diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/planarity.py @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/planarity.py	Fri Jul 31 00:32:28 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1097 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+import networkx as nx
+__all__ = ["check_planarity", "PlanarEmbedding"]
+def check_planarity(G, counterexample=False):
+    """Check if a graph is planar and return a counterexample or an embedding.
+    A graph is planar iff it can be drawn in a plane without
+    any edge intersections.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph
+    counterexample : bool
+        A Kuratowski subgraph (to proof non planarity) is only returned if set
+        to true.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    (is_planar, certificate) : (bool, NetworkX graph) tuple
+        is_planar is true if the graph is planar.
+        If the graph is planar `certificate` is a PlanarEmbedding
+        otherwise it is a Kuratowski subgraph.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    A (combinatorial) embedding consists of cyclic orderings of the incident
+    edges at each vertex. Given such an embedding there are multiple approaches
+    discussed in literature to drawing the graph (subject to various
+    constraints, e.g. integer coordinates), see e.g. [2].
+    The planarity check algorithm and extraction of the combinatorial embedding
+    is based on the Left-Right Planarity Test [1].
+    A counterexample is only generated if the corresponding parameter is set,
+    because the complexity of the counterexample generation is higher.
+    References
+    ----------
+    .. [1] Ulrik Brandes:
+        The Left-Right Planarity Test
+        2009
+        http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
+    .. [2] Takao Nishizeki, Md Saidur Rahman:
+        Planar graph drawing
+        Lecture Notes Series on Computing: Volume 12
+        2004
+    """
+    planarity_state = LRPlanarity(G)
+    embedding = planarity_state.lr_planarity()
+    if embedding is None:
+        # graph is not planar
+        if counterexample:
+            return False, get_counterexample(G)
+        else:
+            return False, None
+    else:
+        # graph is planar
+        return True, embedding
+def check_planarity_recursive(G, counterexample=False):
+    """Recursive version of :meth:`check_planarity`."""
+    planarity_state = LRPlanarity(G)
+    embedding = planarity_state.lr_planarity_recursive()
+    if embedding is None:
+        # graph is not planar
+        if counterexample:
+            return False, get_counterexample_recursive(G)
+        else:
+            return False, None
+    else:
+        # graph is planar
+        return True, embedding
+def get_counterexample(G):
+    """Obtains a Kuratowski subgraph.
+    Raises nx.NetworkXException if G is planar.
+    The function removes edges such that the graph is still not planar.
+    At some point the removal of any edge would make the graph planar.
+    This subgraph must be a Kuratowski subgraph.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph
+    Returns
+    -------
+    subgraph : NetworkX graph
+        A Kuratowski subgraph that proves that G is not planar.
+    """
+    # copy graph
+    G = nx.Graph(G)
+    if check_planarity(G)[0]:
+        raise nx.NetworkXException("G is planar - no counter example.")
+    # find Kuratowski subgraph
+    subgraph = nx.Graph()
+    for u in G:
+        nbrs = list(G[u])
+        for v in nbrs:
+            G.remove_edge(u, v)
+            if check_planarity(G)[0]:
+                G.add_edge(u, v)
+                subgraph.add_edge(u, v)
+    return subgraph
+def get_counterexample_recursive(G):
+    """Recursive version of :meth:`get_counterexample`.
+    """
+    # copy graph
+    G = nx.Graph(G)
+    if check_planarity_recursive(G)[0]:
+        raise nx.NetworkXException("G is planar - no counter example.")
+    # find Kuratowski subgraph
+    subgraph = nx.Graph()
+    for u in G:
+        nbrs = list(G[u])
+        for v in nbrs:
+            G.remove_edge(u, v)
+            if check_planarity_recursive(G)[0]:
+                G.add_edge(u, v)
+                subgraph.add_edge(u, v)
+    return subgraph
+class Interval(object):
+    """Represents a set of return edges.
+    All return edges in an interval induce a same constraint on the contained
+    edges, which means that all edges must either have a left orientation or
+    all edges must have a right orientation.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, low=None, high=None):
+        self.low = low
+        self.high = high
+    def empty(self):
+        """Check if the interval is empty"""
+        return self.low is None and self.high is None
+    def copy(self):
+        """Returns a copy of this interval"""
+        return Interval(self.low, self.high)
+    def conflicting(self, b, planarity_state):
+        """Returns True if interval I conflicts with edge b"""
+        return (not self.empty() and
+                planarity_state.lowpt[self.high] > planarity_state.lowpt[b])
+class ConflictPair(object):
+    """Represents a different constraint between two intervals.
