changeset 99:d4d88d393285 draft

author fubar
date Mon, 23 Nov 2020 02:22:01 +0000 (2020-11-23)
parents 67628c7dc9f3
children c749364c2283
files toolfactory/galaxy-tool-test toolfactory/galaxyxml/ toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/ toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/__pycache__/import_xml.cpython-36.pyc toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/ toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/parameters/ toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/parameters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc toolfactory/ toolfactory/rgToolFactory2.xml toolfactory/ toolfactory/
diffstat 12 files changed, 583 insertions(+), 1820 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolfactory/galaxy-tool-test	Mon Nov 23 02:22:01 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse
+import datetime as dt
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from collections import namedtuple
+from concurrent.futures import thread, ThreadPoolExecutor
+import yaml
+from galaxy.tool_util.verify.interactor import (
+    DictClientTestConfig,
+    GalaxyInteractorApi,
+    verify_tool,
+DESCRIPTION = """Script to quickly run a tool test against a running Galaxy instance."""
+DEFAULT_SUITE_NAME = "Galaxy Tool Tests"
+ALL_TOOLS = "*"
+TestReference = namedtuple("TestReference", ["tool_id", "tool_version", "test_index"])
+TestException = namedtuple("TestException", ["tool_id", "exception", "was_recorded"])
+class Results:
+    def __init__(self, default_suitename, test_json, append=False):
+        self.test_json = test_json or "-"
+        test_results = []
+        test_exceptions = []
+        suitename = default_suitename
+        if append:
+            assert test_json != "-"
+            with open(test_json) as f:
+                previous_results = json.load(f)
+                test_results = previous_results["tests"]
+                if "suitename" in previous_results:
+                    suitename = previous_results["suitename"]
+        self.test_results = test_results
+        self.test_exceptions = test_exceptions
+        self.suitename = suitename
+    def register_result(self, result):
+        self.test_results.append(result)
+    def register_exception(self, test_exception):
+        self.test_exceptions.append(test_exception)
+    def already_successful(self, test_reference):
+        test_id = _test_id_for_reference(test_reference)
+        for test_result in self.test_results:
+            if test_result.get('id') != test_id:
+                continue
+            has_data = test_result.get('has_data', False)
+            if has_data:
+                test_data = test_result.get("data", {})
+                if 'status' in test_data and test_data['status'] == 'success':
+                    return True
+        return False
+    def write(self):
+        tests = sorted(self.test_results, key=lambda el: el['id'])
+        n_passed, n_failures, n_skips = 0, 0, 0
+        n_errors = len([e for e in self.test_exceptions if not e.was_recorded])
+        for test in tests:
+            has_data = test.get('has_data', False)
+            if has_data:
+                test_data = test.get("data", {})
+                if 'status' not in test_data:
+                    raise Exception(f"Test result data {test_data} doesn't contain a status key.")
+                status = test_data['status']
+                if status == "success":
+                    n_passed += 1
+                elif status == "error":
+                    n_errors += 1
+                elif status == "skip":
+                    n_skips += 1
+                elif status == "failure":
+                    n_failures += 1
+        report_obj = {
+            'version': '0.1',
+            'suitename': self.suitename,
+            'results': {
+                'total': n_passed + n_failures + n_skips + n_errors,
+                'errors': n_errors,
+                'failures': n_failures,
+                'skips': n_skips,
+            },
+            'tests': tests,
+        }
+        if self.test_json == "-":
+            print(json.dumps(report_obj))
+        else:
+            with open(self.test_json, "w") as f:
+                json.dump(report_obj, f)
+    def info_message(self):
+        messages = []
+        passed_tests = self._tests_with_status('success')
+        messages.append("Passed tool tests ({}): {}".format(
+            len(passed_tests),
+            [t["id"] for t in passed_tests]
+        ))
+        failed_tests = self._tests_with_status('failure')
+        messages.append("Failed tool tests ({}): {}".format(
+            len(failed_tests),
+            [t["id"] for t in failed_tests]
+        ))
+        skiped_tests = self._tests_with_status('skip')
+        messages.append("Skipped tool tests ({}): {}".format(
+            len(skiped_tests),
+            [t["id"] for t in skiped_tests]
+        ))
+        errored_tests = self._tests_with_status('error')
+        messages.append("Errored tool tests ({}): {}".format(
+            len(errored_tests),
+            [t["id"] for t in errored_tests]
+        ))
+        return "\n".join(messages)
+    @property
+    def success_count(self):
+        self._tests_with_status('success')
+    @property
+    def skip_count(self):
+        self._tests_with_status('skip')
+    @property
+    def error_count(self):
+        return self._tests_with_status('error') + len(self.test_exceptions)
+    @property
+    def failure_count(self):
+        return self._tests_with_status('failure')
+    def _tests_with_status(self, status):
+        return [t for t in self.test_results if t.get("data", {}).get("status") == status]
+def test_tools(
+    galaxy_interactor,
+    test_references,
+    results,
+    log=None,
+    parallel_tests=1,
+    history_per_test_case=False,
+    no_history_cleanup=False,
+    retries=0,
+    verify_kwds=None,
+    """Run through tool tests and write report.
+    Refactor this into Galaxy in 21.01.
+    """
+    verify_kwds = (verify_kwds or {}).copy()
+    tool_test_start =
+    history_created = False
+    if history_per_test_case:
+        test_history = None
+    else:
+        history_created = True
+        test_history = galaxy_interactor.new_history(history_name=f"History for {results.suitename}")
+    verify_kwds.update({
+        "no_history_cleanup": no_history_cleanup,
+        "test_history": test_history,
+    })
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=parallel_tests) as executor:
+        try:
+            for test_reference in test_references:
+                _test_tool(
+                    executor=executor,
+                    test_reference=test_reference,
+                    results=results,
+                    galaxy_interactor=galaxy_interactor,
+                    log=log,
+                    retries=retries,
+                    verify_kwds=verify_kwds,
+                )
+        finally:
+            # Always write report, even if test was cancelled.
+            try:
+                executor.shutdown(wait=True)
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                executor._threads.clear()
+                thread._threads_queues.clear()
+            results.write()
+            if log:
+      "Report written to '%s'", os.path.abspath(results.test_json))
+      "Total tool test time: {}".format( - tool_test_start))
+            if history_created and not no_history_cleanup:
+                galaxy_interactor.delete_history(test_history)
+def _test_id_for_reference(test_reference):
+    tool_id = test_reference.tool_id
+    tool_version = test_reference.tool_version
+    test_index = test_reference.test_index
+    if tool_version and tool_id.endswith("/" + tool_version):
+        tool_id = tool_id[:-len("/" + tool_version)]
+    label_base = tool_id
+    if tool_version:
+        label_base += "/" + str(tool_version)
+    test_id = label_base + "-" + str(test_index)
+    return test_id
+def _test_tool(
+    executor,
+    test_reference,
+    results,
+    galaxy_interactor,
+    log,
+    retries,
+    verify_kwds,
+    tool_id = test_reference.tool_id
+    tool_version = test_reference.tool_version
+    test_index = test_reference.test_index
+    # If given a tool_id with a version suffix, strip it off so we can treat tool_version
+    # correctly at least in client_test_config.
+    if tool_version and tool_id.endswith("/" + tool_version):
+        tool_id = tool_id[:-len("/" + tool_version)]
+    test_id = _test_id_for_reference(test_reference)
+    def run_test():
+        run_retries = retries
+        job_data = None
+        job_exception = None
+        def register(job_data_):
+            nonlocal job_data
+            job_data = job_data_
+        try:
+            while run_retries >= 0:
+                job_exception = None
+                try:
+                    if log:
+              "Executing test '%s'", test_id)
+                    verify_tool(
+                        tool_id, galaxy_interactor, test_index=test_index, tool_version=tool_version,
+                        register_job_data=register, **verify_kwds
+                    )
+                    if log:
+              "Test '%s' passed", test_id)
+                    break
+                except Exception as e:
+                    if log:
+                        log.warning("Test '%s' failed", test_id, exc_info=True)
+                    job_exception = e
+                    run_retries -= 1
+        finally:
+            if job_data is not None:
+                results.register_result({
+                    "id": test_id,
+                    "has_data": True,
+                    "data": job_data,
+                })
+            if job_exception is not None:
+                was_recorded = job_data is not None
+                test_exception = TestException(tool_id, job_exception, was_recorded)
+                results.register_exception(test_exception)
+    executor.submit(run_test)
+def build_case_references(
+    galaxy_interactor,
+    tool_id=ALL_TOOLS,
+    tool_version=LATEST_VERSION,
+    test_index=ALL_TESTS,
+    page_size=0,
+    page_number=0,
+    check_against=None,
+    log=None,
+    test_references = []
+    if tool_id == ALL_TOOLS:
+        tests_summary = galaxy_interactor.get_tests_summary()
+        for tool_id, tool_versions_dict in tests_summary.items():
+            for tool_version, summary in tool_versions_dict.items():
+                for test_index in range(summary["count"]):
+                    test_reference = TestReference(tool_id, tool_version, test_index)
+                    test_references.append(test_reference)
+    else:
+        assert tool_id
+        tool_test_dicts = galaxy_interactor.get_tool_tests(tool_id, tool_version=tool_version) or {}
+        for i, tool_test_dict in enumerate(tool_test_dicts):
+            this_tool_version = tool_test_dict.get("tool_version", tool_version)
+            this_test_index = i
+            if test_index == ALL_TESTS or i == test_index:
+                test_reference = TestReference(tool_id, this_tool_version, this_test_index)
+                test_references.append(test_reference)
+    if check_against:
+        filtered_test_references = []
+        for test_reference in test_references:
+            if check_against.already_successful(test_reference):
+                if log is not None:
+                    log.debug(f"Found successful test for {test_reference}, skipping")
+                continue
+            filtered_test_references.append(test_reference)
+"Skipping {len(test_references)-len(filtered_test_references)} out of {len(test_references)} tests.")
