1 name: plant_tribes_gene_family_integrator
2 owner: greg
3 description: |
4 Contains a tool that integrates de novo assembly sequences with scaffold gene family sequences.
5 homepage_url: https://github.com/dePamphilis/PlantTribes
6 long_description: |
7 Contains a tool that tool is one of the PlantTribes collection of automated modular analysis pipelines that
8 utilize objective classifications of complete protein sequences from sequenced plant genomes to perform
9 comparative evolutionary studies. This tool integrates classified post processed de novo transcriptome
10 assembly sequences with the scaffold gene family sequences.
11 remote_repository_url: https://github.com/gregvonkuster/galaxy_tools/tree/master/tools/phylogenetics/plant_tribes/gene_family_integrator
12 type: unrestricted
13 categories:
14 - Phylogenetics