comparison searchgui_mods.loc.sample @ 24:815f93bb3e1b draft

author galaxyp
date Fri, 06 Nov 2015 15:33:34 -0500
parents 0578e296cab4
children 3ef5a7dd1a36
equal deleted inserted replaced
23:913dbf2b83e0 24:815f93bb3e1b
1 methylation of k 1 18O(1) of peptide C-term
2 oxidation of m 2 18O(2) of peptide C-term
3 carboxymethyl c 3 4-Hydroxyproline
4 carbamidomethyl c 4 Acetaldehyde +26
5 deamidation of n and q 5 Acetylation of K
6 propionamide c 6 Acetylation of peptide N-term
7 phosphorylation of s 7 Acetylation of protein N-term
8 phosphorylation of t 8 Amidation of the peptide C-term
9 phosphorylation of y 9 Amidation of the protein C-term
10 m cleavage from protein n-term 10 Arginine 13C(6)
11 acetylation of protein n-term 11 Arginine 13C(6) 15N(4)
12 methylation of protein n-term 12 Carbamidomethylation of C
13 tri-methylation of protein n-term 13 Carbamidomethylation of E
14 beta methythiolation of d 14 Carbamidomethylation of K
15 methylation of q 15 Carbamilation of K
16 tri-methylation of k 16 Carbamilation of protein N-term
17 methylation of d 17 Carboxymethylation of C
18 methylation of e 18 Deamidation of N
19 methylation of peptide c-term 19 Deamidation of N 18O
20 tri-deuteromethylation of d 20 Deamidation of Q
21 tri-deuteromethylation of e 21 Dehydration of S
22 tri-deuteromethylation of peptide c-term 22 Dehydration of T
23 n-formyl met addition 23 Didehydro of T
24 2-amino-3-oxo-butanoic acid t 24 Diiodination of Y
25 acetylation of k 25 Dimethylation of K
26 amidation of peptide c-term 26 Dimethylation of K 2H(4)
27 beta-methylthiolation of d (duplicate of 13) 27 Dimethylation of K 2H(6)
28 carboxyamidomethylation of k 28 Dimethylation of R
29 carboxyamidomethylation of h 29 Dimethylation of peptide N-term 2H(6)
30 carboxyamidomethylation of d 30 Dimethylation of peptide N-term 2H(6) 13C(2)
31 carboxyamidomethylation of e 31 Dimethylation of peptide N-term K
32 carbamylation of k 32 Dimethylation of peptide N-term K 2H(4)
33 carbamylation of n-term peptide 33 Dioxidation of M
34 citrullination of r 34 Dioxidation of W
35 oxidation of c to cysteic acid 35 Farnesylation of C
36 di-iodination of y 36 FormylMet of protein N-term
37 di-methylation of k 37 Formylation of K
38 di-methylation of r 38 Formylation of S
39 di-methylation of peptide n-term 39 Formylation of T
40 oxidation of f to dihydroxyphenylalanine 40 Formylation of peptide N-term
41 gammathiopropionylation of k 41 Formylation of protein N-term
42 gammathiopropionylation of peptide n-term 42 Geranyl-geranyl of C
43 farnesylation of c 43 Glutathione of C
44 formylation of k 44 Guanidination of K
45 formylation of peptide n-term 45 Guanidination of peptide N-term
46 oxidation of w to formylkynurenin 46 Hex(1)NAc(1) of S
47 fluorophenylalanine 47 Hex(1)NAc(1) of T
48 beta-carboxylation of d 48 Hex(5) HexNAc(4) NeuAc(2) Na of N
49 gamma-carboxylation of e 49 Hex(5) HexNAc(4) NeuAc(2) of N
50 geranyl-geranyl 50 HexNAc of S
51 glucuronylation of protein n-term 51 HexNAc of T
52 glutathione disulfide 52 Hexose of K
53 ubiquitinylation residue 53 Homoserine lactone of peptide C-term M
54 guanidination of k 54 Homoserine of peptide C-term M
55 oxidation of h to n 55 ICAT-9
56 oxidation of h to d 56 ICAT-O
57 homoserine 57 ICPL0 of K
58 homoserine lactone 58 ICPL0 of peptide N-term
59 oxidation of w to hydroxykynurenin 59 ICPL10 of K
60 hydroxylation of d 60 ICPL10 of peptide N-term
61 hydroxylation of k 61 ICPL4 of K
62 hydroxylation of n 62 ICPL4 of peptide N-term
63 hydroxylation of p 63 ICPL6 of K
64 hydroxylation of f 64 ICPL6 of peptide N-term
65 hydroxylation of y 65 Isoleucine 13C(6) 15N(1)
66 iodination of y 66 Leucine 13C(6) 15N(1)
67 oxidation of w to kynurenin 67 Lipoyl of K
68 lipoyl k 68 Lysine 13C(6)
69 methyl ester of peptide c-term (duplicate of 18) 69 Lysine 13C(6) 15N(2)
70 methyl ester of d 70 Lysine 2H(4)
71 methyl ester of e (duplicate of 17) 71 Methylation of C
72 methyl ester of s 72 Methylation of D
73 methyl ester of y 73 Methylation of E
74 methyl c 74 Methylation of K
75 methyl h 75 Methylation of R
76 methyl n 76 Methylation of S
77 methylation of peptide n-term 77 Methylthio of C
78 methyl r 78 Methylthio of D
79 myristoleylation of g 79 Methylthio of N
80 myristoyl-4h of g 80 NIPCAM of C
81 myristoylation of peptide n-term g 81 Nethylmaleimide of C
