diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/evaluate.py @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/evaluate.py	Fri Jul 31 00:32:28 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+These method recursively evaluate the SPARQL Algebra
+evalQuery is the entry-point, it will setup context and
+return the SPARQLResult object
+evalPart is called on each level and will delegate to the right method
+A rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql.QueryContext is passed along, keeping
+information needed for evaluation
+A list of dicts (solution mappings) is returned, apart from GroupBy which may
+also return a dict of list of dicts
+import collections
+from rdflib import Variable, Graph, BNode, URIRef, Literal
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql import CUSTOM_EVALS
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parserutils import value
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql import (
+    QueryContext, AlreadyBound, FrozenBindings, SPARQLError)
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.evalutils import (
+    _filter, _eval, _join, _diff, _minus, _fillTemplate, _ebv, _val)
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.aggregates import Aggregator
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.algebra import Join, ToMultiSet, Values
+def evalBGP(ctx, bgp):
+    """
+    A basic graph pattern
+    """
+    if not bgp:
+        yield ctx.solution()
+        return
+    s, p, o = bgp[0]
+    _s = ctx[s]
+    _p = ctx[p]
+    _o = ctx[o]
+    for ss, sp, so in ctx.graph.triples((_s, _p, _o)):
+        if None in (_s, _p, _o):
+            c = ctx.push()
+        else:
+            c = ctx
+        if _s is None:
+            c[s] = ss
+        try:
+            if _p is None:
+                c[p] = sp
+        except AlreadyBound:
+            continue
+        try:
+            if _o is None:
+                c[o] = so
+        except AlreadyBound:
+            continue
+        for x in evalBGP(c, bgp[1:]):
+            yield x
+def evalExtend(ctx, extend):
+    # TODO: Deal with dict returned from evalPart from GROUP BY
+    for c in evalPart(ctx, extend.p):
+        try:
+            e = _eval(extend.expr, c.forget(ctx, _except=extend._vars))
+            if isinstance(e, SPARQLError):
+                raise e
+            yield c.merge({extend.var: e})
+        except SPARQLError:
+            yield c
+def evalLazyJoin(ctx, join):
+    """
+    A lazy join will push the variables bound
+    in the first part to the second part,
+    essentially doing the join implicitly
+    hopefully evaluating much fewer triples
+    """
+    for a in evalPart(ctx, join.p1):
+        c = ctx.thaw(a)
+        for b in evalPart(c, join.p2):
+            yield b.merge(a) # merge, as some bindings may have been forgotten
+def evalJoin(ctx, join):
+    # TODO: Deal with dict returned from evalPart from GROUP BY
+    # only ever for join.p1
+    if join.lazy:
+        return evalLazyJoin(ctx, join)
+    else:
+        a = evalPart(ctx, join.p1)
+        b = set(evalPart(ctx, join.p2))
+        return _join(a, b)
+def evalUnion(ctx, union):
+    res = set()
+    for x in evalPart(ctx, union.p1):
+        res.add(x)
+        yield x
+    for x in evalPart(ctx, union.p2):
+        if x not in res:
+            yield x
+def evalMinus(ctx, minus):
+    a = evalPart(ctx, minus.p1)
+    b = set(evalPart(ctx, minus.p2))
+    return _minus(a, b)
+def evalLeftJoin(ctx, join):
+    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+    for a in evalPart(ctx, join.p1):
+        ok = False
+        c = ctx.thaw(a)
+        for b in evalPart(c, join.p2):
+            if _ebv(join.expr, b.forget(ctx)):
+                ok = True
+                yield b
+        if not ok:
+            # we've cheated, the ctx above may contain
+            # vars bound outside our scope
+            # before we yield a solution without the OPTIONAL part
+            # check that we would have had no OPTIONAL matches
+            # even without prior bindings...
+            p1_vars = join.p1._vars
+            if p1_vars is None \
+            or not any(_ebv(join.expr, b) for b in
+                       evalPart(ctx.thaw(a.remember(p1_vars)), join.p2)):
+                yield a
+def evalFilter(ctx, part):
+    # TODO: Deal with dict returned from evalPart!
