diff lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/logging.py @ 1:64071f2a4cf0 draft default tip

Deleted selected files
author guerler
date Mon, 27 Jul 2020 03:55:49 -0400
parents 9e54283cc701
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/logging.py	Mon Jul 27 03:47:31 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-# The following comment should be removed at some point in the future.
-# mypy: disallow-untyped-defs=False
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import contextlib
-import errno
-import logging
-import logging.handlers
-import os
-import sys
-from logging import Filter, getLogger
-from pip._vendor.six import PY2
-from pip._internal.utils.compat import WINDOWS
-from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import DEPRECATION_MSG_PREFIX
-from pip._internal.utils.misc import ensure_dir
-    import threading
-except ImportError:
-    import dummy_threading as threading  # type: ignore
-    # Use "import as" and set colorama in the else clause to avoid mypy
-    # errors and get the following correct revealed type for colorama:
-    # `Union[_importlib_modulespec.ModuleType, None]`
-    # Otherwise, we get an error like the following in the except block:
-    #  > Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None",
-    #   variable has type Module)
-    # TODO: eliminate the need to use "import as" once mypy addresses some
-    #  of its issues with conditional imports. Here is an umbrella issue:
-    #  https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/1297
-    from pip._vendor import colorama as _colorama
-# Lots of different errors can come from this, including SystemError and
-# ImportError.
-except Exception:
-    colorama = None
-    # Import Fore explicitly rather than accessing below as colorama.Fore
-    # to avoid the following error running mypy:
-    # > Module has no attribute "Fore"
-    # TODO: eliminate the need to import Fore once mypy addresses some of its
-    #  issues with conditional imports. This particular case could be an
-    #  instance of the following issue (but also see the umbrella issue above):
-    #  https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/3500
-    from pip._vendor.colorama import Fore
-    colorama = _colorama
-_log_state = threading.local()
-_log_state.indentation = 0
-subprocess_logger = getLogger('pip.subprocessor')
-class BrokenStdoutLoggingError(Exception):
-    """
-    Raised if BrokenPipeError occurs for the stdout stream while logging.
-    """
-    pass
-# BrokenPipeError does not exist in Python 2 and, in addition, manifests
-# differently in Windows and non-Windows.
-    # In Windows, a broken pipe can show up as EINVAL rather than EPIPE:
-    # https://bugs.python.org/issue19612
-    # https://bugs.python.org/issue30418
-    if PY2:
-        def _is_broken_pipe_error(exc_class, exc):
-            """See the docstring for non-Windows Python 3 below."""
-            return (exc_class is IOError and
-                    exc.errno in (errno.EINVAL, errno.EPIPE))
-    else:
-        # In Windows, a broken pipe IOError became OSError in Python 3.
-        def _is_broken_pipe_error(exc_class, exc):
-            """See the docstring for non-Windows Python 3 below."""
-            return ((exc_class is BrokenPipeError) or  # noqa: F821
-                    (exc_class is OSError and
-                     exc.errno in (errno.EINVAL, errno.EPIPE)))
-elif PY2:
-    def _is_broken_pipe_error(exc_class, exc):
-        """See the docstring for non-Windows Python 3 below."""
-        return (exc_class is IOError and exc.errno == errno.EPIPE)
-    # Then we are in the non-Windows Python 3 case.
-    def _is_broken_pipe_error(exc_class, exc):
-        """
-        Return whether an exception is a broken pipe error.
-        Args:
-          exc_class: an exception class.
-          exc: an exception instance.
-        """
-        return (exc_class is BrokenPipeError)  # noqa: F821
-def indent_log(num=2):
-    """
-    A context manager which will cause the log output to be indented for any
-    log messages emitted inside it.
-    """
-    _log_state.indentation += num
-    try:
-        yield
-    finally:
-        _log_state.indentation -= num
-def get_indentation():
-    return getattr(_log_state, 'indentation', 0)
-class IndentingFormatter(logging.Formatter):
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """
-        A logging.Formatter that obeys the indent_log() context manager.
