diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/parsers/pyRdfa/parse.py @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/parsers/pyRdfa/parse.py	Fri Jul 31 00:32:28 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+The core parsing function of RDFa. Some details are
+put into other modules to make it clearer to update/modify (e.g., generation of C{@property} values, or managing the current state).
+Note that the entry point (L{parse_one_node}) bifurcates into an RDFa 1.0 and RDFa 1.1 version, ie,
+to L{_parse_1_0} and L{_parse_1_1}. Some of the parsing details (management of C{@property}, list facilities, changed behavior on C{@typeof})) have changed
+between versions and forcing the two into one function would be counter productive.
+@summary: RDFa core parser processing step
+@organization: U{World Wide Web Consortium<http://www.w3.org>}
+@author: U{Ivan Herman<a href="http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/">}
+@license: This software is available for use under the
+U{W3C® SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE<href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231">}
+$Id: parse.py,v 1.19 2013-01-07 12:46:43 ivan Exp $
+$Date: 2013-01-07 12:46:43 $
+import sys
+from .state   		import ExecutionContext
+from .property 		import ProcessProperty
+from .embeddedRDF	import handle_embeddedRDF
+from .host			import HostLanguage, host_dom_transforms
+import rdflib
+from rdflib	import URIRef
+from rdflib	import Literal
+from rdflib	import BNode
+from rdflib	import Namespace
+if rdflib.__version__ >= "3.0.0" :
+	from rdflib	import Graph
+	from rdflib	import RDF  as ns_rdf
+	from rdflib	import RDFS as ns_rdfs
+else :
+	from rdflib.Graph	import Graph
+	from rdflib.RDFS	import RDFSNS as ns_rdfs
+	from rdflib.RDF		import RDFNS  as ns_rdf
+from .      import IncorrectBlankNodeUsage, err_no_blank_node
+from .utils import has_one_of_attributes
+def parse_one_node(node, graph, parent_object, incoming_state, parent_incomplete_triples) :
+	"""The (recursive) step of handling a single node.
+	This entry just switches between the RDFa 1.0 and RDFa 1.1 versions for parsing. This method is only invoked once,
+	actually, from the top level; the recursion then happens in the L{_parse_1_0} and L{_parse_1_1} methods for
+	RDFa 1.0 and RDFa 1.1, respectively.
+	@param node: the DOM node to handle
+	@param graph: the RDF graph
+	@type graph: RDFLib's Graph object instance
+	@param parent_object: the parent's object, as an RDFLib URIRef
+	@param incoming_state: the inherited state (namespaces, lang, etc.)
+	@type incoming_state: L{state.ExecutionContext}
+	@param parent_incomplete_triples: list of hanging triples (the missing resource set to None) to be handled (or not)
+	by the current node.
+	@return: whether the caller has to complete it's parent's incomplete triples
+	@rtype: Boolean
+	"""
+	# Branch according to versions.
+	if incoming_state.rdfa_version >= "1.1" :
+		_parse_1_1(node, graph, parent_object, incoming_state, parent_incomplete_triples)
+	else :
+		_parse_1_0(node, graph, parent_object, incoming_state, parent_incomplete_triples)
+def _parse_1_1(node, graph, parent_object, incoming_state, parent_incomplete_triples) :
+	"""The (recursive) step of handling a single node. See the
+	U{RDFa 1.1 Core document<http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-core/>} for further details.
+	This is the RDFa 1.1 version.
+	@param node: the DOM node to handle
+	@param graph: the RDF graph
+	@type graph: RDFLib's Graph object instance
+	@param parent_object: the parent's object, as an RDFLib URIRef
+	@param incoming_state: the inherited state (namespaces, lang, etc.)
+	@type incoming_state: L{state.ExecutionContext}
+	@param parent_incomplete_triples: list of hanging triples (the missing resource set to None) to be handled (or not)
+	by the current node.
+	@return: whether the caller has to complete it's parent's incomplete triples
+	@rtype: Boolean
+	"""
+	def header_check(p_obj) :
+		"""Special disposition for the HTML <head> and <body> elements..."""