+        test_references = filtered_test_references
+    if page_size > 0:
+        slice_start = page_size * page_number
+        slice_end = page_size * (page_number + 1)
+        test_references = test_references[slice_start:slice_end]
+    return test_references
+def main(argv=None):
+    if argv is None:
+        argv = sys.argv[1:]
+    args = _arg_parser().parse_args(argv)
+    log = setup_global_logger(__name__, verbose=args.verbose)
+    client_test_config_path = args.client_test_config
+    if client_test_config_path is not None:
+        log.debug(f"Reading client config path {client_test_config_path}")
+        with open(client_test_config_path) as f:
+            client_test_config = yaml.full_load(f)
+    else:
+        client_test_config = {}
+    def get_option(key):
+        arg_val = getattr(args, key, None)
+        if arg_val is None and key in client_test_config:
+            val = client_test_config.get(key)
+        else:
+            val = arg_val
+        return val
+    output_json_path = get_option("output_json")
+    galaxy_interactor_kwds = {
+        "galaxy_url": get_option("galaxy_url"),
+        "master_api_key": get_option("admin_key"),
+        "api_key": get_option("key"),
+        "keep_outputs_dir": args.output,
+        "download_attempts": get_option("download_attempts"),
+        "download_sleep": get_option("download_sleep"),
+    }
+    tool_id = args.tool_id
+    tool_version = args.tool_version
+    tools_client_test_config = DictClientTestConfig(client_test_config.get("tools"))
+    verbose = args.verbose
+    galaxy_interactor = GalaxyInteractorApi(**galaxy_interactor_kwds)
+    results = Results(args.suite_name, output_json_path, append=args.append)
+    check_against = None if not args.skip_successful else results
+    test_references = build_case_references(
+        galaxy_interactor,
+        tool_id=tool_id,
+        tool_version=tool_version,
+        test_index=args.test_index,
+        page_size=args.page_size,
+        page_number=args.page_number,
+        check_against=check_against,
+        log=log,
+    )
+    log.debug(f"Built {len(test_references)} test references to executed.")
+    verify_kwds = dict(
+        client_test_config=tools_client_test_config,
+        force_path_paste=args.force_path_paste,
+        skip_with_reference_data=not args.with_reference_data,
+        quiet=not verbose,
+    )
+    test_tools(
+        galaxy_interactor,
+        test_references,
+        results,
+        log=log,
+        parallel_tests=args.parallel_tests,
+        history_per_test_case=args.history_per_test_case,
+        no_history_cleanup=args.no_history_cleanup,
+        verify_kwds=verify_kwds,
+    )
+    exceptions = results.test_exceptions
+    if exceptions:
+        exception = exceptions[0]
+        if hasattr(exception, "exception"):
+            exception = exception.exception
+        raise exception
+def setup_global_logger(name, log_file=None, verbose=False):
+    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5s - %(message)s')
+    console = logging.StreamHandler()
+    console.setFormatter(formatter)
+    logger = logging.getLogger(name)
+    logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO)
+    logger.addHandler(console)
+    if not log_file:
+        # delete = false is chosen here because it is always nice to have a log file
+        # ready if you need to debug. Not having the "if only I had set a log file"
+        # moment after the fact.
+        temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="ephemeris_", delete=False)
+        log_file =
+    file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file)
+    logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+"Storing log file in: {log_file}")
+    return logger
+def _arg_parser():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION)
+    parser.add_argument('-u', '--galaxy-url', default="http://localhost:8080", help='Galaxy URL')
+    parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', default=None, help='Galaxy User API Key')
+    parser.add_argument('-a', '--admin-key', default=None, help='Galaxy Admin API Key')
+    parser.add_argument('--force_path_paste', default=False, action="store_true", help='This requires Galaxy-side config option "allow_path_paste" enabled. Allows for fetching test data locally. Only for admins.')
+    parser.add_argument('-t', '--tool-id', default=ALL_TOOLS, help='Tool ID')
+    parser.add_argument('--tool-version', default=None, help='Tool Version (if tool id supplied). Defaults to just latest version, use * to test all versions')
+    parser.add_argument('-i', '--test-index', default=ALL_TESTS, type=int, help='Tool Test Index (starting at 0) - by default all tests will run.')
+    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default=None, help='directory to dump outputs to')
+    parser.add_argument('--append', default=False, action="store_true", help="Extend a test record json (created with --output-json) with additional tests.")
+    parser.add_argument('--skip-successful', default=False, action="store_true", help="When used with --append, skip previously run successful tests.")
+    parser.add_argument('-j', '--output-json', default=None, help='output metadata json')
+    parser.add_argument('--verbose', default=False, action="store_true", help="Verbose logging.")
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--client-test-config', default=None, help="Test config YAML to help with client testing")
+    parser.add_argument('--suite-name', default=DEFAULT_SUITE_NAME, help="Suite name for tool test output")
+    parser.add_argument('--with-reference-data', dest="with_reference_data", default=False, action="store_true")
+    parser.add_argument('--skip-with-reference-data', dest="with_reference_data", action="store_false", help="Skip tests the Galaxy server believes use data tables or loc files.")
+    parser.add_argument('--history-per-suite', dest="history_per_test_case", default=False, action="store_false", help="Create new history per test suite (all tests in same history).")
+    parser.add_argument('--history-per-test-case', dest="history_per_test_case", action="store_true", help="Create new history per test case.")
+    parser.add_argument('--no-history-cleanup', default=False, action="store_true", help="Perserve histories created for testing.")
+    parser.add_argument('--parallel-tests', default=1, type=int, help="Parallel tests.")
+    parser.add_argument('--retries', default=0, type=int, help="Retry failed tests.")
+    parser.add_argument('--page-size', default=0, type=int, help="If positive, use pagination and just run one 'page' to tool tests.")
+    parser.add_argument('--page-number', default=0, type=int, help="If page size is used, run this 'page' of tests - starts with 0.")
+    parser.add_argument('--download-attempts', default=1, type=int, help="Galaxy may return a transient 500 status code for download if test results are written but not yet accessible.")
+    parser.add_argument('--download-sleep', default=1, type=int, help="If download attempts is greater than 1, the amount to sleep between download attempts.")
+    return parser
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
--- a/toolfactory/galaxyxml/	Sun Nov 22 06:29:33 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-from builtins import object
-from builtins import str
-from lxml import etree
-class GalaxyXML(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.root = etree.Element("root")
-    def export(self):
-        return etree.tostring(self.root, pretty_print=True, encoding="unicode")
-class Util(object):
-    @classmethod
-    def coerce(cls, data, kill_lists=False):
-        """Recursive data sanitisation
-        """
-        if isinstance(data, dict):
-            return {k: cls.coerce(v, kill_lists=kill_lists) for k, v in list(data.items()) if v is not None}
-        elif isinstance(data, list):
-            if kill_lists:
-                return cls.coerce(data[0])
-            else:
-                return [cls.coerce(v, kill_lists=kill_lists) for v in data]
-        else:
-            return cls.coerce_value(data)
-    @classmethod
-    def coerce_value(cls, obj):
-        """Make everything a string!
-        """
-        if isinstance(obj, bool):
-            if obj:
-                return "true"
-            else:
-                return "false"
-        elif isinstance(obj, str):
-            return obj
-        else:
-            return str(obj)
-    @classmethod
-    def clean_kwargs(cls, params, final=False):
-        if "kwargs" in params:
-            kwargs = params["kwargs"]
-            for k in kwargs:
-                params[k] = kwargs[k]
-            del params["kwargs"]
-        if "self" in params:
-            del params["self"]
-        if "__class__" in params:
-            del params["__class__"]
-        # There will be more params, it would be NICE to use a whitelist
-        # instead of a blacklist, but until we have more data let's just
-        # blacklist stuff we see commonly.
