diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/extras/infixowl.py @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/extras/infixowl.py	Fri Jul 31 00:32:28 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2148 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from rdflib import py3compat
+__doc__ = py3compat.format_doctest_out("""
+RDFLib Python binding for OWL Abstract Syntax
+see: http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-semantics/syntax.html
+     http://owl-workshop.man.ac.uk/acceptedLong/submission_9.pdf
+3.2.3 Axioms for complete classes without using owl:equivalentClass
+Named class description of type 2 (with owl:oneOf) or type 4-6
+(with owl:intersectionOf, owl:unionOf or owl:complementOf
+Uses Manchester Syntax for __repr__
+>>> exNs = Namespace('http://example.com/')
+>>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph())
+>>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', exNs, override=False)
+>>> namespace_manager.bind('owl', OWL_NS, override=False)
+>>> g = Graph()
+>>> g.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
+Now we have an empty graph, we can construct OWL classes in it
+using the Python classes defined in this module
+>>> a = Class(exNs.Opera, graph=g)
+Now we can assert rdfs:subClassOf and owl:equivalentClass relationships
+(in the underlying graph) with other classes using the 'subClassOf'
+and 'equivalentClass' descriptors which can be set to a list
+of objects for the corresponding predicates.
+>>> a.subClassOf = [exNs.MusicalWork]
+We can then access the rdfs:subClassOf relationships
+>>> print(list(a.subClassOf))
+[Class: ex:MusicalWork ]
+This can also be used against already populated graphs:
+>>> owlGraph = Graph().parse(OWL_NS) #doctest: +SKIP
+>>> namespace_manager.bind('owl', OWL_NS, override=False) #doctest: +SKIP
+>>> owlGraph.namespace_manager = namespace_manager #doctest: +SKIP
+>>> list(Class(OWL_NS.Class, graph=owlGraph).subClassOf) #doctest: +SKIP
+[Class: rdfs:Class ]
+Operators are also available. For instance we can add ex:Opera to the extension
+of the ex:CreativeWork class via the '+=' operator
+>>> a #doctest: +SKIP
+Class: ex:Opera SubClassOf: ex:MusicalWork
+>>> b = Class(exNs.CreativeWork, graph=g)
+>>> b += a
+>>> print(sorted(a.subClassOf, key=lambda c:c.identifier)) #doctest: +SKIP
+[Class: ex:CreativeWork , Class: ex:MusicalWork ]
+And we can then remove it from the extension as well
+>>> b -= a
+>>> a #doctest: +SKIP
+Class: ex:Opera SubClassOf: ex:MusicalWork
+Boolean class constructions can also  be created with Python operators.
+For example, The | operator can be used to construct a class consisting of a
+owl:unionOf the operands:
+>>> c =  a | b | Class(exNs.Work, graph=g)
+>>> c #doctest: +SKIP
+( ex:Opera OR ex:CreativeWork OR ex:Work )
+Boolean class expressions can also be operated as lists (using python list
+>>> del c[c.index(Class(exNs.Work, graph=g))]
+>>> c #doctest: +SKIP
+( ex:Opera OR ex:CreativeWork )
+The '&' operator can be used to construct class intersection:
+>>> woman = Class(exNs.Female, graph=g) & Class(exNs.Human, graph=g)
+>>> woman.identifier = exNs.Woman
+>>> woman #doctest: +SKIP
+( ex:Female AND ex:Human )
+>>> len(woman)
+Enumerated classes can also be manipulated
+>>> contList = [Class(exNs.Africa, graph=g), Class(exNs.NorthAmerica, graph=g)]
+>>> EnumeratedClass(members=contList, graph=g) #doctest: +SKIP
+{ ex:Africa ex:NorthAmerica }
+owl:Restrictions can also be instantiated:
+>>> Restriction(exNs.hasParent, graph=g, allValuesFrom=exNs.Human) #doctest: +SKIP
+( ex:hasParent ONLY ex:Human )
+Restrictions can also be created using Manchester OWL syntax in 'colloquial'
+>>> exNs.hasParent | some | Class(exNs.Physician, graph=g) #doctest: +SKIP
+( ex:hasParent SOME ex:Physician )
+>>> Property(exNs.hasParent,graph=g) | max | Literal(1) #doctest: +SKIP
+( ex:hasParent MAX 1 )
+>>> print(g.serialize(format='pretty-xml')) #doctest: +SKIP
+import itertools
+from rdflib import (
+    BNode,
+    Literal,
+    Namespace,
+    RDF,
+    RDFS,
+    URIRef,
+    Variable
+from rdflib.graph import Graph
+from rdflib.collection import Collection
+from rdflib.namespace import XSD as _XSD_NS
+from rdflib.namespace import NamespaceManager
+from rdflib.term import Identifier
+from rdflib.util import first
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+From: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/384122
+Python has the wonderful "in" operator and it would be nice to have additional
+infix operator like this. This recipe shows how (almost) arbitrary infix
+operators can be defined.
+__all__ = [
+    'OWL_NS',
+    'nsBinds',
+    'ACE_NS',
+    'some',
+    'only',
+    'max',
+    'min',
+    'exactly',
+    'value',
+    'PropertyAbstractSyntax',
+    'AllClasses',
+    'AllDifferent',
+    'AllProperties',
+    'AnnotatableTerms',
+    'BooleanClass',
+    'Callable',
+    'CastClass',
+    'Class',
+    'ClassNamespaceFactory',
+    'classOrIdentifier',
+    'classOrTerm',
+    'CommonNSBindings',
+    'ComponentTerms',
+    'DeepClassClear',
+    'EnumeratedClass',
+    'generateQName',
+    'GetIdentifiedClasses',
+    'Individual',
+    'MalformedClass',
+    'manchesterSyntax',
+    'Ontology',
+    'OWLRDFListProxy',
+    'Property',
+    'propertyOrIdentifier',
+    'Restriction',
+    'termDeletionDecorator',
+# definition of an Infix operator class
+# this recipe also works in jython
+# calling sequence for the infix is either:
+#  x |op| y
+# or:
+# x <<op>> y
+class Infix:
+    def __init__(self, function):
+        self.function = function
+    def __ror__(self, other):
+        return Infix(lambda x, self=self, other=other: self.function(other, x))
+    def __or__(self, other):
+        return self.function(other)
+    def __rlshift__(self, other):
+        return Infix(lambda x, self=self, other=other: self.function(other, x))
+    def __rshift__(self, other):
+        return self.function(other)
+    def __call__(self, value1, value2):
+        return self.function(value1, value2)
+OWL_NS = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#")
+nsBinds = {
+    'skos': 'http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#',
+    'rdf': RDF,
+    'rdfs': RDFS,
+    'owl': OWL_NS,
+    'list': URIRef('http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/list#'),
+    'dc': "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/",
+def generateQName(graph, uri):
+    prefix, uri, localName = graph.compute_qname(classOrIdentifier(uri))
+    return ':'.join([prefix, localName])
+def classOrTerm(thing):
+    if isinstance(thing, Class):
+        return thing.identifier
+    else:
+        assert isinstance(thing, (URIRef, BNode, Literal))
+        return thing
+def classOrIdentifier(thing):
+    if isinstance(thing, (Property, Class)):
+        return thing.identifier
+    else:
+        assert isinstance(thing, (URIRef, BNode)), \
+            "Expecting a Class, Property, URIRef, or BNode.. not a %s" % thing
+        return thing
+def propertyOrIdentifier(thing):
+    if isinstance(thing, Property):
+        return thing.identifier
+    else:
+        assert isinstance(thing, URIRef)
+        return thing
+def manchesterSyntax(thing, store, boolean=None, transientList=False):
+    """
+    Core serialization
+    """
+    assert thing is not None
+    if boolean:
+        if transientList:
+            liveChildren = iter(thing)
+            children = [manchesterSyntax(child, store) for child in thing]
+        else:
+            liveChildren = iter(Collection(store, thing))
+            children = [manchesterSyntax(
+                child, store) for child in Collection(store, thing)]
+        if boolean == OWL_NS.intersectionOf:
+            childList = []
+            named = []
+            for child in liveChildren:
+                if isinstance(child, URIRef):
+                    named.append(child)
+                else:
+                    childList.append(child)
+            if named:
+                def castToQName(x):
+                    prefix, uri, localName = store.compute_qname(x)
+                    return ':'.join([prefix, localName])
+                if len(named) > 1:
+                    prefix = '( ' + ' AND '.join(map(
+                        castToQName, named)) + ' )'
+                else:
+                    prefix = manchesterSyntax(named[0], store)
+                if childList:
+                    return str(prefix) + ' THAT ' + ' AND '.join(
+                        [str(manchesterSyntax(x, store)) for x in childList])
+                else:
+                    return prefix
+            else:
+                return '( ' + ' AND '.join(
+                    [str(c) for c in children]) + ' )'
+        elif boolean == OWL_NS.unionOf:
+            return '( ' + ' OR '.join([str(c) for c in children]) + ' )'
+        elif boolean == OWL_NS.oneOf:
+            return '{ ' + ' '.join([str(c) for c in children]) + ' }'
+        else:
+            assert boolean == OWL_NS.complementOf
+    elif OWL_NS.Restriction in store.objects(
+            subject=thing, predicate=RDF.type):
+        prop = list(
+            store.objects(subject=thing, predicate=OWL_NS.onProperty))[0]
+        prefix, uri, localName = store.compute_qname(prop)
+        propString = ':'.join([prefix, localName])
+        label = first(store.objects(subject=prop, predicate=RDFS.label))
+        if label:
+            propString = "'%s'" % label
+        for onlyClass in store.objects(
+                subject=thing, predicate=OWL_NS.allValuesFrom):
+            return '( %s ONLY %s )' % (
+                propString, manchesterSyntax(onlyClass, store))
+        for val in store.objects(subject=thing, predicate=OWL_NS.hasValue):
+            return '( %s VALUE %s )' % (
+                propString,
+                manchesterSyntax(val.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), store))
