diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/psutil/tests/test_testutils.py @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/psutil/tests/test_testutils.py	Fri Jul 31 00:32:28 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+Tests for testing utils (psutil.tests namespace).
+import collections
+import contextlib
+import errno
+import os
+import socket
+import stat
+import subprocess
+from psutil import FREEBSD
+from psutil import NETBSD
+from psutil import POSIX
+from psutil._common import open_binary
+from psutil._common import open_text
+from psutil._common import supports_ipv6
+from psutil.tests import bind_socket
+from psutil.tests import bind_unix_socket
+from psutil.tests import call_until
+from psutil.tests import chdir
+from psutil.tests import CI_TESTING
+from psutil.tests import create_sockets
+from psutil.tests import get_free_port
+from psutil.tests import HAS_CONNECTIONS_UNIX
+from psutil.tests import is_namedtuple
+from psutil.tests import mock
+from psutil.tests import process_namespace
+from psutil.tests import PsutilTestCase
+from psutil.tests import PYTHON_EXE
+from psutil.tests import reap_children
+from psutil.tests import retry
+from psutil.tests import retry_on_failure
+from psutil.tests import safe_mkdir
+from psutil.tests import safe_rmpath
+from psutil.tests import serialrun
+from psutil.tests import system_namespace
+from psutil.tests import tcp_socketpair
+from psutil.tests import terminate
+from psutil.tests import TestMemoryLeak
+from psutil.tests import unittest
+from psutil.tests import unix_socketpair
+from psutil.tests import wait_for_file
+from psutil.tests import wait_for_pid
+import psutil
+import psutil.tests
+# ===================================================================
+# --- Unit tests for test utilities.
+# ===================================================================
+class TestRetryDecorator(PsutilTestCase):
+    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
+    def test_retry_success(self, sleep):
+        # Fail 3 times out of 5; make sure the decorated fun returns.
+        @retry(retries=5, interval=1, logfun=None)
+        def foo():
+            while queue:
+                queue.pop()
+                1 / 0
+            return 1
+        queue = list(range(3))
+        self.assertEqual(foo(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(sleep.call_count, 3)
+    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
+    def test_retry_failure(self, sleep):
+        # Fail 6 times out of 5; th function is supposed to raise exc.
+        @retry(retries=5, interval=1, logfun=None)
+        def foo():
+            while queue:
+                queue.pop()
+                1 / 0
+            return 1
+        queue = list(range(6))
+        self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, foo)
+        self.assertEqual(sleep.call_count, 5)
+    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
+    def test_exception_arg(self, sleep):
+        @retry(exception=ValueError, interval=1)
+        def foo():
+            raise TypeError
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, foo)
+        self.assertEqual(sleep.call_count, 0)
+    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
+    def test_no_interval_arg(self, sleep):
+        # if interval is not specified sleep is not supposed to be called
+        @retry(retries=5, interval=None, logfun=None)
+        def foo():
+            1 / 0
+        self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, foo)
+        self.assertEqual(sleep.call_count, 0)
+    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
+    def test_retries_arg(self, sleep):
+        @retry(retries=5, interval=1, logfun=None)
+        def foo():
+            1 / 0
+        self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, foo)
+        self.assertEqual(sleep.call_count, 5)
+    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
+    def test_retries_and_timeout_args(self, sleep):
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, retry, retries=5, timeout=1)
+class TestSyncTestUtils(PsutilTestCase):
+    def test_wait_for_pid(self):
+        wait_for_pid(os.getpid())
+        nopid = max(psutil.pids()) + 99999
+        with mock.patch('psutil.tests.retry.__iter__', return_value=iter([0])):
+            self.assertRaises(psutil.NoSuchProcess, wait_for_pid, nopid)
+    def test_wait_for_file(self):
+        testfn = self.get_testfn()
+        with open(testfn, 'w') as f:
+            f.write('foo')
+        wait_for_file(testfn)
+        assert not os.path.exists(testfn)
+    def test_wait_for_file_empty(self):
+        testfn = self.get_testfn()
+        with open(testfn, 'w'):
+            pass
+        wait_for_file(testfn, empty=True)
+        assert not os.path.exists(testfn)
+    def test_wait_for_file_no_file(self):
+        testfn = self.get_testfn()
+        with mock.patch('psutil.tests.retry.__iter__', return_value=iter([0])):
+            self.assertRaises(IOError, wait_for_file, testfn)
+    def test_wait_for_file_no_delete(self):
+        testfn = self.get_testfn()
+        with open(testfn, 'w') as f:
+            f.write('foo')
+        wait_for_file(testfn, delete=False)
