ".join(command))
+            subprocess.check_call(command, cwd=self.outdir)
+    def subprocess_popen(self, command):
+        log.debug(command)
+        p = subprocess.Popen(
+            command,
+            cwd=self.outdir,
+            shell=True,
+            stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+        )
+        output, err = p.communicate()
+        retcode = p.returncode
+        if retcode != 0:
+            log.error(command)
+            log.error(output)
+            log.error(err)
+            raise RuntimeError("Command failed with exit code %s" % (retcode))
+    def _prepare_track_style(self, trackDict):
+        style_data = {
+            "type": "LinearBasicDisplay",
+            "displayId": "%s-LinearBasicDisplay" % trackDict["trackId"],
+        }
+        if trackDict.get("displays", None):  # use first if multiple like bed
+            style_data["type"] = trackDict["displays"][0]["type"]
+            style_data["displayId"] = trackDict["displays"][0]["displayId"]
+        return {
+            "displays": [
+                style_data,
+            ]
+        }
+    def subprocess_check_output(self, command):
+        log.debug(" ".join(command))
+        return subprocess.check_output(command, cwd=self.outdir)
+    def symlink_or_copy(self, src, dest):
+        if "GALAXY_JBROWSE_SYMLINKS" in os.environ and bool(
+            os.environ["GALAXY_JBROWSE_SYMLINKS"]
+        ):
+            cmd = ["ln", "-s", src, dest]
+        else:
+            cmd = ["cp", src, dest]
+        return self.subprocess_check_call(cmd)
+    def process_genomes(self):
+        assemblies = []
+        useuri = False
+        for i, genome_node in enumerate(self.genome_paths):
+            if genome_node["useuri"].strip().lower() == "yes":
+                useuri = True
+            genome_name = genome_node["meta"]["dataset_dname"].strip()
+            if len(genome_name.split()) > 1:
+                genome_name = genome_name.split()[0]
+                # spaces and cruft break scripts when substituted
+            if genome_name not in self.genome_names:
+                # ignore dupes - can have multiple pafs with same references?
+                fapath = genome_node["path"]
+                if not useuri:
+                    fapath = os.path.realpath(fapath)
+                assem = self.make_assembly(fapath, genome_name, useuri)
+                assemblies.append(assem)
+                self.genome_names.append(genome_name)
+                if self.genome_name is None:
+                    self.genome_name = (
+                        genome_name  # first one for all tracks - other than paf
+                    )
+                    self.genome_sequence_adapter = assem["sequence"]["adapter"]
+                    self.genome_firstcontig = None
+                    if not useuri:
+                        fl = open(fapath, "r").readline()
+                        fls = fl.strip().split(">")
+                        if len(fls) > 1:
+                            fl = fls[1]
+                            if len(fl.split()) > 1:
+                                self.genome_firstcontig = fl.split()[0].strip()
+                            else:
+                                self.genome_firstcontig = fl
+                    else:
+                        fl = urllib.request.urlopen(fapath + ".fai").readline()
+                        if fl:  # is first row of the text fai so the first contig name
+                            self.genome_firstcontig = (
+                                fl.decode("utf8").strip().split()[0]
+                            )
+        if self.config_json.get("assemblies", None):
+            self.config_json["assemblies"] += assemblies
+        else:
+            self.config_json["assemblies"] = assemblies
+    def make_assembly(self, fapath, gname, useuri):
+        if useuri:
+            faname = fapath
+            adapter = {
+                "type": "BgzipFastaAdapter",
+                "fastaLocation": {
+                    "uri": faname,
+                    "locationType": "UriLocation",
+                },
+                "faiLocation": {
+                    "uri": faname + ".fai",
+                    "locationType": "UriLocation",
+                },
+                "gziLocation": {
+                    "uri": faname + ".gzi",
+                    "locationType": "UriLocation",
+                },
+            }
+        else:
+            faname = gname + ".fa.gz"
+            fadest = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.outdir, faname))
+            cmd = "bgzip -i -c %s -I %s.gzi > %s && samtools faidx %s" % (
+                fapath,
+                fadest,
+                fadest,
+                fadest,
+            )
+            self.subprocess_popen(cmd)
+            adapter = {
+                "type": "BgzipFastaAdapter",
+                "fastaLocation": {
+                    "uri": faname,
+                },
+                "faiLocation": {
+                    "uri": faname + ".fai",
+                },
+                "gziLocation": {
+                    "uri": faname + ".gzi",
+                },
+            }
+        trackDict = {
+            "name": gname,
+            "sequence": {
+                "type": "ReferenceSequenceTrack",
+                "trackId": gname,
+                "adapter": adapter,
+            },
+            "displays": [
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearReferenceSequenceDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearReferenceSequenceDisplay" % gname,
+                },
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearGCContentDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearGCContentDisplay" % gname,
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+        return trackDict
+    def add_default_view(self):
+        cmd = [
+            "jbrowse",
+            "set-default-session",
+            "-s",
+            self.config_json_file,
+            "-t",
+            ",".join(self.trackIdlist),
+            "-n",
+            "JBrowse2 in Galaxy",
+            "--target",
+            self.config_json_file,
+            "-v",
+            " LinearGenomeView",
+        ]
+        self.subprocess_check_call(cmd)
+    def write_config(self):
+        with open(self.config_json_file, "w") as fp:
+            json.dump(self.config_json, fp, indent=2)
+    def text_index(self):
+        # Index tracks
+        args = [
+            "jbrowse",
+            "text-index",
+            "--target",
+            os.path.join(self.outdir, "data"),
+            "--assemblies",
+            self.genome_name,
+        ]
+        tracks = ",".join(self.trackIdlist)
+        if tracks:
+            args += ["--tracks", tracks]
+            self.subprocess_check_call(args)
+    def add_hic(self, data, trackData):
+        """
+        HiC adapter.
