diff spring_package/pulchra/pulchra.c @ 17:c790d25086dc draft

"planemo upload commit b0ede77caf410ab69043d33a44e190054024d340-dirty"
author guerler
date Wed, 28 Oct 2020 05:11:56 +0000 (2020-10-28)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/spring_package/pulchra/pulchra.c	Wed Oct 28 05:11:56 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3212 @@
+// Protein Chain Restoration Algorithm
+// Version 3.04
+// July 2007
+// Contact: Piotr Rotkiewicz, piotr -at- pirx -dot- com
+// to compile:
+// cc -O3 pulchra.c pulchra_data.c -lm -o pulchra
+// to use:
+// ./pulchra file.pdb
+// to display available options:
+// ./pulchra
+#define COMPILE_BB
+#define COMPILE_ROT
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/timeb.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#define uchar unsigned char
+#define uint unsigned int
+#define real double
+#include "pulchra_common.h"
+#define PULCHRA_VERSION 3.04
+#define MAX_BUF_SIZE 1000
+#define FILE_SUCCESS     0
+#define FILE_NOT_FOUND  -1
+#define FILE_WARNING    -2
+#define FATAL_MAE -1
+#define FLAG_BACKBONE  1
+#define FLAG_CALPHA    2
+#define FLAG_SCM       8
+#define FLAG_PROTEIN  1
+#define FLAG_DNA      2
+#define FLAG_RNA      4
+#define FLAG_CHYDRO   8
+#define RADDEG 180./M_PI
+#define DEGRAD M_PI/180.
+int _VERBOSE = 0;
+int _BB_REARRANGE = 1;
+int _BB_OPTIMIZE = 0;
+int _CA_OPTIMIZE = 1;
+int _CA_RANDOM = 0;
+int _CA_ITER = 100;
+int _CA_TRAJECTORY = 0;
+int _CISPRO = 0;
+int _CHIRAL = 1;
+int _CENTER_CHAIN = 0;
+int _REBUILD_BB = 1;
+int _REBUILD_SC = 1;
+int _REBUILD_H = 0;
+int _PDB_SG = 0;
+int _TIME_SEED = 0;
+int _XVOLUME = 1;
+int _XVOL_ITER = 3;
+real _CA_START_DIST = 3.0;
+real _CA_XVOL_DIST = 3.5;
+real _SG_XVOL_DIST = 1.6;
+#define CALC_C_ALPHA
+real CA_K=10.0;
+real CA_ANGLE_K=20.0;
+real CA_START_K=0.01;
+real CA_XVOL_K=10.00;
+#define CA_DIST 3.8
+#define CA_DIST_TOL 0.1
+#define CA_DIST_CISPRO 2.9
+#define CA_DIST_CISPRO_TOL 0.1
+#define E_EPS 1e-10
+// grid resolution (used for fast clash detection)
+#define GRID_RES 6.0
+int chain_length = 0;
+char AA_NAMES[21][4] =
+  { "GLY", "ALA", "SER", "CYS", "VAL",
+    "THR", "ILE", "PRO", "MET", "ASP",
+    "ASN", "LEU", "LYS", "GLU", "GLN",
+    "ARG", "HIS", "PHE", "TYR", "TRP",
+    "UNK" };
+int AA_NUMS[256];
+int nheavy[20] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 7, 6, 7, 8, 10};
+char *backbone_atoms[4] = { "N  ", "CA ", "C  ", "O  " };
+char *heavy_atoms[200]= {
+/* SER */ "CB ", "OG ",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* CYS */ "CB ", "SG ",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* VAL */ "CB ", "CG1", "CG2",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* THR */ "CB ", "OG1", "CG2",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* ILE */ "CB ", "CG1", "CG2", "CD1",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* PRO */ "CB ", "CG ", "CD ",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* MET */ "CB ", "CG ", "SD ", "CE ",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* ASP */ "CB ", "CG ", "OD1", "OD2",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* ASN */ "CB ", "CG ", "OD1", "ND2",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* LEU */ "CB ", "CG ", "CD1", "CD2",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* LYS */ "CB ", "CG ", "CD ", "CE ", "NZ ",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* GLU */ "CB ", "CG ", "CD ", "OE1", "OE2",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* GLN */ "CB ", "CG ", "CD ", "OE1", "NE2",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* ARG */ "CB ", "CG ", "CD ", "NE ", "CZ ", "NH1", "NH2",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* HIS */ "CB ", "CG ", "ND1", "CD2", "CE1", "NE2",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* PHE */ "CB ", "CG ", "CD1", "CD2", "CE1", "CE2", "CZ ",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,
+/* TYR */ "CB ", "CG ", "CD1", "CD2", "CE1", "CE2", "CZ ", "OH ",  NULL,  NULL,
+/* TRP */ "CB ", "CG ", "CD1", "CD2", "NE1", "CE2", "CE3", "CZ2", "CZ3", "CH2"};
+/* reads full-atom pdb file */
+struct _res_type;
+typedef struct _atom_type {
+  struct _atom_type *next;
+  real x, y, z;
+  char *name;
+  int num, locnum;
+  int flag;
+  char cispro;
+  int gx, gy, gz;
+  struct _res_type *res;
+  struct _atom_type *prev;
+} atom_type;
+typedef struct _res_type {
+  struct _res_type *next;
+  atom_type *atoms;
+  int num, locnum, natoms;
+  int type;
+  char pdbsg;
+  char protein;
+  char *name;
+  char chain;
+  real sgx, sgy, sgz;
+  real cmx, cmy, cmz;
+  struct _res_type *prev;
+} res_type;
+typedef struct _mol_type {
+  struct _mol_type *next;
+  res_type *residua;
+  int nres;
+  unsigned char *r14;
+  char *name;
+  uchar *seq;
+  char **contacts;
+  real **cutoffs;
+  struct _mol_type *prev;
+} mol_type;
+#define MIN(a,b) (a<b?a:b)
+#define MAX(a,b) (a>b?a:b)
+mol_type *chain = NULL;
+real rnd(void)
+  return 0.001*(real)(rand()%1000);
+atom_type *new_atom(void)
+  atom_type *tmpatom;
+    tmpatom = (atom_type*) calloc(sizeof(atom_type),1);
+    if (tmpatom) {
+      tmpatom->x=tmpatom->y=tmpatom->z=0.;
+      tmpatom->name=NULL;
+      tmpatom->num=tmpatom->locnum=tmpatom->flag=0;
+      tmpatom->next=tmpatom->prev=NULL;
+    }
+  return tmpatom;
+res_type* new_res(void)
+  res_type *tmpres;
+    tmpres = (res_type*) calloc(sizeof(res_type),1);
+    if (tmpres) {
+      tmpres->num=0;
+      tmpres->name=NULL;
+      tmpres->atoms=NULL;
+      tmpres->chain=' ';
+      tmpres->next=tmpres->prev=NULL;
+    }
+  return tmpres;
+mol_type *new_mol(void)
+  mol_type *tmpmol;
+    tmpmol = (mol_type*) calloc(sizeof(mol_type),1);
+    if (tmpmol) {
+      tmpmol->name=NULL;
+      tmpmol->residua=NULL;
+      tmpmol->next=tmpmol->prev=NULL;
+    }
+  return tmpmol;
+void add_atom(atom_type* atomlist, atom_type* newatom)
+  atom_type *tmpatom;
+    if (!atomlist)
+      atomlist=newatom;
+    else {
+      tmpatom=atomlist->next;
+      atomlist->next=newatom;
+      newatom->prev=atomlist;
+      newatom->next=tmpatom;
+      if (tmpatom) tmpatom->prev=newatom;
+    }
+void add_res(res_type* reslist, res_type* newres)
+  res_type *tmpres;
+    if (!reslist)
+      reslist=newres;
+    else {
+      tmpres=reslist->next;
+      reslist->next=newres;
+      newres->prev=reslist;
+      newres->next=tmpres;
+      if (tmpres) tmpres->prev=newres;
+    }
+void add_mol(mol_type* mollist, mol_type* newmol)
+  mol_type *tmpmol;
+    if (!mollist)
+      mollist=newmol;
+    else {
+      tmpmol=mollist->next;
+      mollist->next=newmol;
+      newmol->prev=mollist;
+      newmol->next=tmpmol;
+      if (tmpmol) tmpmol->prev=newmol;
+    }
+void delete_atom(atom_type* atom)
+  atom_type *tmpatom;
+    if (atom->prev) atom->prev->next=atom->next;
+    if (atom->next) atom->next->prev=atom->prev;
+    if (atom->name) free(atom->name);
+    free(atom);
+    atom=NULL;
+void delete_res(res_type* res)
+  res_type *tmpres;
+  atom_type *tmpatom;
+    if (res->prev) res->prev->next=res->next;
+    if (res->next) res->next->prev=res->prev;
+    if (res->name) free(res->name);
+    if (res->atoms) {
+      while (res->atoms) {
+        tmpatom = res->atoms->next;
+        delete_atom(res->atoms);
+        res->atoms=tmpatom;
+      }
+    }
+    free(res);
+    res=NULL;
+void delete_mol(mol_type* mol)
+  mol_type *tmpmol;
+  res_type *tmpres;
+  int i;
+    if (mol->prev) mol->prev->next=mol->next;
+    if (mol->next) mol->next->prev=mol->prev;
+    if (mol->name) free(mol->name);
+    if (mol->residua) {
+      while (mol->residua) {
+        tmpres = mol->residua->next;
+        delete_res(mol->residua);
+        mol->residua=tmpres;
+      }
+    }
+    if (mol->contacts) {
+      for (i=0; i<mol->nres; i++) free(mol->contacts[i]);
+      free(mol->contacts);
+    }
+    if (mol->cutoffs) {
+      for (i=0; i<mol->nres; i++) free(mol->cutoffs[i]);
+      free(mol->cutoffs);
+    }
+    free(mol);
+    mol=NULL;
+atom_type* get_last_atom(atom_type* atom)
+    while (atom->next) atom=atom->next;
+  return atom;
+res_type* get_last_res(res_type* res)
+    while (res->next) res=res->next;
+  return res;
+mol_type *get_last_mol(mol_type* mol)
+    while (mol->next) mol=mol->next;
+  return mol;
+char setseq(char* aaname)
+  int i;
+    for (i=0; i<21; i++) {
+      if ((aaname[0]==AA_NAMES[i][0]) &&
+          (aaname[1]==AA_NAMES[i][1]) &&
+          (aaname[2]==AA_NAMES[i][2]))
+         break;
+    }
+    if (i==21) {
+      if (!strcmp(aaname, "GLX"))
+        return 'E';
+      if (!strcmp(aaname, "ASX"))
+        return 'D';
+      if (!strcmp(aaname, "HID"))
+        return 'H';
+      if (!strcmp(aaname, "MSE"))
+        return 'M';
+      if (!strcmp(aaname, "SEP"))
+        return 'S';
+      if (!strcmp(aaname, "TPO"))
+        return 'T';
+      if (!strcmp(aaname, "PTR"))
+        return 'Y';
+      i--;
+    }
+  return SHORT_AA_NAMES[i];
+int orient(res_type *res1, res_type *res2)
+  real x1, y1, z1;
+  real x2, y2, z2;
+  real cax, cay, caz;
+  real len, vect, angle;
+  atom_type *atom;
+    if (!res1 || !res2) return 0;
+    atom=res1->atoms;
+    cax=cay=caz=0.;
+    while (atom) {
+      if (!strncmp(atom->name,"CA",2)) {
+        cax=atom->x; cay=atom->y; caz=atom->z;
+      }
+      atom=atom->next;
+    }
+    x1=res1->sgx-cax; y1=res1->sgy-cay; z1=res1->sgz-caz;
+    if (x1==0. && y1==0. && z1==0.) x1+=1.0;
+    atom=res2->atoms;
+    cax=cay=caz=0.;
+    while (atom) {
+      if (!strncmp(atom->name,"CA",2)) {
+        cax=atom->x; cay=atom->y; caz=atom->z;
+      }
+      atom=atom->next;
+    }
+    x2=res2->sgx-cax; y2=res2->sgy-cay; z2=res2->sgz-caz;
+    if (x2==0. && y2==0. && z2==0.) x2+=1.0;
+    vect = x1*x2+y1*y2+z1*z2;
+    len = sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1+z1*z1)*sqrt(x2*x2+y2*y2+z2*z2);
+    if (len) vect /= len;
+    angle=RADDEG*acos(vect);
+    if (angle>120.) return 1; /*anti*/
+    if (angle>60.) return 2;  /*mid*/
+  return 3; /*par*/
+int res_contact(res_type *res1, res_type *res2) {
+  atom_type *atoms1, *atoms2;
+  real dx, dy, dz;
