view kmc_tools_transform.xml @ 1:c7fda6e88567 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit 3be367228b531c346c10700f07d57ae44394be36-dirty
author galaxy-australia
date Tue, 01 Oct 2024 04:06:26 +0000
parents ca2743037241
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="kmc_transform" name="KMC transform" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@VERSION_SUFFIX@" profile="@PROFILE@">
    <description>single KMC's database</description>
        <xref type=''>kmc</xref>
    <expand macro="requirements" />
    <expand macro="stdio" />
    <expand macro="version_command" /> 
	    mkdir outdir &&
	    #for $f in $input_collection:
	    	#if '.kmc_suf' in str($f.element_identifier)
	    	    ln -s '${f}' db.kmc_suf &&
	    	    ln -s '${f}' db.kmc_pre &&
	        #end if
	    #end for
              #set $operation_arr=[]
              #for $i,$opt in enumerate($operations)
	    	   #silent $operation_arr.append(str($opt.ops.transform_operation))
		   #set $i = $i + 1
	    	   #if str($opt.ops.transform_operation) == "sort" or str($opt.ops.transform_operation) == "reduce" or str($opt.ops.transform_operation) == "compact":
	    		#if str($opt.ops.input_opt.min_kmer_occurrence) != '':
			#end if
	    	        #if str($opt.ops.input_opt.max_kmer_occurrence) != '':
		        #end if
	    		#if str($opt.ops.output_opt.min_kmer_occurrence) != '':
			#end if
	    		#if str($opt.ops.output_opt.max_kmer_occurrence) != '':
			#end if
	    		#if str($opt.ops.output_opt.max_counter_value) != '':
	    		#end if
		   #elif str($opt.ops.transform_operation) == "histogram":
	    	        #if str($opt.ops.input_opt.min_kmer_occurrence) != '':
                        #end if
                        #if str($opt.ops.input_opt.max_kmer_occurrence) != '':
                        #end if
                        #if str($opt.ops.output_opt.min_kmer_value) != '':
                        #end if
                        #if str($opt.ops.output_opt.max_kmer_value) != '':
	    		#end if
		    #elif str($opt.ops.transform_operation) == "dump":
	    		#if str($opt.ops.input_opt.min_kmer_occurrence) != '':
                        #end if
                        #if str($opt.ops.input_opt.max_kmer_occurrence) != '':
                        #end if
	    		#if str($opt.ops.output_opt.sort_output) == "true":
		 	#end if
	    	    #elif str($opt.ops.transform_operation) == "set_counts":
                        #if str($opt.ops.input_opt.min_kmer_occurrence) != '':
                        #end if
                        #if str($opt.ops.input_opt.max_kmer_occurrence) != '':
                        #end if
                   #end if
             #end for

	    #for $i,$op in enumerate($operation_arr):
		 #set $i = $i + 1
                 #if str($op) == "sort" or str($op) == "reduce" or str($op) == "compact" or str($op) == "set_counts":
	             && cp '${op}_${i}'_db.kmc_suf outdir/
	             && cp '${op}_${i}'_db.kmc_pre outdir/
                 #else if str($op) == "histogram":
                     && cp histogram.txt outdir/
                 #else if str($op) == "dump":
                     && cp '${op}'.txt outdir/
                 #end if
             #end for