+        https://github.com/aidenlab/hic-format/blob/master/HiCFormatV9.md
+        for testing locally, these work:
+        HiC data is from https://s3.amazonaws.com/igv.broadinstitute.org/data/hic/intra_nofrag_30.hic
+        using hg19 reference track as a
+        'BgzipFastaAdapter'
+            fastaLocation:
+            uri: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/jbrowse.org/genomes/GRCh38/fasta/GRCh38.fa.gz',
+            faiLocation:
+            uri: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/jbrowse.org/genomes/GRCh38/fasta/GRCh38.fa.gz.fai',
+            gziLocation:
+            uri: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/jbrowse.org/genomes/GRCh38/fasta/GRCh38.fa.gz.gzi',
+        Cool will not be likely to be a good fit - see discussion at https://github.com/GMOD/jbrowse-components/issues/2438
+        """
+        tId = trackData["label"]
+        # can be served - if public.
+        # dsId = trackData["metadata"]["dataset_id"]
+        # url = "%s/api/datasets/%s/display?to_ext=hic " % (self.giURL, dsId)
+        useuri = trackData["useuri"].lower() == "yes"
+        if useuri:
+            uri = data
+        else:
+            uri = trackData["hic_url"]
+        categ = trackData["category"]
+        trackDict = {
+            "type": "HicTrack",
+            "trackId": tId,
+            "name": uri,
+            "assemblyNames": [self.genome_name],
+            "category": [
+                categ,
+            ],
+            "adapter": {
+                "type": "HicAdapter",
+                "hicLocation": uri,
+            },
+            "displays": [
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearHicDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearHicDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+        style_json = self._prepare_track_style(trackDict)
+        trackDict["style"] = style_json
+        self.tracksToAdd.append(trackDict)
+        self.trackIdlist.append(tId)
+    def add_maf(self, data, trackData):
+        """
+        from https://github.com/cmdcolin/maf2bed
+        Note: Both formats start with a MAF as input, and note that your MAF file should contain the species name and chromosome name
+        e.g. hg38.chr1 in the sequence identifiers.
+        need the reference id - eg hg18, for maf2bed.pl as the first parameter
+        """
+        tId = trackData["label"]
+        mafPlugin = {
+            "plugins": [
+                {
+                    "name": "MafViewer",
+                    "url": "https://unpkg.com/jbrowse-plugin-mafviewer/dist/jbrowse-plugin-mafviewer.umd.production.min.js",
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+        categ = trackData["category"]
+        fname = "%s.bed" % tId
+        dest = "%s/%s" % (self.outdir, fname)
+        gname = self.genome_name
+        cmd = [
+            "bash",
+            os.path.join(INSTALLED_TO, "convertMAF.sh"),
+            data,
+            gname,
+            INSTALLED_TO,
+            dest,
+        ]
+        self.subprocess_check_call(cmd)
+        # Construct samples list
+        # We could get this from galaxy metadata, not sure how easily.
+        ps = subprocess.Popen(["grep", "^s [^ ]*", "-o", data], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+        output = subprocess.check_output(("sort", "-u"), stdin=ps.stdout)
+        ps.wait()
+        outp = output.decode("ascii")
+        soutp = outp.split("\n")
+        samp = [x.split("s ")[1] for x in soutp if x.startswith("s ")]
+        samples = [x.split(".")[0] for x in samp]
+        trackDict = {
+            "type": "MafTrack",
+            "trackId": tId,
+            "name": trackData["name"],
+            "category": [
+                categ,
+            ],
+            "adapter": {
+                "type": "MafTabixAdapter",
+                "samples": samples,
+                "bedGzLocation": {
+                    "uri": fname + ".sorted.bed.gz",
+                },
+                "index": {
+                    "location": {
+                        "uri": fname + ".sorted.bed.gz.tbi",
+                    },
+                },
+            },
+            "assemblyNames": [self.genome_name],
+            "displays": [
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearBasicDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearBasicDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearArcDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearArcDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+        style_json = self._prepare_track_style(trackDict)
+        trackDict["style"] = style_json
+        self.tracksToAdd.append(trackDict)
+        self.trackIdlist.append(tId)
+        if self.config_json.get("plugins", None):
+            self.config_json["plugins"].append(mafPlugin[0])
+        else:
+            self.config_json.update(mafPlugin)
+    def _blastxml_to_gff3(self, xml, min_gap=10):
+        gff3_unrebased = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+        cmd = [
+            "python",
+            os.path.join(INSTALLED_TO, "blastxml_to_gapped_gff3.py"),
+            "--trim",
+            "--trim_end",
+            "--include_seq",
+            "--min_gap",
+            str(min_gap),
+            xml,
+        ]
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=self.outdir, stdout=gff3_unrebased)
+        gff3_unrebased.close()
+        return gff3_unrebased.name
+    def add_blastxml(self, data, trackData, blastOpts, **kwargs):
+        gff3 = self._blastxml_to_gff3(data, min_gap=blastOpts["min_gap"])
+        if "parent" in blastOpts and blastOpts["parent"] != "None":
+            gff3_rebased = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+            cmd = ["python", os.path.join(INSTALLED_TO, "gff3_rebase.py")]