+        for someClass in store.objects(
+                subject=thing, predicate=OWL_NS.someValuesFrom):
+            return '( %s SOME %s )' % (
+                propString, manchesterSyntax(someClass, store))
+        cardLookup = {OWL_NS.maxCardinality: 'MAX',
+                      OWL_NS.minCardinality: 'MIN',
+                      OWL_NS.cardinality: 'EQUALS'}
+        for s, p, o in store.triples_choices(
+                (thing, list(cardLookup.keys()), None)):
+            return '( %s %s %s )' % (
+                propString, cardLookup[p], o.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
+    compl = list(store.objects(subject=thing, predicate=OWL_NS.complementOf))
+    if compl:
+        return '( NOT %s )' % (manchesterSyntax(compl[0], store))
+    else:
+        prolog = '\n'.join(
+            ["PREFIX %s: <%s>" % (k, nsBinds[k]) for k in nsBinds])
+        qstr = \
+            prolog + \
+            "\nSELECT ?p ?bool WHERE {?class a owl:Class; ?p ?bool ." + \
+            "?bool rdf:first ?foo }"
+        initb = {Variable("?class"): thing}
+        for boolProp, col in \
+                store.query(qstr, processor="sparql", initBindings=initb):
+            if not isinstance(thing, URIRef):
+                return manchesterSyntax(col, store, boolean=boolProp)
+        try:
+            prefix, uri, localName = store.compute_qname(thing)
+            qname = ':'.join([prefix, localName])
+        except Exception:
+            if isinstance(thing, BNode):
+                return thing.n3()
+            return "<" + thing + ">"
+            logger.debug(list(store.objects(subject=thing, predicate=RDF.type)))
+            raise
+            return '[]'  # +thing._id.encode('utf-8')+'</em>'
+        label = first(Class(thing, graph=store).label)
+        if label:
+            return label.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
+        else:
+            return qname.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
+def GetIdentifiedClasses(graph):
+    for c in graph.subjects(predicate=RDF.type, object=OWL_NS.Class):
+        if isinstance(c, URIRef):
+            yield Class(c)
+def termDeletionDecorator(prop):
+    def someFunc(func):
+        func.property = prop
+        return func
+    return someFunc
+class TermDeletionHelper:
+    def __init__(self, prop):
+        self.prop = prop
+    def __call__(self, f):
+        def _remover(inst):
+            inst.graph.remove((inst.identifier, self.prop, None))
+        return _remover
+class Individual(object):
+    """
+    A typed individual
+    """
+    factoryGraph = Graph()
+    def serialize(self, graph):
+        for fact in self.factoryGraph.triples((self.identifier, None, None)):
+            graph.add(fact)
+    def __init__(self, identifier=None, graph=None):
+        self.__identifier = identifier is not None and identifier or BNode()
+        if graph is None:
+            self.graph = self.factoryGraph
+        else:
+            self.graph = graph
+        self.qname = None
+        if not isinstance(self.identifier, BNode):
+            try:
+                prefix, uri, localName = self.graph.compute_qname(
+                    self.identifier)
+                self.qname = ':'.join([prefix, localName])
+            except:
+                pass
+    def clearInDegree(self):
+        self.graph.remove((None, None, self.identifier))
+    def clearOutDegree(self):
+        self.graph.remove((self.identifier, None, None))
+    def delete(self):
+        self.clearInDegree()
+        self.clearOutDegree()
+    def replace(self, other):
+        for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((None, None, self.identifier)):
+            self.graph.add((s, p, classOrIdentifier(other)))
+        self.delete()
+    def _get_type(self):
+        for _t in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=RDF.type):
+            yield _t
+    def _set_type(self, kind):
+        if not kind:
+            return
+        if isinstance(kind, (Individual, Identifier)):
+            self.graph.add(
+                (self.identifier, RDF.type, classOrIdentifier(kind)))
+        else:
+            for c in kind:
+                assert isinstance(c, (Individual, Identifier))
+                self.graph.add(
+                    (self.identifier, RDF.type, classOrIdentifier(c)))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(RDF.type)
+    def _delete_type(self):
+        """
+        >>> g = Graph()
+        >>> b=Individual(OWL_NS.Restriction,g)
+        >>> b.type = RDF.Resource
+        >>> len(list(b.type))
+        1
+        >>> del b.type
+        >>> len(list(b.type))
+        0
+        """
+        pass
+    type = property(_get_type, _set_type, _delete_type)
+    def _get_identifier(self):
+        return self.__identifier
+    def _set_identifier(self, i):
+        assert i
+        if i != self.__identifier:
+            oldStmtsOut = [(p, o) for s, p, o in self.graph.triples(
+                (self.__identifier, None, None))]
+            oldStmtsIn = [(s, p) for s, p, o in self.graph.triples(
+                (None, None, self.__identifier))]
+            for p1, o1 in oldStmtsOut:
+                self.graph.remove((self.__identifier, p1, o1))
+            for s1, p1 in oldStmtsIn:
+                self.graph.remove((s1, p1, self.__identifier))
+            self.__identifier = i
+            self.graph.addN(
+                [(i, p1, o1, self.graph) for p1, o1 in oldStmtsOut])
+            self.graph.addN([(s1, p1, i, self.graph) for s1, p1 in oldStmtsIn])
+        if not isinstance(i, BNode):
+            try:
+                prefix, uri, localName = self.graph.compute_qname(i)
+                self.qname = ':'.join([prefix, localName])
+            except:
+                pass
+    identifier = property(_get_identifier, _set_identifier)
+    def _get_sameAs(self):
+        for _t in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.sameAs):
+            yield _t
+    def _set_sameAs(self, term):
+        # if not kind:
+        #     return
+        if isinstance(term, (Individual, Identifier)):
+            self.graph.add(
+                (self.identifier, OWL_NS.sameAs, classOrIdentifier(term)))
+        else:
+            for c in term:
+                assert isinstance(c, (Individual, Identifier))
+                self.graph.add(
+                    (self.identifier, OWL_NS.sameAs, classOrIdentifier(c)))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.sameAs)
+    def _delete_sameAs(self):
+        pass
+    sameAs = property(_get_sameAs, _set_sameAs, _delete_sameAs)
+ACE_NS = Namespace('http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/ace_lexicon#')
+class AnnotatableTerms(Individual):
+    """
+    Terms in an OWL ontology with rdfs:label and rdfs:comment
+    """
+    def __init__(self,
+                 identifier,
+                 graph=None,
+                 nameAnnotation=None,
+                 nameIsLabel=False):
+        super(AnnotatableTerms, self).__init__(identifier, graph)
+        if nameAnnotation:
+            self.setupACEAnnotations()
+            self.PN_sgProp.extent = [(self.identifier,
+                                      self.handleAnnotation(nameAnnotation))]
+            if nameIsLabel:
+                self.label = [nameAnnotation]
+    def handleAnnotation(self, val):
+        return val if isinstance(val, Literal) else Literal(val)
+    def setupACEAnnotations(self):
+        self.graph.bind('ace', ACE_NS, override=False)
+        # PN_sg singular form of a proper name ()
+        self.PN_sgProp = Property(ACE_NS.PN_sg,
+                                  baseType=OWL_NS.AnnotationProperty,
+                                  graph=self.graph)
+        # CN_sg singular form of a common noun
+        self.CN_sgProp = Property(ACE_NS.CN_sg,
+                                  baseType=OWL_NS.AnnotationProperty,
+                                  graph=self.graph)
+        # CN_pl plural form of a common noun
+        self.CN_plProp = Property(ACE_NS.CN_pl,
+                                  baseType=OWL_NS.AnnotationProperty,
+                                  graph=self.graph)
+        # singular form of a transitive verb
+        self.TV_sgProp = Property(ACE_NS.TV_sg,
+                                  baseType=OWL_NS.AnnotationProperty,
+                                  graph=self.graph)
+        # plural form of a transitive verb
+        self.TV_plProp = Property(ACE_NS.TV_pl,
+                                  baseType=OWL_NS.AnnotationProperty,
+                                  graph=self.graph)
+        # past participle form a transitive verb
+        self.TV_vbgProp = Property(ACE_NS.TV_vbg,
+                                   baseType=OWL_NS.AnnotationProperty,
+                                   graph=self.graph)
+    def _get_comment(self):
+        for comment in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=RDFS.comment):
+            yield comment
+    def _set_comment(self, comment):
+        if not comment:
+            return
+        if isinstance(comment, Identifier):
+            self.graph.add((self.identifier, RDFS.comment, comment))
+        else:
+            for c in comment:
+                self.graph.add((self.identifier, RDFS.comment, c))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(RDFS.comment)
+    def _del_comment(self):
+        pass
+    comment = property(_get_comment, _set_comment, _del_comment)
+    def _get_seeAlso(self):
+        for sA in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=RDFS.seeAlso):
+            yield sA
+    def _set_seeAlso(self, seeAlsos):
+        if not seeAlsos:
+            return
+        for s in seeAlsos:
+            self.graph.add((self.identifier, RDFS.seeAlso, s))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(RDFS.seeAlso)
