diff PSM2SAM.R @ 0:90ecb65017a0 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproteomics/tools-galaxyp/tools/bumbershoot/psm2sam commit 9910ed076e4b8a3f083351b89fa861d0a4a93beb
author galaxyp
date Wed, 17 May 2017 20:23:27 -0400
children 757ecf27b4a9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PSM2SAM.R	Wed May 17 20:23:27 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+## begin warning handler
+library(methods) # Because Rscript does not always do this
+options('useFancyQuotes' = FALSE)
+option_list <- list()
+option_list$exon_anno <- make_option('--exon_anno', type='character')
+option_list$proteinseq <- make_option('--proteinseq', type='character')
+option_list$procodingseq <- make_option('--procodingseq', type='character')
+option_list$bam_file <- make_option('--bam', type='character')
+option_list$idpDB_file <- make_option('--idpDB', type='character')
+option_list$pepXmlTab_file <- make_option('--pepXmlTab', type='character')
+option_list$peptideShakerPsmReport_file <- make_option('--peptideShakerPsmReport', type='character')
+option_list$variantAnnotation_file <- make_option('--variantAnnotation', type='character')
+option_list$searchEngineScore <- make_option('--searchEngineScore', type='character')
+opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list))
+psm2sam <- function(
+    exon_anno_file = GalaxyInputFile(required=TRUE),
+    proteinseq_file = GalaxyInputFile(required=TRUE),
+    procodingseq_file = GalaxyInputFile(required=TRUE),
+    bam_file = GalaxyInputFile(required=TRUE),
+    idpDB_file = GalaxyInputFile(required=FALSE),
+    pepXmlTab_file = GalaxyInputFile(required=FALSE),
+    peptideShakerPsmReport_file = GalaxyInputFile(required=FALSE),
+    variantAnnotation_file = GalaxyInputFile(required=FALSE),
+    searchEngineScore = GalaxyCharacterParam(required=FALSE)
+    )
+    options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+    if (length(bam_file) == 0)
+    {
+        stop("BAM file must be specified to provide sequence headers")
+    }
+    outputHeader = grep("^@(?!PG)", readLines(bam_file, n=500, warn=FALSE), value=TRUE, perl=TRUE)
+    if (length(outputHeader) == 0)
+    {
+        stop("failed to read header lines from bam_file")
+    }
+    # load customProDB from GitHub (NOTE: downloading the zip is faster than cloning the repo with git2r or devtools::install_github)
+    download.file("https://github.com/chambm/customProDB/archive/master.zip", "customProDB.zip", quiet=TRUE)
+    unzip("customProDB.zip")
+    devtools::load_all("customProDB-master")
+    # load proBAMr from GitHub
+    download.file("https://github.com/chambm/proBAMr/archive/master.zip", "proBAMr.zip", quiet=TRUE)
+    unzip("proBAMr.zip")
+    devtools::load_all("proBAMr-master")
+    psmInputLength = length(idpDB_file)+length(pepXmlTab_file)+length(peptideShakerPsmReport_file)
+    if (psmInputLength == 0)
+    {
+        stop("one of the input PSM file parameters must be specified")
+    }
+    else if (psmInputLength > 1)
+    {
+        stop("only one of the input PSM file parameters can be specified")
+    }
+    if (length(idpDB_file) > 0)
+    {
+        if (length(searchEngineScore) == 0)
+            stop("searchEngineScore parameter must be specified when reading IDPicker PSMs, e.g. 'MyriMatch:MVH'")
+        passedPSM = readIdpDB(idpDB_file, searchEngineScore)
+    }
+    else if (length(pepXmlTab_file) > 0)
+    {
+        if (length(searchEngineScore) == 0)
+            stop("searchEngineScore parameter must be specified when reading pepXmlTab PSMs, e.g. 'mvh'")
+        passedPSM = readPepXmlTab(pepXmlTab_file, searchEngineScore)
+    }
+    else if (length(peptideShakerPsmReport_file) > 0)
+    {
+        if (length(searchEngineScore) > 0)
+            warning("searchEngineScore parameter is ignored when reading PeptideShaker PSM report")
+        passedPSM = readPeptideShakerPsmReport(peptideShakerPsmReport_file)
+    }
+    load(exon_anno_file)
+    load(proteinseq_file)
+    load(procodingseq_file)
+    if (length(variantAnnotation_file) > 0)
+    {
+        load(variantAnnotation_file) # variantAnnotation list, with members snvprocoding/snvproseq and indelprocoding/indelproseq
+        varprocoding = unique(rbind(variantAnnotation$snvprocoding, variantAnnotation$indelprocoding))
+        varproseq = unique(rbind(variantAnnotation$snvproseq, variantAnnotation$indelproseq))
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        varprocoding = NULL
+        varproseq = NULL
+    }
+    # add proBAMr program key
+    outputHeader = c(outputHeader, paste0("@PG\tID:proBAMr\tVN:", packageVersion("proBAMr")))
+    # first write header lines to the output SAM
+    writeLines(outputHeader, "output.sam")
+    # then write the PSM "reads"
+    PSMtab2SAM(passedPSM, exon,
+               proteinseq, procodingseq,
+               varproseq, varprocoding,
+               outfile = "output.sam",
+               show_progress = FALSE)
+    invisible(NULL)
+params <- list()
+for(param in names(opt))
+    if (!param == "help")
+        params[param] <- opt[param]
+setClass("GalaxyRemoteError", contains="character")
+wrappedFunction <- function(f)
+    tryCatch(do.call(f, params),
+        error=function(e) new("GalaxyRemoteError", conditionMessage(e)))
+do.call(psm2sam, params)
+## end warning handler
+}, warning = function(w) {
+    cat(paste("Warning:", conditionMessage(w), "\n"))
+    invokeRestart("muffleWarning")