diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/sparsifiers.py @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/sparsifiers.py	Fri Jul 31 00:32:28 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018
+# Robert Gmyr <robert@gmyr.net>
+# All rights reserved.
+# BSD license.
+"""Functions for computing sparsifiers of graphs."""
+import math
+import networkx as nx
+from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for, py_random_state
+__all__ = ['spanner']
+def spanner(G, stretch, weight=None, seed=None):
+    """Returns a spanner of the given graph with the given stretch.
+    A spanner of a graph G = (V, E) with stretch t is a subgraph
+    H = (V, E_S) such that E_S is a subset of E and the distance between
+    any pair of nodes in H is at most t times the distance between the
+    nodes in G.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph
+        An undirected simple graph.
+    stretch : float
+        The stretch of the spanner.
+    weight : object
+        The edge attribute to use as distance.
+    seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
+        Indicator of random number generation state.
+        See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    NetworkX graph
+        A spanner of the given graph with the given stretch.
+    Raises
+    ------
+    ValueError
+        If a stretch less than 1 is given.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    This function implements the spanner algorithm by Baswana and Sen,
+    see [1].
+    This algorithm is a randomized las vegas algorithm: The expected
+    running time is O(km) where k = (stretch + 1) // 2 and m is the
+    number of edges in G. The returned graph is always a spanner of the
+    given graph with the specified stretch. For weighted graphs the
+    number of edges in the spanner is O(k * n^(1 + 1 / k)) where k is
+    defined as above and n is the number of nodes in G. For unweighted
+    graphs the number of edges is O(n^(1 + 1 / k) + kn).
+    References
+    ----------
+    [1] S. Baswana, S. Sen. A Simple and Linear Time Randomized
+    Algorithm for Computing Sparse Spanners in Weighted Graphs.
+    Random Struct. Algorithms 30(4): 532-563 (2007).
+    """
+    if stretch < 1:
+        raise ValueError('stretch must be at least 1')
+    k = (stretch + 1) // 2
+    # initialize spanner H with empty edge set
+    H = nx.empty_graph()
+    H.add_nodes_from(G.nodes)
+    # phase 1: forming the clusters
+    # the residual graph has V' from the paper as its node set
+    # and E' from the paper as its edge set
+    residual_graph = _setup_residual_graph(G, weight)
+    # clustering is a dictionary that maps nodes in a cluster to the
+    # cluster center
+    clustering = {v: v for v in G.nodes}
+    sample_prob = math.pow(G.number_of_nodes(), - 1 / k)
+    size_limit = 2 * math.pow(G.number_of_nodes(), 1 + 1 / k)
+    i = 0
+    while i < k - 1:
+        # step 1: sample centers
+        sampled_centers = set()
+        for center in set(clustering.values()):
+            if seed.random() < sample_prob:
+                sampled_centers.add(center)
+        # combined loop for steps 2 and 3
+        edges_to_add = set()
+        edges_to_remove = set()
+        new_clustering = {}
+        for v in residual_graph.nodes:
+            if clustering[v] in sampled_centers:
+                continue
+            # step 2: find neighboring (sampled) clusters and
+            # lightest edges to them
+            lightest_edge_neighbor, lightest_edge_weight =\
+                _lightest_edge_dicts(residual_graph, clustering, v)
+            neighboring_sampled_centers =\
+                set(lightest_edge_weight.keys()) & sampled_centers
+            # step 3: add edges to spanner
+            if not neighboring_sampled_centers:
+                # connect to each neighboring center via lightest edge
+                for neighbor in lightest_edge_neighbor.values():
+                    edges_to_add.add((v, neighbor))
+                # remove all incident edges
+                for neighbor in residual_graph.adj[v]:
+                    edges_to_remove.add((v, neighbor))
+            else:  # there is a neighboring sampled center
+                closest_center = min(neighboring_sampled_centers,
+                                     key=lightest_edge_weight.get)
+                closest_center_weight = lightest_edge_weight[closest_center]
+                closest_center_neighbor =\
+                    lightest_edge_neighbor[closest_center]
+                edges_to_add.add((v, closest_center_neighbor))
+                new_clustering[v] = closest_center
+                # connect to centers with edge weight less than
+                # closest_center_weight
+                for center, edge_weight in lightest_edge_weight.items():
+                    if edge_weight < closest_center_weight:
+                        neighbor = lightest_edge_neighbor[center]
+                        edges_to_add.add((v, neighbor))
+                # remove edges to centers with edge weight less than
+                # closest_center_weight
+                for neighbor in residual_graph.adj[v]:
+                    neighbor_cluster = clustering[neighbor]
