diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bioblend/cloudman/launch.py @ 0:d30785e31577 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:18:57 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bioblend/cloudman/launch.py	Fri Jul 31 00:18:57 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
+Setup and launch a CloudMan instance.
+import datetime
+import socket
+from http.client import HTTPConnection
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import boto
+import yaml
+from boto.compat import http_client
+from boto.ec2.regioninfo import RegionInfo
+from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError, S3ResponseError
+from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat, S3Connection, SubdomainCallingFormat
+import bioblend
+from bioblend.util import Bunch
+# Uncomment the following line if no logging from boto is desired
+# bioblend.logging.getLogger('boto').setLevel(bioblend.logging.CRITICAL)
+# Uncomment the following line if logging at the prompt is desired
+# bioblend.set_stream_logger(__name__)
+def instance_types(cloud_name='generic'):
+    """
+    Return a list of dictionaries containing details about the available
+    instance types for the given `cloud_name`.
+    :type cloud_name: str
+    :param cloud_name: A name of the cloud for which the list of instance
+                       types will be returned. Valid values are: `aws`,
+                       `nectar`, `generic`.
+    :rtype: list
+    :return: A list of dictionaries describing instance types. Each dict will
+             contain the following keys: `name`, `model`, and `description`.
+    """
+    instance_list = []
+    if cloud_name.lower() == 'aws':
+        instance_list.append({"model": "c3.large",
+                              "name": "Compute optimized Large",
+                              "description": "2 vCPU/4GB RAM"})
+        instance_list.append({"model": "c3.2xlarge",
+                              "name": "Compute optimized 2xLarge",
+                              "description": "8 vCPU/15GB RAM"})
+        instance_list.append({"model": "c3.8xlarge",
+                              "name": "Compute optimized 8xLarge",
+                              "description": "32 vCPU/60GB RAM"})
+    elif cloud_name.lower() in ['nectar', 'generic']:
+        instance_list.append({"model": "m1.small",
+                              "name": "Small",
+                              "description": "1 vCPU / 4GB RAM"})
+        instance_list.append({"model": "m1.medium",
+                              "name": "Medium",
+                              "description": "2 vCPU / 8GB RAM"})
+        instance_list.append({"model": "m1.large",
+                              "name": "Large",
+                              "description": "4 vCPU / 16GB RAM"})
+        instance_list.append({"model": "m1.xlarge",
+                              "name": "Extra Large",
+                              "description": "8 vCPU / 32GB RAM"})
+        instance_list.append({"model": "m1.xxlarge",
+                              "name": "Extra-extra Large",
+                              "description": "16 vCPU / 64GB RAM"})
+    return instance_list
+class CloudManLauncher(object):
+    def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key, cloud=None):
+        """
+        Define the environment in which this instance of CloudMan will be launched.
+        Besides providing the credentials, optionally provide the ``cloud``
+        object. This object must define the properties required to establish a
+        `boto <https://github.com/boto/boto/>`_ connection to that cloud. See
+        this method's implementation for an example of the required fields.
+        Note that as long the as provided object defines the required fields,
+        it can really by implemented as anything (e.g., a Bunch, a database
+        object, a custom class). If no value for the ``cloud`` argument is
+        provided, the default is to use the Amazon cloud.
+        """
+        self.access_key = access_key
+        self.secret_key = secret_key
+        if cloud is None:
+            # Default to an EC2-compatible object
+            self.cloud = Bunch(id='1',  # for compatibility w/ DB representation
+                               name="Amazon",
+                               cloud_type="ec2",
+                               bucket_default="cloudman",
+                               region_name="us-east-1",
+                               region_endpoint="ec2.amazonaws.com",
+                               ec2_port="",
+                               ec2_conn_path="/",
+                               cidr_range="",
+                               is_secure=True,
+                               s3_host="s3.amazonaws.com",
+                               s3_port="",
+                               s3_conn_path='/')
+        else:
+            self.cloud = cloud
+        self.ec2_conn = self.connect_ec2(
+            self.access_key,
+            self.secret_key,
+            self.cloud)
+        self.vpc_conn = self.connect_vpc(
+            self.access_key,
+            self.secret_key,
+            self.cloud)
+        # Define exceptions from http_client that we want to catch and retry
+        self.http_exceptions = (http_client.HTTPException, socket.error,
+                                socket.gaierror, http_client.BadStatusLine)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "Cloud: {0}; acct ID: {1}".format(
+            self.cloud.name, self.access_key)
+    def launch(self, cluster_name, image_id, instance_type, password,
+               kernel_id=None, ramdisk_id=None, key_name='cloudman_key_pair',
+               security_groups=None, placement='', subnet_id=None,
+               ebs_optimized=False, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Check all the prerequisites (key pair and security groups) for
+        launching a CloudMan instance, compose the user data based on the
+        parameters specified in the arguments and the cloud properties as
+        defined in the object's ``cloud`` field.
