view rename_tiff_channels.xml @ 5:61fd94c7ce42 draft

planemo upload for repository commit bc438db690e41823909b32b693f297d942433a43
author goeckslab
date Thu, 11 Jul 2024 22:41:10 +0000
parents d2c59a1ac0c4
children 4763362914f4
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="rename_tiff_channels" name="Rename OME-TIFF channels" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@VERSION_SUFFIX@" profile="@PROFILE@">
    <description>with ome-types</description>


    <expand macro="requirements"/>

        <regex match=".*XMLSyntaxError.*"
               description="XML metadata does not adhere to OME format. Considering converting image to OME-TIFF" />

    <expand macro="version_cmd"/>

    <command detect_errors="aggressive"><![CDATA[

        cp '$image' ./renamed_image.ome.tiff && 

        ln -s '$channel_csv' ./channels.csv &&

        python '$script'

        <configfile name = "script">
import os
import sys 
import argparse
from itertools import cycle
import pandas as pd
import ome_types
from ome_types.model import channel, Color
from tifffile import tiffcomment

# setting default colors to match avivator
colors = [
    (0,0,255,1.0),     # blue
    (0,255,0,1.0),     # green
    (255,0,255,1.0),   # magenta
    (255,255,0,1.0),   # yellow
    (255,127,0,1.0),   # orange
    (0,255,255,1.0),   # cyan
    (255,255,255,1.0), # white
    (255,0,0,1.0)      # red

# convert to repeatable object of primitive int colors 
color_cycle = cycle([Color(c).as_int32() for c in colors])

cwd = os.getcwd()

channels_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(cwd, 'channels.csv'))

original_ome_xml = tiffcomment(os.path.join(cwd, 'renamed_image.ome.tiff'))
working_ome = ome_types.from_xml(original_ome_xml, parser = 'lxml')

for l_idx, level in enumerate(working_ome.images):

    for c_idx, channel in enumerate(level.pixels.channels):

        new_name = channels_df.loc[c_idx, 'marker_name'] = new_name
        channel.color = next(color_cycle)

        if l_idx == 0:

            print(f"Channel {c_idx} renamed to {new_name}")

updated_ome_xml = working_ome.to_xml()
tiffcomment(os.path.join(cwd, 'renamed_image.ome.tiff'), updated_ome_xml)

print("Updated OME-TIFF metadata:")
print(tiffcomment(os.path.join(cwd, 'renamed_image.ome.tiff')))
        <param name="image" type="data" format="ome.tiff" label="Input image in OME-tiff format"/>
        <param name="channel_csv" type="data" format="csv" label="Channel Metadata CSV"/>
        <data name="renamed_image" format="ome.tiff" from_work_dir="renamed_image.ome.tiff" label="${} on ${on_string}"/>
            <param name="image" value="rename_test.ome.tiff" />
            <param name="channel_csv" value="rename_channels.csv" />
            <output name="renamed_image" ftype="ome.tiff">
                    <has_size value="899000" delta="50000" />
                <has_text text="Channel 0 renamed to DNA_6" />
                <has_text text="Updated OME-TIFF metadata" />
    Given an OME.TIFF image and channel metadata CSV file, rename the image channels in the 
    OME XML metadata. CSV file must contain column 'marker_name' which will populate the XML
    metadata with channel names in the order provided in the CSV file. 
    <expand macro="citations" />