diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/extras/describer.py @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/extras/describer.py	Fri Jul 31 00:32:28 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from rdflib import py3compat
+__doc__ = py3compat.format_doctest_out("""
+A Describer is a stateful utility for creating RDF statements in a
+semi-declarative manner. It has methods for creating literal values, rel and
+rev resource relations (somewhat resembling RDFa).
+The `rel` and ``rev`` methods return a context manager which sets the current
+about to the referenced resource for the context scope (for use with the
+``with`` statement).
+Full example in the ``to_rdf`` method below::
+    >>> import datetime
+    >>> from rdflib.graph import Graph
+    >>> from rdflib.namespace import Namespace, RDFS, FOAF
+    >>>
+    >>> ORG_URI = "http://example.org/"
+    >>>
+    >>> CV = Namespace("http://purl.org/captsolo/resume-rdf/0.2/cv#")
+    >>>
+    >>> class Person(object):
+    ...     def __init__(self):
+    ...         self.first_name = %(u)s"Some"
+    ...         self.last_name = %(u)s"Body"
+    ...         self.username = "some1"
+    ...         self.presentation = %(u)s"Just a Python & RDF hacker."
+    ...         self.image = "/images/persons/" + self.username + ".jpg"
+    ...         self.site = "http://example.net/"
+    ...         self.start_date = datetime.date(2009, 9, 4)
+    ...     def get_full_name(self):
+    ...         return %(u)s" ".join([self.first_name, self.last_name])
+    ...     def get_absolute_url(self):
+    ...         return "/persons/" + self.username
+    ...     def get_thumbnail_url(self):
+    ...         return self.image.replace('.jpg', '-thumb.jpg')
+    ...
+    ...     def to_rdf(self):
+    ...         graph = Graph()
+    ...         graph.bind('foaf', FOAF)
+    ...         graph.bind('cv', CV)
+    ...         lang = 'en'
+    ...         d = Describer(graph, base=ORG_URI)
+    ...         d.about(self.get_absolute_url()+'#person')
+    ...         d.rdftype(FOAF.Person)
+    ...         d.value(FOAF.name, self.get_full_name())
+    ...         d.value(FOAF.firstName, self.first_name)
+    ...         d.value(FOAF.surname, self.last_name)
+    ...         d.rel(FOAF.homepage, self.site)
+    ...         d.value(RDFS.comment, self.presentation, lang=lang)
+    ...         with d.rel(FOAF.depiction, self.image):
+    ...             d.rdftype(FOAF.Image)
+    ...             d.rel(FOAF.thumbnail, self.get_thumbnail_url())
+    ...         with d.rev(CV.aboutPerson):
+    ...             d.rdftype(CV.CV)
+    ...             with d.rel(CV.hasWorkHistory):
+    ...                 d.value(CV.startDate, self.start_date)
+    ...                 d.rel(CV.employedIn, ORG_URI+"#company")
+    ...         return graph
+    ...
+    >>> person_graph = Person().to_rdf()
+    >>> expected = Graph().parse(data='''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    ... <rdf:RDF
+    ...   xmlns:foaf="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"
+    ...   xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+    ...   xmlns:cv="http://purl.org/captsolo/resume-rdf/0.2/cv#"
+    ...   xmlns:rdfs="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#">
+    ...   <foaf:Person rdf:about="http://example.org/persons/some1#person">
+    ...     <foaf:name>Some Body</foaf:name>
+    ...     <foaf:firstName>Some</foaf:firstName>
+    ...     <foaf:surname>Body</foaf:surname>
+    ...     <foaf:depiction>
+    ...       <foaf:Image
+    ...         rdf:about=
+    ...             "http://example.org/images/persons/some1.jpg">
+    ...         <foaf:thumbnail
+    ...         rdf:resource=
+    ...             "http://example.org/images/persons/some1-thumb.jpg"/>
+    ...       </foaf:Image>
+    ...     </foaf:depiction>
+    ...     <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">
+    ...             Just a Python &amp; RDF hacker.
+    ...     </rdfs:comment>
+    ...     <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="http://example.net/"/>
+    ...   </foaf:Person>
+    ...   <cv:CV>
+    ...     <cv:aboutPerson
+    ...         rdf:resource="http://example.org/persons/some1#person">
+    ...     </cv:aboutPerson>
+    ...     <cv:hasWorkHistory>
+    ...       <rdf:Description>
+    ...         <cv:startDate
+    ...             rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date"
+    ...             >2009-09-04</cv:startDate>
+    ...         <cv:employedIn rdf:resource="http://example.org/#company"/>
+    ...       </rdf:Description>
+    ...     </cv:hasWorkHistory>
+    ...   </cv:CV>
+    ... </rdf:RDF>
+    ... ''')
+    >>>
+    >>> from rdflib.compare import isomorphic
+    >>> isomorphic(person_graph, expected)  #doctest: +SKIP
+    True
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from rdflib.graph import Graph
+from rdflib.namespace import RDF
+from rdflib.term import BNode
+from rdflib.term import Identifier
+from rdflib.term import Literal
+from rdflib.term import URIRef
+from rdflib.py3compat import format_doctest_out
+class Describer(object):
+    def __init__(self, graph=None, about=None, base=None):
+        if graph is None:
+            graph = Graph()
+        self.graph = graph
+        self.base = base
+        self._subjects = []
+        self.about(about or None)
+    @format_doctest_out
+    def about(self, subject, **kws):
+        """
+        Sets the current subject. Will convert the given object into an
+        ``URIRef`` if it's not an ``Identifier``.
