diff mqparam.py @ 1:8bac3cc5c5de draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproteomics/tools-galaxyp/tree/master/tools/maxquant commit ab4e4f1817080cbe8a031a82cb180610ff140847
author galaxyp
date Sat, 20 Jul 2019 05:01:05 -0400
children 175e062b6a17
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mqparam.py	Sat Jul 20 05:01:05 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+Create a project-specific MaxQuant parameter file.
+TODO: check validity of parsed experimental design template
+      add support for parameter groups
+      add reporter ion MS2
+      add label free quantification
+      don't hardcode parse rules for fasta files
+Author: Damian Glaetzer <d.glaetzer@mailbox.org>
+import ntpath
+import os
+import re
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from itertools import zip_longest
+from xml.dom import minidom
+class MQParam:
+    """Represents a mqpar.xml and provides methods to modify
+    some of its parameters.
+    """
+    fasta_template = """<FastaFileInfo>
+    <fastaFilePath></fastaFilePath>
+    <identifierParseRule></identifierParseRule>
+    <descriptionParseRule></descriptionParseRule>
+    <taxonomyParseRule></taxonomyParseRule>
+    <variationParseRule></variationParseRule>
+    <modificationParseRule></modificationParseRule>
+    <taxonomyId></taxonomyId>
+    </FastaFileInfo>"""
+    def __init__(self, mqpar_out, mqpar_in, exp_design,
+                 substitution_rx=r'[^\s\S]'):  # no sub by default
+        """Initialize MQParam class. mqpar_in can either be a template
+        or a already suitable mqpar file.
+        >>> t = MQParam("test", './test-data/template.xml', None)
+        >>> t.root.tag
+        'MaxQuantParams'
+        >>> (t.root.find('maxQuantVersion')).text
+        ''
+        """
+        self.orig_mqpar = mqpar_in
+        self.exp_design = exp_design
+        self.mqpar_out = mqpar_out
+        self.root = ET.parse(mqpar_in).getroot()
+        self.version = self.root.find('maxQuantVersion').text
+        # regex for substitution of certain file name characters
+        self.substitution_rx = substitution_rx
+    @staticmethod
+    def _add_child(el, name, text, attrib=None):
+        """Add a child element to an element.
+        >>> t = MQParam("test", './test-data/template.xml', None)
+        >>> MQParam._add_child(t.root, "test", "test")
+        >>> t.root.find('test').text == "test"
+        True
+        """
+        child = ET.SubElement(el, name, attrib=attrib if attrib else {})
+        child.text = str(text)
+    def _make_exp_design(self, infiles):
+        """Create a dict representing an experimental design from
+        an experimental design template and a list of input files.
+        If the experimental design template is None, create a default
+        design with one experiment for each input file, no fractions and
+        parameter group 0 for all files.
+        >>> t2 = MQParam("test", './test-data/template.xml', \
+                         './test-data/two/exp_design_template.txt')
+        >>> design = t2._make_exp_design(['./test-data/BSA_min_21.mzXML', \
+                                          './test-data/BSA_min_22.mzXML'])
+        >>> design['Name']
+        ['./test-data/BSA_min_21.mzXML', './test-data/BSA_min_22.mzXML']
+        >>> design['Fraction']
+        ['1', '2']
+        """
+        design = {s: [] for s in ("Name", "PTM", "Fraction", "Experiment")}
+        if not self.exp_design:
+            design["Name"] = infiles
+            design["Fraction"] = ('32767',) * len(infiles)
+            design["Experiment"] = [os.path.split(f)[1] for f in infiles]
+            design["PTM"] = ('False',) * len(infiles)
+        else:
+            with open(self.exp_design) as design_file:
+                index_line = design_file.readline().strip()
+                index = []
+                for i in index_line.split('\t'):
+                    if i in design:
+                        index.append(i)
+                    else:
+                        raise Exception("Invalid comlumn index in experimental"
+                                        + " design template: {}".format(i))
+                for line in design_file:
+                    row = line.strip().split('\t')
+                    for e, i in zip_longest(row, index):
+                        design[i].append(e)
+            # map infiles to names in exp. design template
+            names = []
+            names_to_paths = {}
+            # strip path and extension
+            for f in infiles:
+                b = os.path.basename(f)
+                basename = b[:-6] if b.endswith('.mzXML') else b[:-11]
+                names_to_paths[basename] = f
+            for name in design['Name']:
+                # same substitution as in maxquant.xml,
+                # when passing the element identifiers
+                fname = re.sub(self.substitution_rx, '_', name)
+                names.append(names_to_paths[fname] if fname in names_to_paths
+                             else None)
+            # replace orig. file names with matching links to galaxy datasets
+            design['Name'] = names
+        return design
+    def add_infiles(self, infiles, interactive):
+        """Add a list of raw/mzxml files to the mqpar.xml.
