diff rgToolFactory2.py @ 26:db35d39e1de9 draft

Passes planemo test Uses galaxyxml to generate new tool. More outputs will be added...
author fubar
date Thu, 30 Jul 2020 06:48:45 -0400
parents 9fe74bd23af2
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/rgToolFactory2.py	Mon Mar 02 05:18:21 2015 -0500
+++ b/rgToolFactory2.py	Thu Jul 30 06:48:45 2020 -0400
@@ -1,962 +1,468 @@
-# rgToolFactoryMultIn.py
-# see https://bitbucket.org/fubar/galaxytoolfactory/wiki/Home
+# rgToolFactory.py
+# see https://github.com/fubar2/toolfactory
 # copyright ross lazarus (ross stop lazarus at gmail stop com) May 2012
 # all rights reserved
 # Licensed under the LGPL
-# suggestions for improvement and bug fixes welcome at https://bitbucket.org/fubar/galaxytoolfactory/wiki/Home
-# January 2015
-# unified all setups by passing the script on the cl rather than via a PIPE - no need for treat_bash_special so removed
-# in the process of building a complex tool
-# added ability to choose one of the current toolshed package_r or package_perl or package_python dependencies and source that package
-# add that package to tool_dependencies
-# Note that once the generated tool is loaded, it will have that package's env.sh loaded automagically so there is no
-# --envshpath in the parameters for the generated tool and it uses the system one which will be first on the adjusted path.
-# sept 2014 added additional params from
-# https://bitbucket.org/mvdbeek/dockertoolfactory/src/d4863bcf7b521532c7e8c61b6333840ba5393f73/DockerToolFactory.py?at=default
-# passing them is complex
-# and they are restricted to NOT contain commas or double quotes to ensure that they can be safely passed together on 
-# the toolfactory command line as a comma delimited double quoted string for parsing and passing to the script
-# see examples on this tool form
-# august 2014
-# Allows arbitrary number of input files
-# NOTE positional parameters are now passed to script
-# and output (may be "None") is *before* arbitrary number of inputs
+# suggestions for improvement and bug fixes welcome at https://github.com/fubar2/toolfactory
-# march 2014
-# had to remove dependencies because cross toolshed dependencies are not possible - can't pre-specify a toolshed url for graphicsmagick and ghostscript
-# grrrrr - night before a demo
-# added dependencies to a tool_dependencies.xml if html page generated so generated tool is properly portable
-# added ghostscript and graphicsmagick as dependencies 
-# fixed a wierd problem where gs was trying to use the new_files_path from universe (database/tmp) as ./database/tmp
-# errors ensued
-# august 2013
-# found a problem with GS if $TMP or $TEMP missing - now inject /tmp and warn
+# July 2020: BCC was fun and I feel like rip van winkle after 5 years. 
+# Decided to 
+# 1. Fix the toolfactory so it works - done for simplest case
+# 2. Fix planemo so the toolfactory function works
+# 3. Rewrite bits using galaxyxml functions where that makes sense - done
-# july 2013
-# added ability to combine images and individual log files into html output
-# just make sure there's a log file foo.log and it will be output
-# together with all images named like "foo_*.pdf
-# otherwise old format for html
-# January 2013
-# problem pointed out by Carlos Borroto
-# added escaping for <>$ - thought I did that ages ago...
-# August 11 2012 
-# changed to use shell=False and cl as a sequence
+# removed all the old complications including making the new tool use this same script
+# galaxyxml now generates the tool xml https://github.com/hexylena/galaxyxml
+# No support for automatic HTML file creation from arbitrary outputs
+# TODO: add option to run that code as a post execution hook
+# TODO: add additional history input parameters - currently only one 
-# This is a Galaxy tool factory for simple scripts in python, R or whatever ails ye.
-# It also serves as the wrapper for the new tool.
-# you paste and run your script
-# Only works for simple scripts that read one input from the history.
-# Optionally can write one new history dataset,
-# and optionally collect any number of outputs into links on an autogenerated HTML page.
-# DO NOT install on a public or important site - please.
-# installed generated tools are fine if the script is safe.
-# They just run normally and their user cannot do anything unusually insecure
-# but please, practice safe toolshed.
-# Read the fucking code before you install any tool 
-# especially this one
-# After you get the script working on some test data, you can
-# optionally generate a toolshed compatible gzip file
-# containing your script safely wrapped as an ordinary Galaxy script in your local toolshed for
-# safe and largely automated installation in a production Galaxy.
-# If you opt for an HTML output, you get all the script outputs arranged
-# as a single Html history item - all output files are linked, thumbnails for all the pdfs.
-# Ugly but really inexpensive.
-# Patches appreciated please. 
-# long route to June 2012 product
-# Behold the awesome power of Galaxy and the toolshed with the tool factory to bind them
-# derived from an integrated script model  
-# called rgBaseScriptWrapper.py
-# Note to the unwary:
-#   This tool allows arbitrary scripting on your Galaxy as the Galaxy user
-#   There is nothing stopping a malicious user doing whatever they choose
-#   Extremely dangerous!!
-#   Totally insecure. So, trusted users only
-# preferred model is a developer using their throw away workstation instance - ie a private site.
-# no real risk. The universe_wsgi.ini admin_users string is checked - only admin users are permitted to run this tool.
-import sys 
-import shutil 
-import subprocess 
-import os 
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import shutil
+import os
 import time 
-import tempfile 
-import optparse
+import tempfile
+import argparse
 import tarfile
 import re
-import shutil
 import math
+import galaxyxml.tool as gxt
+import galaxyxml.tool.parameters as gxtp
+import logging
 progname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1] 
-myversion = 'V001.1 March 2014' 
-verbose = False 
-debug = False
-toolFactoryURL = 'https://bitbucket.org/fubar/galaxytoolfactory'
+myversion = 'V2.1 July 2020' 
+verbose = True
+debug = True
+toolFactoryURL = 'https://github.com/fubar2/toolfactory'
+ourdelim = '~~~'
-# if we do html we need these dependencies specified in a tool_dependencies.xml file and referred to in the generated
-# tool xml
 def timenow():
-    """return current time as a string
-    """
-    return time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
+	"""return current time as a string
+	"""
+	return time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
 def quote_non_numeric(s):
-    """return a prequoted string for non-numerics
-    useful for perl and Rscript parameter passing?
-    """
-    try:
-        res = float(s)
-        return s
-    except ValueError:
-        return '"%s"' % s
+	"""return a prequoted string for non-numerics
+	useful for perl and Rscript parameter passing?
+	"""
+	try:
+		res = float(s)
+		return s
+	except ValueError:
+		return '"%s"' % s
 html_escape_table = {
-     "&": "&amp;",
-     ">": "&gt;",
-     "<": "&lt;",
-     "$": "\$"
-     }
+	 "&": "&amp;",
+	 ">": "&gt;",
+	 "<": "&lt;",
+	 "$": "\$"
+	 }
 def html_escape(text):
-     """Produce entities within text."""
-     return "".join(html_escape_table.get(c,c) for c in text)
+	 """Produce entities within text."""
+	 return "".join(html_escape_table.get(c,c) for c in text)
 def html_unescape(text):
-     """Revert entities within text."""