-        if final:
-            for blacklist in ("positional",):
-                if blacklist in params:
-                    del params[blacklist]
-        return params
--- a/toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/	Sun Nov 22 06:29:33 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-import logging
-from galaxyxml import GalaxyXML, Util
-from galaxyxml.tool.parameters import XMLParam
-from lxml import etree
-VALID_TOOL_TYPES = ("data_source", "data_source_async")
-VALID_URL_METHODS = ("get", "post")
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Tool(GalaxyXML):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        name,
-        id,
-        version,
-        description,
-        executable,
-        hidden=False,
-        tool_type=None,
-        URL_method=None,
-        workflow_compatible=True,
-        interpreter=None,
-        version_command="interpreter filename.exe --version",
-        command_override=None,
-    ):
-        self.executable = executable
-        self.interpreter = interpreter
-        self.command_override = command_override
-        kwargs = {
-            "name": name,
-            "id": id,
-            "version": version,
-            "hidden": hidden,
-            "workflow_compatible": workflow_compatible,
-        }
-        self.version_command = version_command
-        # Remove some of the default values to make tools look a bit nicer
-        if not hidden:
-            del kwargs["hidden"]
-        if workflow_compatible:
-            del kwargs["workflow_compatible"]
-        kwargs = Util.coerce(kwargs)
-        self.root = etree.Element("tool", **kwargs)
-        if tool_type is not None:
-            if tool_type not in VALID_TOOL_TYPES:
-                raise Exception("Tool type must be one of %s" % ",".join(VALID_TOOL_TYPES))
-            else:
-                kwargs["tool_type"] = tool_type
-                if URL_method is not None:
-                    if URL_method in VALID_URL_METHODS:
-                        kwargs["URL_method"] = URL_method
-                    else:
-                        raise Exception("URL_method must be one of %s" % ",".join(VALID_URL_METHODS))
-        description_node = etree.SubElement(self.root, "description")
-        description_node.text = description
-    def add_comment(self, comment_txt):
-        comment = etree.Comment(comment_txt)
-        self.root.insert(0, comment)
-    def append_version_command(self):
-        version_command = etree.SubElement(self.root, "version_command")
-        try:
-            version_command.text = etree.CDATA(self.version_command)
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-    def append(self, sub_node):
-        if issubclass(type(sub_node), XMLParam):
-            self.root.append(sub_node.node)
-        else:
-            self.root.append(sub_node)
-    def clean_command_string(self, command_line):
-        clean = []
-        for x in command_line:
-            if x is not [] and x is not [""]:
-                clean.append(x)
-        return "\n".join(clean)
-    def export(self, keep_old_command=False):  # noqa
-        export_xml = copy.deepcopy(self)
-        try:
-            export_xml.append(export_xml.edam_operations)
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        try:
-            export_xml.append(export_xml.edam_topics)
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        try:
-            export_xml.append(export_xml.requirements)
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        try:
-            export_xml.append(export_xml.configfiles)
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        if self.command_override:
-            command_line = self.command_override
-        else:
-            command_line = []
-            try:
-                command_line.append(export_xml.inputs.cli())
-            except Exception as e:
-                logger.warning(str(e))
-            try:
-                command_line.append(export_xml.outputs.cli())
-            except Exception:
-                pass
-        # Add stdio section
-        stdio = etree.SubElement(export_xml.root, "stdio")
-        etree.SubElement(stdio, "exit_code", range="1:", level="fatal")
-        # Append version command
-        export_xml.append_version_command()
-        # Steal interpreter from kwargs
-        command_kwargs = {}
-        if export_xml.interpreter is not None:
-            command_kwargs["interpreter"] = export_xml.interpreter
-        # Add command section
-        command_node = etree.SubElement(export_xml.root, "command", **command_kwargs)
-        if keep_old_command:
-            if getattr(self, "command", None):
-                command_node.text = etree.CDATA(export_xml.command)
-            else:
-                logger.warning("The tool does not have any old command stored. " + "Only the command line is written.")
-                command_node.text = export_xml.executable
-        else:
-            if self.command_override:
-                actual_cli = export_xml.clean_command_string(command_line)
-            else:
-                actual_cli = "%s %s" % (export_xml.executable, export_xml.clean_command_string(command_line))
-            command_node.text = etree.CDATA(actual_cli.strip())
-        try:
-            export_xml.append(export_xml.inputs)
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        try:
-            export_xml.append(export_xml.outputs)
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        try:
-            export_xml.append(export_xml.tests)
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        help_element = etree.SubElement(export_xml.root, "help")
-        help_element.text = etree.CDATA(
-        try:
-            export_xml.append(export_xml.citations)
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        return super(Tool, export_xml).export()
Binary file toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc has changed
Binary file toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/__pycache__/import_xml.cpython-36.pyc has changed
--- a/toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/	Sun Nov 22 06:29:33 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,713 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-import galaxyxml.tool as gxt
-import galaxyxml.tool.parameters as gxtp
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class GalaxyXmlParser(object):
-    """
-    Class to import content from an existing Galaxy XML wrapper.
-    """
-    def _init_tool(self, xml_root):
-        """
-        Init tool from existing xml tool.
-        :param xml_root: root of the galaxy xml file.
-        :type xml_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        version_cmd = None
-        description = None
-        for child in xml_root:
-            if child.tag == "description":
-                description = child.text
-            elif child.tag == "command":
-                executable = child.text.split()[0]
-                command = child.text
-            elif child.tag == "version_command":
-                version_cmd = child.text
-        tool = gxt.Tool(
-            xml_root.attrib["name"],
-            xml_root.attrib["id"],
-            xml_root.attrib.get("version", None),
-            description,
-            executable,
-            hidden=xml_root.attrib.get("hidden", False),
-            tool_type=xml_root.attrib.get("tool_type", None),
-            URL_method=xml_root.attrib.get("URL_method", None),
-            workflow_compatible=xml_root.attrib.get("workflow_compatible", True),
-            version_command=version_cmd,
-        )
-        tool.command = command
-        return tool
-    def _load_description(self, tool, desc_root):
-        """
-        <description> is already loaded during initiation.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param desc_root: root of <description> tag.
-        :type desc_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-"<description> is loaded during initiation of the object.")
-    def _load_version_command(self, tool, vers_root):
-        """
-        <version_command> is already loaded during initiation.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param vers_root: root of <version_command> tag.
-        :type vers_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-"<version_command> is loaded during initiation of the object.")
-    def _load_stdio(self, tool, stdio_root):
-        """
-        So far, <stdio> is automatically generated by galaxyxml.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param desc_root: root of <stdio> tag.
-        :type desc_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-"<stdio> is not loaded but automatically generated by galaxyxml.")
-    def _load_command(self, tool, desc_root):
-        """
-        <command> is already loaded during initiation.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param desc_root: root of <command> tag.
-        :type desc_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-"<command> is loaded during initiation of the object.")
-    def _load_help(self, tool, help_root):
-        """
-        Load the content of the <help> into the tool.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param requirements_root: root of <help> tag.
-        :type requirements_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
- = help_root.text
-    def _load_requirements(self, tool, requirements_root):
-        """
-        Add <requirements> to the tool.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param requirements_root: root of <requirements> tag.
-        :type requirements_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        tool.requirements = gxtp.Requirements()
-        for req in requirements_root:
-            req_type = req.attrib["type"]
-            value = req.text
-            if req.tag == "requirement":
-                version = req.attrib.get("version", None)
-                tool.requirements.append(gxtp.Requirement(req_type, value, version=version))
-            elif req.tag == "container":
-                tool.requirements.append(gxtp.Container(req_type, value))
-            else:
-                logger.warning(req.tag + " is not a valid tag for requirements child")
-    def _load_edam_topics(self, tool, topics_root):
-        """
-        Add <edam_topics> to the tool.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param topics_root: root of <edam_topics> tag.
-        :type topics_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        tool.edam_topics = gxtp.EdamTopics()
-        for edam_topic in topics_root:
-            tool.edam_topics.append(gxtp.EdamTopic(edam_topic.text))
-    def _load_edam_operations(self, tool, operations_root):
-        """
-        Add <edam_operations> to the tool.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param operations_root: root of <edam_operations> tag.
-        :type operations_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        tool.edam_operations = gxtp.EdamOperations()
-        for edam_op in operations_root:
-            tool.edam_operations.append(gxtp.EdamOperation(edam_op.text))
-    def _load_configfiles(self, tool, configfiles_root):
-        """
-        Add <configfiles> to the tool.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param configfiles_root: root of <configfiles> tag.
-        :type configfiles_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        tool.configfiles = gxtp.Configfiles()
-        for conf in configfiles_root:
-            name = conf.attrib["name"]
-            value = conf.text
-            tool.configfiles.append(gxtp.Configfile(name, value))
-    def _load_citations(self, tool, citations_root):
-        """
-        Add <citations> to the tool.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param citations_root: root of <citations> tag.
-        :type citations_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        tool.citations = gxtp.Citations()
-        for cit in citations_root:
-            cit_type = cit.attrib["type"]
-            value = cit.text
-            tool.citations.append(gxtp.Citation(cit_type, value))
-    def _load_inputs(self, tool, inputs_root):
-        """
-        Add <inputs> to the tool using the :class:`galaxyxml.tool.import_xml.InputsParser` object.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param inputs_root: root of <inputs> tag.