	  <param name="input_collection" type="data_collection" collection_type="list" label="KMC db"/>
            <repeat name="operations" title="Operations" min="1" max="5">
                   <conditional name="ops">
                     <expand macro="transform_operation"/>
		     <when value="sort">
			     <expand macro="transform_option"/>
		     <when value="reduce">
			     <expand macro="transform_option"/>
		    <when value="compact">
			     <expand macro="transform_option"/>
		    <when value="histogram">
			     <expand macro="histogram_option"/>
		    <when value="dump">
			     <expand macro="dump_option"/>
                    <when value="set_counts">
                             <expand macro="set_count_option"/>
	  <collection name="kmc_db" type="list" label="${} on ${on_string}: kmc outputs">
		  <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+)" format="binary" directory="outdir/" />
	          <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+)\.txt" format="tabular" directory="outdir/" />
             <!-- #1 test perform sort operation on KMC DB -->
            <param name="input_collection">
                <collection type="list">
                    <element name="db.kmc_suf" value="db.kmc_suf"/>
                    <element name="db.kmc_pre" value="db.kmc_pre"/>
            <conditional name="ops">
                   <param name="transform_operation" value="sort"/>
            <section name="input_opt">
                   <param name="min_kmer_occurrence" value="2"/>
                   <param name="max_kmer_occurrence" value="20"/>
            <section name="output_opt">
                   <param name="min_kmer_occurrence" value="3"/>
                   <param name="max_kmer_occurrence" value="30"/>
            <output_collection name="kmc_db" type="list">
                <element name="sort_1_db.kmc_suf" file="sort_1_db.kmc_suf"/>
                <element name="sort_1_db.kmc_suf" file="sort_1_db.kmc_suf"/>
             <!-- #2 test Generate Histogram Table -->
            <param name="input_collection">
                <collection type="list">
                    <element name="db.kmc_suf" value="db.kmc_suf"/>
                    <element name="db.kmc_pre" value="db.kmc_pre"/>
            <conditional name="ops">
                   <param name="transform_operation" value="histogram"/>
            <section name="input_opt">
                   <param name="min_kmer_occurrence" value="3"/>
                   <param name="max_kmer_occurrence" value="30"/>
            <section name="output_opt">
                   <param name="min_kmer_occurrence" value="2"/>
                   <param name="max_kmer_occurrence" value="255"/>
            <output_collection name="kmc_db" type="list">
                <element name="histogram" file="histogram.txt" ftype="tabular"/>
             <!-- #3 test Generate dump Table -->
            <param name="input_collection">
                <collection type="list">
                    <element name="db.kmc_suf" value="db.kmc_suf"/>
                    <element name="db.kmc_pre" value="db.kmc_pre"/>
            <conditional name="ops">
                   <param name="transform_operation" value="dump"/>
            <section name="input_opt">
                   <param name="min_kmer_occurrence" value="3"/>
                   <param name="max_kmer_occurrence" value="30"/>
            <section name="output_opt">
                   <param name="min_kmer_occurrence" value="2"/>
                   <param name="max_kmer_occurrence" value="255"/>
            <output_collection name="kmc_db" type="list">
                <element name="dump" file="dump.txt" ftype="tabular"/>
             <!-- #4 test perform reduce operation -->
            <param name="input_collection">
                <collection type="list">
                    <element name="db.kmc_suf" value="db.kmc_suf"/>
                    <element name="db.kmc_pre" value="db.kmc_pre"/>
	    <repeat name="operations">
                 <conditional name="ops">
                     <param name="transform_operation" value="reduce"/>
                 <section name="input_opt">
                    <param name="min_kmer_occurrence" value="2"/>
                    <param name="max_kmer_occurrence" value="20"/>
           <repeat name="operations">
                 <conditional name="ops">
                     <param name="transform_operation" value="sort"/>
                 <section name="input_opt">
                    <param name="min_kmer_occurrence" value="3"/>
                    <param name="max_kmer_occurrence" value="30"/>
           <repeat name="operations"> 
                 <conditional name="ops">
                     <param name="transform_operation" value="compact"/>
                 <section name="input_opt">
                    <param name="min_kmer_occurrence" value="4"/>
                    <param name="max_kmer_occurrence" value="40"/>
            <output_collection name="kmc_db" type="list">
                <element name="reduce_1_db.kmc_suf" file="reduce_1_db.kmc_suf"/>
		<element name="reduce_1_db.kmc_pre" file="reduce_1_db.kmc_pre"/>
	        <element name="sort_2_db.kmc_suf" file="sort_2_db.kmc_suf"/>
                <element name="sort_2_db.kmc_pre" file="sort_2_db.kmc_pre"/>
		<element name="compact_3_db.kmc_suf" file="compact_3_db.kmc_suf"/>
                <element name="compact_3_db.kmc_pre" file="compact_3_db.kmc_pre"/>

.. class:: infomark

**What it does**
*This operation transforms single KMC database to one or more KMC database(s) or text file(s).*
- input file - path to databases generated by KMC (KMC generates 2 files with the same name, but different extensions (i.e kmc_suf and kmc_pre).

**Available Operations:**

-  sort                       - converts database produced by KMC2.x to KMC1.x database format (which contains k-mers in sorted order)
-  reduce                     - exclude too rare and too frequent k-mers
-  compact                    - remove counters of k-mers
-  histogram                  - produce histogram of k-mers occurrences
-  dump                       - produce text dump of kmc database
-  set_counts <value>         - set all k-mer counts to specific value

**Generate KMC DB**

- kmc -k27 file.fastq kmers_db kmc_tmp_dir

**Example 1: split k-mers on a valid and invalid database**

*Let's suppose k-mers with occurences below 11 are erroneous due to sequencing erros. With reduce we can split k-mer set to one set with valid k-mers and one with invalid:*

- kmc_tools transform kmers_db reduce reduce_1_db -cx10 reduce reduce_2_db -ci11 histogram histogram.txt dump dump.txt

**Example 2: perform all operations**

- kmc_tools transform kmers_db reduce -ci10 reduce_1_db sort sort_2_db compact compact_3_db histogram histogram.txt dump dump.txt


*Example 1:*

- reduce_1_db.kmc_suf
- reduce_1_db.kmc_pre
- reduce_2_db.kmc_suf
- reduce_2_db.kmc_pre
- histogram
- dump

*Example 2:*

- reduce_1_db.kmc_suf
- reduce_1_db.kmc_pre
- sort_2_db.kmc_suf
- sort_2_db.kmc_pre
- compact_3_db.kmc_suf
- compact_3_db.kmc_pre
- histogram
- dump

.. class:: infomark

More information are available on `website <>`_.
        <citation type="doi">DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx304</citation>
	<citation type="doi">DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btv022</citation>
	<citation type="doi">DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-14-160</citation>