Mercurial > repos > galaxyp > openms_accuratemasssearch
comparison @ 12:40e0709178a5 draft
"planemo upload for repository commit 020906fb54bde7fc143c356f41975c378a741315"
author | galaxyp |
date | Wed, 09 Sep 2020 20:06:37 +0000 (2020-09-09) |
parents | |
children | 0056247c6934 |
11:96acf893530c | 12:40e0709178a5 |
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash | |
2 | |
3 VERSION=2.5 | |
4 FILETYPES="filetypes.txt" | |
5 CONDAPKG="" | |
6 | |
7 # import the magic | |
8 . ./ | |
9 | |
10 # install conda | |
11 if [ -z "$tmp" ]; then | |
12 tmp=$(mktemp -d) | |
13 created="yes" | |
14 fi | |
15 | |
16 export OPENMSGIT="$tmp/OpenMS$VERSION.0-git" | |
17 export OPENMSPKG="$tmp/OpenMS$VERSION-pkg/" | |
18 export OPENMSENV="$tmp/OpenMS$VERSION-env" | |
19 export CTDCONVERTER="$tmp/CTDConverter" | |
20 | |
21 | |
22 if type conda > /dev/null; then | |
23 true | |
24 else | |
25 wget | |
26 bash -b -p "$tmp/miniconda" | |
27 source "$tmp/miniconda/bin/activate" | |
28 fi | |
29 eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" | |
30 | |
31 if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then | |
32 autotests="/dev/null" | |
33 else | |
34 autotests="$1" | |
35 fi | |
36 | |
37 ############################################################################### | |
38 ## get | |
39 ## - conda environment (for executing the binaries) and | |
40 ## - the git clone of OpenMS (for generating the tests) | |
41 ############################################################################### | |
42 | |
43 echo "Clone OpenMS $VERSION sources" | |
44 if [[ ! -d $OPENMSGIT ]]; then | |
45 git clone -b release/$VERSION.0 $OPENMSGIT | |
46 cd $OPENMSGIT | |
47 git submodule init | |
48 git submodule update | |
49 cd - | |
50 else | |
51 cd $OPENMSGIT | |
52 git pull origin release/$VERSION.0 | |
53 cd - | |
54 fi | |
55 | |
56 echo "Create OpenMS $VERSION conda env" | |
57 # TODO currently add lxml (needed by CTDConverter) | |
58 # TODO for some reason a to recent openjdk is used | |
59 if conda env list | grep "$OPENMSENV"; then | |
60 true | |
61 else | |
62 conda create -y --quiet --override-channels --channel iuc --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda --channel defaults -p $OPENMSENV openms=$VERSION openms-thirdparty=$VERSION openjdk=8.0.192 ctdopts=1.4 lxml | |
63 # chmod -R u-w $OPENMSENV | |
64 fi | |
65 ############################################################################### | |
66 ## get the | |
67 ## - conda package (for easy access and listing of the OpenMS binaries), | |
68 ############################################################################### | |
69 echo "Download OpenMS $VERSION package $CONDAPKG" | |
70 | |
71 if [[ ! -d $OPENMSPKG ]]; then | |
72 mkdir $OPENMSPKG | |
73 wget -q -P $OPENMSPKG/ "$CONDAPKG" | |
74 tar -xf $OPENMSPKG/"$(basename $CONDAPKG)" -C $OPENMSPKG/ | |
75 rm $OPENMSPKG/"$(basename $CONDAPKG)" | |
76 fi | |
77 | |
78 ############################################################################### | |
79 ## Get python libaries for CTD -> Galaxy conversion | |
80 ## TODO fix to main repo OR conda packkage if PRs are merged | |
81 ############################################################################### | |
82 echo "Clone CTDConverter" | |
83 if [[ ! -d $CTDCONVERTER ]]; then | |
84 #git clone CTDConverter | |
85 git clone -b topic/cdata $CTDCONVERTER | |
86 else | |
88 git pull origin topic/cdata | |
89 cd - | |
90 fi | |
91 export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/CTDopts | |
92 | |