+    atoms1 = res1->atoms;
+    while (atoms1) {
+      atoms2 = res2->atoms;
+      while (atoms2) {
+        dx=atoms1->x-atoms2->x;
+        dy=atoms1->y-atoms2->y;
+        dz=atoms1->z-atoms2->z;
+        if ((atoms1->flag & FLAG_SIDECHAIN) && (atoms2->flag & FLAG_SIDECHAIN) && (dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz<20.25)) {
+          return 1;
+        }
+        atoms2=atoms2->next;
+      }
+      atoms1=atoms1->next;
+    }
+  return 0;
+int read_pdb_file(char* filename, mol_type* molecules, char *realname)
+  FILE *inp;
+  char buffer[1000];
+  char atmname[10];
+  char resname[10];
+  char version;
+  int prevresnum, resnum, atmnum, locatmnum, num, locnum=0, i, j;
+  atom_type *prevatom1, *prevatom2, *prevatom3, *prevatom4;
+  int sgnum, cc, nres, ok, natom;
+  real sgx, sgy, sgz;
+  res_type *res, *test1, *test2;
+  atom_type *atom;
+  real x, y, z;
+  real dist;
+  unsigned char bin;
+  int warn=0;
+  real cutoff;
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Reading input file %s...\n", filename);
+    inp = fopen(filename, "r");
+    if (!inp) {
+      if (_VERBOSE) printf("ERROR: can't open %s !!!\n", filename);
+      return FILE_NOT_FOUND;
+    }
+    molecules->nres=0;
+    molecules->name=(char*)calloc(strlen(realname)+1,1);
+    strcpy(molecules->name, realname);
+    atmname[3]=0;
+    resname[3]=0;
+    prevresnum=-666;
+    locatmnum=0;
+    sgnum=0;
+    sgx=sgy=sgz=0.;
+    res=NULL;
+    while (!feof(inp)) {
+      if (fgets(buffer, 1000, inp)!=buffer) break;
+      if (!strncmp(buffer, "END", 3) || !strncmp(buffer, "TER", 3)) break; // end of file; only single molecule read
+      if (!strncmp(buffer, "ATOM", 4) || !strncmp(buffer, "HETATM", 6)) {
+        if (buffer[16]!=' ' && buffer[16]!='A') continue;
+        sscanf(&buffer[22], "%d", &resnum);
+        strncpy(resname, &buffer[17], 3);
+        strncpy(atmname, &buffer[13], 3);
+        if (resnum==prevresnum && !strncmp(atmname, "N ", 2)) {
+          if (_VERBOSE) printf("WARNING: fault in numeration at residuum %s[%d]\n", resname, resnum);
+          warn=1;
+        }
+        if (atmname[0]=='H') continue;
+        if (resnum!=prevresnum || !strncmp(atmname, "N ", 2)) {
+          prevresnum=resnum;
+          if (res) {
+            if (sgnum) {
+              res->sgx=sgx/(real)sgnum;
+              res->sgy=sgy/(real)sgnum;
+              res->sgz=sgz/(real)sgnum;
+            } else {
+              res->sgx=res->sgy=res->sgz=0.;
+            }
+          }
+          locatmnum=0;
+          version=' ';
+          res = new_res();
+          sgnum=0;
+          sgx=sgy=sgz=0.;
+          molecules->nres++;
+          res->name = calloc(strlen(resname)+1, 1);
+          res->type = AA_NUMS[setseq(resname)];
+          res->locnum=locnum++;
+          res->num = resnum;
+          res->natoms=0;
+          res->chain = buffer[21];
+          strcpy(res->name, resname);
+          if (molecules->residua) {
+            add_res(get_last_res(molecules->residua), res);
+          } else {
+            molecules->residua = res;
+          }
+        }
+        atom = new_atom();
+        atom->res = res;
+        res->natoms++;
+        locatmnum++;
+        sscanf(&buffer[7], "%d", &atmnum);
+        sscanf(&buffer[30], "%lf", &x);
+        sscanf(&buffer[38], "%lf", &y);
+        sscanf(&buffer[46], "%lf", &z);
+        version = buffer[16];
+        atom->name = calloc(strlen(atmname)+1,1);
+        strcpy(atom->name, atmname);
+        atom->x=x; atom->y=y; atom->z=z;
+        atom->num = atmnum;
+        atom->locnum = locatmnum;
+        if ((atmname[0]=='S' && atmname[1]=='C')||(atmname[0]=='C' && atmname[1]=='M')) {
+          res->cmx = x;
+          res->cmy = y;
+          res->cmz = z;
+          res->pdbsg=1;
+          if (res->type<20) {
+            res->protein=1;
+          }
+        } else
+        if (!( ((atmname[0]=='C' || atmname[0]=='N' || atmname[0]=='O') && atmname[1]==' ') ||
+               (atmname[0]=='H') ||
+               (atmname[0]=='C' && atmname[1]=='A') ||
+               (atmname[0]=='O' && atmname[1]=='X' && atmname[2]=='T') ) ) {
+          sgx+=x;
+          sgy+=y;
+          sgz+=z;
+          sgnum++;
+          atom->flag |= FLAG_SIDECHAIN;
+        } else
+          atom->flag |= FLAG_BACKBONE;
+        if (atmname[0]=='C' && atmname[1]=='A') {
+          atom->flag |= FLAG_BACKBONE;
+          if (res->type<20) {
+            res->protein=1;
+          }
+          if (!res->pdbsg) {
+            res->cmx = x;
+            res->cmy = y;
+            res->cmz = z;
+          }
+        }
+        if (atmname[0]=='C' && atmname[1]=='M') {
+          atom->flag |= FLAG_SCM;
+        }
+        if (atmname[0]=='S' && atmname[1]=='C') {
+          atom->flag |= FLAG_SCM;
+        }
+        if (res->atoms) {
+          add_atom(get_last_atom(res->atoms), atom);
+        } else {
+          res->atoms = atom;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (res) {
+      if (sgnum) {
+        res->sgx=sgx/(real)sgnum;
+        res->sgy=sgy/(real)sgnum;
+        res->sgz=sgz/(real)sgnum;
+      } else {
+        res->sgx=res->sgy=res->sgz=0.;
+      }
+    }
+    fclose(inp);
+    molecules->seq = (uchar*)calloc(sizeof(uchar)*molecules->nres+1,1);
+    res=molecules->residua; i=0;
+    while (res) {
+      molecules->seq[i++]=(uchar)AA_NUMS[(int)setseq(res->name)];
+      res=res->next;
+    }
+  if (!warn) return FILE_SUCCESS; else return FILE_WARNING;
+#define bool int
+#define true 1
+#define false 0
+real calc_ca_energy(atom_type **c_alpha, real **new_c_alpha, real **init_c_alpha, real **gradient, real alpha, real *ene, bool calc_gradient)
+  int i, j;
+  real dx, dy, dz;
+  real dist, ddist, ddist2;
+  real new_e_pot;
+  real theta0, tdif, th, aa, bb, ab;
+  real ff0, ff2, dth, m0, m2, grad, f0[3], f2[3];
+  real adiff[3], bdiff[3];
+  real deriv, theta, dtheta, len1, len2, cos_theta, sin_theta;
+  real dx1, dy1, dz1;
+  real dx2, dy2, dz2;
+  real dx3, dy3, dz3;
+  real vx1, vy1, vz1;
+  real vx2, vy2, vz2;
+  real vx3, vy3, vz3;
+  real r12x, r12y, r12z;
+  real r32x, r32y, r32z;
+  real d12, d32, d12inv, d32inv, c1, c2, diff;
+  real f1x, f1y, f1z;
+  real f2x, f2y, f2z;
+  real f3x, f3y, f3z;
+        for (i=0; i<chain_length; i++) {
+          new_c_alpha[i][0]=c_alpha[i]->x+alpha*gradient[i][0];
+          new_c_alpha[i][1]=c_alpha[i]->y+alpha*gradient[i][1];
+          new_c_alpha[i][2]=c_alpha[i]->z+alpha*gradient[i][2];
+        }
+        new_e_pot = 0.0;
+        ene[0]=ene[1]=ene[2]=ene[3]=0.0;
+        for (i=0; i<chain_length; i++) {
+          dx=new_c_alpha[i][0]-init_c_alpha[i][0];
+          dy=new_c_alpha[i][1]-init_c_alpha[i][1];
+          dz=new_c_alpha[i][2]-init_c_alpha[i][2];
+          dist=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
+          ddist = -dist;
+          if (dist>_CA_START_DIST) {
+            ddist2=dist*dist;
+            new_e_pot+=CA_START_K*ddist2;
+            ene[1] += CA_START_K*ddist2;
+            if (calc_gradient) {
+              grad = ddist * (-2.0*CA_START_K)/dist;
+              gradient[i][0]-=grad*dx;
+              gradient[i][1]-=grad*dy;
+              gradient[i][2]-=grad*dz;
+            }
+          }
+#ifdef CALC_C_ALPHA
+          if (i>0) {
+            dx=new_c_alpha[i][0]-new_c_alpha[i-1][0];
+            dy=new_c_alpha[i][1]-new_c_alpha[i-1][1];
+            dz=new_c_alpha[i][2]-new_c_alpha[i-1][2];
+            dist=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
+            if (c_alpha[i]->cispro) {
+              ddist=CA_DIST_CISPRO-dist;
+//              if (fabs(ddist)<CA_DIST_CISPRO_TOL) ddist=0.0;
+            } else {
+              ddist=CA_DIST-dist;
+//              if (fabs(ddist)<CA_DIST_TOL) ddist=0.0;
+            }
+            ddist2=ddist*ddist;
+            new_e_pot+=CA_K*ddist2;
+            ene[0] += CA_K*ddist2;
+            if (calc_gradient) {
+              grad = ddist * (-2.0*CA_K)/dist;
+              gradient[i][0]-=grad*dx;
+              gradient[i][1]-=grad*dy;
+              gradient[i][2]-=grad*dz;
+              gradient[i-1][0]+=grad*dx;
+              gradient[i-1][1]+=grad*dy;
+              gradient[i-1][2]+=grad*dz;
+            }
+          }
+          for (j=0;j<i;j++) {
+            if (abs(i-j)>2) {
+              dx=new_c_alpha[i][0]-new_c_alpha[j][0];
+              dy=new_c_alpha[i][1]-new_c_alpha[j][1];
+              dz=new_c_alpha[i][2]-new_c_alpha[j][2];
+              dist=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
+              ddist = dist-_CA_XVOL_DIST;
+              if (dist<_CA_XVOL_DIST) {
+                ddist2 = dist*dist;
+                new_e_pot+=CA_XVOL_K*ddist2;
+                ene[3] += CA_XVOL_K*ddist2;
+                if (calc_gradient) {
+                  grad = ddist*(8.0*CA_XVOL_K)/dist;
+                  gradient[i][0]-=grad*dx;
+                  gradient[i][1]-=grad*dy;
+                  gradient[i][2]-=grad*dz;
+                  gradient[j][0]+=grad*dx;
+                  gradient[j][1]+=grad*dy;
+                  gradient[j][2]+=grad*dz;
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        if (i>0 && i<chain_length-1) {
+          r12x=new_c_alpha[i-1][0]-new_c_alpha[i][0];
+          r12y=new_c_alpha[i-1][1]-new_c_alpha[i][1];
+          r12z=new_c_alpha[i-1][2]-new_c_alpha[i][2];
+          r32x=new_c_alpha[i+1][0]-new_c_alpha[i][0];
+          r32y=new_c_alpha[i+1][1]-new_c_alpha[i][1];
+          r32z=new_c_alpha[i+1][2]-new_c_alpha[i][2];
+          d12 = sqrt(r12x*r12x+r12y*r12y+r12z*r12z);
+          d32 = sqrt(r32x*r32x+r32y*r32y+r32z*r32z);
+          cos_theta = (r12x*r32x+r12y*r32y+r12z*r32z)/(d12*d32);
+          if (cos_theta>1.0)
+            cos_theta = 1.0;
+          else
+          if (cos_theta<-1.0)
+            cos_theta = -1.0;
+          sin_theta = sqrt(1.0-cos_theta*cos_theta);
+          theta = acos(cos_theta);
+          if (RADDEG*theta<80.)
+            diff = theta-80.*DEGRAD;
+          else
+          if (RADDEG*theta>150.)