-        :param add_timestamp: A bool indicating output lines should be prefixed
-            with their record's timestamp.
-        """
-        self.add_timestamp = kwargs.pop("add_timestamp", False)
-        super(IndentingFormatter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    def get_message_start(self, formatted, levelno):
-        """
-        Return the start of the formatted log message (not counting the
-        prefix to add to each line).
-        """
-        if levelno < logging.WARNING:
-            return ''
-        if formatted.startswith(DEPRECATION_MSG_PREFIX):
-            # Then the message already has a prefix.  We don't want it to
-            # look like "WARNING: DEPRECATION: ...."
-            return ''
-        if levelno < logging.ERROR:
-            return 'WARNING: '
-        return 'ERROR: '
-    def format(self, record):
-        """
-        Calls the standard formatter, but will indent all of the log message
-        lines by our current indentation level.
-        """
-        formatted = super(IndentingFormatter, self).format(record)
-        message_start = self.get_message_start(formatted, record.levelno)
-        formatted = message_start + formatted
-        prefix = ''
-        if self.add_timestamp:
-            # TODO: Use Formatter.default_time_format after dropping PY2.
-            t = self.formatTime(record, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-            prefix = '%s,%03d ' % (t, record.msecs)
-        prefix += " " * get_indentation()
-        formatted = "".join([
-            prefix + line
-            for line in formatted.splitlines(True)
-        ])
-        return formatted
-def _color_wrap(*colors):
-    def wrapped(inp):
-        return "".join(list(colors) + [inp, colorama.Style.RESET_ALL])
-    return wrapped
-class ColorizedStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler):
-    # Don't build up a list of colors if we don't have colorama
-    if colorama:
-        COLORS = [
-            # This needs to be in order from highest logging level to lowest.
-            (logging.ERROR, _color_wrap(Fore.RED)),
-            (logging.WARNING, _color_wrap(Fore.YELLOW)),
-        ]
-    else:
-        COLORS = []
-    def __init__(self, stream=None, no_color=None):
-        logging.StreamHandler.__init__(self, stream)
-        self._no_color = no_color
-        if WINDOWS and colorama:
-            self.stream = colorama.AnsiToWin32(self.stream)
-    def _using_stdout(self):
-        """
-        Return whether the handler is using sys.stdout.
-        """
-        if WINDOWS and colorama:
-            # Then self.stream is an AnsiToWin32 object.
-            return self.stream.wrapped is sys.stdout
-        return self.stream is sys.stdout
-    def should_color(self):
-        # Don't colorize things if we do not have colorama or if told not to
-        if not colorama or self._no_color:
-            return False
-        real_stream = (
-            self.stream if not isinstance(self.stream, colorama.AnsiToWin32)
-            else self.stream.wrapped
-        )
-        # If the stream is a tty we should color it
-        if hasattr(real_stream, "isatty") and real_stream.isatty():
-            return True
-        # If we have an ANSI term we should color it
-        if os.environ.get("TERM") == "ANSI":
-            return True
-        # If anything else we should not color it
-        return False
-    def format(self, record):
-        msg = logging.StreamHandler.format(self, record)
-        if self.should_color():
-            for level, color in self.COLORS:
-                if record.levelno >= level:
-                    msg = color(msg)
-                    break
-        return msg
-    # The logging module says handleError() can be customized.
-    def handleError(self, record):
-        exc_class, exc = sys.exc_info()[:2]
-        # If a broken pipe occurred while calling write() or flush() on the
-        # stdout stream in logging's Handler.emit(), then raise our special
-        # exception so we can handle it in main() instead of logging the
-        # broken pipe error and continuing.
-        if (exc_class and self._using_stdout() and
-                _is_broken_pipe_error(exc_class, exc)):
-            raise BrokenStdoutLoggingError()
-        return super(ColorizedStreamHandler, self).handleError(record)
-class BetterRotatingFileHandler(logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler):
-    def _open(self):
-        ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(self.baseFilename))
-        return logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler._open(self)
-class MaxLevelFilter(Filter):
-    def __init__(self, level):
-        self.level = level
-    def filter(self, record):
-        return record.levelno < self.level
-class ExcludeLoggerFilter(Filter):
-    """
-    A logging Filter that excludes records from a logger (or its children).