+            if blastOpts.get("protein", "false") == "true":
+                cmd.append("--protein2dna")
+            cmd.extend([os.path.realpath(blastOpts["parent"]), gff3])
+            subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=self.outdir, stdout=gff3_rebased)
+            gff3_rebased.close()
+            # Replace original gff3 file
+            shutil.copy(gff3_rebased.name, gff3)
+            os.unlink(gff3_rebased.name)
+        url = "%s.gff3" % trackData["label"]
+        dest = "%s/%s" % (self.outdir, url)
+        self._sort_gff(gff3, dest)
+        url = url + ".gz"
+        tId = trackData["label"]
+        categ = trackData["category"]
+        trackDict = {
+            "type": "FeatureTrack",
+            "trackId": tId,
+            "name": trackData["name"],
+            "assemblyNames": [self.genome_name],
+            "category": [
+                categ,
+            ],
+            "adapter": {
+                "type": "Gff3TabixAdapter",
+                "gffGzLocation": {
+                    "uri": url,
+                },
+                "index": {
+                    "location": {
+                        "uri": url + ".tbi",
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+            "displays": [
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearBasicDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearBasicDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearArcDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearArcDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+        style_json = self._prepare_track_style(trackDict)
+        trackDict["style"] = style_json
+        self.tracksToAdd.append(trackDict)
+        self.trackIdlist.append(tId)
+        os.unlink(gff3)
+    def add_bigwig(self, data, trackData):
+        """ "type": "LinearWiggleDisplay",
+        "configuration": {},
+        "selectedRendering": "",
+        "resolution": 1,
+        "posColor": "rgb(228, 26, 28)",
+        "negColor": "rgb(255, 255, 51)",
+        "constraints": {}
+        """
+        useuri = trackData["useuri"].lower() == "yes"
+        if useuri:
+            url = data
+        else:
+            url = "%s.bigwig" % trackData["label"]
+            # slashes in names cause path trouble
+            dest = os.path.join(self.outdir, url)
+            cmd = ["cp", data, dest]
+            self.subprocess_check_call(cmd)
+        bwloc = {"uri": url}
+        tId = trackData["label"]
+        categ = trackData["category"]
+        trackDict = {
+            "type": "QuantitativeTrack",
+            "trackId": tId,
+            "name": trackData["name"],
+            "category": [
+                categ,
+            ],
+            "assemblyNames": [
+                self.genome_name,
+            ],
+            "adapter": {
+                "type": "BigWigAdapter",
+                "bigWigLocation": bwloc,
+            },
+            "displays": [
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearWiggleDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearWiggleDisplay" % tId,
+                }
+            ],
+        }
+        style_json = self._prepare_track_style(trackDict)
+        trackDict["style"] = style_json
+        self.tracksToAdd.append(trackDict)
+        self.trackIdlist.append(tId)
+    def add_bam(self, data, trackData, bam_index=None, **kwargs):
+        tId = trackData["label"]
+        useuri = trackData["useuri"].lower() == "yes"
+        bindex = bam_index
+        categ = trackData["category"]
+        if useuri:
+            url = data
+        else:
+            fname = "%s.bam" % trackData["label"]
+            dest = "%s/%s" % (self.outdir, fname)
+            url = fname
+            bindex = fname + ".bai"
+            self.subprocess_check_call(["cp", data, dest])
+            if bam_index is not None and os.path.exists(bam_index):
+                if not os.path.exists(bindex):
+                    # bai most probably made by galaxy and stored in galaxy dirs, need to copy it to dest
+                    self.subprocess_check_call(["cp", bam_index, bindex])
+                else:
+                    # Can happen in exotic condition
+                    # e.g. if bam imported as symlink with datatype=unsorted.bam, then datatype changed to bam
+                    #      => no index generated by galaxy, but there might be one next to the symlink target
+                    #      this trick allows to skip the bam sorting made by galaxy if already done outside
+                    if os.path.exists(os.path.realpath(data) + ".bai"):
+                        self.symlink_or_copy(os.path.realpath(data) + ".bai", bindex)
+                    else:
+                        log.warn("Could not find a bam index (.bai file) for %s", data)
+        trackDict = {
+            "type": "AlignmentsTrack",
+            "trackId": tId,
+            "name": trackData["name"],
+            "category": [
+                categ,
+            ],
+            "assemblyNames": [self.genome_name],
+            "adapter": {
+                "type": "BamAdapter",
+                "bamLocation": {"uri": url},
+                "index": {
+                    "location": {
+                        "uri": bindex,
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+            "displays": [
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearAlignmentsDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearAlignmentsDisplay" % tId,
+                }
+            ],
+        }
+        style_json = self._prepare_track_style(trackDict)
+        trackDict["style"] = style_json
+        self.tracksToAdd.append(trackDict)
+        self.trackIdlist.append(tId)