+        If experimental design template was specified,
+        modify other parameters accordingly.
+        The files must be specified as absolute paths
+        for maxquant to find them.
+        >>> t1 = MQParam("test", './test-data/template.xml', None)
+        >>> t1.add_infiles(('test1', ), True)
+        >>> t1.root.find("filePaths")[0].text
+        'test1'
+        >>> t1.root.find("fractions")[0].text
+        '32767'
+        >>> len(t1.root.find("fractions"))
+        1
+        >>> t2 = MQParam("test", './test-data/template.xml', \
+                         './test-data/exp_design_test.txt')
+        >>> t2.add_infiles(('test-data/QEplus021874.thermo.raw', \
+                             'test-data/QEplus021876.thermo.raw'), True)
+        >>> len(t2.root.find("filePaths"))
+        2
+        >>> t2.root.find("filePaths")[1].text
+        'test-data/QEplus021876.thermo.raw'
+        >>> t2.root.find("experiments")[1].text
+        '2'
+        >>> t2.root.find("fractions")[0].text
+        '3'
+        """
+        # Create experimental design for interactive mode.
+        # In non-interactive mode only filepaths are modified, but
+        # their order from the original mqpar must be kept.
+        if interactive:
+            index = range(len(infiles))
+            nodenames = ('filePaths', 'experiments', 'fractions',
+                         'ptms', 'paramGroupIndices', 'referenceChannel')
+            design = self._make_exp_design(infiles)
+        else:
+            index = [-1] * len(infiles)
+            # kind of a BUG: fails if filename starts with '.'
+            infilenames = [os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0] for f in infiles]
+            i = 0
+            for child in self.root.find('filePaths'):
+                # either windows or posix path
+                win = ntpath.basename(child.text)
+                posix = os.path.basename(child.text)
+                basename = win if len(win) < len(posix) else posix
+                basename_with_sub = re.sub(self.substitution_rx, '_',
+                                           basename.split('.')[0])
+                # match infiles to their names in mqpar.xml,
+                # ignore files missing in mqpar.xml
+                if basename_with_sub in infilenames:
+                    index[i] = infilenames.index(basename_with_sub)
+                    i += 1
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError("no matching infile found for "
+                                     + child.text)
+            nodenames = ('filePaths', )
+            design = {'Name': infiles}
+        # Get parent nodes from document
+        nodes = dict()
+        for nodename in nodenames:
+            node = self.root.find(nodename)
+            if node is None:
+                raise ValueError('Element {} not found in parameter file'
+                                 .format(nodename))
+            nodes[nodename] = node
+            node.clear()
+            node.tag = nodename
+        # Append sub-elements to nodes (one per file)
+        for i in index:
+            if i > -1 and design['Name'][i]:
+                MQParam._add_child(nodes['filePaths'], 'string',
+                                   design['Name'][i])
+                if interactive:
+                    MQParam._add_child(nodes['experiments'], 'string',
+                                       design['Experiment'][i])
+                    MQParam._add_child(nodes['fractions'], 'short',
+                                       design['Fraction'][i])
+                    MQParam._add_child(nodes['ptms'], 'boolean',
+                                       design['PTM'][i])
+                    MQParam._add_child(nodes['paramGroupIndices'], 'int', 0)
+                    MQParam._add_child(nodes['referenceChannel'], 'string', '')
+    def add_fasta_files(self, files,
+                        identifier=r'>([^\s]*)',
+                        description=r'>(.*)'):
+        """Add fasta file groups.
+        >>> t = MQParam('test', './test-data/template.xml', None)
+        >>> t.add_fasta_files(('test1', 'test2'))
+        >>> len(t.root.find('fastaFiles'))
+        2
+        >>> t.root.find('fastaFiles')[0].find("fastaFilePath").text
+        'test1'
+        """
+        fasta_node = self.root.find("fastaFiles")
+        fasta_node.clear()
+        fasta_node.tag = "fastaFiles"
+        for index in range(len(files)):
+            filepath = '<fastaFilePath>' + files[index]
+            fasta = self.fasta_template.replace('<fastaFilePath>', filepath)
+            fasta = fasta.replace('<identifierParseRule>',
+                                  '<identifierParseRule>' + identifier)
+            fasta = fasta.replace('<descriptionParseRule>',
+                                  '<descriptionParseRule>' + description)
+            ff_node = self.root.find('.fastaFiles')
+            fastaentry = ET.fromstring(fasta)
+            ff_node.append(fastaentry)
+    def set_simple_param(self, key, value):
+        """Set a simple parameter.