+            diff = theta-150.*DEGRAD;
+          else
+            diff = 0.0;
+          new_e_pot += CA_ANGLE_K*diff*diff;
+          ene[2] += CA_ANGLE_K*diff*diff;
+          if (calc_gradient) {
+            d12inv = 1.0/d12;
+            d32inv = 1.0/d32;
+            diff *= (-2.0*CA_ANGLE_K)/sin_theta;
+            c1 = diff*d12inv;
+            c2 = diff*d32inv;
+            f1x = c1*(r12x*(d12inv*cos_theta)-r32x*d32inv);
+            f1y = c1*(r12y*(d12inv*cos_theta)-r32y*d32inv);
+            f1z = c1*(r12z*(d12inv*cos_theta)-r32z*d32inv);
+            f3x = c2*(r32x*(d32inv*cos_theta)-r12x*d12inv);
+            f3y = c2*(r32y*(d32inv*cos_theta)-r12y*d12inv);
+            f3z = c2*(r32z*(d32inv*cos_theta)-r12z*d12inv);
+            f2x = -f1x-f3x;
+            f2y = -f1y-f3y;
+            f2z = -f1z-f3z;
+            gradient[i-1][0]+=f1x;
+            gradient[i-1][1]+=f1y;
+            gradient[i-1][2]+=f1z;
+            gradient[i][0]+=f2x;
+            gradient[i][1]+=f2y;
+            gradient[i][2]+=f2z;
+            gradient[i+1][0]+=f3x;
+            gradient[i+1][1]+=f3y;
+            gradient[i+1][2]+=f3z;
+          }
+        }
+        }
+//printf("ene[3] = %f\n", ene[3]);
+  return new_e_pot;
+ *  Steepest gradient optimization using v=k*(r0-r)^2
+ *  k = CA_K, r0 = CA_DIST
+ */
+void ca_optimize(char *tname, char *iname)
+  char buf[1000];
+  int i, j, hx, my_iter;
+  real dx, dy, dz, dd, dist, dist2, dist3, ddist, ddist2;
+  real e_pot, new_e_pot, grad, alpha, e_pot1, e_pot2, e_pot3;
+  real adiff[3], bdiff[3];
+  real ff0, ff2, aa, ab, bb, th, tdif, dth, m0, m2;
+  real theta0, deg_th, maxgrad, sum;
+  real f0[3], f2[3];
+  real x, y, z;
+  int numsteps, numsteps2, msteps;
+  int *sec;
+  real **new_c_alpha, **gradient, **init_c_alpha, last_alpha, tmp, last_good_alpha, d_alpha, last_e_pot;
+  atom_type *atom, **c_alpha;
+  res_type *res;
+  FILE *inp, *out;
+  int mnum, init, ok;
+  real alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, a0;
+  real ene1, ene2, ene3, e0;
+  real energies[4];
+  real w1, w2, w3, eps;
+  real gnorm, last_gnorm;
+  int mode, fcnt;
+    if (_CA_TRAJECTORY) {
+      out = fopen(tname,"w");
+      if (out) fclose(out);
+    }
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Alpha carbons optimization...\n");
+    new_c_alpha = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*(chain_length+1),1);
+    init_c_alpha = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*(chain_length+1),1);
+    for (i=0;i<=chain_length;i++) {
+      new_c_alpha[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);
+      init_c_alpha[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);
+    }
+    gradient = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*(chain_length+1),1);
+    for (i=0;i<=chain_length;i++) {
+      gradient[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);
+    }
+    c_alpha = (atom_type**)calloc(sizeof(atom_type*)*(chain_length+1),1);
+    i = 0;
+    res = chain->residua;
+    while (res) {
+      atom = res->atoms;
+      while (atom) {
+        if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='A') {
+          if (i<chain_length) {
+            c_alpha[i] = atom;
+            i++;
+            break;
+          } else {
+            if (_VERBOSE) printf("WARNING: number of C-alpha atoms exceeds the chain length!\n");
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        atom = atom->next;
+      }
+      res = res->next;
+    }
+    if (i<chain_length) chain_length = i;
+    for (i=0; i<chain_length; i++) {
+      init_c_alpha[i][0] = c_alpha[i]->x;
+      init_c_alpha[i][1] = c_alpha[i]->y;
+      init_c_alpha[i][2] = c_alpha[i]->z;
+    }
+    if (_CISPRO) {
+      for (i=1; i<chain_length; i++) {
+        dx = c_alpha[i]->x-c_alpha[i-1]->x;
+        dy = c_alpha[i]->y-c_alpha[i-1]->y;
+        dz = c_alpha[i]->z-c_alpha[i-1]->z;
+        dd = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
+        if ((setseq(c_alpha[i]->res->name)=='P') && (dd>CA_DIST_CISPRO-5*CA_DIST_CISPRO_TOL) && (dd<CA_DIST_CISPRO+5*CA_DIST_CISPRO_TOL)) {
+          if (_VERBOSE) printf("Probable cis-proline found at postion %d\n", c_alpha[i]->res->num);
+          c_alpha[i]->cispro = 1;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (_CA_RANDOM) {
+      if (_VERBOSE) printf("Generating random C-alpha coordinates...\n");
+      c_alpha[0]->x = 0.0;
+      c_alpha[0]->y = 0.0;
+      c_alpha[0]->z = 0.0;
+      for (i=1;i<chain_length;i++) {
+        dx = 0.01*(100-rand()%200);
+        dy = 0.01*(100-rand()%200);
+        dz = 0.01*(100-rand()%200);
+        dd = 3.8/sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
+        dx *= dd;
+        dy *= dd;
+        dz *= dd;
+        c_alpha[i]->x = c_alpha[i-1]->x+dx;
+        c_alpha[i]->y = c_alpha[i-1]->y+dy;
+        c_alpha[i]->z = c_alpha[i-1]->z+dz;
+      }
+    }
+    if (iname) {
+      inp = fopen(iname,"r");
+      if (inp) {
+        if (_VERBOSE) printf("Reading initial structure %s...\n", iname);
+        i = 0;
+        while (!feof(inp)) {
+          if (fgets(buf,1000,inp)==buf && buf[13]=='C' && buf[14]=='A') {
+            if (i<chain_length) {
+              if (sscanf(&buf[30],"%lf%lf%lf",&x,&y,&z)==3) {
+                c_alpha[i]->x = x;
+                c_alpha[i]->y = y;
+                c_alpha[i]->z = z;
+                i++;
+              }
+            } else {
+              if (_VERBOSE) printf("WARNING: number of ini-file C-alpha atoms exceeds the chain length!\n");
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        fclose(inp);
+      } else
+        if (_VERBOSE) printf("WARNING: can't read initial corrdinates %s\n", iname);
+    }
+    mnum = 1;
+    mode = 0;
+    init = 0;
+    numsteps=numsteps2=0;
+    last_alpha = 0.0;
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Optimizing alpha carbons...\n");
+    eps = 0.5;
+    fcnt=0;
+    last_gnorm = 1000.;
+    do {
+      last_e_pot = e_pot;
+      if (_CA_TRAJECTORY) {
+        out = fopen(tname,"a");
+        if (out) {
+          fprintf(out,"MODEL  %d\n",mnum++);
+          for (i=0; i<chain_length; i++) {
+            fprintf(out, "ATOM  %5d  %-3s %3s %c%4d    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n",
+                    i+1, "CA ", c_alpha[i]->res->name, ' ', c_alpha[i]->res->num,
+  				          c_alpha[i]->x, c_alpha[i]->y, c_alpha[i]->z);
+          }
+          fprintf(out,"ENDMDL\n");
+          fclose(out);
+        }
+      }
+// calculate gradients
+      e_pot=e_pot1=e_pot2=e_pot3=0.;
+      for (i=0; i<chain_length; i++)
+        gradient[i][0]=gradient[i][1]=gradient[i][2]=0.;
+      e_pot = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, 0.0, energies, true);
+      if (_VERBOSE && !init) {
+        printf("Initial energy: bond=%.5lf angle=%.5f restraints=%.5f xvol=%.5f total=%.5f\n", energies[0], energies[2], energies[1], energies[3], e_pot);
+      }
+      if (!init) init=1;
+      alpha1 = -1.0;
+      alpha2 = 0.0;
+      alpha3 = 1.0;
+      ene1 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, alpha1, energies, false);
+      ene2 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, alpha2, energies, false);
+      ene3 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, alpha3, energies, false);
+      msteps = 0;
+      while (ene2>MIN(ene1,ene3) && msteps<_CA_ITER) {
+        msteps++;
+        alpha1 *= 2.0;
+        alpha3 *= 2.0;
+        ene1 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, alpha1, energies, false);
+        ene3 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, alpha3, energies, false);
+      }
+      msteps = 0;
+      do {
+        if (alpha3-alpha2>alpha2-alpha1) {
+          a0 = 0.5*(alpha2+alpha3);
+          e0 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, a0, energies, false);
+          e0 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, a0-1e-5, energies, false);
+          e0 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, a0+1e-5, energies, false);
+          e0 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, a0, energies, false);
+          if (e0<ene2) {
+            alpha1 = alpha2;
+            alpha2 = a0;
+            ene1 = ene2;
+            ene2 = e0;
+          } else {
+            alpha3 = a0;
+            ene3 = e0;
+          }
+        } else {
+          a0 = 0.5*(alpha1+alpha2);
+          e0 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, a0, energies, false);
+          e0 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, a0-1e-5, energies, false);
+          e0 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, a0+1e-5, energies, false);
+          e0 = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, a0, energies, false);
+          if (e0<ene2) {
+            alpha3 = alpha2;
+            alpha2 = a0;
+            ene3 = ene2;
+            ene2 = e0;
+          } else {
+            alpha1 = a0;
+            ene1 = e0;
+          }
+        }
+        msteps++;
+      } while (alpha3-alpha1>1e-6 && msteps<20);
+      last_alpha = alpha2;
+      e_pot = ene2;
+      for (i=0; i<chain_length; i++) {
+        c_alpha[i]->x=c_alpha[i]->x+(last_alpha+last_alpha*(rnd()-0.5)*eps)*gradient[i][0];
+        c_alpha[i]->y=c_alpha[i]->y+(last_alpha+last_alpha*(rnd()-0.5)*eps)*gradient[i][1];
+        c_alpha[i]->z=c_alpha[i]->z+(last_alpha+last_alpha*(rnd()-0.5)*eps)*gradient[i][2];
+      }
+      e_pot = calc_ca_energy(c_alpha, new_c_alpha, init_c_alpha, gradient, 0.0, energies, false);
+      eps *= 0.75;
+      if (eps<1e-3) eps=0.0;
+      numsteps++;
+      gnorm = 0.0;
+	  for (i=0; i<chain_length; i++) {
+        gnorm += gradient[i][0]*gradient[i][0] + gradient[i][1]*gradient[i][1] + gradient[i][2]*gradient[i][2];
+      }
+      gnorm = sqrt(gnorm/(double)chain_length);
+      if (last_gnorm-gnorm<1e-3) fcnt++;
+      last_gnorm = gnorm;
+    } while ( (fcnt<3) &&  (gnorm>0.01) && (numsteps<_CA_ITER));
+     if (_VERBOSE) {
+        for (i=0; i<chain_length; i++) {
+#ifdef CALC_C_ALPHA
+          if (i>0) {
+            dx=c_alpha[i]->x-c_alpha[i-1]->x;
+            dy=c_alpha[i]->y-c_alpha[i-1]->y;
+            dz=c_alpha[i]->z-c_alpha[i-1]->z;
+            dist=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
+            if (c_alpha[i]->cispro) {
+              ddist=CA_DIST_CISPRO-dist;
+              if (fabs(ddist)<CA_DIST_CISPRO_TOL) ddist=0.0;
+            } else {
+              ddist=CA_DIST-dist;
+              if (fabs(ddist)<CA_DIST_TOL) ddist=0.0;
+            }
+            ddist2=ddist*ddist;
+       	    if (fabs(ddist)>=CA_DIST_TOL) printf("WARNING: distance %d = %.3lf A\n", i, dist);
+          }
+        }
+        for (i=0; i<chain_length; i++) {
+          if (i>0 && i<chain_length-1) {
+            aa=ab=bb=0.0;
+            adiff[0]=c_alpha[i-1]->x-c_alpha[i]->x;
+            bdiff[0]=c_alpha[i+1]->x-c_alpha[i]->x;
+            aa+=adiff[0]*adiff[0];
+            ab+=adiff[0]*bdiff[0];
+            bb+=bdiff[0]*bdiff[0];
+            adiff[1]=c_alpha[i-1]->y-c_alpha[i]->y;
+            bdiff[1]=c_alpha[i+1]->y-c_alpha[i]->y;
+            aa+=adiff[1]*adiff[1];
+            ab+=adiff[1]*bdiff[1];
+            bb+=bdiff[1]*bdiff[1];
+            adiff[2]=c_alpha[i-1]->z-c_alpha[i]->z;
+            bdiff[2]=c_alpha[i+1]->z-c_alpha[i]->z;
+            aa+=adiff[2]*adiff[2];
+            ab+=adiff[2]*bdiff[2];
+            bb+=bdiff[2]*bdiff[2];
+            th=ab/sqrt(aa*bb);
+            if (th<-1.0) th=-1.0;
+            if (th>1.0) th=1.0;
+            th=acos(th);
+            deg_th=RADDEG*th;
+            if (deg_th>150.) theta0=DEGRAD*150.; else
+            if (deg_th<75.) theta0=DEGRAD*75.; else
+            theta0=th;
+       	    if (fabs(deg_th-RADDEG*theta0)>1.0) printf("WARNING: angle %d = %.3lf degrees\n", i, deg_th);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Optimization done after %d step(s).\nFinal energy: bond=%.5lf angle=%.5f restraints=%.5f xvol=%.5f total=%.5f\n", numsteps, energies[0], energies[2], energies[1], energies[3], e_pot);
+    if (_CA_TRAJECTORY) {
+      out = fopen(tname,"a");
+      if (out) {
+        fprintf(out,"END\n");
+      }
+    }
+    for (i=0;i<chain_length+1;i++) {
+      free(init_c_alpha[i]);
+      free(new_c_alpha[i]);
+      free(gradient[i]);
+    }
+    free(new_c_alpha);
+    free(gradient);
+    free(c_alpha);
+    free(init_c_alpha);
+void center_chain(mol_type *mol)
+  real cx, cy, cz;
+  int natom;
+  res_type *res;
+  atom_type *atom;
+    cx = cy = cz = 0.0;
+    natom = 0;
+    res = mol->residua;
+    while (res) {
+      atom = res->atoms;
+      while (atom) {
+        cx += atom->x;
+        cy += atom->y;
+        cz += atom->z;
+        natom++;
+  			atom=atom->next;
+  		}
+      res = res->next;
+    }
+    cx /= (real)natom;
+    cy /= (real)natom;
+    cz /= (real)natom;
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Molecule center: %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f -> 0.000 0.000 0.000\n", cx, cy, cz);
+    res = mol->residua;
+    while (res) {
+      atom = res->atoms;
+      while (atom) {
+        atom->x -= cx;
+        atom->y -= cy;
+        atom->z -= cz;
+        natom++;
+  		atom=atom->next;
+  	  }
+      res = res->next;
+    }
+void write_pdb(char *name, mol_type *mol)
+  FILE *out;
+  res_type *res;
+  atom_type *atom;
+  int anum;
+    out = fopen(name,"w");
