diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/operators.py @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/operators.py	Fri Jul 31 00:32:28 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1010 @@
+This contains evaluation functions for expressions
+They get bound as instances-methods to the CompValue objects from parserutils
+using setEvalFn
+import sys
+import re
+import math
+import random
+import uuid
+import hashlib
+import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
+from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP, InvalidOperation
+import operator as pyop  # python operators
+import isodate
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parserutils import CompValue, Expr
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.datatypes import XSD_DTs, type_promotion
+from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Variable, Literal, XSD, RDF
+from rdflib.term import Node
+from pyparsing import ParseResults
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql import SPARQLError, SPARQLTypeError
+from functools import reduce
+# closed namespace, langString isn't in it
+RDF_langString = URIRef(RDF.uri + "langString")
+def Builtin_IRI(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-iri
+    """
+    a = expr.arg
+    if isinstance(a, URIRef):
+        return a
+    if isinstance(a, Literal):
+        return ctx.prologue.absolutize(URIRef(a))
+    raise SPARQLError('IRI function only accepts URIRefs or Literals/Strings!')
+def Builtin_isBLANK(expr, ctx):
+    return Literal(isinstance(expr.arg, BNode))
+def Builtin_isLITERAL(expr, ctx):
+    return Literal(isinstance(expr.arg, Literal))
+def Builtin_isIRI(expr, ctx):
+    return Literal(isinstance(expr.arg, URIRef))
+def Builtin_isNUMERIC(expr, ctx):
+    try:
+        numeric(expr.arg)
+        return Literal(True)
+    except:
+        return Literal(False)
+def Builtin_BNODE(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-bnode
+    """
+    a = expr.arg
+    if a is None:
+        return BNode()
+    if isinstance(a, Literal):
+        return ctx.bnodes[a]  # defaultdict does the right thing
+    raise SPARQLError(
+        'BNode function only accepts no argument or literal/string')
+def Builtin_ABS(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-abs
+    """
+    return Literal(abs(numeric(expr.arg)))
+def Builtin_IF(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-if
+    """
+    return expr.arg2 if EBV(expr.arg1) else expr.arg3
+def Builtin_RAND(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#idp2133952
+    """
+    return Literal(random.random())
+def Builtin_UUID(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-strdt
+    """
+    return URIRef(uuid.uuid4().urn)
+def Builtin_STRUUID(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-strdt
+    """
+    return Literal(str(uuid.uuid4()))
+def Builtin_MD5(expr, ctx):
+    s = string(expr.arg).encode("utf-8")
+    return Literal(hashlib.md5(s).hexdigest())
+def Builtin_SHA1(expr, ctx):
+    s = string(expr.arg).encode("utf-8")
+    return Literal(hashlib.sha1(s).hexdigest())
+def Builtin_SHA256(expr, ctx):
+    s = string(expr.arg).encode("utf-8")
+    return Literal(hashlib.sha256(s).hexdigest())
+def Builtin_SHA384(expr, ctx):
+    s = string(expr.arg).encode("utf-8")
+    return Literal(hashlib.sha384(s).hexdigest())
+def Builtin_SHA512(expr, ctx):
+    s = string(expr.arg).encode("utf-8")
+    return Literal(hashlib.sha512(s).hexdigest())
+def Builtin_COALESCE(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-coalesce
+    """
+    for x in expr.get('arg', variables=True):
+        if x is not None and not isinstance(x, (SPARQLError, Variable)):
+            return x
+    raise SPARQLError(
+        "COALESCE got no arguments that did not evaluate to an error")
+def Builtin_CEIL(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-ceil
+    """
+    l = expr.arg
+    return Literal(int(math.ceil(numeric(l))), datatype=l.datatype)
+def Builtin_FLOOR(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-floor
+    """
+    l = expr.arg
+    return Literal(int(math.floor(numeric(l))), datatype=l.datatype)
+def Builtin_ROUND(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-round
+    """
+    # This used to be just math.bound
+    # but in py3k bound was changed to
+    # "round-to-even" behaviour
+    # this is an ugly work-around
+    l = expr.arg
+    v = numeric(l)
+    v = int(Decimal(v).quantize(1, ROUND_HALF_UP))
+    return Literal(v, datatype=l.datatype)
+def Builtin_REGEX(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-regex
+    Invokes the XPath fn:matches function to match text against a regular
+    expression pattern.