+        For the current list of user data fields that can be provided via
+        ``kwargs``, see `<https://galaxyproject.org/cloudman/userdata/>`_
+        Return a dict containing the properties and info with which an instance
+        was launched, namely: ``sg_names`` containing the names of the security
+        groups, ``kp_name`` containing the name of the key pair, ``kp_material``
+        containing the private portion of the key pair (*note* that this portion
+        of the key is available and can be retrieved *only* at the time the key
+        is created, which will happen only if no key with the name provided in
+        the ``key_name`` argument exists), ``rs`` containing the
+        `boto <https://github.com/boto/boto/>`_ ``ResultSet`` object,
+        ``instance_id`` containing the ID of a started instance, and
+        ``error`` containing an error message if there was one.
+        """
+        if security_groups is None:
+            security_groups = ['CloudMan']
+        ret = {'sg_names': [],
+               'sg_ids': [],
+               'kp_name': '',
+               'kp_material': '',
+               'rs': None,
+               'instance_id': '',
+               'error': None}
+        # First satisfy the prerequisites
+        for sg in security_groups:
+            # Get VPC ID in case we're launching into a VPC
+            vpc_id = None
+            if subnet_id:
+                try:
+                    sn = self.vpc_conn.get_all_subnets(subnet_id)[0]
+                    vpc_id = sn.vpc_id
+                except (EC2ResponseError, IndexError):
+                    bioblend.log.exception("Trouble fetching subnet %s", subnet_id)
+            cmsg = self.create_cm_security_group(sg, vpc_id=vpc_id)
+            ret['error'] = cmsg['error']
+            if ret['error']:
+                return ret
+            if cmsg['name']:
+                ret['sg_names'].append(cmsg['name'])
+                ret['sg_ids'].append(cmsg['sg_id'])
+                if subnet_id:
+                    # Must setup a network interface if launching into VPC
+                    security_groups = None
+                    interface = boto.ec2.networkinterface.NetworkInterfaceSpecification(
+                        subnet_id=subnet_id, groups=[cmsg['sg_id']],
+                        associate_public_ip_address=True)
+                    network_interfaces = (boto.ec2.networkinterface.
+                                          NetworkInterfaceCollection(interface))
+                else:
+                    network_interfaces = None
+        kp_info = self.create_key_pair(key_name)
+        ret['kp_name'] = kp_info['name']
+        ret['kp_material'] = kp_info['material']
+        ret['error'] = kp_info['error']
+        if ret['error']:
+            return ret
+        # If not provided, try to find a placement
+        # TODO: Should placement always be checked? To make sure it's correct
+        # for existing clusters.
+        if not placement:
+            placement = self._find_placement(
+                cluster_name).get('placement', None)
+        # Compose user data for launching an instance, ensuring we have the
+        # required fields
+        kwargs['access_key'] = self.access_key
+        kwargs['secret_key'] = self.secret_key
+        kwargs['cluster_name'] = cluster_name
+        kwargs['password'] = password
+        kwargs['cloud_name'] = self.cloud.name
+        ud = self._compose_user_data(kwargs)
+        # Now launch an instance
+        try:
+            rs = None
+            rs = self.ec2_conn.run_instances(image_id=image_id,
+                                             instance_type=instance_type,
+                                             key_name=key_name,
+                                             security_groups=security_groups,
+                                             # The following two arguments are
+                                             # provided in the network_interface
+                                             # instead of arguments:
+                                             # security_group_ids=security_group_ids,
+                                             # subnet_id=subnet_id,
+                                             network_interfaces=network_interfaces,
+                                             user_data=ud,
+                                             kernel_id=kernel_id,
+                                             ramdisk_id=ramdisk_id,
+                                             placement=placement,
+                                             ebs_optimized=ebs_optimized)
+            ret['rs'] = rs
+        except EC2ResponseError as e:
+            err_msg = "Problem launching an instance: {0} (code {1}; status {2})" \
+                      .format(str(e), e.error_code, e.status)
+            bioblend.log.exception(err_msg)
+            ret['error'] = err_msg
+            return ret
+        else:
+            if rs:
+                try:
+                    bioblend.log.info("Launched an instance with ID %s", rs.instances[0].id)
+                    ret['instance_id'] = rs.instances[0].id
+                    ret['instance_ip'] = rs.instances[0].ip_address
+                except EC2ResponseError as e:
+                    err_msg = "Problem with the launched instance object: {0} " \
+                              "(code {1}; status {2})" \
+                              .format(str(e), e.error_code, e.status)
+                    bioblend.log.exception(err_msg)
+                    ret['error'] = err_msg
+            else:
+                ret['error'] = ("No response after launching an instance. Check "
+                                "your account permissions and try again.")