+        Usage::
+            >>> d = Describer()
+            >>> d._current() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+            rdflib.term.BNode(...)
+            >>> d.about("http://example.org/")
+            >>> d._current()
+            rdflib.term.URIRef(%(u)s'http://example.org/')
+        """
+        kws.setdefault('base', self.base)
+        subject = cast_identifier(subject, **kws)
+        if self._subjects:
+            self._subjects[-1] = subject
+        else:
+            self._subjects.append(subject)
+    @format_doctest_out
+    def value(self, p, v, **kws):
+        """
+        Set a literal value for the given property. Will cast the value to an
+        ``Literal`` if a plain literal is given.
+        Usage::
+            >>> from rdflib import URIRef
+            >>> from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
+            >>> d = Describer(about="http://example.org/")
+            >>> d.value(RDFS.label, "Example")
+            >>> d.graph.value(URIRef('http://example.org/'), RDFS.label)
+            rdflib.term.Literal(%(u)s'Example')
+        """
+        v = cast_value(v, **kws)
+        self.graph.add((self._current(), p, v))
+    @format_doctest_out
+    def rel(self, p, o=None, **kws):
+        """Set an object for the given property. Will convert the given object
+        into an ``URIRef`` if it's not an ``Identifier``. If none is given, a
+        new ``BNode`` is used.
+        Returns a context manager for use in a ``with`` block, within which the
+        given object is used as current subject.
+        Usage::
+            >>> from rdflib import URIRef
+            >>> from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
+            >>> d = Describer(about="/", base="http://example.org/")
+            >>> _ctxt = d.rel(RDFS.seeAlso, "/about")
+            >>> d.graph.value(URIRef('http://example.org/'), RDFS.seeAlso)
+            rdflib.term.URIRef(%(u)s'http://example.org/about')
+            >>> with d.rel(RDFS.seeAlso, "/more"):
+            ...     d.value(RDFS.label, "More")
+            >>> (URIRef('http://example.org/'), RDFS.seeAlso,
+            ...         URIRef('http://example.org/more')) in d.graph
+            True
+            >>> d.graph.value(URIRef('http://example.org/more'), RDFS.label)
+            rdflib.term.Literal(%(u)s'More')
+        """
+        kws.setdefault('base', self.base)
+        p = cast_identifier(p)
+        o = cast_identifier(o, **kws)
+        self.graph.add((self._current(), p, o))
+        return self._subject_stack(o)
+    @format_doctest_out
+    def rev(self, p, s=None, **kws):
+        """
+        Same as ``rel``, but uses current subject as *object* of the relation.
+        The given resource is still used as subject in the returned context
+        manager.
+        Usage::
+            >>> from rdflib import URIRef
+            >>> from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
+            >>> d = Describer(about="http://example.org/")
+            >>> with d.rev(RDFS.seeAlso, "http://example.net/"):
+            ...     d.value(RDFS.label, "Net")
+            >>> (URIRef('http://example.net/'), RDFS.seeAlso,
+            ...         URIRef('http://example.org/')) in d.graph
+            True
+            >>> d.graph.value(URIRef('http://example.net/'), RDFS.label)
+            rdflib.term.Literal(%(u)s'Net')
+        """
+        kws.setdefault('base', self.base)
+        p = cast_identifier(p)
+        s = cast_identifier(s, **kws)
+        self.graph.add((s, p, self._current()))
+        return self._subject_stack(s)
+    def rdftype(self, t):
+        """
+        Shorthand for setting rdf:type of the current subject.
+        Usage::
+            >>> from rdflib import URIRef
+            >>> from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
+            >>> d = Describer(about="http://example.org/")
+            >>> d.rdftype(RDFS.Resource)
+            >>> (URIRef('http://example.org/'),
+            ...     RDF.type, RDFS.Resource) in d.graph
+            True
+        """
+        self.graph.add((self._current(), RDF.type, t))
+    def _current(self):
+        return self._subjects[-1]
+    @contextmanager
+    def _subject_stack(self, subject):
+        self._subjects.append(subject)
+        yield None
+        self._subjects.pop()
+def cast_value(v, **kws):
+    if not isinstance(v, Literal):
+        v = Literal(v, **kws)
+    return v
+def cast_identifier(ref, **kws):
+    ref = ref or BNode()
+    if not isinstance(ref, Identifier):
+        ref = URIRef(ref, **kws)
+    return ref