+    The regular expression language is defined in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0
+    Functions and Operators section 7.6.1 Regular Expression Syntax
+    """
+    text = string(expr.text)
+    pattern = string(expr.pattern)
+    flags = expr.flags
+    cFlag = 0
+    if flags:
+        # Maps XPath REGEX flags (http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#flags)
+        # to Python's re flags
+        flagMap = dict(
+            [('i', re.IGNORECASE), ('s', re.DOTALL), ('m', re.MULTILINE)])
+        cFlag = reduce(pyop.or_, [flagMap.get(f, 0) for f in flags])
+    return Literal(bool(re.search(str(pattern), text, cFlag)))
+def Builtin_REPLACE(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-substr
+    """
+    text = string(expr.arg)
+    pattern = string(expr.pattern)
+    replacement = string(expr.replacement)
+    flags = expr.flags
+    # python uses \1, xpath/sparql uses $1
+    replacement = re.sub('\\$([0-9]*)', r'\\\1', replacement)
+    def _r(m):
+        # Now this is ugly.
+        # Python has a "feature" where unmatched groups return None
+        # then re.sub chokes on this.
+        # see http://bugs.python.org/issue1519638 , fixed and errs in py3.5
+        # this works around and hooks into the internal of the re module...
+        # the match object is replaced with a wrapper that
+        # returns "" instead of None for unmatched groups
+        class _m():
+            def __init__(self, m):
+                self.m = m
+                self.string = m.string
+            def group(self, n):
+                return m.group(n) or ""
+        return re._expand(pattern, _m(m), replacement)
+    cFlag = 0
+    if flags:
+        # Maps XPath REGEX flags (http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#flags)
+        # to Python's re flags
+        flagMap = dict(
+            [('i', re.IGNORECASE), ('s', re.DOTALL), ('m', re.MULTILINE)])
+        cFlag = reduce(pyop.or_, [flagMap.get(f, 0) for f in flags])
+        # @@FIXME@@ either datatype OR lang, NOT both
+    # this is necessary due to different treatment of unmatched groups in
+    # python versions. see comments above in _r(m).
+    compat_r = str(replacement) if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5) else _r
+    return Literal(re.sub(str(pattern), compat_r, text, cFlag),
+                   datatype=text.datatype, lang=text.language)
+def Builtin_STRDT(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-strdt
+    """
+    return Literal(str(expr.arg1), datatype=expr.arg2)
+def Builtin_STRLANG(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-strlang
+    """
+    s = string(expr.arg1)
+    if s.language or s.datatype:
+        raise SPARQLError('STRLANG expects a simple literal')
+    # TODO: normalisation of lang tag to lower-case
+    # should probably happen in literal __init__
+    return Literal(str(s), lang=str(expr.arg2).lower())
+def Builtin_CONCAT(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-concat
+    """
+    # dt/lang passed on only if they all match
+    dt = set(x.datatype for x in expr.arg)
+    dt = dt.pop() if len(dt) == 1 else None
+    lang = set(x.language for x in expr.arg)
+    lang = lang.pop() if len(lang) == 1 else None
+    return Literal("".join(string(x)
+                           for x in expr.arg), datatype=dt, lang=lang)
+def _compatibleStrings(a, b):
+    string(a)
+    string(b)
+    if b.language and a.language != b.language:
+        raise SPARQLError('incompatible arguments to str functions')
+def Builtin_STRSTARTS(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-strstarts
+    """
+    a = expr.arg1
+    b = expr.arg2
+    _compatibleStrings(a, b)
+    return Literal(a.startswith(b))
+def Builtin_STRENDS(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-strends
+    """
+    a = expr.arg1
+    b = expr.arg2
+    _compatibleStrings(a, b)
+    return Literal(a.endswith(b))
+def Builtin_STRBEFORE(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-strbefore
+    """
+    a = expr.arg1
+    b = expr.arg2
+    _compatibleStrings(a, b)
+    i = a.find(b)
+    if i == -1:
+        return Literal("")
+    else:
+        return Literal(a[:i], lang=a.language, datatype=a.datatype)
+def Builtin_STRAFTER(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-strafter
+    """
+    a = expr.arg1