+        return ret
+    def create_cm_security_group(self, sg_name='CloudMan', vpc_id=None):
+        """
+        Create a security group with all authorizations required to run CloudMan.
+        If the group already exists, check its rules and add the missing ones.
+        :type sg_name: str
+        :param sg_name: A name for the security group to be created.
+        :type vpc_id: str
+        :param vpc_id: VPC ID under which to create the security group.
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A dictionary containing keys ``name`` (with the value being the
+                 name of the security group that was created), ``error``
+                 (with the value being the error message if there was an error
+                 or ``None`` if no error was encountered), and ``ports``
+                 (containing the list of tuples with port ranges that were
+                 opened or attempted to be opened).
+        .. versionchanged:: 0.6.1
+            The return value changed from a string to a dict
+        """
+        ports = (('20', '21'),  # FTP
+                 ('22', '22'),  # SSH
+                 ('80', '80'),  # Web UI
+                 ('443', '443'),  # SSL Web UI
+                 ('8800', '8800'),  # NodeJS Proxy for Galaxy IPython IE
+                 ('9600', '9700'),  # HTCondor
+                 ('30000', '30100'))  # FTP transfer
+        progress = {'name': None,
+                    'sg_id': None,
+                    'error': None,
+                    'ports': ports}
+        cmsg = None
+        filters = None
+        if vpc_id:
+            filters = {'vpc-id': vpc_id}
+        # Check if this security group already exists
+        try:
+            sgs = self.ec2_conn.get_all_security_groups(filters=filters)
+        except EC2ResponseError as e:
+            err_msg = ("Problem getting security groups. This could indicate a "
+                       "problem with your account credentials or permissions: "
+                       "{0} (code {1}; status {2})"
+                       .format(str(e), e.error_code, e.status))
+            bioblend.log.exception(err_msg)
+            progress['error'] = err_msg
+            return progress
+        for sg in sgs:
+            if sg.name == sg_name:
+                cmsg = sg
+                bioblend.log.debug("Security group '%s' already exists; will add authorizations next.", sg_name)
+                break
+        # If it does not exist, create security group
+        if cmsg is None:
+            bioblend.log.debug("Creating Security Group %s", sg_name)
+            try:
+                cmsg = self.ec2_conn.create_security_group(sg_name, 'A security '
+                                                           'group for CloudMan',
+                                                           vpc_id=vpc_id)
+            except EC2ResponseError as e:
+                err_msg = "Problem creating security group '{0}': {1} (code {2}; " \
+                          "status {3})" \
+                          .format(sg_name, str(e), e.error_code, e.status)
+                bioblend.log.exception(err_msg)
+                progress['error'] = err_msg
+        if cmsg:
+            progress['name'] = cmsg.name
+            progress['sg_id'] = cmsg.id
+            # Add appropriate authorization rules
+            # If these rules already exist, nothing will be changed in the SG
+            for port in ports:
+                try:
+                    if not self.rule_exists(
+                            cmsg.rules, from_port=port[0], to_port=port[1]):
+                        cmsg.authorize(
+                            ip_protocol='tcp',
+                            from_port=port[0],
+                            to_port=port[1],
+                            cidr_ip='')
+                    else:
+                        bioblend.log.debug("Rule (%s:%s) already exists in the SG", port[0], port[1])
+                except EC2ResponseError as e:
+                    err_msg = "A problem adding security group authorizations: {0} " \
+                              "(code {1}; status {2})" \
+                              .format(str(e), e.error_code, e.status)
+                    bioblend.log.exception(err_msg)
+                    progress['error'] = err_msg
+            # Add ICMP (i.e., ping) rule required by HTCondor
+            try:
+                if not self.rule_exists(
+                        cmsg.rules, from_port='-1', to_port='-1', ip_protocol='icmp'):
+                    cmsg.authorize(
+                        ip_protocol='icmp',
+                        from_port=-1,
+                        to_port=-1,
+                        cidr_ip='')
+                else:
+                    bioblend.log.debug(
+                        "ICMP rule already exists in {0} SG.".format(sg_name))
+            except EC2ResponseError as e:
+                err_msg = "A problem with security ICMP rule authorization: {0} " \
+                          "(code {1}; status {2})" \
+                          .format(str(e), e.error_code, e.status)
+                bioblend.log.exception(err_msg)
+                progress['err_msg'] = err_msg
+            # Add rule that allows communication between instances in the same
+            # SG
+            # A flag to indicate if group rule already exists
+            g_rule_exists = False
+            for rule in cmsg.rules:
+                for grant in rule.grants:
+                    if grant.name == cmsg.name:
+                        g_rule_exists = True
+                        bioblend.log.debug(
+                            "Group rule already exists in the SG.")
+                if g_rule_exists:
+                    break
+            if not g_rule_exists:
+                try:
+                    cmsg.authorize(
+                        src_group=cmsg,
+                        ip_protocol='tcp',
+                        from_port=0,
+                        to_port=65535)
+                except EC2ResponseError as e:
+                    err_msg = "A problem with security group group " \
+                              "authorization: {0} (code {1}; status {2})" \
+                              .format(str(e), e.error_code, e.status)
+                    bioblend.log.exception(err_msg)
+                    progress['err_msg'] = err_msg
+            bioblend.log.info("Done configuring '%s' security group", cmsg.name)
+        else:
+            bioblend.log.warning(
+                "Did not create security group '{0}'".format(sg_name))
+        return progress
+    def rule_exists(
+            self, rules, from_port, to_port, ip_protocol='tcp', cidr_ip=''):
+        """
+        A convenience method to check if an authorization rule in a security group
+        already exists.
+        """
+        for rule in rules:
+            if rule.ip_protocol == ip_protocol and rule.from_port == from_port and \
+               rule.to_port == to_port and cidr_ip in [ip.cidr_ip for ip in rule.grants]:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def create_key_pair(self, key_name='cloudman_key_pair'):
+        """
+        If a key pair with the provided ``key_name`` does not exist, create it.
+        :type sg_name: str
+        :param sg_name: A name for the key pair to be created.
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A dictionary containing keys ``name`` (with the value being the
+                 name of the key pair that was created), ``error``
+                 (with the value being the error message if there was an error
+                 or ``None`` if no error was encountered), and ``material``
+                 (containing the unencrypted PEM encoded RSA private key if the
+                 key was created or ``None`` if the key already eixsted).
+        .. versionchanged:: 0.6.1
+            The return value changed from a tuple to a dict
+        """
+        progress = {'name': None,
+                    'material': None,
+                    'error': None}
+        kp = None
+        # Check if a key pair under the given name already exists. If it does not,
+        # create it, else return.
+        try:
+            kps = self.ec2_conn.get_all_key_pairs()
+        except EC2ResponseError as e:
+            err_msg = "Problem getting key pairs: {0} (code {1}; status {2})" \
+                      .format(str(e), e.error_code, e.status)
+            bioblend.log.exception(err_msg)
+            progress['error'] = err_msg
+            return progress
+        for akp in kps:
+            if akp.name == key_name:
+                bioblend.log.info("Key pair '%s' already exists; reusing it.", key_name)
+                progress['name'] = akp.name
+                return progress
+        try:
+            kp = self.ec2_conn.create_key_pair(key_name)
+        except EC2ResponseError as e:
+            err_msg = "Problem creating key pair '{0}': {1} (code {2}; status {3})" \
+                      .format(key_name, str(e), e.error_code, e.status)
+            bioblend.log.exception(err_msg)
+            progress['error'] = err_msg
+            return progress
+        bioblend.log.info("Created key pair '%s'", kp.name)
+        progress['name'] = kp.name
+        progress['material'] = kp.material
+        return progress
+    def assign_floating_ip(self, ec2_conn, instance):
+        try:
+            bioblend.log.debug("Allocating a new floating IP address.")
