comparison planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/parsers/pyRdfa/ @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:d30785e31577 1:56ad4e20f292
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 """
3 L{Options} class: collect the possible options that govern the parsing possibilities. The module also includes the L{ProcessorGraph} class that handles the processor graph, per RDFa 1.1 (i.e., the graph containing errors and warnings).
5 @summary: RDFa parser (distiller)
6 @requires: U{RDFLib<>}
7 @organization: U{World Wide Web Consortium<>}
8 @author: U{Ivan Herman<a href="">}
9 @license: This software is available for use under the
11 """
13 """
14 $Id:,v 1.20 2013-10-16 11:48:54 ivan Exp $ $Date: 2013-10-16 11:48:54 $
15 """
17 import sys, datetime
19 import rdflib
20 from rdflib import URIRef
21 from rdflib import Literal
22 from rdflib import BNode
23 from rdflib import Namespace
24 if rdflib.__version__ >= "3.0.0" :
25 from rdflib import Graph
26 from rdflib import RDF as ns_rdf
27 from rdflib import RDFS as ns_rdfs
28 else :
29 from rdflib.Graph import Graph
30 from rdflib.RDFS import RDFSNS as ns_rdfs
31 from rdflib.RDF import RDFNS as ns_rdf
33 from .host import HostLanguage, MediaTypes, content_to_host_language, predefined_1_0_rel, require_embedded_rdf
34 from . import ns_xsd, ns_distill, ns_rdfa
35 from . import RDFA_Error, RDFA_Warning, RDFA_Info
36 from .transform.lite import lite_prune
38 ns_dc = Namespace("")
39 ns_ht = Namespace("")
41 class ProcessorGraph :
42 """Wrapper around the 'processor graph', ie, the (RDF) Graph containing the warnings,
43 error messages, and informational messages.
44 """
45 def __init__(self) :
46 self.graph = Graph()
48 def add_triples(self, msg, top_class, info_class, context, node) :
49 """
50 Add an error structure to the processor graph: a bnode with a number of predicates. The structure
51 follows U{the processor graph vocabulary<>} as described
52 on the RDFa WG Wiki page.
54 @param msg: the core error message, added as an object to a dc:description
55 @param top_class: Error, Warning, or Info; an explicit rdf:type added to the bnode
56 @type top_class: URIRef
57 @param info_class: An additional error class, added as an rdf:type to the bnode in case it is not None
58 @type info_class: URIRef
59 @param context: An additional information added, if not None, as an object with rdfa:context as a predicate
60 @type context: either an URIRef or a URI String (an URIRef will be created in the second case)
61 @param node: The node's element name that contains the error
62 @type node: string
63 @return: the bnode that serves as a subject for the errors. The caller may add additional information
64 @rtype: BNode
65 """
66 # Lazy binding of relevant prefixes
67 self.graph.bind("dcterms", ns_dc)
68 self.graph.bind("pyrdfa", ns_distill)
69 self.graph.bind("rdf", ns_rdf)
70 self.graph.bind("rdfa", ns_rdfa)
71 self.graph.bind("ht", ns_ht)
72 self.graph.bind("xsd", ns_xsd)
73 # Python 3 foolproof way
74 try :
75 is_context_string = isinstance(context, str)
76 except :
77 is_context_string = isinstance(context, str)
79 bnode = BNode()
81 if node != None:
82 try :
83 full_msg = "[In element '%s'] %s" % (node.nodeName, msg)
84 except :
85 full_msg = "[In element '%s'] %s" % (node, msg)
86 else :
87 full_msg = msg
89 self.graph.add((bnode, ns_rdf["type"], top_class))
90 if info_class :
91 self.graph.add((bnode, ns_rdf["type"], info_class))
92 self.graph.add((bnode, ns_dc["description"], Literal(full_msg)))
93 self.graph.add((bnode, ns_dc["date"], Literal(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),datatype=ns_xsd["dateTime"])))
94 if context and (isinstance(context,URIRef) or is_context_string):
95 htbnode = BNode()
96 self.graph.add( (bnode, ns_rdfa["context"],htbnode) )
97 self.graph.add( (htbnode, ns_rdf["type"], ns_ht["Request"]) )
98 self.graph.add( (htbnode, ns_ht["requestURI"], Literal("%s" % context)) )
99 return bnode
101 def add_http_context(self, subj, http_code) :
102 """
103 Add an additional HTTP context to a message with subject in C{subj}, using the U{<>}
104 vocabulary. Typically used to extend an error structure, as created by L{add_triples}.
106 @param subj: an RDFLib resource, typically a blank node
107 @param http_code: HTTP status code
108 """
109 bnode = BNode()
110 self.graph.add((subj, ns_rdfa["context"], bnode))
111 self.graph.add((bnode, ns_rdf["type"], ns_ht["Response"]))
112 self.graph.add((bnode, ns_ht["responseCode"], URIRef("" % http_code)))
114 class Options :
115 """Settable options. An instance of this class is stored in
116 the L{execution context<ExecutionContext>} of the parser.
118 @ivar space_preserve: whether plain literals should preserve spaces at output or not
119 @type space_preserve: Boolean
121 @ivar output_default_graph: whether the 'default' graph should be returned to the user
122 @type output_default_graph: Boolean
124 @ivar output_processor_graph: whether the 'processor' graph should be returned to the user
125 @type output_processor_graph: Boolean
127 @ivar processor_graph: the 'processor' Graph
128 @type processor_graph: L{ProcessorGraph}
130 @ivar transformers: extra transformers
131 @type transformers: list
133 @ivar vocab_cache_report: whether the details of vocabulary file caching process should be reported as information (mainly for debug)
134 @type vocab_cache_report: Boolean
136 @ivar refresh_vocab_cache: whether the caching checks of vocabs should be by-passed, ie, if caches should be re-generated regardless of the stored date (important for vocab development)
137 @type refresh_vocab_cache: Boolean
139 @ivar embedded_rdf: whether embedded RDF (ie, turtle in an HTML script element or an RDF/XML content in SVG) should be extracted and added to the final graph. This is a non-standard option...