+    if (!out) {
+      if (_VERBOSE) printf("Can't open output file!\n");
+      return;
+    }
+    fprintf(out,"REMARK 999 REBUILT BY PULCHRA V.%.2f\n", PULCHRA_VERSION);
+    anum=1;
+    res = mol->residua;
+    while (res) {
+      if (res->protein) {
+        if (!_BB_REARRANGE) {
+          atom = res->atoms;
+          while (atom) {
+            if (!(atom->name[0]=='D' && atom->name[1]=='U') &&
+                !(atom->name[0]=='S' && atom->name[1]=='C') &&
+                !(atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='M') &&
+                !(atom->name[0]=='H' && !_REBUILD_H))
+              fprintf(out, "ATOM  %5d  %-3s %3s %c%4d    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n",
+                            anum++, atom->name, res->name, ' ', res->num,
+    	    				          atom->x, atom->y, atom->z);
+      			atom=atom->next;
+      		}
+      	} else {
+          atom = res->atoms;
+          while (atom) {
+            if (!(atom->name[0]=='D' && atom->name[1]=='U') &&
+                !(atom->name[0]=='S' && atom->name[1]=='C') &&
+                !(atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]==' ') &&
+                !(atom->name[0]=='O' && atom->name[1]==' ') &&
+                !(atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='M') &&
+                !(atom->name[0]=='H' && !_REBUILD_H))
+              fprintf(out, "ATOM  %5d  %-3s %3s %c%4d    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n",
+                            anum++, atom->name, res->name, ' ', res->num,
+    	    				          atom->x, atom->y, atom->z);
+      			atom=atom->next;
+      		}
+          atom = res->atoms;
+          while (atom) {
+            if (((atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]==' ') ||
+                (atom->name[0]=='O' && atom->name[1]==' ')) &&
+               !(atom->name[0]=='H' && !_REBUILD_H))
+              fprintf(out, "ATOM  %5d  %-3s %3s %c%4d    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n",
+                            anum++, atom->name, res->name, ' ', res->num,
+    	    				          atom->x, atom->y, atom->z);
+      			atom=atom->next;
+      		}
+      	}
+      }
+      res = res->next;
+    }
+    fprintf(out,"TER\nEND\n");
+    fclose(out);
+void write_pdb_sg(char *name, mol_type *mol)
+  FILE *out;
+  res_type *res;
+  atom_type *atom;
+  int anum;
+    out = fopen(name,"w");
+    if (!out) {
+      if (_VERBOSE) printf("Can't open output file!\n");
+      return;
+    }
+    fprintf(out,"REMARK 999 REBUILT BY PULCHRA V.%.2f\n", PULCHRA_VERSION);
+    anum=1;
+    res = mol->residua;
+    while (res) {
+      if (res->protein) {
+        atom = res->atoms;
+        while (atom) {
+          if ((atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='A'))
+            fprintf(out, "ATOM  %5d  %-3s %3s %c%4d    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n",
+                          anum++, atom->name, res->name, ' ', res->num,
+    	  				          atom->x, atom->y, atom->z);
+    			atom=atom->next;
+    		}
+        fprintf(out, "ATOM  %5d  %-3s %3s %c%4d    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n",
+                      anum++, "CM ", res->name, ' ', res->num,
+    				          res->cmx, res->cmy, res->cmz);
+    	}
+      res = res->next;
+    }
+    fprintf(out,"TER\nEND\n");
+    fclose(out);
+real calc_distance(real x1, real y1, real z1,
+							 		  real x2, real y2, real z2)
+  real dx,dy,dz;
+  real dist2;
+    dx = (x1) - (x2);
+    dy = (y1) - (y2);
+    dz = (z1) - (z2);
+    if (dx || dy || dz ) {
+      dist2 = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz;
+      return (sqrt(dist2));
+    } else
+      return 0.0;
+real calc_r14(real x1, real y1, real z1,
+							 real x2, real y2, real z2,
+							 real x3, real y3, real z3,
+							 real x4, real y4, real z4)
+  real r, dx, dy, dz;
+  real vx1, vy1, vz1, vx2, vy2, vz2, vx3, vy3, vz3;
+  real hand;
+    dx = x4-x1;
+    dy = y4-y1;
+    dz = z4-z1;
+    r = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
+    vx1=x2-x1;
+    vy1=y2-y1;
+    vz1=z2-z1;
+    vx2=x3-x2;
+    vy2=y3-y2;
+    vz2=z3-z2;
+    vx3=x4-x3;
+    vy3=y4-y3;
+    vz3=z4-z3;
+    hand = (vy1*vz2-vy2*vz1)*vx3+
+           (vz1*vx2-vz2*vx1)*vy3+
+           (vx1*vy2-vx2*vy1)*vz3;
+    if (hand<0) r=-r;
+  return r;
+real superimpose2(real **coords1, real **coords2, int npoints, real **tpoints, int ntpoints)
+  real mat_s[3][3], mat_a[3][3], mat_b[3][3], mat_g[3][3];
+  real mat_u[3][3], tmp_mat[3][3];
+  real val, d, alpha, beta, gamma, x, y, z;
+  real cx1, cy1, cz1, cx2, cy2, cz2, tmpx, tmpy, tmpz;
+  int i, j, k, n;
+    cx1=cy1=cz1=cx2=cy2=cz2=0.;
+    for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) {
+      cx1+=coords1[i][0];
+      cy1+=coords1[i][1];
+      cz1+=coords1[i][2];
+      cx2+=coords2[i][0];
+      cy2+=coords2[i][1];
+      cz2+=coords2[i][2];
+    }
+    cx1/=(real)npoints;
+    cy1/=(real)npoints;
+    cz1/=(real)npoints;
+    cx2/=(real)npoints;
+    cy2/=(real)npoints;
+    cz2/=(real)npoints;
+    for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) {
+      coords1[i][0]-=cx1;
+      coords1[i][1]-=cy1;
+      coords1[i][2]-=cz1;
+      coords2[i][0]-=cx2;
+      coords2[i][1]-=cy2;
+      coords2[i][2]-=cz2;
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<ntpoints; i++) {
+      tpoints[i][0]-=cx2;
+      tpoints[i][1]-=cy2;
+      tpoints[i][2]-=cz2;
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+      for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
+        if (i==j)
+          mat_s[i][j]=mat_a[i][j]=mat_b[i][j]=mat_g[i][j]=1.0;
+        else
+          mat_s[i][j]=mat_a[i][j]=mat_b[i][j]=mat_g[i][j]=0.0;
+        mat_u[i][j]=0.;
+      }
+    for (n=0; n<npoints; n++) {
+      mat_u[0][0]+=coords1[n][0]*coords2[n][0];
+      mat_u[0][1]+=coords1[n][0]*coords2[n][1];
+      mat_u[0][2]+=coords1[n][0]*coords2[n][2];
+      mat_u[1][0]+=coords1[n][1]*coords2[n][0];
+      mat_u[1][1]+=coords1[n][1]*coords2[n][1];
+      mat_u[1][2]+=coords1[n][1]*coords2[n][2];
+      mat_u[2][0]+=coords1[n][2]*coords2[n][0];
+      mat_u[2][1]+=coords1[n][2]*coords2[n][1];
+      mat_u[2][2]+=coords1[n][2]*coords2[n][2];
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+      for (j=0; j<3; j++)
+        tmp_mat[i][j]=0.;
+    do {
+      d=mat_u[2][1]-mat_u[1][2];
+      if (d==0) alpha=0; else alpha=atan(d/(mat_u[1][1]+mat_u[2][2]));
+      if (cos(alpha)*(mat_u[1][1]+mat_u[2][2])+sin(alpha)*(mat_u[2][1]-mat_u[1][2])<0.0)       alpha+=M_PI;
+      mat_a[1][1]=mat_a[2][2]=cos(alpha);
+      mat_a[2][1]=sin(alpha);
+      mat_a[1][2]=-mat_a[2][1];
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++)
+          for (k=0; k<3; k++)
+            tmp_mat[i][j]+=mat_u[i][k]*mat_a[j][k];
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
+          mat_u[i][j]=tmp_mat[i][j];
+          tmp_mat[i][j]=0.;
+        }
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++)
+          for (k=0; k<3; k++)
+            tmp_mat[i][j]+=mat_a[i][k]*mat_s[k][j];
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
+          mat_s[i][j]=tmp_mat[i][j];
+          tmp_mat[i][j]=0.;
+        }
+      d=mat_u[0][2]-mat_u[2][0];
+      if (d==0) beta=0; else beta=atan(d/(mat_u[0][0]+mat_u[2][2]));
+      if (cos(beta)*(mat_u[0][0]+mat_u[2][2])+sin(beta)*(mat_u[0][2]-mat_u[2][0])<0.0) beta+=M_PI;
+      mat_b[0][0]=mat_b[2][2]=cos(beta);
+      mat_b[0][2]=sin(beta);
+      mat_b[2][0]=-mat_b[0][2];
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++)
+          for (k=0; k<3; k++)
+            tmp_mat[i][j]+=mat_u[i][k]*mat_b[j][k];
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
+          mat_u[i][j]=tmp_mat[i][j];
+          tmp_mat[i][j]=0.;
+        }
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++)
+          for (k=0; k<3; k++)
+            tmp_mat[i][j]+=mat_b[i][k]*mat_s[k][j];
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
+          mat_s[i][j]=tmp_mat[i][j];
+          tmp_mat[i][j]=0.;
+        }
+      d=mat_u[1][0]-mat_u[0][1];
+      if (d==0) gamma=0; else gamma=atan(d/(mat_u[0][0]+mat_u[1][1]));
+      if (cos(gamma)*(mat_u[0][0]+mat_u[1][1])+sin(gamma)*(mat_u[1][0]-mat_u[0][1])<0.0)
+        gamma+=M_PI;
+      mat_g[0][0]=mat_g[1][1]=cos(gamma);
+      mat_g[1][0]=sin(gamma);
+      mat_g[0][1]=-mat_g[1][0];
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++)
+          for (k=0; k<3; k++)
+            tmp_mat[i][j]+=mat_u[i][k]*mat_g[j][k];
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
+          mat_u[i][j]=tmp_mat[i][j];
+          tmp_mat[i][j]=0.;
+        }
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++)
+          for (k=0; k<3; k++)
+            tmp_mat[i][j]+=mat_g[i][k]*mat_s[k][j];
+      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
+          mat_s[i][j]=tmp_mat[i][j];
+          tmp_mat[i][j]=0.;
+        }
+      val=fabs(alpha)+fabs(beta)+fabs(gamma);
+    } while (val>0.001);
+    val=0.;
+    for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) {
+      x=coords2[i][0];
+      y=coords2[i][1];
+      z=coords2[i][2];
+      tmpx=x*mat_s[0][0]+y*mat_s[0][1]+z*mat_s[0][2];
+      tmpy=x*mat_s[1][0]+y*mat_s[1][1]+z*mat_s[1][2];
+      tmpz=x*mat_s[2][0]+y*mat_s[2][1]+z*mat_s[2][2];
+      x=coords1[i][0]-tmpx;
+      y=coords1[i][1]-tmpy;
+      z=coords1[i][2]-tmpz;
+      val+=x*x+y*y+z*z;
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<ntpoints; i++) {
+      x=tpoints[i][0];
+      y=tpoints[i][1];
+      z=tpoints[i][2];
+      tpoints[i][0]=x*mat_s[0][0]+y*mat_s[0][1]+z*mat_s[0][2];
+      tpoints[i][1]=x*mat_s[1][0]+y*mat_s[1][1]+z*mat_s[1][2];
+      tpoints[i][2]=x*mat_s[2][0]+y*mat_s[2][1]+z*mat_s[2][2];
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) {
+      coords1[i][0]+=cx1;
+      coords1[i][1]+=cy1;
+      coords1[i][2]+=cz1;
+      coords2[i][0]+=cx2;
+      coords2[i][1]+=cy2;
+      coords2[i][2]+=cz2;
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<ntpoints; i++) {
+      tpoints[i][0]+=cx1;
+      tpoints[i][1]+=cy1;
+      tpoints[i][2]+=cz1;
+    }
+  return sqrt(val/(real)npoints);
+atom_type *find_atom(res_type *res, char *aname)
+  atom_type *atom;
+    atom = res->atoms;
+    while (atom) {
+      if (atom->name[0]==aname[0] && atom->name[1]==aname[1] && atom->name[2]==aname[2]) {
+        return atom;
+        break;
+      }
+      atom = atom->next;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+void add_replace(res_type *res, char *aname, real x, real y, real z, int flags)
+  atom_type *atom, *newatom;
+    atom = res->atoms;
+    while (atom) {
+      if (atom->name[0]==aname[0] && atom->name[1]==aname[1] && atom->name[2]==aname[2]) {
+        atom->x = x; atom->y = y; atom->z = z;
+        atom->flag |= flags;
+        break;
+      }
+      atom = atom->next;
+    }
+    if (!atom) {
+      newatom = (atom_type*)calloc(sizeof(atom_type),1);
+      newatom->x = x;
+      newatom->y = y;
+      newatom->z = z;
+      newatom->flag |= flags;
+      newatom->res = res;
+      newatom->name = (char*)calloc(4,1);
+      strcpy(newatom->name,aname);
+      atom = res->atoms;
+      while (atom) {
+        if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='A')
+          break;
+        atom = atom->next;
+      }
+      if (aname[0]=='N' && aname[1]==' ') {
+        newatom->next = res->atoms;
+        res->atoms = newatom;
+      } else {
+        while (atom->next) atom=atom->next;
+        atom->next = newatom;
+      }
+    }
+int **RBINS;
+real **X_COORDS, **C_ALPHA;
+#ifdef COMPILE_BB
+void rebuild_backbone(void)
+  res_type *res, *prevres;
+  atom_type *atom;
+  real **cacoords, **tmpcoords, **tmpstat;
+  real x1, y1, z1;
+  real x2, y2, z2;
+  real x3, y3, z3;
+  real x4, y4, z4;
+  real r13_1, r13_2, r14;
+  real besthit, hit;
+  int bestpos;
+  int i, j, k, l, m, bin13_1, bin13_2, bin14, found, pro;
+  int b13_1, b13_2, b14;
+  real rmsd, total, maxrms;
+  FILE *debug, *out;
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Rebuilding backbone...\n");
+    RBINS = (int**)calloc(sizeof(int*)*(chain_length+1),1);
+    for (i=0;i<chain_length+1;i++)
+      RBINS[i] = (int*)calloc(sizeof(int)*3,1);
+    X_COORDS = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*(chain_length+10),1);
+    for (i=0;i<chain_length+10;i++)
+      X_COORDS[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);
+    i = 5;
+	res = chain->residua;
+    while (res) {
+      atom = res->atoms;
+      while (atom) {
+        if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='A') {
+          X_COORDS[i][0] = atom->x;
+          X_COORDS[i][1] = atom->y;
+          X_COORDS[i][2] = atom->z;
+          i++;
+        }
+        atom = atom->next;
+      }
+      res = res->next;
+    }
+    cacoords = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*(8),1);
+    tmpcoords = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*(8),1);
+    tmpstat = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*(8),1);
+    for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
+      cacoords[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);;
+      tmpcoords[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);;
+      tmpstat[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);;
+    }
+    C_ALPHA = &X_COORDS[5];
+    // rebuild ends...
