diff CodonSwitchTool/sre_yield.py @ 2:aad5e435e4dc draft default tip

author gianmarco_piccinno
date Tue, 21 May 2019 05:24:56 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CodonSwitchTool/sre_yield.py	Tue May 21 05:24:56 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright 2011-2016 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# vim: sw=2 sts=2 et
+"""This module can generate all strings that match a regular expression.
+The regex is parsed using the SRE module that is standard in python,
+then the data structure is executed to form a bunch of iterators.
+__author__ = 'alexperry@google.com (Alex Perry)'
+__all__ = ['Values', 'AllStrings', 'AllMatches', 'ParseError']
+import bisect
+import math
+import re
+import sre_constants
+import sre_parse
+import string
+import sys
+import types
+import cachingseq
+import fastdivmod
+    xrange = xrange
+except NameError:
+    xrange = range
+_RE_METACHARS = r'$^{}*+\\'
+# ASCII by default, see https://github.com/google/sre_yield/issues/3
+CHARSET = [chr(c) for c in range(256)]
+WORD = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_'
+except AttributeError:
+def Not(chars):
+    return ''.join(sorted(set(CHARSET) - set(chars)))
+    sre_constants.CATEGORY_WORD: WORD,
+    sre_constants.CATEGORY_NOT_WORD: Not(WORD),
+    sre_constants.CATEGORY_DIGIT: string.digits,
+    sre_constants.CATEGORY_NOT_DIGIT: Not(string.digits),
+    sre_constants.CATEGORY_SPACE: string.whitespace,
+    sre_constants.CATEGORY_NOT_SPACE: Not(string.whitespace),
+# This constant varies between builds of Python; this is the lower value.
+class ParseError(Exception):
+    pass
+def slice_indices(slice_obj, size):
+    """slice_obj.indices() except this one supports longs."""
+    # start stop step
+    start = slice_obj.start
+    stop = slice_obj.stop
+    step = slice_obj.step
+    # We don't always update a value for negative indices (if we wrote it here
+    # due to None).
+    if step is None:
+        step = 1
+    if start is None:
+        if step > 0:
+            start = 0
+        else:
+            start = size - 1
+    else:
+        start = _adjust_index(start, size)
+    if stop is None:
+        if step > 0:
+            stop = size
+        else:
+            stop = -1
+    else:
+        stop = _adjust_index(stop, size)
+    return (start, stop, step)
+def _adjust_index(n, size):
+    if n < 0:
+        n += size
+    if n < 0:
+        raise IndexError("Out of range")
+    if n > size:
+        n = size
+    return n
+def _xrange(*args):
+    """Because xrange doesn't support longs :("""
+    # prefer real xrange if it works
+    try:
+        return xrange(*args)
+    except OverflowError:
+        return _bigrange(*args)
+def _bigrange(*args):
+    if len(args) == 1:
+        start = 0; stop = args[0]; step = 1
+    elif len(args) == 2:
+        start, stop = args
+        step = 1
+    elif len(args) == 3:
+        start, stop, step = args
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Too many args for _bigrange")
+    i = start
+    while True:
+        yield i
+        i += step
+        if step < 0 and i <= stop:
+            break
+        if step > 0 and i >= stop:
+            break
+class WrappedSequence(object):
+    """This wraps a sequence, purely as a base clase for the other uses."""
+    def __init__(self, raw):
+        # Derived classes will likely override this constructor
+        self.raw = raw
+        # Note that we can't use the function len() because it insists on trying
+        # to convert the returned number from a long-int to an ordinary int.