+            address = ec2_conn.allocate_address()
+        except EC2ResponseError:
+            bioblend.log.exception("Exception allocating a new floating IP address")
+        bioblend.log.info("Associating floating IP %s to instance %s", address.public_ip, instance.id)
+        ec2_conn.associate_address(instance_id=instance.id,
+                                   public_ip=address.public_ip)
+    def get_status(self, instance_id):
+        """
+        Check on the status of an instance. ``instance_id`` needs to be a
+        ``boto``-library copatible instance ID (e.g., ``i-8fehrdss``).If
+        ``instance_id`` is not provided, the ID obtained when launching
+        *the most recent* instance is used. Note that this assumes the instance
+        being checked on was launched using this  class. Also note that the same
+        class may be used to launch multiple instances but only the most recent
+        ``instance_id`` is kept while any others will  to be explicitly specified.
+        This method also allows the required ``ec2_conn`` connection object to be
+        provided at invocation time. If the object is not provided, credentials
+        defined for the class are used (ability to specify a custom ``ec2_conn``
+        helps in case of stateless method invocations).
+        Return a ``state`` dict containing the following keys: ``instance_state``,
+        ``public_ip``, ``placement``, and ``error``, which capture CloudMan's
+        current state. For ``instance_state``, expected values are: ``pending``,
+        ``booting``, ``running``, or ``error`` and represent the state of the
+        underlying instance. Other keys will return an empty  value until the
+        ``instance_state`` enters ``running`` state.
+        """
+        ec2_conn = self.ec2_conn
+        rs = None
+        state = {'instance_state': "",
+                 'public_ip': "",
+                 'placement': "",
+                 'error': ""}
+        # Make sure we have an instance ID
+        if instance_id is None:
+            err = "Missing instance ID, cannot check the state."
+            bioblend.log.error(err)
+            state['error'] = err
+            return state
+        try:
+            rs = ec2_conn.get_all_instances([instance_id])
+            if rs is not None:
+                inst_state = rs[0].instances[0].update()
+                public_ip = rs[0].instances[0].ip_address
+                state['public_ip'] = public_ip
+                if inst_state == 'running':
+                    # if there's a private ip, but no public ip
+                    # attempt auto allocation of floating IP
+                    if rs[0].instances[0].private_ip_address and not public_ip:
+                        self.assign_floating_ip(ec2_conn, rs[0].instances[0])
+                    cm_url = "http://{dns}/cloud".format(dns=public_ip)
+                    # Wait until the CloudMan URL is accessible to return the
+                    # data
+                    if self._checkURL(cm_url) is True:
+                        state['instance_state'] = inst_state
+                        state['placement'] = rs[0].instances[0].placement
+                    else:
+                        state['instance_state'] = 'booting'
+                else:
+                    state['instance_state'] = inst_state
+        except Exception as e:
+            err = "Problem updating instance '%s' state: %s" % (instance_id, e)
+            bioblend.log.error(err)
+            state['error'] = err
+        return state
+    def get_clusters_pd(self, include_placement=True):
+        """
+        Return *persistent data* of all existing clusters for this account.
+        :type include_placement: bool
+        :param include_placement: Whether or not to include region placement for
+                                  the clusters. Setting this option will lead
+                                  to a longer function runtime.
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A dictionary containing keys ``clusters`` and ``error``. The
+                 value of ``clusters`` will be a dictionary with the following keys
+                 ``cluster_name``, ``persistent_data``, ``bucket_name`` and optionally
+                 ``placement`` or an empty list if no clusters were found or an
+                 error was encountered. ``persistent_data`` key value is yet
+                 another dictionary containing given cluster's persistent data.
+                 The value for the ``error`` key will contain a string with the
+                 error message.
+        .. versionadded:: 0.3
+        .. versionchanged:: 0.7.0
+            The return value changed from a list to a dictionary.