140 @type embedded_rdf: Boolean
142 @ivar vocab_expansion: whether the @vocab elements should be expanded and a mini-RDFS processing should be done on the merged graph
143 @type vocab_expansion: Boolean
145 @ivar vocab_cache: whether the system should use the vocabulary caching mechanism when expanding via the mini-RDFS, or should just fetch the graphs every time
146 @type vocab_cache: Boolean
148 @ivar host_language: the host language for the RDFa attributes. Default is HostLanguage.xhtml, but it can be HostLanguage.rdfa_core and HostLanguage.html5, or others...
149 @type host_language: integer (logically: an enumeration)
151 @ivar content_type: the content type of the host file. Default is None
152 @type content_type: string (logically: an enumeration)
154 @ivar add_informational_messages: whether informational messages should also be added to the processor graph, or only errors and warnings
156 @ivar experimental_features: whether experimental features should be activated; that is a developer's option...
157 @ivar check_lite: whether RDFa Lite should be checked, to generate warnings.
158 """
159 def __init__(self, output_default_graph = True,
160 output_processor_graph = False,
161 space_preserve = True,
162 transformers = [],
163 embedded_rdf = True,
164 vocab_expansion = False,
165 vocab_cache = True,
166 vocab_cache_report = False,
167 refresh_vocab_cache = False,
168 add_informational_messages = False,
169 check_lite = False,
170 experimental_features = False
171 ) :
172 self.space_preserve = space_preserve
173 self.transformers = transformers
174 self.processor_graph = ProcessorGraph()
175 self.output_default_graph = output_default_graph
176 self.output_processor_graph = output_processor_graph
177 self.host_language = HostLanguage.rdfa_core
178 self.vocab_cache_report = vocab_cache_report
179 self.refresh_vocab_cache = refresh_vocab_cache
180 self.embedded_rdf = embedded_rdf
181 self.vocab_expansion = vocab_expansion
182 self.vocab_cache = vocab_cache
183 self.add_informational_messages = add_informational_messages
184 self.check_lite = check_lite
185 if check_lite :
186 self.transformers.append(lite_prune)
187 self.experimental_features = experimental_features
189 def set_host_language(self, content_type) :
190 """
191 Set the host language for processing, based on the recognized types. If this is not a recognized content type,
192 it falls back to RDFa core (i.e., XML)
193 @param content_type: content type
194 @type content_type: string
195 """
196 if content_type in content_to_host_language :
197 self.host_language = content_to_host_language[content_type]
198 else :
199 self.host_language = HostLanguage.rdfa_core
201 if self.host_language in require_embedded_rdf :
202 self.embedded_rdf = True
204 def __str__(self) :
205 retval = """Current options:
206 preserve space : %s
207 output processor graph : %s
208 output default graph : %s
209 host language : %s
210 accept embedded RDF : %s
211 check rdfa lite : %s
212 cache vocabulary graphs : %s
213 """
214 return retval % (self.space_preserve, self.output_processor_graph, self.output_default_graph, self.host_language, self.embedded_rdf, self.check_lite, self.vocab_cache)
216 def reset_processor_graph(self):
217 """Empty the processor graph. This is necessary if the same options is reused
218 for several RDFa sources, and new error messages should be generated.
219 """
220 self.processor_graph.graph.remove((None,None,None))
222 def add_warning(self, txt, warning_type=None, context=None, node=None, buggy_value=None) :
223 """Add a warning to the processor graph.
224 @param txt: the warning text.
225 @keyword warning_type: Warning Class
226 @type warning_type: URIRef
227 @keyword context: possible context to be added to the processor graph
228 @type context: URIRef or String
229 @keyword buggy_value: a special case when a 'term' is not recognized; no warning is generated for that case if the value is part of the 'usual' XHTML terms, because almost all RDFa file contains some of those and that would pollute the output
230 @type buggy_value: String
231 """
232 if warning_type == ns_rdfa["UnresolvedTerm"] and buggy_value in predefined_1_0_rel :
233 return
234 return self.processor_graph.add_triples(txt, RDFA_Warning, warning_type, context, node)
236 def add_info(self, txt, info_type=None, context=None, node=None, buggy_value=None) :
237 """Add an informational comment to the processor graph.
238 @param txt: the information text.
239 @keyword info_type: Info Class
240 @type info_type: URIRef
241 @keyword context: possible context to be added to the processor graph
242 @type context: URIRef or String
243 @keyword buggy_value: a special case when a 'term' is not recognized; no information is generated for that case if the value is part of the 'usual' XHTML terms, because almost all RDFa file contains some of those and that would pollute the output
244 @type buggy_value: String
245 """
246 if self.add_informational_messages :
247 return self.processor_graph.add_triples(txt, RDFA_Info, info_type, context, node)
248 else :
249 return
251 def add_error(self, txt, err_type=None, context=None, node=None, buggy_value=None) :
252 """Add an error to the processor graph.
253 @param txt: the information text.
254 @keyword err_type: Error Class
255 @type err_type: URIRef
256 @keyword context: possible context to be added to the processor graph
257 @type context: URIRef or String
258 @keyword buggy_value: a special case when a 'term' is not recognized; no error is generated for that case if the value is part of the 'usual' XHTML terms, because almost all RDFa file contains some of those and that would pollute the output
259 @type buggy_value: String
260 """
261 return self.processor_graph.add_triples(txt, RDFA_Error, err_type, context, node)