diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/clique.py @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/clique.py	Fri Jul 31 00:32:28 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2004-2019 by
+#    Aric Hagberg <hagberg@lanl.gov>
+#    Dan Schult <dschult@colgate.edu>
+#    Pieter Swart <swart@lanl.gov>
+#    All rights reserved.
+#    BSD license.
+"""Functions for finding and manipulating cliques.
+Finding the largest clique in a graph is NP-complete problem, so most of
+these algorithms have an exponential running time; for more information,
+see the Wikipedia article on the clique problem [1]_.
+.. [1] clique problem:: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clique_problem
+from collections import deque
+from itertools import chain
+from itertools import combinations
+from itertools import islice
+    from itertools import ifilter as filter
+except ImportError:
+    pass
+import networkx as nx
+from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for
+__author__ = """Dan Schult (dschult@colgate.edu)"""
+__all__ = ['find_cliques', 'find_cliques_recursive', 'make_max_clique_graph',
+           'make_clique_bipartite', 'graph_clique_number',
+           'graph_number_of_cliques', 'node_clique_number',
+           'number_of_cliques', 'cliques_containing_node',
+           'enumerate_all_cliques']
+def enumerate_all_cliques(G):
+    """Returns all cliques in an undirected graph.
+    This function returns an iterator over cliques, each of which is a
+    list of nodes. The iteration is ordered by cardinality of the
+    cliques: first all cliques of size one, then all cliques of size
+    two, etc.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph
+        An undirected graph.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    iterator
+        An iterator over cliques, each of which is a list of nodes in
+        `G`. The cliques are ordered according to size.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    To obtain a list of all cliques, use
+    `list(enumerate_all_cliques(G))`. However, be aware that in the
+    worst-case, the length of this list can be exponential in the number
+    of nodes in the graph (for example, when the graph is the complete
+    graph). This function avoids storing all cliques in memory by only
+    keeping current candidate node lists in memory during its search.
+    The implementation is adapted from the algorithm by Zhang, et
+    al. (2005) [1]_ to output all cliques discovered.
+    This algorithm ignores self-loops and parallel edges, since cliques
+    are not conventionally defined with such edges.
+    References
+    ----------
+    .. [1] Yun Zhang, Abu-Khzam, F.N., Baldwin, N.E., Chesler, E.J.,
+           Langston, M.A., Samatova, N.F.,
+           "Genome-Scale Computational Approaches to Memory-Intensive
+           Applications in Systems Biology".
+           *Supercomputing*, 2005. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE SC 2005
+           Conference, pp. 12, 12--18 Nov. 2005.
+           <https://doi.org/10.1109/SC.2005.29>.
+    """
+    index = {}
+    nbrs = {}
+    for u in G:
+        index[u] = len(index)
+        # Neighbors of u that appear after u in the iteration order of G.
+        nbrs[u] = {v for v in G[u] if v not in index}
+    queue = deque(([u], sorted(nbrs[u], key=index.__getitem__)) for u in G)
+    # Loop invariants:
+    # 1. len(base) is nondecreasing.
+    # 2. (base + cnbrs) is sorted with respect to the iteration order of G.
+    # 3. cnbrs is a set of common neighbors of nodes in base.
+    while queue:
+        base, cnbrs = map(list, queue.popleft())
+        yield base
+        for i, u in enumerate(cnbrs):
+            # Use generators to reduce memory consumption.
+            queue.append((chain(base, [u]),
+                          filter(nbrs[u].__contains__,
+                                 islice(cnbrs, i + 1, None))))
+def find_cliques(G):
+    """Returns all maximal cliques in an undirected graph.
+    For each node *v*, a *maximal clique for v* is a largest complete
+    subgraph containing *v*. The largest maximal clique is sometimes
+    called the *maximum clique*.
+    This function returns an iterator over cliques, each of which is a
+    list of nodes. It is an iterative implementation, so should not
+    suffer from recursion depth issues.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph
+        An undirected graph.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    iterator
+        An iterator over maximal cliques, each of which is a list of
+        nodes in `G`. The order of cliques is arbitrary.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    find_cliques_recursive
+        A recursive version of the same algorithm.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    To obtain a list of all maximal cliques, use
+    `list(find_cliques(G))`. However, be aware that in the worst-case,
+    the length of this list can be exponential in the number of nodes in
+    the graph. This function avoids storing all cliques in memory by
+    only keeping current candidate node lists in memory during its search.
