comparison planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/ @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
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0:d30785e31577 1:56ad4e20f292
1 # Copyright (C) 2010-2019 by
2 # Aric Hagberg <>
3 # Dan Schult <>
4 # Pieter Swart <>
5 # All rights reserved.
6 # BSD license.
7 #
8 # Authors: Jon Olav Vik <>
9 # Dan Schult <>
10 # Aric Hagberg <>
11 # Debsankha Manik <>
12 """
13 ========================
14 Cycle finding algorithms
15 ========================
16 """
18 from collections import defaultdict
19 from itertools import tee
21 import networkx as nx
22 from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for, pairwise
24 __all__ = [
25 'cycle_basis', 'simple_cycles',
26 'recursive_simple_cycles', 'find_cycle',
27 'minimum_cycle_basis',
28 ]
31 @not_implemented_for('directed')
32 @not_implemented_for('multigraph')
33 def cycle_basis(G, root=None):
34 """ Returns a list of cycles which form a basis for cycles of G.
36 A basis for cycles of a network is a minimal collection of
37 cycles such that any cycle in the network can be written
38 as a sum of cycles in the basis. Here summation of cycles
39 is defined as "exclusive or" of the edges. Cycle bases are
40 useful, e.g. when deriving equations for electric circuits
41 using Kirchhoff's Laws.
43 Parameters
44 ----------
45 G : NetworkX Graph
46 root : node, optional
47 Specify starting node for basis.
49 Returns
50 -------
51 A list of cycle lists. Each cycle list is a list of nodes
52 which forms a cycle (loop) in G.
54 Examples
55 --------
56 >>> G = nx.Graph()
57 >>> nx.add_cycle(G, [0, 1, 2, 3])
58 >>> nx.add_cycle(G, [0, 3, 4, 5])
59 >>> print(nx.cycle_basis(G, 0))
60 [[3, 4, 5, 0], [1, 2, 3, 0]]
62 Notes
63 -----
64 This is adapted from algorithm CACM 491 [1]_.
66 References
67 ----------
68 .. [1] Paton, K. An algorithm for finding a fundamental set of
69 cycles of a graph. Comm. ACM 12, 9 (Sept 1969), 514-518.
71 See Also
72 --------
73 simple_cycles
74 """
75 gnodes = set(G.nodes())
76 cycles = []
77 while gnodes: # loop over connected components
78 if root is None:
79 root = gnodes.pop()
80 stack = [root]
81 pred = {root: root}
82 used = {root: set()}
83 while stack: # walk the spanning tree finding cycles
84 z = stack.pop() # use last-in so cycles easier to find
85 zused = used[z]
86 for nbr in G[z]:
87 if nbr not in used: # new node
88 pred[nbr] = z
89 stack.append(nbr)
90 used[nbr] = set([z])
91 elif nbr == z: # self loops
92 cycles.append([z])
93 elif nbr not in zused: # found a cycle
94 pn = used[nbr]
95 cycle = [nbr, z]
96 p = pred[z]
97 while p not in pn:
98 cycle.append(p)
99 p = pred[p]
100 cycle.append(p)
101 cycles.append(cycle)
102 used[nbr].add(z)
103 gnodes -= set(pred)
104 root = None
105 return cycles
108 @not_implemented_for('undirected')
109 def simple_cycles(G):
110 """Find simple cycles (elementary circuits) of a directed graph.
112 A `simple cycle`, or `elementary circuit`, is a closed path where
113 no node appears twice. Two elementary circuits are distinct if they
114 are not cyclic permutations of each other.
116 This is a nonrecursive, iterator/generator version of Johnson's
117 algorithm [1]_. There may be better algorithms for some cases [2]_ [3]_.
119 Parameters
120 ----------
121 G : NetworkX DiGraph
122 A directed graph
124 Returns
125 -------
126 cycle_generator: generator
127 A generator that produces elementary cycles of the graph.
128 Each cycle is represented by a list of nodes along the cycle.
130 Examples
131 --------
132 >>> edges = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
133 >>> G = nx.DiGraph(edges)
134 >>> len(list(nx.simple_cycles(G)))
135 5
137 To filter the cycles so that they don't include certain nodes or edges,
138 copy your graph and eliminate those nodes or edges before calling
140 >>> copyG = G.copy()
141 >>> copyG.remove_nodes_from([1])
142 >>> copyG.remove_edges_from([(0, 1)])
143 >>> len(list(nx.simple_cycles(copyG)))
144 3
147 Notes
148 -----
149 The implementation follows pp. 79-80 in [1]_.
151 The time complexity is $O((n+e)(c+1))$ for $n$ nodes, $e$ edges and $c$
152 elementary circuits.