+    def _del_seeAlso(self):
+        pass
+    seeAlso = property(_get_seeAlso, _set_seeAlso, _del_seeAlso)
+    def _get_label(self):
+        for label in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=RDFS.label):
+            yield label
+    def _set_label(self, label):
+        if not label:
+            return
+        if isinstance(label, Identifier):
+            self.graph.add((self.identifier, RDFS.label, label))
+        else:
+            for l in label:
+                self.graph.add((self.identifier, RDFS.label, l))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(RDFS.label)
+    def _delete_label(self):
+        """
+        >>> g=Graph()
+        >>> b=Individual(OWL_NS.Restriction,g)
+        >>> b.label = Literal('boo')
+        >>> len(list(b.label))
+        1
+        >>> del b.label
+        >>> len(list(b.label))
+        0
+        """
+        pass
+    label = property(_get_label, _set_label, _delete_label)
+class Ontology(AnnotatableTerms):
+    """ The owl ontology metadata"""
+    def __init__(self,
+                 identifier=None, imports=None, comment=None, graph=None):
+        super(Ontology, self).__init__(identifier, graph)
+        self.imports = imports and imports or []
+        self.comment = comment and comment or []
+        if (self.identifier, RDF.type, OWL_NS.Ontology) not in self.graph:
+            self.graph.add((self.identifier, RDF.type, OWL_NS.Ontology))
+    def setVersion(self, version):
+        self.graph.set((self.identifier, OWL_NS.versionInfo, version))
+    def _get_imports(self):
+        for owl in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS['imports']):
+            yield owl
+    def _set_imports(self, other):
+        if not other:
+            return
+        for o in other:
+            self.graph.add((self.identifier, OWL_NS['imports'], o))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS['imports'])
+    def _del_imports(self):
+        pass
+    imports = property(_get_imports, _set_imports, _del_imports)
+def AllClasses(graph):
+    prevClasses = set()
+    for c in graph.subjects(predicate=RDF.type, object=OWL_NS.Class):
+        if c not in prevClasses:
+            prevClasses.add(c)
+            yield Class(c)
+def AllProperties(graph):
+    prevProps = set()
+    for s, p, o in graph.triples_choices(
+        (None, RDF.type, [OWL_NS.SymmetricProperty,
+                          OWL_NS.FunctionalProperty,
+                          OWL_NS.InverseFunctionalProperty,
+                          OWL_NS.TransitiveProperty,
+                          OWL_NS.DatatypeProperty,
+                          OWL_NS.ObjectProperty,
+                          OWL_NS.AnnotationProperty])):
+        if o in [OWL_NS.SymmetricProperty,
+                 OWL_NS.InverseFunctionalProperty,
+                 OWL_NS.TransitiveProperty,
+                 OWL_NS.ObjectProperty]:
+            bType = OWL_NS.ObjectProperty
+        else:
+            bType = OWL_NS.DatatypeProperty
+        if s not in prevProps:
+            prevProps.add(s)
+            yield Property(s,
+                           graph=graph,
+                           baseType=bType)
+class ClassNamespaceFactory(Namespace):
+    def term(self, name):
+        return Class(URIRef(self + name))
+    def __getitem__(self, key, default=None):
+        return self.term(key)
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        if name.startswith("__"):  # ignore any special Python names!
+            raise AttributeError
+        else:
+            return self.term(name)
+    OWL_NS.resourceProperties
+              OWL_NS.allValuesFrom,
+              OWL_NS.hasValue,
+              OWL_NS.someValuesFrom,
+              OWL_NS.inverseOf,
+              OWL_NS.imports,
+              OWL_NS.versionInfo,
+              OWL_NS.backwardCompatibleWith,
+              OWL_NS.incompatibleWith,
+              OWL_NS.unionOf,
+              OWL_NS.intersectionOf,
+              OWL_NS.oneOf])
+def ComponentTerms(cls):
+    """
+    Takes a Class instance and returns a generator over the classes that
+    are involved in its definition, ignoring unnamed classes
+    """
+    if OWL_NS.Restriction in cls.type:
+        try:
+            cls = CastClass(cls, Individual.factoryGraph)
+            for s, p, innerClsId in cls.factoryGraph.triples_choices(
+                (cls.identifier,
+                 [OWL_NS.allValuesFrom,
+                  OWL_NS.someValuesFrom],
+                 None)):
+                innerCls = Class(innerClsId, skipOWLClassMembership=True)
+                if isinstance(innerClsId, BNode):
+                    for _c in ComponentTerms(innerCls):
+                        yield _c
+                else:
+                    yield innerCls
+        except:
+            pass
+    else:
+        cls = CastClass(cls, Individual.factoryGraph)
+        if isinstance(cls, BooleanClass):
+            for _cls in cls:
+                _cls = Class(_cls, skipOWLClassMembership=True)
+                if isinstance(_cls.identifier, BNode):
+                    for _c in ComponentTerms(_cls):
+                        yield _c
+                else:
+                    yield _cls
+        else:
+            for innerCls in cls.subClassOf:
+                if isinstance(innerCls.identifier, BNode):
+                    for _c in ComponentTerms(innerCls):
+                        yield _c
+                else:
+                    yield innerCls
+            for s, p, o in cls.factoryGraph.triples_choices(
+                (classOrIdentifier(cls),
+                 CLASS_RELATIONS,
+                 None)
+            ):
+                if isinstance(o, BNode):
+                    for _c in ComponentTerms(
+                            CastClass(o, Individual.factoryGraph)):
+                        yield _c
+                else:
+                    yield innerCls
+def DeepClassClear(classToPrune):
+    """
+    Recursively clear the given class, continuing
+    where any related class is an anonymous class
+    >>> EX = Namespace('http://example.com/')
+    >>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph())
+    >>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', EX, override=False)
+    >>> namespace_manager.bind('owl', OWL_NS, override=False)
+    >>> g = Graph()
+    >>> g.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
+    >>> Individual.factoryGraph = g
+    >>> classB = Class(EX.B)
+    >>> classC = Class(EX.C)
+    >>> classD = Class(EX.D)
+    >>> classE = Class(EX.E)
+    >>> classF = Class(EX.F)
+    >>> anonClass = EX.someProp | some | classD #doctest: +SKIP
+    >>> classF += anonClass #doctest: +SKIP
+    >>> list(anonClass.subClassOf) #doctest: +SKIP
+    [Class: ex:F ]
+    >>> classA = classE | classF | anonClass #doctest: +SKIP
+    >>> classB += classA #doctest: +SKIP
+    >>> classA.equivalentClass = [Class()] #doctest: +SKIP
+    >>> classB.subClassOf = [EX.someProp | some | classC] #doctest: +SKIP
+    >>> classA #doctest: +SKIP
+    ( ex:E OR ex:F OR ( ex:someProp SOME ex:D ) )
+    >>> DeepClassClear(classA) #doctest: +SKIP
+    >>> classA #doctest: +SKIP
+    (  )
+    >>> list(anonClass.subClassOf) #doctest: +SKIP
+    []
+    >>> classB #doctest: +SKIP
+    Class: ex:B SubClassOf: ( ex:someProp SOME ex:C )
+    >>> otherClass = classD | anonClass #doctest: +SKIP
+    >>> otherClass #doctest: +SKIP
+    ( ex:D OR ( ex:someProp SOME ex:D ) )
+    >>> DeepClassClear(otherClass) #doctest: +SKIP
+    >>> otherClass #doctest: +SKIP
+    (  )
+    >>> otherClass.delete() #doctest: +SKIP
+    >>> list(g.triples((otherClass.identifier, None, None))) #doctest: +SKIP
+    []
+    """
+    def deepClearIfBNode(_class):
+        if isinstance(classOrIdentifier(_class), BNode):
+            DeepClassClear(_class)
+    classToPrune = CastClass(classToPrune, Individual.factoryGraph)
+    for c in classToPrune.subClassOf:
+        deepClearIfBNode(c)
+    classToPrune.graph.remove((classToPrune.identifier, RDFS.subClassOf, None))
+    for c in classToPrune.equivalentClass:
+        deepClearIfBNode(c)
+    classToPrune.graph.remove(
+        (classToPrune.identifier, OWL_NS.equivalentClass, None))
+    inverseClass = classToPrune.complementOf
+    if inverseClass:
+        classToPrune.graph.remove(
+            (classToPrune.identifier, OWL_NS.complementOf, None))
+        deepClearIfBNode(inverseClass)
+    if isinstance(classToPrune, BooleanClass):
+        for c in classToPrune:
+            deepClearIfBNode(c)
+        classToPrune.clear()
+        classToPrune.graph.remove((classToPrune.identifier,
+                                   classToPrune._operator,
+                                   None))
+class MalformedClass(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, msg):
+        self.msg = msg
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.msg
+def CastClass(c, graph=None):
+    graph = graph is None and c.factoryGraph or graph
+    for kind in graph.objects(subject=classOrIdentifier(c),
+                              predicate=RDF.type):
+        if kind == OWL_NS.Restriction:
+            kwArgs = {'identifier': classOrIdentifier(c),
+                      'graph': graph}
+            for s, p, o in graph.triples((classOrIdentifier(c),
+                                          None,
+                                          None)):
+                if p != RDF.type:
+                    if p == OWL_NS.onProperty:
+                        kwArgs['onProperty'] = o
+                    else:
+                        if p not in Restriction.restrictionKinds:
+                            continue
+                        kwArgs[str(p.split(OWL_NS)[-1])] = o
+            if not set([str(i.split(OWL_NS)[-1])
+                        for i in Restriction.restrictionKinds]
+                       ).intersection(kwArgs):