+    for (i=0,j=0;i<5;i++,j++)
+      for (k=0;k<3;k++)
+        tmpcoords[j][k] = C_ALPHA[i][k];
+    for (i=2,j=0;i<5;i++,j++)
+      for (k=0;k<3;k++)
+        cacoords[j][k] = C_ALPHA[i][k];
+    for (i=0,j=0;i<3;i++,j++)
+      for (k=0;k<3;k++)
+        tmpstat[j][k] = C_ALPHA[i][k];
+    superimpose2(tmpstat,cacoords,3,tmpcoords,5);
+    for (i=-2,j=0;i<0;i++,j++)
+      for (k=0;k<3;k++)
+        C_ALPHA[i][k] = tmpcoords[j][k];
+    for (i=chain_length-5,j=0;i<chain_length;i++,j++)
+      for (k=0;k<3;k++)
+        tmpcoords[j][k] = C_ALPHA[i][k];
+    for (i=chain_length-5,j=0;i<chain_length-2;i++,j++)
+      for (k=0;k<3;k++)
+        cacoords[j][k] = C_ALPHA[i][k];
+    for (i=chain_length-3,j=0;i<chain_length;i++,j++)
+      for (k=0;k<3;k++)
+        tmpstat[j][k] = C_ALPHA[i][k];
+    superimpose2(tmpstat,cacoords,3,tmpcoords,5);
+    for (i=chain_length-3,j=0;i<chain_length;i++,j++)
+      for (k=0;k<3;k++)
+        C_ALPHA[i+3][k] = tmpcoords[j+3][k];
+    prevres = NULL;
+    res = chain->residua;
+    total = maxrms = 0.0;
+    for (i=0;i<chain_length+1;i++) {
+    	x1 = C_ALPHA[i-2][0];
+    	y1 = C_ALPHA[i-2][1];
+    	z1 = C_ALPHA[i-2][2];
+    	x2 = C_ALPHA[i-1][0];
+    	y2 = C_ALPHA[i-1][1];
+    	z2 = C_ALPHA[i-1][2];
+    	x3 = C_ALPHA[i][0];
+    	y3 = C_ALPHA[i][1];
+    	z3 = C_ALPHA[i][2];
+    	x4 = C_ALPHA[i+1][0];
+    	y4 = C_ALPHA[i+1][1];
+    	z4 = C_ALPHA[i+1][2];
+    	r13_1 = calc_distance(x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3);
+    	r13_2 = calc_distance(x2, y2, z2, x4, y4, z4);
+    	r14 = calc_r14(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4);
+      bin13_1 = (int)((r13_1-4.6)/0.3);
+      bin13_2 = (int)((r13_2-4.6)/0.3);
+      bin14 = (int)((r14+11.)/0.3);
+      if (bin13_1<0) bin13_1=0;
+      if (bin13_2<0) bin13_2=0;
+      if (bin14<0) bin14=0;
+      if (bin13_1>9) bin13_1=9;
+      if (bin13_2>9) bin13_2=9;
+      if (bin14>73) bin14=73;
+      RBINS[i][0] = bin13_1;
+      RBINS[i][1] = bin13_2;
+      RBINS[i][2] = bin14;
+    	cacoords[0][0] = x1;
+    	cacoords[0][1] = y1;
+    	cacoords[0][2] = z1;
+    	cacoords[1][0] = x2;
+     	cacoords[1][1] = y2;
+     	cacoords[1][2] = z2;
+     	cacoords[2][0] = x3;
+     	cacoords[2][1] = y3;
+     	cacoords[2][2] = z3;
+     	cacoords[3][0] = x4;
+     	cacoords[3][1] = y4;
+     	cacoords[3][2] = z4;
+      pro = 0;
+      if (prevres && !strncmp(prevres->name,"PRO",3)) {
+        j=0;
+        besthit=1000.;
+        bestpos=0;
+        do {
+          hit = abs(nco_stat_pro[j].bins[0]-bin13_1)+abs(nco_stat_pro[j].bins[1]-bin13_2)+0.2*abs(nco_stat_pro[j].bins[2]-bin14);
+          if (hit<besthit) {
+            besthit=hit;
+            bestpos=j;
+          }
+          j++;
+        } while (nco_stat_pro[j].bins[0]>=0 && hit>1e-3);
+        for (j=0;j<4;j++) {
+         	for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+         		tmpstat[j][k] = nco_stat_pro[bestpos].data[j][k];
+       	  }
+     	  }
+        for (j=0;j<8;j++) {
+         	for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+         		tmpcoords[j][k] = nco_stat_pro[bestpos].data[j][k];
+       	  }
+     	  }
+      } else {
+        j=0;
+        besthit=1000.;
+        bestpos=0;
+        do {
+          hit = abs(nco_stat[j].bins[0]-bin13_1)+abs(nco_stat[j].bins[1]-bin13_2)+0.2*abs(nco_stat[j].bins[2]-bin14);
+          if (hit<besthit) {
+            besthit=hit;
+            bestpos=j;
+          }
+          j++;
+        } while (nco_stat[j].bins[0]>=0 && hit>1e-3);
+        for (j=0;j<4;j++) {
+         	for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+         		tmpstat[j][k] = nco_stat[bestpos].data[j][k];
+       	  }
+     	  }
+        for (j=0;j<8;j++) {
+         	for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+         		tmpcoords[j][k] = nco_stat[bestpos].data[j][k];
+       	  }
+     	  }
+      }
+     	rmsd=superimpose2(cacoords, tmpstat, 4, tmpcoords, 8);
+     	total += rmsd;
+     	if (rmsd>maxrms) maxrms=rmsd;
+// add-or-replace
+      if (prevres) {
+        add_replace(prevres, "C  ", tmpcoords[4][0], tmpcoords[4][1], tmpcoords[4][2], FLAG_BACKBONE);
+        add_replace(prevres, "O  ", tmpcoords[5][0], tmpcoords[5][1], tmpcoords[5][2], FLAG_BACKBONE);
+      }
+      if (res) {
+        add_replace(res, "N  ", tmpcoords[6][0], tmpcoords[6][1], tmpcoords[6][2], FLAG_BACKBONE);
+      }
+      prevres = res;
+      if (res)
+        res = res->next;
+    }
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Backbone rebuilding deviation: average = %.3f, max = %.3f\n", total/(real)chain_length, maxrms);
+typedef struct _rot_struct {
+  int r13_1, r13_2, r14;
+  int nc;
+  real ***coords;
+  struct _rot_struct *next;
+} rot_struct;
+rot_struct *rotamers[20];
+/* this is obsolete in a standalone version of PULCHRA */
+void read_rotamers(void)
+  FILE *inp;
+  char buf[1000];
+  char dum[100];
+  int aa, i, j, k, l, n;
+  rot_struct *new_rot, *last_rot;
+  real x, y, z;
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Reading rotamer library...\n");
+    inp = fopen("NEWROT","r");
+    last_rot=NULL;
+    while (!feof(inp)) {
+      if (fgets(buf,1000,inp)==buf) {
+        if (buf[0]=='A') {
+          sscanf(buf,"%s %d", dum, &aa);
+          if (last_rot) last_rot->next = NULL;
+          last_rot = NULL;
+          if (fgets(buf,1000,inp)!=buf) break;
+        }
+//        printf("aa: %d\n", aa);
+        if (aa==20) break;
+        sscanf(buf,"%d %d %d %s %d", &i, &j, &k, dum, &l);
+        new_rot = (rot_struct*)calloc(sizeof(rot_struct),1);
+//        printf("%d %d %d nc: %d\n", i, j, k, l);
+        new_rot->r13_1 = i;
+        new_rot->r13_2 = j;
+        new_rot->r14 = k;
+        new_rot->nc = l;
+        new_rot->next = NULL;
+        new_rot->coords = (real***)calloc(sizeof(real**)*l,1);
+        for (i=0;i<l;i++) {
+          new_rot->coords[i]=(real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*(nheavy[aa]+1),1);
+          for (j=0;j<(nheavy[aa]+1);j++) {
+            new_rot->coords[i][j]=(real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);
+          }
+        }
+        for (i=0;i<l;i++) {
+          fgets(buf,1000,inp);
+          for (j=0;j<(nheavy[aa]+1);j++) {
+            fgets(buf,1000,inp);
+            sscanf(buf,"%lf%lf%lf",&x, &y, &z);
+            new_rot->coords[i][j][0]=x;
+            new_rot->coords[i][j][1]=y;
+            new_rot->coords[i][j][2]=z;
+          }
+          if (last_rot) {
+            last_rot->next = new_rot;
+          } else {
+            rotamers[aa] = new_rot;
+          }
+          last_rot = new_rot;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    fclose(inp);
+void cross(real *v1, real *v2, real *v3)
+  v3[0] = v1[1]*v2[2]-v1[2]*v2[1];
+  v3[1] = v1[2]*v2[0]-v1[0]*v2[2];
+  v3[2] = v1[0]*v2[1]-v1[1]*v2[0];
+void norm(real *v)
+  real d;
+    d = sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2]);
+    v[0] /= d;
+    v[1] /= d;
+    v[2] /= d;
+int check_xvol(res_type *res)
+  res_type *res2;
+  atom_type *atom1, *atom2;
+  real dx, dy, dz, dd;
+    res2 = chain->residua;
+    while (res2) {
+      atom2 = res2->atoms;
+      if (res!=res2) {
+        while (atom2) {
+          atom1 = res->atoms;
+          while (atom1) {
+            if (atom1->flag & FLAG_SIDECHAIN) {
+              dx = atom1->x-atom2->x;
+              dy = atom1->y-atom2->y;
+              dz = atom1->z-atom2->z;
+              dd = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz;
+              if (dd<(1.7*1.7)) {
+                return 1;
+              }
+            }
+            atom1=atom1->next;
+          }
+          atom2=atom2->next;
+        }
+      }
+      res2=res2->next;
+    }
+  return 0;
+void rebuild_sidechains(void)
+  FILE *out;
+  res_type *res, *prevres, *testres;
+  atom_type *atom, *atom1, *atom2;
+  real **cacoords, **tmpcoords, **tmpstat;
+  real x1, y1, z1;
+  real x2, y2, z2;
+  real x3, y3, z3;
+  real x4, y4, z4;
+  real x5, y5, z5;
+  real r14, r13_1, r13_2;
+  real dx, dy, dz, dd;
+  real hit, besthit;
+  int exvol, bestpos;
+  int i, j, k, l, m, bin13_1, bin13_2, bin14;
+  real rmsd, total;
+  real v1[3], v2a[3], v2b[3], v2[3], v3[3];
+  int nsc, nca;
+  real cax, cay, caz;
+  real **lsys, **vv, **sc;
+  char scn[12][4];
+  rot_struct *rot;
+  int ok, last_a, last_b, last_c, last_d, jpos;
+  int jx, jy, jz, jxi, jyi, jzi, b13_1, b13_2, b14, jm;
+  int crot, bestrot, minexvol, totexvol, rtried, pos, cpos;
+  real cmx, cmy, cmz, ddx, ddy, ddz, ddd, bestdd;
+  real sort_rot[100][2];
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Rebuilding side chains...\n");
+    lsys = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*3,1);
+    vv = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*3,1);
+    sc = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*12,1);
+    for (i=0;i<12;i++)
+      sc[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);
+    for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
+      lsys[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);
+      vv[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);
+    }
+    SORTED_ROTAMERS = (real***)calloc(sizeof(real**)*(chain_length+1),1);
+    for (i=0;i<chain_length+1;i++) {
+      SORTED_ROTAMERS[i] = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*10,1);
+      for (j=0;j<10;j++) {
+        SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][j] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*2,1);
+      }
+    }
+    prevres = NULL;
+    res = chain->residua;
+    totexvol = 0;
+    for (i=0;i<chain_length;i++) {
+      if (!strncmp(res->name,"GLY",3) || !res->protein) {
+        if (res->next) res = res->next;
+        continue;
+      }
+  		x1 = C_ALPHA[i-2][0];
+  		y1 = C_ALPHA[i-2][1];
+  		z1 = C_ALPHA[i-2][2];
+  		x2 = C_ALPHA[i-1][0];
+  		y2 = C_ALPHA[i-1][1];
+  		z2 = C_ALPHA[i-1][2];
+  		x3 = C_ALPHA[i][0];
+  		y3 = C_ALPHA[i][1];
+  		z3 = C_ALPHA[i][2];
+  		x4 = C_ALPHA[i+1][0];
+  		y4 = C_ALPHA[i+1][1];
+  		z4 = C_ALPHA[i+1][2];
+      bin13_1 = RBINS[i][0];
+      bin13_2 = RBINS[i][1];
+      bin14 = RBINS[i][2];
+      v1[0] = x4-x2;
+      v1[1] = y4-y2;
+      v1[2] = z4-z2;
+      v2a[0] = x4-x3;
+      v2a[1] = y4-y3;
+      v2a[2] = z4-z3;
+      v2b[0] = x3-x2;
+      v2b[1] = y3-y2;
+      v2b[2] = z3-z2;
+      cross(v2a, v2b, v2);
+      cross(v1, v2, v3);
+      norm(v1);
+      norm(v2);
+      norm(v3);
+// gather 10 closest rotamer conformations...