+    This implementation is based on the algorithm published by Bron and
+    Kerbosch (1973) [1]_, as adapted by Tomita, Tanaka and Takahashi
+    (2006) [2]_ and discussed in Cazals and Karande (2008) [3]_. It
+    essentially unrolls the recursion used in the references to avoid
+    issues of recursion stack depth (for a recursive implementation, see
+    :func:`find_cliques_recursive`).
+    This algorithm ignores self-loops and parallel edges, since cliques
+    are not conventionally defined with such edges.
+    References
+    ----------
+    .. [1] Bron, C. and Kerbosch, J.
+       "Algorithm 457: finding all cliques of an undirected graph".
+       *Communications of the ACM* 16, 9 (Sep. 1973), 575--577.
+       <http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=362342.362367>
+    .. [2] Etsuji Tomita, Akira Tanaka, Haruhisa Takahashi,
+       "The worst-case time complexity for generating all maximal
+       cliques and computational experiments",
+       *Theoretical Computer Science*, Volume 363, Issue 1,
+       Computing and Combinatorics,
+       10th Annual International Conference on
+       Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON 2004), 25 October 2006, Pages 28--42
+       <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2006.06.015>
+    .. [3] F. Cazals, C. Karande,
+       "A note on the problem of reporting maximal cliques",
+       *Theoretical Computer Science*,
+       Volume 407, Issues 1--3, 6 November 2008, Pages 564--568,
+       <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2008.05.010>
+    """
+    if len(G) == 0:
+        return
+    adj = {u: {v for v in G[u] if v != u} for u in G}
+    Q = [None]
+    subg = set(G)
+    cand = set(G)
+    u = max(subg, key=lambda u: len(cand & adj[u]))
+    ext_u = cand - adj[u]
+    stack = []
+    try:
+        while True:
+            if ext_u:
+                q = ext_u.pop()
+                cand.remove(q)
+                Q[-1] = q
+                adj_q = adj[q]
+                subg_q = subg & adj_q
+                if not subg_q:
+                    yield Q[:]
+                else:
+                    cand_q = cand & adj_q
+                    if cand_q:
+                        stack.append((subg, cand, ext_u))
+                        Q.append(None)
+                        subg = subg_q
+                        cand = cand_q
+                        u = max(subg, key=lambda u: len(cand & adj[u]))
+                        ext_u = cand - adj[u]
+            else:
+                Q.pop()
+                subg, cand, ext_u = stack.pop()
+    except IndexError:
+        pass
+# TODO Should this also be not implemented for directed graphs?
+def find_cliques_recursive(G):
+    """Returns all maximal cliques in a graph.
+    For each node *v*, a *maximal clique for v* is a largest complete
+    subgraph containing *v*. The largest maximal clique is sometimes
+    called the *maximum clique*.
+    This function returns an iterator over cliques, each of which is a
+    list of nodes. It is a recursive implementation, so may suffer from
+    recursion depth issues.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph
+    Returns
+    -------
+    iterator
+        An iterator over maximal cliques, each of which is a list of
+        nodes in `G`. The order of cliques is arbitrary.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    find_cliques
+        An iterative version of the same algorithm.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    To obtain a list of all maximal cliques, use
+    `list(find_cliques_recursive(G))`. However, be aware that in the
+    worst-case, the length of this list can be exponential in the number
+    of nodes in the graph. This function avoids storing all cliques in memory
+    by only keeping current candidate node lists in memory during its search.
+    This implementation is based on the algorithm published by Bron and
+    Kerbosch (1973) [1]_, as adapted by Tomita, Tanaka and Takahashi
+    (2006) [2]_ and discussed in Cazals and Karande (2008) [3]_. For a
+    non-recursive implementation, see :func:`find_cliques`.
+    This algorithm ignores self-loops and parallel edges, since cliques
+    are not conventionally defined with such edges.
+    References
+    ----------
+    .. [1] Bron, C. and Kerbosch, J.
+       "Algorithm 457: finding all cliques of an undirected graph".
+       *Communications of the ACM* 16, 9 (Sep. 1973), 575--577.