+    The edges in the left interval must have a different orientation than
+    the one in the right interval.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, left=Interval(), right=Interval()):
+        self.left = left
+        self.right = right
+    def swap(self):
+        """Swap left and right intervals"""
+        temp = self.left
+        self.left = self.right
+        self.right = temp
+    def lowest(self, planarity_state):
+        """Returns the lowest lowpoint of a conflict pair"""
+        if self.left.empty():
+            return planarity_state.lowpt[self.right.low]
+        if self.right.empty():
+            return planarity_state.lowpt[self.left.low]
+        return min(planarity_state.lowpt[self.left.low],
+                   planarity_state.lowpt[self.right.low])
+def top_of_stack(l):
+    """Returns the element on top of the stack."""
+    if not l:
+        return None
+    return l[-1]
+class LRPlanarity(object):
+    """A class to maintain the state during planarity check."""
+    __slots__ = [
+        'G', 'roots', 'height', 'lowpt', 'lowpt2', 'nesting_depth',
+        'parent_edge', 'DG', 'adjs', 'ordered_adjs', 'ref', 'side', 'S',
+        'stack_bottom', 'lowpt_edge', 'left_ref', 'right_ref', 'embedding'
+    ]
+    def __init__(self, G):
+        # copy G without adding self-loops
+        self.G = nx.Graph()
+        self.G.add_nodes_from(G.nodes)
+        for e in G.edges:
+            if e[0] != e[1]:
+                self.G.add_edge(e[0], e[1])
+        self.roots = []
+        # distance from tree root
+        self.height = defaultdict(lambda: None)
+        self.lowpt = {}  # height of lowest return point of an edge
+        self.lowpt2 = {}  # height of second lowest return point
+        self.nesting_depth = {}  # for nesting order
+        # None -> missing edge
+        self.parent_edge = defaultdict(lambda: None)
+        # oriented DFS graph
+        self.DG = nx.DiGraph()
+        self.DG.add_nodes_from(G.nodes)
+        self.adjs = {}
+        self.ordered_adjs = {}
+        self.ref = defaultdict(lambda: None)
+        self.side = defaultdict(lambda: 1)
+        # stack of conflict pairs
+        self.S = []
+        self.stack_bottom = {}
+        self.lowpt_edge = {}
+        self.left_ref = {}
+        self.right_ref = {}
+        self.embedding = PlanarEmbedding()
+    def lr_planarity(self):
+        """Execute the LR planarity test.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        embedding : dict
+            If the graph is planar an embedding is returned. Otherwise None.
+        """
+        if self.G.order() > 2 and self.G.size() > 3 * self.G.order() - 6:
+            # graph is not planar
+            return None
+        # make adjacency lists for dfs
+        for v in self.G:
+            self.adjs[v] = list(self.G[v])
+        # orientation of the graph by depth first search traversal
+        for v in self.G:
+            if self.height[v] is None:
+                self.height[v] = 0
+                self.roots.append(v)
+                self.dfs_orientation(v)
+        # Free no longer used variables
+        self.G = None
+        self.lowpt2 = None
+        self.adjs = None
+        # testing
+        for v in self.DG:  # sort the adjacency lists by nesting depth
+            # note: this sorting leads to non linear time
+            self.ordered_adjs[v] = sorted(
+                self.DG[v], key=lambda x: self.nesting_depth[(v, x)])
+        for v in self.roots:
+            if not self.dfs_testing(v):
+                return None
+        # Free no longer used variables
+        self.height = None
+        self.lowpt = None
+        self.S = None
+        self.stack_bottom = None
+        self.lowpt_edge = None
+        for e in self.DG.edges:
+            self.nesting_depth[e] = self.sign(e) * self.nesting_depth[e]
+        self.embedding.add_nodes_from(self.DG.nodes)
+        for v in self.DG:
+            # sort the adjacency lists again
+            self.ordered_adjs[v] = sorted(
+                self.DG[v], key=lambda x: self.nesting_depth[(v, x)])
+            # initialize the embedding
+            previous_node = None
+            for w in self.ordered_adjs[v]:
+                self.embedding.add_half_edge_cw(v, w, previous_node)
+                previous_node = w
+        # Free no longer used variables
+        self.DG = None
+        self.nesting_depth = None
+        self.ref = None
+        # compute the complete embedding
+        for v in self.roots:
+            self.dfs_embedding(v)
+        # Free no longer used variables
+        self.roots = None
+        self.parent_edge = None
+        self.ordered_adjs = None
+        self.left_ref = None
+        self.right_ref = None
+        self.side = None
+        return self.embedding
+    def lr_planarity_recursive(self):
+        """Recursive version of :meth:`lr_planarity`."""