-        :type inputs_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        tool.inputs = gxtp.Inputs()
-        inp_parser = InputsParser()
-        inp_parser.load_inputs(tool.inputs, inputs_root)
-    def _load_outputs(self, tool, outputs_root):
-        """
-        Add <outputs> to the tool using the :class:`galaxyxml.tool.import_xml.OutputsParser` object.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param outputs_root: root of <outputs> tag.
-        :type outputs_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        tool.outputs = gxtp.Outputs()
-        out_parser = OutputsParser()
-        out_parser.load_outputs(tool.outputs, outputs_root)
-    def _load_tests(self, tool, tests_root):
-        """
-        Add <tests> to the tool using the :class:`galaxyxml.tool.import_xml.TestsParser` object.
-        :param tool: Tool object from galaxyxml.
-        :type tool: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        :param tests_root: root of <tests> tag.
-        :type tests_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        tool.tests = gxtp.Tests()
-        tests_parser = TestsParser()
-        tests_parser.load_tests(tool.tests, tests_root)
-    def import_xml(self, xml_path):
-        """
-        Load existing xml into the :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool` object.
-        :param xml_path: Path of the XML to be loaded.
-        :type xml_path: STRING
-        :return: XML content in the galaxyxml model.
-        :rtype: :class:`galaxyxml.tool.Tool`
-        """
-        xml_root = ET.parse(xml_path).getroot()
-        tool = self._init_tool(xml_root)
-        # Now we import each tag's field
-        for child in xml_root:
-            try:
-                getattr(self, "_load_{}".format(child.tag))(tool, child)
-            except AttributeError:
-                logger.warning(child.tag + " tag is not processed.")
-        return tool
-class InputsParser(object):
-    """
-    Class to parse content of the <inputs> tag from a Galaxy XML wrapper.
-    """
-    def _load_text_param(self, root, text_param):
-        """
-        Add <param type="text" /> to the root.
-        :param root: root to append the param to.
-        :param text_param: root of <param> tag.
-        :type text_param: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        root.append(
-            gxtp.TextParam(
-                text_param.attrib["name"],
-                optional=text_param.get("optional", None),
-                label=text_param.get("label", None),
-                help=text_param.get("help", None),
-                value=text_param.get("value", None),
-            )
-        )
-    def _load_data_param(self, root, data_param):
-        """
-        Add <param type="data" /> to the root.
-        :param root: root to append the param to.
-        :param data_param: root of <param> tag.
-        :type data_param: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        root.append(
-            gxtp.DataParam(
-                data_param.attrib["name"],
-                optional=data_param.attrib.get("optional", None),
-                label=data_param.attrib.get("label", None),
-                help=data_param.attrib.get("help", None),
-                format=data_param.attrib.get("format", None),
-                multiple=data_param.attrib.get("multiple", None),
-            )
-        )
-    def _load_boolean_param(self, root, bool_param):
-        """
-        Add <param type="boolean" /> to the root.
-        :param root: root to append the param to.
-        :param bool_param: root of <param> tag.
-        :type bool_param: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        root.append(
-            gxtp.BooleanParam(
-                bool_param.attrib["name"],
-                optional=bool_param.attrib.get("optional", None),
-                label=bool_param.attrib.get("label", None),
-                help=bool_param.attrib.get("help", None),
-                checked=bool_param.attrib.get("checked", False),
-                truevalue=bool_param.attrib.get("truevalue", None),
-                falsevalue=bool_param.attrib.get("falsevalue", None),
-            )
-        )
-    def _load_integer_param(self, root, int_param):
-        """
-        Add <param type="integer" /> to the root.
-        :param root: root to append the param to.
-        :param int_param: root of <param> tag.
-        :type int_param: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        root.append(
-            gxtp.IntegerParam(
-                int_param.attrib["name"],
-                int_param.attrib.get("value", None),
-                optional=int_param.attrib.get("optional", None),
-                label=int_param.attrib.get("label", None),
-                help=int_param.attrib.get("help", None),
-                min=int_param.attrib.get("min", None),
-                max=int_param.attrib.get("max", None),
-            )
-        )
-    def _load_float_param(self, root, float_param):
-        """
-        Add <param type="float" /> to the root.
-        :param root: root to append the param to.
-        :param float_param: root of <param> tag.
-        :type float_param: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        root.append(
-            gxtp.FloatParam(
-                float_param.attrib["name"],
-                float_param.attrib.get("value", None),
-                optional=float_param.attrib.get("optional", None),
-                label=float_param.attrib.get("label", None),
-                help=float_param.attrib.get("help", None),
-                min=float_param.attrib.get("min", None),
-                max=float_param.attrib.get("max", None),
-            )
-        )
-    def _load_option_select(self, root, option):
-        """
-        Add <option> to the root (usually <param type="select" />).
-        :param root: root to append the param to.
-        :param option: root of <option> tag.
-        :type float_param: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        root.append(
-            gxtp.SelectOption(
-                option.attrib.get("value", None), option.text, selected=option.attrib.get("selected", False)
-            )
-        )
-    def _load_column_options(self, root, column):
-        """
-        Add <column> to the root (usually <options>).
-        :param root: root to append the param to.
-        :param option: root of <column> tag.
-        :type float_param: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        root.append(gxtp.Column(column.attrib["name"], column.attrib["index"]))
-    def _load_filter_options(self, root, filter):
-        """
-        Add <filter> to the root (usually <options>).
-        :param root: root to append the param to.
-        :param option: root of <filter> tag.
-        :type float_param: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        root.append(
-            gxtp.Filter(
-                filter.attrib["type"],
-                column=filter.attrib.get("column", None),
-                name=filter.attrib.get("name", None),
-                ref=filter.attrib.get("ref", None),
-                key=filter.attrib.get("key", None),
-                multiple=filter.attrib.get("multiple", None),
-                separator=filter.attrib.get("separator", None),
-                keep=filter.attrib.get("keep", None),
-                value=filter.attrib.get("value", None),
-                ref_attribute=filter.attrib.get("ref_attribute", None),
-                index=filter.attrib.get("index", None),
-            )
-        )
-    def _load_options_select(self, root, options):
-        """
-        Add <options> to the root (usually <param type="select" />).
-        :param root: root to append the param to.
-        :param option: root of <options> tag.
-        :type float_param: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        opts = gxtp.Options(
-            from_dataset=options.attrib.get("from_dataset", None),
-            from_file=options.attrib.get("from_file", None),
-            from_data_table=options.attrib.get("from_data_table", None),
-            from_parameter=options.attrib.get("from_parameter", None),
-        )
-        # Deal with child nodes (usually filter and column)
-        for opt_child in options:
-            try:
-                getattr(self, "_load_{}_options".format(opt_child.tag))(opts, opt_child)
-            except AttributeError:
-                logger.warning(opt_child.tag + " tag is not processed for <options>.")
-        root.append(opts)
-    def _load_select_param(self, root, sel_param):
-        """
-        Add <param type="select" /> to the root.
-        :param root: root to append the param to.
-        :param sel_param: root of <param> tag.
-        :type sel_param: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        select_param = gxtp.SelectParam(
-            sel_param.attrib["name"],
-            optional=sel_param.attrib.get("optional", None),
-            label=sel_param.attrib.get("label", None),
-            help=sel_param.attrib.get("help", None),
-            data_ref=sel_param.attrib.get("data_ref", None),
-            display=sel_param.attrib.get("display", None),
-            multiple=sel_param.attrib.get("multiple", None),
-        )
-        # Deal with child nodes (usually option and options)
-        for sel_child in sel_param:
-            try:
-                getattr(self, "_load_{}_select".format(sel_child.tag))(select_param, sel_child)
-            except AttributeError:
-                logger.warning(sel_child.tag + " tag is not processed for <param type='select'>.")
-        root.append(select_param)
-    def _load_param(self, root, param_root):
-        """
-        Method to select which type of <param> is being added to the root.
-        :param root: root to attach param to.
-        :param param_root: root of <param> tag.
-        :type param_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        param_type = param_root.attrib["type"]
-        try:
-            getattr(self, "_load_{}_param".format(param_type))(root, param_root)
-        except AttributeError:
-            logger.warning(param_type + " tag is not processed for <param>.")
-    def _load_when(self, root, when_root):
-        """
-        Add <when> to the root (usually <conditional>).
-        :param root: root to append when to.
-        :param when_root: root of <when> tag.
-        :type when_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        when = gxtp.When(when_root.attrib["value"])
-        # Deal with child nodes
-        self.load_inputs(when, when_root)
-        root.append(when)
-    def _load_conditional(self, root, conditional_root):
-        """
-        Add <conditional> to the root.
-        :param root: root to append conditional to.
-        :param conditional_root: root of <conditional> tag.