+                raise MalformedClass("Malformed owl:Restriction")
+            return Restriction(**kwArgs)
+        else:
+            for s, p, o in graph.triples_choices((classOrIdentifier(c),
+                                                  [OWL_NS.intersectionOf,
+                                                 OWL_NS.unionOf,
+                                                 OWL_NS.oneOf],
+                                                  None)):
+                if p == OWL_NS.oneOf:
+                    return EnumeratedClass(classOrIdentifier(c), graph=graph)
+                else:
+                    return BooleanClass(
+                        classOrIdentifier(c), operator=p, graph=graph)
+            # assert (classOrIdentifier(c),RDF.type,OWL_NS.Class) in graph
+            return Class(
+                classOrIdentifier(c), graph=graph, skipOWLClassMembership=True)
+class Class(AnnotatableTerms):
+    """
+    'General form' for classes:
+    The Manchester Syntax (supported in Protege) is used as the basis for the
+    form of this class
+    See: http://owl-workshop.man.ac.uk/acceptedLong/submission_9.pdf:
+    [Annotation]
+    ‘Class:’ classID {Annotation
+                        ( (‘SubClassOf:’ ClassExpression)
+                        | (‘EquivalentTo’ ClassExpression)
+                        | (’DisjointWith’ ClassExpression)) }
+    Appropriate excerpts from OWL Reference:
+    ".. Subclass axioms provide us with partial definitions: they represent
+     necessary but not sufficient conditions for establishing class
+     membership of an individual."
+    ".. A class axiom may contain (multiple) owl:equivalentClass statements"
+    "..A class axiom may also contain (multiple) owl:disjointWith statements.."
+    "..An owl:complementOf property links a class to precisely one class
+      description."
+    """
+    def _serialize(self, graph):
+        for cl in self.subClassOf:
+            CastClass(cl, self.graph).serialize(graph)
+        for cl in self.equivalentClass:
+            CastClass(cl, self.graph).serialize(graph)
+        for cl in self.disjointWith:
+            CastClass(cl, self.graph).serialize(graph)
+        if self.complementOf:
+            CastClass(self.complementOf, self.graph).serialize(graph)
+    def serialize(self, graph):
+        for fact in self.graph.triples((self.identifier, None, None)):
+            graph.add(fact)
+        self._serialize(graph)
+    def setupNounAnnotations(self, nounAnnotations):
+        if isinstance(nounAnnotations, tuple):
+            CN_sgProp, CN_plProp = nounAnnotations
+        else:
+            CN_sgProp = nounAnnotations
+            CN_plProp = nounAnnotations
+        if CN_sgProp:
+            self.CN_sgProp.extent = [(self.identifier,
+                                      self.handleAnnotation(CN_sgProp))]
+        if CN_plProp:
+            self.CN_plProp.extent = [(self.identifier,
+                                      self.handleAnnotation(CN_plProp))]
+    def __init__(self, identifier=None, subClassOf=None, equivalentClass=None,
+                 disjointWith=None, complementOf=None, graph=None,
+                 skipOWLClassMembership=False, comment=None,
+                 nounAnnotations=None,
+                 nameAnnotation=None,
+                 nameIsLabel=False):
+        super(Class, self).__init__(identifier, graph,
+                                    nameAnnotation, nameIsLabel)
+        if nounAnnotations:
+            self.setupNounAnnotations(nounAnnotations)
+        if not skipOWLClassMembership \
+                and (self.identifier, RDF.type, OWL_NS.Class) \
+                not in self.graph and \
+                (self.identifier, RDF.type, OWL_NS.Restriction) \
+                not in self.graph:
+            self.graph.add((self.identifier, RDF.type, OWL_NS.Class))
+        self.subClassOf = subClassOf and subClassOf or []
+        self.equivalentClass = equivalentClass and equivalentClass or []
+        self.disjointWith = disjointWith and disjointWith or []
+        if complementOf:
+            self.complementOf = complementOf
+        self.comment = comment and comment or []
+    def _get_extent(self, graph=None):
+        for member in (
+            graph is None and self.graph or graph).subjects(
+                predicate=RDF.type, object=self.identifier):
+            yield member
+    def _set_extent(self, other):
+        if not other:
+            return
+        for m in other:
+            self.graph.add((classOrIdentifier(m), RDF.type, self.identifier))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(RDF.type)
+    def _del_type(self):
+        pass
+    extent = property(_get_extent, _set_extent, _del_type)
+    def _get_annotation(self, term=RDFS.label):
+        for annotation in self.graph.objects(subject=self, predicate=term):
+            yield annotation
+    annotation = property(_get_annotation, lambda x: x)
+    def _get_extentQuery(self):
+        return (Variable('CLASS'), RDF.type, self.identifier)
+    def _set_extentQuery(self, other):
+        pass
+    extentQuery = property(_get_extentQuery, _set_extentQuery)
+    def __hash__(self):
+        """
+        >>> b=Class(OWL_NS.Restriction)
+        >>> c=Class(OWL_NS.Restriction)
+        >>> len(set([b,c]))
+        1
+        """
+        return hash(self.identifier)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        assert isinstance(other, Class), repr(other)
+        return self.identifier == other.identifier
+    def __iadd__(self, other):
+        assert isinstance(other, Class)
+        other.subClassOf = [self]
+        return self
+    def __isub__(self, other):
+        assert isinstance(other, Class)
+        self.graph.remove(
+            (classOrIdentifier(other), RDFS.subClassOf, self.identifier))
+        return self
+    def __invert__(self):
+        """
+        Shorthand for Manchester syntax's not operator
+        """
+        return Class(complementOf=self)
+    def __or__(self, other):
+        """
+        Construct an anonymous class description consisting of the union of
+        this class and 'other' and return it
+        """
+        return BooleanClass(
+            operator=OWL_NS.unionOf, members=[self, other], graph=self.graph)
+    def __and__(self, other):
+        """
+        Construct an anonymous class description consisting of the
+        intersection of this class and 'other' and return it
+        >>> exNs = Namespace('http://example.com/')
+        >>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph())
+        >>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', exNs, override=False)
+        >>> namespace_manager.bind('owl', OWL_NS, override=False)
+        >>> g = Graph()
+        >>> g.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
+        Chaining 3 intersections
+        >>> female = Class(exNs.Female, graph=g)
+        >>> human = Class(exNs.Human, graph=g)
+        >>> youngPerson = Class(exNs.YoungPerson, graph=g)
+        >>> youngWoman = female & human & youngPerson
+        >>> youngWoman #doctest: +SKIP
+        ex:YoungPerson THAT ( ex:Female AND ex:Human )
+        >>> isinstance(youngWoman, BooleanClass)
+        True
+        >>> isinstance(youngWoman.identifier, BNode)
+        True
+        """
+        return BooleanClass(
+            operator=OWL_NS.intersectionOf,
+            members=[self, other], graph=self.graph)
+    def _get_subClassOf(self):
+        for anc in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=RDFS.subClassOf):
+            yield Class(anc,
+                        graph=self.graph,
+                        skipOWLClassMembership=True)
+    def _set_subClassOf(self, other):
+        if not other:
+            return
+        for sc in other:
+            self.graph.add(
+                (self.identifier, RDFS.subClassOf, classOrIdentifier(sc)))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(RDFS.subClassOf)
+    def _del_subClassOf(self):
+        pass
+    subClassOf = property(_get_subClassOf, _set_subClassOf, _del_subClassOf)
+    def _get_equivalentClass(self):
+        for ec in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.equivalentClass):
+            yield Class(ec, graph=self.graph)
+    def _set_equivalentClass(self, other):
+        if not other:
+            return
+        for sc in other:
+            self.graph.add((self.identifier,
+                           OWL_NS.equivalentClass, classOrIdentifier(sc)))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.equivalentClass)
+    def _del_equivalentClass(self):
+        pass
+    equivalentClass = property(
+        _get_equivalentClass, _set_equivalentClass, _del_equivalentClass)
+    def _get_disjointWith(self):
+        for dc in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.disjointWith):
+            yield Class(dc, graph=self.graph)
+    def _set_disjointWith(self, other):
+        if not other:
+            return
+        for c in other:
+            self.graph.add(
+                (self.identifier, OWL_NS.disjointWith, classOrIdentifier(c)))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.disjointWith)
+    def _del_disjointWith(self):
+        pass
+    disjointWith = property(
+        _get_disjointWith, _set_disjointWith, _del_disjointWith)
+    def _get_complementOf(self):
+        comp = list(self.graph.objects(
+            subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.complementOf))
+        if not comp:
+            return None
+        elif len(comp) == 1:
+            return Class(comp[0], graph=self.graph)
+        else:
+            raise Exception(len(comp))
+    def _set_complementOf(self, other):
+        if not other:
+            return
+        self.graph.add(
+            (self.identifier, OWL_NS.complementOf, classOrIdentifier(other)))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.complementOf)