+                    neighbor_weight = lightest_edge_weight[neighbor_cluster]
+                    if neighbor_cluster == closest_center or neighbor_weight < closest_center_weight:
+                        edges_to_remove.add((v, neighbor))
+        # check whether iteration added too many edges to spanner,
+        # if so repeat
+        if len(edges_to_add) > size_limit:
+            # an iteration is repeated O(1) times on expectation
+            continue
+        # iteration succeeded
+        i = i + 1
+        # actually add edges to spanner
+        for u, v in edges_to_add:
+            _add_edge_to_spanner(H, residual_graph, u, v, weight)
+        # actually delete edges from residual graph
+        residual_graph.remove_edges_from(edges_to_remove)
+        # copy old clustering data to new_clustering
+        for node, center in clustering.items():
+            if center in sampled_centers:
+                new_clustering[node] = center
+        clustering = new_clustering
+        # step 4: remove intra-cluster edges
+        for u in residual_graph.nodes:
+            for v in list(residual_graph.adj[u]):
+                if clustering[u] == clustering[v]:
+                    residual_graph.remove_edge(u, v)
+        # update residual graph node set
+        for v in list(residual_graph.nodes):
+            if v not in clustering:
+                residual_graph.remove_node(v)
+    # phase 2: vertex-cluster joining
+    for v in residual_graph.nodes:
+        lightest_edge_neighbor, _ =\
+            _lightest_edge_dicts(residual_graph, clustering, v)
+        for neighbor in lightest_edge_neighbor.values():
+            _add_edge_to_spanner(H, residual_graph, v, neighbor, weight)
+    return H
+def _setup_residual_graph(G, weight):
+    """Setup residual graph as a copy of G with unique edges weights.
+    The node set of the residual graph corresponds to the set V' from
+    the Baswana-Sen paper and the edge set corresponds to the set E'
+    from the paper.
+    This function associates distinct weights to the edges of the
+    residual graph (even for unweighted input graphs), as required by
+    the algorithm.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    G : NetworkX graph
+        An undirected simple graph.
+    weight : object
+        The edge attribute to use as distance.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    NetworkX graph
+        The residual graph used for the Baswana-Sen algorithm.
+    """
+    residual_graph = G.copy()
+    # establish unique edge weights, even for unweighted graphs
+    for u, v in G.edges():
+        if not weight:
+            residual_graph[u][v]['weight'] = (id(u), id(v))
+        else:
+            residual_graph[u][v]['weight'] = (G[u][v][weight], id(u), id(v))
+    return residual_graph
+def _lightest_edge_dicts(residual_graph, clustering, node):
+    """Find the lightest edge to each cluster.
+    Searches for the minimum-weight edge to each cluster adjacent to
+    the given node.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    residual_graph : NetworkX graph
+        The residual graph used by the Baswana-Sen algorithm.
+    clustering : dictionary
+        The current clustering of the nodes.
+    node : node
+        The node from which the search originates.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    lightest_edge_neighbor, lightest_edge_weight : dictionary, dictionary
+        lightest_edge_neighbor is a dictionary that maps a center C to
+        a node v in the corresponding cluster such that the edge from
+        the given node to v is the lightest edge from the given node to
+        any node in cluster. lightest_edge_weight maps a center C to the
+        weight of the aforementioned edge.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    If a cluster has no node that is adjacent to the given node in the
+    residual graph then the center of the cluster is not a key in the
+    returned dictionaries.
+    """
+    lightest_edge_neighbor = {}
+    lightest_edge_weight = {}
+    for neighbor in residual_graph.adj[node]:
+        neighbor_center = clustering[neighbor]
+        weight = residual_graph[node][neighbor]['weight']
+        if neighbor_center not in lightest_edge_weight or\
+                weight < lightest_edge_weight[neighbor_center]:
+            lightest_edge_neighbor[neighbor_center] = neighbor
+            lightest_edge_weight[neighbor_center] = weight
+    return lightest_edge_neighbor, lightest_edge_weight
+def _add_edge_to_spanner(H, residual_graph, u, v, weight):
+    """Add the edge {u, v} to the spanner H and take weight from
+    the residual graph.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    H : NetworkX graph
+        The spanner under construction.
+    residual_graph : NetworkX graph
+        The residual graph used by the Baswana-Sen algorithm. The weight
+        for the edge is taken from this graph.
+    u : node
+        One endpoint of the edge.
+    v : node
+        The other endpoint of the edge.
+    weight : object
+        The edge attribute to use as distance.
+    """
+    H.add_edge(u, v)
+    if weight:
+        H[u][v][weight] = residual_graph[u][v]['weight'][0]