-        :type conditional_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        value_ref_in_group = conditional_root.attrib.get("value_ref_in_group", None)
-        # Other optional parameters need to be added to conditional object
-        conditional = gxtp.Conditional(
-            conditional_root.attrib["name"],
-            value_from=conditional_root.attrib.get("value_from", None),
-            value_ref=conditional_root.attrib.get("value_ref", None),
-            value_ref_in_group=value_ref_in_group,
-            label=conditional_root.attrib.get("label", None),
-        )
-        # Deal with child nodes
-        self.load_inputs(conditional, conditional_root)
-        root.append(conditional)
-    def _load_section(self, root, section_root):
-        """
-        Add <section> to the root.
-        :param root: root to append conditional to.
-        :param section_root: root of <section> tag.
-        :type section_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        section = gxtp.Section(
-            section_root.attrib["name"],
-            section_root.attrib["title"],
-            expanded=section_root.attrib.get("expanded", None),
-            help=section_root.attrib.get("help", None),
-        )
-        # Deal with child nodes
-        self.load_inputs(section, section_root)
-        root.append(section)
-    def _load_repeat(self, root, repeat_root):
-        """
-        Add <repeat> to the root.
-        :param root: root to append repeat to.
-        :param repeat_root: root of <repeat> tag.
-        :param repeat_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        repeat = gxtp.Repeat(
-            repeat_root.attrib["name"],
-            repeat_root.attrib["title"],
-            min=repeat_root.attrib.get("min", None),
-            max=repeat_root.attrib.get("max", None),
-            default=repeat_root.attrib.get("default", None),
-        )
-        # Deal with child nodes
-        self.load_inputs(repeat, repeat_root)
-        root.append(repeat)
-    def load_inputs(self, root, inputs_root):
-        """
-        Add <inputs.tag> to the root (it can be any tags with children such as
-        <inputs>, <repeat>, <section> ...)
-        :param root: root to attach inputs to (either <inputs> or <when>).
-        :param inputs_root: root of <inputs> tag.
-        :type inputs_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        for inp_child in inputs_root:
-            try:
-                getattr(self, "_load_{}".format(inp_child.tag))(root, inp_child)
-            except AttributeError:
-                logger.warning(inp_child.tag + " tag is not processed for <" + inputs_root.tag + "> tag.")
-class OutputsParser(object):
-    """
-    Class to parse content of the <outputs> tag from a Galaxy XML wrapper.
-    """
-    def _load_data(self, outputs_root, data_root):
-        """
-        Add <data> to <outputs>.
-        :param outputs_root: <outputs> root to append <data> to.
-        :param data_root: root of <data> tag.
-        :param data_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        data = gxtp.OutputData(
-            data_root.attrib.get("name", None),
-            data_root.attrib.get("format", None),
-            format_source=data_root.attrib.get("format_source", None),
-            metadata_source=data_root.attrib.get("metadata_source", None),
-            label=data_root.attrib.get("label", None),
-            from_work_dir=data_root.attrib.get("from_work_dir", None),
-            hidden=data_root.attrib.get("hidden", False),
-        )
-        # Deal with child nodes
-        for data_child in data_root:
-            try:
-                getattr(self, "_load_{}".format(data_child.tag))(data, data_child)
-            except AttributeError:
-                logger.warning(data_child.tag + " tag is not processed for <data>.")
-        outputs_root.append(data)
-    def _load_change_format(self, root, chfmt_root):
-        """
-        Add <change_format> to root (<data>).
-        :param root: root to append <change_format> to.
-        :param chfm_root: root of <change_format> tag.
-        :param chfm_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        change_format = gxtp.ChangeFormat()
-        for chfmt_child in chfmt_root:
-            change_format.append(
-                gxtp.ChangeFormatWhen(
-                    chfmt_child.attrib["input"], chfmt_child.attrib["format"], chfmt_child.attrib["value"]
-                )
-            )
-        root.append(change_format)
-    def _load_collection(self, outputs_root, coll_root):
-        """
-        Add <collection> to <outputs>.
-        :param outputs_root: <outputs> root to append <collection> to.
-        :param coll_root: root of <collection> tag.
-        :param coll_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        collection = gxtp.OutputCollection(
-            coll_root.attrib["name"],
-            type=coll_root.attrib.get("type", None),
-            label=coll_root.attrib.get("label", None),
-            format_source=coll_root.attrib.get("format_source", None),
-            type_source=coll_root.attrib.get("type_source", None),
-            structured_like=coll_root.attrib.get("structured_like", None),
-            inherit_format=coll_root.attrib.get("inherit_format", None),
-        )
-        # Deal with child nodes
-        for coll_child in coll_root:
-            try:
-                getattr(self, "_load_{}".format(coll_child.tag))(collection, coll_child)
-            except AttributeError:
-                logger.warning(coll_child.tag + " tag is not processed for <collection>.")
-        outputs_root.append(collection)
-    def _load_discover_datasets(self, root, disc_root):
-        """
-        Add <discover_datasets> to root (<collection>).
-        :param root: root to append <collection> to.
-        :param disc_root: root of <discover_datasets> tag.
-        :param disc_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        root.append(
-            gxtp.DiscoverDatasets(
-                disc_root.attrib["pattern"],
-                directory=disc_root.attrib.get("directory", None),
-                format=disc_root.attrib.get("format", None),
-                ext=disc_root.attrib.get("ext", None),
-                visible=disc_root.attrib.get("visible", None),
-            )
-        )
-    def _load_filter(self, root, filter_root):
-        """
-        Add <filter> to root (<collection> or <data>).
-        :param root: root to append <collection> to.
-        :param coll_root: root of <filter> tag.
-        :param coll_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        root.append(gxtp.OutputFilter(filter_root.text))
-    def load_outputs(self, root, outputs_root):
-        """
-        Add <outputs> to the root.
-        :param root: root to attach <outputs> to (<tool>).
-        :param tests_root: root of <outputs> tag.
-        :type tests_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        for out_child in outputs_root:
-            try:
-                getattr(self, "_load_{}".format(out_child.tag))(root, out_child)
-            except AttributeError:
-                logger.warning(out_child.tag + " tag is not processed for <outputs>.")
-class TestsParser(object):
-    """
-    Class to parse content of the <tests> tag from a Galaxy XML wrapper.
-    """
-    def _load_param(self, test_root, param_root):
-        """
-        Add <param> to the <test>.
-        :param root: <test> root to append <param> to.
-        :param repeat_root: root of <param> tag.
-        :param repeat_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        test_root.append(
-            gxtp.TestParam(
-                param_root.attrib["name"],
-                value=param_root.attrib.get("value", None),
-                ftype=param_root.attrib.get("ftype", None),
-                dbkey=param_root.attrib.get("dbkey", None),
-            )
-        )
-    def _load_output(self, test_root, output_root):
-        """
-        Add <output> to the <test>.
-        :param root: <test> root to append <output> to.
-        :param repeat_root: root of <output> tag.
-        :param repeat_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        test_root.append(
-            gxtp.TestOutput(
-                name=output_root.attrib.get("name", None),
-                file=output_root.attrib.get("file", None),
-                ftype=output_root.attrib.get("ftype", None),
-                sort=output_root.attrib.get("sort", None),
-                value=output_root.attrib.get("value", None),
-                md5=output_root.attrib.get("md5", None),
-                checksum=output_root.attrib.get("checksum", None),
-                compare=output_root.attrib.get("compare", None),
-                lines_diff=output_root.attrib.get("lines_diff", None),
-                delta=output_root.attrib.get("delta", None),
-            )
-        )
-    def load_tests(self, root, tests_root):
-        """
-        Add <tests> to the root.
-        :param root: root to attach <tests> to (<tool>).
-        :param tests_root: root of <tests> tag.
-        :type tests_root: :class:`xml.etree._Element`
-        """
-        for test_root in tests_root:
-            test = gxtp.Test()
-            for test_child in test_root:
-                try:
-                    getattr(self, "_load_{}".format(test_child.tag))(test, test_child)
-                except AttributeError:
-                    logger.warning(test_child.tag + " tag is not processed within <test>.")
-            root.append(test)
--- a/toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/parameters/	Sun Nov 22 06:29:33 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,739 +0,0 @@
-from builtins import object
-from builtins import str
-from galaxyxml import Util
-from lxml import etree
-class XMLParam(object):
-    name = "node"
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        #
-        self.children = []
-        kwargs = {k: v for k, v in list(kwargs.items()) if v is not None}
-        kwargs = Util.coerce(kwargs, kill_lists=True)
-        kwargs = Util.clean_kwargs(kwargs, final=True)
-        self.node = etree.Element(, **kwargs)
-    def append(self, sub_node):
-        if self.acceptable_child(sub_node):
-            # If one of ours, they aren't etree nodes, they're custom objects
-            if issubclass(type(sub_node), XMLParam):
-                self.node.append(sub_node.node)
-                self.children.append(sub_node)
-            else:
-                raise Exception(
-                    "Child was unacceptable to parent (%s is not appropriate for %s)" % (type(self), type(sub_node))
-                )
-        else:
-            raise Exception(
-                "Child was unacceptable to parent (%s is not appropriate for %s)" % (type(self), type(sub_node))
-            )
-    def validate(self):
-        # Very few need validation, but some nodes we may want to have
-        # validation routines on. Should only be called when DONE.