+    b = expr.arg2
+    _compatibleStrings(a, b)
+    i = a.find(b)
+    if i == -1:
+        return Literal("")
+    else:
+        return Literal(a[i + len(b):], lang=a.language, datatype=a.datatype)
+def Builtin_CONTAINS(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-strcontains
+    """
+    a = expr.arg1
+    b = expr.arg2
+    _compatibleStrings(a, b)
+    return Literal(b in a)
+def Builtin_ENCODE_FOR_URI(expr, ctx):
+    return Literal(urllib.parse.quote(string(expr.arg).encode("utf-8")))
+def Builtin_SUBSTR(expr, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-substr
+    """
+    a = string(expr.arg)
+    start = numeric(expr.start) - 1
+    length = expr.length
+    if length is not None:
+        length = numeric(length) + start
+    return Literal(a[start:length], lang=a.language, datatype=a.datatype)
+def Builtin_STRLEN(e, ctx):
+    l = string(e.arg)
+    return Literal(len(l))
+def Builtin_STR(e, ctx):
+    arg = e.arg
+    if isinstance(arg, SPARQLError):
+        raise arg
+    return Literal(str(arg))  # plain literal
+def Builtin_LCASE(e, ctx):
+    l = string(e.arg)
+    return Literal(l.lower(), datatype=l.datatype, lang=l.language)
+def Builtin_LANGMATCHES(e, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-langMatches
+    """
+    langTag = string(e.arg1)
+    langRange = string(e.arg2)
+    if str(langTag) == "":
+        return Literal(False)  # nothing matches empty!
+    return Literal(_lang_range_check(langRange, langTag))
+def Builtin_NOW(e, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-now
+    """
+    return Literal(ctx.now)
+def Builtin_YEAR(e, ctx):
+    d = datetime(e.arg)
+    return Literal(d.year)
+def Builtin_MONTH(e, ctx):
+    d = datetime(e.arg)
+    return Literal(d.month)
+def Builtin_DAY(e, ctx):
+    d = datetime(e.arg)
+    return Literal(d.day)
+def Builtin_HOURS(e, ctx):
+    d = datetime(e.arg)
+    return Literal(d.hour)
+def Builtin_MINUTES(e, ctx):
+    d = datetime(e.arg)
+    return Literal(d.minute)
+def Builtin_SECONDS(e, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-seconds
+    """
+    d = datetime(e.arg)
+    return Literal(d.second, datatype=XSD.decimal)
+def Builtin_TIMEZONE(e, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-timezone
+    :returns: the timezone part of arg as an xsd:dayTimeDuration.
+    :raises: an error if there is no timezone.
+    """
+    dt = datetime(e.arg)
+    if not dt.tzinfo:
+        raise SPARQLError('datatime has no timezone: %r' % dt)
+    delta = dt.tzinfo.utcoffset(ctx.now)
+    d = delta.days
+    s = delta.seconds
+    neg = ""
+    if d < 0:
+        s = -24 * 60 * 60 * d - s
+        d = 0
+        neg = "-"
+    h = s / (60 * 60)
+    m = (s - h * 60 * 60) / 60
+    s = s - h * 60 * 60 - m * 60
+    tzdelta = "%sP%sT%s%s%s" % (neg,
+                                "%dD" % d if d else "",
+                                "%dH" % h if h else "",
+                                "%dM" % m if m else "",
+                                "%dS" % s if not d and not h and not m else "")
+    return Literal(tzdelta, datatype=XSD.dayTimeDuration)
+def Builtin_TZ(e, ctx):
+    d = datetime(e.arg)
+    if not d.tzinfo:
+        return Literal("")
+    n = d.tzinfo.tzname(d)
+    if n == "UTC":
+        n = "Z"
+    return Literal(n)
+def Builtin_UCASE(e, ctx):
+    l = string(e.arg)
+    return Literal(l.upper(), datatype=l.datatype, lang=l.language)
+def Builtin_LANG(e, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-lang
+    Returns the language tag of ltrl, if it has one. It returns "" if ltrl has
+    no language tag. Note that the RDF data model does not include literals
+    with an empty language tag.
+    """
+    l = literal(e.arg)
+    return Literal(l.language or "")
+def Builtin_DATATYPE(e, ctx):
+    l = e.arg
+    if not isinstance(l, Literal):
+        raise SPARQLError('Can only get datatype of literal: %r' % l)
+    if l.language:
+        return RDF_langString
+    if not l.datatype and not l.language:
+        return XSD.string
+    return l.datatype
+def Builtin_sameTerm(e, ctx):
+    a = e.arg1
+    b = e.arg2
+    return Literal(a == b)
+def Builtin_BOUND(e, ctx):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-bound
+    """
+    n = e.get('arg', variables=True)
+    return Literal(not isinstance(n, Variable))
+def Builtin_EXISTS(e, ctx):
+    # damn...
