21 print(paste("funcGetCentroidForMetadata::Error: Should have received metadata and samples of the same length, received metadata length ",length(vfMetadata)," and sample ",nrow(mSamplePoints)," length.",sep=""))
59 print(paste("funcGetMaximumForMetadatum::Error: Should have received metadata and samples of the same length, received metadata length ",length(vdMetadata)," and sample ",nrow(mSamplePoints)," length.",sep=""))
87 ### Should correspond to the number of levels in shapeBy; the format is level:shape,level:shape for example HighLuminosity:14,LowLuminosity:2,HighPH:10,LowPH:18
177 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-b", "--bugs"), type="character", action="store", default=NULL, dest="sBugs", metavar="BugsToPlot", help="Comma delimited list of data to plot as text. To not plot metadata pass a blank or empty space. Bug|1,Bug|2")
178 # The default needs to stay null for metadata or code needs to be changed in the plotting for a check to see if the metadata was default. Search for "#!# metadata default dependent"
179 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-m", "--metadata"), type="character", action="store", default=NULL, dest="sMetadata", metavar="MetadataToPlot", help="Comma delimited list of metadata to plot as arrows. To not plot metadata pass a blank or empty space. metadata1,metadata2,metadata3")
182 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-c", "--colorBy"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultColorBy, dest="sColorBy", metavar="MetadataToColorBy", help="The id of the metadatum to use to make the marker colors. Expected to be a continuous metadata.")
183 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-r", "--colorRange"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultColorRange, dest="sColorRange", metavar="ColorRange", help=paste("Colors used to color the samples; a gradient will be formed between the color.Default=", c_sDefaultColorRange))
184 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-t", "--textColor"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultTextColor, dest="sTextColor", metavar="TextColor", help=paste("The color bug features will be plotted with as text. Default =", c_sDefaultTextColor))
185 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-a", "--arrowColor"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultArrowColor, dest="sArrowColor", metavar="ArrowColor", help=paste("The color metadata features will be plotted with as an arrow and text. Default", c_sDefaultArrowColor))
186 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-w", "--arrowTextColor"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultArrowTextColor, dest="sArrowTextColor", metavar="ArrowTextColor", help=paste("The color for the metadata text ploted by the head of the metadata arrow. Default", c_sDefaultArrowTextColor))
187 pArgs <- add_option(pArgs, c("-n","--plotNAColor"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultNAColor, dest="sPlotNAColor", metavar="PlotNAColor", help=paste("Plot NA values as this color. Example -n", c_sDefaultNAColor))
190 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-y", "--shapeby"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultShapeBy, dest="sShapeBy", metavar="MetadataToShapeBy", help="The metadata to use to make marker shapes. Expected to be a discrete metadatum. An example would be -y Environment")
191 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-s", "--shapes"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultShapes, dest="sShapes", metavar="ShapesForPlotting", help="This is to be used to specify the shapes to use for plotting. Can use numbers recognized by R as shapes (see pch). Should correspond to the number of levels in shapeBy; the format is level:shape,level:shape for example HighLuminosity:14,LowLuminosity:2,HighPH:10,LowPH:18 . Need to specify -y/--shapeBy for this option to work.")
192 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-d", "--defaultMarker"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultMarker, dest="sDefaultMarker", metavar="DefaultColorMarker", help="Default shape for markers which are not otherwise indicated in --shapes, can be used for unspecified values or NA. Must not be a shape in --shapes.")
195 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-e","--rotateByMetadata"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultRotateByMetadata, dest="sRotateByMetadata", metavar="RotateByMetadata", help="Rotate the ordination by a metadata. Give both the metadata and value to weight it by. The larger the weight, the more the ordination is influenced by the metadata. If the metadata is continuous, use the metadata id; if the metadata is discrete, the ordination will be by one of the levels so use the metadata ID and level seperated by a '_'. Discrete example -e Environment_HighLumninosity,100 ; Continuous example -e Environment,100 .")
196 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-z","--resizeArrow"), type="numeric", action="store", default=c_sDefaultResizeArrow, dest="dResizeArrow", metavar="ArrowScaleFactor", help="A constant to multiple the length of the arrow to expand or shorten all arrows together. This will not change the angle of the arrow nor the relative length of arrows to each other.")
197 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-A", "--noArrows"), type="logical", action="store_true", default=FALSE, dest="fNoPlotMetadataArrows", metavar="DoNotPlotArrows", help="Adding this flag allows one to plot metadata labels without the arrows.")
200 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-i", "--title"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultTitle, dest="sTitle", metavar="Title", help="This is the title text to add to the plot.")
201 pArgs <- add_option( pArgs, c("-o", "--outputfile"), type="character", action="store", default=c_sDefaultOutputFile, dest="sOutputFileName", metavar="OutputFile", help="This is the name for the output pdf file. If an output file is not given, an output file name is made based on the input file name.")
204 ### Perform biplot. Samples are markers, bugs are text, and metadata are text with arrows. Markers and bugs are dtermined usiing NMDS and Bray-Curtis dissimilarity. Metadata are placed on the ordination in one of two ways: 1. Factor data - for each level take the ordination points for the samples that have that level and plot the metadata text at the average orindation point. 2. For continuous data - make a landscape (x and y form ordination of the points) and z (height) as the metadata value. Use a lowess line to get the fitted values for z and take the max of the landscape. Plot the metadata text at that smoothed max.
224 ### This is to be used to specify the shapes to use for plotting. Can use numbers recognized by R as shapes (see pch). Should correspond to the number of levels in shapeBy; the format is level:shape,level:shape for example HighLuminosity:14,LowLuminosity:2,HighPH:10,LowPH:18 . Works with sShapesBy.
459 # There will be one difference where the biplot call scales an axis, this one does not. In relation to the axes, the points, text and arrows should still match.
461 #biplot(mNMDSData$points,mMetadataCoordinates[viMetadataDummy,],xlabs=vsShapes,xlab=paste("MDS1","Stress=",mNMDSData$stress),main="Biplot function Bugs and Sampes - Metadata Plotted with Centroids")