+        assert os.path.exists(testfn)
+    def test_call_until(self):
+        ret = call_until(lambda: 1, "ret == 1")
+        self.assertEqual(ret, 1)
+class TestFSTestUtils(PsutilTestCase):
+    def test_open_text(self):
+        with open_text(__file__) as f:
+            self.assertEqual(f.mode, 'rt')
+    def test_open_binary(self):
+        with open_binary(__file__) as f:
+            self.assertEqual(f.mode, 'rb')
+    def test_safe_mkdir(self):
+        testfn = self.get_testfn()
+        safe_mkdir(testfn)
+        assert os.path.isdir(testfn)
+        safe_mkdir(testfn)
+        assert os.path.isdir(testfn)
+    def test_safe_rmpath(self):
+        # test file is removed
+        testfn = self.get_testfn()
+        open(testfn, 'w').close()
+        safe_rmpath(testfn)
+        assert not os.path.exists(testfn)
+        # test no exception if path does not exist
+        safe_rmpath(testfn)
+        # test dir is removed
+        os.mkdir(testfn)
+        safe_rmpath(testfn)
+        assert not os.path.exists(testfn)
+        # test other exceptions are raised
+        with mock.patch('psutil.tests.os.stat',
+                        side_effect=OSError(errno.EINVAL, "")) as m:
+            with self.assertRaises(OSError):
+                safe_rmpath(testfn)
+            assert m.called
+    def test_chdir(self):
+        testfn = self.get_testfn()
+        base = os.getcwd()
+        os.mkdir(testfn)
+        with chdir(testfn):
+            self.assertEqual(os.getcwd(), os.path.join(base, testfn))
+        self.assertEqual(os.getcwd(), base)
+class TestProcessUtils(PsutilTestCase):
+    def test_reap_children(self):
+        subp = self.spawn_testproc()
+        p = psutil.Process(subp.pid)
+        assert p.is_running()
+        reap_children()
+        assert not p.is_running()
+        assert not psutil.tests._pids_started
+        assert not psutil.tests._subprocesses_started
+    def test_spawn_children_pair(self):
+        child, grandchild = self.spawn_children_pair()
+        self.assertNotEqual(child.pid, grandchild.pid)
+        assert child.is_running()
+        assert grandchild.is_running()
+        children = psutil.Process().children()
+        self.assertEqual(children, [child])
+        children = psutil.Process().children(recursive=True)
+        self.assertEqual(len(children), 2)
+        self.assertIn(child, children)
+        self.assertIn(grandchild, children)
+        self.assertEqual(child.ppid(), os.getpid())
+        self.assertEqual(grandchild.ppid(), child.pid)
+        terminate(child)
+        assert not child.is_running()
+        assert grandchild.is_running()
+        terminate(grandchild)
+        assert not grandchild.is_running()
+    @unittest.skipIf(not POSIX, "POSIX only")
+    def test_spawn_zombie(self):
+        parent, zombie = self.spawn_zombie()
+        self.assertEqual(zombie.status(), psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE)
+    def test_terminate(self):
+        # by subprocess.Popen
+        p = self.spawn_testproc()
+        terminate(p)
+        self.assertProcessGone(p)
+        terminate(p)
+        # by psutil.Process
+        p = psutil.Process(self.spawn_testproc().pid)
+        terminate(p)
+        self.assertProcessGone(p)
+        terminate(p)
+        # by psutil.Popen
+        cmd = [PYTHON_EXE, "-c", "import time; time.sleep(60);"]
+        p = psutil.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        terminate(p)
+        self.assertProcessGone(p)
+        terminate(p)
+        # by PID
+        pid = self.spawn_testproc().pid
+        terminate(pid)
+        self.assertProcessGone(p)
+        terminate(pid)
+        # zombie
+        if POSIX:
+            parent, zombie = self.spawn_zombie()
+            terminate(parent)
+            terminate(zombie)
+            self.assertProcessGone(parent)
+            self.assertProcessGone(zombie)
+class TestNetUtils(PsutilTestCase):
+    def bind_socket(self):
+        port = get_free_port()
+        with contextlib.closing(bind_socket(addr=('', port))) as s:
+            self.assertEqual(s.getsockname()[1], port)
+    @unittest.skipIf(not POSIX, "POSIX only")
+    def test_bind_unix_socket(self):
+        name = self.get_testfn()
+        sock = bind_unix_socket(name)
+        with contextlib.closing(sock):
+            self.assertEqual(sock.family, socket.AF_UNIX)
+            self.assertEqual(sock.type, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+            self.assertEqual(sock.getsockname(), name)
+            assert os.path.exists(name)
+            assert stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(name).st_mode)
+        # UDP
+        name = self.get_testfn()
+        sock = bind_unix_socket(name, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+        with contextlib.closing(sock):
+            self.assertEqual(sock.type, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+    def tcp_tcp_socketpair(self):
+        addr = ("", get_free_port())
+        server, client = tcp_socketpair(socket.AF_INET, addr=addr)
+        with contextlib.closing(server):
+            with contextlib.closing(client):
+                # Ensure they are connected and the positions are
+                # correct.