+		if state.options.host_language in [ HostLanguage.xhtml, HostLanguage.html5, HostLanguage.xhtml5 ] :
+			if node.nodeName == "head" or node.nodeName == "body" :
+				if not has_one_of_attributes(node, "about", "resource", "src", "href") :
+					return p_obj
+		else :
+			return None
+	def lite_check() :
+		if state.options.check_lite and state.options.host_language in [ HostLanguage.html5, HostLanguage.xhtml5, HostLanguage.xhtml ] :
+			if node.tagName == "link" and node.hasAttribute("rel") and state.term_or_curie.CURIE_to_URI(node.getAttribute("rel")) != None :
+				state.options.add_warning("In RDFa Lite, attribute @rel in <link> is only used in non-RDFa way (consider using @property)", node=node)
+	# Update the state. This means, for example, the possible local settings of
+	# namespaces and lang
+	state = None
+	state = ExecutionContext(node, graph, inherited_state=incoming_state)
+	#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Extra warning check on RDFa Lite
+	lite_check()
+	#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Handling the role attribute is pretty much orthogonal to everything else...
+	handle_role_attribute(node, graph, state)
+	#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Handle the special case for embedded RDF, eg, in SVG1.2.
+	# This may add some triples to the target graph that does not originate from RDFa parsing
+	# If the function return TRUE, that means that an rdf:RDF has been found. No
+	# RDFa parsing should be done on that subtree, so we simply return...
+	if state.options.embedded_rdf and node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and handle_embeddedRDF(node, graph, state) :
+		return
+	#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# calling the host language specific massaging of the DOM
+	if state.options.host_language in host_dom_transforms and node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE :
+		for func in host_dom_transforms[state.options.host_language] : func(node, state)
+	#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# First, let us check whether there is anything to do at all. Ie,
+	# whether there is any relevant RDFa specific attribute on the element
+	#
+	if not has_one_of_attributes(node, "href", "resource", "about", "property", "rel", "rev", "typeof", "src", "vocab", "prefix") :
+		# nop, there is nothing to do here, just go down the tree and return...
+		for n in node.childNodes :
+			if n.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE : parse_one_node(n, graph, parent_object, state, parent_incomplete_triples)
+		return
+	#-----------------------------------------------------------------
+	# The goal is to establish the subject and object for local processing
+	# The behaviour is slightly different depending on the presense or not
+	# of the @rel/@rev attributes
+	current_subject = None
+	current_object  = None
+	typed_resource	= None
+	if has_one_of_attributes(node, "rel", "rev")  :
+		# in this case there is the notion of 'left' and 'right' of @rel/@rev
+		# in establishing the new Subject and the objectResource
+		current_subject = header_check(parent_object)
+		# set first the subject
+		if node.hasAttribute("about") :
+			current_subject = state.getURI("about")
+			if node.hasAttribute("typeof") : typed_resource = current_subject
+		# get_URI may return None in case of an illegal CURIE, so
+		# we have to be careful here, not use only an 'else'
+		if current_subject == None :
+			current_subject = parent_object
+		else :
+			state.reset_list_mapping(origin = current_subject)
+		# set the object resource
+		current_object = state.getResource("resource", "href", "src")
+		if node.hasAttribute("typeof") and not node.hasAttribute("about") :
+			if current_object == None :
+				current_object = BNode()
+			typed_resource = current_object
+		if not node.hasAttribute("inlist") and current_object != None :
+			# In this case the newly defined object is, in fact, the head of the list
+			# just reset the whole thing.
+			state.reset_list_mapping(origin = current_object)
+	elif  node.hasAttribute("property") and not has_one_of_attributes(node, "content", "datatype") :
+		current_subject = header_check(parent_object)
+		# this is the case when the property may take hold of @src and friends...