+        >>> t = MQParam(None, './test-data/template.xml', None)
+        >>> t.set_simple_param('min_unique_pep', 4)
+        >>> t.root.find('.minUniquePeptides').text
+        '4'
+        """
+        # map simple params to their node in the xml tree
+        simple_params = {'missed_cleavages':
+                         '.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/maxMissedCleavages',
+                         'min_unique_pep': '.minUniquePeptides',
+                         'num_threads': 'numThreads',
+                         'calc_peak_properties': '.calcPeakProperties',
+                         'write_mztab': 'writeMzTab',
+                         'min_peptide_len': 'minPepLen',
+                         'max_peptide_mass': 'maxPeptideMass',
+                         'match_between_runs': 'matchBetweenRuns',
+                         'ibaq': 'ibaq',  # lfq global options
+                         'ibaq_log_fit': 'ibaqLogFit',
+                         'separate_lfq': 'separateLfq',
+                         'lfq_stabilize_large_ratios':
+                         'lfqStabilizeLargeRatios',
+                         'lfq_require_msms': 'lfqRequireMsms',
+                         'advanced_site_intensities':
+                         'advancedSiteIntensities',
+                         'lfq_mode':  # lfq param group options
+                         '.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/lfqMode',
+                         'lfq_skip_norm':
+                         '.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/lfqSkipNorm',
+                         'lfq_min_edges_per_node':
+                         '.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/lfqMinEdgesPerNode',
+                         'lfq_avg_edges_per_node':
+                         '.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/lfqAvEdgesPerNode',
+                         'lfq_min_ratio_count':
+                         '.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/lfqMinRatioCount'}
+        if key in simple_params:
+            node = self.root.find(simple_params[key])
+            if node is None:
+                raise ValueError('Element {} not found in parameter file'
+                                 .format(simple_params[key]))
+            node.text = str(value)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Parameter not found.")
+    def set_silac(self, light_mods, medium_mods, heavy_mods):
+        """Set label modifications.
+        >>> t1 = MQParam('test', './test-data/template.xml', None)
+        >>> t1.set_silac(None, ('test1', 'test2'), None)
+        >>> t1.root.find('.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/maxLabeledAa').text
+        '2'
+        >>> t1.root.find('.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/multiplicity').text
+        '3'
+        >>> t1.root.find('.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/labelMods')[1].text
+        'test1;test2'
+        >>> t1.root.find('.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/labelMods')[2].text
+        ''
+        """
+        multiplicity = 3 if medium_mods else 2 if heavy_mods else 1
+        max_label = str(max(len(light_mods) if light_mods else 0,
+                            len(medium_mods) if medium_mods else 0,
+                            len(heavy_mods) if heavy_mods else 0))
+        multiplicity_node = self.root.find('.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/'
+                                           + 'multiplicity')
+        multiplicity_node.text = str(multiplicity)
+        max_label_node = self.root.find('.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/'
+                                        + 'maxLabeledAa')
+        max_label_node.text = max_label
+        node = self.root.find('.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/labelMods')
+        node[0].text = ';'.join(light_mods) if light_mods else ''
+        if multiplicity == 3:
+            MQParam._add_child(node, name='string', text=';'.join(medium_mods))
+        if multiplicity > 1:
+            MQParam._add_child(node, name='string',
+                               text=';'.join(heavy_mods) if heavy_mods else '')
+    def set_list_params(self, key, vals):
+        """Set a list parameter.
+        >>> t = MQParam(None, './test-data/template.xml', None)
+        >>> t.set_list_params('proteases', ('test 1', 'test 2'))
+        >>> len(t.root.find('.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/enzymes'))
+        2
+        >>> t.set_list_params('var_mods', ('Oxidation (M)', ))
+        >>> var_mods = '.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/variableModifications'
+        >>> t.root.find(var_mods)[0].text
+        'Oxidation (M)'
+        """
+        params = {'var_mods':
+                  '.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/variableModifications',
+                  'fixed_mods':
+                  '.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/fixedModifications',
+                  'proteases':
+                  '.parameterGroups/parameterGroup/enzymes'}
+        if key in params:
+            node = self.root.find(params[key])
+            if node is None:
+                raise ValueError('Element {} not found in parameter file'
+                                 .format(params[key]))
+            node.clear()
+            node.tag = params[key].split('/')[-1]
+            for e in vals:
+                MQParam._add_child(node, name='string', text=e)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Parameter {} not found.".format(key))
+    def write(self):
+        rough_string = ET.tostring(self.root, 'utf-8', short_empty_elements=False)
+        reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
+        pretty = reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t")
+        even_prettier = re.sub(r"\n\s+\n", r"\n", pretty)
+        with open(self.mqpar_out, 'w') as f:
+            print(even_prettier, file=f)