154 References
155 ----------
156 .. [1] Finding all the elementary circuits of a directed graph.
157 D. B. Johnson, SIAM Journal on Computing 4, no. 1, 77-84, 1975.
159 .. [2] Enumerating the cycles of a digraph: a new preprocessing strategy.
160 G. Loizou and P. Thanish, Information Sciences, v. 27, 163-182, 1982.
161 .. [3] A search strategy for the elementary cycles of a directed graph.
162 J.L. Szwarcfiter and P.E. Lauer, BIT NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS,
163 v. 16, no. 2, 192-204, 1976.
165 See Also
166 --------
167 cycle_basis
168 """
169 def _unblock(thisnode, blocked, B):
170 stack = set([thisnode])
171 while stack:
172 node = stack.pop()
173 if node in blocked:
174 blocked.remove(node)
175 stack.update(B[node])
176 B[node].clear()
178 # Johnson's algorithm requires some ordering of the nodes.
179 # We assign the arbitrary ordering given by the strongly connected comps
180 # There is no need to track the ordering as each node removed as processed.
181 # Also we save the actual graph so we can mutate it. We only take the
182 # edges because we do not want to copy edge and node attributes here.
183 subG = type(G)(G.edges())
184 sccs = [scc for scc in nx.strongly_connected_components(subG)
185 if len(scc) > 1]
187 # Johnson's algorithm exclude self cycle edges like (v, v)
188 # To be backward compatible, we record those cycles in advance
189 # and then remove from subG
190 for v in subG:
191 if subG.has_edge(v, v):
192 yield [v]
193 subG.remove_edge(v, v)
195 while sccs:
196 scc = sccs.pop()
197 sccG = subG.subgraph(scc)
198 # order of scc determines ordering of nodes
199 startnode = scc.pop()
200 # Processing node runs "circuit" routine from recursive version
201 path = [startnode]
202 blocked = set() # vertex: blocked from search?
203 closed = set() # nodes involved in a cycle
204 blocked.add(startnode)
205 B = defaultdict(set) # graph portions that yield no elementary circuit
206 stack = [(startnode, list(sccG[startnode]))] # sccG gives comp nbrs
207 while stack:
208 thisnode, nbrs = stack[-1]
209 if nbrs:
210 nextnode = nbrs.pop()
211 if nextnode == startnode:
212 yield path[:]
213 closed.update(path)
214 # print "Found a cycle", path, closed
215 elif nextnode not in blocked:
216 path.append(nextnode)
217 stack.append((nextnode, list(sccG[nextnode])))
218 closed.discard(nextnode)
219 blocked.add(nextnode)
220 continue
221 # done with nextnode... look for more neighbors
222 if not nbrs: # no more nbrs
223 if thisnode in closed:
224 _unblock(thisnode, blocked, B)
225 else:
226 for nbr in sccG[thisnode]:
227 if thisnode not in B[nbr]:
228 B[nbr].add(thisnode)
229 stack.pop()
230 # assert path[-1] == thisnode
231 path.pop()
232 # done processing this node
233 H = subG.subgraph(scc) # make smaller to avoid work in SCC routine
234 sccs.extend(scc for scc in nx.strongly_connected_components(H)
235 if len(scc) > 1)
238 @not_implemented_for('undirected')
239 def recursive_simple_cycles(G):
240 """Find simple cycles (elementary circuits) of a directed graph.
242 A `simple cycle`, or `elementary circuit`, is a closed path where
243 no node appears twice. Two elementary circuits are distinct if they
244 are not cyclic permutations of each other.
246 This version uses a recursive algorithm to build a list of cycles.
247 You should probably use the iterator version called simple_cycles().
248 Warning: This recursive version uses lots of RAM!
250 Parameters
251 ----------
252 G : NetworkX DiGraph
253 A directed graph
255 Returns
256 -------
257 A list of cycles, where each cycle is represented by a list of nodes
258 along the cycle.
