diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/update.py @ 1:56ad4e20f292 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:32:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/update.py	Fri Jul 31 00:32:28 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+Code for carrying out Update Operations
+from rdflib import Graph, Variable
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql import QueryContext
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.evalutils import _fillTemplate, _join
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.evaluate import evalBGP, evalPart
+def _graphOrDefault(ctx, g):
+    if g == 'DEFAULT':
+        return ctx.graph
+    else:
+        return ctx.dataset.get_context(g)
+def _graphAll(ctx, g):
+    """
+    return a list of graphs
+    """
+    if g == 'DEFAULT':
+        return [ctx.graph]
+    elif g == 'NAMED':
+        return [c for c in ctx.dataset.contexts()
+                if c.identifier != ctx.graph.identifier]
+    elif g == 'ALL':
+        return list(ctx.dataset.contexts())
+    else:
+        return [ctx.dataset.get_context(g)]
+def evalLoad(ctx, u):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#load
+    """
+    if u.graphiri:
+        ctx.load(u.iri, default=False, publicID=u.graphiri)
+    else:
+        ctx.load(u.iri, default=True)
+def evalCreate(ctx, u):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#create
+    """
+    g = ctx.datset.get_context(u.graphiri)
+    if len(g) > 0:
+        raise Exception("Graph %s already exists." % g.identifier)
+    raise Exception("Create not implemented!")
+def evalClear(ctx, u):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#clear
+    """
+    for g in _graphAll(ctx, u.graphiri):
+        g.remove((None, None, None))
+def evalDrop(ctx, u):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#drop
+    """
+    if ctx.dataset.store.graph_aware:
+        for g in _graphAll(ctx, u.graphiri):
+            ctx.dataset.store.remove_graph(g)
+    else:
+        evalClear(ctx, u)
+def evalInsertData(ctx, u):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#insertData
+    """
+    # add triples
+    g = ctx.graph
+    g += u.triples
+    # add quads
+    # u.quads is a dict of graphURI=>[triples]
+    for g in u.quads:
+        cg = ctx.dataset.get_context(g)
+        cg += u.quads[g]
+def evalDeleteData(ctx, u):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#deleteData
+    """
+    # remove triples
+    g = ctx.graph
+    g -= u.triples
+    # remove quads
+    # u.quads is a dict of graphURI=>[triples]
+    for g in u.quads:
+        cg = ctx.dataset.get_context(g)
+        cg -= u.quads[g]
+def evalDeleteWhere(ctx, u):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#deleteWhere
+    """
+    res = evalBGP(ctx, u.triples)
+    for g in u.quads:
+        cg = ctx.dataset.get_context(g)
+        c = ctx.pushGraph(cg)
+        res = _join(res, list(evalBGP(c, u.quads[g])))
+    for c in res:
+        g = ctx.graph
+        g -= _fillTemplate(u.triples, c)
+        for g in u.quads:
+            cg = ctx.dataset.get_context(c.get(g))
+            cg -= _fillTemplate(u.quads[g], c)
+def evalModify(ctx, u):
+    originalctx = ctx
+    # Using replaces the dataset for evaluating the where-clause
+    if u.using:
+        otherDefault = False
+        for d in u.using:
+            if d.default:
+                if not otherDefault:
+                    # replace current default graph
+                    dg = Graph()
+                    ctx = ctx.pushGraph(dg)
+                    otherDefault = True
+                ctx.load(d.default, default=True)
+            elif d.named:
+                g = d.named
+                ctx.load(g, default=False)
+    # "The WITH clause provides a convenience for when an operation
+    # primarily refers to a single graph. If a graph name is specified
+    # in a WITH clause, then - for the purposes of evaluating the
+    # WHERE clause - this will define an RDF Dataset containing a
+    # default graph with the specified name, but only in the absence
+    # of USING or USING NAMED clauses. In the presence of one or more
+    # graphs referred to in USING clauses and/or USING NAMED clauses,
+    # the WITH clause will be ignored while evaluating the WHERE
+    # clause."