-     t = text.replace('&amp;','&').replace('&gt;','>').replace('&lt;','<').replace('\$','$')
-     return t
-def cmd_exists(cmd):
-     return subprocess.call("type " + cmd, shell=True, 
-           stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) == 0
+	 """Revert entities within text. Multiple character targets so use replace"""
+	 t = text.replace('&amp;','&').replace('&gt;','>').replace('&lt;','<').replace('\$','$')
+	 return t
 def parse_citations(citations_text):
-    """
-    """
-    citations = [c for c in citations_text.split("**ENTRY**") if c.strip()]
-    citation_tuples = []
-    for citation in citations:
-        if citation.startswith("doi"):
-            citation_tuples.append( ("doi", citation[len("doi"):].strip() ) )
-        else:
-            citation_tuples.append( ("bibtex", citation[len("bibtex"):].strip() ) )
-    return citation_tuples
+	"""
+	"""
+	citations = [c for c in citations_text.split("**ENTRY**") if c.strip()]
+	citation_tuples = []
+	for citation in citations:
+		if citation.startswith("doi"):
+			citation_tuples.append( ("doi", citation[len("doi"):].strip() ) )
+		else:
+			citation_tuples.append( ("bibtex", citation[len("bibtex"):].strip() ) )
+	return citation_tuples
-def shell_source(script):
-    """need a way to source a Galaxy tool interpreter env.sh to point at the right dependency package 
-    This based on the idea in http://pythonwise.blogspot.fr/2010/04/sourcing-shell-script.html
-    Note that we have to finesse any wierdly quoted newlines in automagic exports using nulls (env -0) as newlines"""
-    pipe = subprocess.Popen("env -i ; . %s ; env -0" % script, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
-    output = pipe.communicate()[0]
-    outl = output.split('\0')
-    outl = [x for x in outl if len(x.split("=")) == 2]
-    newenv = dict((line.split("=", 1) for line in outl))
-    os.environ.update(newenv)
 class ScriptRunner:
-    """class is a wrapper for an arbitrary script
-    note funky templating. this should all be done proper.
-    Problem is, this kludge developed quite naturally and seems to work ok with
-    little overhead...
-    """
+	"""Wrapper for an arbitrary script
+	uses galaxyxml
+	"""
-    def __init__(self,opts=None):
-        """
-        cleanup inputs, setup some outputs
-        """
-        self.toolhtmldepinterpskel = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
-        <tool_dependency>
-            <package name="ghostscript" version="9.10">
-                <repository name="package_ghostscript_9_10" owner="devteam" prior_installation_required="True" />
-            </package>
-            <package name="graphicsmagick" version="1.3.18">
-                <repository name="package_graphicsmagick_1_3" owner="iuc" prior_installation_required="True" />
-            </package>
-             <package name="%(interpreter_name)s" version="%(interpreter_version)s">
-                <repository name="%(interpreter_pack)s" owner="%(interpreter_owner)s" prior_installation_required="True" />
-            </package>
-                <readme>
-                   %(readme)s
-                   This file was autogenerated by the Galaxy Tool Factory 2
-               </readme>
-        </tool_dependency>
-        """
-        self.toolhtmldepskel = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
-        <tool_dependency>
-            <package name="ghostscript" version="9.10">
-                <repository name="package_ghostscript_9_10" owner="devteam" prior_installation_required="True" />
-            </package>
-            <package name="graphicsmagick" version="1.3.18">
-                <repository name="package_graphicsmagick_1_3" owner="iuc" prior_installation_required="True" />
-            </package>
-                <readme>
-                   %(readme)s
-                   This file was autogenerated by the Galaxy Tool Factory 2
-               </readme>
-        </tool_dependency>
-        """
-        self.emptytoolhtmldepskel = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
-        <tool_dependency>
-                <readme>
-                   %(readme)s
-                This file was autogenerated by the Galaxy Tool Factory 2
-               </readme>
-        </tool_dependency>
-        """
-        self.protorequirements = """<requirements>
-              <requirement type="package" version="9.10">ghostscript</requirement>
-              <requirement type="package" version="1.3.18">graphicsmagick</requirement>
-          </requirements>"""
-        self.protorequirements_interpreter = """<requirements>
-              <requirement type="package" version="9.10">ghostscript</requirement>
-              <requirement type="package" version="1.3.18">graphicsmagick</requirement>
-              <requirement type="package" version="%(interpreter_version)s">%(interpreter_name)s</requirement>
-          </requirements>"""
-        self.newCommand="""
-            %(toolname)s.py --script_path "$runMe" --interpreter "%(interpreter)s" 
-                --tool_name "%(toolname)s"
-                %(command_inputs)s
-                %(command_outputs)s
-            """
-        self.tooltestsTabOnly = """
-            <test>
-            %(test1Inputs)s
-            <param name="job_name" value="test1"/>
-            <param name="runMe" value="$runMe"/>
-            <output name="output1="%(test1Output)s" ftype="tabular"/>
-            %(additionalParams)s
-            </test>
-            """
-        self.tooltestsHTMLOnly = """
-            <test>
-            %(test1Inputs)s
-            <param name="job_name" value="test1"/>
-            <param name="runMe" value="$runMe"/>
-            %(additionalParams)s
-            <output name="html_file" file="%(test1HTML)s" ftype="html" lines_diff="5"/>
-            </test>
-            """
-        self.tooltestsBoth = """
-            <test>
-            %(test1Inputs)s
-            <param name="job_name" value="test1"/>
-            <param name="runMe" value="$runMe"/>
-            %(additionalParams)s
-            <output name="output1" file="%(test1Output)s" ftype="tabular" />
-            <output name="html_file" file="%(test1HTML)s" ftype="html" lines_diff="10"/>
-            </test>
-            """
-        self.newXML="""<tool id="%(toolid)s" name="%(toolname)s" version="%(tool_version)s">
-<command interpreter="python">
-<configfile name="runMe">
+	def __init__(self,args=None):
+		"""
+		cleanup inputs, setup some outputs
+		"""
+		lastclredirect = None
+		self.cl = []
+		aCL = self.cl.append
+		if args.output_dir: # simplify for the tool tarball
+			os.chdir(args.output_dir)
+		self.args = args
+		self.tool_name = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+', '', args.tool_name) # a sanitizer now does this but..