+		if node.hasAttribute("about") :
+			current_subject = state.getURI("about")
+			if node.hasAttribute("typeof") : typed_resource = current_subject
+		# getURI may return None in case of an illegal CURIE, so
+		# we have to be careful here, not use only an 'else'
+		if current_subject == None :
+			current_subject = parent_object
+		else :
+			state.reset_list_mapping(origin = current_subject)
+		if typed_resource == None and node.hasAttribute("typeof") :
+			typed_resource = state.getResource("resource", "href", "src")
+			if typed_resource == None :
+				typed_resource = BNode()
+			current_object = typed_resource
+		else :
+			current_object = current_subject
+	else :
+		current_subject = header_check(parent_object)
+		# in this case all the various 'resource' setting attributes
+		# behave identically, though they also have their own priority
+		if current_subject == None :
+			current_subject = state.getResource("about", "resource", "href", "src")
+		# get_URI_ref may return None in case of an illegal CURIE, so
+		# we have to be careful here, not use only an 'else'
+		if current_subject == None :
+			if node.hasAttribute("typeof") :
+				current_subject = BNode()
+				state.reset_list_mapping(origin = current_subject)
+			else :
+				current_subject = parent_object
+		else :
+			state.reset_list_mapping(origin = current_subject)
+		# in this case no non-literal triples will be generated, so the
+		# only role of the current_object Resource is to be transferred to
+		# the children node
+		current_object = current_subject
+		if node.hasAttribute("typeof") : typed_resource = current_subject
+	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	## The possible typeof indicates a number of type statements on the typed resource
+	for defined_type in state.getURI("typeof") :
+		if typed_resource :
+			graph.add((typed_resource, ns_rdf["type"], defined_type))
+	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# In case of @rel/@rev, either triples or incomplete triples are generated
+	# the (possible) incomplete triples are collected, to be forwarded to the children
+	incomplete_triples  = []
+	for prop in state.getURI("rel") :
+		if not isinstance(prop,BNode) :
+			if node.hasAttribute("inlist") :
+				if current_object != None :
+					# Add the content to the list. Note that if the same list
+					# was initialized, at some point, by a None, it will be
+					# overwritten by this real content
+					state.add_to_list_mapping(prop, current_object)
+				else :
+					# Add a dummy entry to the list... Note that
+					# if that list was initialized already with a real content
+					# this call will have no effect
+					state.add_to_list_mapping(prop, None)
+					# Add a placeholder into the hanging rels
+					incomplete_triples.append( (None, prop, None) )
+			else :
+				theTriple = (current_subject, prop, current_object)
+				if current_object != None :
+					graph.add(theTriple)
+				else :
+					incomplete_triples.append(theTriple)
+		else :
+			state.options.add_warning(err_no_blank_node % "rel", warning_type=IncorrectBlankNodeUsage, node=node.nodeName)
+	for prop in state.getURI("rev") :
+		if not isinstance(prop,BNode) :
+			theTriple = (current_object,prop,current_subject)
+			if current_object != None :
+				graph.add(theTriple)
+			else :
+				incomplete_triples.append(theTriple)
+		else :
+			state.options.add_warning(err_no_blank_node % "rev", warning_type=IncorrectBlankNodeUsage, node=node.nodeName)
+	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Generation of the @property values, including literals. The newSubject is the subject
+	# A particularity of property is that it stops the parsing down the DOM tree if an XML Literal is generated,
+	# because everything down there is part of the generated literal.