+      for (j=0;j<10;j++)
+        SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][j][0] = 500.;
+      j = 0;
+      besthit = 1000.;
+      bestpos = 0;
+      do {
+        if (rot_stat_idx[j][0]==res->type) {
+          hit = abs(rot_stat_idx[j][1]-bin13_1)+abs(rot_stat_idx[j][2]-bin13_2)+0.2*abs(rot_stat_idx[j][3]-bin14);
+          if (hit<SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][9][0]) {
+            k = 9;
+            while (k>=0 && hit<SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][k][0]) {
+              k--;
+            }
+            k++;
+            // k = hit
+            for (l=9;l>k;l--) {
+              SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][l][0]=SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][l-1][0];
+              SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][l][1]=SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][l-1][1];
+            }
+            SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][k][0]=hit;
+            SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][k][1]=j;
+          }
+        }
+        j++;
+      } while (rot_stat_idx[j][0]>=0);
+      besthit = SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][0][0];
+      bestpos = SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][0][1];
+// new rebuild...
+      pos = rot_stat_idx[bestpos][5];
+      nsc = nheavy[res->type]+1;
+      if (_PDB_SG) { // more than one rotamer - check SC
+        bestdd = 100.; crot = 0;
+        for (l=0;l<2;l++) { // check two closest conformations
+          cpos = SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][l][1];
+          for (m=0;m<rot_stat_idx[cpos][4];m++) {
+            for (j=0;j<3;j++) {
+              vv[0][j] = v1[j]; vv[1][j] = v2[j]; vv[2][j] = v3[j];
+              for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+                if (j==k) lsys[j][k]=1.; else lsys[j][k]=0.;
+              }
+            }
+            pos = rot_stat_idx[cpos][5]+nsc*m;
+            for (j=0;j<nsc;j++) {
+              for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+                sc[j][k] = rot_stat_coords[pos+j][k];
+              }
+            }
+            superimpose2(vv,lsys,3,sc,nsc);
+            for (j=0;j<nsc;j++) {
+              sc[j][0] += x3;
+              sc[j][1] += y3;
+              sc[j][2] += z3;
+            }
+            cmx = 0.; cmy = 0.; cmz = 0.;
+            for (j=0;j<nsc;j++) {
+              cmx += sc[j][0];
+              cmy += sc[j][1];
+              cmz += sc[j][2];
+            }
+            cmx /= (real) nsc;
+            cmy /= (real) nsc;
+            cmz /= (real) nsc;
+            ddx = res->cmx-cmx;
+            ddy = res->cmy-cmy;
+            ddz = res->cmz-cmz;
+            ddx *= ddx;
+            ddy *= ddy;
+            ddz *= ddz;
+            ddd = ddx+ddy+ddz;
+            if (ddd<bestdd) {
+              bestdd = ddd;
+              crot = pos; // closest rotamer position
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        pos = crot;
+      } // PDB_SG
+      for (j=0;j<3;j++) {
+        vv[0][j] = v1[j]; vv[1][j] = v2[j]; vv[2][j] = v3[j];
+        for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+          if (j==k) lsys[j][k]=1.; else lsys[j][k]=0.;
+        }
+      }
+      for (j=0;j<nsc;j++) {
+        for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+          sc[j][k] = rot_stat_coords[pos+j][k];
+        }
+      }
+      superimpose2(vv,lsys,3,sc,nsc);
+      for (j=0;j<nsc;j++) {
+        sc[j][0] += x3;
+        sc[j][1] += y3;
+        sc[j][2] += z3;
+      }
+      for (j=1;j<nsc;j++) {
+        add_replace(res, heavy_atoms[10*res->type+j-1], sc[j][0], sc[j][1], sc[j][2], FLAG_SIDECHAIN);
+      }
+      if (res->next) res = res->next;
+    } // i++, next res
+    for (i=0;i<12;i++)
+      free(sc[i]);
+    for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
+      free(lsys[i]);
+      free(vv[i]);
+    }
+    free(sc);
+	free(lsys);
+	free(vv);
+typedef struct _atom_list {
+  atom_type *atom;
+  struct _atom_list *next;
+} atom_list;
+int get_conflicts(res_type *res, atom_list ****grid, int xgrid, int ygrid, int zgrid)
+  atom_list *llist;
+  atom_type *atom, *atom2;
+  int i, j, k, x, y, z;
+  int ii, jj, kk, con, iter, maxcon, merged;
+  real dx, dy, dz, dd;
+    con = 0;
+    atom = res->atoms;
+    while (atom) {
+      i = atom->gx;
+      j = atom->gy;
+      k = atom->gz;
+      for (ii=i-2;ii<=i+2;ii++)
+        for (jj=j-2;jj<=j+2;jj++)
+          for (kk=k-2;kk<=k+2;kk++) {
+            if (ii>=0 && ii<xgrid && jj>=0 && jj<ygrid && kk>=0 && kk<zgrid) {
+              llist = grid[ii][jj][kk];
+              while (llist) {
+                atom2 = llist->atom;
+                if (atom && atom2 && res && atom2->res) {
+                  merged=0;
+                  if (res==atom2->res) { // self-xvol
+                    if (atom->flag & FLAG_SIDECHAIN && atom2->flag & FLAG_SIDECHAIN) merged=1;
+                    if (atom->flag & FLAG_BACKBONE && atom2->flag & FLAG_BACKBONE) merged=1;
+                    if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='A' && atom2->name[0]=='C' && atom2->name[1]=='B') merged=1;
+                    if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='B' && atom2->name[0]=='C' && atom2->name[1]=='A') merged=1;
+                    if (res->name[0]=='P') {
+                      if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='D' && atom2->name[0]=='N' && atom2->name[1]==' ') merged=1;
+                      if (atom->name[0]=='N' && atom->name[1]==' ' && atom2->name[0]=='C' && atom2->name[1]=='D') merged=1;
+                    }
+                    if (!merged) {
+//                      printf("merged: %s[%d] %s-%s %d %d\n", res->name,res->num,atom->name,atom2->name,atom->flag,atom2->flag);
+                    }
+                  } else
+                  if (res->next==atom2->res || res==atom2->res->next) {
+                    if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]==' ' && atom2->name[0]=='N' && atom2->name[1]==' ') merged=1;
+                    if (atom->name[0]=='N' && atom->name[1]==' ' && atom2->name[0]=='C' && atom2->name[1]==' ') merged=1;
+                  }
+                  if (atom->flag & FLAG_BACKBONE && atom2->flag & FLAG_BACKBONE) merged=1; // for now
+                  if (atom->flag & FLAG_SCM || atom2->flag & FLAG_SCM) merged=1; // for now
+                  if (!merged) {
+                    dx = atom->x-atom2->x;
+                    dx*=dx;
+                    dy = atom->y-atom2->y;
+                    dy*=dy;
+                    dz = atom->z-atom2->z;
+                    dz*=dz;
+                    dd = dx+dy+dz;
+                    if (dd<_SG_XVOL_DIST*_SG_XVOL_DIST) {
+                      con++;
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+                llist = llist->next;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      atom = atom->next;
+    }
+  return con;
+int display_conflicts(res_type *res, atom_list ****grid, int xgrid, int ygrid, int zgrid)
+  atom_list *llist;
+  atom_type *atom, *atom2;
+  int i, j, k, x, y, z;
+  int ii, jj, kk, con, iter, maxcon, merged;
+  real dx, dy, dz, dd;
+    con = 0;
+    atom = res->atoms;
+    while (atom) {
+      i = atom->gx;
+      j = atom->gy;
+      k = atom->gz;
+      for (ii=i-2;ii<=i+2;ii++)
+        for (jj=j-2;jj<=j+2;jj++)
+          for (kk=k-2;kk<=k+2;kk++) {
+            if (ii>=0 && ii<xgrid && jj>=0 && jj<ygrid && kk>=0 && kk<zgrid) {
+              llist = grid[ii][jj][kk];
+              while (llist) {
+                atom2 = llist->atom;
+                if (atom && atom2 && res && atom2->res) {
+                  merged=0;
+                  if (res==atom2->res) { // self-xvol
+                    if (atom->flag & FLAG_SIDECHAIN && atom2->flag & FLAG_SIDECHAIN) merged=1;
+                    if (atom->flag & FLAG_BACKBONE && atom2->flag & FLAG_BACKBONE) merged=1;
+                    if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='A' && atom2->name[0]=='C' && atom2->name[1]=='B') merged=1;
+                    if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='B' && atom2->name[0]=='C' && atom2->name[1]=='A') merged=1;
+                    if (res->name[0]=='P') {
+                      if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='D' && atom2->name[0]=='N' && atom2->name[1]==' ') merged=1;
+                      if (atom->name[0]=='N' && atom->name[1]==' ' && atom2->name[0]=='C' && atom2->name[1]=='D') merged=1;
+                    }
+                    if (!merged) {
+//                      printf("merged: %s[%d] %s-%s %d %d\n", res->name,res->num,atom->name,atom2->name,atom->flag,atom2->flag);
+                    }
+                  } else
+                  if (res->next==atom2->res || res==atom2->res->next) {
+                    if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]==' ' && atom2->name[0]=='N' && atom2->name[1]==' ') merged=1;
+                    if (atom->name[0]=='N' && atom->name[1]==' ' && atom2->name[0]=='C' && atom2->name[1]==' ') merged=1;
+                  }
+                  if (atom->flag & FLAG_BACKBONE && atom2->flag & FLAG_BACKBONE) merged=1; // for now
+                  if (atom->flag & FLAG_SCM || atom2->flag & FLAG_SCM) merged=1; // for now
+                  if (!merged) {
+                    dx = atom->x-atom2->x;
+                    dx*=dx;
+                    dy = atom->y-atom2->y;
+                    dy*=dy;
+                    dz = atom->z-atom2->z;
+                    dz*=dz;
+                    dd = dx+dy+dz;
+                    if (dd<1.6*1.6) {
+                      printf("STERIC CONFLICT: %s[%d]%s-%s[%d]%s\n", atom->res->name,atom->res->num,atom->name,atom2->res->name,atom2->res->num,atom2->name);
+                      con++;
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+                llist = llist->next;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      atom = atom->next;
+    }
+  return con;
+void allocate_grid(atom_list *****grid_, int *xgrid_, int *ygrid_, int *zgrid_)
+  static int xgrid, ygrid, zgrid;
+  static atom_list ****grid = NULL;
+  atom_list *llist, *alist;
+  real min[3], max[3];
+  res_type *res, *worst;
+  atom_type *atom, *atom2;
+  int i, j, x, y, z;
+    if (!grid && chain->residua && chain->residua->atoms) {
+ 	    res = chain->residua;
+      min[0]=max[0]=res->atoms->x;
+      min[1]=max[1]=res->atoms->y;
+      min[2]=max[2]=res->atoms->z;
+	    while (res) {
+	      atom = res->atoms;
+	      while (atom) {
+	        if (atom->x<min[0]) min[0]=atom->x;
+	        if (atom->y<min[1]) min[1]=atom->y;
+	        if (atom->z<min[2]) min[2]=atom->z;
+	        if (atom->x>max[0]) max[0]=atom->x;
+	        if (atom->y>max[1]) max[1]=atom->y;
+	        if (atom->z>max[2]) max[2]=atom->z;
+	        atom = atom->next;
+	      }
+	      res = res->next;
+	    }
+	    xgrid = (max[0]-min[0])/GRID_RES;
+	    ygrid = (max[1]-min[1])/GRID_RES;
+	    zgrid = (max[2]-min[2])/GRID_RES;
+	    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Allocating grid (%d %d %d)...\n", xgrid, ygrid, zgrid);
+	   grid = (atom_list****)calloc(sizeof(atom_list***)*(xgrid+1),1);
+	   for (i=0;i<xgrid+1;i++) {
+	     grid[i] = (atom_list***)calloc(sizeof(atom_list**)*(ygrid+1),1);
+	     for (j=0;j<ygrid+1;j++) {
+	       grid[i][j] = (atom_list**)calloc(sizeof(atom_list*)*(zgrid+1),1);
+	     }
+	   }
+	   res = chain->residua;
+	   while (res) {
+	     atom = res->atoms;
+	     while (atom) {
+	       x = xgrid*(atom->x-min[0])/(max[0]-min[0]);
+	       y = ygrid*(atom->y-min[1])/(max[1]-min[1]);
+	       z = zgrid*(atom->z-min[2])/(max[2]-min[2]);
+	       alist = (atom_list*)calloc(sizeof(atom_list),1);
+	       alist->atom = atom;
+	       atom->gx = x;
+	       atom->gy = y;
+	       atom->gz = z;
+	       if (grid[x][y][z]!=NULL) {
+	         llist = grid[x][y][z];
+	         while (llist->next) llist=llist->next;
+	         llist->next = alist;
+	       } else {
+	         grid[x][y][z]=alist;
+	       }
+	       atom = atom->next;
+	     }
+	     res = res->next;
+	   }
+	} else {
+	   if (_VERBOSE) printf("Grid already allocated (%d %d %d)\n", xgrid, ygrid, zgrid);
+	}
+	*grid_ = grid;
+	*xgrid_ = xgrid;
+	*ygrid_ = ygrid;
+	*zgrid_ = zgrid;
+void optimize_exvol(void)
+  real min[3], max[3];
+  res_type *res, *worst;
+  atom_type *atom, *atom2;
+  int xgrid, ygrid, zgrid;
+  atom_list ****grid, *llist, *alist;
+  int i, j, k, l, m, x, y, z;
+  int ii, jj, kk, con, iter, maxcon, totcon;
+  int cpos, bestpos, pos, con0;
+  real v1[3], v2a[3], v2b[3], v2[3], v3[3];
+  int nsc, nca;
+  real cax, cay, caz;
+  real **lsys, **vv, **sc;
+  real x1, y1, z1;
+  real x2, y2, z2;
+  real x3, y3, z3;
+  real x4, y4, z4;
+    min[0]=1e5;
+    min[1]=1e5;
+    min[2]=1e5;
+    max[0]=-1e5;
+    max[1]=-1e5;
+    max[2]=-1e5;
+    lsys = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*3,1);
+    vv = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*3,1);
+    sc = (real**)calloc(sizeof(real*)*12,1);
+    for (i=0;i<12;i++)
+      sc[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);
+    for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
+      lsys[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);
+      vv[i] = (real*)calloc(sizeof(real)*3,1);
+    }
+	allocate_grid(&grid, &xgrid, &ygrid, &zgrid);
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Finding excluded volume conflicts...\n");
+	iter = 0;
+	do {
+//printf("ITER: %d\n", iter);
+      maxcon = 0;
+      totcon=0;
+      res = chain->residua;
+      while (res) {
+        if (res->protein) {
+          con = get_conflicts(res, grid, xgrid, ygrid, zgrid);
+          if (con>0) {
+            totcon+=con;
+            if (con>maxcon) {
+              maxcon = con;
+              worst = res;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        res = res->next;
+      }
+      if (_VERBOSE && iter==0) {
+        printf("Total number of conflicts: %d\n", totcon);
+      }
+      if (totcon==0) break;
+      if (_VERBOSE && iter==0) {
+        printf("Maximum number of conflicts: %s[%d] : %d\n", worst->name, worst->num, maxcon);
+      }
+      totcon=0;
+      if (maxcon>0) {
+// try to fix...