+    from rdflib.plugins.sparql.evaluate import evalPart
+    exists = e.name == 'Builtin_EXISTS'
+    ctx = ctx.ctx.thaw(ctx)  # hmm
+    for x in evalPart(ctx, e.graph):
+        return Literal(exists)
+    return Literal(not exists)
+def Function(e, ctx):
+    """
+    Custom functions (and casts!)
+    """
+    if e.iri in XSD_DTs:
+        # a cast
+        if not e.expr:
+            raise SPARQLError("Nothing given to cast.")
+        if len(e.expr) > 1:
+            raise SPARQLError("Cannot cast more than one thing!")
+        x = e.expr[0]
+        if e.iri == XSD.string:
+            if isinstance(x, (URIRef, Literal)):
+                return Literal(x, datatype=XSD.string)
+            else:
+                raise SPARQLError(
+                    "Cannot cast term %r of type %r" % (x, type(x)))
+        if not isinstance(x, Literal):
+            raise SPARQLError(
+                "Can only cast Literals to non-string data-types")
+        if x.datatype and not x.datatype in XSD_DTs:
+            raise SPARQLError(
+                "Cannot cast literal with unknown datatype: %r" % x.datatype)
+        if e.iri == XSD.dateTime:
+            if x.datatype and x.datatype not in (XSD.dateTime, XSD.string):
+                raise SPARQLError(
+                    "Cannot cast %r to XSD:dateTime" % x.datatype)
+            try:
+                return Literal(isodate.parse_datetime(x), datatype=e.iri)
+            except:
+                raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%r' as datetime" % x)
+        if x.datatype == XSD.dateTime:
+            raise SPARQLError("Cannot cast XSD.dateTime to %r" % e.iri)
+        if e.iri in (XSD.float, XSD.double):
+            try:
+                return Literal(float(x), datatype=e.iri)
+            except:
+                raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%r' as float" % x)
+        elif e.iri == XSD.decimal:
+            if "e" in x or "E" in x:  # SPARQL/XSD does not allow exponents in decimals
+                raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%r' as decimal" % x)
+            try:
+                return Literal(Decimal(x), datatype=e.iri)
+            except:
+                raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%r' as decimal" % x)
+        elif e.iri == XSD.integer:
+            try:
+                return Literal(int(x), datatype=XSD.integer)
+            except:
+                raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%r' as int" % x)
+        elif e.iri == XSD.boolean:
+            # # I would argue that any number is True...
+            # try:
+            #     return Literal(bool(int(x)), datatype=XSD.boolean)
+            # except:
+            if x.lower() in ("1", "true"):
+                return Literal(True)
+            if x.lower() in ("0", "false"):
+                return Literal(False)
+            raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%r' as bool" % x)
+        else:
+            raise Exception("I do not know how to cast to %r" % e.iri)
+    else:
+        raise SPARQLError('Unknown function %r"%e.iri')
+    # TODO: Custom functions!