+		self.tool_id = self.tool_name
+		self.xmlfile = '%s.xml' % self.tool_name
+		if self.args.interpreter_name == "Executable": # binary - no need
+			aCL(self.args.exe_package)  # this little CL will just run
+		else: # a script has been provided
+			rx = open(self.args.script_path,'r').readlines()
+			rx = [x.rstrip() for x in rx] # remove pesky dos line endings if needed
+			self.script = '\n'.join(rx)
+			fhandle,self.sfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=self.tool_name,suffix=".%s" % (args.interpreter_name))
+			tscript = open(self.sfile,'w') # use self.sfile as script source for Popen
+			tscript.write(self.script)
+			tscript.close()
+			self.indentedScript = "  %s" % '\n'.join([' %s' % html_escape(x) for x in rx]) # for restructured text in help
+			self.escapedScript = "%s" % '\n'.join([' %s' % html_escape(x) for x in rx])
+			aCL(self.args.interpreter_name)
+			aCL(self.sfile)
+		self.elog = os.path.join(self.args.output_dir,"%s_error.log" % self.tool_name)
+		if args.output_dir: # may not want these complexities 
+			self.tlog = os.path.join(self.args.output_dir,"%s_runner.log" % self.tool_name)
+			art = '%s.%s' % (self.tool_name,args.interpreter_name)
+			artpath = os.path.join(self.args.output_dir,art) # need full path
+			artifact = open(artpath,'w') # use self.sfile as script source for Popen
+			artifact.write(self.script)
+			artifact.close()
+		self.infile_paths = []
+		self.infile_format = []
+		self.infile_cl = []
+		self.infile_label = []
+		self.infile_help = []
+		if self.args.input_files:
+			aif = [x.split(ourdelim) for x in self.args.input_files]
+			laif = list(map(list, zip(*aif))) # transpose the input_files array --input_files="$input_files~~~$CL~~~$input_formats~~~$input_label~~~$input_help"
+			self.infile_paths,self.infile_cl,self.infile_format,self.infile_label,self.infile_help = laif
+			self.infile_name = []
+			for i,scl in enumerate(self.infile_cl): # positionals have integers indicating order - need valid internal names
+				if scl.isdigit():
+					scl = 'input%s' % scl
+				if scl.upper() in ['STDOUT','STDIN']:
+					scl = 'input%d' % (i+1)
+				self.infile_name.append(scl) # make a list of internal names for each input file
+		clsuffix = [] # list all (cl param) pairs - positional needs sorting by cl index
+		clsuffix.append([self.args.output_cl,self.args.output_tab])		
+		if self.args.parampass == '0': # only need two
+			aCL('<')
+			aCL('%s' % self.infile_paths[0])
+			aCL('>')
+			aCL('%s' % self.args.output_tab)
+		else:
+			for i,p in enumerate(self.infile_paths):
+				clsuffix.append([self.infile_cl[i],p]) # decorator is cl - sort for positional
+			for p in self.args.additional_parameters:
+				psplit = p.split(ourdelim)
+				pform = psplit[5]
+				if pform == 'STDOUT':
+					lastclredirect = ['>',psplit[1]]
+				else:
+					clsuffix.append([pform,psplit[1]]) # cl,value
+			clsuffix.sort()
+			if self.args.parampass == "positional":
+				plist = [] # need to decorate with CL and sort
+				# inputs in order then params in order TODO fix ordering using self.infile_cl
+				for (k,v) in clsuffix:
+					if ' ' in v:
+						aCL("v")
+					else:
+						aCL(v)
+			elif self.args.parampass == "argparse":
+				# inputs then params in argparse named form
+				for (k,v) in clsuffix:
+					if ' ' in v:
+						aCL('--%s' % k)
+						aCL('"%s"' % v)
+					else:
+						aCL('--%s' % k)
+						aCL('%s' % v)
+			if lastclredirect:
+				for v in lastclredirect:
+					aCL(v) # add the stdout parameter last
+		self.test1Output = '%s_test1_output.xls' % self.tool_name
+		self.test1HTML = '%s_test1_output.html' % self.tool_name
+	def makeXML(self):
+		"""
+		Create a Galaxy xml tool wrapper for the new script
+		Uses galaxyhtml
+		WRONG - fixme!
+		   <test>
+      <param ftype="tabular,txt" value="infile.tabular,txt" name="infile"/>
+      <param value="test_a" name="job_name"/>
+      <param value="$runMe" name="runMe"/>
+      <param value="hello world" name="prefix"/>
+      <output value="reverseargp2_test1_output.xls" name="/home/ross/galaxy/database/objects/7/d/3/dataset_7d32a4f7-e5af-4f6d-9241-8b5347118c73.dat"/>
+    </test>
-This tool was autogenerated from a user provided script using the Galaxy Tool Factory 2
-    %(citations)s
-    <citation type="doi">10.1093/bioinformatics/bts573</citation>
-        self.useGM = cmd_exists('gm')
-        self.useIM = cmd_exists('convert')
-        self.useGS = cmd_exists('gs')
-        self.temp_warned = False # we want only one warning if $TMP not set
-        if opts.output_dir: # simplify for the tool tarball
-            os.chdir(opts.output_dir)
-        self.thumbformat = 'png'
-        self.opts = opts
-        self.toolname = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+', '', opts.tool_name) # a sanitizer now does this but..
-        self.toolid = self.toolname
-        self.myname = sys.argv[0] # get our name because we write ourselves out as a tool later
-        self.pyfile = self.myname # crude but efficient - the cruft won't hurt much
-        self.xmlfile = '%s.xml' % self.toolname
-        rx = open(self.opts.script_path,'r').readlines()
-        rx = [x.rstrip() for x in rx] # remove pesky dos line endings if needed
-        self.script = '\n'.join(rx)
-        fhandle,self.sfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=self.toolname,suffix=".%s" % (opts.interpreter))
-        tscript = open(self.sfile,'w') # use self.sfile as script source for Popen
-        tscript.write(self.script)
-        tscript.close()
-        self.indentedScript = "  %s" % '\n'.join([' %s' % html_escape(x) for x in rx]) # for restructured text in help
-        self.escapedScript = "%s" % '\n'.join([' %s' % html_escape(x) for x in rx])
-        self.elog = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,"%s_error.log" % self.toolname)
-        if opts.output_dir: # may not want these complexities 
-            self.tlog = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,"%s_runner.log" % self.toolname)
-            art = '%s.%s' % (self.toolname,opts.interpreter)
-            artpath = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,art) # need full path
-            artifact = open(artpath,'w') # use self.sfile as script source for Popen
-            artifact.write(self.script)
-            artifact.close()
-        self.cl = []
-        self.html = []
-        self.test1Inputs = [] # now a list
-        a = self.cl.append
-        a(opts.interpreter)
-        a(self.sfile)
-        # if multiple inputs - positional or need to distinguish them with cl params
-        if opts.input_tab:
-            tests = []
-            for i,intab in enumerate(opts.input_tab): # if multiple, make tests
-                if intab.find(',') <> -1:
-                    (gpath,uname) = intab.split(',')
-                else:
-                    gpath = uname = intab
-                tests.append(os.path.basename(gpath))
-            self.test1Inputs =  '<param name="input_tab" value="%s" />' % (','.join(tests))
-        else:
-            self.test1Inputs = ''
-        # we always pass path,name pairs in using python optparse append
-        # but the command line has to be different
-        self.infile_paths = ''
-        self.infile_names = ''
-        if self.opts.input_tab:
-            self.infile_paths = ','.join([x.split(',')[0].strip() for x in self.opts.input_tab])
-            self.infile_names = ','.join([x.split(',')[1].strip() for x in self.opts.input_tab])
-        if self.opts.interpreter == 'python':
-            # yes, this is how additional parameters are always passed in python - to the TF itself and to
-            # scripts to avoid having unknown parameter names (yes, they can be parsed but...) on the command line
-            if self.opts.input_tab:
-                a('--inpaths=%s' % (self.infile_paths)) 
-                a('--innames=%s' % (self.infile_names)) 
-            if self.opts.output_tab:
-                a('--outpath=%s' % self.opts.output_tab) 
-            for p in opts.additional_parameters:
-                p = p.replace('"','')
-                psplit = p.split(',')
-                param = html_unescape(psplit[0])
-                value = html_unescape(psplit[1])
-                a('%s="%s"' % (param,value))
-        if (self.opts.interpreter == 'Rscript'):
-            # pass params on command line as expressions which the script evaluates - see sample
-            if self.opts.input_tab:
-                a('INPATHS="%s"' % self.infile_paths)
-                a('INNAMES="%s"' % self.infile_names)
-            if self.opts.output_tab:
-                a('OUTPATH="%s"' % self.opts.output_tab) 
-            for p in opts.additional_parameters:
-                p = p.replace('"','')
-                psplit = p.split(',')
-                param = html_unescape(psplit[0])
-                value = html_unescape(psplit[1])
-                a('%s=%s' % (param,quote_non_numeric(value)))
-        if (self.opts.interpreter == 'perl'):
-            # pass positional params on command line - perl script needs to discombobulate the path/name lists
-            if self.opts.input_tab:
-                a('%s' % self.infile_paths)
-                a('%s' % self.infile_names)
-            if self.opts.output_tab:
-                a('%s' % self.opts.output_tab)
-            for p in opts.additional_parameters:
-                # followed by any additional name=value parameter pairs
-                p = p.replace('"','')
-                psplit = p.split(',')
-                param = html_unescape(psplit[0])
-                value = html_unescape(psplit[1])
-                a('%s=%s' % (param,quote_non_numeric(value)))
-        if self.opts.interpreter == 'sh' or self.opts.interpreter == 'bash':
-              # more is better - now move all params into environment AND drop on to command line.
