comparison toolfactory/ @ 2:cc1a8fbb0f48 draft

author fubar_too
date Fri, 21 May 2021 00:16:01 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:34ff94460cc3 2:cc1a8fbb0f48
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423 {
424 "label": null,
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443 }
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462 {
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844 {
845 "name": "lisp_out",
846 "type": "txt"
847 }
848 ],
849 "position": {
850 "bottom": 30.199996948242188,
851 "height": 93.19999694824219,
852 "left": 1642.5,
853 "right": 1842.5,
854 "top": -63,
855 "width": 200,
856 "x": 1642.5,
857 "y": -63
858 },
859 "post_job_actions": {},
860 "tool_id": "lisp_demo",
861 "tool_state": "{\"SBCL_Lisp_script_to_execute\": {\"__class__\": \"ConnectedValue\"}, \"__input_ext\": \"txt\", \"chromInfo\": \"/galaxy/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\", \"__page__\": null, \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null}",
862 "tool_version": "0.01",
863 "type": "tool",
864 "uuid": "ced975df-0054-4642-b831-665f6f88d73d",
865 "workflow_outputs": [
866 {
867 "label": null,
868 "output_name": "lisp_out",
869 "uuid": "c0bc1652-93ae-481f-8ad2-47d45b5b4326"
870 }
871 ]
872 },
873 "21": {
874 "annotation": "",
875 "content_id": "rgtf2",
876 "errors": null,
877 "id": 21,
878 "input_connections": {
879 "io_param|ppass|io|history_inputs_0|input_files": {
880 "id": 9,
881 "output_name": "output"
882 }
883 },
884 "inputs": [],
885 "label": null,
886 "name": "toolfactory",
887 "outputs": [
888 {
889 "name": "new_tool",
890 "type": "toolshed.gz"
891 }
892 ],
893 "position": {
894 "bottom": 222.39999389648438,
895 "height": 154.39999389648438,
896 "left": 1642.5,
897 "right": 1842.5,
898 "top": 68,
899 "width": 200,
900 "x": 1642.5,
901 "y": 68
902 },
903 "post_job_actions": {},
904 "tool_id": "rgtf2",
905 "tool_state": "{\"__input_ext\": \"input\", \"chromInfo\": \"/galaxy/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\", \"citations\": [], \"cl_suffix\": \"\", \"cover\": {\"commover\": \"no\", \"__current_case__\": 0, \"command_override\": \"\", \"test_override\": \"\"}, \"deps\": {\"packages\": \"sbcl\", \"usescript\": {\"choosescript\": \"yes\", \"__current_case__\": 1, \"scriptrunner\": \"bash\", \"dynScript\": \"sbcl --script $1\"}}, \"help_text\": \"**What it Does**\\nSays hello world using a trivial lisp script.\\nIt will actually try to run any text file you like from your history but likely fail unless they happen to be valid lisp according to the interpreter dependency.\\nThese demonstrations show what is possible, not what is sensible.\\nPlease don't expose this anywhere.\", \"install\": \"true\", \"io_param\": {\"ppass\": {\"parampass\": \"positional\", \"__current_case__\": 1, \"io\": {\"history_inputs\": [{\"__index__\": 0, \"input_files\": {\"__class__\": \"ConnectedValue\"}, \"input_formats\": [\"txt\"], \"input_label\": \"SBCL Lisp script to execute\", \"input_help\": \"Provide a script in lisp to be interpreted by SBCL\", \"input_CL\": \"1\", \"input_repeat\": \"false\"}], \"history_outputs\": [{\"__index__\": 0, \"history_name\": \"lisp_out\", \"history_format\": \"txt\", \"history_CL\": \"STDOUT\", \"history_test\": \"diff:0\"}], \"collection_outputs\": []}, \"addparam\": {\"edit_params\": \"yes\", \"additional_parameters\": []}}}, \"run_test\": \"true\", \"tool_desc\": \"ToolFactory demonstration using Lisp for the nostalgic.\", \"tool_name\": \"lisp_demo\", \"tool_version\": \"0.01\", \"__page__\": null, \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null}",
