diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/algebra.py @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/algebra.py	Fri Jul 31 00:32:28 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+Converting the 'parse-tree' output of pyparsing to a SPARQL Algebra expression
+import functools
+import operator
+import collections
+from rdflib import Literal, Variable, URIRef, BNode
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql import Prologue, Query
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parserutils import CompValue, Expr
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.operators import (
+    and_, TrueFilter, simplify as simplifyFilters)
+from rdflib.paths import (
+    InvPath, AlternativePath, SequencePath, MulPath, NegatedPath)
+from pyparsing import ParseResults
+from functools import reduce
+# ---------------------------
+# Some convenience methods
+def OrderBy(p, expr):
+    return CompValue('OrderBy', p=p, expr=expr)
+def ToMultiSet(p):
+    return CompValue('ToMultiSet', p=p)
+def Union(p1, p2):
+    return CompValue('Union', p1=p1, p2=p2)
+def Join(p1, p2):
+    return CompValue('Join', p1=p1, p2=p2)
+def Minus(p1, p2):
+    return CompValue('Minus', p1=p1, p2=p2)
+def Graph(term, graph):
+    return CompValue('Graph', term=term, p=graph)
+def BGP(triples=None):
+    return CompValue('BGP', triples=triples or [])
+def LeftJoin(p1, p2, expr):
+    return CompValue('LeftJoin', p1=p1, p2=p2, expr=expr)
+def Filter(expr, p):
+    return CompValue('Filter', expr=expr, p=p)
+def Extend(p, expr, var):
+    return CompValue('Extend', p=p, expr=expr, var=var)
+def Values(res):
+    return CompValue('values', res=res)
+def Project(p, PV):
+    return CompValue('Project', p=p, PV=PV)
+def Group(p, expr=None):
+    return CompValue('Group', p=p, expr=expr)
+def _knownTerms(triple, varsknown, varscount):
+    return (len([_f for _f in (x not in varsknown and
+                              isinstance(
+                                  x, (Variable, BNode)) for x in triple) if _f]),
+            -sum(varscount.get(x, 0) for x in triple),
+            not isinstance(triple[2], Literal),
+            )
+def reorderTriples(l):
+    """
+    Reorder triple patterns so that we execute the
+    ones with most bindings first
+    """
+    def _addvar(term, varsknown):
+        if isinstance(term, (Variable, BNode)):
+            varsknown.add(term)
+    l = [(None, x) for x in l]
+    varsknown = set()
+    varscount = collections.defaultdict(int)
+    for t in l:
+        for c in t[1]:
+            if isinstance(c, (Variable, BNode)):
+                varscount[c] += 1
+    i = 0
+    # Done in steps, sort by number of bound terms
+    # the top block of patterns with the most bound terms is kept
+    # the rest is resorted based on the vars bound after the first
+    # block is evaluated
+    # we sort by decorate/undecorate, since we need the value of the sort keys
+    while i < len(l):
+        l[i:] = sorted((_knownTerms(x[
+                       1], varsknown, varscount), x[1]) for x in l[i:])
+        t = l[i][0][0]  # top block has this many terms bound
+        j = 0
+        while i+j < len(l) and l[i+j][0][0] == t:
+            for c in l[i+j][1]:
+                _addvar(c, varsknown)
+            j += 1
+        i += 1
+    return [x[1] for x in l]
+def triples(l):
+    l = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, l)
+    if (len(l) % 3) != 0:
+        raise Exception('these aint triples')
+    return reorderTriples((l[x], l[x + 1], l[x + 2])
+                          for x in range(0, len(l), 3))
+def translatePName(p, prologue):
+    """
+    Expand prefixed/relative URIs
+    """
+    if isinstance(p, CompValue):
+        if p.name == 'pname':
+            return prologue.absolutize(p)
+        if p.name == 'literal':
+            return Literal(p.string, lang=p.lang,
+                           datatype=prologue.absolutize(p.datatype))
+    elif isinstance(p, URIRef):
+        return prologue.absolutize(p)
+def translatePath(p):
+    """
+    Translate PropertyPath expressions
+    """
+    if isinstance(p, CompValue):
+        if p.name == 'PathAlternative':
+            if len(p.part) == 1:
+                return p.part[0]
+            else:
+                return AlternativePath(*p.part)
+        elif p.name == 'PathSequence':
+            if len(p.part) == 1:
+                return p.part[0]
+            else:
+                return SequencePath(*p.part)
+        elif p.name == 'PathElt':
+            if not p.mod:
+                return p.part
+            else:
+                if isinstance(p.part, list):
+                    if len(p.part) != 1:
+                        raise Exception('Denkfehler!')