-              self.cl.insert(0,'env')
-              if self.opts.input_tab:
-                  self.cl.insert(1,'INPATHS=%s' % (self.infile_paths))
-                  self.cl.insert(2,'INNAMES=%s' % (self.infile_names))
-              if self.opts.output_tab:
-                  self.cl.insert(3,'OUTPATH=%s' % (self.opts.output_tab))
-                  a('OUTPATH=%s' % (self.opts.output_tab))
-              # sets those environment variables for the script
-              # additional params appear in CL - yes, it's confusing
-              for i,p in enumerate(opts.additional_parameters):
-                  psplit = p.split(',')
-                  param = html_unescape(psplit[0])
-                  value = html_unescape(psplit[1])
-                  a('%s=%s' % (param,quote_non_numeric(value)))
-                  self.cl.insert(4+i,'%s=%s' % (param,quote_non_numeric(value)))
-        self.interpreter_owner = 'SYSTEM'
-        self.interpreter_pack = 'SYSTEM'
-        self.interpreter_name = 'SYSTEM'
-        self.interpreter_version = 'SYSTEM'
-        self.interpreter_revision = 'SYSTEM'
-        if opts.envshpath <> 'system': # need to parse out details for our tool_dependency
-            try: # fragile - depends on common naming convention as at jan 2015 = package_[interp]_v0_v1_v2... = version v0.v1.v2.. is in play
-                # this ONLY happens at tool generation by an admin - the generated tool always uses the default of system so path is from local env.sh
-                packdetails = opts.envshpath.split(os.path.sep)[-4:-1]  # eg ['fubar', 'package_r_3_1_1', '63cdb9b2234c']
-                self.interpreter_owner = packdetails[0]
-                self.interpreter_pack = packdetails[1]
-                self.interpreter_name = packdetails[1].split('_')[1].upper()
-                self.interpreter_revision = packdetails[2]
-                self.interpreter_version =  '.'.join(packdetails[1].split('_')[2:])
-            except:
-                pass
-        self.outFormats = opts.output_format
-        self.inputFormats = opts.input_formats
-        self.test1Output = '%s_test1_output.xls' % self.toolname
-        self.test1HTML = '%s_test1_output.html' % self.toolname
-    def makeXML(self):
-        """
-        Create a Galaxy xml tool wrapper for the new script as a string to write out
-        fixme - use templating or something less fugly than this example of what we produce
-        <tool id="reverse" name="reverse" version="0.01">
-            <description>a tabular file</description>
-            <command interpreter="python">
-            reverse.py --script_path "$runMe" --interpreter "python" 
-            --tool_name "reverse" --input_tab "$input1" --output_tab "$output1" 
-            </command>
-            <inputs>
-            <param name="input1"  type="data" format="tabular" label="Select one or more input files from your history"/>
-            <param name="job_name" type="text" label="Supply a name for the outputs to remind you what they contain" value="reverse"/>
-            </inputs>
-            <outputs>
-            <data format="tabular" name="output1q" label="${job_name}"/>
-            </outputs>
-            <help>
-**What it Does**
-Reverse the columns in a tabular file
-            </help>
-            <configfiles>
-            <configfile name="runMe">
-# reverse order of columns in a tabular file
-import sys
-inp = sys.argv[1]
-outp = sys.argv[2]
-i = open(inp,'r')
-o = open(outp,'w')
-for row in i:
-     rs = row.rstrip().split('\t')
-     rs.reverse()
-     o.write('\t'.join(rs))
-     o.write('\n')
-            </configfile>
-            </configfiles>
-            </tool>
-        """ 
-        # these templates need a dict with the right keys to match the parameters - outputs, help, code...
-        xdict = {}
-        xdict['additionalParams'] = ''
-        xdict['additionalInputs'] = ''
-        if self.opts.additional_parameters:
-            if self.opts.edit_additional_parameters: # add to new tool form with default value set to original value
-                xdict['additionalInputs'] = '\n'.join(['<param name="%s" value="%s" label="%s" help="%s" type="%s"/>' % \
-                (x.split(',')[0],html_escape(x.split(',')[1]),html_escape(x.split(',')[2]),html_escape(x.split(',')[3]), x.split(',')[4]) for x in self.opts.additional_parameters])
-        xdict['additionalParams'] = '\n'.join(['<param name="%s" value="%s" />' % (x.split(',')[0],html_escape(x.split(',')[1])) for x in self.opts.additional_parameters])
-        xdict['interpreter_owner'] = self.interpreter_owner
-        xdict['interpreter_version'] = self.interpreter_version
-        xdict['interpreter_pack'] = self.interpreter_pack
-        xdict['interpreter_name'] = self.interpreter_name
-        xdict['requirements'] = ''
-        if self.opts.include_dependencies == "yes":
-            if self.opts.envshpath <> 'system':
-                xdict['requirements'] = self.protorequirements_interpreter % xdict       
-            else:    
-                xdict['requirements'] = self.protorequirements
-        xdict['tool_version'] = self.opts.tool_version
-        xdict['test1HTML'] = self.test1HTML
-        xdict['test1Output'] = self.test1Output
-        xdict['test1Inputs'] = self.test1Inputs
-        if self.opts.make_HTML and self.opts.output_tab:
-            xdict['tooltests'] = self.tooltestsBoth % xdict
-        elif self.opts.make_HTML:
-            xdict['tooltests'] = self.tooltestsHTMLOnly % xdict
-        else:
-            xdict['tooltests'] = self.tooltestsTabOnly % xdict
-        xdict['script'] = self.escapedScript 
-        # configfile is least painful way to embed script to avoid external dependencies
-        # but requires escaping of <, > and $ to avoid Mako parsing
-        if self.opts.help_text:
-            helptext = open(self.opts.help_text,'r').readlines()
-            helptext = [html_escape(x) for x in helptext] # must html escape here too - thanks to Marius van den Beek
-            xdict['help'] = ''.join([x for x in helptext])
-        else:
-            xdict['help'] = 'Please ask the tool author (%s) for help as none was supplied at tool generation\n' % (self.opts.user_email)
-        coda = ['**Script**','Pressing execute will run the following code over your input file and generate some outputs in your history::']
-        coda.append('\n')
-        coda.append(self.indentedScript)
-        coda.append('\n**Attribution**\nThis Galaxy tool was created by %s at %s\nusing the Galaxy Tool Factory.\n' % (self.opts.user_email,timenow()))
-        coda.append('See %s for details of that project' % (toolFactoryURL))
-        coda.append('Please cite: Creating re-usable tools from scripts: The Galaxy Tool Factory. Ross Lazarus; Antony Kaspi; Mark Ziemann; The Galaxy Team. ')
-        coda.append('Bioinformatics 2012; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts573\n')
-        xdict['help'] = '%s\n%s' % (xdict['help'],'\n'.join(coda))
-        if self.opts.tool_desc:
-            xdict['tooldesc'] = '<description>%s</description>' % self.opts.tool_desc
-        else:
-            xdict['tooldesc'] = ''
-        xdict['command_outputs'] = '' 
-        xdict['outputs'] = '' 
-        if self.opts.input_tab:
-            cins = ['\n',]
-            cins.append('--input_formats %s' % self.opts.input_formats)
-            cins.append('#for intab in $input1:')
-            cins.append('--input_tab "${intab},${intab.name}"')
-            cins.append('#end for\n')
-            xdict['command_inputs'] = '\n'.join(cins)
-            xdict['inputs'] = '''<param name="input_tab" multiple="true"  type="data" format="%s" label="Select one or more %s input files from your history"
-                    help="Multiple inputs may be selected assuming the script can deal with them..."/> \n''' % (self.inputFormats,self.inputFormats)
-        else:
-            xdict['command_inputs'] = '' # assume no input - eg a random data generator       
-            xdict['inputs'] = ''
-        if (len(self.opts.additional_parameters) > 0):
-            cins = ['\n',]
-            for params in self.opts.additional_parameters:
-                    psplit = params.split(',') # name,value...