+def UnaryNot(expr, ctx):
+    return Literal(not EBV(expr.expr))
+def UnaryMinus(expr, ctx):
+    return Literal(-numeric(expr.expr))
+def UnaryPlus(expr, ctx):
+    return Literal(+numeric(expr.expr))
+def MultiplicativeExpression(e, ctx):
+    expr = e.expr
+    other = e.other
+    # because of the way the mul-expr production handled operator precedence
+    # we sometimes have nothing to do
+    if other is None:
+        return expr
+    try:
+        res = Decimal(numeric(expr))
+        for op, f in zip(e.op, other):
+            f = numeric(f)
+            if type(f) == float:
+                res = float(res)
+            if op == '*':
+                res *= f
+            else:
+                res /= f
+    except (InvalidOperation, ZeroDivisionError):
+        raise SPARQLError('divide by 0')
+    return Literal(res)
+def AdditiveExpression(e, ctx):
+    expr = e.expr
+    other = e.other
+    # because of the way the add-expr production handled operator precedence
+    # we sometimes have nothing to do
+    if other is None:
+        return expr
+    res = numeric(expr)
+    dt = expr.datatype
+    for op, term in zip(e.op, other):
+        n = numeric(term)
+        if isinstance(n, Decimal) and isinstance(res, float):
+            n = float(n)
+        if isinstance(n, float) and isinstance(res, Decimal):
+            res = float(res)
+        dt = type_promotion(dt, term.datatype)
+        if op == '+':
+            res += n
+        else:
+            res -= n
+    return Literal(res, datatype=dt)
+def RelationalExpression(e, ctx):
+    expr = e.expr
+    other = e.other
+    op = e.op
+    # because of the way the add-expr production handled operator precedence
+    # we sometimes have nothing to do
+    if other is None:
+        return expr
+    ops = dict([('>', lambda x, y: x.__gt__(y)),
+                ('<', lambda x, y: x.__lt__(y)),
+                ('=', lambda x, y: x.eq(y)),
+                ('!=', lambda x, y: x.neq(y)),
+                ('>=', lambda x, y: x.__ge__(y)),
+                ('<=', lambda x, y: x.__le__(y)),
+                ('IN', pyop.contains),
+                ('NOT IN', lambda x, y: not pyop.contains(x, y))])
+    if op in ('IN', 'NOT IN'):
+        res = (op == 'NOT IN')
+        error = False
+        if other == RDF.nil:
+            other = []
+        for x in other:
+            try:
+                if x == expr:
+                    return Literal(True ^ res)
+            except SPARQLError as e:
+                error = e
+        if not error:
+            return Literal(False ^ res)
+        else:
+            raise error
+    if not op in ('=', '!=', 'IN', 'NOT IN'):
+        if not isinstance(expr, Literal):
+            raise SPARQLError(
+                "Compare other than =, != of non-literals is an error: %r" %
+                expr)
+        if not isinstance(other, Literal):
+            raise SPARQLError(
+                "Compare other than =, != of non-literals is an error: %r" %
+                other)
+    else:
+        if not isinstance(expr, Node):
+            raise SPARQLError('I cannot compare this non-node: %r' % expr)
+        if not isinstance(other, Node):
+            raise SPARQLError('I cannot compare this non-node: %r' % other)
+    if isinstance(expr, Literal) and isinstance(other, Literal):
+        if expr.datatype != None and expr.datatype not in XSD_DTs and other.datatype != None and other.datatype not in XSD_DTs:
+            # in SPARQL for non-XSD DT Literals we can only do =,!=
+            if op not in ('=', '!='):
+                raise SPARQLError(
+                    'Can only do =,!= comparisons of non-XSD Literals')
+    try:
+        r = ops[op](expr, other)
+        if r == NotImplemented:
+            raise SPARQLError('Error when comparing')
+    except TypeError as te:
+        raise SPARQLError(*te.args)
+    return Literal(r)
+def ConditionalAndExpression(e, ctx):
+    # TODO: handle returned errors
+    expr = e.expr
+    other = e.other
+    # because of the way the add-expr production handled operator precedence
+    # we sometimes have nothing to do
+    if other is None:
+        return expr
+    return Literal(all(EBV(x) for x in [expr] + other))
+def ConditionalOrExpression(e, ctx):
+    # TODO: handle errors
+    expr = e.expr
+    other = e.other
+    # because of the way the add-expr production handled operator precedence
+    # we sometimes have nothing to do
+    if other is None:
+        return expr
+    # A logical-or that encounters an error on only one branch
+    # will return TRUE if the other branch is TRUE and an error
+    # if the other branch is FALSE.