+    def add_cram(self, data, trackData, cram_index=None, **kwargs):
+        tId = trackData["label"]
+        categ = trackData["category"]
+        useuri = trackData["useuri"].lower() == "yes"
+        if useuri:
+            url = data
+        else:
+            fname = "%s.cram" % trackData["label"]
+            dest = "%s/%s" % (self.outdir, fname)
+            url = fname
+            self.subprocess_check_call(["cp", data, dest])
+            if cram_index is not None and os.path.exists(cram_index):
+                if not os.path.exists(dest + ".crai"):
+                    # most probably made by galaxy and stored in galaxy dirs, need to copy it to dest
+                    self.subprocess_check_call(
+                        ["cp", os.path.realpath(cram_index), dest + ".crai"]
+                    )
+            else:
+                cpath = os.path.realpath(dest) + ".crai"
+                cmd = ["samtools", "index", "-c", "-o", cpath, os.path.realpath(dest)]
+                logging.debug("executing cmd %s" % " ".join(cmd))
+                self.subprocess_check_call(cmd)
+        trackDict = {
+            "type": "AlignmentsTrack",
+            "trackId": tId,
+            "name": trackData["name"],
+            "category": [
+                categ,
+            ],
+            "assemblyNames": [self.genome_name],
+            "adapter": {
+                "type": "CramAdapter",
+                "cramLocation": {"uri": url},
+                "craiLocation": {
+                    "uri": url + ".crai",
+                },
+                "sequenceAdapter": self.genome_sequence_adapter,
+            },
+            "displays": [
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearAlignmentsDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearAlignmentsDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+        style_json = self._prepare_track_style(trackDict)
+        trackDict["style"] = style_json
+        self.tracksToAdd.append(trackDict)
+        self.trackIdlist.append(tId)
+    def add_vcf(self, data, trackData):
+        tId = trackData["label"]
+        # url = "%s/api/datasets/%s/display" % (
+        # self.giURL,
+        # trackData["metadata"]["dataset_id"],
+        # )
+        categ = trackData["category"]
+        useuri = trackData["useuri"].lower() == "yes"
+        if useuri:
+            url = data
+        else:
+            url = "%s.vcf.gz" % tId
+            dest = "%s/%s" % (self.outdir, url)
+            cmd = "bgzip -c %s  > %s" % (data, dest)
+            self.subprocess_popen(cmd)
+            cmd = ["tabix", "-f", "-p", "vcf", dest]
+            self.subprocess_check_call(cmd)
+        trackDict = {
+            "type": "VariantTrack",
+            "trackId": tId,
+            "name": trackData["name"],
+            "assemblyNames": [self.genome_name],
+            "category": [
+                categ,
+            ],
+            "adapter": {
+                "type": "VcfTabixAdapter",
+                "vcfGzLocation": {"uri": url},
+                "index": {
+                    "location": {
+                        "uri": url + ".tbi",
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+            "displays": [
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearVariantDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearVariantDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+                {
+                    "type": "ChordVariantDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-ChordVariantDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearPairedArcDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearPairedArcDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+        style_json = self._prepare_track_style(trackDict)
+        trackDict["style"] = style_json
+        self.tracksToAdd.append(trackDict)
+        self.trackIdlist.append(tId)
+    def _sort_gff(self, data, dest):
+        # Only index if not already done
+        if not os.path.exists(dest):
+            cmd = "jbrowse sort-gff '%s' | bgzip -c > '%s'" % (
+                data,
+                dest,
+            )  # "gff3sort.pl --precise '%s' | grep -v \"^$\" > '%s'"
+            self.subprocess_popen(cmd)
+            self.subprocess_check_call(["tabix", "-f", "-p", "gff", dest])
+    def _sort_bed(self, data, dest):
+        # Only index if not already done
+        if not os.path.exists(dest):
+            cmd = "sort -k1,1 -k2,2n '%s' | bgzip -c > '%s'" % (data, dest)
+            self.subprocess_popen(cmd)
+            cmd = ["tabix", "-f", "-p", "bed", dest]
+            self.subprocess_check_call(cmd)
+    def add_gff(self, data, ext, trackData):
+        useuri = trackData["useuri"].lower() == "yes"
+        if useuri:
+            url = trackData["path"]
+        else:
+            url = "%s.%s.gz" % (trackData["label"], ext)
+            dest = "%s/%s" % (self.outdir, url)
+            self._sort_gff(data, dest)
+        tId = trackData["label"]
+        categ = trackData["category"]
+        trackDict = {
+            "type": "FeatureTrack",
+            "trackId": tId,
+            "name": trackData["name"],
+            "assemblyNames": [self.genome_name],
+            "category": [
+                categ,
+            ],
+            "adapter": {
+                "type": "Gff3TabixAdapter",
+                "gffGzLocation": {
+                    "uri": url,
+                },
+                "index": {
+                    "location": {
+                        "uri": url + ".tbi",
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+            "displays": [
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearBasicDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearBasicDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearArcDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearArcDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+        style_json = self._prepare_track_style(trackDict)