+        self.length = raw.__len__()
+    def get_item(self, i, d=None):
+        i = _adjust_index(i, self.length)
+        if hasattr(self.raw, 'get_item'):
+            return self.raw.get_item(i, d)
+        return self.raw[i]
+    def __len__(self):
+        return self.length
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        # If the user wanted a slice, we provide a wrapper
+        if isinstance(i, slice):
+            result = SlicedSequence(self, slicer=i)
+            if result.__len__() < 16:
+                # Short lists are unpacked
+                result = [item for item in result]
+            return result
+        i = _adjust_index(i, self.length)
+        # Usually we just call the user-provided function
+        return self.get_item(i)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        for i in _xrange(int(self.length)):
+            yield self.get_item(i)
+def _sign(x):
+    if x > 0:
+        return 1
+    else:
+        return -1
+class SlicedSequence(WrappedSequence):
+    """This is part of an immutable and potentially arbitrarily long list."""
+    def __init__(self, raw, slicer=None):
+        # Derived classes will likely override this constructor
+        self.raw = raw
+        if slicer is None:
+            self.start, self.stop, self.step = 0, raw.__len__(), 1
+        else:
+            self.start, self.stop, self.step = slice_indices(slicer, raw.__len__())
+        # Integer round up, depending on step direction
+        self.length = ((self.stop - self.start + self.step - _sign(self.step)) /
+                       self.step)
+    def get_item(self, i, d=None):
+        j = i * self.step + self.start
+        return self.raw[j]
+class ConcatenatedSequence(WrappedSequence):
+    """This is equivalent to using extend() but without unpacking the lists."""
+    def __init__(self, *alternatives):
+        self.list_lengths = [(a, a.__len__()) for a in alternatives]
+        self.length = sum(a_len for _, a_len in self.list_lengths)
+    def get_item(self, i, d=None):
+        for a, a_len in self.list_lengths:
+            if i < a_len:
+                return a[i]
+            i -= a_len
+        raise IndexError('Too Big')
+    def __contains__(self, item):
+        for a, _ in self.list_lengths:
+            if item in a:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '{concat ' + repr(self.list_lengths) + '}'
+class CombinatoricsSequence(WrappedSequence):
+    """This uses all combinations of one item from each passed list."""
+    def __init__(self, *components):
+        self.list_lengths = [(a, a.__len__()) for a in components]
+        self.length = 1
+        for _, c_len in self.list_lengths:
+            self.length *= c_len
+    def get_item(self, i, d=None):
+        result = []
+        if i < 0:
+            i += self.length
+        if i < 0 or i >= self.length:
+            raise IndexError("Index %d out of bounds" % (i,))
+        if len(self.list_lengths) == 1:
+            # skip unnecessary ''.join -- big speedup
+            return self.list_lengths[0][0][i]
+        for c, c_len in self.list_lengths:
+            i, mod = divmod(i, c_len)
+            if hasattr(c, 'get_item'):
+                result.append(c.get_item(mod, d))
+            else:
+                result.append(c[mod])
+        return ''.join(result)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '{combin ' + repr(self.list_lengths) + '}'
+class RepetitiveSequence(WrappedSequence):
+    """This chooses an entry from a list, many times, and concatenates."""
+    def __init__(self, content, lowest=1, highest=1):
+        self.content = content
+        self.content_length = content.__len__()
+        self.length = fastdivmod.powersum(self.content_length, lowest, highest)
+        self.lowest = lowest
+        self.highest = highest
+        def arbitrary_entry(i):
+            return (fastdivmod.powersum(self.content_length, lowest, i+lowest-1), i+lowest)
+        def entry_from_prev(i, prev):
+            return (prev[0] + (self.content_length ** prev[1]), prev[1] + 1)
+        self.offsets = cachingseq.CachingFuncSequence(
+            arbitrary_entry, highest - lowest+1, entry_from_prev)
+        # This needs to be a constant in order to reuse caclulations in future
+        # calls to bisect (a moving target will produce more misses).
+        if self.offsets[-1][0] > sys.maxsize:
+            i = 0
+            while i + 2 < len(self.offsets):
+                if self.offsets[i+1][0] > sys.maxsize:
+                    self.index_of_offset = i
+                    self.offset_break = self.offsets[i][0]
+                    break
+                i += 1
+        else:
+            self.index_of_offset = len(self.offsets)
+            self.offset_break = sys.maxsize
+    def get_item(self, i, d=None):
+        """Finds out how many repeats this index implies, then picks strings."""