+    res = chain->residua;
+    for (i=0;i<chain_length;i++) {
+      if (!strncmp(res->name,"GLY",3) || !res->protein) {
+        if (res->next) res = res->next;
+        continue;
+      }
+      nsc = nheavy[res->type]+1;
+    	x1 = C_ALPHA[i-2][0];
+    	y1 = C_ALPHA[i-2][1];
+    	z1 = C_ALPHA[i-2][2];
+    	x2 = C_ALPHA[i-1][0];
+    	y2 = C_ALPHA[i-1][1];
+    	z2 = C_ALPHA[i-1][2];
+    	x3 = C_ALPHA[i][0];
+    	y3 = C_ALPHA[i][1];
+    	z3 = C_ALPHA[i][2];
+    	x4 = C_ALPHA[i+1][0];
+    	y4 = C_ALPHA[i+1][1];
+    	z4 = C_ALPHA[i+1][2];
+      v1[0] = x4-x2;
+      v1[1] = y4-y2;
+      v1[2] = z4-z2;
+      v2a[0] = x4-x3;
+      v2a[1] = y4-y3;
+      v2a[2] = z4-z3;
+      v2b[0] = x3-x2;
+      v2b[1] = y3-y2;
+      v2b[2] = z3-z2;
+      cross(v2a, v2b, v2);
+      cross(v1, v2, v3);
+      norm(v1);
+      norm(v2);
+      norm(v3);
+      con = get_conflicts(res, grid, xgrid, ygrid, zgrid);
+      if (con>0) {
+        bestpos=0;
+        con0 = 100;
+        for (l=0;l<10;l++) { // check two closest conformations
+          cpos = SORTED_ROTAMERS[i][l][1];
+          for (m=0;m<rot_stat_idx[cpos][4];m++) {
+            for (j=0;j<3;j++) {
+              vv[0][j] = v1[j]; vv[1][j] = v2[j]; vv[2][j] = v3[j];
+              for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+                if (j==k) lsys[j][k]=1.; else lsys[j][k]=0.;
+              }
+            }
+            pos = rot_stat_idx[cpos][5]+nsc*m;
+            for (j=0;j<nsc;j++) {
+              for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+                sc[j][k] = rot_stat_coords[pos+j][k];
+              }
+            }
+            superimpose2(vv,lsys,3,sc,nsc);
+            for (j=0;j<nsc;j++) {
+              sc[j][0] += x3;
+              sc[j][1] += y3;
+              sc[j][2] += z3;
+            }
+            for (j=1;j<nsc;j++) {
+              add_replace(res, heavy_atoms[10*res->type+j-1], sc[j][0], sc[j][1], sc[j][2], FLAG_SIDECHAIN);
+            }
+            con = get_conflicts(res, grid, xgrid, ygrid, zgrid);
+//printf("test: %d\n", con);
+            if (con<con0) {
+              con0 = con;
+              bestpos = pos;
+            }
+            if (con==0) break;
+          }
+          if (con==0) break;
+        }
+		totcon += con0;
+        for (j=0;j<3;j++) {
+          vv[0][j] = v1[j]; vv[1][j] = v2[j]; vv[2][j] = v3[j];
+          for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+            if (j==k) lsys[j][k]=1.; else lsys[j][k]=0.;
+          }
+        }
+        pos = bestpos;
+        for (j=0;j<nsc;j++) {
+          for (k=0;k<3;k++) {
+            sc[j][k] = rot_stat_coords[pos+j][k];
+          }
+        }
+        superimpose2(vv,lsys,3,sc,nsc);
+        for (j=0;j<nsc;j++) {
+          sc[j][0] += x3;
+          sc[j][1] += y3;
+          sc[j][2] += z3;
+        }
+        for (j=1;j<nsc;j++) {
+          add_replace(res, heavy_atoms[10*res->type+j-1], sc[j][0], sc[j][1], sc[j][2], FLAG_SIDECHAIN);
+        }
+      }
+      	res=res->next;
+    	} // i
+	}
+	iter++;
+	} while (iter<_XVOL_ITER);
+    if (_VERBOSE) {
+      if (totcon>0)
+        printf("WARNING: %d steric conflict(s) are still there.\n", totcon);
+      else
+        printf("All steric conflicts removed.\n");
+    }
+    for (i=0;i<12;i++)
+      free(sc[i]);
+    for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
+      free(lsys[i]);
+      free(vv[i]);
+    }
+    free(sc);
+	free(lsys);
+	free(vv);
+void vcross(real ax,real ay,real az,real bx,real by,real bz,real *cx,real *cy,real *cz)
+    *cx = ay * bz - by * az;
+    *cy = az * bx - bz * ax;
+    *cz = ax * by - bx * ay;
+real vdot(real ax,real ay,real az,real bx,real by,real bz)
+    return ax*bx+ay*by+az*bz;
+real calc_torsion(atom_type *a1, atom_type *a2, atom_type *a3, atom_type *a4)
+  real v12x, v12y, v12z;
+  real v43x, v43y, v43z;
+  real zx, zy, zz;
+  real px, py, pz;
+  real xx, xy, xz;
+  real yx, yy, yz;
+  real u, v, angle;
+    v12x = a1->x-a2->x;
+    v12y = a1->y-a2->y;
+    v12z = a1->z-a2->z;
+    v43x = a4->x-a3->x;
+    v43y = a4->y-a3->y;
+    v43z = a4->z-a3->z;
+    zx = a2->x-a3->x;
+    zy = a2->y-a3->y;
+    zz = a2->z-a3->z;
+    vcross(zx,zy,zz,v12x,v12y,v12z,&px,&py,&pz);
+    vcross(zx,zy,zz,v43x,v43y,v43z,&xx,&xy,&xz);
+    vcross(zx,zy,zz,xx,xy,xz,&yx,&yy,&yz);
+    u = vdot(xx,xy,xz,xx,xy,xz);
+    v = vdot(yx,yy,yz,yx,yy,yz);
+    angle = 360.;
+    if (u<0. || v<0.) return angle;
+    u = vdot(px,py,pz,xx,xy,xz) / sqrt(u);
+    v = vdot(px,py,pz,yx,yy,yz) / sqrt(v);
+    if (u != 0.0 || v != 0.0) angle = atan2(v, u) * RADDEG;
+  return angle;
+// Ca-N-C-Cb angle should be close to 34 deg
+void chirality_check(void)
+  int i;
+  atom_type *a_ca, *a_n, *a_c, *a_cb;
+  atom_type *atom;
+  res_type *res;
+  real angle;
+  real nx, ny, nz;
+  real px, py, pz;
+  real qx, qy, qz;
+  real rx, ry, rz;
+  real xx, xy, xz;
+  real yx, yy, yz;
+  real dd, costheta, sintheta;
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Checking chirality...\n");
+    res = chain->residua;
+    while (res) {
+      a_ca = a_n = a_c = a_cb = NULL;
+      a_ca = find_atom(res,"CA ");
+      a_n = find_atom(res,"N  ");
+      a_c = find_atom(res,"C  ");
+      a_cb = find_atom(res,"CB ");
+      if (a_ca && a_n && a_c && a_cb) {
+        angle = calc_torsion(a_ca, a_n, a_c, a_cb);
+        if (angle<0.) {
+          if (_VERBOSE) printf("WARNING: D-aa detected at %s %3d : %5.2f", res->name, res->num, angle);
+          xx = a_ca->x-a_n->x;
+          xy = a_ca->y-a_n->y;
+          xz = a_ca->z-a_n->z;
+          yx = a_c->x-a_ca->x;
+          yy = a_c->y-a_ca->y;
+          yz = a_c->z-a_ca->z;
+          vcross(xx,xy,xz,yx,yy,yz,&nx,&ny,&nz);
+          dd = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz);
+          nx /= dd;
+          ny /= dd;
+          nz /= dd;
+          // nx, ny, nz = reflection plane normal
+          rx = xx-yx;
+          ry = xy-yy;
+          rz = xz-yz;
+          dd = sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz);
+          rx /= dd;
+          ry /= dd;
+          rz /= dd;
+          costheta = -1.;
+          sintheta = 0.;
+          atom = res->atoms;
+          while (atom) {
+            if (atom->flag & FLAG_SIDECHAIN) {
+              px = atom->x-a_ca->x;
+              py = atom->y-a_ca->y;
+              pz = atom->z-a_ca->z;
+              qx = qy = qz = 0.;
+              qx += (costheta + (1 - costheta) * rx * rx) * px;
+              qx += ((1 - costheta) * rx * ry - rz * sintheta) * py;
+              qx += ((1 - costheta) * rx * rz + ry * sintheta) * pz;
+              qy += ((1 - costheta) * rx * ry + rz * sintheta) * px;
+              qy += (costheta + (1 - costheta) * ry * ry) * py;
+              qy += ((1 - costheta) * ry * rz - rx * sintheta) * pz;
+              qz += ((1 - costheta) * rx * rz - ry * sintheta) * px;
+              qz += ((1 - costheta) * ry * rz + rx * sintheta) * py;
+              qz += (costheta + (1 - costheta) * rz * rz) * pz;
+              qx += a_ca->x;
+              qy += a_ca->y;
+              qz += a_ca->z;
+              atom->x = qx;
+              atom->y = qy;
+              atom->z = qz;
+            }
+            atom = atom->next;
+          }
+          angle = calc_torsion(a_ca, a_n, a_c, a_cb);
+          if (_VERBOSE) printf(", fixed : %5.2f\n", angle);
+        }
+      }
+      res = res->next;
+    }
+real hb_energy(res_type *res, atom_list ****grid, int xgrid, int ygrid, int zgrid)
+	atom_type *atom, *c_atom1, *o_atom1, *n_atom1, *c_atom2, *o_atom2, *n_atom2, *tmp_atom;
+	atom_type h_atom;
+	int i, j, k, ii, jj, kk;
+  atom_list *llist, *alist;
+  real dx, dy, dz, dist, min_dist1, min_dist2;
+  real hx1, hy1, hz1, dd;
+  real dno, dnc, dho, dhc;
+  real ene, Q;
+    ene = 1e3;
+    if (!res || !res->prev) return ene;
+    Q = -27888.0; // DSSP h-bond energy constant
+		c_atom1 = o_atom1 = n_atom1 = NULL;
+  	atom = res->prev->atoms;
+  	while (atom) {
+			if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]==' ') c_atom1 = atom;
+			if (atom->name[0]=='O' && atom->name[1]==' ') o_atom1 = atom;
+			atom = atom->next;
+		}
+  	atom = res->atoms;
+  	while (atom) {
+			if (atom->name[0]=='N' && atom->name[1]==' ') { n_atom1 = atom; break; }
+			atom = atom->next;
+		}
+// first bond
+    min_dist2 = 1e10;
+    o_atom2 = c_atom2 = NULL;
+		if (n_atom1) {
+			i = n_atom1->gx;
+			j = n_atom1->gy;
+			k = n_atom1->gz;
+			for (ii=i-1;ii<=i+1;ii++) {
+				for (jj=j-1;jj<=j+1;jj++) {
+					for (kk=k-1;kk<=k+1;kk++) {
+						if (ii>=0 && ii<xgrid && jj>=0 && jj<ygrid && kk>=0 && kk<=zgrid) {
+							llist = grid[ii][jj][kk];
+							while (llist) {
+							  if (llist->atom->name[0]=='O' && llist->atom->name[1]==' ' && abs(llist->atom->res->locnum-n_atom1->res->locnum)>2)  {
+							    tmp_atom = llist->atom;
+							    dx = n_atom1->x-tmp_atom->x;
+							    dy = n_atom1->y-tmp_atom->y;
+							    dz = n_atom1->z-tmp_atom->z;
+							    dist = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz;
+							    if (dist<min_dist2 && dist<25.0) {
+							      o_atom2=tmp_atom;
+							      min_dist2 = dist;
+   						    } 
+							  } 
+							  llist = llist->next;
+		          }					
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+    if (o_atom2) {
+      atom = o_atom2->res->atoms;
+    	while (atom) {
+  			if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]==' ') { c_atom2 = atom; break; }
+  			atom = atom->next;
+  		}                      
+      if (c_atom2) {    
+    		hx1 = o_atom1->x-c_atom1->x;
+    		hy1 = o_atom1->y-c_atom1->y;
+    		hz1 = o_atom1->z-c_atom1->z;
+    		dd = -1.081f/sqrt(hx1*hx1+hy1*hy1+hz1*hz1);
+    		hx1 *= dd;
+    		hy1 *= dd;
+    		hz1 *= dd;
+    		hx1 += n_atom1->x;
+    		hy1 += n_atom1->y;
+    		hz1 += n_atom1->z;
+        add_replace(n_atom1->res, "H  ", hx1, hy1, hz1, FLAG_BACKBONE);
+  // dno
+        dx = n_atom1->x-o_atom2->x;
+        dy = n_atom1->y-o_atom2->y;
+        dz = n_atom1->z-o_atom2->z;
+        dno = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
+  // dnc
+        dx = n_atom1->x-c_atom2->x;
+        dy = n_atom1->y-c_atom2->y;
+        dz = n_atom1->z-c_atom2->z;
+        dnc = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
+  // dho
+        dx = hx1-o_atom2->x;
+        dy = hy1-o_atom2->y;
+        dz = hz1-o_atom2->z;
+        dho = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
+  // dhc
+        dx = hx1-c_atom2->x;
+        dy = hy1-c_atom2->y;
+        dz = hz1-c_atom2->z;
+        dhc = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
+        if (dho<0.01F || dhc<0.01F || dnc<0.01F || dno<0.01F) {
+          ene = -10.0;
+        } else {