+        trackDict["style"] = style_json
+        self.tracksToAdd.append(trackDict)
+        self.trackIdlist.append(tId)
+    def add_bed(self, data, ext, trackData):
+        tId = trackData["label"]
+        categ = trackData["category"]
+        useuri = trackData["useuri"].lower() == "yes"
+        if useuri:
+            url = data
+        else:
+            url = "%s.%s.gz" % (trackData["label"], ext)
+            dest = "%s/%s" % (self.outdir, url)
+            self._sort_bed(data, dest)
+        trackDict = {
+            "type": "FeatureTrack",
+            "trackId": tId,
+            "name": trackData["name"],
+            "assemblyNames": [self.genome_name],
+            "adapter": {
+                "category": [
+                    categ,
+                ],
+                "type": "BedTabixAdapter",
+                "bedGzLocation": {
+                    "uri": url,
+                },
+                "index": {
+                    "location": {
+                        "uri": url + ".tbi",
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+            "displays": [
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearBasicDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearBasicDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearPileupDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearPileupDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearArcDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearArcDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+        style_json = self._prepare_track_style(trackDict)
+        trackDict["style"] = style_json
+        self.tracksToAdd.append(trackDict)
+        self.trackIdlist.append(tId)
+    def add_paf(self, data, trackData, pafOpts, **kwargs):
+        tname = trackData["name"]
+        tId = trackData["label"]
+        categ = trackData["category"]
+        pgnames = [x.strip() for x in pafOpts["genome_label"].split(",")]
+        pgpaths = [x.strip() for x in pafOpts["genome"].split(",")]
+        passnames = [self.genome_name]  # always first
+        for i, gname in enumerate(pgnames):
+            if len(gname.split()) > 1:
+                gname = gname.split()[0]
+                passnames.append(gname)
+                # trouble from spacey names in command lines avoidance
+                if gname not in self.genome_names:
+                    # ignore if already there - eg for duplicates among pafs.
+                    useuri = pgpaths[i].startswith("http://") or pgpaths[i].startswith(
+                        "https://"
+                    )
+                    asstrack = self.make_assembly(pgpaths[i], gname, useuri)
+                    self.genome_names.append(gname)
+                    if self.config_json.get("assemblies", None):
+                        self.config_json["assemblies"].append(asstrack)
+                    else:
+                        self.config_json["assemblies"] = [
+                            asstrack,
+                        ]
+        url = "%s.paf" % (trackData["label"])
+        dest = "%s/%s" % (self.outdir, url)
+        self.symlink_or_copy(os.path.realpath(data), dest)
+        trackDict = {
+            "type": "SyntenyTrack",
+            "trackId": tId,
+            "assemblyNames": passnames,
+            "category": [
+                categ,
+            ],
+            "name": tname,
+            "adapter": {
+                "type": "PAFAdapter",
+                "pafLocation": {"uri": url},
+                "assemblyNames": passnames,
+            },
+            "displays": [
+                {
+                    "type": "LinearSyntenyDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-LinearSyntenyDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+                {
+                    "type": "DotPlotDisplay",
+                    "displayId": "%s-DotPlotDisplay" % tId,
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+        style_json = self._prepare_track_style(trackDict)
+        trackDict["style"] = style_json
+        self.tracksToAdd.append(trackDict)
+        self.trackIdlist.append(tId)
+    def process_annotations(self, track):
+        category = track["category"].replace("__pd__date__pd__", TODAY)
+        for i, (
+            dataset_path,
+            dataset_ext,
+            useuri,
+            track_human_label,
+            extra_metadata,
+        ) in enumerate(track["trackfiles"]):
+            if not dataset_path.strip().startswith("http"):
+                # Unsanitize labels (element_identifiers are always sanitized by Galaxy)
+                for key, value in mapped_chars.items():
+                    track_human_label = track_human_label.replace(value, key)
+                track_human_label = track_human_label.replace(" ", "_")
+            outputTrackConfig = {
+                "category": category,
+                "style": track["style"],
+            }
+            outputTrackConfig["label"] = "%s_%i_%s" % (
+                dataset_ext,
+                i,
+                track_human_label,
+            )
+            outputTrackConfig["useuri"] = useuri
+            outputTrackConfig["path"] = dataset_path
+            outputTrackConfig["ext"] = dataset_ext
+            outputTrackConfig["key"] = track_human_label
+            outputTrackConfig["trackset"] = track.get("trackset", {})
+            outputTrackConfig["metadata"] = extra_metadata
+            outputTrackConfig["name"] = track_human_label
+            if dataset_ext in ("gff", "gff3"):
+                self.add_gff(
+                    dataset_path,
