view @ 0:163892325845 draft default tip

Initial commit.
author galaxyp
date Fri, 10 May 2013 17:15:08 -0400
line wrap: on
line source


# $Id: 44 2010-10-18 12:58:41Z $
# $URL: $
# $LastChangedDate: 2010-10-18 07:58:41 -0500 (Mon, 18 Oct 2010) $ 
# $LastChangedRevision: 44 $
# $LastChangedBy: $
# Converts sequence header of FASTA files (in various customisable ways).

# Initialize evironment
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);

my %log_levels = (
	'ALL'	=> $ALL,
	'INFO'	=> $INFO,
	'WARN'	=> $WARN,
	'OFF'	=> $OFF,

# Get options.
my %opts;
Getopt::Std::getopts('i:o:l:e:f:n:a:p:', \%opts);
my $input			= $opts{'i'};
my $output			= $opts{'o'};
my $log_level		= $opts{'l'};
my $extension		= $opts{'e'};
my @x_fixes_array	= split(/\s+/, $opts{'f'});
my $new_x_fix		= $opts{'n'};
my $action			= $opts{'a'};
my $position		= $opts{'p'};
my %ids_to_delete;
my @new_id_order;

# Configure logging.
# Provides default if user did not specify log level:
$log_level = (defined($log_level) ? $log_level : 'WARN');
# Reset log level to default if user specified illegal log level.
$log_level = (defined($log_levels{$log_level}) ? $log_levels{$log_level} : $log_levels{'WARN'});
	#{ level    => $log_level,
	#  file     => ">>ConvertFastaHeaders.log",
	#  layout   => '%F{1}-%L-%M: %m%n' },
	{ level    => $log_level,
	  file     => "STDERR",
	  layout   => '%d L:%L %p> %m%n' },
my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger();

# Start the conversion process.

# Check user input.

# Provides default if user did not specify action:
$action = (defined($action) ? $action : 'add');

# Check for valid action and action specific options.
if ($action eq 'add' || $action eq 'strip' || $action eq 'replace') {
	unless (scalar(@x_fixes_array) > 0) {
		$logger->fatal('No prefixes or suffixes specified.');
	if ($action eq 'replace') {
		unless (defined($new_x_fix) && $new_x_fix ne '') {
			$logger->fatal('No new prefix or suffix specified to replace the existing ones.');
	# Provides default if user did not specify position:
	$position = (defined($position) ? $position : 'prefix');
	# Check for valid position.
	if ($action eq 'add' || $action eq 'strip') {
		unless ($position eq 'prefix' || $position eq 'suffix') {
			$logger->fatal('Illegal position specified. Must be \'prefix\' or \'suffix\'.');
	} elsif ($action eq 'replace') {
		unless ($position eq 'prefix' || $position eq 'suffix' || $position eq 'pre2suf' || $position eq 'suf2pre') {
			$logger->fatal('Illegal position specified. Must be \'prefix\', \'suffix\', \'pre2suf\' or \'suf2pre\'.');
} elsif ($action eq 'delete' || $action eq 'shuffle') {
	unless (defined($position) && $position ne '') {
		$logger->fatal('No position specified.');
	my @id_indices = split(/,/, $position);
	# Check if the value is a number.
	foreach my $index_number (@id_indices) {
		unless ($index_number =~ m/^[1-9][0-9]*$/) {
			$logger->fatal('Illegal character in position list. Must be a single positive integer or comma separated list of positive integers.');
		if ($action eq 'delete') {
			$ids_to_delete{$index_number} = 'del';
		} elsif ($action eq 'shuffle') {
			push(@new_id_order, $index_number);

} else {
	$logger->fatal('Illegal action specified. Must be add, strip, replace, delete or shuffle.');

# Provides default if user did not specify log level:
$log_level = (defined($log_level) ? $log_level : 'WARN');
# Reset log level to default if user specified illegal log level.
$log_level = (defined($log_levels{$log_level}) ? $log_levels{$log_level} : $log_levels{'WARN'});

# Provide default if user did not specify fasta filename extension:
$extension = (defined($extension) ? $extension : 'fa');

if ($input =~ /^$/ || $output =~ /^$/) {
	# Indir and outdir cannot be empty.
if ($input eq $output) {
    $logger->fatal("Output dir/file is the same as the input dir/file. Please choose a different one.");

# Check if input is a single file or a directory. 
unless (-e $input && -r $input) {

	$logger->fatal("Input $input does not exist or is not readable: $!");