+       <http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=362342.362367>
+    .. [2] Etsuji Tomita, Akira Tanaka, Haruhisa Takahashi,
+       "The worst-case time complexity for generating all maximal
+       cliques and computational experiments",
+       *Theoretical Computer Science*, Volume 363, Issue 1,
+       Computing and Combinatorics,
+       10th Annual International Conference on
+       Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON 2004), 25 October 2006, Pages 28--42
+       <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2006.06.015>
+    .. [3] F. Cazals, C. Karande,
+       "A note on the problem of reporting maximal cliques",
+       *Theoretical Computer Science*,
+       Volume 407, Issues 1--3, 6 November 2008, Pages 564--568,
+       <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2008.05.010>
+    """
+    if len(G) == 0:
+        return iter([])
+    adj = {u: {v for v in G[u] if v != u} for u in G}
+    Q = []
+    def expand(subg, cand):
+        u = max(subg, key=lambda u: len(cand & adj[u]))
+        for q in cand - adj[u]:
+            cand.remove(q)
+            Q.append(q)
+            adj_q = adj[q]
+            subg_q = subg & adj_q
+            if not subg_q:
+                yield Q[:]
+            else:
+                cand_q = cand & adj_q
+                if cand_q:
+                    for clique in expand(subg_q, cand_q):
+                        yield clique
+            Q.pop()
+    return expand(set(G), set(G))
+def make_max_clique_graph(G, create_using=None):
+    """Returns the maximal clique graph of the given graph.
+    The nodes of the maximal clique graph of `G` are the cliques of
+    `G` and an edge joins two cliques if the cliques are not disjoint.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph
+    create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph)
+       Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    NetworkX graph
+        A graph whose nodes are the cliques of `G` and whose edges
+        join two cliques if they are not disjoint.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    This function behaves like the following code::
+        import networkx as nx
+        G = nx.make_clique_bipartite(G)
+        cliques = [v for v in G.nodes() if G.nodes[v]['bipartite'] == 0]
+        G = nx.bipartite.project(G, cliques)
+        G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, {-v: v - 1 for v in G})
+    It should be faster, though, since it skips all the intermediate
+    steps.
+    """
+    if create_using is None:
+        B = G.__class__()
+    else:
+        B = nx.empty_graph(0, create_using)
+    cliques = list(enumerate(set(c) for c in find_cliques(G)))
+    # Add a numbered node for each clique.
+    B.add_nodes_from(i for i, c in cliques)
+    # Join cliques by an edge if they share a node.
+    clique_pairs = combinations(cliques, 2)
+    B.add_edges_from((i, j) for (i, c1), (j, c2) in clique_pairs if c1 & c2)
+    return B
+def make_clique_bipartite(G, fpos=None, create_using=None, name=None):
+    """Returns the bipartite clique graph corresponding to `G`.
+    In the returned bipartite graph, the "bottom" nodes are the nodes of
+    `G` and the "top" nodes represent the maximal cliques of `G`.
+    There is an edge from node *v* to clique *C* in the returned graph
+    if and only if *v* is an element of *C*.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph
+        An undirected graph.
+    fpos : bool
+        If True or not None, the returned graph will have an
+        additional attribute, `pos`, a dictionary mapping node to
+        position in the Euclidean plane.
+    create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph)
+       Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    NetworkX graph
+        A bipartite graph whose "bottom" set is the nodes of the graph
+        `G`, whose "top" set is the cliques of `G`, and whose edges
+        join nodes of `G` to the cliques that contain them.
+        The nodes of the graph `G` have the node attribute
+        'bipartite' set to 1 and the nodes representing cliques
+        have the node attribute 'bipartite' set to 0, as is the
+        convention for bipartite graphs in NetworkX.
+    """
+    B = nx.empty_graph(0, create_using)
+    B.clear()
+    # The "bottom" nodes in the bipartite graph are the nodes of the
+    # original graph, G.
+    B.add_nodes_from(G, bipartite=1)
+    for i, cl in enumerate(find_cliques(G)):
+        # The "top" nodes in the bipartite graph are the cliques. These
+        # nodes get negative numbers as labels.
+        name = -i - 1
+        B.add_node(name, bipartite=0)
+        B.add_edges_from((v, name) for v in cl)
+    return B
+def graph_clique_number(G, cliques=None):
+    """Returns the clique number of the graph.