-                    psplit[3] = html_escape(psplit[3])
-                    if self.opts.edit_additional_parameters:
-                        psplit[1] = '$%s' % psplit[0] # replace with form value
-                    else:
-                        psplit[1] = html_escape(psplit[1]) # leave prespecified value
-                    cins.append('--additional_parameters """%s"""' % ','.join(psplit)) 
-            xdict['command_inputs'] = '%s\n%s' % (xdict['command_inputs'],'\n'.join(cins))
-        xdict['inputs'] += '<param name="job_name" type="text" size="60" label="Supply a name for the outputs to remind you what they contain" value="%s"/> \n' % self.toolname
-        xdict['toolname'] = self.toolname
-        xdict['toolid'] = self.toolid
-        xdict['interpreter'] = self.opts.interpreter
-        xdict['scriptname'] = self.sfile
-        if self.opts.make_HTML:
-            xdict['command_outputs'] += ' --output_dir "$html_file.files_path" --output_html "$html_file" --make_HTML "yes"'
-            xdict['outputs'] +=  ' <data format="html" name="html_file" label="${job_name}.html"/>\n'
-        else:
-            xdict['command_outputs'] += ' --output_dir "./"' 
-        if self.opts.output_tab:
-            xdict['command_outputs'] += ' --output_tab "$output1"'
-            xdict['outputs'] += ' <data format="%s" name="output1" label="${job_name}"/>\n' % self.outFormats
-        xdict['command'] = self.newCommand % xdict
-        if self.opts.citations:
-            citationstext = open(self.opts.citations,'r').read()
-            citation_tuples = parse_citations(citationstext)
-            citations_xml = ""
-            for citation_type, citation_content in citation_tuples:
-                citation_xml = """<citation type="%s">%s</citation>""" % (citation_type, html_escape(citation_content))
-                citations_xml += citation_xml
-            xdict['citations'] = citations_xml
-        else:
-            xdict['citations'] = ""
-        xmls = self.newXML % xdict
-        xf = open(self.xmlfile,'w')
-        xf.write(xmls)
-        xf.write('\n')
-        xf.close()
-        # ready for the tarball
+		"""
+		# need interp and executable (?script) or else executable only
+		if self.args.interpreter_name:
+			exe = "$runMe" # our dynamic script from the tool builder
+			interp = self.args.interpreter_name
+		else:
+			interp = None
+			exe = self.args.exe_package
+		assert exe != None, 'No interpeter or executable passed in to makeXML'
+		tool = gxt.Tool(self.args.tool_name,self.tool_id,self.args.tool_version,self.args.tool_desc,exe)
+		if interp:
+			tool.interpreter=interp
+		if self.args.help_text:
+			helptext = open(self.args.help_text,'r').readlines()
+			helptext = [html_escape(x) for x in helptext] # must html escape here too - thanks to Marius van den Beek
+			tool.help = ''.join([x for x in helptext])
+		else:
+				tool.help = 'Please ask the tool author (%s) for help as none was supplied at tool generation\n' % (user_email)
+		tool.version_command = None # do not want
+		inputs = gxtp.Inputs()
+		outputs = gxtp.Outputs()
+		requirements = gxtp.Requirements()
+		testparam = []
+		is_positional = (self.args.parampass == 'positional')
+		if self.args.include_dependencies == "yes":
+			requirements.append(gxtp.Requirement('package', 'ghostscript'))
+			requirements.append(gxtp.Requirement('package', 'graphicsmagick'))
+		if self.args.interpreter_name:
+			if self.args.interpreter_name == 'python': # always needed for this runner script
+				requirements.append(gxtp.Requirement('package', 'python',self.args.interpreter_version))
+			elif not self.args.interpreter_name in ['bash','sh']:
+				requirements.append(gxtp.Requirement('package', self.args.interpreter_name,self.args.interpreter_version))
+		else:
+			if self.args.exe_package: # uses exe not interpreter
+				requirements.append(gxtp.Requirement('package', self.args.exe_package,self.args.exe_package_version))
+		tool.requirements = requirements
+		for i,infpath in enumerate(self.infile_paths):
+			if self.args.parampass == 0:
+				assert len(self.infile_name) == 1,'Maximum one "<" if parampass is 0 - more than one input files supplied'
+			newname = self.infile_name[i]
+			if len(newname) > 1:
+				ndash = 2
+			else:
+				ndash = 1	
+			if not len(self.infile_label[i]) > 0:
+				alab = self.infile_name[i]
+			else:
+				alab = self.infile_label[i]
+			aninput = gxtp.DataParam(self.infile_name[i],optional=False, label=alab, help=self.infile_help[i], \
+				format=self.infile_format[i],multiple=False,num_dashes=ndash)
+			if self.args.parampass == '0':
+				aninput.command_line_override = '< $%s' % self.infile_name[i]
+			aninput.positional = is_positional
+			inputs.append(aninput)
+		for parm in self.args.additional_parameters:
+			newname,newval,newlabel,newhelp,newtype,newcl = parm.split(ourdelim)
+			if not len(newlabel) > 0:
+				newlabel = newname
+			if len(newname) > 1:
+				ndash = 2
+			else:
+				ndash = 1	
+			if newtype == "text":
+				aparm = gxtp.TextParam(newname,label=newlabel,help=newhelp,value=newval,num_dashes=ndash)
+			elif newtype == "integer":
+				aparm = gxtp.IntegerParam(newname,label=newname,help=newhelp,value=newval,num_dashes=ndash)
+			elif newtype == "float":
+				aparm = gxtp.FloatParam(newname,label=newname,help=newhelp,value=newval,num_dashes=ndash)
+			else:
+				raise ValueError('Unrecognised parameter type "%s" for additional parameter %s in makeXML' % (newtype,psplit[0]))
+			aparm.positional = is_positional
+			inputs.append(aparm)
+			tparm = gxtp.TestParam(newname,value=newval)
+			testparam.append(tparm)
+		tool.inputs = inputs
+		configfiles = gxtp.Configfiles()
+		configfiles.append(gxtp.Configfile(name="runMe",text=self.script))
+		tool.configfiles = configfiles
+		if self.args.output_tab:
+			ext = self.args.output_format
+			aparm = gxtp.OutputData(self.args.output_cl, format=ext,num_dashes=ndash)
+			if is_positional:
+				aparm.command_line_override = '> $output1'
+			aparm.positional = is_positional
+			outputs.append(aparm)
+		tool.outputs = outputs
+		tests = gxtp.Tests()
+		test_a = gxtp.Test()
+		ext = self.infile_format[0].split(',')[0]
+		if is_positional:
+			param = gxtp.TestParam('input1',value='input1.%s' % ext,ftype=ext)
+		else:
+			param = gxtp.TestParam(self.infile_name[0],value='%s.%s' % (self.infile_name[0],ext),ftype=ext)
+		test_a.append(param)	
+		param = gxtp.TestParam('job_name', value='test_a')
+		test_a.append(param)
+		param = gxtp.TestParam('runMe', value="$runMe")
+		test_a.append(param)
+		for aparam in testparam:
+			test_a.append(aparam)
+		test_out = gxtp.TestOutput(name=self.args.output_cl, value=self.test1Output)
+		test_a.append(test_out)
+		tests.append(test_a)		
+		tool.tests = tests
+		tool.add_comment('Created by %s at %s using the Galaxy Tool Factory.' % (self.args.user_email,timenow()))
+		tool.add_comment('Source in git at: %s' % (toolFactoryURL))
+		tool.add_comment('Cite: Creating re-usable tools from scripts doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts573')
+		exml = tool.export()
+		xf = open(self.xmlfile,'w')
+		xf.write(exml)
+		xf.write('\n')
+		xf.close()
+		# ready for the tarball
-    def makeTooltar(self):
-        """
-        a tool is a gz tarball with eg
-        /toolname/tool.xml /toolname/tool.py /toolname/test-data/test1_in.foo ...