906 "tool_version": "2.00",
907 "type": "tool",
908 "uuid": "0241fb8d-f8c7-43c2-953c-95a45d4af735",
909 "workflow_outputs": [
910 {
911 "label": null,
912 "output_name": "new_tool",
913 "uuid": "789a7cc9-bea5-45d2-ae2e-7026265fc835"
914 }
915 ]
916 },
917 "22": {
918 "annotation": "",
919 "content_id": "rgtf2",
920 "errors": null,
921 "id": 22,
922 "input_connections": {
923 "io_param|ppass|io|history_inputs_0|input_files": {
924 "id": 9,
925 "output_name": "output"
926 }
927 },
928 "inputs": [],
929 "label": null,
930 "name": "toolfactory",
931 "outputs": [
932 {
933 "name": "new_tool",
934 "type": "toolshed.gz"
935 }
936 ],
937 "position": {
938 "bottom": -100.60000610351562,
939 "height": 154.39999389648438,
940 "left": 1642.5,
941 "right": 1842.5,
942 "top": -255,
943 "width": 200,
944 "x": 1642.5,
945 "y": -255
946 },
947 "post_job_actions": {},
948 "tool_id": "rgtf2",
949 "tool_state": "{\"__input_ext\": \"input\", \"__workflow_invocation_uuid__\": \"dbb99db2a98811ebbc9e0242ac1b0004\", \"chromInfo\": \"/galaxy/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\", \"citations\": [], \"cl_prefix\": \"\", \"cl_suffix\": \"\", \"cover\": {\"commover\": \"no\", \"__current_case__\": 0, \"command_override\": \"\", \"test_override\": \"\"}, \"deps\": {\"packages\": \"planemo\", \"usescript\": {\"choosescript\": \"yes\", \"__current_case__\": 1, \"scriptrunner\": \"bash\", \"dynScript\": \"cp $1 foo.tar.gz\\ntar -xvf foo.tar.gz\\nTOOLNAME=`find . -name \\\"*.xml\\\"`\\necho \\\"TOOLNAME = $TOOLNAME\\\"\\nplanemo test --test_output $2 $TOOLNAME\"}}, \"help_text\": \"**What it Does**\", \"install\": \"false\", \"io_param\": {\"ppass\": {\"parampass\": \"positional\", \"__current_case__\": 1, \"io\": {\"history_inputs\": [{\"__index__\": 0, \"input_files\": {\"__class__\": \"ConnectedValue\"}, \"input_formats\": [\"tgz\"], \"input_label\": \"ToolFactory toolshed archive from the history to test\", \"input_help\": \"\", \"input_CL\": \"1\", \"input_repeat\": \"false\"}], \"history_outputs\": [{\"__index__\": 0, \"history_name\": \"planemo_test_output\", \"history_format\": \"txt\", \"history_CL\": \"2\", \"history_test\": \"sim_size:0.05\"}], \"collection_outputs\": []}, \"addparam\": {\"edit_params\": \"yes\", \"additional_parameters\": []}}}, \"make\": {\"makeMode\": {\"__current_case__\": 1, \"citations\": [], \"galaxy_apikey\": \"\", \"galaxy_url\": \"\", \"help_text\": \"**What it Does**\\n\\nRuns planemo test on a ToolFactory or other toolshed archive\", \"make_Tool\": \"gentest\", \"tool_desc\": \"Tests a ToolFactory tool\", \"tool_version\": \"0.01\", \"toolshed_apikey\": \"\", \"toolshed_url\": \"\"}}, \"run_test\": \"true\", \"tool_desc\": \"\", \"tool_name\": \"planemo_test\", \"tool_version\": \"0.01\", \"__page__\": null, \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null}",
950 "tool_version": "2.00",
951 "type": "tool",
952 "uuid": "2d826252-a3fc-4e99-8791-2908926cda10",
953 "workflow_outputs": [
954 {
955 "label": null,
956 "output_name": "new_tool",
957 "uuid": "659cabcf-e7db-4b61-8e3c-097a1d25c336"
958 }
959 ]
960 }
961 },
962 "tags": [],
963 "uuid": "308d4b95-f04f-49b0-8674-f0ddf0587850",
964 "version": 1
965 }