+        if self.G.order() > 2 and self.G.size() > 3 * self.G.order() - 6:
+            # graph is not planar
+            return None
+        # orientation of the graph by depth first search traversal
+        for v in self.G:
+            if self.height[v] is None:
+                self.height[v] = 0
+                self.roots.append(v)
+                self.dfs_orientation_recursive(v)
+        # Free no longer used variable
+        self.G = None
+        # testing
+        for v in self.DG:  # sort the adjacency lists by nesting depth
+            # note: this sorting leads to non linear time
+            self.ordered_adjs[v] = sorted(
+                self.DG[v], key=lambda x: self.nesting_depth[(v, x)])
+        for v in self.roots:
+            if not self.dfs_testing_recursive(v):
+                return None
+        for e in self.DG.edges:
+            self.nesting_depth[e] = (self.sign_recursive(e) *
+                                     self.nesting_depth[e])
+        self.embedding.add_nodes_from(self.DG.nodes)
+        for v in self.DG:
+            # sort the adjacency lists again
+            self.ordered_adjs[v] = sorted(
+                self.DG[v], key=lambda x: self.nesting_depth[(v, x)])
+            # initialize the embedding
+            previous_node = None
+            for w in self.ordered_adjs[v]:
+                self.embedding.add_half_edge_cw(v, w, previous_node)
+                previous_node = w
+        # compute the complete embedding
+        for v in self.roots:
+            self.dfs_embedding_recursive(v)
+        return self.embedding
+    def dfs_orientation(self, v):
+        """Orient the graph by DFS, compute lowpoints and nesting order.
+        """
+        # the recursion stack
+        dfs_stack = [v]
+        # index of next edge to handle in adjacency list of each node
+        ind = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+        # boolean to indicate whether to skip the initial work for an edge
+        skip_init = defaultdict(lambda: False)
+        while dfs_stack:
+            v = dfs_stack.pop()
+            e = self.parent_edge[v]
+            for w in self.adjs[v][ind[v]:]:
+                vw = (v, w)
+                if not skip_init[vw]:
+                    if (v, w) in self.DG.edges or (w, v) in self.DG.edges:
+                        ind[v] += 1
+                        continue  # the edge was already oriented
+                    self.DG.add_edge(v, w)  # orient the edge
+                    self.lowpt[vw] = self.height[v]
+                    self.lowpt2[vw] = self.height[v]
+                    if self.height[w] is None:  # (v, w) is a tree edge
+                        self.parent_edge[w] = vw
+                        self.height[w] = self.height[v] + 1
+                        dfs_stack.append(v)  # revisit v after finishing w
+                        dfs_stack.append(w)  # visit w next
+                        skip_init[vw] = True  # don't redo this block
+                        break  # handle next node in dfs_stack (i.e. w)
+                    else:  # (v, w) is a back edge
+                        self.lowpt[vw] = self.height[w]
+                # determine nesting graph
+                self.nesting_depth[vw] = 2 * self.lowpt[vw]
+                if self.lowpt2[vw] < self.height[v]:  # chordal
+                    self.nesting_depth[vw] += 1
+                # update lowpoints of parent edge e
+                if e is not None:
+                    if self.lowpt[vw] < self.lowpt[e]:
+                        self.lowpt2[e] = min(self.lowpt[e], self.lowpt2[vw])
+                        self.lowpt[e] = self.lowpt[vw]
+                    elif self.lowpt[vw] > self.lowpt[e]:
+                        self.lowpt2[e] = min(self.lowpt2[e], self.lowpt[vw])
+                    else:
+                        self.lowpt2[e] = min(self.lowpt2[e], self.lowpt2[vw])
+                ind[v] += 1
+    def dfs_orientation_recursive(self, v):
+        """Recursive version of :meth:`dfs_orientation`."""