260 Example:
262 >>> edges = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
263 >>> G = nx.DiGraph(edges)
264 >>> nx.recursive_simple_cycles(G)
265 [[0], [2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 2], [1, 2]]
267 See Also
268 --------
269 cycle_basis (for undirected graphs)
271 Notes
272 -----
273 The implementation follows pp. 79-80 in [1]_.
275 The time complexity is $O((n+e)(c+1))$ for $n$ nodes, $e$ edges and $c$
276 elementary circuits.
278 References
279 ----------
280 .. [1] Finding all the elementary circuits of a directed graph.
281 D. B. Johnson, SIAM Journal on Computing 4, no. 1, 77-84, 1975.
284 See Also
285 --------
286 simple_cycles, cycle_basis
287 """
288 # Jon Olav Vik, 2010-08-09
289 def _unblock(thisnode):
290 """Recursively unblock and remove nodes from B[thisnode]."""
291 if blocked[thisnode]:
292 blocked[thisnode] = False
293 while B[thisnode]:
294 _unblock(B[thisnode].pop())
296 def circuit(thisnode, startnode, component):
297 closed = False # set to True if elementary path is closed
298 path.append(thisnode)
299 blocked[thisnode] = True
300 for nextnode in component[thisnode]: # direct successors of thisnode
301 if nextnode == startnode:
302 result.append(path[:])
303 closed = True
304 elif not blocked[nextnode]:
305 if circuit(nextnode, startnode, component):
306 closed = True
307 if closed:
308 _unblock(thisnode)
309 else:
310 for nextnode in component[thisnode]:
311 if thisnode not in B[nextnode]: # TODO: use set for speedup?
312 B[nextnode].append(thisnode)
313 path.pop() # remove thisnode from path
314 return closed
316 path = [] # stack of nodes in current path
317 blocked = defaultdict(bool) # vertex: blocked from search?
318 B = defaultdict(list) # graph portions that yield no elementary circuit
319 result = [] # list to accumulate the circuits found
321 # Johnson's algorithm exclude self cycle edges like (v, v)
322 # To be backward compatible, we record those cycles in advance
323 # and then remove from subG
324 for v in G:
325 if G.has_edge(v, v):
326 result.append([v])
327 G.remove_edge(v, v)
329 # Johnson's algorithm requires some ordering of the nodes.
330 # They might not be sortable so we assign an arbitrary ordering.
331 ordering = dict(zip(G, range(len(G))))
332 for s in ordering:
333 # Build the subgraph induced by s and following nodes in the ordering
334 subgraph = G.subgraph(node for node in G
335 if ordering[node] >= ordering[s])
336 # Find the strongly connected component in the subgraph
337 # that contains the least node according to the ordering
338 strongcomp = nx.strongly_connected_components(subgraph)
339 mincomp = min(strongcomp, key=lambda ns: min(ordering[n] for n in ns))
340 component = G.subgraph(mincomp)
341 if len(component) > 1:
342 # smallest node in the component according to the ordering
343 startnode = min(component, key=ordering.__getitem__)
344 for node in component:
345 blocked[node] = False
346 B[node][:] = []
347 dummy = circuit(startnode, startnode, component)
348 return result
351 def find_cycle(G, source=None, orientation=None):
352 """Returns a cycle found via depth-first traversal.
354 The cycle is a list of edges indicating the cyclic path.
355 Orientation of directed edges is controlled by `orientation`.
357 Parameters
358 ----------
359 G : graph
360 A directed/undirected graph/multigraph.
362 source : node, list of nodes
363 The node from which the traversal begins. If None, then a source
364 is chosen arbitrarily and repeatedly until all edges from each node in
365 the graph are searched.
367 orientation : None | 'original' | 'reverse' | 'ignore' (default: None)
368 For directed graphs and directed multigraphs, edge traversals need not
369 respect the original orientation of the edges.
370 When set to 'reverse' every edge is traversed in the reverse direction.
371 When set to 'ignore', every edge is treated as undirected.
372 When set to 'original', every edge is treated as directed.
373 In all three cases, the yielded edge tuples add a last entry to
374 indicate the direction in which that edge was traversed.