} else {

	if (-f $input) {
		# We've got an input file.
		my $file;
		if ($input =~ m/(.+\/)([^\/]+)$/) {
			$file = $2;
		} else {
			$file = $input;
		$logger->info('Parsing ' . $file . "...\n");
		_ConvertFastaHeaders($input, $output, $action, \@x_fixes_array, $new_x_fix, $position, \%ids_to_delete, \@new_id_order);
		$logger->info('Converted ' . $file);
	} else {
		# We've got an input directory.
		# Assume the output is also a directory.
		# Append trailing path separators if they was missing.
		my $indir;
		my $outdir;
		unless ($input =~ m/\/$/) {
			$input  = $input .+ '/';
		unless ($output =~ m/\/$/) {
			$output = $output .+ '/';
		# Make sure the input dir is a directory. 
		unless (-d $input) {
		    $logger->fatal("Input $input is not a file nor a directory: $!");
		} else {
			$indir	= $input;
			$outdir	= $output;
		# Get all FASTA files from the input dir.
		my $files = _GetFiles($indir, $outdir, $extension);
		# Create the output directory if did not exist yet.
		if (-e $outdir && -d $outdir) {
			unless (-w $outdir) {
				$logger->fatal("Cannot write to output directory $outdir. Check for permission errors, read-only file systems, etc.");
		} else {
			$logger->info("Creating output directory $outdir...");
			if ($@) {
				$logger->fatal("Cannot create output directory $outdir: $@");
		# Convert FASTA files.
		foreach my $file (@{$files}) {
			$logger->info('Parsing ' . $file . "...\n");
			my $pathfrom = $indir .+ $file;
			my $pathto   = $outdir .+ $file;
			_ConvertFastaHeaders($input, $output, $action, \@x_fixes_array, $new_x_fix, $position, \%ids_to_delete, \@new_id_order);
			$logger->info('Converted ' . $file);


### Internal subs.

sub _GetFiles {
	my ($indir, $outdir, $extension) = @_;
	my @files;
	# Get the relative path to the outdir.
	# Use this to remove it from the list of files/folders that need to be processed
	# in case it's a subfolder of the input directory.
	$outdir =~ m/\/([^\/]+)\/$/;
	my $outdir_rel = $1;
	# Get and parse all files from the input dir.
		opendir (INDIR, $indir);
		@files = grep { /.+\.$extension/i and not /^\..*/ and not /$outdir_rel/} readdir INDIR;
		closedir INDIR;
	if ($@) {
		$logger->fatal("Cannot read files from input directory $indir: $@");


sub _ConvertFastaHeaders {
	$logger->debug('_ConvertFastaHeaders sub');
	my ($pathfrom, $pathto, $action, $x_fixes_array, $new_x_fix, $position, $ids_to_delete, $new_id_order) = @_;

	my $header_count = 0;
	#local($/) = "\n\n"; # set line seperator to a blank line
	open(READ,"<$pathfrom") or die "\tcan't open input file $pathfrom: $!";
	open(SAVE,">$pathto") or die "\tcan't open output file $pathto: $!";
	while (my $line = <READ>) {
		my $new_line;
		if ($line =~ /^>/) {
			# It's a header line.
			my $ids_string;
			my $description;
			my $line_end;		
			if ($line =~ /^>([^\s]+)\s+(.+)([\n\r\f]+)/i) {
				# Header with descripton
				$ids_string		= $1;
				$description	= $2;
				$line_end		= $3;
			} elsif ($line =~ /^>([^\s]+)\s*([\n\r\f]+)/i) {
				# Header without descripton
				$ids_string	= $1;
				$line_end	= $2;
			} else {
				$logger->fatal("Malformed header line. Cannot find ID.");
			my @ids = split(/\|/, $ids_string);	
			if ($action eq 'strip') {
				$new_line = _StripFix($x_fixes_array, $ids_string, $description);
			} elsif ($action eq 'replace') {
				$new_line = _ReplaceFix($x_fixes_array, $new_x_fix, $position, \@ids, $description);
			} elsif ($action eq 'add') {
				$new_line = _AddFix($x_fixes_array, $position, \@ids, $description);
			} elsif ($action eq 'delete') {
				$new_line = _DeleteID($ids_to_delete, \@ids, $description);
			} elsif ($action eq 'shuffle') {
				$new_line = _ShuffleID($new_id_order, \@ids, $description);
			unless (defined($new_line)) {
				$logger->fatal('Cannot convert header number: ' . $header_count);
				$logger->fatal('Offending header line was: ' . $line);
			$new_line .= $line_end;
		} elsif ($line =~ /^[\n\r\f]+$/) {
			# Skip blank line.
		} else {
			# It must be a sequence line.
			$new_line = $line;
		# Save (modified) line.
		print SAVE $new_line or die "\tcan't save output to file $pathto: $!";