+        e = self.parent_edge[v]
+        for w in self.G[v]:
+            if (v, w) in self.DG.edges or (w, v) in self.DG.edges:
+                continue  # the edge was already oriented
+            vw = (v, w)
+            self.DG.add_edge(v, w)  # orient the edge
+            self.lowpt[vw] = self.height[v]
+            self.lowpt2[vw] = self.height[v]
+            if self.height[w] is None:  # (v, w) is a tree edge
+                self.parent_edge[w] = vw
+                self.height[w] = self.height[v] + 1
+                self.dfs_orientation_recursive(w)
+            else:  # (v, w) is a back edge
+                self.lowpt[vw] = self.height[w]
+            # determine nesting graph
+            self.nesting_depth[vw] = 2 * self.lowpt[vw]
+            if self.lowpt2[vw] < self.height[v]:  # chordal
+                self.nesting_depth[vw] += 1
+            # update lowpoints of parent edge e
+            if e is not None:
+                if self.lowpt[vw] < self.lowpt[e]:
+                    self.lowpt2[e] = min(self.lowpt[e], self.lowpt2[vw])
+                    self.lowpt[e] = self.lowpt[vw]
+                elif self.lowpt[vw] > self.lowpt[e]:
+                    self.lowpt2[e] = min(self.lowpt2[e], self.lowpt[vw])
+                else:
+                    self.lowpt2[e] = min(self.lowpt2[e], self.lowpt2[vw])
+    def dfs_testing(self, v):
+        """Test for LR partition."""
+        # the recursion stack
+        dfs_stack = [v]
+        # index of next edge to handle in adjacency list of each node
+        ind = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+        # boolean to indicate whether to skip the initial work for an edge
+        skip_init = defaultdict(lambda: False)
+        while dfs_stack:
+            v = dfs_stack.pop()
+            e = self.parent_edge[v]
+            # to indicate whether to skip the final block after the for loop
+            skip_final = False
+            for w in self.ordered_adjs[v][ind[v]:]:
+                ei = (v, w)
+                if not skip_init[ei]:
+                    self.stack_bottom[ei] = top_of_stack(self.S)
+                    if ei == self.parent_edge[w]:  # tree edge
+                        dfs_stack.append(v)  # revisit v after finishing w
+                        dfs_stack.append(w)  # visit w next
+                        skip_init[ei] = True  # don't redo this block
+                        skip_final = True  # skip final work after breaking
+                        break  # handle next node in dfs_stack (i.e. w)
+                    else:  # back edge
+                        self.lowpt_edge[ei] = ei
+                        self.S.append(ConflictPair(right=Interval(ei, ei)))
+                # integrate new return edges
+                if self.lowpt[ei] < self.height[v]:
+                    if w == self.ordered_adjs[v][0]:  # e_i has return edge
+                        self.lowpt_edge[e] = self.lowpt_edge[ei]
+                    else:  # add constraints of e_i
+                        if not self.add_constraints(ei, e):
+                            # graph is not planar
+                            return False
+                ind[v] += 1
+            if not skip_final:
+                # remove back edges returning to parent
+                if e is not None:  # v isn't root
+                    self.remove_back_edges(e)
+        return True
+    def dfs_testing_recursive(self, v):
+        """Recursive version of :meth:`dfs_testing`."""
