diff append_fdr.py @ 0:ef7cc296f063 draft default tip

Initial commit.
author galaxyp
date Fri, 10 May 2013 16:42:08 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/append_fdr.py	Fri May 10 16:42:08 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import optparse
+import sys
+    # Ubuntu deps: gfortan libblas-dev liblapack-dev
+    # pip deps: numpy scipy
+    from math import sqrt
+    from scipy.optimize import root
+    from numpy import arange, exp, concatenate, sum, log, array, seterr
+except ImportError:
+    # Allow this script to be used for global FDR even
+    # if these dependencies are not present.
+    pass
+SEPARATORS = {"TAB": "\t",
+              "SPACE": " ",
+              "COMMA": ","
+             }
+def __main__():
+    run_script()
+def append_fdr(input_file, output, settings):
+    sorted_scores, accum_hits, accum_decoys = _accum_decoys(input_file, settings)
+    fdr_array = compute_fdr(sorted_scores, accum_hits, accum_decoys, settings)
+    index = 0
+    for line in __read_lines(input_file):
+        if not line or line.startswith('#'):
+            continue
+        entry = Entry(line, settings, index)
+        this_fdr = fdr_array[entry.score]
+        new_line = "%s%s%f" % (line, settings["separator"], this_fdr)
+        print >> output, new_line
+        index += 1
+def compute_fdr(sorted_scores, accum_hits, accum_decoys, settings):
+    fdr_type = settings["fdr_type"]
+    compute_functions = {"global_conservative": _compute_fdr_global_conservative,
+                         "global_permissive": _compute_fdr_global_permissive,
+                         #"pspep": _compute_pspep
+                        }
+    return compute_functions[fdr_type](sorted_scores, accum_hits, accum_decoys, settings)
+    #return compute_functions[fdr_type](all_hits_array, decoy_hits_array, settings)
+def _compute_pspep(all_hits, decoy_hits, settings):
+    scaling = _get_scaling(settings)
+    seterr(all="ignore")
+    sigma = array([sqrt(x) if x > 0 else 0.2 for x in decoy_hits])
+    if isinstance(all_hits, list):
+        all_hits = array(all_hits)
+    if isinstance(decoy_hits, list):
+        decoy_hits = array(decoy_hits)
+    searchSeg = concatenate((exp(arange(-8, 9, 2)), -1 * exp(arange(-8, 9, 2))))
+    bestResids = sys.float_info.max
+    bestResidsComb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+    for aEst in searchSeg:
+        for bEst in searchSeg:
+            for cEst in searchSeg:
+                try:
+                    sol = _non_linear_fit(aEst, bEst, cEst, all_hits, decoy_hits, sigma)
+                    if sol[3] and sol[3] < bestResids:
+                        bestResids = sol[3]
+                        bestResidsComb = sol[0:3]
+                except:
+                    pass
+    (a, b, c) = bestResidsComb[0:3]
+    fdr_local = scaling * (exp(b * (all_hits - a)) / (exp(b * (all_hits - a)) + 1)) * c
+    return fdr_local
+def _get_scaling(settings):
+    scaling = float(settings.get("scaling", "2.0"))
+    return scaling
+def _non_linear_fit(aEst, bEst, cEst, all_hits, decoy_hits, sigma, scaling=2):
+    guess = [aEst, bEst, cEst]
+    def f(a, b, c):
+        return c * (log(exp(b * (all_hits - a)) + 1) - log(exp(-b * a) + 1)) / b
+    def fcn(p):
+        a = p[0]
+        b = p[1]
+        c = p[2]
+        return (decoy_hits - f(a, b, c)) / sigma
+    solution = root(fcn, guess, method='lm')
+    a = solution.x[0]
+    b = solution.x[1]
+    c = solution.x[2]
+    resids = sum((decoy_hits - f(a, b, c)) ** 2) / len(all_hits)
+    return (a, b, c, resids)
+def _compute_fdr_global_conservative(sorted_scores, accum_hits, accum_decoys, settings):
+    raw_fdrs = build_raw_fdr_dict(sorted_scores, accum_hits, accum_decoys, settings)
+    fdrs = {}
+    max_fdr = -1
+    for score in sorted_scores:
+        raw_fdr = raw_fdrs[score]
+        if raw_fdr > max_fdr:
+            max_fdr = raw_fdr
+        fdrs[score] = max_fdr
+    return fdrs
+def _compute_fdr_global_permissive(sorted_scores, accum_hits, accum_decoys, settings):
+    raw_fdrs = build_raw_fdr_dict(sorted_scores, accum_hits, accum_decoys, settings)
+    fdrs = {}
+    index = len(sorted_scores) - 1