-        for child in self.children:
-            # If any child fails to validate return false.
-            if not child.validate():
-                return False
-        return True
-    def cli(self):
-        lines = []
-        for child in self.children:
-            lines.append(child.command_line())
-            # lines += child.command_line()
-        return "\n".join(lines)
-    def command_line(self):
-        return None
-class RequestParamTranslation(XMLParam):
-    name = "request_param_translation"
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        self.node = etree.Element(
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return isinstance(child, RequestParamTranslation)
-class RequestParam(XMLParam):
-    name = "request_param"
-    def __init__(self, galaxy_name, remote_name, missing, **kwargs):
-        # TODO: bulk copy locals into self.attr?
-        self.galaxy_name = galaxy_name
-        #
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(RequestParam, self).__init__(**params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return isinstance(child, AppendParam) and self.galaxy_name == "URL"
-class AppendParam(XMLParam):
-    name = "append_param"
-    def __init__(self, separator="&amp;", first_separator="?", join="=", **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(AppendParam, self).__init__(**params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return isinstance(child, AppendParamValue)
-class AppendParamValue(XMLParam):
-    name = "value"
-    def __init__(self, name="_export", missing="1", **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(AppendParamValue, self).__init__(**params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return False
-class EdamOperations(XMLParam):
-    name = "edam_operations"
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), EdamOperation)
-    def has_operation(self, edam_operation):
-        """
-        Check the presence of a given edam_operation.
-        :type edam_operation: STRING
-        """
-        for operation in self.children:
-            if operation.node.text == edam_operation:
-                return True
-        return False
-class EdamOperation(XMLParam):
-    name = "edam_operation"
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        super(EdamOperation, self).__init__()
-        self.node.text = str(value)
-class EdamTopics(XMLParam):
-    name = "edam_topics"
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), EdamTopic)
-    def has_topic(self, edam_topic):
-        """
-        Check the presence of a given edam_topic.
-        :type edam_topic: STRING
-        """
-        for topic in self.children:
-            if topic.node.text == edam_topic:
-                return True
-        return False
-class EdamTopic(XMLParam):
-    name = "edam_topic"
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        super(EdamTopic, self).__init__()
-        self.node.text = str(value)
-class Requirements(XMLParam):
-    name = "requirements"
-    # This bodes to be an issue -__-
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), Requirement) or issubclass(type(child), Container)
-class Requirement(XMLParam):
-    name = "requirement"
-    def __init__(self, type, value, version=None, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        passed_kwargs = {}
-        passed_kwargs["version"] = params["version"]
-        passed_kwargs["type"] = params["type"]
-        super(Requirement, self).__init__(**passed_kwargs)
-        self.node.text = str(value)
-class Container(XMLParam):
-    name = "container"
-    def __init__(self, type, value, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        passed_kwargs = {}
-        passed_kwargs["type"] = params["type"]
-        super(Container, self).__init__(**passed_kwargs)
-        self.node.text = str(value)
-class Configfiles(XMLParam):
-    name = "configfiles"
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), Configfile) or issubclass(type(child), ConfigfileDefaultInputs)
-class Configfile(XMLParam):
-    name = "configfile"
-    def __init__(self, name, text, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        passed_kwargs = {}
-        passed_kwargs["name"] = params["name"]
-        super(Configfile, self).__init__(**passed_kwargs)
-        self.node.text = etree.CDATA(str(text))
-class ConfigfileDefaultInputs(XMLParam):
-    name = "inputs"
-    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        passed_kwargs = {}
-        passed_kwargs["name"] = params["name"]
-        super(ConfigfileDefaultInputs, self).__init__(**passed_kwargs)
-class Inputs(XMLParam):
-    name = "inputs"
-    # This bodes to be an issue -__-
-    def __init__(self, action=None, check_value=None, method=None, target=None, nginx_upload=None, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(Inputs, self).__init__(**params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), InputParameter)
-class InputParameter(XMLParam):
-    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
-        # TODO: look at
-        self.mako_identifier = name
-        # We use kwargs instead of the usual locals(), so manually copy the
-        # name to kwargs
-        if name is not None:
-            kwargs["name"] = name
-        # Handle positional parameters
-        if "positional" in kwargs and kwargs["positional"]:
-            self.positional = True
-        else:
-            self.positional = False
-        if "num_dashes" in kwargs:
-            self.num_dashes = kwargs["num_dashes"]
-            del kwargs["num_dashes"]
-        else:
-            self.num_dashes = 0
-        self.space_between_arg = " "
-        # Not sure about this :(
-        #
-        if "label" in kwargs:
-            # TODO: replace with positional attribute
-            if len(self.flag()) > 0:
-                if kwargs["label"] is None:
-                    kwargs["label"] = "Author did not provide help for this parameter... "
-                if not self.positional:
-                    kwargs["argument"] = self.flag()
-        super(InputParameter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-    def command_line(self):
-        before = self.command_line_before()
-        cli = self.command_line_actual()
-        after = self.command_line_after()
-        complete = [x for x in (before, cli, after) if x is not None]
-        return "\n".join(complete)
-    def command_line_before(self):
-        try:
-            return self.command_line_before_override
-        except Exception:
-            return None
-    def command_line_after(self):
-        try:
-            return self.command_line_after_override
-        except Exception:
-            return None
-    def command_line_actual(self):
-        try:
-            return self.command_line_override
-        except Exception:
-            if self.positional:
-                return self.mako_name()
-            else:
-                return "%s%s%s" % (self.flag(), self.space_between_arg, self.mako_name())
-    def mako_name(self):
-        # TODO: enhance logic to check up parents for things like
-        # repeat>condotion>param
-        return "$" + self.mako_identifier
-    def flag(self):
-        flag = "-" * self.num_dashes
-        return flag + self.mako_identifier
-class Section(InputParameter):
-    name = "section"
-    def __init__(self, name, title, expanded=None, help=None, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(Section, self).__init__(**params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), InputParameter)
-class Repeat(InputParameter):
-    name = "repeat"
-    def __init__(self, name, title, min=None, max=None, default=None, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        # Allow overriding
-        self.command_line_before_override = "#for $i in $%s:" % name
-        self.command_line_after_override = "#end for"
-        # self.command_line_override
-        super(Repeat, self).__init__(**params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), InputParameter)
-    def command_line_actual(self):
-        if hasattr(self, "command_line_override"):
-            return self.command_line_override
-        else:
-            return "%s" % self.mako_name()
-class Conditional(InputParameter):
-    name = "conditional"
-    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(Conditional, self).__init__(**params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), InputParameter) and not isinstance(child, Conditional)
-    def validate(self):
-        # Find a way to check if one of the kids is a WHEN
-        pass
-class When(InputParameter):
-    name = "when"
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(When, self).__init__(None, **params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), InputParameter)
-class Param(InputParameter):
-    name = "param"
-    # This...isn't really valid as-is, and shouldn't be used.
-    def __init__(self, name, optional=None, label=None, help=None, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        params["type"] = self.type
-        super(Param, self).__init__(**params)
-        if type(self) == Param:
-            raise Exception("Param class is not an actual parameter type, use a subclass of Param")
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child, InputParameter) or isinstance(child), ValidatorParam)
-class TextParam(Param):
-    type = "text"
-    def __init__(self, name, optional=None, label=None, help=None, value=None, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(TextParam, self).__init__(**params)
-    def command_line_actual(self):
-        try:
-            return self.command_line_override
-        except Exception:
-            if self.positional:
-                return self.mako_name()
-            else:
-                return f"{self.flag}{self.space_between_arg}'{self.mako_name()}'"
-class _NumericParam(Param):
-    def __init__(self, name, value, optional=None, label=None, help=None, min=None, max=None, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(_NumericParam, self).__init__(**params)
-class IntegerParam(_NumericParam):
-    type = "integer"
-class FloatParam(_NumericParam):
-    type = "float"
-class BooleanParam(Param):
-    type = "boolean"
-    def __init__(
-        self, name, optional=None, label=None, help=None, checked=False, truevalue=None, falsevalue=None, **kwargs
-    ):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(BooleanParam, self).__init__(**params)
-        if truevalue is None:
-            # If truevalue and falsevalue are None, then we use "auto", the IUC
-            # recommended default.
-            #
-            # truevalue is set to the parameter's value, and falsevalue is not.
-            #
-            # Unfortunately, mako_identifier is set as a result of the super
-            # call, which we shouldn't call TWICE, so we'll just hack around this :(
-            # params['truevalue'] = '%s%s' % (self.)