-        """
-        retval = self.run()
-        if retval:
-            print >> sys.stderr,'## Run failed. Cannot build yet. Please fix and retry'
-            sys.exit(1)
-        tdir = self.toolname
-        os.mkdir(tdir)
-        self.makeXML()
-        if self.opts.help_text:
-            hlp = open(self.opts.help_text,'r').read()
-        else:
-            hlp = 'Please ask the tool author for help as none was supplied at tool generation\n'
-        readme_dict = {'readme':hlp,'interpreter':self.opts.interpreter,'interpreter_version':self.interpreter_version,'interpreter_name':self.interpreter_name,
-        'interpreter_owner':self.interpreter_owner,'interpreter_pack':self.interpreter_pack}
-        if self.opts.include_dependencies == "yes":
-            if self.opts.envshpath == 'system':
-                tooldepcontent = self.toolhtmldepskel % readme_dict
-            else:
-                tooldepcontent = self.toolhtmldepinterpskel % readme_dict
-        else:
-            tooldepcontent = self.emptytoolhtmldepskel  % readme_dict
-        depf = open(os.path.join(tdir,'tool_dependencies.xml'),'w')
-        depf.write(tooldepcontent)
-        depf.write('\n')
-        depf.close()
-        testdir = os.path.join(tdir,'test-data')
-        os.mkdir(testdir) # make tests directory
-        for i,intab in enumerate(self.opts.input_tab):
-            si = self.opts.input_tab[i]
-            if si.find(',') <> -1:
-                s = si.split(',')[0]
-                si = s
-            dest = os.path.join(testdir,os.path.basename(si))
-            if si <> dest:
-                shutil.copyfile(si,dest)
-        if self.opts.output_tab:
-            shutil.copyfile(self.opts.output_tab,os.path.join(testdir,self.test1Output))
-        if self.opts.make_HTML:
-            shutil.copyfile(self.opts.output_html,os.path.join(testdir,self.test1HTML))
-        if self.opts.output_dir:
-            shutil.copyfile(self.tlog,os.path.join(testdir,'test1_out.log'))
-        outpif = '%s.py' % self.toolname # new name
-        outpiname = os.path.join(tdir,outpif) # path for the tool tarball
-        pyin = os.path.basename(self.pyfile) # our name - we rewrite ourselves (TM)
-        notes = ['# %s - a self annotated version of %s generated by running %s\n' % (outpiname,pyin,pyin),]
-        notes.append('# to make a new Galaxy tool called %s\n' % self.toolname)
-        notes.append('# User %s at %s\n' % (self.opts.user_email,timenow()))
-        pi = open(self.pyfile,'r').readlines() # our code becomes new tool wrapper (!) - first Galaxy worm
-        notes += pi
-        outpi = open(outpiname,'w')
-        outpi.write(''.join(notes))
-        outpi.write('\n')
-        outpi.close()
-        stname = os.path.join(tdir,self.sfile)
-        if not os.path.exists(stname):
-            shutil.copyfile(self.sfile, stname)
-        xtname = os.path.join(tdir,self.xmlfile)
-        if not os.path.exists(xtname):
-            shutil.copyfile(self.xmlfile,xtname)
-        tarpath = "%s.tar.gz" % self.toolname
-        tar = tarfile.open(tarpath, "w:gz")
-        tar.add(tdir,arcname='%s' % self.toolname)
-        tar.close()
-        shutil.copyfile(tarpath,self.opts.new_tool)
-        shutil.rmtree(tdir)
-        ## TODO: replace with optional direct upload to local toolshed?
-        return retval
-    def compressPDF(self,inpdf=None,thumbformat='png'):
-        """need absolute path to pdf
-           note that GS gets confoozled if no $TMP or $TEMP
-           so we set it
-        """
-        assert os.path.isfile(inpdf), "## Input %s supplied to %s compressPDF not found" % (inpdf,self.myName)
-        hlog = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,"compress_%s.txt" % os.path.basename(inpdf))
-        sto = open(hlog,'a')
-        our_env = os.environ.copy()
-        our_tmp = our_env.get('TMP',None)
-        if not our_tmp:
-            our_tmp = our_env.get('TEMP',None)
-        if not (our_tmp and os.path.exists(our_tmp)):
-            newtmp = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,'tmp')
-            try:
-                os.mkdir(newtmp)
-            except:
-                sto.write('## WARNING - cannot make %s - it may exist or permissions need fixing\n' % newtmp)
-            our_env['TEMP'] = newtmp
-            if not self.temp_warned:
-               sto.write('## WARNING - no $TMP or $TEMP!!! Please fix - using %s temporarily\n' % newtmp)
-               self.temp_warned = True          
-        outpdf = '%s_compressed' % inpdf
-        cl = ["gs", "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-dNOPAUSE", "-dUseCIEColor", "-dBATCH","-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer", "-sOutputFile=%s" % outpdf,inpdf]
-        x = subprocess.Popen(cl,stdout=sto,stderr=sto,cwd=self.opts.output_dir,env=our_env)
-        retval1 = x.wait()
-        sto.close()
-        if retval1 == 0:
-            os.unlink(inpdf)
-            shutil.move(outpdf,inpdf)
-            os.unlink(hlog)
-        hlog = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,"thumbnail_%s.txt" % os.path.basename(inpdf))
-        sto = open(hlog,'w')
-        outpng = '%s.%s' % (os.path.splitext(inpdf)[0],thumbformat)
-        if self.useGM:        
-            cl2 = ['gm', 'convert', inpdf, outpng]
-        else: # assume imagemagick
-            cl2 = ['convert', inpdf, outpng]
-        x = subprocess.Popen(cl2,stdout=sto,stderr=sto,cwd=self.opts.output_dir,env=our_env)
-        retval2 = x.wait()
-        sto.close()
-        if retval2 == 0:
-             os.unlink(hlog)
-        retval = retval1 or retval2
-        return retval
+	def makeTooltar(self):
+		"""
+		a tool is a gz tarball with eg
+		/toolname/tool.xml /toolname/tool.py /toolname/test-data/test1_in.foo ...
+		"""
+		retval = self.run()
+		if retval:
+			sys.stderr.write('## Run failed. Cannot build yet. Please fix and retry')
+			sys.exit(1)
+		tdir = 'tdir_%s' % self.tool_name
+		if not os.path.exists(tdir):
+			os.mkdir(tdir)
+		self.makeXML()
+		if self.args.help_text:
+			hlp = open(self.args.help_text,'r').read()
+		else:
+			hlp = 'Please ask the tool author for help as none was supplied at tool generation\n'
+		readme_dict = {'readme':hlp,'interpreter_name':self.args.interpreter_name,'interpreter_version':self.args.interpreter_version}
+		testdir = os.path.join(tdir,'test-data')
+		if not os.path.exists(testdir):
+			os.mkdir(testdir) # make tests directory
+		for i,infile in enumerate(self.infile_paths):
+			dest = os.path.join(testdir,'%s.%s' % (self.infile_name[i],self.infile_format[i]))
+			if infile != dest:
+				shutil.copyfile(infile,dest)
+		if self.args.output_tab and os.path.exists(self.args.output_tab):
+			shutil.copyfile(self.args.output_tab,os.path.join(testdir,self.test1Output))
+		else:
+			print('#### no output_tab %s exists' % self.args.output_tab)
+		if self.args.output_dir:
+			if os.path.exists(self.tlog):
+				shutil.copyfile(self.tlog,os.path.join(testdir,'test1_out.log'))
+		stname = os.path.join(tdir,self.sfile)
+		if not os.path.exists(stname):
+			shutil.copyfile(self.sfile, stname)
+		xtname = os.path.join(tdir,self.xmlfile)
+		if not os.path.exists(xtname):
+			shutil.copyfile(self.xmlfile,xtname)
+		tarpath = "%s.tar.gz" % self.tool_name
+		tar = tarfile.open(tarpath, "w:gz")
+		tar.add(tdir,recursive=True,arcname='%s' % self.tool_name)
+		tar.close()
+		shutil.copyfile(tarpath,self.args.new_tool)
+		shutil.rmtree(tdir)
+		## TODO: replace with optional direct upload to local toolshed?