+        if i < self.offset_break:
+            by_bisect = bisect.bisect_left(self.offsets, (i, -1), hi=self.index_of_offset)
+        else:
+            by_bisect = bisect.bisect_left(self.offsets, (i, -1), lo=self.index_of_offset)
+        if by_bisect == len(self.offsets) or self.offsets[by_bisect][0] > i:
+            by_bisect -= 1
+        num = i - self.offsets[by_bisect][0]
+        count = self.offsets[by_bisect][1]
+        if count > 100 and self.content_length < 1000:
+            content = list(self.content)
+        else:
+            content = self.content
+        result = []
+        if count == 0:
+            return ''
+        for modulus in fastdivmod.divmod_iter(num, self.content_length):
+            result.append(content[modulus])
+        leftover = count - len(result)
+        if leftover:
+            assert leftover > 0
+            result.extend([content[0]] * leftover)
+        # smallest place value ends up on the right
+        return ''.join(result[::-1])
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '{repeat base=%d low=%d high=%d}' % (self.content_length, self.lowest, self.highest)
+class SaveCaptureGroup(WrappedSequence):
+    def __init__(self, parsed, key):
+        self.key = key
+        super(SaveCaptureGroup, self).__init__(parsed)
+    def get_item(self, n, d=None):
+        rv = super(SaveCaptureGroup, self).get_item(n, d)
+        if d is not None:
+            d[self.key] = rv
+        return rv
+class ReadCaptureGroup(WrappedSequence):
+    def __init__(self, n):
+        self.num = n
+        self.length = 1
+    def get_item(self, i, d=None):
+        if i != 0:
+            raise IndexError(i)
+        if d is None:
+            raise ValueError('ReadCaptureGroup with no dict')
+        return d.get(self.num, "fail")
+class RegexMembershipSequence(WrappedSequence):
+    """Creates a sequence from the regex, knows how to test membership."""
+    def empty_list(self, *_):
+        return []
+    def nothing_added(self, *_):
+        return ['']
+    def branch_values(self, _, items):
+        """Converts SRE parser data into literals and merges those lists."""
+        return ConcatenatedSequence(
+            *[self.sub_values(parsed) for parsed in items])
+    def max_repeat_values(self, min_count, max_count, items):
+        """Sequential expansion of the count to be combinatorics."""
+        max_count = min(max_count, self.max_count)
+        return RepetitiveSequence(
+            self.sub_values(items), min_count, max_count)
+    def in_values(self, items):
+        # Special case which distinguishes branch from charset operator
+        if items and items[0][0] == sre_constants.NEGATE:
+            items = self.branch_values(None, items[1:])
+            return [item for item in self.charset if item not in items]
+        return self.branch_values(None, items)
+    def not_literal(self, y):
+        return self.in_values(((sre_constants.NEGATE,),
+                              (sre_constants.LITERAL, y),))
+    def category(self, y):
+        return CATEGORIES[y]
+    def groupref(self, n):
+        self.has_groupref = True
+        return ReadCaptureGroup(n)
+    def get_item(self, i, d=None):
+        """Typically only pass i.  d is an internal detail, for consistency with other classes.
+        If you care about the capture groups, you should use
+        RegexMembershipSequenceMatches instead, which returns a Match object
+        instead of a string."""
+        if self.has_groupref or d is not None:
+            if d is None:
+                d = {}
+            return super(RegexMembershipSequence, self).get_item(i, d)
+        else:
+            return super(RegexMembershipSequence, self).get_item(i)
+    def sub_values(self, parsed):
+        """This knows how to convert one piece of parsed pattern."""