+                    dataset_ext,
+                    outputTrackConfig,
+                )
+            elif dataset_ext in ("hic", "juicebox_hic"):
+                self.add_hic(
+                    dataset_path,
+                    outputTrackConfig,
+                )
+            elif dataset_ext in ("cool", "mcool", "scool"):
+                hic_url = "%s_%d.juicebox_hic" % (track_human_label, i)
+                hic_path = os.path.join(self.outdir, hic_url)
+                self.subprocess_check_call(
+                    [
+                        "hictk",
+                        "convert",
+                        "-f",
+                        "--output-fmt",
+                        "hic",
+                        dataset_path,
+                        hic_path,
+                    ]
+                )
+                outputTrackConfig["hic_url"] = hic_url
+                self.add_hic(
+                    hic_path,
+                    outputTrackConfig,
+                )
+            elif dataset_ext in ("bed",):
+                self.add_bed(
+                    dataset_path,
+                    dataset_ext,
+                    outputTrackConfig,
+                )
+            elif dataset_ext in ("maf",):
+                self.add_maf(
+                    dataset_path,
+                    outputTrackConfig,
+                )
+            elif dataset_ext == "bigwig":
+                self.add_bigwig(
+                    dataset_path,
+                    outputTrackConfig,
+                )
+            elif dataset_ext == "bam":
+                real_indexes = track["conf"]["options"]["bam"]["bam_index"]
+                self.add_bam(
+                    dataset_path,
+                    outputTrackConfig,
+                    bam_index=real_indexes,
+                )
+            elif dataset_ext == "cram":
+                real_indexes = track["conf"]["options"]["cram"]["cram_index"]
+                self.add_cram(
+                    dataset_path,
+                    outputTrackConfig,
+                    cram_index=real_indexes,
+                )
+            elif dataset_ext == "blastxml":
+                self.add_blastxml(
+                    dataset_path,
+                    outputTrackConfig,
+                    track["conf"]["options"]["blast"],
+                )
+            elif dataset_ext == "vcf":
+                self.add_vcf(dataset_path, outputTrackConfig)
+            elif dataset_ext == "paf":
+                self.add_paf(
+                    dataset_path,
+                    outputTrackConfig,
+                    track["conf"]["options"]["paf"],
+                )
+            else:
+                logging.warn("Do not know how to handle %s", dataset_ext)
+            # Return non-human label for use in other fields
+            yield outputTrackConfig["label"]
+    def add_default_session(self, default_data):
+        """
+                Add some default session settings: set some assemblies/tracks on/off
+                labels off 1
+                         {
+                    "id": "JJNRSOoj8cPCTR8ZJ7Yne",
+                    "type": "VariantTrack",
+                    "configuration": "vcf_0_merlin.vcf",
+                    "minimized": false,
+                    "displays": [
+                      {
+                        "id": "JOvAkv1bdyz5SAJs3JBby",
+                        "type": "LinearVariantDisplay",
+                        "configuration": {},
+                        "trackShowLabels": false,
+                        "trackShowDescriptions": false
+                      }
+                    ]
+                  },
+                track labels at end of default view
+                 "hideHeader": false,
+                "hideHeaderOverview": false,
+                "hideNoTracksActive": false,
+                "trackSelectorType": "hierarchical",
+                "showCenterLine": false,
+                "showCytobandsSetting": true,
+                "trackLabels": "hidden",
+                "showGridlines": true,
+                "showBookmarkHighlights": true,
+                "showBookmarkLabels": true
+              }
+            ],
+            "sessionTracks": [],
+            "sessionAssemblies": [],
+            "temporaryAssemblies": [],
+            "connectionInstances": [],
+            "sessionConnections": [],
+            "focusedViewId": "n-7YuEPiR5QUtHntU-xcO",
+            "sessionPlugins": []
+          }
+        }
+        """
+        tracks_data = []
+        # TODO using the default session for now, but check out session specs in the future https://github.com/GMOD/jbrowse-components/issues/2708
+        # We need to know the track type from the config.json generated just before
+        track_types = {}
+        with open(self.config_json_file, "r") as config_file:
+            config_json = json.load(config_file)
+        if self.config_json:
+            config_json.update(self.config_json)
+        for track_conf in self.tracksToAdd:
+            tId = track_conf["trackId"]
+            track_types[tId] = track_conf["type"]
+            style_data = default_data["style"][tId]
+            logging.warn(
+                "### defsession for %s got style_data=%s given default_data %s"
+                % (tId, style_data, default_data)
+            )
+            if "displays" in track_conf:
+                disp = track_conf["displays"][0]["type"]
+                style_data["type"] = disp
+                style_data["configuration"] = "%s-%s" % (tId, disp)
+            if track_conf.get("style_labels", None):
+                # TODO fix this: it should probably go in a renderer block (SvgFeatureRenderer) but still does not work
+                # TODO move this to per track displays?