+        e = self.parent_edge[v]
+        for w in self.ordered_adjs[v]:
+            ei = (v, w)
+            self.stack_bottom[ei] = top_of_stack(self.S)
+            if ei == self.parent_edge[w]:  # tree edge
+                if not self.dfs_testing_recursive(w):
+                    return False
+            else:  # back edge
+                self.lowpt_edge[ei] = ei
+                self.S.append(ConflictPair(right=Interval(ei, ei)))
+            # integrate new return edges
+            if self.lowpt[ei] < self.height[v]:
+                if w == self.ordered_adjs[v][0]:  # e_i has return edge
+                    self.lowpt_edge[e] = self.lowpt_edge[ei]
+                else:  # add constraints of e_i
+                    if not self.add_constraints(ei, e):
+                        # graph is not planar
+                        return False
+        # remove back edges returning to parent
+        if e is not None:  # v isn't root
+            self.remove_back_edges(e)
+        return True
+    def add_constraints(self, ei, e):
+        P = ConflictPair()
+        # merge return edges of e_i into P.right
+        while True:
+            Q = self.S.pop()
+            if not Q.left.empty():
+                Q.swap()
+            if not Q.left.empty():  # not planar
+                return False
+            if self.lowpt[Q.right.low] > self.lowpt[e]:
+                # merge intervals
+                if P.right.empty():  # topmost interval
+                    P.right = Q.right.copy()
+                else:
+                    self.ref[P.right.low] = Q.right.high
+                P.right.low = Q.right.low
+            else:  # align
+                self.ref[Q.right.low] = self.lowpt_edge[e]
+            if top_of_stack(self.S) == self.stack_bottom[ei]:
+                break
+        # merge conflicting return edges of e_1,...,e_i-1 into P.L
+        while (top_of_stack(self.S).left.conflicting(ei, self) or
+               top_of_stack(self.S).right.conflicting(ei, self)):
+            Q = self.S.pop()
+            if Q.right.conflicting(ei, self):
+                Q.swap()
+            if Q.right.conflicting(ei, self):  # not planar
+                return False
+            # merge interval below lowpt(e_i) into P.R
+            self.ref[P.right.low] = Q.right.high
+            if Q.right.low is not None:
+                P.right.low = Q.right.low
+            if P.left.empty():  # topmost interval
+                P.left = Q.left.copy()
+            else:
+                self.ref[P.left.low] = Q.left.high
+            P.left.low = Q.left.low
+        if not (P.left.empty() and P.right.empty()):
+            self.S.append(P)
+        return True
+    def remove_back_edges(self, e):
+        u = e[0]
+        # trim back edges ending at parent u
+        # drop entire conflict pairs
+        while self.S and top_of_stack(self.S).lowest(self) == self.height[u]:
+            P = self.S.pop()
+            if P.left.low is not None:
+                self.side[P.left.low] = -1
+        if self.S:  # one more conflict pair to consider
+            P = self.S.pop()
+            # trim left interval
+            while P.left.high is not None and P.left.high[1] == u:
+                P.left.high = self.ref[P.left.high]
+            if P.left.high is None and P.left.low is not None:
+                # just emptied
+                self.ref[P.left.low] = P.right.low
+                self.side[P.left.low] = -1
+                P.left.low = None
+            # trim right interval
+            while P.right.high is not None and P.right.high[1] == u:
+                P.right.high = self.ref[P.right.high]
+            if P.right.high is None and P.right.low is not None:
+                # just emptied
+                self.ref[P.right.low] = P.left.low
+                self.side[P.right.low] = -1
+                P.right.low = None
+            self.S.append(P)
+        # side of e is side of a highest return edge
+        if self.lowpt[e] < self.height[u]:  # e has return edge
+            hl = top_of_stack(self.S).left.high
+            hr = top_of_stack(self.S).right.high
+            if hl is not None and (
+                            hr is None or self.lowpt[hl] > self.lowpt[hr]):
+                self.ref[e] = hl
+            else:
+                self.ref[e] = hr
+    def dfs_embedding(self, v):
+        """Completes the embedding."""
+        # the recursion stack
+        dfs_stack = [v]
+        # index of next edge to handle in adjacency list of each node
+        ind = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+        while dfs_stack:
+            v = dfs_stack.pop()
+            for w in self.ordered_adjs[v][ind[v]:]:
+                ind[v] += 1
+                ei = (v, w)
+                if ei == self.parent_edge[w]:  # tree edge
+                    self.embedding.add_half_edge_first(w, v)
+                    self.left_ref[v] = w
+                    self.right_ref[v] = w
+                    dfs_stack.append(v)  # revisit v after finishing w
+                    dfs_stack.append(w)  # visit w next
+                    break  # handle next node in dfs_stack (i.e. w)
+                else:  # back edge
+                    if self.side[ei] == 1:
+                        self.embedding.add_half_edge_cw(w, v,
+                                                        self.right_ref[w])
+                    else:
+                        self.embedding.add_half_edge_ccw(w, v,
+                                                         self.left_ref[w])
+                        self.left_ref[w] = v
+    def dfs_embedding_recursive(self, v):
+        """Recursive version of :meth:`dfs_embedding`."""
+        for w in self.ordered_adjs[v]:
+            ei = (v, w)
+            if ei == self.parent_edge[w]:  # tree edge
+                self.embedding.add_half_edge_first(w, v)
+                self.left_ref[v] = w
+                self.right_ref[v] = w
+                self.dfs_embedding_recursive(w)
+            else:  # back edge
+                if self.side[ei] == 1:
+                    # place v directly after right_ref[w] in embed. list of w
+                    self.embedding.add_half_edge_cw(w, v, self.right_ref[w])
+                else:
+                    # place v directly before left_ref[w] in embed. list of w
+                    self.embedding.add_half_edge_ccw(w, v, self.left_ref[w])
+                    self.left_ref[w] = v
+    def sign(self, e):
+        """Resolve the relative side of an edge to the absolute side."""