+    The *clique number* of a graph is the size of the largest clique in
+    the graph.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph
+        An undirected graph.
+    cliques : list
+        A list of cliques, each of which is itself a list of nodes. If
+        not specified, the list of all cliques will be computed, as by
+        :func:`find_cliques`.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    int
+        The size of the largest clique in `G`.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    You should provide `cliques` if you have already computed the list
+    of maximal cliques, in order to avoid an exponential time search for
+    maximal cliques.
+    """
+    if cliques is None:
+        cliques = find_cliques(G)
+    if len(G.nodes) < 1:
+        return 0
+    return max([len(c) for c in cliques] or [1])
+def graph_number_of_cliques(G, cliques=None):
+    """Returns the number of maximal cliques in the graph.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph
+        An undirected graph.
+    cliques : list
+        A list of cliques, each of which is itself a list of nodes. If
+        not specified, the list of all cliques will be computed, as by
+        :func:`find_cliques`.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    int
+        The number of maximal cliques in `G`.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    You should provide `cliques` if you have already computed the list
+    of maximal cliques, in order to avoid an exponential time search for
+    maximal cliques.
+    """
+    if cliques is None:
+        cliques = list(find_cliques(G))
+    return len(cliques)
+def node_clique_number(G, nodes=None, cliques=None):
+    """ Returns the size of the largest maximal clique containing
+    each given node.
+    Returns a single or list depending on input nodes.
+    Optional list of cliques can be input if already computed.
+    """
+    if cliques is None:
+        if nodes is not None:
+            # Use ego_graph to decrease size of graph
+            if isinstance(nodes, list):
+                d = {}
+                for n in nodes:
+                    H = nx.ego_graph(G, n)
+                    d[n] = max((len(c) for c in find_cliques(H)))
+            else:
+                H = nx.ego_graph(G, nodes)
+                d = max((len(c) for c in find_cliques(H)))
+            return d
+        # nodes is None--find all cliques
+        cliques = list(find_cliques(G))
+    if nodes is None:
+        nodes = list(G.nodes())   # none, get entire graph
+    if not isinstance(nodes, list):   # check for a list
+        v = nodes
+        # assume it is a single value
+        d = max([len(c) for c in cliques if v in c])
+    else:
+        d = {}
+        for v in nodes:
+            d[v] = max([len(c) for c in cliques if v in c])
+    return d
+    # if nodes is None:                 # none, use entire graph
+    #     nodes=G.nodes()
+    # elif  not isinstance(nodes, list):    # check for a list
+    #     nodes=[nodes]             # assume it is a single value
+    # if cliques is None:
+    #     cliques=list(find_cliques(G))
+    # d={}
+    # for v in nodes:
+    #     d[v]=max([len(c) for c in cliques if v in c])
+    # if nodes in G:
+    #     return d[v] #return single value
+    # return d
+def number_of_cliques(G, nodes=None, cliques=None):
+    """Returns the number of maximal cliques for each node.
+    Returns a single or list depending on input nodes.
+    Optional list of cliques can be input if already computed.
+    """
+    if cliques is None:
+        cliques = list(find_cliques(G))
+    if nodes is None:
+        nodes = list(G.nodes())   # none, get entire graph
+    if not isinstance(nodes, list):   # check for a list
+        v = nodes
+        # assume it is a single value
+        numcliq = len([1 for c in cliques if v in c])
+    else:
+        numcliq = {}
+        for v in nodes:
+            numcliq[v] = len([1 for c in cliques if v in c])
+    return numcliq
+def cliques_containing_node(G, nodes=None, cliques=None):
+    """Returns a list of cliques containing the given node.
+    Returns a single list or list of lists depending on input nodes.
+    Optional list of cliques can be input if already computed.
+    """
+    if cliques is None:
+        cliques = list(find_cliques(G))
+    if nodes is None:
+        nodes = list(G.nodes())   # none, get entire graph
+    if not isinstance(nodes, list):   # check for a list
+        v = nodes
+        # assume it is a single value
+        vcliques = [c for c in cliques if v in c]
+    else:
+        vcliques = {}
+        for v in nodes:
+            vcliques[v] = [c for c in cliques if v in c]
+    return vcliques