+        """
+        clusters = []
+        response = {'clusters': clusters, 'error': None}
+        s3_conn = self.connect_s3(self.access_key, self.secret_key, self.cloud)
+        try:
+            buckets = s3_conn.get_all_buckets()
+        except S3ResponseError as e:
+            response['error'] = "S3ResponseError getting buckets: %s" % e
+        except self.http_exceptions as ex:
+            response['error'] = "Exception getting buckets: %s" % ex
+        if response['error']:
+            bioblend.log.exception(response['error'])
+            return response
+        for bucket in [b for b in buckets if b.name.startswith('cm-')]:
+            try:
+                # TODO: first lookup if persistent_data.yaml key exists
+                pd = bucket.get_key('persistent_data.yaml')
+            except S3ResponseError:
+                # This can fail for a number of reasons for non-us and/or
+                # CNAME'd buckets but it is not a terminal error
+                bioblend.log.warning("Problem fetching persistent_data.yaml from bucket %s", bucket)
+                continue
+            if pd:
+                # We are dealing with a CloudMan bucket
+                pd_contents = pd.get_contents_as_string()
+                pd = yaml.load(pd_contents)
+                if 'cluster_name' in pd:
+                    cluster_name = pd['cluster_name']
+                else:
+                    for key in bucket.list():
+                        if key.name.endswith('.clusterName'):
+                            cluster_name = key.name.split('.clusterName')[0]
+                cluster = {'cluster_name': cluster_name,
+                           'persistent_data': pd,
+                           'bucket_name': bucket.name}
+                # Look for cluster's placement too
+                if include_placement:
+                    placement = self._find_placement(cluster_name, cluster)
+                    cluster['placement'] = placement
+                clusters.append(cluster)
+        response['clusters'] = clusters
+        return response
+    def get_cluster_pd(self, cluster_name):
+        """
+        Return *persistent data* (as a dict) associated with a cluster with the
+        given ``cluster_name``. If a cluster with the given name is not found,
+        return an empty dict.
+        .. versionadded:: 0.3
+        """
+        cluster = {}
+        clusters = self.get_clusters_pd().get('clusters', [])
+        for c in clusters:
+            if c['cluster_name'] == cluster_name:
+                cluster = c
+                break
+        return cluster
+    def connect_ec2(self, a_key, s_key, cloud=None):
+        """
+        Create and return an EC2-compatible connection object for the given cloud.
+        See ``_get_cloud_info`` method for more details on the requirements for
+        the ``cloud`` parameter. If no value is provided, the class field is used.
+        """
+        if cloud is None:
+            cloud = self.cloud
+        ci = self._get_cloud_info(cloud)
+        r = RegionInfo(name=ci['region_name'], endpoint=ci['region_endpoint'])
+        ec2_conn = boto.connect_ec2(aws_access_key_id=a_key,
+                                    aws_secret_access_key=s_key,
+                                    is_secure=ci['is_secure'],
+                                    region=r,
+                                    port=ci['ec2_port'],
+                                    path=ci['ec2_conn_path'],
+                                    validate_certs=False)
+        return ec2_conn
+    def connect_s3(self, a_key, s_key, cloud=None):
+        """
+        Create and return an S3-compatible connection object for the given cloud.
+        See ``_get_cloud_info`` method for more details on the requirements for
+        the ``cloud`` parameter. If no value is provided, the class field is used.
+        """
+        if cloud is None:
+            cloud = self.cloud
+        ci = self._get_cloud_info(cloud)
+        if ci['cloud_type'] == 'amazon':
+            calling_format = SubdomainCallingFormat()
+        else:
+            calling_format = OrdinaryCallingFormat()
+        s3_conn = S3Connection(
+            aws_access_key_id=a_key, aws_secret_access_key=s_key,
+            is_secure=ci['is_secure'], port=ci['s3_port'], host=ci['s3_host'],
+            path=ci['s3_conn_path'], calling_format=calling_format)
+        return s3_conn
+    def connect_vpc(self, a_key, s_key, cloud=None):
+        """
+        Establish a connection to the VPC service.
+        TODO: Make this work with non-default clouds as well.
+        """
+        if cloud is None:
+            cloud = self.cloud
+        ci = self._get_cloud_info(cloud)
+        r = RegionInfo(name=ci['region_name'], endpoint=ci['region_endpoint'])
+        vpc_conn = boto.connect_vpc(
+            aws_access_key_id=a_key,
+            aws_secret_access_key=s_key,
+            is_secure=ci['is_secure'],
+            region=r,
+            port=ci['ec2_port'],
+            path=ci['ec2_conn_path'],
+            validate_certs=False)
+        return vpc_conn
+    def _compose_user_data(self, user_provided_data):
+        """
+        A convenience method used to compose and properly format the user data
+        required when requesting an instance.