+        # the recursion stack
+        dfs_stack = [e]
+        # dict to remember reference edges
+        old_ref = defaultdict(lambda: None)
+        while dfs_stack:
+            e = dfs_stack.pop()
+            if self.ref[e] is not None:
+                dfs_stack.append(e)  # revisit e after finishing self.ref[e]
+                dfs_stack.append(self.ref[e])  # visit self.ref[e] next
+                old_ref[e] = self.ref[e]  # remember value of self.ref[e]
+                self.ref[e] = None
+            else:
+                self.side[e] *= self.side[old_ref[e]]
+        return self.side[e]
+    def sign_recursive(self, e):
+        """Recursive version of :meth:`sign`."""
+        if self.ref[e] is not None:
+            self.side[e] = self.side[e] * self.sign_recursive(self.ref[e])
+            self.ref[e] = None
+        return self.side[e]
+class PlanarEmbedding(nx.DiGraph):
+    """Represents a planar graph with its planar embedding.
+    The planar embedding is given by a `combinatorial embedding
+    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_embedding#Combinatorial_embedding>`_.
+    **Neighbor ordering:**
+    In comparison to a usual graph structure, the embedding also stores the
+    order of all neighbors for every vertex.
+    The order of the neighbors can be given in clockwise (cw) direction or
+    counterclockwise (ccw) direction. This order is stored as edge attributes
+    in the underlying directed graph. For the edge (u, v) the edge attribute
+    'cw' is set to the neighbor of u that follows immediately after v in
+    clockwise direction.
+    In order for a PlanarEmbedding to be valid it must fulfill multiple
+    conditions. It is possible to check if these conditions are fulfilled with
+    the method :meth:`check_structure`.
+    The conditions are:
+    * Edges must go in both directions (because the edge attributes differ)
+    * Every edge must have a 'cw' and 'ccw' attribute which corresponds to a
+      correct planar embedding.
+    * A node with non zero degree must have a node attribute 'first_nbr'.
+    As long as a PlanarEmbedding is invalid only the following methods should
+    be called:
+    * :meth:`add_half_edge_ccw`
+    * :meth:`add_half_edge_cw`
+    * :meth:`connect_components`
+    * :meth:`add_half_edge_first`
+    Even though the graph is a subclass of nx.DiGraph, it can still be used
+    for algorithms that require undirected graphs, because the method
+    :meth:`is_directed` is overridden. This is possible, because a valid
+    PlanarGraph must have edges in both directions.
+    **Half edges:**
+    In methods like `add_half_edge_ccw` the term "half-edge" is used, which is
+    a term that is used in `doubly connected edge lists
+    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doubly_connected_edge_list>`_. It is used
+    to emphasize that the edge is only in one direction and there exists
+    another half-edge in the opposite direction.
+    While conventional edges always have two faces (including outer face) next
+    to them, it is possible to assign each half-edge *exactly one* face.
+    For a half-edge (u, v) that is orientated such that u is below v then the
+    face that belongs to (u, v) is to the right of this half-edge.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    Create an embedding of a star graph (compare `nx.star_graph(3)`):
+    >>> G = nx.PlanarEmbedding()
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_cw(0, 1, None)
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_cw(0, 2, 1)
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_cw(0, 3, 2)
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_cw(1, 0, None)
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_cw(2, 0, None)
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_cw(3, 0, None)
+    Alternatively the same embedding can also be defined in counterclockwise
+    orientation. The following results in exactly the same PlanarEmbedding:
+    >>> G = nx.PlanarEmbedding()
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_ccw(0, 1, None)
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_ccw(0, 3, 1)
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_ccw(0, 2, 3)
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_ccw(1, 0, None)
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_ccw(2, 0, None)
+    >>> G.add_half_edge_ccw(3, 0, None)
+    After creating a graph, it is possible to validate that the PlanarEmbedding
+    object is correct:
+    >>> G.check_structure()
+    """
+    def get_data(self):
+        """Converts the adjacency structure into a better readable structure.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        embedding : dict
+            A dict mapping all nodes to a list of neighbors sorted in
+            clockwise order.