+        # If this is a subpattern object, we just want its data
+        if isinstance(parsed, sre_parse.SubPattern):
+            parsed = parsed.data
+        # A list indicates sequential elements of a string
+        if isinstance(parsed, list):
+            elements = [self.sub_values(p) for p in parsed]
+            return CombinatoricsSequence(*elements)
+        # If not a list, a tuple represents a specific match type
+        if isinstance(parsed, tuple) and parsed:
+            matcher, arguments = parsed
+            if not isinstance(arguments, tuple):
+                arguments = (arguments,)
+            if matcher in self.backends:
+                self.check_anchor_state(matcher, arguments)
+                return self.backends[matcher](*arguments)
+        # No idea what to do here
+        raise ParseError(repr(parsed))
+    def maybe_save(self, *args):
+        # Python 3.6 has group, add_flags, del_flags, parsed
+        # while earlier versions just have group, parsed
+        group = args[0]
+        parsed = args[-1]
+        rv = self.sub_values(parsed)
+        if group is not None:
+            rv = SaveCaptureGroup(rv, group)
+        return rv
+    def check_anchor_state(self, matcher, arguments):
+        # A bit of a hack to support zero-width leading anchors.  The goal is
+        # that /^(a|b)$/ will match properly, and that /a^b/ or /a\bb/ throws
+        # an error.  (It's unfortunate that I couldn't easily handle /$^/ which
+        # matches the empty string; I went for the common case.)
+        #
+        # There are three states, for example:
+        # / STATE_START
+        # | / STATE_START (^ causes no transition here, but is illegal at STATE_MIDDLE or STATE_END)
+        # | |  / STATE_START (\b causes no transition here, but advances MIDDLE to END)
+        # | |  | / (same as above for ^)
+        # | |  | | / STATE_MIDDLE (anything besides ^ and \b advances START to MIDDLE)
+        # | |  | | | / still STATE_MIDDLE
+        # . .  . . . .  / advances MIDDLE to END
+        #  ^ \b ^ X Y \b $
+        old_state = self.state
+        if self.state == STATE_START:
+            if matcher == sre_constants.AT:
+                if arguments[0] in (sre_constants.AT_END, sre_constants.AT_END_STRING):
+                    self.state = STATE_END
+                elif arguments[0] == sre_constants.AT_NON_BOUNDARY:
+                    # This is nonsensical at beginning of string
+                    raise ParseError('Anchor %r found at START state' % (arguments[0],))
+                # All others (AT_BEGINNING, AT_BEGINNING_STRING, and AT_BOUNDARY) remain in START.
+            elif matcher != sre_constants.SUBPATTERN:
+                self.state = STATE_MIDDLE
+            # subpattern remains in START
+        elif self.state == STATE_END:
+            if matcher == sre_constants.AT:
+                if arguments[0] not in (
+                    sre_constants.AT_END, sre_constants.AT_END_STRING,
+                    sre_constants.AT_BOUNDARY):
+                    raise ParseError('Anchor %r found at END state' % (arguments[0],))
+                # those three remain in END
+            elif matcher != sre_constants.SUBPATTERN:
+                raise ParseError('Non-end-anchor %r found at END state' % (arguments[0],))
+            # subpattern remains in END
+        else:  # self.state == STATE_MIDDLE
+            if matcher == sre_constants.AT:
+                if arguments[0] not in (
+                    sre_constants.AT_END, sre_constants.AT_END_STRING,
+                    sre_constants.AT_BOUNDARY):
+                    raise ParseError('Anchor %r found at MIDDLE state' % (arguments[0],))
+                # All others (AT_END, AT_END_STRING, AT_BOUNDARY) advance to END.