+    def _del_complementOf(self):
+        pass
+    complementOf = property(
+        _get_complementOf, _set_complementOf, _del_complementOf)
+    def _get_parents(self):
+        """
+        computed attributes that returns a generator over taxonomic 'parents'
+        by disjunction, conjunction, and subsumption
+        >>> from rdflib.util import first
+        >>> exNs = Namespace('http://example.com/')
+        >>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph())
+        >>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', exNs, override=False)
+        >>> namespace_manager.bind('owl', OWL_NS, override=False)
+        >>> g = Graph()
+        >>> g.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
+        >>> Individual.factoryGraph = g
+        >>> brother = Class(exNs.Brother)
+        >>> sister = Class(exNs.Sister)
+        >>> sibling = brother | sister
+        >>> sibling.identifier = exNs.Sibling
+        >>> sibling #doctest: +SKIP
+        ( ex:Brother OR ex:Sister )
+        >>> first(brother.parents) #doctest: +SKIP
+        Class: ex:Sibling EquivalentTo: ( ex:Brother OR ex:Sister )
+        >>> parent = Class(exNs.Parent)
+        >>> male = Class(exNs.Male)
+        >>> father = parent & male
+        >>> father.identifier = exNs.Father
+        >>> list(father.parents) #doctest: +SKIP
+        [Class: ex:Parent , Class: ex:Male ]
+        """
+        for parent in itertools.chain(self.subClassOf,
+                                      self.equivalentClass):
+            yield parent
+        link = first(self.factoryGraph.subjects(RDF.first, self.identifier))
+        if link:
+            listSiblings = list(self.factoryGraph.transitive_subjects(RDF.rest,
+                                                                      link))
+            if listSiblings:
+                collectionHead = listSiblings[-1]
+            else:
+                collectionHead = link
+            for disjCls in self.factoryGraph.subjects(
+                    OWL_NS.unionOf, collectionHead):
+                if isinstance(disjCls, URIRef):
+                    yield Class(disjCls, skipOWLClassMembership=True)
+        for rdfList in self.factoryGraph.objects(
+                self.identifier, OWL_NS.intersectionOf):
+            for member in OWLRDFListProxy([rdfList], graph=self.factoryGraph):
+                if isinstance(member, URIRef):
+                    yield Class(member, skipOWLClassMembership=True)
+    parents = property(_get_parents)
+    def isPrimitive(self):
+        if (self.identifier, RDF.type, OWL_NS.Restriction) in self.graph:
+            return False
+        # sc = list(self.subClassOf)
+        ec = list(self.equivalentClass)
+        for boolClass, p, rdfList in self.graph.triples_choices(
+            (self.identifier,
+             [OWL_NS.intersectionOf,
+              OWL_NS.unionOf],
+             None)):
+            ec.append(manchesterSyntax(rdfList, self.graph, boolean=p))
+        for e in ec:
+            return False
+        if self.complementOf:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def subSumpteeIds(self):
+        for s in self.graph.subjects(
+                predicate=RDFS.subClassOf, object=self.identifier):
+            yield s
+    # def __iter__(self):
+    #     for s in self.graph.subjects(
+    #        predicate=RDFS.subClassOf,object=self.identifier):
+    #         yield Class(s,skipOWLClassMembership=True)
+    def __repr__(self, full=False, normalization=True):
+        """
+        Returns the Manchester Syntax equivalent for this class
+        """
+        exprs = []
+        sc = list(self.subClassOf)
+        ec = list(self.equivalentClass)
+        for boolClass, p, rdfList in self.graph.triples_choices(
+            (self.identifier,
+             [OWL_NS.intersectionOf,
+              OWL_NS.unionOf],
+             None)):
+            ec.append(manchesterSyntax(rdfList, self.graph, boolean=p))
+        dc = list(self.disjointWith)
+        c = self.complementOf
+        if c:
+            dc.append(c)
+        klassKind = ''
+        label = list(self.graph.objects(self.identifier, RDFS.label))
+        label = label and '(' + label[0] + ')' or ''
+        if sc:
+            if full:
+                scJoin = '\n                '
+            else:
+                scJoin = ', '
+            necStatements = [
+                isinstance(s, Class) and isinstance(self.identifier, BNode) and
+                repr(CastClass(s, self.graph)) or
+                # repr(BooleanClass(classOrIdentifier(s),
+                #                  operator=None,
+                #                  graph=self.graph)) or
+                manchesterSyntax(classOrIdentifier(s), self.graph) for s in sc]
+            if necStatements:
+                klassKind = "Primitive Type %s" % label
+            exprs.append("SubClassOf: %s" % scJoin.join(
+                [str(n) for n in necStatements]))
+            if full:
+                exprs[-1] = "\n    " + exprs[-1]
+        if ec:
+            nec_SuffStatements = [
+                isinstance(s, str) and s or
+                manchesterSyntax(classOrIdentifier(s), self.graph) for s in ec]
+            if nec_SuffStatements:
+                klassKind = "A Defined Class %s" % label
+            exprs.append("EquivalentTo: %s" % ', '.join(nec_SuffStatements))
+            if full:
+                exprs[-1] = "\n    " + exprs[-1]
+        if dc:
+            exprs.append("DisjointWith %s\n" % '\n                 '.join(
+                [manchesterSyntax(classOrIdentifier(s), self.graph)
+                    for s in dc]))
+            if full:
+                exprs[-1] = "\n    " + exprs[-1]
+        descr = list(self.graph.objects(self.identifier, RDFS.comment))
+        if full and normalization:
+            klassDescr = klassKind and '\n    ## %s ##' % klassKind +\
+                (descr and "\n    %s" % descr[0] or '') + \
+                ' . '.join(exprs) or ' . '.join(exprs)
+        else:
+            klassDescr = full and (descr and "\n    %s" %
+                                   descr[0] or '') or '' + ' . '.join(exprs)
+        return (isinstance(self.identifier, BNode)
+                and "Some Class "
+                or "Class: %s " % self.qname) + klassDescr
+class OWLRDFListProxy(object):
+    def __init__(self, rdfList, members=None, graph=None):
+        if graph:
+            self.graph = graph
+        members = members and members or []
+        if rdfList:
+            self._rdfList = Collection(self.graph, rdfList[0])
+            for member in members:
+                if member not in self._rdfList:
+                    self._rdfList.append(classOrIdentifier(member))
+        else:
+            self._rdfList = Collection(self.graph, BNode(),
+                                       [classOrIdentifier(m) for m in members])
+            self.graph.add(
+                (self.identifier, self._operator, self._rdfList.uri))
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        """
+        Equivalence of boolean class constructors is determined by
+        equivalence of its members
+        """
+        assert isinstance(other, Class), repr(other) + repr(type(other))
+        if isinstance(other, BooleanClass):
+            length = len(self)
+            if length != len(other):
+                return False
+            else:
+                for idx in range(length):
+                    if self[idx] != other[idx]:
+                        return False
+                    return True
+        else:
+            return self.identifier == other.identifier
+    # Redirect python list accessors to the underlying Collection instance
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self._rdfList)
+    def index(self, item):
+        return self._rdfList.index(classOrIdentifier(item))
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self._rdfList[key]
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        self._rdfList[key] = classOrIdentifier(value)
+    def __delitem__(self, key):
+        del self._rdfList[key]
+    def clear(self):
+        self._rdfList.clear()
+    def __iter__(self):
+        for item in self._rdfList:
+            yield item
+    def __contains__(self, item):
+        for i in self._rdfList:
+            if i == classOrIdentifier(item):
+                return 1
+        return 0
+    def append(self, item):
+        self._rdfList.append(item)
+    def __iadd__(self, other):
+        self._rdfList.append(classOrIdentifier(other))
+        return self
+class EnumeratedClass(OWLRDFListProxy, Class):
+    py3compat.format_doctest_out("""
+    Class for owl:oneOf forms:
+    OWL Abstract Syntax is used
+    axiom ::= 'EnumeratedClass('
+        classID ['Deprecated'] { annotation } { individualID } ')'
+    >>> exNs = Namespace('http://example.com/')
+    >>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph())
+    >>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', exNs, override=False)
+    >>> namespace_manager.bind('owl', OWL_NS, override=False)
+    >>> g = Graph()
+    >>> g.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
+    >>> Individual.factoryGraph = g
+    >>> ogbujiBros = EnumeratedClass(exNs.ogbujicBros,
+    ...                              members=[exNs.chime,
+    ...                                       exNs.uche,
+    ...                                       exNs.ejike])
+    >>> ogbujiBros #doctest: +SKIP
+    { ex:chime ex:uche ex:ejike }
+    >>> col = Collection(g, first(
+    ...    g.objects(predicate=OWL_NS.oneOf, subject=ogbujiBros.identifier)))
+    >>> [g.qname(item) for item in col]
+    [%(u)s'ex:chime', %(u)s'ex:uche', %(u)s'ex:ejike']
+    >>> print(g.serialize(format='n3')) #doctest: +SKIP
+    @prefix ex: <http://example.com/> .