+                    return MulPath(p.part[0], p.mod)
+                else:
+                    return MulPath(p.part, p.mod)
+        elif p.name == 'PathEltOrInverse':
+            if isinstance(p.part, list):
+                if len(p.part) != 1:
+                    raise Exception('Denkfehler!')
+                return InvPath(p.part[0])
+            else:
+                return InvPath(p.part)
+        elif p.name == 'PathNegatedPropertySet':
+            if isinstance(p.part, list):
+                return NegatedPath(AlternativePath(*p.part))
+            else:
+                return NegatedPath(p.part)
+def translateExists(e):
+    """
+    Translate the graph pattern used by EXISTS and NOT EXISTS
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#sparqlCollectFilters
+    """
+    def _c(n):
+        if isinstance(n, CompValue):
+            if n.name in ('Builtin_EXISTS', 'Builtin_NOTEXISTS'):
+                n.graph = translateGroupGraphPattern(n.graph)
+                if n.graph.name == 'Filter':
+                    # filters inside (NOT) EXISTS can see vars bound outside
+                    n.graph.no_isolated_scope = True
+    e = traverse(e, visitPost=_c)
+    return e
+def collectAndRemoveFilters(parts):
+    """
+    FILTER expressions apply to the whole group graph pattern in which
+    they appear.
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#sparqlCollectFilters
+    """
+    filters = []
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(parts):
+        p = parts[i]
+        if p.name == 'Filter':
+            filters.append(translateExists(p.expr))
+            parts.pop(i)
+        else:
+            i += 1
+    if filters:
+        return and_(*filters)
+    return None
+def translateGroupOrUnionGraphPattern(graphPattern):
+    A = None
+    for g in graphPattern.graph:
+        g = translateGroupGraphPattern(g)
+        if not A:
+            A = g
+        else:
+            A = Union(A, g)
+    return A
+def translateGraphGraphPattern(graphPattern):
+    return Graph(graphPattern.term,
+                 translateGroupGraphPattern(graphPattern.graph))
+def translateInlineData(graphPattern):
+    return ToMultiSet(translateValues(graphPattern))
+def translateGroupGraphPattern(graphPattern):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#convertGraphPattern
+    """
+    if graphPattern.name == 'SubSelect':
+        return ToMultiSet(translate(graphPattern)[0])
+    if not graphPattern.part:
+        graphPattern.part = []  # empty { }
+    filters = collectAndRemoveFilters(graphPattern.part)
+    g = []
+    for p in graphPattern.part:
+        if p.name == 'TriplesBlock':
+            # merge adjacent TripleBlocks
+            if not (g and g[-1].name == 'BGP'):
+                g.append(BGP())
+            g[-1]["triples"] += triples(p.triples)
+        else:
+            g.append(p)
+    G = BGP()
+    for p in g:
+        if p.name == 'OptionalGraphPattern':
+            A = translateGroupGraphPattern(p.graph)
+            if A.name == 'Filter':
+                G = LeftJoin(G, A.p, A.expr)
+            else:
+                G = LeftJoin(G, A, TrueFilter)
+        elif p.name == 'MinusGraphPattern':
+            G = Minus(p1=G, p2=translateGroupGraphPattern(p.graph))
+        elif p.name == 'GroupOrUnionGraphPattern':
+            G = Join(p1=G, p2=translateGroupOrUnionGraphPattern(p))
+        elif p.name == 'GraphGraphPattern':
+            G = Join(p1=G, p2=translateGraphGraphPattern(p))
+        elif p.name == 'InlineData':
+            G = Join(p1=G, p2=translateInlineData(p))
+        elif p.name == 'ServiceGraphPattern':
+            G = Join(p1=G, p2=p)
+        elif p.name in ('BGP', 'Extend'):
+            G = Join(p1=G, p2=p)
+        elif p.name == 'Bind':
+            G = Extend(G, p.expr, p.var)
+        else:
+            raise Exception('Unknown part in GroupGraphPattern: %s - %s' %
+                            (type(p), p.name))
+    if filters:
+        G = Filter(expr=filters, p=G)
+    return G
+class StopTraversal(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, rv):
+        self.rv = rv
+def _traverse(e, visitPre=lambda n: None, visitPost=lambda n: None):
+    """
+    Traverse a parse-tree, visit each node
+    if visit functions return a value, replace current node
+    """
+    _e = visitPre(e)
+    if _e is not None:
+        return _e
+    if e is None:
+        return None
+    if isinstance(e, (list, ParseResults)):
+        return [_traverse(x, visitPre, visitPost) for x in e]