+                self.state = STATE_END
+    def __init__(self, pattern, flags=0, charset=CHARSET, max_count=None):
+        # If the RE module cannot compile it, we give up quickly
+        self.matcher = re.compile(r'(?:%s)\Z' % pattern, flags)
+        if not flags & re.DOTALL:
+            charset = ''.join(c for c in charset if c != '\n')
+        self.charset = charset
+        self.named_group_lookup = self.matcher.groupindex
+        flags |= DEFAULT_RE_FLAGS # https://github.com/google/sre_yield/issues/3
+        if flags & re.IGNORECASE:
+            raise ParseError('Flag "i" not supported. https://github.com/google/sre_yield/issues/4')
+        elif flags & re.UNICODE:
+            raise ParseError('Flag "u" not supported. https://github.com/google/sre_yield/issues/3')
+        elif flags & re.LOCALE:
+            raise ParseError('Flag "l" not supported. https://github.com/google/sre_yield/issues/5')
+        if max_count is None:
+            self.max_count = MAX_REPEAT_COUNT
+        else:
+            self.max_count = max_count
+        self.has_groupref = False
+        # Configure the parser backends
+        self.backends = {
+            sre_constants.LITERAL: lambda y: [chr(y)],
+            sre_constants.RANGE: lambda l, h: [chr(c) for c in range(l, h+1)],
+            sre_constants.SUBPATTERN: self.maybe_save,
+            sre_constants.BRANCH: self.branch_values,
+            sre_constants.MIN_REPEAT: self.max_repeat_values,
+            sre_constants.MAX_REPEAT: self.max_repeat_values,
+            sre_constants.AT: self.nothing_added,
+            sre_constants.ASSERT: self.empty_list,
+            sre_constants.ASSERT_NOT: self.empty_list,
+            sre_constants.ANY:
+                lambda _: self.in_values(((sre_constants.NEGATE,),)),
+            sre_constants.IN: self.in_values,
+            sre_constants.NOT_LITERAL: self.not_literal,
+            sre_constants.CATEGORY: self.category,
+            sre_constants.GROUPREF: self.groupref,
+        }
+        self.state = STATE_START
+        # Now build a generator that knows all possible patterns
+        self.raw = self.sub_values(sre_parse.parse(pattern, flags))
+        # Configure this class instance to know about that result
+        self.length = self.raw.__len__()
+    def __contains__(self, item):
+        # Since we have a regex, we can search the list really cheaply
+        return self.matcher.match(item) is not None
+class RegexMembershipSequenceMatches(RegexMembershipSequence):
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        if isinstance(i, slice):
+            result = SlicedSequence(self, slicer=i)
+            if result.__len__() < 16:
+                # Short lists are unpacked
+                result = [item for item in result]
+            return result
+        d = {}
+        s = super(RegexMembershipSequenceMatches, self).get_item(i, d)
+        return Match(s, d, self.named_group_lookup)
+def AllStrings(regex, flags=0, charset=CHARSET, max_count=None):
+    """Constructs an object that will generate all matching strings."""
+    return RegexMembershipSequence(regex, flags, charset, max_count=max_count)
+Values = AllStrings
+class Match(object):
+    def __init__(self, string, groups, named_groups):
+        # TODO keep group(0) only, and spans for the rest.
+        self._string = string
+        self._groups = groups
+        self._named_groups = named_groups
+        self.lastindex = len(groups) + 1
+    def group(self, n=0):
+        if n == 0:
+            return self._string
+        if not isinstance(n, int):
+            n = self._named_groups[n]
+        return self._groups[n]
+    def groups(self):
+        return tuple(self._groups[i] for i in range(1, self.lastindex))
+    def groupdict(self):
+        d = {}
+        for k, v in self._named_groups.items():
+            d[k] = self._groups[v]
+        return d
+    def span(self, n=0):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+def AllMatches(regex, flags=0, charset=CHARSET, max_count=None):
+    """Constructs an object that will generate all matching strings."""
+    return RegexMembershipSequenceMatches(regex, flags, charset, max_count=max_count)
+def main(argv=None):
+    """This module can be executed on the command line for testing."""
+    if argv is None:
+        argv = sys.argv
+    for arg in argv[1:]:
+        for i in AllStrings(arg):
+            print(i)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()