93 ############################################################################### | |
94 ## copy all the test data files to test-data | |
95 ## most of it (outputs) will be overwritten later, but its needed for | |
96 ## prepare_test_data | |
97 ############################################################################### | |
98 echo "Get test data" | |
99 cp $(find $OPENMSGIT/src/tests/topp/ -type f | grep -Ev "third_party_tests.cmake|CMakeLists.txt|check_ini") test-data/ | |
100 cp -r $OPENMSGIT/share/OpenMS/MAPPING/ test-data/ | |
101 cp -r $OPENMSGIT/share/OpenMS/CHEMISTRY test-data/ | |
102 cp -r $OPENMSGIT/share/OpenMS/examples/ test-data/ | |
103 if [[ ! -f test-data/MetaboliteSpectralDB.mzML ]]; then | |
104 wget -q && mv MetaboliteSpectralDB.mzML test-data/ | |
105 fi | |
106 ln -fs TOFCalibration_ref_masses test-data/TOFCalibration_ref_masses.txt | |
107 ln -fs TOFCalibration_const test-data/TOFCalibration_const.csv | |
108 | |
109 if [ ! -d test-data/pepnovo_models/ ]; then | |
110 wget | |
111 unzip -e -d /tmp/ | |
112 mv /tmp/Models test-data/pepnovo_models/ | |
113 fi | |
114 ############################################################################### | |
115 ## generate ctd files using the binaries in the conda package | |
116 ############################################################################### | |
117 echo "Create CTD files" | |
118 conda activate $OPENMSENV | |
119 mkdir -p ctd | |
120 | |
121 # TODO because of | |
122 # this needs to be done from within test-data | |
123 cd test-data | |
124 for i in $OPENMSPKG/bin/* | |
125 do | |
126 b=$(basename $i) | |
127 echo $b | |
128 $b -write_ctd ../ctd/ | |
129 sed -i -e 's/²/^2/' ../ctd/$b.ctd | |
130 done | |
131 cd - | |
132 ############################################################################### | |
133 ## fix ini files: OpenMS test data contains ini files with outdated ini files. | |
134 ## e.g. variables might be in different nodes, outdated variables present, new | |
135 ## variables missing, ... | |
136 ## OpenMS tools fix this on the fly (so its no problem for the OpenMS tests) | |
137 ## but it is for the generation of the tests | |
138 ## see | |
139 ############################################################################### | |
140 echo "Update test INI files" | |
141 for ini in test-data/*ini | |
142 do | |
143 tool=$(cat $ini | grep 'NODE name="' | head -n 1 | sed 's/.*name="\([^"]\+\)".*/\1/') | |
144 bin=$(which $tool) | |
145 if [[ -z $bin ]]; then | |
146 >&2 echo "missing binary to convert $ini" | |
147 continue | |
148 fi | |
149 cp $ini $ini.backup | |
150 $bin -ini $ini -write_ini $ini > $ini.stdout 2> $ini.stderr | |
151 if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]]; then | |
152 >&2 echo "could not convert $ini" | |
153 fi | |
154 done | |
155 | |
156 ############################################################################### | |
157 ## create script to create results for the tests and run it | |
158 ############################################################################### | |
159 echo "Create test shell script" | |
160 | |
161 echo -n "" > | |
162 echo 'export COMET_BINARY="comet"' >> | |
163 echo 'export CRUX_BINARY="crux"' >> | |
164 echo 'export FIDOCHOOSEPARAMS_BINARY="FidoChooseParameters"' >> | |
165 echo 'export FIDO_BINARY="Fido"' >> | |
166 echo 'export LUCIPHOR_BINARY="$(dirname $(realpath $(which luciphor2)))/luciphor2.jar"' >> | |
167 | |
168 echo 'export MARACLUSTER_BINARY="'"$OPENMSGIT"'/THIRDPARTY/Linux/64bit/MaRaCluster/maracluster"'>> | |