+		return retval
-    def getfSize(self,fpath,outpath):
-        """
-        format a nice file size string
-        """
-        size = ''
-        fp = os.path.join(outpath,fpath)
-        if os.path.isfile(fp):
-            size = '0 B'
-            n = float(os.path.getsize(fp))
-            if n > 2**20:
-                size = '%1.1f MB' % (n/2**20)
-            elif n > 2**10:
-                size = '%1.1f KB' % (n/2**10)
-            elif n > 0:
-                size = '%d B' % (int(n))
-        return size
-    def makeHtml(self):
-        """ Create an HTML file content to list all the artifacts found in the output_dir
-        """
-        galhtmlprefix = """<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 
-        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> 
-        <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
-        <meta name="generator" content="Galaxy %s tool output - see http://g2.trac.bx.psu.edu/" /> 
-        <title></title> 
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style/base.css" type="text/css" /> 
-        </head> 
-        <body> 
-        <div class="toolFormBody"> 
-        """ 
-        galhtmlattr = """<hr/><div class="infomessage">This tool (%s) was generated by the <a href="https://bitbucket.org/fubar/galaxytoolfactory/overview">Galaxy Tool Factory</a></div><br/>""" 
-        galhtmlpostfix = """</div></body></html>\n"""
-        flist = os.listdir(self.opts.output_dir)
-        flist = [x for x in flist if x <> 'Rplots.pdf']
-        flist.sort()
-        html = []
-        html.append(galhtmlprefix % progname)
-        html.append('<div class="infomessage">Galaxy Tool "%s" run at %s</div><br/>' % (self.toolname,timenow()))
-        fhtml = []
-        if len(flist) > 0:
-            logfiles = [x for x in flist if x.lower().endswith('.log')] # log file names determine sections
-            logfiles.sort()
-            logfiles = [x for x in logfiles if os.path.abspath(x) <> os.path.abspath(self.tlog)]
-            logfiles.append(os.path.abspath(self.tlog)) # make it the last one
-            pdflist = []
-            npdf = len([x for x in flist if os.path.splitext(x)[-1].lower() == '.pdf'])
-            for rownum,fname in enumerate(flist):
-                dname,e = os.path.splitext(fname)
-                sfsize = self.getfSize(fname,self.opts.output_dir)
-                if e.lower() == '.pdf' : # compress and make a thumbnail
-                    thumb = '%s.%s' % (dname,self.thumbformat)
-                    pdff = os.path.join(self.opts.output_dir,fname)
-                    retval = self.compressPDF(inpdf=pdff,thumbformat=self.thumbformat)
-                    if retval == 0:
-                        pdflist.append((fname,thumb))
-                    else:
-                        pdflist.append((fname,fname))
-                if (rownum+1) % 2 == 0:
-                    fhtml.append('<tr class="odd_row"><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (fname,fname,sfsize))
-                else:
-                    fhtml.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (fname,fname,sfsize))
-            for logfname in logfiles: # expect at least tlog - if more
-                if os.path.abspath(logfname) == os.path.abspath(self.tlog): # handled later
-                    sectionname = 'All tool run'
-                    if (len(logfiles) > 1):
-                        sectionname = 'Other'
-                    ourpdfs = pdflist
-                else:
-                    realname = os.path.basename(logfname)
-                    sectionname = os.path.splitext(realname)[0].split('_')[0] # break in case _ added to log
-                    ourpdfs = [x for x in pdflist if os.path.basename(x[0]).split('_')[0] == sectionname]
-                    pdflist = [x for x in pdflist if os.path.basename(x[0]).split('_')[0] <> sectionname] # remove
-                nacross = 1
-                npdf = len(ourpdfs)
-                if npdf > 0:
-                    nacross = math.sqrt(npdf) ## int(round(math.log(npdf,2)))
-                    if int(nacross)**2 != npdf:
-                        nacross += 1
-                    nacross = int(nacross)
-                    width = min(400,int(1200/nacross))
-                    html.append('<div class="toolFormTitle">%s images and outputs</div>' % sectionname)
-                    html.append('(Click on a thumbnail image to download the corresponding original PDF image)<br/>')
-                    ntogo = nacross # counter for table row padding with empty cells
-                    html.append('<div><table class="simple" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\n<tr>')
-                    for i,paths in enumerate(ourpdfs): 
-                        fname,thumb = paths
-                        s= """<td><a href="%s"><img src="%s" title="Click to download a PDF of %s" hspace="5" width="%d" 
-                           alt="Image called %s"/></a></td>\n""" % (fname,thumb,fname,width,fname)
-                        if ((i+1) % nacross == 0):
-                            s += '</tr>\n'
-                            ntogo = 0
-                            if i < (npdf - 1): # more to come
-                               s += '<tr>'
-                               ntogo = nacross
-                        else:
-                            ntogo -= 1
-                        html.append(s)
-                    if html[-1].strip().endswith('</tr>'):
-                        html.append('</table></div>\n')
-                    else:
-                        if ntogo > 0: # pad
-                           html.append('<td>&nbsp;</td>'*ntogo)
-                        html.append('</tr></table></div>\n')
-                logt = open(logfname,'r').readlines()
-                logtext = [x for x in logt if x.strip() > '']
-                html.append('<div class="toolFormTitle">%s log output</div>' % sectionname)
-                if len(logtext) > 1:
-                    html.append('\n<pre>\n')
-                    html += logtext
-                    html.append('\n</pre>\n')
-                else:
-                    html.append('%s is empty<br/>' % logfname)
-        if len(fhtml) > 0:
-           fhtml.insert(0,'<div><table class="colored" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"><tr><th>Output File Name (click to view)</th><th>Size</th></tr>\n')
-           fhtml.append('</table></div><br/>')
-           html.append('<div class="toolFormTitle">All output files available for downloading</div>\n')
-           html += fhtml # add all non-pdf files to the end of the display
-        else:
-            html.append('<div class="warningmessagelarge">### Error - %s returned no files - please confirm that parameters are sane</div>' % self.opts.interpreter)
-        html.append(galhtmlpostfix)
-        htmlf = file(self.opts.output_html,'w')
-        htmlf.write('\n'.join(html))
-        htmlf.write('\n')
-        htmlf.close()
-        self.html = html
-    def run(self):
-        """
-        Some devteam tools have this defensive stderr read so I'm keeping with the faith
-        Feel free to update. 