375 If orientation is None, the yielded edge has no direction indicated.
376 The direction is respected, but not reported.
378 Returns
379 -------
380 edges : directed edges
381 A list of directed edges indicating the path taken for the loop.
382 If no cycle is found, then an exception is raised.
383 For graphs, an edge is of the form `(u, v)` where `u` and `v`
384 are the tail and head of the edge as determined by the traversal.
385 For multigraphs, an edge is of the form `(u, v, key)`, where `key` is
386 the key of the edge. When the graph is directed, then `u` and `v`
387 are always in the order of the actual directed edge.
388 If orientation is not None then the edge tuple is extended to include
389 the direction of traversal ('forward' or 'reverse') on that edge.
391 Raises
392 ------
393 NetworkXNoCycle
394 If no cycle was found.
396 Examples
397 --------
398 In this example, we construct a DAG and find, in the first call, that there
399 are no directed cycles, and so an exception is raised. In the second call,
400 we ignore edge orientations and find that there is an undirected cycle.
401 Note that the second call finds a directed cycle while effectively
402 traversing an undirected graph, and so, we found an "undirected cycle".
403 This means that this DAG structure does not form a directed tree (which
404 is also known as a polytree).
406 >>> import networkx as nx
407 >>> G = nx.DiGraph([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)])
408 >>> try:
409 ... nx.find_cycle(G, orientation='original')
410 ... except:
411 ... pass
412 ...
413 >>> list(nx.find_cycle(G, orientation='ignore'))
414 [(0, 1, 'forward'), (1, 2, 'forward'), (0, 2, 'reverse')]
416 """
417 if not G.is_directed() or orientation in (None, 'original'):
418 def tailhead(edge):
419 return edge[:2]
420 elif orientation == 'reverse':
421 def tailhead(edge):
422 return edge[1], edge[0]
423 elif orientation == 'ignore':
424 def tailhead(edge):
425 if edge[-1] == 'reverse':
426 return edge[1], edge[0]
427 return edge[:2]
429 explored = set()
430 cycle = []
431 final_node = None
432 for start_node in G.nbunch_iter(source):
433 if start_node in explored:
434 # No loop is possible.
435 continue
437 edges = []
438 # All nodes seen in this iteration of edge_dfs
439 seen = {start_node}
440 # Nodes in active path.
441 active_nodes = {start_node}
442 previous_head = None
444 for edge in nx.edge_dfs(G, start_node, orientation):
445 # Determine if this edge is a continuation of the active path.
446 tail, head = tailhead(edge)
447 if head in explored:
448 # Then we've already explored it. No loop is possible.
449 continue
450 if previous_head is not None and tail != previous_head:
451 # This edge results from backtracking.
452 # Pop until we get a node whose head equals the current tail.
453 # So for example, we might have:
454 # (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 4)
455 # which must become:
456 # (0, 1), (1, 4)
457 while True:
458 try:
459 popped_edge = edges.pop()
460 except IndexError:
461 edges = []
462 active_nodes = {tail}
463 break
464 else:
465 popped_head = tailhead(popped_edge)[1]
466 active_nodes.remove(popped_head)
468 if edges:
469 last_head = tailhead(edges[-1])[1]
470 if tail == last_head:
471 break
472 edges.append(edge)
474 if head in active_nodes:
475 # We have a loop!
476 cycle.extend(edges)
477 final_node = head
478 break
479 else:
480 seen.add(head)
481 active_nodes.add(head)
482 previous_head = head
484 if cycle:
485 break
486 else:
487 explored.update(seen)
489 else:
490 assert(len(cycle) == 0)
491 raise nx.exception.NetworkXNoCycle('No cycle found.')
493 # We now have a list of edges which ends on a cycle.
494 # So we need to remove from the beginning edges that are not relevant.
496 for i, edge in enumerate(cycle):
497 tail, head = tailhead(edge)
498 if tail == final_node:
499 break
501 return cycle[i:]
504 @not_implemented_for('directed')
505 @not_implemented_for('multigraph')
506 def minimum_cycle_basis(G, weight=None):
507 """ Returns a minimum weight cycle basis for G
509 Minimum weight means a cycle basis for which the total weight
510 (length for unweighted graphs) of all the cycles is minimum.