+    elif isinstance(e, tuple):
+        return tuple([_traverse(x, visitPre, visitPost) for x in e])
+    elif isinstance(e, CompValue):
+        for k, val in e.items():
+            e[k] = _traverse(val, visitPre, visitPost)
+    _e = visitPost(e)
+    if _e is not None:
+        return _e
+    return e
+def _traverseAgg(e, visitor=lambda n, v: None):
+    """
+    Traverse a parse-tree, visit each node
+    if visit functions return a value, replace current node
+    """
+    res = []
+    if isinstance(e, (list, ParseResults, tuple)):
+        res = [_traverseAgg(x, visitor) for x in e]
+    elif isinstance(e, CompValue):
+        for k, val in e.items():
+            if val != None:
+                res.append(_traverseAgg(val, visitor))
+    return visitor(e, res)
+def traverse(
+        tree, visitPre=lambda n: None,
+        visitPost=lambda n: None, complete=None):
+    """
+    Traverse tree, visit each node with visit function
+    visit function may raise StopTraversal to stop traversal
+    if complete!=None, it is returned on complete traversal,
+    otherwise the transformed tree is returned
+    """
+    try:
+        r = _traverse(tree, visitPre, visitPost)
+        if complete is not None:
+            return complete
+        return r
+    except StopTraversal as st:
+        return st.rv
+def _hasAggregate(x):
+    """
+    Traverse parse(sub)Tree
+    return true if any aggregates are used
+    """
+    if isinstance(x, CompValue):
+        if x.name.startswith('Aggregate_'):
+            raise StopTraversal(True)
+def _aggs(e, A):
+    """
+    Collect Aggregates in A
+    replaces aggregates with variable references
+    """
+    # TODO: nested Aggregates?
+    if isinstance(e, CompValue) and e.name.startswith('Aggregate_'):
+        A.append(e)
+        aggvar = Variable('__agg_%d__' % len(A))
+        e["res"] = aggvar
+        return aggvar
+def _findVars(x, res):
+    """
+    Find all variables in a tree
+    """
+    if isinstance(x, Variable):
+        res.add(x)
+    if isinstance(x, CompValue):
+        if x.name == "Bind":
+            res.add(x.var)
+            return x  # stop recursion and finding vars in the expr
+        elif x.name == 'SubSelect':
+            if x.projection:
+                res.update(v.var or v.evar for v in x.projection)
+            return x
+def _addVars(x, children):
+    """
+    find which variables may be bound by this part of the query
+    """
+    if isinstance(x, Variable):
+        return set([x])
+    elif isinstance(x, CompValue):
+        if x.name == "RelationalExpression":
+            x["_vars"] = set()
+        elif x.name == "Extend":
+            # vars only used in the expr for a bind should not be included
+            x["_vars"] = reduce(operator.or_, [ child for child,part in zip(children,x) if part!='expr' ], set())
+        else:
+            x["_vars"] = set(reduce(operator.or_, children, set()))
+            if x.name == 'SubSelect':
+                if x.projection:
+                    s = set(v.var or v.evar for v in x.projection)
+                else:
+                    s = set()
+                return s
+        return x["_vars"]
+    return reduce(operator.or_, children, set())
+def _sample(e, v=None):
+    """
+    For each unaggregated variable V in expr
+    Replace V with Sample(V)
+    """
+    if isinstance(e, CompValue) and e.name.startswith("Aggregate_"):
+        return e  # do not replace vars in aggregates
+    if isinstance(e, Variable) and v != e:
+        return CompValue('Aggregate_Sample', vars=e)
+def _simplifyFilters(e):
+    if isinstance(e, Expr):
+        return simplifyFilters(e)
+def translateAggregates(q, M):
+    E = []
+    A = []
+    # collect/replace aggs in :
+    #    select expr as ?var
+    if q.projection:
+        for v in q.projection:
+            if v.evar:
+                v.expr = traverse(v.expr, functools.partial(_sample, v=v.evar))
+                v.expr = traverse(v.expr, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A))
+    # having clause
+    if traverse(q.having, _hasAggregate, complete=False):
+        q.having = traverse(q.having, _sample)
+        traverse(q.having, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A))
+    # order by
+    if traverse(q.orderby, _hasAggregate, complete=False):
+        q.orderby = traverse(q.orderby, _sample)
+        traverse(q.orderby, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A))
+    # sample all other select vars
+    # TODO: only allowed for vars in group-by?