+	if node.hasAttribute("property") :
+		ProcessProperty(node, graph, current_subject, state, typed_resource).generate_1_1()
+	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Setting the current object to a bnode is setting up a possible resource
+	# for the incomplete triples downwards
+	if current_object == None :
+		object_to_children = BNode()
+	else :
+		object_to_children = current_object
+	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Here is the recursion step for all the children
+	for n in node.childNodes :
+		if n.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE :
+			_parse_1_1(n, graph, object_to_children, state, incomplete_triples)
+	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# At this point, the parent's incomplete triples may be completed
+	for (s,p,o) in parent_incomplete_triples :
+		if s == None and o == None :
+			# This is an encoded version of a hanging rel for a collection:
+			incoming_state.add_to_list_mapping( p, current_subject )
+		else :
+			if s == None : s = current_subject
+			if o == None : o = current_subject
+			graph.add((s,p,o))
+	# Generate the lists, if any and if this is the level where a new list was originally created
+	if state.new_list and not state.list_empty() :
+		for prop in state.get_list_props() :
+			vals  = state.get_list_value(prop)
+			if vals == None :
+				# This was an empty list, in fact, ie, the list has been initiated by a <xxx rel="prop" inlist>
+				# but no list content has ever been added
+				graph.add( (state.get_list_origin(), prop, ns_rdf["nil"]) )
+			else :
+				heads = [ BNode() for r in vals ] + [ ns_rdf["nil"] ]
+				for i in range(0, len(vals)) :
+					graph.add( (heads[i], ns_rdf["first"], vals[i]) )
+					graph.add( (heads[i], ns_rdf["rest"],  heads[i+1]) )
+				# Anchor the list
+				graph.add( (state.get_list_origin(), prop, heads[0]) )
+	# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# This should be it...
+	# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+	return
+def _parse_1_0(node, graph, parent_object, incoming_state, parent_incomplete_triples) :
+	"""The (recursive) step of handling a single node. See the
+	U{RDFa 1.0 syntax document<http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax>} for further details.
+	This is the RDFa 1.0 version.
+	@param node: the DOM node to handle
+	@param graph: the RDF graph
+	@type graph: RDFLib's Graph object instance
+	@param parent_object: the parent's object, as an RDFLib URIRef
+	@param incoming_state: the inherited state (namespaces, lang, etc.)
+	@type incoming_state: L{state.ExecutionContext}
+	@param parent_incomplete_triples: list of hanging triples (the missing resource set to None) to be handled (or not)
+	by the current node.
+	@return: whether the caller has to complete it's parent's incomplete triples
+	@rtype: Boolean
+	"""
+	# Update the state. This means, for example, the possible local settings of
+	# namespaces and lang
+	state = None
+	state = ExecutionContext(node, graph, inherited_state=incoming_state)
+	#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Handling the role attribute is pretty much orthogonal to everything else...
+	handle_role_attribute(node, graph, state)
+	#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Handle the special case for embedded RDF, eg, in SVG1.2.
+	# This may add some triples to the target graph that does not originate from RDFa parsing
+	# If the function return TRUE, that means that an rdf:RDF has been found. No
+	# RDFa parsing should be done on that subtree, so we simply return...
+	if state.options.embedded_rdf and node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and handle_embeddedRDF(node, graph, state) :
+		return
+	#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# calling the host language specific massaging of the DOM
+	if state.options.host_language in host_dom_transforms and node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE :
+		for func in host_dom_transforms[state.options.host_language] : func(node, state)
+	#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# First, let us check whether there is anything to do at all. Ie,
+	# whether there is any relevant RDFa specific attribute on the element
+	#
+	if not has_one_of_attributes(node, "href", "resource", "about", "property", "rel", "rev", "typeof", "src") :
+		# nop, there is nothing to do here, just go down the tree and return...