+                self.assertEqual(server.getsockname(), addr)
+                self.assertEqual(client.getpeername(), addr)
+                self.assertNotEqual(client.getsockname(), addr)
+    @unittest.skipIf(not POSIX, "POSIX only")
+    @unittest.skipIf(NETBSD or FREEBSD,
+                     "/var/run/log UNIX socket opened by default")
+    def test_unix_socketpair(self):
+        p = psutil.Process()
+        num_fds = p.num_fds()
+        assert not p.connections(kind='unix')
+        name = self.get_testfn()
+        server, client = unix_socketpair(name)
+        try:
+            assert os.path.exists(name)
+            assert stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(name).st_mode)
+            self.assertEqual(p.num_fds() - num_fds, 2)
+            self.assertEqual(len(p.connections(kind='unix')), 2)
+            self.assertEqual(server.getsockname(), name)
+            self.assertEqual(client.getpeername(), name)
+        finally:
+            client.close()
+            server.close()
+    def test_create_sockets(self):
+        with create_sockets() as socks:
+            fams = collections.defaultdict(int)
+            types = collections.defaultdict(int)
+            for s in socks:
+                fams[s.family] += 1
+                # work around http://bugs.python.org/issue30204
+                types[s.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_TYPE)] += 1
+            self.assertGreaterEqual(fams[socket.AF_INET], 2)
+            if supports_ipv6():
+                self.assertGreaterEqual(fams[socket.AF_INET6], 2)
+            if POSIX and HAS_CONNECTIONS_UNIX:
+                self.assertGreaterEqual(fams[socket.AF_UNIX], 2)
+            self.assertGreaterEqual(types[socket.SOCK_STREAM], 2)
+            self.assertGreaterEqual(types[socket.SOCK_DGRAM], 2)
+class TestMemLeakClass(TestMemoryLeak):
+    def test_times(self):
+        def fun():
+            cnt['cnt'] += 1
+        cnt = {'cnt': 0}
+        self.execute(fun, times=10, warmup_times=15)
+        self.assertEqual(cnt['cnt'], 26)
+    def test_param_err(self):
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.execute, lambda: 0, times=0)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.execute, lambda: 0, times=-1)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.execute, lambda: 0, warmup_times=-1)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.execute, lambda: 0, tolerance=-1)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.execute, lambda: 0, retries=-1)
+    @retry_on_failure()
+    @unittest.skipIf(CI_TESTING, "skipped on CI")
+    def test_leak_mem(self):
+        ls = []
+        def fun(ls=ls):
+            ls.append("x" * 24 * 1024)
+        try:
+            # will consume around 3M in total
+            self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, "extra-mem",
+                                   self.execute, fun, times=50)
+        finally:
+            del ls
+    def test_unclosed_files(self):
+        def fun():
+            f = open(__file__)
+            self.addCleanup(f.close)
+            box.append(f)
+        box = []
+        kind = "fd" if POSIX else "handle"
+        self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, "unclosed " + kind,
+                               self.execute, fun)
+    def test_tolerance(self):
+        def fun():
+            ls.append("x" * 24 * 1024)
+        ls = []
+        times = 100
+        self.execute(fun, times=times, warmup_times=0,
+                     tolerance=200 * 1024 * 1024)
+        self.assertEqual(len(ls), times + 1)
+    def test_execute_w_exc(self):
+        def fun():
+            1 / 0
+        self.execute_w_exc(ZeroDivisionError, fun)
+        with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):
+            self.execute_w_exc(OSError, fun)
+        def fun():
+            pass
+        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
+            self.execute_w_exc(ZeroDivisionError, fun)
+class TestTestingUtils(PsutilTestCase):
+    def test_process_namespace(self):
+        p = psutil.Process()
+        ns = process_namespace(p)
+        ns.test()
+        fun = [x for x in ns.iter(ns.getters) if x[1] == 'ppid'][0][0]
+        self.assertEqual(fun(), p.ppid())
+    def test_system_namespace(self):
+        ns = system_namespace()
+        fun = [x for x in ns.iter(ns.getters) if x[1] == 'net_if_addrs'][0][0]
+        self.assertEqual(fun(), psutil.net_if_addrs())
+class TestOtherUtils(PsutilTestCase):
+    def test_is_namedtuple(self):
+        assert is_namedtuple(collections.namedtuple('foo', 'a b c')(1, 2, 3))
+        assert not is_namedtuple(tuple())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from psutil.tests.runner import run_from_name
+    run_from_name(__file__)