sub _StripFix {
	my ($x_fixes_array, $ids_string, $description) = @_;
	my $new_line;
	foreach my $x_fix (@{$x_fixes_array}) {
		$ids_string =~ s/$x_fix//g;
	if (defined($description)) {
		$new_line = '>' . $ids_string . ' ' . $description;
	} else {
		$new_line = '>' . $ids_string;

sub	_ReplaceFix {
	my ($x_fixes_array, $new_x_fix, $position, $ids, $description) = @_;
	my $new_line = '>';
	for my $count (0 .. $#{$ids}) {
		my $id = ${$ids}[$count];
		my $stripped_id;
		my $match = 0;
		if ($position eq 'prefix' || $position eq 'pre2suf') {
			foreach my $x_fix (@{$x_fixes_array}) {
				if ($id =~ m/^$x_fix(.+)/) {
					$stripped_id = $1;
					$id = $stripped_id;
					$match = 1;
		} elsif ($position eq 'suffix' || $position eq 'suf2pre') {
			foreach my $x_fix (@{$x_fixes_array}) {
				if ($id =~ m/(.+)$x_fix$/) {
					$stripped_id = $1;
					$id = $stripped_id;
					$match = 1;
		} else {
			$logger->fatal("Illegal or no position $position specified.");
		if ($match) {
			# Append the new *fix.
			if ($position eq 'prefix' || $position eq 'suf2pre') {
				$new_line .= $new_x_fix . $stripped_id . '|';
			} elsif ($position eq 'pre2suf' || $position eq 'suffix') {
				$new_line .= $stripped_id . $new_x_fix . '|';
		} else {
			# Copy the ID unmodified to the result.
			$new_line .= ${$ids}[$count] . '|';
	$new_line =~ s/\|$//;
	if (defined($description)) {
		$new_line .= ' ' . $description;

sub _AddFix {
	my ($x_fixes_array, $position, $ids, $description) = @_;
	my $new_line = '>';
	my $id_count = scalar(@{$ids});
	my $x_fix_count = scalar(@{$x_fixes_array});
	unless ($id_count == $x_fix_count) {
		$logger->fatal('Amount of pre- or suffixes specified (' . $x_fix_count . ') does not match with amount if IDs found ' . $id_count . ').');
	for my $count (0 .. $#{$ids}) {
		if ($position eq 'prefix') {
			$new_line .= ${$x_fixes_array}[$count] . ${$ids}[$count] . '|';
		} elsif ($position eq 'suffix') {
			$new_line .= ${$ids}[$count] . ${$x_fixes_array}[$count] . '|';
	$new_line =~ s/\|$//;
	if (defined($description)) {
		$new_line .= ' ' . $description;

sub _DeleteID {
	my ($ids_to_delete, $ids, $description) = @_;
	my $new_line = '>';
	$new_line = '>';
	for my $offset (0 .. $#{$ids}) {
		my $index = $offset + 1;
		if (defined(${$ids_to_delete}{$index})) {
			# Skip (drop) this ID.
			$logger->debug('Dropping ' . ${$ids}[$offset] . ' as it is ID number ' . $index . '.');
		} else {
			$new_line .= ${$ids}[$offset] . '|';
	$new_line =~ s/\|$//;
	if (defined($description)) {
		$new_line .= ' ' . $description;

sub _ShuffleID {
	my ($new_id_order, $ids, $description) = @_;
	my $new_line = '>';
	my $id_count = scalar(@{$ids});
	my $new_id_order_item_count = scalar(@{$new_id_order});
	unless ($id_count == $new_id_order_item_count) {
		$logger->fatal('Amount of IDs specified to re-order (' . $new_id_order_item_count . ') does not match with amount if IDs found (' . $id_count . ').');
	$new_line = '>';
	foreach my $rank (@{$new_id_order}) {
		my $offset = $rank - 1;
		$logger->debug('ID rank ' . $rank . ' = ' . ${$ids}[$offset] . '.');
		$new_line .= ${$ids}[$offset] . '|';
		$logger->debug('New header line now contains ' . $new_line . '.');
	$new_line =~ s/\|$//;
	if (defined($description)) {
		$new_line .= ' ' . $description;