512 Parameters
513 ----------
514 G : NetworkX Graph
515 weight: string
516 name of the edge attribute to use for edge weights
518 Returns
519 -------
520 A list of cycle lists. Each cycle list is a list of nodes
521 which forms a cycle (loop) in G. Note that the nodes are not
522 necessarily returned in a order by which they appear in the cycle
524 Examples
525 --------
526 >>> G=nx.Graph()
527 >>> nx.add_cycle(G, [0,1,2,3])
528 >>> nx.add_cycle(G, [0,3,4,5])
529 >>> print([sorted(c) for c in nx.minimum_cycle_basis(G)])
530 [[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 3, 4, 5]]
532 References:
533 [1] Kavitha, Telikepalli, et al. "An O(m^2n) Algorithm for
534 Minimum Cycle Basis of Graphs."
536 [2] de Pina, J. 1995. Applications of shortest path methods.
537 Ph.D. thesis, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
539 See Also
540 --------
541 simple_cycles, cycle_basis
542 """
543 # We first split the graph in commected subgraphs
544 return sum((_min_cycle_basis(G.subgraph(c), weight) for c in
545 nx.connected_components(G)), [])
548 def _min_cycle_basis(comp, weight):
549 cb = []
550 # We extract the edges not in a spanning tree. We do not really need a
551 # *minimum* spanning tree. That is why we call the next function with
552 # weight=None. Depending on implementation, it may be faster as well
553 spanning_tree_edges = list(nx.minimum_spanning_edges(comp, weight=None,
554 data=False))
555 edges_excl = [frozenset(e) for e in comp.edges()
556 if e not in spanning_tree_edges]
557 N = len(edges_excl)
559 # We maintain a set of vectors orthogonal to sofar found cycles
560 set_orth = [set([edge]) for edge in edges_excl]
561 for k in range(N):
562 # kth cycle is "parallel" to kth vector in set_orth
563 new_cycle = _min_cycle(comp, set_orth[k], weight=weight)
564 cb.append(list(set().union(*new_cycle)))
565 # now update set_orth so that k+1,k+2... th elements are
566 # orthogonal to the newly found cycle, as per [p. 336, 1]
567 base = set_orth[k]
568 set_orth[k + 1:] = [orth ^ base if len(orth & new_cycle) % 2 else orth
569 for orth in set_orth[k + 1:]]
570 return cb
573 def _min_cycle(G, orth, weight=None):
574 """
575 Computes the minimum weight cycle in G,
576 orthogonal to the vector orth as per [p. 338, 1]
577 """
578 T = nx.Graph()
580 nodes_idx = {node: idx for idx, node in enumerate(G.nodes())}
581 idx_nodes = {idx: node for node, idx in nodes_idx.items()}
583 nnodes = len(nodes_idx)
585 # Add 2 copies of each edge in G to T. If edge is in orth, add cross edge;
586 # otherwise in-plane edge
587 for u, v, data in G.edges(data=True):
588 uidx, vidx = nodes_idx[u], nodes_idx[v]
589 edge_w = data.get(weight, 1)
590 if frozenset((u, v)) in orth:
591 T.add_edges_from(
592 [(uidx, nnodes + vidx), (nnodes + uidx, vidx)], weight=edge_w)
593 else:
594 T.add_edges_from(
595 [(uidx, vidx), (nnodes + uidx, nnodes + vidx)], weight=edge_w)
597 all_shortest_pathlens = dict(nx.shortest_path_length(T, weight=weight))
598 cross_paths_w_lens = {n: all_shortest_pathlens[n][nnodes + n]
599 for n in range(nnodes)}
601 # Now compute shortest paths in T, which translates to cyles in G
602 start = min(cross_paths_w_lens, key=cross_paths_w_lens.get)
603 end = nnodes + start
604 min_path = nx.shortest_path(T, source=start, target=end, weight='weight')
606 # Now we obtain the actual path, re-map nodes in T to those in G
607 min_path_nodes = [node if node < nnodes else node - nnodes
608 for node in min_path]
609 # Now remove the edges that occur two times
610 mcycle_pruned = _path_to_cycle(min_path_nodes)
612 return {frozenset((idx_nodes[u], idx_nodes[v])) for u, v in mcycle_pruned}
615 def _path_to_cycle(path):
616 """
617 Removes the edges from path that occur even number of times.
618 Returns a set of edges
619 """
620 edges = set()
621 for edge in pairwise(path):
622 # Toggle whether to keep the current edge.
623 edges ^= {edge}
624 return edges