+          ene = 0.001*(Q/dho - Q/dhc + Q/dnc - Q/dno);
+        }       
+      }
+    }
+// second bond
+    min_dist2 = 1e10;
+    n_atom2 = NULL;
+		if (n_atom1) {
+			i = o_atom1->gx;
+			j = o_atom1->gy;
+			k = o_atom1->gz;
+			for (ii=i-1;ii<=i+1;ii++) {
+				for (jj=j-1;jj<=j+1;jj++) {
+					for (kk=k-1;kk<=k+1;kk++) {
+						if (ii>=0 && ii<xgrid && jj>=0 && jj<ygrid && kk>=0 && kk<=zgrid) {
+							llist = grid[ii][jj][kk];
+							while (llist) {
+							  if (llist->atom->name[0]=='N' && llist->atom->name[1]==' ' && (abs(llist->atom->res->locnum-n_atom1->res->locnum)>2))  {
+							    tmp_atom = llist->atom;
+							    if (tmp_atom->res!=c_atom2->res) {
+  							    dx = o_atom1->x-tmp_atom->x;
+  							    dy = o_atom1->y-tmp_atom->y;
+  							    dz = o_atom1->z-tmp_atom->z;
+  							    dist = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz;
+  							    if (dist<min_dist2 && dist<25.0) {
+  							      n_atom2=tmp_atom;
+  							      min_dist2 = dist;
+     						    } 
+     						  }
+							  } 
+							  llist = llist->next;
+		          }					
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+    if (n_atom2) {
+      c_atom2 = o_atom2 = NULL;
+      atom = n_atom2->res->atoms;
+    	while (atom) {
+  			if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]==' ') { c_atom2 = atom; }
+  			if (atom->name[0]=='O' && atom->name[1]==' ') { c_atom2 = atom; }
+  			atom = atom->next;
+  		}                      
+      if (c_atom2) {    
+    		hx1 = o_atom1->x-c_atom1->x;
+    		hy1 = o_atom1->y-c_atom1->y;
+    		hz1 = o_atom1->z-c_atom1->z;
+    		dd = -1.081f/sqrt(hx1*hx1+hy1*hy1+hz1*hz1);
+    		hx1 *= dd;
+    		hy1 *= dd;
+    		hz1 *= dd;
+    		hx1 += n_atom1->x;
+    		hy1 += n_atom1->y;
+    		hz1 += n_atom1->z;
+    }
+  return ene;
+// rotates a point around a vector
+void rot_point_vector(real *x, real *y, real *z, real u, real v, real w, real angle)
+  real ux, uy, uz, vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz, sa, ca;
+    sa = sinf(10.0*M_PI*angle/180.0);
+    ca = cosf(10.0*M_PI*angle/180.0);
+    ux = u**x;
+    uy = u**y;
+    uz = u**z;
+    vx = v**x;
+    vy = v**y;
+    vz = v**z;
+    wx = w**x;
+    wy = w**y;
+    wz = w**z;
+    *x = u*(ux+vy+wz)+(*x*(v*v+w*w)-u*(vy+wz))*ca+(-wy+vz)*sa;
+    *y = v*(ux+vy+wz)+(*y*(u*u+w*w)-v*(ux+wz))*ca+( wx-uz)*sa;
+    *z = w*(ux+vy+wz)+(*z*(u*u+v*v)-w*(ux+vy))*ca+(-vx+uy)*sa;
+// rotates a peptide plate
+void rot_peptide(res_type *res, real angle)
+	atom_type *atom, *c_atom, *o_atom, *n_atom, *ca_atom1, *ca_atom2;
+  real u, v, w, x, y, z, dd;
+    if (!res || !res->prev) return;
+    c_atom = o_atom = n_atom = ca_atom1 = ca_atom2 = NULL;
+  	atom = res->prev->atoms;
+  	while (atom) {
+			if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='A') ca_atom1 = atom;
+			if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]==' ') c_atom = atom;
+			if (atom->name[0]=='O' && atom->name[1]==' ') o_atom = atom;
+			atom = atom->next;
+		}
+    atom = res->atoms;
+  	while (atom) {
+			if (atom->name[0]=='C' && atom->name[1]=='A') ca_atom2 = atom;
+			if (atom->name[0]=='N' && atom->name[1]==' ') n_atom = atom;
+			atom = atom->next;
+		}
+    if (c_atom && o_atom && n_atom && ca_atom1 && ca_atom2) {
+      u = ca_atom2->x-ca_atom1->x;
+      v = ca_atom2->y-ca_atom1->y;
+      w = ca_atom2->z-ca_atom1->z;
+      dd = 1.0f/sqrt(u*u+v*v+w*w); 
+      u*=dd; v*=dd; w*=dd; // normalize ca-ca vector
+      x = n_atom->x-ca_atom1->x;
+      y = n_atom->y-ca_atom1->y;
+      z = n_atom->z-ca_atom1->z;
+      rot_point_vector(&x, &y, &z, u, v, w, angle);
+      n_atom->x = x+ca_atom1->x;
+      n_atom->y = y+ca_atom1->y;
+      n_atom->z = z+ca_atom1->z;
+      x = c_atom->x-ca_atom1->x;
+      y = c_atom->y-ca_atom1->y;
+      z = c_atom->z-ca_atom1->z;
+      rot_point_vector(&x, &y, &z, u, v, w, angle);
+      c_atom->x = x+ca_atom1->x;
+      c_atom->y = y+ca_atom1->y;
+      c_atom->z = z+ca_atom1->z;
+      x = o_atom->x-ca_atom1->x;
+      y = o_atom->y-ca_atom1->y;
+      z = o_atom->z-ca_atom1->z;
+      rot_point_vector(&x, &y, &z, u, v, w, angle);
+      o_atom->x = x+ca_atom1->x;
+      o_atom->y = y+ca_atom1->y;
+      o_atom->z = z+ca_atom1->z;
+    }  		
+void optimize_backbone(mol_type *chain)
+  int xgrid, ygrid, zgrid;
+  atom_list ****grid;
+  atom_type *atom;
+	res_type *res;
+  real ene, min_ene, tot1, tot2;
+  int i, k, best;
+  FILE *out;
+  	if (_VERBOSE) printf("Optimizing backbone...\n");
+		allocate_grid(&grid, &xgrid, &ygrid, &zgrid);
+    tot1 = tot2 = 0.0;
+		res = chain->residua;
+		while (res) {
+			ene = hb_energy(res, grid, xgrid, ygrid, zgrid);
+			if (ene<-0.5) tot1 += ene;
+			res = res->next;
+		}
+		res = chain->residua;
+		while (res) {
+		  if (res->type!=7) {
+  			ene = hb_energy(res, grid, xgrid, ygrid, zgrid);
+  			if (ene<1.0) { // try to optimize
+  			  min_ene = ene;
+  			  rot_peptide(res, -1.1);
+  			  best = 0;
+  			  for (i=-10;i<10;i++) {
+  			    rot_peptide(res, 0.1);
+      			ene = hb_energy(res, grid, xgrid, ygrid, zgrid);
+  			    if (ene<min_ene) {
+  			      best = i;
+  			      min_ene = ene;
+  			    }			  
+  			  }	
+  			  rot_peptide(res,-0.9);		
+    			ene = hb_energy(res, grid, xgrid, ygrid, zgrid);
+  			  if (min_ene<ene) {
+  			    rot_peptide(res,0.1*best);
+      			ene = hb_energy(res, grid, xgrid, ygrid, zgrid);
+  			  } 
+  			}			
+  		}
+			res = res->next;
+		}
+		res = chain->residua;
+		while (res) {
+			ene = hb_energy(res, grid, xgrid, ygrid, zgrid);
+			if (ene<-0.5) tot2 += ene;
+			res = res->next;
+		}
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Backbone HB energy: before %g, after: %g, difference: %g\n", tot1, tot2, tot2-tot1);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+  int i, j, next;
+  char buf[100];
+  char *name=NULL, *ini_name=NULL;
+  char *ptr, out_name[1000];
+  real f;
+  mol_type *mol;
+  struct timeb time0, time1;
+    for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
+      if (argv[i][0]=='-') {
+        next=0;
+        for (j=1; j<(int)strlen(argv[i]); j++) {
+          switch(argv[i][j]) {
+            case 'v': _VERBOSE=1; break;
+            case 'c': _CA_OPTIMIZE=0; break;
+            case 'e': _BB_REARRANGE=1; break;
+            case 'r': _CA_RANDOM=1; break;
+            case 'z': _CHIRAL=0; break;
+            case 't': _CA_TRAJECTORY=1; break;
+            case 'n': _CENTER_CHAIN=1; break;
+            case 'b': _REBUILD_BB=0; break;
+            case 's': _REBUILD_SC=0; break;
+            case 'i': ini_name = argv[++i]; next=1; break;
+            case 'g': _PDB_SG=1; break;
+            case 'x': _TIME_SEED=1; break;
+            case 'o': _XVOLUME=0; break;
+            case 'h': _REBUILD_H=0; break;
+            case 'q': _BB_OPTIMIZE=1; break;
+            case 'p': _CISPRO=1; break;
+            case 'u':
+              if (sscanf(argv[++i],"%lf",&f)==1) {
+                _CA_START_DIST = f;
+              }
+              next=1;
+            break;
+            default: {
+              printf("Unknown option: %c\n", argv[i][j]);
+              return -1;
+            }
+          }
+          if (next) break;
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (!name) name=argv[i];
+      }
+    }
+    if (!name) {
+      printf("PULCHRA Protein Chain Restoration Algorithm version %4.2f\n", PULCHRA_VERSION);
+      printf("Usage: %s [options] <pdb_file>\n", argv[0]);
+      printf("The program default input is a PDB file.\n");
+      printf("Output file <pdb_file.rebuild.pdb> will be created as a result.\n");
+      printf("Valid options are:\n\n");
+      printf("  -v : verbose output (default: off)\n");
+      printf("  -n : center chain (default: off)\n");
+      printf("  -x : time-seed random number generator (default: off)\n");
+      printf("  -g : use PDBSG as an input format (CA=C-alpha, SC or CM=side chain c.m.)\n\n");
+      printf("  -c : skip C-alpha positions optimization (default: on)\n");
+      printf("  -p : detect cis-prolins (default: off)\n");
+      printf("  -r : start from a random chain (default: off)\n");
+      printf("  -i pdbfile : read the initial C-alpha coordinates from a PDB file\n");
+      printf("  -t : save chain optimization trajectory to file <pdb_file.pdb.trajectory>\n");
+      printf("  -u value : maximum shift from the restraint coordinates (default: 0.5A)\n\n");
+      printf("  -e : rearrange backbone atoms (C, O are output after side chain) (default: off)\n");
+#ifdef COMPILE_BB
+      printf("  -b : skip backbone reconstruction (default: on)\n");
+      printf("  -q : optimize backbone hydrogen bonds pattern (default: off)\n");
+      printf("  -h : outputs hydrogen atoms (default: off)\n");
+      printf("  -s : skip side chains reconstruction (default: on)\n");
+      printf("  -o : don't attempt to fix excluded volume conflicts (default: on)\n");
+      printf("  -z : don't check amino acid chirality (default: on)\n");
+	  printf("\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<255; i++) /* prepare hash table*/
+      AA_NUMS[i] = 20; /* dummy aa code */
+    for (i=0; i<20; i++)
+      AA_NUMS[(int)SHORT_AA_NAMES[i]] = i;
+    setbuf(stdout,0);
+    if (_TIME_SEED) srand(time(NULL)); else srand(1234);
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("PULCHRA Protein Chain Restoration Algorithm version %4.2f\n", PULCHRA_VERSION);
+    ftime(&time0);
+    chain = new_mol();
+    if (read_pdb_file(name,chain,"chain")==FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
+      if (_VERBOSE) printf("Can't read the input file!\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("%d residua read.\n", chain->nres);
+    chain_length = chain->nres;
+    if (_CA_OPTIMIZE) {
+      snprintf(out_name,1000,"%s.tra",name);
+      ca_optimize(out_name, ini_name);
+    }
+#ifdef COMPILE_BB
+    if (_REBUILD_BB) {
+      rebuild_backbone();
+      if (_BB_OPTIMIZE) {
+        optimize_backbone(chain);
+      }
+    }
+    if (_REBUILD_BB && _REBUILD_SC) {
+      rebuild_sidechains();
+      if (_XVOLUME)
+        optimize_exvol();
+      if (_CHIRAL)
+        chirality_check();
+    }
+    if (_CENTER_CHAIN) {
+      center_chain(chain);
+    }
+    if (_BB_REARRANGE) {
+      if (_VERBOSE) printf("Rearranging backbone atoms...\n");
+    }
+    ptr = strstr(name,".pdb");
+    if (ptr) ptr[0]=0;
+    snprintf(out_name,1000,"%s.rebuilt.pdb",name);
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Writing output file %s...\n", out_name);
+    write_pdb(out_name, chain);
+    ftime(&time1);
+    if (_VERBOSE) printf("Done. Reconstruction finished in %.3f s.\n", (real)0.001*(1000.*(time1.time-time0.time)+(time1.millitm-time0.millitm)));
+  return 0;