+        See Also
+        --------
+        set_data
+        """
+        embedding = dict()
+        for v in self:
+            embedding[v] = list(self.neighbors_cw_order(v))
+        return embedding
+    def set_data(self, data):
+        """Inserts edges according to given sorted neighbor list.
+        The input format is the same as the output format of get_data().
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        data : dict
+            A dict mapping all nodes to a list of neighbors sorted in
+            clockwise order.
+        See Also
+        --------
+        get_data
+        """
+        for v in data:
+            for w in reversed(data[v]):
+                self.add_half_edge_first(v, w)
+    def neighbors_cw_order(self, v):
+        """Generator for the neighbors of v in clockwise order.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        v : node
+        Yields
+        ------
+        node
+        """
+        if len(self[v]) == 0:
+            # v has no neighbors
+            return
+        start_node = self.nodes[v]['first_nbr']
+        yield start_node
+        current_node = self[v][start_node]['cw']
+        while start_node != current_node:
+            yield current_node
+            current_node = self[v][current_node]['cw']
+    def check_structure(self):
+        """Runs without exceptions if this object is valid.
+        Checks that the following properties are fulfilled:
+        * Edges go in both directions (because the edge attributes differ).
+        * Every edge has a 'cw' and 'ccw' attribute which corresponds to a
+          correct planar embedding.
+        * A node with a degree larger than 0 has a node attribute 'first_nbr'.
+        Running this method verifies that the underlying Graph must be planar.
+        Raises
+        ------
+        nx.NetworkXException
+            This exception is raised with a short explanation if the
+            PlanarEmbedding is invalid.
+        """
+        # Check fundamental structure
+        for v in self:
+            try:
+                sorted_nbrs = set(self.neighbors_cw_order(v))
+            except KeyError:
+                msg = "Bad embedding. " \
+                      "Missing orientation for a neighbor of {}".format(v)
+                raise nx.NetworkXException(msg)
+            unsorted_nbrs = set(self[v])
+            if sorted_nbrs != unsorted_nbrs:
+                msg = "Bad embedding. Edge orientations not set correctly."
+                raise nx.NetworkXException(msg)
+            for w in self[v]:
+                # Check if opposite half-edge exists
+                if not self.has_edge(w, v):
+                    msg = "Bad embedding. Opposite half-edge is missing."
+                    raise nx.NetworkXException(msg)
+        # Check planarity
+        counted_half_edges = set()
+        for component in nx.connected_components(self):
+            if len(component) == 1:
+                # Don't need to check single node component
+                continue
+            num_nodes = len(component)
+            num_half_edges = 0
+            num_faces = 0
+            for v in component:
+                for w in self.neighbors_cw_order(v):
+                    num_half_edges += 1
+                    if (v, w) not in counted_half_edges:
+                        # We encountered a new face
+                        num_faces += 1
+                        # Mark all half-edges belonging to this face
+                        self.traverse_face(v, w, counted_half_edges)
+            num_edges = num_half_edges // 2  # num_half_edges is even
+            if num_nodes - num_edges + num_faces != 2:
+                # The result does not match Euler's formula
+                msg = "Bad embedding. The graph does not match Euler's formula"
+                raise nx.NetworkXException(msg)
+    def add_half_edge_ccw(self, start_node, end_node, reference_neighbor):
+        """Adds a half-edge from start_node to end_node.
+        The half-edge is added counter clockwise next to the existing half-edge
+        (start_node, reference_neighbor).
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        start_node : node
+            Start node of inserted edge.
+        end_node : node
+            End node of inserted edge.
+        reference_neighbor: node
+            End node of reference edge.
+        Raises
+        ------
+        nx.NetworkXException
+            If the reference_neighbor does not exist.
+        See Also
+        --------
+        add_half_edge_cw
+        connect_components
+        add_half_edge_first
+        """
+        if reference_neighbor is None:
+            # The start node has no neighbors
+            self.add_edge(start_node, end_node)  # Add edge to graph
+            self[start_node][end_node]['cw'] = end_node
+            self[start_node][end_node]['ccw'] = end_node
+            self.nodes[start_node]['first_nbr'] = end_node
+        else:
+            ccw_reference = self[start_node][reference_neighbor]['ccw']
+            self.add_half_edge_cw(start_node, end_node, ccw_reference)
+            if reference_neighbor == self.nodes[start_node].get('first_nbr',
+                                                                None):
+                # Update first neighbor
+                self.nodes[start_node]['first_nbr'] = end_node
+    def add_half_edge_cw(self, start_node, end_node, reference_neighbor):
+        """Adds a half-edge from start_node to end_node.
