comparison docker/ @ 42:b938475235e3 draft

author fubar
date Sun, 16 Aug 2020 08:33:09 -0400
equal deleted inserted replaced
41:f8c1694190f0 42:b938475235e3
1 {
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3 "annotation": "",
4 "format-version": "0.1",
5 "name": "TF examples (imported from uploaded file)",
6 "steps": {
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13 "inputs": [
14 {
15 "description": "a fasta file - gc ratio will be estimated",
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17 }
18 ],
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20 "name": "Input dataset",
21 "outputs": [],
22 "position": {
23 "bottom": 231,
24 "height": 61,
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27 "top": 170,
28 "width": 200,
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34 "tool_version": null,
35 "type": "data_input",
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37 "workflow_outputs": [
38 {
39 "label": null,
40 "output_name": "output",
41 "uuid": "f5ce2386-b80c-4691-a0a7-abeec8854461"
42 }
43 ]
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50 "input_connections": {},
51 "inputs": [
52 {
53 "description": "Any text file to be reversed lots of times and bjorked once.",
54 "name": ""
55 }
56 ],
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58 "name": "Input dataset",
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66 "width": 200,
67 "x": 393,
68 "y": 290
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76 {
77 "label": null,
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92 }
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98 {
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102 {
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105 }
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131 "label": null,
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134 },
135 {
136 "label": null,
137 "output_name": "TF_run_report",
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139 }
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151 }
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157 {
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160 },
161 {
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164 }
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194 {
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253 {
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312 {
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371 {
372 "label": null,
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430 {
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446 }
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452 {
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456 {
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477 "tool_shed": ""
478 },
479 "tool_state": "{\"__input_ext\": \"input\", \"chromInfo\": \"/home/ross/galaxy/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\", \"interexe\": {\"interpreter\": \"python\", \"__current_case__\": 2, \"interpreter_version\": \"\", \"exe_package_version\": \"\", \"dynScript\": \"import argparse\\nimport tarfile\\nimport os\\nimport tempfile\\nimport subprocess\\n\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nplanemo test --no_cleanup --no_dependency_resolution --skip_venv --galaxy_root ~/galaxy ~/galaxy/tools/tool_makers/pyrevargparse/ &> pyrevargparse\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\n\\nparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()\\na = parser.add_argument\\na('--tooltgz',default='')\\na('--report',default=None)\\na('--toolout',default=None)\\na('--galaxy_root',default=None)\\nargs = parser.parse_args()\\ntoolname = args.toolout.split(os.sep)[-1]\\ntoolpath = os.path.join(args.galaxy_root,args.toolout)\\ntf =,\\\"r:gz\\\")\\ntf.extractall(toolpath)\\ncl = \\\"planemo test --skip_venv --galaxy_root %s %s\\\" % (args.galaxy_root,toolpath)\\ncll = cl.split(' ')\\nsto = open(, 'w')\\np =, shell=False, stdout=sto)\\nretval = p.returncode\\nsto.close()\\n\"}, \"makeMode\": {\"make_Tool\": \"yes\", \"__current_case__\": 0, \"tool_version\": \"0.01\", \"tool_desc\": \"Tool to test toolshed tool archives generated by the tool factory.\", \"help_text\": \"**What it Does**\\n\\nGiven a toolshed tgz file generated by a tool factory run, this will unpack it and run planemo test, returning the planemo stdout as a report\\nIt was generated using the tool factory.\", \"citations\": []}, \"ppass\": {\"parampass\": \"argparse\", \"__current_case__\": 0, \"history_inputs\": [{\"__index__\": 0, \"input_files\": {\"__class__\": \"ConnectedValue\"}, \"input_formats\": [\"tgz\"], \"input_label\": \"tool toolshed tgz archive from history\", \"input_help\": \"Run planemo test on a tool shed tool archive tgz format file generated by the ToolFactory or Planemo\", \"input_CL\": \"tooltgz\"}], \"history_outputs\": [{\"__index__\": 0, \"history_name\": \"report\", \"history_format\": \"txt\", \"history_CL\": \"report\"}], \"edit_params\": \"yes\", \"additional_parameters\": [{\"__index__\": 0, \"param_name\": \"toolout\", \"param_type\": \"text\", \"param_value\": \"tools/toolmakers/planemotest\", \"param_label\": \"output path under galaxy root\", \"param_help\": \"This is where the tgz file will be extracted and tested by planemo\", \"param_CL\": \"toolout\", \"param_CLprefixed\": \"\"}, {\"__index__\": 1, \"param_name\": \"galaxy_root\", \"param_type\": \"text\", \"param_value\": \"/home/ross/galaxy\", \"param_label\": \"Galaxy source root directory to use for running planemo\", \"param_help\": \"This will form the galaxy_root parameter for rnning planemo using an existing Galaxy source tree, and the tgz will be extracted at a path relative to that rootu\", \"param_CL\": \"galaxy_root\", \"param_CLprefixed\": \"\"}]}, \"tool_name\": \"planemotest\", \"__page__\": null, \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null}",
480 "tool_version": "2.00",
481 "type": "tool",
482 "uuid": "b9bfb1a4-4c0c-4d39-9e74-223da72f8abc",
483 "workflow_outputs": [
484 {
485 "label": null,
486 "output_name": "TF_run_report",
487 "uuid": "09ba44ea-4da8-46f5-a411-ca054ccedd3b"
488 },
489 {
490 "label": null,
491 "output_name": "new_tool",
492 "uuid": "50a8ff4a-702a-4983-8202-8a79c0a3c978"
493 }
494 ]
495 }
496 },
497 "tags": [],
498 "uuid": "321a7f9f-c287-453c-807a-43afd948770e",
499 "version": 0
500 }