+                style_data["labels"] = track_conf["style_labels"]
+            tracks_data.append(
+                {
+                    "type": track_types[tId],
+                    "configuration": tId,
+                    "displays": [style_data],
+                }
+            )
+        # The view for the assembly we're adding
+        view_json = {"type": "LinearGenomeView", "tracks": tracks_data}
+        refName = None
+        drdict = {
+            "reversed": False,
+            "assemblyName": self.genome_name,
+            "start": 1,
+            "end": 200000,
+            "refName": "x",
+        }
+        if default_data.get("defaultLocation", ""):
+            ddl = default_data["defaultLocation"]
+            loc_match = re.search(r"^([^:]+):([\d,]*)\.*([\d,]*)$", ddl)
+            # allow commas like 100,000 but ignore as integer
+            if loc_match:
+                refName = loc_match.group(1)
+                drdict["refName"] = refName
+                if loc_match.group(2) > "":
+                    drdict["start"] = int(loc_match.group(2).replace(",", ""))
+                if loc_match.group(3) > "":
+                    drdict["end"] = int(loc_match.group(3).replace(",", ""))
+            else:
+                logging.info(
+                    "@@@ regexp could not match contig:start..end in the supplied location %s - please fix"
+                    % ddl
+                )
+        else:
+            drdict["refName"] = self.genome_firstcontig
+        if drdict.get("refName", None):
+            # TODO displayedRegions is not just zooming to the region, it hides the rest of the chromosome
+            view_json["displayedRegions"] = [
+                drdict,
+            ]
+            logging.info("@@@ defaultlocation %s for default session" % drdict)
+        else:
+            logging.info(
+                "@@@ no contig name found for default session - please add one!"
+            )
+        session_name = default_data.get("session_name", "New session")
+        for key, value in mapped_chars.items():
+            session_name = session_name.replace(value, key)
+        # Merge with possibly existing defaultSession (if upgrading a jbrowse instance)
+        session_json = {}
+        if "defaultSession" in config_json:
+            session_json = config_json["defaultSession"]
+        session_json["name"] = session_name
+        if "views" not in session_json:
+            session_json["views"] = []
+        session_json["views"].append(view_json)
+        config_json["defaultSession"] = session_json
+        self.config_json.update(config_json)
+        with open(self.config_json_file, "w") as config_file:
+            json.dump(self.config_json, config_file, indent=2)
+    def add_general_configuration(self, data):
+        """
+        Add some general configuration to the config.json file
+        """
+        config_path = self.config_json_file
+        if os.path.exists(config_path):
+            with open(config_path, "r") as config_file:
+                config_json = json.load(config_file)
+        else:
+            config_json = {}
+        if self.config_json:
+            config_json.update(self.config_json)
+        config_data = {}
+        config_data["disableAnalytics"] = data.get("analytics", "false") == "true"
+        config_data["theme"] = {
+            "palette": {
+                "primary": {"main": data.get("primary_color", "#0D233F")},
+                "secondary": {"main": data.get("secondary_color", "#721E63")},
+                "tertiary": {"main": data.get("tertiary_color", "#135560")},
+                "quaternary": {"main": data.get("quaternary_color", "#FFB11D")},
+            },
+            "typography": {"fontSize": int(data.get("font_size", 10))},
+        }
+        if not config_json.get("configuration", None):
+            config_json["configuration"] = {}
+        config_json["configuration"].update(config_data)
+        self.config_json.update(config_json)
+        with open(config_path, "w") as config_file:
+            json.dump(self.config_json, config_file, indent=2)
+    def clone_jbrowse(self, realclone=True):
+        """Clone a JBrowse directory into a destination directory. This also works in Biocontainer testing now"""
+        dest = self.outdir
+        if realclone:
+            self.subprocess_check_call(
+                ["jbrowse", "create", dest, "-f", "--tag", f"{JB2VER}"]
+            )
+        else:
+            shutil.copytree(self.jbrowse2path, dest, dirs_exist_ok=True)
+        for fn in [
+            "asset-manifest.json",
+            "favicon.ico",
+            "robots.txt",
+            "umd_plugin.js",
+            "version.txt",
+            "test_data",
+        ]:
+            cmd = ["rm", "-rf", os.path.join(dest, fn)]
+            self.subprocess_check_call(cmd)
+        cmd = ["cp", os.path.join(INSTALLED_TO, "jb2_webserver.py"), dest]
+        self.subprocess_check_call(cmd)
+def parse_style_conf(item):
+    if "type" in item.attrib and item.attrib["type"] in [
+        "boolean",
+        "integer",
+    ]:
+        if item.attrib["type"] == "boolean":
+            return item.text in ("yes", "true", "True")
+        elif item.attrib["type"] == "integer":
+            return int(item.text)
+    else:
+        return item.text
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="", epilog="")
+    parser.add_argument("--xml", help="Track Configuration")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--jbrowse2path", help="Path to JBrowse2 directory in biocontainer or Conda"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("--outdir", help="Output directory", default="out")
+    parser.add_argument("--version", "-V", action="version", version="%(prog)s 2.0.1")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    tree = ET.parse(args.xml)
+    root = tree.getroot()
+    # This should be done ASAP
+    GALAXY_INFRASTRUCTURE_URL = root.find("metadata/galaxyUrl").text
+    # Sometimes this comes as `localhost` without a protocol
+    if not GALAXY_INFRASTRUCTURE_URL.startswith("http"):
+        # so we'll prepend `http://` and hope for the best. Requests *should*