+		for n in node.childNodes :
+			if n.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE : parse_one_node(n, graph, parent_object, state, parent_incomplete_triples)
+		return
+	#-----------------------------------------------------------------
+	# The goal is to establish the subject and object for local processing
+	# The behaviour is slightly different depending on the presense or not
+	# of the @rel/@rev attributes
+	current_subject = None
+	current_object  = None
+	prop_object		= None
+	if has_one_of_attributes(node, "rel", "rev")  :
+		# in this case there is the notion of 'left' and 'right' of @rel/@rev
+		# in establishing the new Subject and the objectResource
+		current_subject = state.getResource("about","src")
+		# get_URI may return None in case of an illegal CURIE, so
+		# we have to be careful here, not use only an 'else'
+		if current_subject == None :
+			if node.hasAttribute("typeof") :
+				current_subject = BNode()
+			else :
+				current_subject = parent_object
+		else :
+			state.reset_list_mapping(origin = current_subject)
+		# set the object resource
+		current_object = state.getResource("resource", "href")
+	else :
+		# in this case all the various 'resource' setting attributes
+		# behave identically, though they also have their own priority
+		current_subject = state.getResource("about", "src", "resource", "href")
+		# get_URI_ref may return None in case of an illegal CURIE, so
+		# we have to be careful here, not use only an 'else'
+		if current_subject == None :
+			if node.hasAttribute("typeof") :
+				current_subject = BNode()
+			else :
+				current_subject = parent_object
+			current_subject = parent_object
+		else :
+			state.reset_list_mapping(origin = current_subject)
+		# in this case no non-literal triples will be generated, so the
+		# only role of the current_object Resource is to be transferred to
+		# the children node
+		current_object = current_subject
+	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	## The possible typeof indicates a number of type statements on the new Subject
+	for defined_type in state.getURI("typeof") :
+		graph.add((current_subject, ns_rdf["type"], defined_type))
+	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# In case of @rel/@rev, either triples or incomplete triples are generated
+	# the (possible) incomplete triples are collected, to be forwarded to the children
+	incomplete_triples  = []
+	for prop in state.getURI("rel") :
+		if not isinstance(prop,BNode) :
+			theTriple = (current_subject, prop, current_object)
+			if current_object != None :
+				graph.add(theTriple)
+			else :
+				incomplete_triples.append(theTriple)
+		else :
+			state.options.add_warning(err_no_blank_node % "rel", warning_type=IncorrectBlankNodeUsage, node=node.nodeName)
+	for prop in state.getURI("rev") :
+		if not isinstance(prop,BNode) :
+			theTriple = (current_object,prop,current_subject)
+			if current_object != None :
+				graph.add(theTriple)
+			else :
+				incomplete_triples.append(theTriple)
+		else :
+			state.options.add_warning(err_no_blank_node % "rev", warning_type=IncorrectBlankNodeUsage, node=node.nodeName)
+	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Generation of the literal values. The newSubject is the subject
+	# A particularity of property is that it stops the parsing down the DOM tree if an XML Literal is generated,
+	# because everything down there is part of the generated literal.
+	if node.hasAttribute("property") :
+		ProcessProperty(node, graph, current_subject, state).generate_1_0()
+	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Setting the current object to a bnode is setting up a possible resource
+	# for the incomplete triples downwards
+	if current_object == None :
+		object_to_children = BNode()
+	else :
+		object_to_children = current_object
+	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Here is the recursion step for all the children
+	for n in node.childNodes :
+		if n.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE :
+			_parse_1_0(n, graph, object_to_children, state, incomplete_triples)
+	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# At this point, the parent's incomplete triples may be completed
+	for (s,p,o) in parent_incomplete_triples :
+		if s == None and o == None :
+			# This is an encoded version of a hanging rel for a collection:
+			incoming_state.add_to_list_mapping( p, current_subject )
+		else :
+			if s == None : s = current_subject
+			if o == None : o = current_subject
+			graph.add((s,p,o))
+	# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# This should be it...
+	# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+	return
+# Handle the role attribute
+def handle_role_attribute(node, graph, state) :
+	"""
+	Handling the role attribute, according to http://www.w3.org/TR/role-attribute/#using-role-in-conjunction-with-rdfa
+	@param node: the DOM node to handle
+	@param graph: the RDF graph
+	@type graph: RDFLib's Graph object instance
+	@param state: the inherited state (namespaces, lang, etc.)
+	@type state: L{state.ExecutionContext}
+	"""
+	if node.hasAttribute("role") :
+		if node.hasAttribute("id") :
+			id = node.getAttribute("id").strip()
+			subject = URIRef(state.base + '#' + id)
+		else :
+			subject = BNode()
+		predicate = URIRef('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#role')
+		for object in state.getURI("role") :
+			graph.add((subject, predicate, object))