-            self.node.attrib["truevalue"] = self.flag()
-        if falsevalue is None:
-            self.node.attrib["falsevalue"] = ""
-    def command_line_actual(self):
-        if hasattr(self, "command_line_override"):
-            return self.command_line_override
-        else:
-            return "%s" % self.mako_name()
-class DataParam(Param):
-    type = "data"
-    def __init__(self, name, optional=None, label=None, help=None, format=None, multiple=None, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(DataParam, self).__init__(**params)
-class SelectParam(Param):
-    type = "select"
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        name,
-        optional=None,
-        label=None,
-        help=None,
-        data_ref=None,
-        display=None,
-        multiple=None,
-        options=None,
-        default=None,
-        **kwargs
-    ):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        del params["options"]
-        del params["default"]
-        super(SelectParam, self).__init__(**params)
-        if options is not None and default is not None:
-            if default not in options:
-                raise Exception("Specified a default that isn't in options")
-        if options:
-            for k, v in list(sorted(options.items())):
-                selected = k == default
-                self.append(SelectOption(k, v, selected=selected))
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), SelectOption) or issubclass(type(child), Options)
-class SelectOption(InputParameter):
-    name = "option"
-    def __init__(self, value, text, selected=False, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        passed_kwargs = {}
-        if selected:
-            passed_kwargs["selected"] = "true"
-        passed_kwargs["value"] = params["value"]
-        super(SelectOption, self).__init__(None, **passed_kwargs)
-        self.node.text = str(text)
-class Options(InputParameter):
-    name = "options"
-    def __init__(self, from_dataset=None, from_file=None, from_data_table=None, from_parameter=None, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(Options, self).__init__(None, **params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), Column) or issubclass(type(child), Filter)
-class Column(InputParameter):
-    name = "column"
-    def __init__(self, name, index, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(Column, self).__init__(**params)
-class Filter(InputParameter):
-    name = "filter"
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        type,
-        column=None,
-        name=None,
-        ref=None,
-        key=None,
-        multiple=None,
-        separator=None,
-        keep=None,
-        value=None,
-        ref_attribute=None,
-        index=None,
-        **kwargs
-    ):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(Filter, self).__init__(**params)
-class ValidatorParam(InputParameter):
-    name = "validator"
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        type,
-        message=None,
-        filename=None,
-        metadata_name=None,
-        metadata_column=None,
-        line_startswith=None,
-        min=None,
-        max=None,
-        **kwargs
-    ):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(ValidatorParam, self).__init__(**params)
-class Outputs(XMLParam):
-    name = "outputs"
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return isinstance(child, OutputData) or isinstance(child, OutputCollection)
-class OutputData(XMLParam):
-    """Copypasta of InputParameter, needs work
-    """
-    name = "data"
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        name,
-        format,
-        format_source=None,
-        metadata_source=None,
-        label=None,
-        from_work_dir=None,
-        hidden=False,
-        **kwargs
-    ):
-        # TODO: validate format_source&metadata_source against something in the
-        # XMLParam children tree.
-        self.mako_identifier = name
-        if "num_dashes" in kwargs:
-            self.num_dashes = kwargs["num_dashes"]
-            del kwargs["num_dashes"]
-        else:
-            self.num_dashes = 0
-        self.space_between_arg = " "
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(OutputData, self).__init__(**params)
-    def command_line(self):
-        if hasattr(self, "command_line_override"):
-            return self.command_line_override
-        else:
-            return "%s%s%s" % (self.flag(), self.space_between_arg, self.mako_name())
-    def mako_name(self):
-        return "$" + self.mako_identifier
-    def flag(self):
-        flag = "-" * self.num_dashes
-        return flag + self.mako_identifier
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return isinstance(child, OutputFilter) or isinstance(child, ChangeFormat) or isinstance(child, DiscoverDatasets)
-class OutputFilter(XMLParam):
-    name = "filter"
-    def __init__(self, text, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        del params["text"]
-        super(OutputFilter, self).__init__(**params)
-        self.node.text = text
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return False
-class ChangeFormat(XMLParam):
-    name = "change_format"
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(ChangeFormat, self).__init__(**params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return isinstance(child, ChangeFormatWhen)
-class ChangeFormatWhen(XMLParam):
-    name = "when"
-    def __init__(self, input, format, value, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(ChangeFormatWhen, self).__init__(**params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return False
-class OutputCollection(XMLParam):
-    name = "collection"
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        name,
-        type=None,
-        label=None,
-        format_source=None,
-        type_source=None,
-        structured_like=None,
-        inherit_format=None,
-        **kwargs
-    ):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(OutputCollection, self).__init__(**params)
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return isinstance(child, OutputData) or isinstance(child, OutputFilter) or isinstance(child, DiscoverDatasets)
-class DiscoverDatasets(XMLParam):
-    name = "discover_datasets"
-    def __init__(self, pattern, directory=None, format=None, ext=None, visible=None, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(DiscoverDatasets, self).__init__(**params)
-class Tests(XMLParam):
-    name = "tests"
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), Test)
-class Test(XMLParam):
-    name = "test"
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return isinstance(child, TestParam) or isinstance(child, TestOutput)
-class TestParam(XMLParam):
-    name = "param"
-    def __init__(self, name, value=None, ftype=None, dbkey=None, **kwargs):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(TestParam, self).__init__(**params)
-class TestOutput(XMLParam):
-    name = "output"
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        name=None,
-        file=None,
-        ftype=None,
-        sort=None,
-        value=None,
-        md5=None,
-        checksum=None,
-        compare=None,
-        lines_diff=None,
-        delta=None,
-        **kwargs
-    ):
-        params = Util.clean_kwargs(locals().copy())
-        super(TestOutput, self).__init__(**params)
-class Citations(XMLParam):
-    name = "citations"
-    def acceptable_child(self, child):
-        return issubclass(type(child), Citation)
-    def has_citation(self, type, value):
-        """
-        Check the presence of a given citation.
-        :type type: STRING
-        :type value: STRING
-        """
-        for citation in self.children:
-            if citation.node.attrib["type"] == type and citation.node.text == value:
-                return True
-        return False
-class Citation(XMLParam):
-    name = "citation"
-    def __init__(self, type, value):
-        passed_kwargs = {}
-        passed_kwargs["type"] = type
-        super(Citation, self).__init__(**passed_kwargs)
-        self.node.text = str(value)
Binary file toolfactory/galaxyxml/tool/parameters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc has changed
--- a/toolfactory/	Sun Nov 22 06:29:33 2020 +0000
+++ b/toolfactory/	Mon Nov 23 02:22:01 2020 +0000
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 # well well. sh --id rgtf2 --report_file tool_tests_tool_conf.html functional.test_toolbox
 # does the needful. Use GALAXY_TEST_SAVE /foo to save outputs - only the tar.gz - not the rest sadly
+# planemo test --engine docker_galaxy --test_data ./test-data/ --docker_extra_volume ./test-data rgToolFactory2.xml
 import argparse
 import datetime
@@ -670,6 +671,93 @@
         logging.debug("run done")
         return retval
+    def gal_tool_test(self):
+        """
+        This handy script writes test outputs even if they don't exist
+        galaxy-tool-test [-h] [-u GALAXY_URL] [-k KEY] [-a ADMIN_KEY] [--force_path_paste] [-t TOOL_ID] [--tool-version TOOL_VERSION]
+        [-i TEST_INDEX] [-o OUTPUT] [--append] [-j OUTPUT_JSON] [--verbose] [-c CLIENT_TEST_CONFIG]
+        galaxy-tool-test -u http://localhost:8080 -a 3c9afe09f1b7892449d266109639c104 -o /tmp/foo -t hello -j /tmp/foo/hello.json --verbose
+        handy - just leaves outputs in -o
+        """
+        if os.path.exists(self.tlog):
+            tout = open(self.tlog, "a")
+        else:
+            tout = open(self.tlog, "w")
+        testouts = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=None, prefix="tftemp")
+        dummy, tfile = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        cll = [
+            os.path.join(self.args.tool_dir,"galaxy-tool-test"),
+            "-u",
+            self.args.galaxy_url,
+            "-k",
+            self.args.galaxy_api_key,
+            "-t",
+            self.args.tool_name,
+            "-o",
+            testouts,
+        ]
+        subp =
+           cll, shell=False, stderr=dummy, stdout=dummy
+        )
+        outfiles = []
+        for p in self.outfiles:
+            oname = p[ONAMEPOS]
+            outfiles.append(oname)
+        with os.scandir(testouts) as outs:
+            for entry in outs:
+                if not entry.is_file():