169 echo 'export MSFRAGGER_BINARY="/home/berntm/Downloads/MSFragger-20171106/MSFragger-20171106.jar"'>> | |
170 echo 'export MSGFPLUS_BINARY="$(msgf_plus -get_jar_path)"' >> | |
171 echo 'export MYRIMATCH_BINARY="myrimatch"'>> | |
172 echo 'export NOVOR_BINARY="/home/berntm/Downloads/novor/lib/novor.jar"' >> | |
173 echo 'export OMSSA_BINARY="$(dirname $(realpath $(which omssacl)))/omssacl"'>> | |
174 echo 'export PERCOLATOR_BINARY="percolator"'>> | |
175 echo 'export SIRIUS_BINARY="$(which sirius)"' >> | |
176 echo 'export SPECTRAST_BINARY="spectrast"' >> | |
177 echo 'export XTANDEM_BINARY="xtandem"' >> | |
178 echo 'export THERMORAWFILEPARSER_BINARY="ThermoRawFileParser.exe"' >> | |
179 | |
180 prepare_test_data >> | |
181 | |
182 # prepare_test_data > | |
183 # # remove calls not needed for the tools listed in any .list file | |
184 # echo LIST $LIST | |
185 # if [ ! -z "$LIST" ]; then | |
186 # REX=$(echo $LIST | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sed 's@.*/\([^/]\+\).xml$@\1@' | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|$//') | |
187 # else | |
188 # REX=".*" | |
189 # fi | |
190 # echo REX $REX | |
191 # cat | egrep "($REX)" >> | |
192 # rm | |
193 | |
194 echo "Execute test shell script" | |
195 chmod u+x | |
196 cd ./test-data || exit | |
197 ../ | |
198 cd - || exit | |
199 | |
200 | |
201 ############################################################################### | |
202 ## create/update test data for the manually generated tests | |
203 ## - run convert once with the manual tests only and | |
204 ## - update test-data (needs to run 2x) | |
205 ############################################################################### | |
206 echo "Execute test shell script for manually curated tests" | |
207 chmod u+x | |
208 | |
209 cd ./test-data || exit | |
210 ../ | |
211 cd - || exit | |
212 | |
213 | |
214 # # # exit | |
215 | |
216 ############################################################################### | |
217 ## auto generate tests | |
218 ############################################################################### | |
219 | |
220 echo "Write test macros to "$autotests | |
221 echo "<macros>" > $autotests | |
222 for i in $(ls *xml |grep -v macros) | |
223 do | |
224 b=$(basename "$i" .xml) | |
225 get_tests2 "$b" >> $autotests | |
226 done | |
227 echo "</macros>" >> $autotests | |
228 | |
229 echo "Create test data links" | |
230 link_tmp_files | |
231 | |
232 # tests for tools using output_prefix parameters can not be auto generated | |
233 # hence we output the tests for manual curation in macros_test.xml | |
234 # and remove them from the autotests | |
235 if [[ ! -z "$1" ]]; then | |
236 echo "" > macros_discarded_auto.xml | |
237 for i in OpenSwathFileSplitter IDRipper MzMLSplitter | |
238 do | |
239 echo "<xml name=\"manutest_$i\">" >> macros_discarded_auto.xml | |
240 xmlstarlet sel -t -c "/macros/xml[@name='autotest_$i']/test" macros_autotest.xml >> macros_discarded_auto.xml | |
241 echo "</xml>" >> macros_discarded_auto.xml | |
242 xmlstarlet ed -d "/macros/xml[@name='autotest_$i']/test" macros_autotest.xml > tmp | |
243 mv tmp macros_autotest.xml | |
244 done | |
245 >&2 "discarded autogenerated macros for curation in macros_discarded_auto.xml" | |
246 fi | |
247 conda deactivate | |
248 | |
249 ## remove broken symlinks in test-data | |
250 find test-data/ -xtype l -delete | |
251 | |
252 # if [ ! -z "$created" ]; then | |
253 # echo "Removing temporary directory" | |
254 # rm -rf "$tmp" | |
255 # fi |