+    if q.projection:
+        for v in q.projection:
+            if v.var:
+                rv = Variable('__agg_%d__' % (len(A) + 1))
+                A.append(CompValue('Aggregate_Sample', vars=v.var, res=rv))
+                E.append((rv, v.var))
+    return CompValue('AggregateJoin', A=A, p=M), E
+def translateValues(v):
+    # if len(v.var)!=len(v.value):
+    #     raise Exception("Unmatched vars and values in ValueClause: "+str(v))
+    res = []
+    if not v.var:
+        return res
+    if not v.value:
+        return res
+    if not isinstance(v.value[0], list):
+        for val in v.value:
+            res.append({v.var[0]: val})
+    else:
+        for vals in v.value:
+            res.append(dict(list(zip(v.var, vals))))
+    return Values(res)
+def translate(q):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#convertSolMod
+    """
+    _traverse(q, _simplifyFilters)
+    q.where = traverse(q.where, visitPost=translatePath)
+    # TODO: Var scope test
+    VS = set()
+    traverse(q.where, functools.partial(_findVars, res=VS))
+    # all query types have a where part
+    M = translateGroupGraphPattern(q.where)
+    aggregate = False
+    if q.groupby:
+        conditions = []
+        # convert "GROUP BY (?expr as ?var)" to an Extend
+        for c in q.groupby.condition:
+            if isinstance(c, CompValue) and c.name == 'GroupAs':
+                M = Extend(M, c.expr, c.var)
+                c = c.var
+            conditions.append(c)
+        M = Group(p=M, expr=conditions)
+        aggregate = True
+    elif traverse(q.having, _hasAggregate, complete=False) or \
+            traverse(q.orderby, _hasAggregate, complete=False) or \
+            any(traverse(x.expr, _hasAggregate, complete=False)
+                for x in q.projection or [] if x.evar):
+        # if any aggregate is used, implicit group by
+        M = Group(p=M)
+        aggregate = True
+    if aggregate:
+        M, E = translateAggregates(q, M)
+    else:
+        E = []
+    # HAVING
+    if q.having:
+        M = Filter(expr=and_(*q.having.condition), p=M)
+    # VALUES
+    if q.valuesClause:
+        M = Join(p1=M, p2=ToMultiSet(translateValues(q.valuesClause)))
+    if not q.projection:
+        # select *
+        PV = list(VS)
+    else:
+        PV = list()
+        for v in q.projection:
+            if v.var:
+                if v not in PV:
+                    PV.append(v.var)
+            elif v.evar:
+                if v not in PV:
+                    PV.append(v.evar)
+                E.append((v.expr, v.evar))
+            else:
+                raise Exception("I expected a var or evar here!")
+    for e, v in E:
+        M = Extend(M, e, v)
+    # ORDER BY
+    if q.orderby:
+        M = OrderBy(M, [CompValue('OrderCondition', expr=c.expr,
+                    order=c.order) for c in q.orderby.condition])
+    # PROJECT
+    M = Project(M, PV)
+    if q.modifier:
+        if q.modifier == 'DISTINCT':
+            M = CompValue('Distinct', p=M)
+        elif q.modifier == 'REDUCED':
+            M = CompValue('Reduced', p=M)
+    if q.limitoffset:
+        offset = 0
+        if q.limitoffset.offset != None:
+            offset = q.limitoffset.offset.toPython()
+        if q.limitoffset.limit != None:
+            M = CompValue('Slice', p=M, start=offset,
+                          length=q.limitoffset.limit.toPython())
+        else:
+            M = CompValue('Slice', p=M, start=offset)
+    return M, PV
+def simplify(n):
+    """Remove joins to empty BGPs"""
+    if isinstance(n, CompValue):
+        if n.name == 'Join':
+            if n.p1.name == 'BGP' and len(n.p1.triples) == 0:
+                return n.p2
+            if n.p2.name == 'BGP' and len(n.p2.triples) == 0:
+                return n.p1
+        elif n.name == 'BGP':
+            n["triples"] = reorderTriples(n.triples)
+            return n
+def analyse(n, children):
+    """
+    Some things can be lazily joined.