+                    continue
+                dest = os.path.join(self.tooloutdir,
+                src = os.path.join(testouts,
+                shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
+                dest = os.path.join(self.testdir,
+                src = os.path.join(testouts,
+                shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
+                dest = os.path.join(self.repdir,f"{}_sample")
+                tout.write(f"## found and moved output {} to {dest}\n")
+        tout.close()
+        shutil.rmtree(testouts)
+        return subp.returncode
+    def gal_test(self):
+        """
+        Uses the built in galaxy tool tester
+        export GALAXY_TEST_SAVE="./foo" && export GALAXY_TEST_NO_CLEANUP="1" \
+        && export GALAXY_TEST_TMP_DIR=./foo && sh --id rgtf2 --report_file tool_tests_tool_conf.html functional.test_toolbox
+        """
+        testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=None, prefix="tftemp")
+        tool_test_rep = f"{self.tool_name}_galaxy_test_report_html.html"
+        if os.path.exists(self.tlog):
+            tout = open(self.tlog, "a")
+        else:
+            tout = open(self.tlog, "w")
+        ourenv = os.environ
+        ourenv["GALAXY_TEST_SAVE"] = testdir
+        ourenv["GALAXY_TEST_NO_CLEANUP"] = "1"
+        ourenv["GALAXY_TEST_TMP_DIR"] = testdir
+        cll = [
+       "sh", f"{self.args.galaxy_root}/", "--id", self.args.tool_name,
+       "--report_file", os.path.join(testdir,tool_test_rep), "functional.test_toolbox",
+        ]
+        subp =
+            cll, env = ourenv,
+            shell=False, cwd=self.args.galaxy_root, stderr=tout, stdout=tout
+        )
+        src = os.path.join(testdir, tool_test_rep)
+        if os.path.isfile(src):
+            dest = os.path.join(self.repdir, tool_test_rep)
+            shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
+        else:
+            tout.write(f"### {src} not found\n")
+        tout.close()
+        return subp.returncode
     def shedLoad(self):
         {'deleted': False,
@@ -753,7 +841,7 @@
         return subp.returncode
-    def planemo_shedload(self):
+    def planemo_shedLoad(self):
         planemo shed_create --shed_target testtoolshed
         planemo shed_init --name=<name>
@@ -999,74 +1087,6 @@
         return subp.returncode
-    def gal_test(self, genoutputs=True):
-        """
-export GALAXY_TEST_SAVE="./foo" && export GALAXY_TEST_NO_CLEANUP="1" \
-&& export GALAXY_TEST_TMP_DIR=./foo && sh --id rgtf2 --report_file tool_tests_tool_conf.html functional.test_toolbox
-        """
-        tool_test_rep_path = os.path.join(self.repdir,f"{self.tool_name}_galaxy_test_report_html.html")
-        if os.path.exists(self.tlog):
-            tout = open(self.tlog, "a")
-        else:
-            tout = open(self.tlog, "w")
-        testdir = '/tmp/testdir'
-        ourenv = os.environ
-        ourenv["GALAXY_TEST_SAVE"] = os.abspath(testdir)
-        ourenv["GALAXY_TEST_NO_CLEANUP"] = "1"
-        ourenv["GALAXY_TEST_TMP_DIR"] = os.abspath(testdir)
-        if genoutputs:
-            if not os.path.exists(testdir):
-                os.mkdir(testdir)
-            dummy = open('failedtest.log','w')
-            cll = [
-            "sh", f"{self.args.galaxy_root}/", "--id", self.args.tool_name,
-           "--report_file", tool_test_rep_path, "functional.test_toolbox",
-           ]
-            subp =
-                cll,
-                shell=False,
-                env = ourenv,
-                cwd=self.testdir,
-                stderr=dummy,
-                stdout=dummy,
-            )
-            dummy.close()
-            # if all went well, tgz is in ./test and down a nest of tmp directories lurk the output files
-            outfiles = []
-            for p in self.outfiles:
-                oname = p[ONAMEPOS]
-                outfiles.append(oname)
-            paths = []
-            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(testdir):
-                for f in files:
-                    tout.write(f"{root} {f}\n")
-                    if f in outfiles:
-                        paths.append([root,f])
-                        tout.write(f"## found output {f}")
-            if len(paths) != len(self.outfiles):
-                tout.write(f"## problem - outfiles not all found")
-            for path in paths:
-                fname = path[1]
-                src = os.path.join(path[0],fname)
-                dest = os.path.join(self.testdir,f"{fname}_sample")
-                shutil.copyfile(src,dest)
-        else:
-            cll = [
-           "sh", f"{self.args.galaxy_root}/", "--id", self.args.tool_name,
-           "--report_file", tool_test_rep_path, "functional.test_toolbox",
-            ]
-            subp =
-                cll, env = ourenv,
-                shell=False, cwd=self.testdir, stderr=tout, stdout=tout
-            )
-        tout.close()
-        return subp.returncode
     def writeShedyml(self):
         """for planemo"""
         yuser = self.args.user_email.split("@")[0]
@@ -1112,57 +1132,23 @@
         for p in self.outfiles:
             oname = p[ONAMEPOS]
-            src = os.path.join(self.testdir,oname)
-            if os.path.isfile(src):
-                dest = os.path.join(self.testdir, "%s_sample" % oname)
-                shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
-                dest = os.path.join(self.repdir, "%s.sample" % (oname))
-                shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
-            else:
-                print(
-                    "### problem - output file %s not found in tooloutdir %s"
-                    % (src, self.tooloutdir)
-                )
+            tdest = os.path.join(self.testdir, "%s_sample" % oname)
+            if not os.path.isfile(tdest):
+                src = os.path.join(self.testdir,oname)
+                if os.path.isfile(src):
+                    shutil.copyfile(src, tdest)
+                    dest = os.path.join(self.repdir, "%s.sample" % (oname))
+                    shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
+                else:
+                    print(
+                        "### problem - output file %s not found in testdir %s"
+                        % (tdest, self.testdir)
+                    )
         tf =, "w:gz")
         tf.add(name=self.tooloutdir, arcname=self.tool_name, filter=exclude_function)
         shutil.copyfile(self.newtarpath, self.args.new_tool)
-    def fakeToolTar(self):
-        """move fake outputs into test-data and prepare the tarball"""
-        excludeme = "tool_test_output"
-        def exclude_function(tarinfo):
-            filename =
-            return (
-                None
-                if filename.startswith(excludeme)
-                else tarinfo
-            )
-        for p in self.outfiles:
-            oname = p[ONAMEPOS]
-            src = os.path.join(self.testdir,oname)
-            if os.path.isfile(src):
-                dest = os.path.join(self.testdir, "%s_sample" % oname)
-                shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
-                dest = os.path.join(self.repdir, "%s.sample" % (oname))
-                shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
-            else:
-                with open(src,'w') as fayk:
-                    fayk.write('fake!\n')
-                dest = os.path.join(self.testdir, "%s_sample" % oname)
-                shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
-                print(
-                    "### problem - output file %s not found in tooloutdir %s so faked"
-                    % (src, self.tooloutdir)
-                )
-        tf =, "w:gz")
-        tf.add(name=self.tooloutdir, arcname=self.tool_name, filter=exclude_function)
-        tf.close()
-        shutil.copyfile(self.newtarpath, self.args.new_tool)
     def moveRunOutputs(self):
         """need to move planemo or run outputs into toolfactory collection"""
         with os.scandir(self.tooloutdir) as outs:
@@ -1254,12 +1240,16 @@
-        r.fakeToolTar()
+        r.makeToolTar()
+        #r.planemo_shedLoad()
-        retcode = r.gal_test(genoutputs=True)  # this fails
+        retcode = r.gal_tool_test()  # writes outputs
-        retcode = r.gal_test(genoutputs=False)
+        #r.planemo_shedLoad()
+        r.shedLoad()
+        r.eph_galaxy_load()
+        retcode = r.gal_test()
         print(f"second galaxy_test returned {retcode}")
--- a/toolfactory/rgToolFactory2.xml	Sun Nov 22 06:29:33 2020 +0000
+++ b/toolfactory/rgToolFactory2.xml	Mon Nov 23 02:22:01 2020 +0000
@@ -135,8 +135,6 @@
    <requirement type="package" version="0.4.11">galaxyxml</requirement>
    <requirement type="package" version="0.14.0">bioblend</requirement>
    <requirement type="package" version="0.10.6">ephemeris</requirement>
-   <requirement type="package" version="0.72.0">planemo</requirement>
-   <requirement type="package" version="4.3.1">docker-py</requirement>
   <command ><![CDATA[
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolfactory/	Mon Nov 23 02:22:01 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+planemo test --no_cleanup --no_dependency_resolution --skip_venv --galaxy_root ~/galaxy ~/galaxy/tools/tool_makers/toolfactory &>foo
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolfactory/	Mon Nov 23 02:22:01 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# using the galaxy venv this seems to work
+. /galaxy_venv/bin/activate
+python scripts/tool_shed/ -c config/tool_shed.yml --config-section tool_shed
+# eeesh. /etc/galaxy is where the actual galaxy.yml lives - despite other configs being where they might be expected
+# fix tool_shed.yml to and admin email
+# add tgz to datatypes :(
+# need to source a venv in /export/tool_deps/toolfactorydeps/0.01/fubar/toolfactorydeps/9e9428fe9134/
+# as nothing was done by the setup_virtualenv step apparently.
+# gcc and friends for planemo pip installation
+# File "/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/", line 595, in <listcomp>
+#   test_user = [user for user in all_users if user["email"] == email][0]
+# add local to tool_sheds_conf.xml
+# <tool_sheds>
+#    <tool_shed name="local" url="http://localhost:9009"/>
+# mercurial > 5.5!!