sub _Usage {

	print "\n";
	print " - Converts sequence headers of FASTA files.\n";
	print "\n";
	print "Usage:\n";
	print "\n";
	print " options\n";
	print "\n";
	print "Available options are:\n";
	print "\n";
    print "   -i [dir/file]             Input can be a single FASTA file or a directory containing FASTA files.\n";
    print "   -e [ext]                  File name extension for the FASTA files in case the input is a directory. (default = fa)\n";
    print "   -o [dir/file]             Output file or directory where the result(s) will be saved.\n";
    print "   -a [action]               Action must be one of 'add', 'strip', 'replace', 'delete' or 'shuffle'.\n";
    print "                             The actions 'delete' and 'shuffle' operate on complete sequence IDs with or without (database namespace) prefixes or suffixes.\n";
    print "                             The actions 'add', 'strip' and 'replace' operate on sequence ID prefixes or suffixes.\n";
    print "                             Note in case *fixes are added the order of the *fixes is important! (See below for examples.)\n";
    print "   -p [position]             Positon must be a comma separated list of numbers in case the action is 'delete' or 'shuffle'.\n";
    print "                             Position must be one of 'prefix' or 'suffix' when the action is 'add' or 'strip'.\n";
    print "                             In case the action is 'replace' the position can also be one of pre2suf or suf2pre \n";
    print "                             to replace a prefix with a suffix or vice versa.\n";
    print "   -f '[*fix1 *fix2 *fixN]'  Space separated list of prefixes or suffixes, which will be replaced in, added to or removed from pipe separated identifiers.\n";
	print "                             Note that in case of database namespace prefixes you must specify both the database name space and \n";
	print "                             the character to separate the namespace from the accession number as the prefix. (See below for examples.) \n";
    print "   -n '[*fix]'               A single new prefix or suffix to replace the *fixes specified with -f.\n";
	print "                             (Only required in case the action is 'replace'.)\n";
    print "   -l [LEVEL]                Log4perl log level. One of: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO (default), WARN, ERROR, FATAL or OFF.\n";
    print "\n";
    print "Examples:\n";
    print "\n";
    print "    Adding prefixes\n";
    print "                        In this case the order of the *fixes specified with -f is important!\n";
    print "                        With -a add -p prefix -f 'UniProtAcc: UniProtID:', this header:\n";
    print "                           >P32234|128UP_DROME GTP-binding protein 128up - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)\n";
    print "                        will be converted into:\n";
    print "                           >UniProtAcc:P32234|UniProtID:128UP_DROME GTP-binding protein 128up - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)\n";
    print "    Stripping prefixes\n";
    print "                        In this case the order of the *fixes specified with -f is not relevant.\n";
    print "                        With both -a strip -p prefix -f 'UniProtAcc: UniProtID:' or \n";
    print "                        with      -a strip -p prefix -f 'UniProtID: UniProtAcc:', this header:\n";
    print "                           >UniProtAcc:P32234|UniProtID:128UP_DROME GTP-binding protein 128up - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)\n";
    print "                        will be converted into:\n";
    print "                           >P32234|128UP_DROME GTP-binding protein 128up - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)\n";
    print "    Replacing prefixes with a suffix\n";
    print "                        In this case the order of the *fixes specified with -f is not relevant.\n";
    print "                        With -a replace -p pre2suf -f 'REV_' -n '_REV', this header:\n";
    print "                           >REV_P32234|128UP_DROME GTP-binding protein 128up - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)\n";
    print "                        will be converted into:\n";
    print "                           >P32234_REV|128UP_DROME GTP-binding protein 128up - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)\n";
    print "    Deleting sequence identifiers\n";
    print "                        Supply a comma separated list of numbers for the ranks of the identifiers / accession numbers you want to remove.\n";
    print "                        Multiple identifiers must be separated with a pipe symbol.\n";
    print "                        With -a delete -p '1,3', this header:\n";
    print "                            >UniProtID:128UP_DROME|UniProtAcc:P32234|EMBL:AY069810 GTP-binding protein 128up - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)\n";
    print "                        will be converted into:\n";
    print "                            >UniProtAcc:P32234 GTP-binding protein 128up - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)\n";
    print "    Changing the order of sequence identifiers\n";
    print "                        Supply a comma separated list of numbers for the new order of all the identifiers / accession numbers in a header.\n";
    print "                        Multiple identifiers must be separated with a pipe symbol.\n";
    print "                        Hence if your headers contain 4 pipe separated IDs and you only want to swap the order of the first and the second, \n";
    print "                        you will still need to specify the new (unchanged) order for number 3 and 4 too.\n";
    print "                        With -a shuffle -p '2,1,3', this header:\n";
    print "                            >UniProtID:128UP_DROME|UniProtAcc:P32234|EMBL:AY069810 GTP-binding protein 128up - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)\n";
    print "                        will be converted into:\n";
    print "                            >UniProtAcc:P32234|UniProtID:128UP_DROME|EMBL:AY069810 GTP-binding protein 128up - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)\n";
    print "                        Specifying only *2,1* as the New order for the IDs will not work, because this header contains 3 IDs, \n";
    print "                        so you'll have to include the (new) position for the third one as well.\n";
	print "\n";