+        The half-edge is added clockwise next to the existing half-edge
+        (start_node, reference_neighbor).
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        start_node : node
+            Start node of inserted edge.
+        end_node : node
+            End node of inserted edge.
+        reference_neighbor: node
+            End node of reference edge.
+        Raises
+        ------
+        nx.NetworkXException
+            If the reference_neighbor does not exist.
+        See Also
+        --------
+        add_half_edge_ccw
+        connect_components
+        add_half_edge_first
+        """
+        self.add_edge(start_node, end_node)  # Add edge to graph
+        if reference_neighbor is None:
+            # The start node has no neighbors
+            self[start_node][end_node]['cw'] = end_node
+            self[start_node][end_node]['ccw'] = end_node
+            self.nodes[start_node]['first_nbr'] = end_node
+            return
+        if reference_neighbor not in self[start_node]:
+            raise nx.NetworkXException(
+                "Cannot add edge. Reference neighbor does not exist")
+        # Get half-edge at the other side
+        cw_reference = self[start_node][reference_neighbor]['cw']
+        # Alter half-edge data structures
+        self[start_node][reference_neighbor]['cw'] = end_node
+        self[start_node][end_node]['cw'] = cw_reference
+        self[start_node][cw_reference]['ccw'] = end_node
+        self[start_node][end_node]['ccw'] = reference_neighbor
+    def connect_components(self, v, w):
+        """Adds half-edges for (v, w) and (w, v) at some position.
+        This method should only be called if v and w are in different
+        components, or it might break the embedding.
+        This especially means that if `connect_components(v, w)`
+        is called it is not allowed to call `connect_components(w, v)`
+        afterwards. The neighbor orientations in both directions are
+        all set correctly after the first call.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        v : node
+        w : node
+        See Also
+        --------
+        add_half_edge_ccw
+        add_half_edge_cw
+        add_half_edge_first
+        """
+        self.add_half_edge_first(v, w)
+        self.add_half_edge_first(w, v)
+    def add_half_edge_first(self, start_node, end_node):
+        """The added half-edge is inserted at the first position in the order.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        start_node : node
+        end_node : node
+        See Also
+        --------
+        add_half_edge_ccw
+        add_half_edge_cw
+        connect_components
+        """
+        if start_node in self and 'first_nbr' in self.nodes[start_node]:
+            reference = self.nodes[start_node]['first_nbr']
+        else:
+            reference = None
+        self.add_half_edge_ccw(start_node, end_node, reference)
+    def next_face_half_edge(self, v, w):
+        """Returns the following half-edge left of a face.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        v : node
+        w : node
+        Returns
+        -------
+        half-edge : tuple
+        """
+        new_node = self[w][v]['ccw']
+        return w, new_node
+    def traverse_face(self, v, w, mark_half_edges=None):
+        """Returns nodes on the face that belong to the half-edge (v, w).
+        The face that is traversed lies to the right of the half-edge (in an
+        orientation where v is below w).
+        Optionally it is possible to pass a set to which all encountered half
+        edges are added. Before calling this method, this set must not include
+        any half-edges that belong to the face.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        v : node
+            Start node of half-edge.
+        w : node
+            End node of half-edge.
+        mark_half_edges: set, optional
+            Set to which all encountered half-edges are added.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        face : list
+            A list of nodes that lie on this face.
+        """
+        if mark_half_edges is None:
+            mark_half_edges = set()
+        face_nodes = [v]
+        mark_half_edges.add((v, w))
+        prev_node = v
+        cur_node = w
+        # Last half-edge is (incoming_node, v)
+        incoming_node = self[v][w]['cw']
+        while cur_node != v or prev_node != incoming_node:
+            face_nodes.append(cur_node)
+            prev_node, cur_node = self.next_face_half_edge(prev_node, cur_node)
+            if (prev_node, cur_node) in mark_half_edges:
+                raise nx.NetworkXException(
+                    "Bad planar embedding. Impossible face.")
+            mark_half_edges.add((prev_node, cur_node))
+        return face_nodes
+    def is_directed(self):
+        """A valid PlanarEmbedding is undirected.
+        All reverse edges are contained, i.e. for every existing
+        half-edge (v, w) the half-edge in the opposite direction (w, v) is also
+        contained.
+        """
+        return False