82 myristoylation of k 82 Oxidation of C
83 formylation of protein n-term 83 Oxidation of K
84 nem c 84 Oxidation of M
85 nipcam 85 Oxidation of P
86 oxidation of w to nitro 86 Palmitoylation of C
87 oxidation of y to nitro 87 Palmitoylation of K
88 o18 on peptide n-term 88 Palmitoylation of S
89 di-o18 on peptide n-term 89 Palmitoylation of T
90 oxidation of h 90 Palmitoylation of protein N-term
91 oxidation of w 91 Phosphorylation of S
92 phosphopantetheine s 92 Phosphorylation of T
93 palmitoylation of c 93 Phosphorylation of Y
94 palmitoylation of k 94 Proline 13C(5)
95 palmitoylation of s 95 Propionamide of C
96 palmitoylation of t 96 Propionamide of K
97 phosphorylation of s with prompt loss 97 Propionamide of peptide N-term
98 phosphorylation of t with prompt loss 98 Propionyl of K heavy
99 phosphorylation with prompt loss on y 99 Propionyl of K light
100 phosphorylation with neutral loss on c 100 Propionyl of peptide N-term heavy
101 phosphorylation with neutral loss on d 101 Propionyl of peptide N-term light
102 phosphorylation with neutral loss on h 102 Pyridylethyl of C
103 propionyl light k 103 Pyrolidone from E
104 propionyl light on peptide n-term 104 Pyrolidone from Q
105 propionyl heavy k 105 Pyrolidone from carbamidomethylated C
106 propionyl heavy peptide n-term 106 SUMO-2/3 Q87R
107 pyridyl k 107 Sodium adduct to D
108 pyridyl peptide n-term 108 Sodium adduct to E
109 pyro-cmc 109 Sulfonation of S
110 pyro-glu from n-term e 110 Sulfonation of T
111 pyro-glu from n-term q 111 Sulfonation of Y
112 oxidation of p to pyroglutamic acid 112 TMT 10-plex of K
113 s-pyridylethylation of c 113 TMT 10-plex of peptide N-term
114 semet 114 TMT 2-plex of K
115 sulfation of y 115 TMT 2-plex of peptide N-term
116 sulphone of m 116 TMT 6-plex of K
117 tri-iodination of y 117 TMT 6-plex of peptide N-term
118 tri-methylation of r 118 Thioacyl of peptide N-term
119 n-acyl diglyceride cysteine 119 Trideuterated Methyl Ester of D
120 icat light 120 Trideuterated Methyl Ester of E
121 icat heavy 121 Trideuterated Methyl Ester of K
122 camthiopropanoyl k 122 Trideuterated Methyl Ester of R
123 phosphorylation with neutral loss on s 123 Trideuterated Methyl Ester of peptide C-term
124 phosphorylation with neutral loss on t 124 Trimethylation of K
125 phosphorylation of s with etd loss 125 Trimethylation of R
126 phosphorylation of t with etd loss 126 Trimethylation of protein N-term A
127 heavy arginine-13c6 127 Trioxidation of C
128 heavy arginine-13c6-15n4 128 Ubiquitination of K
129 heavy lysine-13c6 129 iTRAQ 4-plex of K
130 pngasf in o18 water 130 iTRAQ 4-plex of Y
131 beta elimination of s 131 iTRAQ 4-plex of peptide N-term
132 beta elimination of t 132 iTRAQ 8-plex of K
133 oxidation of c to sulfinic acid 133 iTRAQ 8-plex of Y
134 arginine to ornithine 134 iTRAQ 8-plex of peptide N-term
135 dehydro of s and t 135 mTRAQ of 13C(6) 15N(2)
136 carboxykynurenin of w 136 mTRAQ of K 13C(3) 15N
137 sumoylation of k 137 mTRAQ of K light
138 itraq114 on nterm 138 mTRAQ of peptide N-term 13C(3) 15N
139 itraq114 on k 139 mTRAQ of peptide N-term 13C(6) 15N(2)
140 itraq114 on y 140 mTRAQ of peptide N-term light
141 itraq115 on nterm
142 itraq115 on k
143 itraq115 on y
144 itraq116 on nterm
145 itraq116 on k
146 itraq116 on y
147 itraq117 on nterm
148 itraq117 on k
149 itraq117 on y
150 mmts on c
151 heavy lysine - 2h4
152 heavy lysine - 13c6 15n2
153 asparagine hexnac
154 asparagine dhexhexnac
155 serine hexnac
156 threonine hexnac
157 palmitoleyl of s
158 palmitoleyl of c
159 palmitoleyl of t
160 chd2-di-methylation of k
161 chd2-di-methylation of peptide n-term
162 maleimide-peo2-biotin of c
163 phosphorylation of h
164 oxidation of c
165 oxidation of y (duplicate of 64)
166 uniblue a on k
167 deamidation of n
168 trideuteration of l (silac)
169 tmt duplex on k
170 tmt duplex on n-term peptide
171 tmt 6-plex on k
172 tmt 6-plex on n-term peptide
173 itraq8plex:13c(7)15n(1) on nterm
174 itraq8plex:13c(7)15n(1) on k
175 itraq8plex:13c(7)15n(1) on y
176 itraq8plex:13c(6)15n(2) on nterm
177 itraq8plex:13c(6)15n(2) on k
178 itraq8plex:13c(6)15n(2) on y
179 selenocysteine
180 carboxymethylated selenocysteine
181 dimethyl 2d n-terminus
182 dimethyl 2d k
183 gtp desthiobiotinc12
184 gtp desthiobiotinc13
185 user modification 5
186 user modification 6
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