+    This propegates whether they can up the tree
+    and sets lazy flags for all joins
+    """
+    if isinstance(n, CompValue):
+        if n.name == 'Join':
+            n["lazy"] = all(children)
+            return False
+        elif n.name in ('Slice', 'Distinct'):
+            return False
+        else:
+            return all(children)
+    else:
+        return True
+def translatePrologue(p, base, initNs=None, prologue=None):
+    if prologue is None:
+        prologue = Prologue()
+        prologue.base = ""
+    if base:
+        prologue.base = base
+    if initNs:
+        for k, v in initNs.items():
+            prologue.bind(k, v)
+    for x in p:
+        if x.name == 'Base':
+            prologue.base = x.iri
+        elif x.name == 'PrefixDecl':
+            prologue.bind(x.prefix, prologue.absolutize(x.iri))
+    return prologue
+def translateQuads(quads):
+    if quads.triples:
+        alltriples = triples(quads.triples)
+    else:
+        alltriples = []
+    allquads = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    if quads.quadsNotTriples:
+        for q in quads.quadsNotTriples:
+            if q.triples:
+                allquads[q.term] += triples(q.triples)
+    return alltriples, allquads
+def translateUpdate1(u, prologue):
+    if u.name in ('Load', 'Clear', 'Drop', 'Create'):
+        pass  # no translation needed
+    elif u.name in ('Add', 'Move', 'Copy'):
+        pass
+    elif u.name in ('InsertData', 'DeleteData', 'DeleteWhere'):
+        t, q = translateQuads(u.quads)
+        u["quads"] = q
+        u["triples"] = t
+        if u.name in ('DeleteWhere', 'DeleteData'):
+            pass  # TODO: check for bnodes in triples
+    elif u.name == 'Modify':
+        if u.delete:
+            u.delete["triples"], u.delete[
+                "quads"] = translateQuads(u.delete.quads)
+        if u.insert:
+            u.insert["triples"], u.insert[
+                "quads"] = translateQuads(u.insert.quads)
+        u["where"] = translateGroupGraphPattern(u.where)
+    else:
+        raise Exception('Unknown type of update operation: %s' % u)
+    u.prologue = prologue
+    return u
+def translateUpdate(q, base=None, initNs=None):
+    """
+    Returns a list of SPARQL Update Algebra expressions
+    """
+    res = []
+    prologue = None
+    if not q.request:
+        return res
+    for p, u in zip(q.prologue, q.request):
+        prologue = translatePrologue(p, base, initNs, prologue)
+        # absolutize/resolve prefixes
+        u = traverse(
+            u, visitPost=functools.partial(translatePName, prologue=prologue))
+        u = _traverse(u, _simplifyFilters)
+        u = traverse(u, visitPost=translatePath)
+        res.append(translateUpdate1(u, prologue))
+    return res
+def translateQuery(q, base=None, initNs=None):
+    """
+    Translate a query-parsetree to a SPARQL Algebra Expression
+    Return a rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql.Query object
+    """
+    # We get in: (prologue, query)
+    prologue = translatePrologue(q[0], base, initNs)
+    # absolutize/resolve prefixes
+    q[1] = traverse(
+        q[1], visitPost=functools.partial(translatePName, prologue=prologue))
+    P, PV = translate(q[1])
+    datasetClause = q[1].datasetClause
+    if q[1].name == 'ConstructQuery':
+        template = triples(q[1].template) if q[1].template else None
+        res = CompValue(q[1].name, p=P,
+                        template=template,
+                        datasetClause=datasetClause)
+    else:
+        res = CompValue(q[1].name, p=P, datasetClause=datasetClause, PV=PV)
+    res = traverse(res, visitPost=simplify)
+    _traverseAgg(res, visitor=analyse)
+    _traverseAgg(res, _addVars)
+    return Query(prologue, res)
+def pprintAlgebra(q):
+    def pp(p, ind="    "):
+        # if isinstance(p, list):
+        #     print "[ "
+        #     for x in p: pp(x,ind)
+        #     print "%s ]"%ind
+        #     return
+        if not isinstance(p, CompValue):
+            print(p)
+            return
+        print("%s(" % (p.name, ))
+        for k in p:
+            print("%s%s =" % (ind, k,), end=' ')
+            pp(p[k], ind + "    ")
+        print("%s)" % ind)
+    try:
+        pp(q.algebra)
+    except AttributeError:
+        # it's update, just a list
+        for x in q:
+            pp(x)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import sys
+    from rdflib.plugins.sparql import parser
+    import os.path
+    if os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]):
+        q = file(sys.argv[1])
+    else:
+        q = sys.argv[1]
+    pq = parser.parseQuery(q)
+    print(pq)
+    tq = translateQuery(pq)
+    print(pprintAlgebra(tq))