-        """
-        if self.opts.envshpath <> 'system':
-            shell_source(self.opts.envshpath)
-            # this only happens at tool generation - the generated tool relies on the dependencies all being set up
-            # at toolshed installation by sourcing local env.sh 
-        if self.opts.output_dir:
-            ste = open(self.elog,'wb')
-            sto = open(self.tlog,'wb')
-            s = ' '.join(self.cl)
-            sto.write('## Executing Toolfactory generated command line = %s\n' % s)
-            sto.flush()
-            p = subprocess.Popen(self.cl,shell=False,stdout=sto,stderr=ste,cwd=self.opts.output_dir)
-            retval = p.wait()
-            sto.close()
-            ste.close()
-            tmp_stderr = open( self.elog, 'rb' )
-            err = ''
-            buffsize = 1048576
-            try:
-                while True:
-                    err += tmp_stderr.read( buffsize )
-                    if not err or len( err ) % buffsize != 0:
-                        break
-            except OverflowError:
-                pass
-            tmp_stderr.close()
-        else:
-            p = subprocess.Popen(self.cl,shell=False)
-            retval = p.wait()
-        if self.opts.output_dir:
-            if retval <> 0 and err: # problem
-                print >> sys.stderr,err
-        if self.opts.make_HTML:
-            self.makeHtml()
-        return retval
+	def run(self):
+		"""
+		Some devteam tools have this defensive stderr read so I'm keeping with the faith
+		Feel free to update. 
+		"""
+		logging.debug('run cl=%s' % str(self.cl))
+		scl = ' '.join(self.cl)
+		err = None
+		if self.args.parampass != '0':
+			ste = open(self.elog,'wb')
+			sto = open(self.tlog,'wb')
+			sto.write(bytes('## Executing Toolfactory generated command line = %s\n' % scl,"utf8"))
+			sto.flush()
+			p = subprocess.run(self.cl,shell=False,stdout=sto,stderr=ste,cwd=self.args.output_dir)
+			sto.close()
+			ste.close()
+			tmp_stderr = open(self.elog, 'rb' )
+			err = ''
+			buffsize = 1048576
+			try:
+				while True:
+					err += str(tmp_stderr.read( buffsize ))
+					if not err or len( err ) % buffsize != 0:
+						break
+			except OverflowError:
+				pass
+			tmp_stderr.close()
+			retval = p.returncode
+		else: # work around special case of simple scripts that take stdin and write to stdout
+			sti = open(self.infile_paths[0],'rb')
+			sto = open(self.args.output_tab,'wb')
+			p = subprocess.run(self.cl, shell=False, stdout=sto,stdin=sti) # must use shell to redirect
+			retval = p.returncode
+			sto.close()
+			sti.close()
+		if self.args.output_dir:
+			if p.returncode != 0 and err: # problem
+				sys.stderr.write(err)
+		logging.debug('run done')
+		return retval
 def main():
-    u = """
-    This is a Galaxy wrapper. It expects to be called by a special purpose tool.xml as:
-    <command interpreter="python">rgBaseScriptWrapper.py --script_path "$scriptPath" --tool_name "foo" --interpreter "Rscript"
-    </command>
-    """
-    op = optparse.OptionParser()
-    a = op.add_option
-    a('--script_path',default=None)
-    a('--tool_name',default=None)
-    a('--interpreter',default=None)
-    a('--output_dir',default='./')
-    a('--output_html',default=None)
-    a('--input_tab',default=[], action="append") # these are "galaxypath,metadataname" pairs
-    a("--input_formats",default="tabular")
-    a('--output_tab',default=None)
-    a('--output_format',default='tabular')
-    a('--user_email',default='Unknown')
-    a('--bad_user',default=None)
-    a('--make_Tool',default=None)
-    a('--make_HTML',default=None)
-    a('--help_text',default=None)
-    a('--tool_desc',default=None)
-    a('--new_tool',default=None)
-    a('--tool_version',default=None)
-    a('--include_dependencies',default=None)   
-    a('--citations',default=None)
-    a('--additional_parameters', dest='additional_parameters', action='append', default=[])
-    a('--edit_additional_parameters', action="store_true", default=False)
-    a('--envshpath',default="system")   
-    opts, args = op.parse_args()
-    assert not opts.bad_user,'UNAUTHORISED: %s is NOT authorized to use this tool until Galaxy admin adds %s to admin_users in universe_wsgi.ini' % (opts.bad_user,opts.bad_user)
-    assert opts.tool_name,'## Tool Factory expects a tool name - eg --tool_name=DESeq'
-    assert opts.interpreter,'## Tool Factory wrapper expects an interpreter - eg --interpreter=Rscript'
-    assert os.path.isfile(opts.script_path),'## Tool Factory wrapper expects a script path - eg --script_path=foo.R'
-    if opts.output_dir:
-        try:
-            os.makedirs(opts.output_dir)
-        except:
-            pass
-    opts.input_tab = [x.replace('"','').replace("'",'') for x in opts.input_tab]
-    for i,x in enumerate(opts.additional_parameters): # remove quotes we need to deal with spaces in CL params
-        opts.additional_parameters[i] = opts.additional_parameters[i].replace('"','')
-    r = ScriptRunner(opts)
-    if opts.make_Tool:
-        retcode = r.makeTooltar()
-    else:
-        retcode = r.run()
-    os.unlink(r.sfile)
-    if retcode:
-        sys.exit(retcode) # indicate failure to job runner
+	u = """
+	This is a Galaxy wrapper. It expects to be called by a special purpose tool.xml as:
+	<command interpreter="python">rgBaseScriptWrapper.py --script_path "$scriptPath" --tool_name "foo" --interpreter "Rscript"
+	</command>
+	"""
+	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+	a = parser.add_argument
+	a('--script_path',default='')
+	a('--tool_name',default=None)
+	a('--interpreter_name',default=None)
+	a('--interpreter_version',default=None)
+	a('--exe_package',default=None)
+	a('--exe_package_version',default=None)
+	a('--output_dir',default='./')
+	a('--input_files',default=[], action="append") # these are "galaxypath,metadataname" pairs
+	a("--input_formats",default="tabular")
+	a('--output_tab',default=None)
+	a('--output_format',default='tabular')
+	a('--output_cl',default=None)
+	a('--user_email',default='Unknown')
+	a('--bad_user',default=None)
+	a('--make_Tool',default=None)
+	a('--help_text',default=None)
+	a('--tool_desc',default=None)
+	a('--new_tool',default=None)
+	a('--tool_version',default=None)
+	a('--include_dependencies',default=None)   
+	a('--citations',default=None)
+	a('--additional_parameters', dest='additional_parameters', action='append', default=[])
+	a('--edit_additional_parameters', action="store_true", default=False)
+	a('--parampass',default="positional")   
+	args = parser.parse_args()
+	assert not args.bad_user,'UNAUTHORISED: %s is NOT authorized to use this tool until Galaxy admin adds %s to "admin_users" in the Galaxy configuration file' % (args.bad_user,args.bad_user)
+	assert args.tool_name,'## Tool Factory expects a tool name - eg --tool_name=DESeq'
+	assert (args.interpreter_name or args.exe_package),'## Tool Factory wrapper expects an interpreter - eg --interpreter_name=Rscript or an executable package findable by the dependency management package'
+	assert args.exe_package or (len(args.script_path) > 0 and os.path.isfile(args.script_path)),'## Tool Factory wrapper expects a script path - eg --script_path=foo.R if no executable'
+	if args.output_dir:
+		try:
+			os.makedirs(args.output_dir)
+		except:
+			pass
+	args.input_files = [x.replace('"','').replace("'",'') for x in args.input_files]
+	for i,x in enumerate(args.additional_parameters): # remove quotes we need to deal with spaces in CL params
+		args.additional_parameters[i] = args.additional_parameters[i].replace('"','')
+	r = ScriptRunner(args)
+	if args.make_Tool:
+		retcode = r.makeTooltar()
+	else:
+		retcode = r.run()
+	if retcode:
+		sys.exit(retcode) # indicate failure to job runner
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
+	main()