+    min_fdr = 1
+    while index >= 0:
+        score = sorted_scores[index]
+        raw_fdr = raw_fdrs[score]
+        if raw_fdr < min_fdr:
+            min_fdr = raw_fdr
+        fdrs[score] = min_fdr
+        index -= 1
+    return fdrs
+def build_raw_fdr_dict(sorted_scores, accum_hits, accum_decoys, settings):
+    scaling = _get_scaling(settings)
+    fdrs = {}
+    for score in sorted_scores:
+        fdrs[score] = (scaling * accum_decoys[score]) / accum_hits[score]
+    return fdrs
+def __read_lines(input_file):
+    with open(input_file, 'r') as input:
+        for i, line in enumerate(input):
+            line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
+            yield line
+def __read_entries(input_file, settings):
+    total_hits = 0
+    for line in __read_lines(input_file):
+        if not line or line.startswith('#'):
+            continue
+        entry = Entry(line, settings, total_hits)
+        total_hits = total_hits + 1
+        yield entry
+class Entry(object):
+    def __init__(self, line, settings, index):
+        self.settings = settings
+        line_parts = line.split(settings["separator"])
+        self.identifier = line_parts[settings["identifiers_index"]]
+        if settings["score_column"]:
+            self.score = float(line_parts[settings["score_column"]])
+        else:
+            self.score = index
+    @property
+    def is_decoy(self):
+        return self.identifier.startswith(self.settings["decoy_prefix"])
+def _accum_decoys(input_file, settings):
+    hits_at_score = {}
+    decoys_at_score = {}
+    for entry in __read_entries(input_file, settings):
+        score = entry.score
+        score_total = hits_at_score.get(score, 0) + 1
+        score_decoys = decoys_at_score.get(score, 0) + (1 if entry.is_decoy else 0)
+        hits_at_score[score] = score_total
+        decoys_at_score[score] = score_decoys
+    sorted_scores = sorted(hits_at_score, reverse=not settings["invert_score"])
+    accum_hits = {}
+    accum_decoys = {}
+    accum_hit_count = 0
+    accum_decoy_count = 0
+    for score in sorted_scores:
+        accum_decoy_count += decoys_at_score[score]
+        accum_hit_count += hits_at_score[score]
+        accum_hits[score] = accum_hit_count
+        accum_decoys[score] = accum_decoy_count
+    return (sorted_scores, accum_hits, accum_decoys)
+def _build_arrays(input_file, settings, sorted_scores, accum_hits, accum_decoys):
+    all_hits = []
+    decoy_hits = []
+    for entry in __read_entries(input_file, settings):
+        score = entry.score
+        all_hits.append(accum_hits[score])
+        decoy_hits.append(accum_decoys[score])
+    return (all_hits, decoy_hits)
+def run_script():
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option("--input")
+    parser.add_option("--output")
+    parser.add_option("--decoy_prefix")
+    parser.add_option("--identifiers_column")
+    parser.add_option("--separator", default="TAB")
+    parser.add_option("--fdr_type", default="global_conservative")
+    parser.add_option("--scaling")
+    parser.add_option("--score_column", default=None)
+    # By default higher score is better.
+    parser.add_option("--invert_score", default=False, action="store_true")
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    decoy_prefix = options.decoy_prefix
+    identifiers_column = options.identifiers_column
+    score_column = options.score_column
+    separator = SEPARATORS[options.separator]
+    settings = {"decoy_prefix": decoy_prefix,
+                "identifiers_index": int(identifiers_column) - 1,
+                "fdr_type": options.fdr_type,
+                "separator": separator,
+                "scaling": options.scaling,
+                "invert_score": options.invert_score
+               }
+    if score_column:
+        settings["score_column"] = int(score_column) - 1
+    else:
+        settings["score_column"] = None
+        # Assume data is descending, use index as score and invert.
+        settings["invert_score"] = True
+    with open(options.output, 'w') as output:
+        append_fdr(options.input, output, settings)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    __main__()