+    @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
+    @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+    ex:ogbujicBros a owl:Class;
+        owl:oneOf ( ex:chime ex:uche ex:ejike ) .
+    """)
+    _operator = OWL_NS.oneOf
+    def isPrimitive(self):
+        return False
+    def __init__(self, identifier=None, members=None, graph=None):
+        Class.__init__(self, identifier, graph=graph)
+        members = members and members or []
+        rdfList = list(self.graph.objects(
+            predicate=OWL_NS.oneOf, subject=self.identifier))
+        OWLRDFListProxy.__init__(self, rdfList, members)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        """
+        Returns the Manchester Syntax equivalent for this class
+        """
+        return manchesterSyntax(
+            self._rdfList.uri, self.graph, boolean=self._operator)
+    def serialize(self, graph):
+        clonedList = Collection(graph, BNode())
+        for cl in self._rdfList:
+            clonedList.append(cl)
+            CastClass(cl, self.graph).serialize(graph)
+        graph.add((self.identifier, self._operator, clonedList.uri))
+        for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((self.identifier, None, None)):
+            if p != self._operator:
+                graph.add((s, p, o))
+        self._serialize(graph)
+BooleanPredicates = [OWL_NS.intersectionOf, OWL_NS.unionOf]
+class BooleanClassExtentHelper:
+    """
+    >>> testGraph = Graph()
+    >>> Individual.factoryGraph = testGraph
+    >>> EX = Namespace("http://example.com/")
+    >>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph())
+    >>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', EX, override=False)
+    >>> testGraph.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
+    >>> fire = Class(EX.Fire)
+    >>> water = Class(EX.Water)
+    >>> testClass = BooleanClass(members=[fire, water])
+    >>> testClass2 = BooleanClass(
+    ...     operator=OWL_NS.unionOf, members=[fire, water])
+    >>> for c in BooleanClass.getIntersections():
+    ...     print(c) #doctest: +SKIP
+    ( ex:Fire AND ex:Water )
+    >>> for c in BooleanClass.getUnions():
+    ...     print(c) #doctest: +SKIP
+    ( ex:Fire OR ex:Water )
+    """
+    def __init__(self, operator):
+        self.operator = operator
+    def __call__(self, f):
+        def _getExtent():
+            for c in Individual.factoryGraph.subjects(self.operator):
+                yield BooleanClass(c, operator=self.operator)
+        return _getExtent
+class Callable():
+    def __init__(self, anycallable):
+        self.__call__ = anycallable
+class BooleanClass(OWLRDFListProxy, Class):
+    """
+    See: http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-ref/#Boolean
+    owl:complementOf is an attribute of Class, however
+    """
+    @BooleanClassExtentHelper(OWL_NS.intersectionOf)
+    @Callable
+    def getIntersections():
+        pass
+    getIntersections = Callable(getIntersections)
+    @BooleanClassExtentHelper(OWL_NS.unionOf)
+    @Callable
+    def getUnions():
+        pass
+    getUnions = Callable(getUnions)
+    def __init__(self, identifier=None, operator=OWL_NS.intersectionOf,
+                 members=None, graph=None):
+        if operator is None:
+            props = []
+            for s, p, o in graph.triples_choices((identifier,
+                                                  [OWL_NS.intersectionOf,
+                                                 OWL_NS.unionOf],
+                                                 None)):
+                props.append(p)
+                operator = p
+            assert len(props) == 1, repr(props)
+        Class.__init__(self, identifier, graph=graph)
+        assert operator in [OWL_NS.intersectionOf,
+                            OWL_NS.unionOf], str(operator)
+        self._operator = operator
+        rdfList = list(
+            self.graph.objects(predicate=operator, subject=self.identifier))
+        assert not members or not rdfList, \
+            "This is a previous boolean class description!" + \
+            repr(Collection(self.graph, rdfList[0]).n3())
+        OWLRDFListProxy.__init__(self, rdfList, members)
+    def copy(self):
+        """
+        Create a copy of this class
+        """
+        copyOfClass = BooleanClass(
+            operator=self._operator, members=list(self), graph=self.graph)
+        return copyOfClass
+    def serialize(self, graph):
+        clonedList = Collection(graph, BNode())
+        for cl in self._rdfList:
+            clonedList.append(cl)
+            CastClass(cl, self.graph).serialize(graph)
+        graph.add((self.identifier, self._operator, clonedList.uri))
+        for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((self.identifier, None, None)):
+            if p != self._operator:
+                graph.add((s, p, o))
+        self._serialize(graph)
+    def isPrimitive(self):
+        return False
+    def changeOperator(self, newOperator):
+        """
+        Converts a unionOf / intersectionOf class expression into one
+        that instead uses the given operator
+        >>> testGraph = Graph()
+        >>> Individual.factoryGraph = testGraph
+        >>> EX = Namespace("http://example.com/")
+        >>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph())
+        >>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', EX, override=False)
+        >>> testGraph.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
+        >>> fire = Class(EX.Fire)
+        >>> water = Class(EX.Water)
+        >>> testClass = BooleanClass(members=[fire,water])
+        >>> testClass #doctest: +SKIP
+        ( ex:Fire AND ex:Water )
+        >>> testClass.changeOperator(OWL_NS.unionOf)
+        >>> testClass #doctest: +SKIP
+        ( ex:Fire OR ex:Water )
+        >>> try: testClass.changeOperator(OWL_NS.unionOf)
+        ... except Exception%s: print(e)
+        The new operator is already being used!
+        """ % 'as e' if py3compat.PY3 else ', e'
+        assert newOperator != self._operator, \
+            "The new operator is already being used!"