+    error = None
+    for x in [expr] + other:
+        try:
+            if EBV(x):
+                return Literal(True)
+        except SPARQLError as e:
+            error = e
+    if error:
+        raise error
+    return Literal(False)
+def not_(arg):
+    return Expr('UnaryNot', UnaryNot, expr=arg)
+def and_(*args):
+    if len(args) == 1:
+        return args[0]
+    return Expr('ConditionalAndExpression', ConditionalAndExpression,
+                expr=args[0], other=list(args[1:]))
+TrueFilter = Expr('TrueFilter', lambda _1, _2: Literal(True))
+def simplify(expr):
+    if isinstance(expr, ParseResults) and len(expr) == 1:
+        return simplify(expr[0])
+    if isinstance(expr, (list, ParseResults)):
+        return list(map(simplify, expr))
+    if not isinstance(expr, CompValue):
+        return expr
+    if expr.name.endswith('Expression'):
+        if expr.other is None:
+            return simplify(expr.expr)
+    for k in list(expr.keys()):
+        expr[k] = simplify(expr[k])
+        # expr['expr']=simplify(expr.expr)
+        #    expr['other']=simplify(expr.other)
+    return expr
+def literal(s):
+    if not isinstance(s, Literal):
+        raise SPARQLError("Non-literal passed as string: %r" % s)
+    return s
+def datetime(e):
+    if not isinstance(e, Literal):
+        raise SPARQLError("Non-literal passed as datetime: %r" % e)
+    if not e.datatype == XSD.dateTime:
+        raise SPARQLError(
+            "Literal with wrong datatype passed as datetime: %r" % e)
+    return e.toPython()
+def string(s):
+    """
+    Make sure the passed thing is a string literal
+    i.e. plain literal, xsd:string literal or lang-tagged literal
+    """
+    if not isinstance(s, Literal):
+        raise SPARQLError("Non-literal passes as string: %r" % s)
+    if s.datatype and s.datatype != XSD.string:
+        raise SPARQLError(
+            "Non-string datatype-literal passes as string: %r" % s)
+    return s
+def numeric(expr):
+    """
+    return a number from a literal
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/#promotion
+    or TypeError
+    """
+    if not isinstance(expr, Literal):
+        raise SPARQLTypeError("%r is not a literal!" % expr)
+    if expr.datatype not in (XSD.float, XSD.double,
+                             XSD.decimal, XSD.integer,
+                             XSD.nonPositiveInteger, XSD.negativeInteger,
+                             XSD.nonNegativeInteger, XSD.positiveInteger,
+                             XSD.unsignedLong, XSD.unsignedInt,
+                             XSD.unsignedShort, XSD.unsignedByte,
+                             XSD.long, XSD.int, XSD.short, XSD.byte):
+        raise SPARQLTypeError("%r does not have a numeric datatype!" % expr)
+    return expr.toPython()
+def EBV(rt):
+    """
+    * If the argument is a typed literal with a datatype of xsd:boolean,
+      the EBV is the value of that argument.
+    * If the argument is a plain literal or a typed literal with a
+      datatype of xsd:string, the EBV is false if the operand value
+      has zero length; otherwise the EBV is true.
+    * If the argument is a numeric type or a typed literal with a datatype
+      derived from a numeric type, the EBV is false if the operand value is
+      NaN or is numerically equal to zero; otherwise the EBV is true.
+    * All other arguments, including unbound arguments, produce a type error.
+    """
+    if isinstance(rt, Literal):
+        if rt.datatype == XSD.boolean:
+            return rt.toPython()
+        elif rt.datatype == XSD.string or rt.datatype is None:
+            return len(rt) > 0
+        else:
+            pyRT = rt.toPython()
+            if isinstance(pyRT, Literal):
+                # Type error, see: http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/#ebv
+                raise SPARQLTypeError(
+                    "http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/#ebv - ' + \
+                    'Could not determine the EBV for : %r" % rt)
+            else:
+                return bool(pyRT)
+    else:
+        raise SPARQLTypeError(
+            "http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/#ebv - ' + \
+            'Only literals have Boolean values! %r" % rt)
+def _lang_range_check(range, lang):
+    """
+    Implementation of the extended filtering algorithm, as defined in point
+    3.3.2, of U{RFC 4647<http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4647.txt>}, on
+    matching language ranges and language tags.
+    Needed to handle the C{rdf:PlainLiteral} datatype.
+    @param range: language range
+    @param lang: language tag
+    @rtype: boolean
+        @author: U{Ivan Herman<a href="http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/">}
+        Taken from `RDFClosure/RestrictedDatatype.py`__
+    .. __:http://dev.w3.org/2004/PythonLib-IH/RDFClosure/RestrictedDatatype.py
+    """
+    def _match(r, l):
+        """
+        Matching of a range and language item: either range is a wildcard
+        or the two are equal
+        @param r: language range item
+        @param l: language tag item
+        @rtype: boolean
+        """
+        return r == '*' or r == l
+    rangeList = range.strip().lower().split('-')
+    langList = lang.strip().lower().split('-')
+    if not _match(rangeList[0], langList[0]):
+        return False
+    if len(rangeList) > len(langList):
+        return False
+    return all(_match(*x) for x in zip(rangeList, langList))