+    if not u.using and u.withClause:
+        g = ctx.dataset.get_context(u.withClause)
+        ctx = ctx.pushGraph(g)
+    res = evalPart(ctx, u.where)
+    if u.using:
+        if otherDefault:
+            ctx = originalctx  # restore original default graph
+        if u.withClause:
+            g = ctx.dataset.get_context(u.withClause)
+            ctx = ctx.pushGraph(g)
+    for c in res:
+        dg = ctx.graph
+        if u.delete:
+            dg -= _fillTemplate(u.delete.triples, c)
+            for g, q in u.delete.quads.items():
+                cg = ctx.dataset.get_context(c.get(g))
+                cg -= _fillTemplate(q, c)
+        if u.insert:
+            dg += _fillTemplate(u.insert.triples, c)
+            for g, q in u.insert.quads.items():
+                cg = ctx.dataset.get_context(c.get(g))
+                cg += _fillTemplate(q, c)
+def evalAdd(ctx, u):
+    """
+    add all triples from src to dst
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#add
+    """
+    src, dst = u.graph
+    srcg = _graphOrDefault(ctx, src)
+    dstg = _graphOrDefault(ctx, dst)
+    if srcg.identifier == dstg.identifier:
+        return
+    dstg += srcg
+def evalMove(ctx, u):
+    """
+    remove all triples from dst
+    add all triples from src to dst
+    remove all triples from src
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#move
+    """
+    src, dst = u.graph
+    srcg = _graphOrDefault(ctx, src)
+    dstg = _graphOrDefault(ctx, dst)
+    if srcg.identifier == dstg.identifier:
+        return
+    dstg.remove((None, None, None))
+    dstg += srcg
+    if ctx.dataset.store.graph_aware:
+        ctx.dataset.store.remove_graph(srcg)
+    else:
+        srcg.remove((None, None, None))
+def evalCopy(ctx, u):
+    """
+    remove all triples from dst
+    add all triples from src to dst
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#copy
+    """
+    src, dst = u.graph
+    srcg = _graphOrDefault(ctx, src)
+    dstg = _graphOrDefault(ctx, dst)
+    if srcg.identifier == dstg.identifier:
+        return
+    dstg.remove((None, None, None))
+    dstg += srcg
+def evalUpdate(graph, update, initBindings={}):
+    """
+    http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#updateLanguage
+    'A request is a sequence of operations [...] Implementations MUST
+    ensure that operations of a single request are executed in a
+    fashion that guarantees the same effects as executing them in
+    lexical order.
+    Operations all result either in success or failure.
+    If multiple operations are present in a single request, then a
+    result of failure from any operation MUST abort the sequence of
+    operations, causing the subsequent operations to be ignored.'
+    This will return None on success and raise Exceptions on error
+    """
+    for u in update:
+        initBindings = dict( ( Variable(k),v ) for k,v in initBindings.items() )
+        ctx = QueryContext(graph, initBindings=initBindings)
+        ctx.prologue = u.prologue
+        try:
+            if u.name == 'Load':
+                evalLoad(ctx, u)
+            elif u.name == 'Clear':
+                evalClear(ctx, u)
+            elif u.name == 'Drop':
+                evalDrop(ctx, u)
+            elif u.name == 'Create':
+                evalCreate(ctx, u)
+            elif u.name == 'Add':
+                evalAdd(ctx, u)
+            elif u.name == 'Move':
+                evalMove(ctx, u)
+            elif u.name == 'Copy':
+                evalCopy(ctx, u)
+            elif u.name == 'InsertData':
+                evalInsertData(ctx, u)
+            elif u.name == 'DeleteData':
+                evalDeleteData(ctx, u)
+            elif u.name == 'DeleteWhere':
+                evalDeleteWhere(ctx, u)
+            elif u.name == 'Modify':
+                evalModify(ctx, u)
+            else:
+                raise Exception('Unknown update operation: %s' % (u,))
+        except:
+            if not u.silent:
+                raise