+        ``user_provided_data`` is the data provided by a user required to identify
+        a cluster and user other user requirements.
+        """
+        form_data = {}
+        # Do not include the following fields in the user data but do include
+        # any 'advanced startup fields' that might be added in the future
+        excluded_fields = ['sg_name', 'image_id', 'instance_id', 'kp_name',
+                           'cloud', 'cloud_type', 'public_dns', 'cidr_range',
+                           'kp_material', 'placement', 'flavor_id']
+        for key, value in user_provided_data.items():
+            if key not in excluded_fields:
+                form_data[key] = value
+        # If the following user data keys are empty, do not include them in the
+        # request user data
+        udkeys = [
+            'post_start_script_url',
+            'worker_post_start_script_url',
+            'bucket_default',
+            'share_string']
+        for udkey in udkeys:
+            if udkey in form_data and form_data[udkey] == '':
+                del form_data[udkey]
+        # If bucket_default was not provided, add a default value to the user data
+        # (missing value does not play nicely with CloudMan's ec2autorun.py)
+        if not form_data.get(
+                'bucket_default', None) and self.cloud.bucket_default:
+            form_data['bucket_default'] = self.cloud.bucket_default
+        # Reuse the ``password`` for the ``freenxpass`` user data option
+        if 'freenxpass' not in form_data and 'password' in form_data:
+            form_data['freenxpass'] = form_data['password']
+        # Convert form_data into the YAML format
+        ud = yaml.dump(form_data, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False)
+        # Also include connection info about the selected cloud
+        ci = self._get_cloud_info(self.cloud, as_str=True)
+        return ud + "\n" + ci
+    def _get_cloud_info(self, cloud, as_str=False):
+        """
+        Get connection information about a given cloud
+        """
+        ci = {}
+        ci['cloud_type'] = cloud.cloud_type
+        ci['region_name'] = cloud.region_name
+        ci['region_endpoint'] = cloud.region_endpoint
+        ci['is_secure'] = cloud.is_secure
+        ci['ec2_port'] = cloud.ec2_port if cloud.ec2_port != '' else None
+        ci['ec2_conn_path'] = cloud.ec2_conn_path
+        # Include cidr_range only if not empty
+        if cloud.cidr_range != '':
+            ci['cidr_range'] = cloud.cidr_range
+        ci['s3_host'] = cloud.s3_host
+        ci['s3_port'] = cloud.s3_port if cloud.s3_port != '' else None
+        ci['s3_conn_path'] = cloud.s3_conn_path
+        if as_str:
+            ci = yaml.dump(ci, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False)
+        return ci
+    def _get_volume_placement(self, vol_id):
+        """
+        Returns the placement of a volume (or None, if it cannot be determined)
+        """
+        try:
+            vol = self.ec2_conn.get_all_volumes(volume_ids=[vol_id])
+        except EC2ResponseError as ec2e:
+            bioblend.log.error("EC2ResponseError querying for volume {0}: {1}"
+                               .format(vol_id, ec2e))
+            vol = None
+        if vol:
+            return vol[0].zone
+        else:
+            bioblend.log.error("Requested placement of a volume '%s' that does not exist.", vol_id)
+            return None
+    def _find_placement(self, cluster_name, cluster=None):
+        """
+        Find a placement zone for a cluster with the name ``cluster_name``.
+        By default, this method will search for and fetch given cluster's
+        *persistent data*; alternatively, *persistent data* can be provided via
+        the ``cluster`` parameter. This dict needs to have ``persistent_data``
+        key with the contents of cluster's *persistent data*.
+        If the cluster or the volume associated with the cluster cannot be found,
+        cluster placement is set to ``None``.
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A dictionary with ``placement`` and ``error`` keywords.
+        .. versionchanged:: 0.7.0
+            The return value changed from a list to a dictionary.
