1 name: plant_tribes_gene_family_classifier
2 owner: greg
3 description: |
4 Contains a tool that classifies gene sequences into precomputed orthologous gene family clusters using either
5 blastp (faster), HMMScan (slower but more sensitive to remote homologs) or both (more exhaustive).
6 homepage_url: https://github.com/dePamphilis/PlantTribes
7 long_description: |
8 Contains a tool that tool is one of the PlantTribes collection of automated modular analysis pipelines that
9 utilize objective classifications of complete protein sequences from sequenced plant genomes to perform
10 comparative evolutionary studies. This tool classifies gene sequences into precomputed orthologous gene family
11 clusters using either blastp (faster), HMMScan (slower but more sensitive to remote homologs) or both (more exhaustive).
12 remote_repository_url: https://github.com/gregvonkuster/galaxy_tools/tree/master/tools/phylogenetics/plant_tribes/gene_family_classifier
13 type: unrestricted
14 categories:
15 - Phylogenetics