-    """
-    def filter(self, record):
-        # The base Filter class allows only records from a logger (or its
-        # children).
-        return not super(ExcludeLoggerFilter, self).filter(record)
-def setup_logging(verbosity, no_color, user_log_file):
-    """Configures and sets up all of the logging
-    Returns the requested logging level, as its integer value.
-    """
-    # Determine the level to be logging at.
-    if verbosity >= 1:
-        level = "DEBUG"
-    elif verbosity == -1:
-        level = "WARNING"
-    elif verbosity == -2:
-        level = "ERROR"
-    elif verbosity <= -3:
-        level = "CRITICAL"
-    else:
-        level = "INFO"
-    level_number = getattr(logging, level)
-    # The "root" logger should match the "console" level *unless* we also need
-    # to log to a user log file.
-    include_user_log = user_log_file is not None
-    if include_user_log:
-        additional_log_file = user_log_file
-        root_level = "DEBUG"
-    else:
-        additional_log_file = "/dev/null"
-        root_level = level
-    # Disable any logging besides WARNING unless we have DEBUG level logging
-    # enabled for vendored libraries.
-    vendored_log_level = "WARNING" if level in ["INFO", "ERROR"] else "DEBUG"
-    # Shorthands for clarity
-    log_streams = {
-        "stdout": "ext://sys.stdout",
-        "stderr": "ext://sys.stderr",
-    }
-    handler_classes = {
-        "stream": "pip._internal.utils.logging.ColorizedStreamHandler",
-        "file": "pip._internal.utils.logging.BetterRotatingFileHandler",
-    }
-    handlers = ["console", "console_errors", "console_subprocess"] + (
-        ["user_log"] if include_user_log else []
-    )
-    logging.config.dictConfig({
-        "version": 1,
-        "disable_existing_loggers": False,
-        "filters": {
-            "exclude_warnings": {
-                "()": "pip._internal.utils.logging.MaxLevelFilter",
-                "level": logging.WARNING,
-            },
-            "restrict_to_subprocess": {
-                "()": "logging.Filter",
-                "name": subprocess_logger.name,
-            },
-            "exclude_subprocess": {
-                "()": "pip._internal.utils.logging.ExcludeLoggerFilter",
-                "name": subprocess_logger.name,
-            },
-        },
-        "formatters": {
-            "indent": {
-                "()": IndentingFormatter,
-                "format": "%(message)s",
-            },
-            "indent_with_timestamp": {
-                "()": IndentingFormatter,
-                "format": "%(message)s",
-                "add_timestamp": True,
-            },
-        },
-        "handlers": {
-            "console": {
-                "level": level,
-                "class": handler_classes["stream"],
-                "no_color": no_color,
-                "stream": log_streams["stdout"],
-                "filters": ["exclude_subprocess", "exclude_warnings"],
-                "formatter": "indent",
-            },
-            "console_errors": {
-                "level": "WARNING",
-                "class": handler_classes["stream"],
-                "no_color": no_color,
-                "stream": log_streams["stderr"],
-                "filters": ["exclude_subprocess"],
-                "formatter": "indent",
-            },
-            # A handler responsible for logging to the console messages
-            # from the "subprocessor" logger.
-            "console_subprocess": {
-                "level": level,
-                "class": handler_classes["stream"],
-                "no_color": no_color,
-                "stream": log_streams["stderr"],
-                "filters": ["restrict_to_subprocess"],
-                "formatter": "indent",
-            },
-            "user_log": {
-                "level": "DEBUG",
-                "class": handler_classes["file"],
-                "filename": additional_log_file,
-                "delay": True,
-                "formatter": "indent_with_timestamp",
-            },
-        },
-        "root": {
-            "level": root_level,
-            "handlers": handlers,
-        },
-        "loggers": {
-            "pip._vendor": {
-                "level": vendored_log_level
-            }
-        },
-    })
-    return level_number