+        """
+        placement = None
+        response = {'placement': placement, 'error': None}
+        cluster = cluster or self.get_cluster_pd(cluster_name)
+        if cluster and 'persistent_data' in cluster:
+            pd = cluster['persistent_data']
+            try:
+                if 'placement' in pd:
+                    response['placement'] = pd['placement']
+                elif 'data_filesystems' in pd:
+                    # We have v1 format persistent data so get the volume first and
+                    # then the placement zone
+                    vol_id = pd['data_filesystems']['galaxyData'][0]['vol_id']
+                    response['placement'] = self._get_volume_placement(vol_id)
+                elif 'filesystems' in pd:
+                    # V2 format.
+                    for fs in [fs for fs in pd['filesystems'] if fs.get(
+                            'kind', None) == 'volume' and 'ids' in fs]:
+                        # All volumes must be in the same zone
+                        vol_id = fs['ids'][0]
+                        response['placement'] = self._get_volume_placement(
+                            vol_id)
+                        # No need to continue to iterate through
+                        # filesystems, if we found one with a volume.
+                        break
+            except Exception as exc:
+                response['error'] = ("Exception while finding placement for "
+                                     "cluster '{0}'. This can indicate malformed "
+                                     "instance data. Or that this method is "
+                                     "broken: {1}".format(cluster_name, exc))
+                bioblend.log.error(response['error'])
+                response['placement'] = None
+        else:
+            bioblend.log.debug("Insufficient info about cluster {0} to get placement."
+                               .format(cluster_name))
+        return response
+    def find_placements(
+            self, ec2_conn, instance_type, cloud_type, cluster_name=None):
+        """
+        Find a list of placement zones that support the specified instance type.
+        If ``cluster_name`` is given and a cluster with the given name exist,
+        return a list with only one entry where the given cluster lives.
+        Searching for available zones for a given instance type is done by
+        checking the spot prices in the potential availability zones for
+        support before deciding on a region:
+        http://blog.piefox.com/2011/07/ec2-availability-zones-and-instance.html
+        Note that, currently, instance-type based zone selection applies only to
+        AWS. For other clouds, all the available zones are returned (unless a
+        cluster is being recreated, in which case the cluster's placement zone is
+        returned sa stored in its persistent data.
+        :rtype: dict
+        :return: A dictionary with ``zones`` and ``error`` keywords.
+        .. versionchanged:: 0.3
+            Changed method name from ``_find_placements`` to ``find_placements``.
+            Also added ``cluster_name`` parameter.
+        .. versionchanged:: 0.7.0
+            The return value changed from a list to a dictionary.
+        """
+        # First look for a specific zone a given cluster is bound to
+        zones = []
+        response = {'zones': zones, 'error': None}
+        if cluster_name:
+            placement = self._find_placement(cluster_name)
+            if placement.get('error'):
+                response['error'] = placement['error']
+                return response
+            response['zones'] = placement.get('placement', [])
+        # If placement is not found, look for a list of available zones
+        if not response['zones']:
+            in_the_past = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
+            back_compatible_zone = "us-east-1e"
+            for zone in [
+                    z for z in ec2_conn.get_all_zones() if z.state == 'available']:
+                # Non EC2 clouds may not support get_spot_price_history
+                if instance_type is None or cloud_type != 'ec2':
+                    zones.append(zone.name)
+                elif ec2_conn.get_spot_price_history(instance_type=instance_type,
+                                                     end_time=in_the_past.isoformat(),
+                                                     availability_zone=zone.name):
+                    zones.append(zone.name)
+            # Higher-lettered zones seem to have more availability currently
+            zones.sort(reverse=True)
+            if back_compatible_zone in zones:
+                zones = [back_compatible_zone] + \
+                    [z for z in zones if z != back_compatible_zone]
+            if len(zones) == 0:
+                response['error'] = ("Did not find availabilty zone for {0}"
+                                     .format(instance_type))
+                bioblend.log.error(response['error'])
+                zones.append(back_compatible_zone)
+        return response
+    def _checkURL(self, url):
+        """
+        Check if the ``url`` is *alive* (i.e., remote server returns code 200(OK)
+        or 401 (unauthorized)).
+        """
+        try:
+            p = urlparse(url)
+            h = HTTPConnection(p[1])
+            h.putrequest('HEAD', p[2])
+            h.endheaders()
+            r = h.getresponse()
+            # CloudMan UI is pwd protected so include 401
+            if r.status in (200, 401):
+                return True
+        except Exception:
+            # No response or no good response
+            pass
+        return False