+        # be GET and not POST so it should redirect OK
+    jc = JbrowseConnector(
+        outdir=args.outdir,
+        jbrowse2path=args.jbrowse2path,
+        genomes=[
+            {
+                "path": x.attrib["path"],
+                "label": x.attrib["label"],
+                "useuri": x.attrib["useuri"],
+                "meta": metadata_from_node(x.find("metadata")),
+            }
+            for x in root.findall("metadata/genomes/genome")
+        ],
+    )
+    jc.process_genomes()
+    # .add_default_view() replace from https://github.com/abretaud/tools-iuc/blob/jbrowse2/tools/jbrowse2/jbrowse2.py
+    default_session_data = {
+        "visibility": {
+            "default_on": [],
+            "default_off": [],
+        },
+        "style": {},
+        "style_labels": {},
+    }
+    for track in root.findall("tracks/track"):
+        track_conf = {}
+        track_conf["trackfiles"] = []
+        is_multi_bigwig = False
+        try:
+            if track.find("options/wiggle/multibigwig") and (
+                track.find("options/wiggle/multibigwig").text == "True"
+            ):
+                is_multi_bigwig = True
+                multi_bigwig_paths = []
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        trackfiles = track.findall("files/trackFile")
+        if trackfiles:
+            for x in track.findall("files/trackFile"):
+                track_conf["label"] = x.attrib["label"]
+                track_conf["useuri"] = x.attrib["useuri"]
+                if is_multi_bigwig:
+                    multi_bigwig_paths.append(
+                        (
+                            x.attrib["label"],
+                            x.attrib["useuri"],
+                            os.path.realpath(x.attrib["path"]),
+                        )
+                    )
+                else:
+                    if trackfiles:
+                        metadata = metadata_from_node(x.find("metadata"))
+                        track_conf["dataset_id"] = metadata["dataset_id"]
+                        if x.attrib["useuri"].lower() == "yes":
+                            tfa = (
+                                x.attrib["path"],
+                                x.attrib["ext"],
+                                x.attrib["useuri"],
+                                x.attrib["label"],
+                                metadata,
+                            )
+                        else:
+                            tfa = (
+                                os.path.realpath(x.attrib["path"]),
+                                x.attrib["ext"],
+                                x.attrib["useuri"],
+                                x.attrib["label"],
+                                metadata,
+                            )
+                        track_conf["trackfiles"].append(tfa)
+        if is_multi_bigwig:
+            metadata = metadata_from_node(x.find("metadata"))
+            track_conf["trackfiles"].append(
+                (
+                    multi_bigwig_paths,  # Passing an array of paths to represent as one track
+                    "bigwig_multiple",
+                    "MultiBigWig",  # Giving an hardcoded name for now
+                    {},  # No metadata for multiple bigwig
+                )
+            )
+        track_conf["category"] = track.attrib["cat"]
+        track_conf["format"] = track.attrib["format"]
+        if track.find("options/style"):
+            track_conf["style"] = {
+                item.tag: parse_style_conf(item) for item in track.find("options/style")
+            }
+        else:
+            track_conf["style"] = {}
+        tst = track_conf["style"].get("type", None)
+        if tst:
+            track_conf["style"]["configuration"] = "%s-%s" % (track_conf["label"], tst)
+        logging.warn("### got %s for track style" % track_conf["style"])
+        if track.find("options/style_labels"):
+            track_conf["style_labels"] = {
+                item.tag: parse_style_conf(item)
+                for item in track.find("options/style_labels")
+            }
+        track_conf["conf"] = etree_to_dict(track.find("options"))
+        track_conf["category"] = track.attrib["cat"]
+        track_conf["format"] = track.attrib["format"]
+        keys = jc.process_annotations(track_conf)
+        if keys:
+            for key in keys:
+                default_session_data["visibility"][
+                    track.attrib.get("visibility", "default_off")
+                ].append(key)
+                if track_conf.get("style", None):
+                    default_session_data["style"][key] = track_conf["style"]
+                if track_conf.get("style_labels", None):
+                    default_session_data["style_labels"][key] = track_conf.get(
+                        "style_labels", None
+                    )
+        logging.warn(
+            "# after process, key=%s def session style = %s"
+            % (key, default_session_data["style"][key])
+        )
+    default_session_data["defaultLocation"] = root.find(
+        "metadata/general/defaultLocation"
+    ).text
+    default_session_data["session_name"] = root.find(
+        "metadata/general/session_name"
+    ).text
+    jc.zipOut = root.find("metadata/general/zipOut").text == "true"
+    general_data = {
+        "analytics": root.find("metadata/general/analytics").text,
+        "primary_color": root.find("metadata/general/primary_color").text,
+        "secondary_color": root.find("metadata/general/secondary_color").text,
+        "tertiary_color": root.find("metadata/general/tertiary_color").text,
+        "quaternary_color": root.find("metadata/general/quaternary_color").text,
+        "font_size": root.find("metadata/general/font_size").text,
+    }
+    jc.add_general_configuration(general_data)
+    trackconf = jc.config_json.get("tracks", None)
+    if trackconf:
+        jc.config_json["tracks"].update(jc.tracksToAdd)
+    else:
+        jc.config_json["tracks"] = jc.tracksToAdd
+    jc.write_config()
+    jc.add_default_session(default_session_data)
+    logging.warn("### got default_session_data=%s" % default_session_data)
+    # jc.text_index() not sure what broke here.