+    for c in evalPart(ctx, part.p):
+        if _ebv(part.expr, c.forget(ctx, _except=part._vars) if not part.no_isolated_scope else c):
+            yield c
+def evalGraph(ctx, part):
+    if ctx.dataset is None:
+        raise Exception(
+            "Non-conjunctive-graph doesn't know about " +
+            "graphs. Try a query without GRAPH.")
+    ctx = ctx.clone()
+    graph = ctx[part.term]
+    if graph is None:
+        for graph in ctx.dataset.contexts():
+            # in SPARQL the default graph is NOT a named graph
+            if graph == ctx.dataset.default_context:
+                continue
+            c = ctx.pushGraph(graph)
+            c = c.push()
+            graphSolution = [{part.term: graph.identifier}]
+            for x in _join(evalPart(c, part.p), graphSolution):
+                yield x
+    else:
+        c = ctx.pushGraph(ctx.dataset.get_context(graph))
+        for x in evalPart(c, part.p):
+            yield x
+def evalValues(ctx, part):
+    for r in part.p.res:
+        c = ctx.push()
+        try:
+            for k, v in r.items():
+                if v != 'UNDEF':
+                    c[k] = v
+        except AlreadyBound:
+            continue
+        yield c.solution()
+def evalMultiset(ctx, part):
+    if part.p.name == 'values':
+        return evalValues(ctx, part)
+    return evalPart(ctx, part.p)
+def evalPart(ctx, part):
+    # try custom evaluation functions
+    for name, c in list(CUSTOM_EVALS.items()):
+        try:
+            return c(ctx, part)
+        except NotImplementedError:
+            pass  # the given custome-function did not handle this part
+    if part.name == 'BGP':
+        # Reorder triples patterns by number of bound nodes in the current ctx
+        # Do patterns with more bound nodes first
+        triples = sorted(part.triples, key=lambda t: len([n for n in t if ctx[n] is None]))
+        return evalBGP(ctx, triples)
+    elif part.name == 'Filter':
+        return evalFilter(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'Join':
+        return evalJoin(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'LeftJoin':
+        return evalLeftJoin(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'Graph':
+        return evalGraph(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'Union':
+        return evalUnion(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'ToMultiSet':
+        return evalMultiset(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'Extend':
+        return evalExtend(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'Minus':
+        return evalMinus(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'Project':
+        return evalProject(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'Slice':
+        return evalSlice(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'Distinct':
+        return evalDistinct(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'Reduced':
+        return evalReduced(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'OrderBy':
+        return evalOrderBy(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'Group':
+        return evalGroup(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'AggregateJoin':
+        return evalAggregateJoin(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'SelectQuery':
+        return evalSelectQuery(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'AskQuery':
+        return evalAskQuery(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'ConstructQuery':
+        return evalConstructQuery(ctx, part)
+    elif part.name == 'ServiceGraphPattern':
+        raise Exception('ServiceGraphPattern not implemented')
+    elif part.name == 'DescribeQuery':
+        raise Exception('DESCRIBE not implemented')
+    else:
+        # import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
+        raise Exception('I dont know: %s' % part.name)
+def evalGroup(ctx, group):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#defn_algGroup
+    """
+    # grouping should be implemented by evalAggregateJoin
+    return evalPart(ctx, group.p)
+def evalAggregateJoin(ctx, agg):
+    # import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
+    p = evalPart(ctx, agg.p)
+    # p is always a Group, we always get a dict back
+    group_expr = agg.p.expr
+    res = collections.defaultdict(lambda: Aggregator(aggregations=agg.A))
+    if group_expr is None:
+        # no grouping, just COUNT in SELECT clause
+        # get 1 aggregator for counting
+        aggregator = res[True]
+        for row in p:
+            aggregator.update(row)
+    else:
+        for row in p:
+            # determine right group aggregator for row
+            k = tuple(_eval(e, row, False) for e in group_expr)
+            res[k].update(row)
+    # all rows are done; yield aggregated values
+    for aggregator in res.values():
+        yield FrozenBindings(ctx, aggregator.get_bindings())
+    # there were no matches
+    if len(res) == 0:
+        yield FrozenBindings(ctx)
+def evalOrderBy(ctx, part):
+    res = evalPart(ctx, part.p)
+    for e in reversed(part.expr):
+        reverse = bool(e.order and e.order == 'DESC')
+        res = sorted(res, key=lambda x: _val(value(x, e.expr, variables=True)), reverse=reverse)
+    return res
+def evalSlice(ctx, slice):
+    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+    res = evalPart(ctx, slice.p)
+    i = 0
+    while i < slice.start:
+        next(res)
+        i += 1
+    i = 0
+    for x in res:
+        i += 1
+        if slice.length is None:
+            yield x
+        else:
+            if i <= slice.length:
+                yield x
+            else:
+                break
+def evalReduced(ctx, part):
+    """apply REDUCED to result
+    REDUCED is not as strict as DISTINCT, but if the incoming rows were sorted
+    it should produce the same result with limited extra memory and time per
+    incoming row.