+        self.graph.remove((self.identifier, self._operator, self._rdfList.uri))
+        self.graph.add((self.identifier, newOperator, self._rdfList.uri))
+        self._operator = newOperator
+    def __repr__(self):
+        """
+        Returns the Manchester Syntax equivalent for this class
+        """
+        return manchesterSyntax(
+            self._rdfList.uri, self.graph, boolean=self._operator)
+    def __or__(self, other):
+        """
+        Adds other to the list and returns self
+        """
+        assert self._operator == OWL_NS.unionOf
+        self._rdfList.append(classOrIdentifier(other))
+        return self
+def AllDifferent(members):
+    """
+    DisjointClasses(' description description { description } ')'
+    """
+    pass
+class Restriction(Class):
+    """
+    restriction ::= 'restriction('
+                            datavaluedPropertyID dataRestrictionComponent
+                                 { dataRestrictionComponent } ')'
+                  | 'restriction(' individualvaluedPropertyID
+                      individualRestrictionComponent
+                      { individualRestrictionComponent } ')'
+    """
+    restrictionKinds = [OWL_NS.allValuesFrom,
+                        OWL_NS.someValuesFrom,
+                        OWL_NS.hasValue,
+                        OWL_NS.maxCardinality,
+                        OWL_NS.minCardinality]
+    def __init__(self,
+                 onProperty,
+                 graph=Graph(),
+                 allValuesFrom=None,
+                 someValuesFrom=None,
+                 value=None,
+                 cardinality=None,
+                 maxCardinality=None,
+                 minCardinality=None,
+                 identifier=None):
+        super(Restriction, self).__init__(identifier,
+                                          graph=graph,
+                                          skipOWLClassMembership=True)
+        if (self.identifier,
+            OWL_NS.onProperty,
+                propertyOrIdentifier(onProperty)) not in graph:
+            graph.add((self.identifier, OWL_NS.onProperty,
+                      propertyOrIdentifier(onProperty)))
+        self.onProperty = onProperty
+        restrTypes = [
+            (allValuesFrom, OWL_NS.allValuesFrom),
+            (someValuesFrom, OWL_NS.someValuesFrom),
+            (value, OWL_NS.hasValue),
+            (cardinality, OWL_NS.cardinality),
+            (maxCardinality, OWL_NS.maxCardinality),
+            (minCardinality, OWL_NS.minCardinality)]
+        validRestrProps = [(i, oTerm) for (i, oTerm) in restrTypes if i]
+        assert len(validRestrProps)
+        restrictionRange, restrictionType = validRestrProps.pop()
+        self.restrictionType = restrictionType
+        if isinstance(restrictionRange, Identifier):
+            self.restrictionRange = restrictionRange
+        elif isinstance(restrictionRange, Class):
+            self.restrictionRange = classOrIdentifier(restrictionRange)
+        else:
+            self.restrictionRange = first(self.graph.objects(self.identifier,
+                                                             restrictionType))
+        if (self.identifier,
+            restrictionType,
+                self.restrictionRange) not in self.graph:
+            self.graph.add(
+                (self.identifier, restrictionType, self.restrictionRange))
+        assert self.restrictionRange is not None, Class(self.identifier)
+        if (self.identifier, RDF.type, OWL_NS.Restriction) not in self.graph:
+            self.graph.add((self.identifier, RDF.type, OWL_NS.Restriction))
+            self.graph.remove((self.identifier, RDF.type, OWL_NS.Class))
+    @py3compat.format_doctest_out
+    def serialize(self, graph):
+        """
+        >>> g1 = Graph()
+        >>> g2 = Graph()
+        >>> EX = Namespace("http://example.com/")
+        >>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(g1)
+        >>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', EX, override=False)
+        >>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(g2)
+        >>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', EX, override=False)
+        >>> Individual.factoryGraph = g1
+        >>> prop = Property(EX.someProp, baseType=OWL_NS.DatatypeProperty)
+        >>> restr1 = (Property(
+        ...    EX.someProp,
+        ...    baseType=OWL_NS.DatatypeProperty)) | some | (Class(EX.Foo))
+        >>> restr1 #doctest: +SKIP
+        ( ex:someProp SOME ex:Foo )
+        >>> restr1.serialize(g2)
+        >>> Individual.factoryGraph = g2
+        >>> list(Property(
+        ...     EX.someProp,baseType=None).type
+        ... ) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +SKIP
+        [rdflib.term.URIRef(
+            %(u)s'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#DatatypeProperty')]
+        """
+        Property(
+            self.onProperty, graph=self.graph, baseType=None).serialize(graph)
+        for s, p, o in self.graph.triples((self.identifier, None, None)):
+            graph.add((s, p, o))
+            if p in [OWL_NS.allValuesFrom, OWL_NS.someValuesFrom]:
+                CastClass(o, self.graph).serialize(graph)
+    def isPrimitive(self):
+        return False
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return hash((self.onProperty, self.restrictionRange))
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        """
+        Equivalence of restrictions is determined by equivalence of the
+        property in question and the restriction 'range'
+        """
+        assert isinstance(other, Class), repr(other) + repr(type(other))
+        if isinstance(other, Restriction):
+            return other.onProperty == self.onProperty and \
+                other.restrictionRange == self.restrictionRange
+        else:
+            return False
+    def _get_onProperty(self):
+        return list(self.graph.objects(
+            subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.onProperty))[0]
+    def _set_onProperty(self, prop):
+        triple = (
+            self.identifier, OWL_NS.onProperty, propertyOrIdentifier(prop))
+        if not prop:
+            return
+        elif triple in self.graph:
+            return
+        else:
+            self.graph.set(triple)
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.onProperty)
+    def _del_onProperty(self):
+        pass
+    onProperty = property(_get_onProperty, _set_onProperty, _del_onProperty)
+    def _get_allValuesFrom(self):
+        for i in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.allValuesFrom):
+            return Class(i, graph=self.graph)
+        return None
+    def _set_allValuesFrom(self, other):
+        triple = (
+            self.identifier, OWL_NS.allValuesFrom, classOrIdentifier(other))
+        if not other:
+            return
+        elif triple in self.graph:
+            return
+        else:
+            self.graph.set(triple)
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.allValuesFrom)
+    def _del_allValuesFrom(self):
+        pass
+    allValuesFrom = property(
+        _get_allValuesFrom, _set_allValuesFrom, _del_allValuesFrom)
+    def _get_someValuesFrom(self):
+        for i in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.someValuesFrom):
+            return Class(i, graph=self.graph)
+        return None
+    def _set_someValuesFrom(self, other):
+        triple = (
+            self.identifier, OWL_NS.someValuesFrom, classOrIdentifier(other))
+        if not other:
+            return
+        elif triple in self.graph:
+            return
+        else:
+            self.graph.set(triple)
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.someValuesFrom)
+    def _del_someValuesFrom(self):
+        pass
+    someValuesFrom = property(
+        _get_someValuesFrom, _set_someValuesFrom, _del_someValuesFrom)
+    def _get_hasValue(self):
+        for i in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.hasValue):
+            return Class(i, graph=self.graph)
+        return None
+    def _set_hasValue(self, other):
+        triple = (self.identifier, OWL_NS.hasValue, classOrIdentifier(other))
+        if not other:
+            return
+        elif triple in self.graph:
+            return
+        else:
+            self.graph.set(triple)
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.hasValue)
+    def _del_hasValue(self):
+        pass
+    hasValue = property(_get_hasValue, _set_hasValue, _del_hasValue)
+    def _get_cardinality(self):
+        for i in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.cardinality):
+            return Class(i, graph=self.graph)
+        return None
+    def _set_cardinality(self, other):
+        triple = (
+            self.identifier, OWL_NS.cardinality, classOrIdentifier(other))
+        if not other:
+            return
+        elif triple in self.graph:
+            return
+        else:
+            self.graph.set(triple)
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.cardinality)
+    def _del_cardinality(self):
+        pass
+    cardinality = property(
+        _get_cardinality, _set_cardinality, _del_cardinality)
+    def _get_maxCardinality(self):
+        for i in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.maxCardinality):
+            return Class(i, graph=self.graph)
+        return None
+    def _set_maxCardinality(self, other):
+        triple = (
+            self.identifier, OWL_NS.maxCardinality, classOrIdentifier(other))
+        if not other:
+            return
+        elif triple in self.graph:
+            return
+        else:
+            self.graph.set(triple)
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.maxCardinality)
+    def _del_maxCardinality(self):
+        pass
+    maxCardinality = property(
+        _get_maxCardinality, _set_maxCardinality, _del_maxCardinality)
+    def _get_minCardinality(self):
+        for i in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.minCardinality):
+            return Class(i, graph=self.graph)
+        return None
+    def _set_minCardinality(self, other):
+        triple = (
+            self.identifier, OWL_NS.minCardinality, classOrIdentifier(other))
+        if not other:
+            return
+        elif triple in self.graph:
+            return
+        else:
+            self.graph.set(triple)
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.minCardinality)
+    def _del_minCardinality(self):
+        pass
+    minCardinality = property(
+        _get_minCardinality, _set_minCardinality, _del_minCardinality)
+    def restrictionKind(self):
+        for p in self.graph.triple_choices((self.identifier,
+                                            self.restrictionKinds,
+                                            None)):
+            return p.split(OWL_NS)[-1]
