diff spring_package/Molecule.py @ 17:c790d25086dc draft

"planemo upload commit b0ede77caf410ab69043d33a44e190054024d340-dirty"
author guerler
date Wed, 28 Oct 2020 05:11:56 +0000 (2020-10-28)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/spring_package/Molecule.py	Wed Oct 28 05:11:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+class Molecule:
+	def __init__(self, fileName = None):
+		self.calpha = dict()
+		self.biomol = dict()
+		self.rotmat = dict()
+		self.atoms = list()
+		if fileName is not None:
+			self.fromFile(fileName)
+	def fromFile(self, fileName):
+		biomolNumber = 0
+		biomolChains = list()
+		with open(fileName) as file:
+			for index, line in enumerate(file):
+				key = line[0:6].strip()
+				if key == "ATOM":
+					atom = line[12:16]
+					atomNumber = line[6:11]
+					chainName = line[21:22]
+					if chainName not in self.calpha:
+						self.calpha[chainName] = dict()
+					x = self.toFloat(line[30:38])
+					y = self.toFloat(line[38:46])
+					z = self.toFloat(line[46:54])
+					occupancy = self.toFloat(line[54:60], optional=True)
+					temperature = self.toFloat(line[54:60], optional=True)
+					residue = line[17:20]
+					residueNumber = self.toInt(line[22:26])
+					atomNumber = self.toInt(line[6:11])
+					atomName = line[12:16]
+					atomDict = dict(x=x, y=y, z=z,
+									residue=residue,
+									occupancy=occupancy,
+									temperature=temperature,
+									atomNumber=atomNumber,
+									atomName=atomName,
+									residueNumber=residueNumber,
+									chainName=chainName)
+					if atom.strip() == "CA":
+						self.calpha[chainName][residueNumber] = atomDict
+					self.atoms.append(atomDict)
+				biokey = "REMARK 350 BIOMOLECULE:"
+				if line[0:len(biokey)] == biokey:
+					biomolNumber = self.toInt(line[len(biokey):])
+					nextLine = next(file)
+					while nextLine[:len(biokey)] != biokey:
+						nextLine = next(file)
+					biomolChains = nextLine[len(biokey):].split(",")
+					biomolChains = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), biomolChains))
+					biokey = "REMARK 350                    AND CHAINS:"
+					nextLine = next(file)
+					while nextLine[:len(biokey)] == biokey:
+						moreChains = nextLine[len(biokey):].split(",")
+						moreChains = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), moreChains))
+						biomolChains = biomolChains + moreChains
+						nextLine = next(file)
+					biokey = "REMARK 350   BIOMT"
+					if nextLine[:len(biokey)] == biokey:
+						biomolMatId1, biomolMat1 = self.getFloats(nextLine)
+						nextLine = next(file)
+						biomolMatId2, biomolMat2 = self.getFloats(nextLine)
+						nextLine = next(file)
+						biomolMatId3, biomolMat3 = self.getFloats(nextLine)
+						if biomolMatId1 != biomolMatId2 or biomolMatId1 != biomolMatId3:
+							raise Exception("Invalid rotation matrix format [%s]." % biomolMatId1)
+						matrix = [biomolMat1, biomolMat2, biomolMat3]
+						biomolChains = [c for c in biomolChains if c]
+						if biomolNumber not in self.rotmat:
+							self.rotmat[biomolNumber] = list()
+						self.rotmat[biomolNumber].append(dict(chains=biomolChains, matrix=matrix))
+		removeChains = []
+		for chainName in self.calpha:
+			if len(self.calpha[chainName]) == 0:
+				removeChains.append(chainName)
+		for chainName in removeChains:
+			del self.calpha[chainName]
+		if not self.calpha:
+			raise Exception("Molecule has no atoms.")
+	def getFloats(self, nextLine):
+		matId = self.toInt(nextLine[20:23])
+		matLine = nextLine[23:].split()
+		matLine = list(map(lambda x: self.toFloat(x), matLine))
+		return matId, matLine
+	def createUnit(self, biomolNumber = 1):
+		molecule = Molecule()
+		chainCount = 0
+		for matrixDict in self.rotmat[biomolNumber]:
+			for chain in matrixDict["chains"]:
+				if chain in self.calpha:
+					chainCopy = dict()
+					for residue in self.calpha[chain]:
+						chainCopy[residue] = self.calpha[chain][residue].copy()
+					for atomNumber in chainCopy:
+						atom = chainCopy[atomNumber]
+						rotmat = matrixDict["matrix"]
+						self.applyMatrix(atom, rotmat)
+					if chain in molecule.calpha:
+						chainName = chainCount
+					else:
+						chainName = chain
+					molecule.calpha[chainName] = chainCopy
+					chainCount = chainCount + 1
+		return molecule
+	def applyMatrix(self, atom, rotmat):
+		newx = atom["x"] * rotmat[0][0] + atom["y"] * rotmat[0][1] + atom["z"] * rotmat[0][2] + rotmat[0][3]
+		newy = atom["x"] * rotmat[1][0] + atom["y"] * rotmat[1][1] + atom["z"] * rotmat[1][2] + rotmat[1][3]
+		newz = atom["x"] * rotmat[2][0] + atom["y"] * rotmat[2][1] + atom["z"] * rotmat[2][2] + rotmat[2][3]
+		atom["x"] = newx
+		atom["y"] = newy
+		atom["z"] = newz
+		return atom
+	def toFloat(self, x, optional=False):
+		try:
+			return float(x)
+		except:
+			if not optional:
+				raise Exception("Invalid float conversion [%s]." % x)
+			return 0.0
+	def toInt(self, x):
+		try:
+			return int(x)
+		except:
+			raise Exception("Invalid integer conversion [%s]." % x)
+	def saveChain(self, chainName, outputName):
+		print ("Writing PDB file to %s." % outputName)
+		f = open(outputName, "w")
+		for residueNumber in sorted(self.calpha[chainName].keys()):  
+			ca = self.calpha[chainName][residueNumber]
+			if ca["residue"] is not None:
+				f.write(self.atomString(ca))
+		f.close()
+	def save(self, outputName, append=False, chainName=None):
+		print ("Writing atoms to PDB file to %s." % outputName)
+		fileFlag = "+a" if append else "w"
+		f = open(outputName, fileFlag)
+		for atom in self.atoms:
+			atom["chainName"] = chainName if chainName else atom["chainName"]
+			f.write(self.atomString(atom))
+		f.write("TER\n")
+		f.close()
+	def atomString(self, atom):
+		return "ATOM  %5d %s %s %s%4d    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f\n" % (atom["atomNumber"], atom["atomName"], atom["residue"], atom["chainName"], atom["residueNumber"], atom["x"], atom["y"], atom["z"], atom["occupancy"], atom["temperature"])