+    """
+    # This implementation uses a most recently used strategy and a limited
+    # buffer size. It relates to a LRU caching algorithm:
+    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_algorithms#Least_Recently_Used_.28LRU.29
+    MAX = 1
+    # TODO: add configuration or determine "best" size for most use cases
+    # 0: No reduction
+    # 1: compare only with the last row, almost no reduction with
+    #    unordered incoming rows
+    # N: The greater the buffer size the greater the reduction but more
+    #    memory and time are needed
+    # mixed data structure: set for lookup, deque for append/pop/remove
+    mru_set = set()
+    mru_queue = collections.deque()
+    for row in evalPart(ctx, part.p):
+        if row in mru_set:
+            # forget last position of row
+            mru_queue.remove(row)
+        else:
+            #row seems to be new
+            yield row
+            mru_set.add(row)
+            if len(mru_set) > MAX:
+                # drop the least recently used row from buffer
+                mru_set.remove(mru_queue.pop())
+        # put row to the front
+        mru_queue.appendleft(row)
+def evalDistinct(ctx, part):
+    res = evalPart(ctx, part.p)
+    done = set()
+    for x in res:
+        if x not in done:
+            yield x
+            done.add(x)
+def evalProject(ctx, project):
+    res = evalPart(ctx, project.p)
+    return (row.project(project.PV) for row in res)
+def evalSelectQuery(ctx, query):
+    res = {}
+    res["type_"] = "SELECT"
+    res["bindings"] = evalPart(ctx, query.p)
+    res["vars_"] = query.PV
+    return res
+def evalAskQuery(ctx, query):
+    res = {}
+    res["type_"] = "ASK"
+    res["askAnswer"] = False
+    for x in evalPart(ctx, query.p):
+        res["askAnswer"] = True
+        break
+    return res
+def evalConstructQuery(ctx, query):
+    template = query.template
+    if not template:
+        # a construct-where query
+        template = query.p.p.triples  # query->project->bgp ...
+    graph = Graph()
+    for c in evalPart(ctx, query.p):
+        graph += _fillTemplate(template, c)
+    res = {}
+    res["type_"] = "CONSTRUCT"
+    res["graph"] = graph
+    return res
+def evalQuery(graph, query, initBindings, base=None):
+    initBindings = dict( ( Variable(k),v ) for k,v in initBindings.items() )
+    ctx = QueryContext(graph, initBindings=initBindings)
+    ctx.prologue = query.prologue
+    main = query.algebra
+    if main.datasetClause:
+        if ctx.dataset is None:
+            raise Exception(
+                "Non-conjunctive-graph doesn't know about " +
+                "graphs! Try a query without FROM (NAMED).")
+        ctx = ctx.clone()  # or push/pop?
+        firstDefault = False
+        for d in main.datasetClause:
+            if d.default:
+                if firstDefault:
+                    # replace current default graph
+                    dg = ctx.dataset.get_context(BNode())
+                    ctx = ctx.pushGraph(dg)
+                    firstDefault = True
+                ctx.load(d.default, default=True)
+            elif d.named:
+                g = d.named
+                ctx.load(g, default=False)
+    return evalPart(ctx, main)