+        raise
+    def __repr__(self):
+        """
+        Returns the Manchester Syntax equivalent for this restriction
+        """
+        return manchesterSyntax(self.identifier, self.graph)
+### Infix Operators ###
+some = Infix(lambda prop, _class: Restriction(prop, graph=_class.graph,
+                                              someValuesFrom=_class))
+only = Infix(lambda prop, _class: Restriction(prop, graph=_class.graph,
+                                              allValuesFrom=_class))
+max = Infix(lambda prop, _class: Restriction(prop, graph=prop.graph,
+                                             maxCardinality=_class))
+min = Infix(lambda prop, _class: Restriction(prop, graph=prop.graph,
+                                             minCardinality=_class))
+exactly = Infix(lambda prop, _class: Restriction(prop, graph=prop.graph,
+                                                 cardinality=_class))
+value = Infix(
+    lambda prop, _class: Restriction(prop, graph=prop.graph, value=_class))
+PropertyAbstractSyntax =\
+    """
+%s( %s { %s }
+{ 'super(' datavaluedPropertyID ')'} ['Functional']
+{ domain( %s ) } { range( %s ) } )"""
+class Property(AnnotatableTerms):
+    """
+    axiom ::= 'DatatypeProperty(' datavaluedPropertyID ['Deprecated']
+                { annotation }
+                { 'super(' datavaluedPropertyID ')'} ['Functional']
+                { 'domain(' description ')' } { 'range(' dataRange ')' } ')'
+            | 'ObjectProperty(' individualvaluedPropertyID ['Deprecated']
+                { annotation }
+                { 'super(' individualvaluedPropertyID ')' }
+                [ 'inverseOf(' individualvaluedPropertyID ')' ] [ 'Symmetric' ]
+                [ 'Functional' | 'InverseFunctional' |
+                  'Functional' 'InverseFunctional' |
+                  'Transitive' ]
+                { 'domain(' description ')' } { 'range(' description ')' } ')
+    """
+    def setupVerbAnnotations(self, verbAnnotations):
+        if isinstance(verbAnnotations, tuple):
+            TV_sgProp, TV_plProp, TV_vbg = verbAnnotations
+        else:
+            TV_sgProp = verbAnnotations
+            TV_plProp = verbAnnotations
+            TV_vbg = verbAnnotations
+        if TV_sgProp:
+            self.TV_sgProp.extent = [(self.identifier,
+                                      self.handleAnnotation(TV_sgProp))]
+        if TV_plProp:
+            self.TV_plProp.extent = [(self.identifier,
+                                      self.handleAnnotation(TV_plProp))]
+        if TV_vbg:
+            self.TV_vbgProp.extent = [(self.identifier,
+                                       self.handleAnnotation(TV_vbg))]
+    def __init__(
+        self, identifier=None, graph=None, baseType=OWL_NS.ObjectProperty,
+        subPropertyOf=None, domain=None, range=None, inverseOf=None,
+        otherType=None, equivalentProperty=None,
+        comment=None,
+        verbAnnotations=None,
+        nameAnnotation=None,
+            nameIsLabel=False):
+        super(Property, self).__init__(identifier, graph,
+                                       nameAnnotation, nameIsLabel)
+        if verbAnnotations:
+            self.setupVerbAnnotations(verbAnnotations)
+        assert not isinstance(self.identifier, BNode)
+        if baseType is None:
+            # None give, determine via introspection
+            self._baseType = first(
+                Individual(self.identifier, graph=self.graph).type)
+        else:
+            if (self.identifier, RDF.type, baseType) not in self.graph:
+                self.graph.add((self.identifier, RDF.type, baseType))
+            self._baseType = baseType
+        self.subPropertyOf = subPropertyOf
+        self.inverseOf = inverseOf
+        self.domain = domain
+        self.range = range
+        self.comment = comment and comment or []
+    def serialize(self, graph):
+        for fact in self.graph.triples((self.identifier, None, None)):
+            graph.add(fact)
+        for p in itertools.chain(self.subPropertyOf,
+                                 self.inverseOf):
+            p.serialize(graph)
+        for c in itertools.chain(self.domain,
+                                 self.range):
+            CastClass(c, self.graph).serialize(graph)
+    def _get_extent(self, graph=None):
+        for triple in (graph is None and self.graph or graph).triples(
+                (None, self.identifier, None)):
+            yield triple
+    def _set_extent(self, other):
+        if not other:
+            return
+        for subj, obj in other:
+            self.graph.add((subj, self.identifier, obj))
+    extent = property(_get_extent, _set_extent)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        rt = []
+        if OWL_NS.ObjectProperty in self.type:
+            rt.append('ObjectProperty( %s annotation(%s)'
+                      % (self.qname, first(self.comment)
+                          and first(self.comment) or ''))
+            if first(self.inverseOf):
+                twoLinkInverse = first(first(self.inverseOf).inverseOf)
+                if twoLinkInverse \
+                        and twoLinkInverse.identifier == self.identifier:
+                    inverseRepr = first(self.inverseOf).qname
+                else:
+                    inverseRepr = repr(first(self.inverseOf))
+                rt.append("  inverseOf( %s )%s" % (
+                    inverseRepr,
+                    OWL_NS.SymmetricProperty in self.type
+                    and ' Symmetric'
+                    or ''))
+            for s, p, roleType in self.graph.triples_choices(
+                (self.identifier,
+                 RDF.type,
+                 [OWL_NS.FunctionalProperty,
+                  OWL_NS.InverseFunctionalProperty,
+                  OWL_NS.TransitiveProperty])):
+                rt.append(str(roleType.split(OWL_NS)[-1]))
+        else:
+            rt.append('DatatypeProperty( %s %s'
+                      % (self.qname, first(self.comment)
+                         and first(self.comment)
+                         or ''))
+            for s, p, roleType in self.graph.triples((
+                    self.identifier, RDF.type, OWL_NS.FunctionalProperty)):
+                rt.append('   Functional')
+        def canonicalName(term, g):
+            normalizedName = classOrIdentifier(term)
+            if isinstance(normalizedName, BNode):
+                return term
+            elif normalizedName.startswith(_XSD_NS):
+                return str(term)
+            elif first(g.triples_choices((
+                                         normalizedName,
+                                         [OWL_NS.unionOf,
+                       OWL_NS.intersectionOf], None))):
+                return repr(term)
+            else:
+                return str(term.qname)
+        rt.append(' '.join(["   super( %s )" % canonicalName(
+            superP, self.graph)
+            for superP in self.subPropertyOf]))
+        rt.append(' '.join(["   domain( %s )" % canonicalName(
+            domain, self.graph)
+            for domain in self.domain]))
+        rt.append(' '.join(["   range( %s )" % canonicalName(
+            range, self.graph)
+            for range in self.range]))
+        rt = '\n'.join([expr for expr in rt if expr])
+        rt += '\n)'
+        return str(rt).encode('utf-8')
+    def _get_subPropertyOf(self):
+        for anc in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=RDFS.subPropertyOf):
+            yield Property(anc, graph=self.graph, baseType=None)
+    def _set_subPropertyOf(self, other):
+        if not other:
+            return
+        for sP in other:
+            self.graph.add(
+                (self.identifier, RDFS.subPropertyOf, classOrIdentifier(sP)))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(RDFS.subPropertyOf)
+    def _del_subPropertyOf(self):
+        pass
+    subPropertyOf = property(
+        _get_subPropertyOf, _set_subPropertyOf, _del_subPropertyOf)
+    def _get_inverseOf(self):
+        for anc in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=OWL_NS.inverseOf):
+            yield Property(anc, graph=self.graph, baseType=None)
+    def _set_inverseOf(self, other):
+        if not other:
+            return
+        self.graph.add(
+            (self.identifier, OWL_NS.inverseOf, classOrIdentifier(other)))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(OWL_NS.inverseOf)
+    def _del_inverseOf(self):
+        pass
+    inverseOf = property(_get_inverseOf, _set_inverseOf, _del_inverseOf)
+    def _get_domain(self):
+        for dom in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=RDFS.domain):
+            yield Class(dom, graph=self.graph)
+    def _set_domain(self, other):
+        if not other:
+            return
+        if isinstance(other, (Individual, Identifier)):
+            self.graph.add(
+                (self.identifier, RDFS.domain, classOrIdentifier(other)))
+        else:
+            for dom in other:
+                self.graph.add(
+                    (self.identifier, RDFS.domain, classOrIdentifier(dom)))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(RDFS.domain)
+    def _del_domain(self):
+        pass
+    domain = property(_get_domain, _set_domain, _del_domain)
+    def _get_range(self):
+        for ran in self.graph.objects(
+                subject=self.identifier, predicate=RDFS.range):
+            yield Class(ran, graph=self.graph)
+    def _set_range(self, ranges):
+        if not ranges:
+            return
+        if isinstance(ranges, (Individual, Identifier)):
+            self.graph.add(
+                (self.identifier, RDFS.range, classOrIdentifier(ranges)))
+        else:
+            for range in ranges:
+                self.graph.add(
+                    (self.identifier, RDFS.range, classOrIdentifier(range)))
+    @TermDeletionHelper(RDFS.range)
+    def _del_range(self):
+        pass
+    range = property(_get_range, _set_range, _del_range)
+    def replace(self, other):
+        # extension = []
+        for s, p, o in self.extent:
+            self.graph.add((s, propertyOrIdentifier(other), o))
+        self.graph.remove((None, self.identifier, None))
+def CommonNSBindings(graph, additionalNS={}):
+    """
+    Takes a graph and binds the common namespaces (rdf,rdfs, & owl)
+    """
+    namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(graph)
+    namespace_manager.bind('rdfs', RDFS)
+    namespace_manager.bind('rdf', RDF)
+    namespace_manager.bind('owl', OWL_NS)
+    for prefix, uri in list(additionalNS.items()):
+        namespace_manager.bind(prefix, uri, override=False)
+    graph.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
+def test():
+    import doctest
+    doctest.testmod()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()