diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boltons/statsutils.py @ 0:d30785e31577 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:18:57 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boltons/statsutils.py	Fri Jul 31 00:18:57 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""``statsutils`` provides tools aimed primarily at descriptive
+statistics for data analysis, such as :func:`mean` (average),
+:func:`median`, :func:`variance`, and many others,
+The :class:`Stats` type provides all the main functionality of the
+``statsutils`` module. A :class:`Stats` object wraps a given dataset,
+providing all statistical measures as property attributes. These
+attributes cache their results, which allows efficient computation of
+multiple measures, as many measures rely on other measures. For
+example, relative standard deviation (:attr:`Stats.rel_std_dev`)
+relies on both the mean and standard deviation. The Stats object
+caches those results so no rework is done.
+The :class:`Stats` type's attributes have module-level counterparts for
+convenience when the computation reuse advantages do not apply.
+>>> stats = Stats(range(42))
+>>> stats.mean
+>>> mean(range(42))
+Statistics is a large field, and ``statsutils`` is focused on a few
+basic techniques that are useful in software. The following is a brief
+introduction to those techniques. For a more in-depth introduction,
+`Statistics for Software
+an article I wrote on the topic. It introduces key terminology vital
+to effective usage of statistics.
+Statistical moments
+Python programmers are probably familiar with the concept of the
+*mean* or *average*, which gives a rough quantitiative middle value by
+which a sample can be can be generalized. However, the mean is just
+the first of four `moment`_-based measures by which a sample or
+distribution can be measured.
+The four `Standardized moments`_ are:
+  1. `Mean`_ - :func:`mean` - theoretical middle value
+  2. `Variance`_ - :func:`variance` - width of value dispersion
+  3. `Skewness`_ - :func:`skewness` - symmetry of distribution
+  4. `Kurtosis`_ - :func:`kurtosis` - "peakiness" or "long-tailed"-ness
+For more information check out `the Moment article on Wikipedia`_.
+.. _moment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_(mathematics)
+.. _Standardized moments: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standardized_moment
+.. _Mean: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean
+.. _Variance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variance
+.. _Skewness: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skewness
+.. _Kurtosis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurtosis
+.. _the Moment article on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_(mathematics)
+Keep in mind that while these moments can give a bit more insight into
+the shape and distribution of data, they do not guarantee a complete
+picture. Wildly different datasets can have the same values for all
+four moments, so generalize wisely.
+Robust statistics
+Moment-based statistics are notorious for being easily skewed by
+outliers. The whole field of robust statistics aims to mitigate this
+dilemma. ``statsutils`` also includes several robust statistical methods:
+  * `Median`_ - The middle value of a sorted dataset
+  * `Trimean`_ - Another robust measure of the data's central tendency
+  * `Median Absolute Deviation`_ (MAD) - A robust measure of
+    variability, a natural counterpart to :func:`variance`.
+  * `Trimming`_ - Reducing a dataset to only the middle majority of
+    data is a simple way of making other estimators more robust.
+.. _Median: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median
+.. _Trimean: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trimean
+.. _Median Absolute Deviation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_absolute_deviation
+.. _Trimming: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trimmed_estimator
+Online and Offline Statistics
+Unrelated to computer networking, `online`_ statistics involve
+calculating statistics in a `streaming`_ fashion, without all the data
+being available. The :class:`Stats` type is meant for the more
+traditional offline statistics when all the data is available. For
+pure-Python online statistics accumulators, look at the `Lithoxyl`_
+system instrumentation package.
+.. _Online: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_algorithm
+.. _streaming: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streaming_algorithm
+.. _Lithoxyl: https://github.com/mahmoud/lithoxyl
+from __future__ import print_function
+import bisect
+from math import floor, ceil
+class _StatsProperty(object):
+    def __init__(self, name, func):
+        self.name = name
+        self.func = func
+        self.internal_name = '_' + name
+        doc = func.__doc__ or ''
+        pre_doctest_doc, _, _ = doc.partition('>>>')
+        self.__doc__ = pre_doctest_doc
+    def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
+        if obj is None:
+            return self
+        if not obj.data:
+            return obj.default
+        try:
+            return getattr(obj, self.internal_name)
+        except AttributeError:
+            setattr(obj, self.internal_name, self.func(obj))
+            return getattr(obj, self.internal_name)
+class Stats(object):
+    """The ``Stats`` type is used to represent a group of unordered
+    statistical datapoints for calculations such as mean, median, and
+    variance.
+    Args:
+        data (list): List or other iterable containing numeric values.
+        default (float): A value to be returned when a given
+            statistical measure is not defined. 0.0 by default, but
+            ``float('nan')`` is appropriate for stricter applications.
+        use_copy (bool): By default Stats objects copy the initial
+            data into a new list to avoid issues with
+            modifications. Pass ``False`` to disable this behavior.
+        is_sorted (bool): Presorted data can skip an extra sorting
+            step for a little speed boost. Defaults to False.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, data, default=0.0, use_copy=True, is_sorted=False):
+        self._use_copy = use_copy
+        self._is_sorted = is_sorted
+        if use_copy:
+            self.data = list(data)
+        else:
+            self.data = data
+        self.default = default
+        cls = self.__class__
+        self._prop_attr_names = [a for a in dir(self)
+                                 if isinstance(getattr(cls, a, None),
+                                               _StatsProperty)]
+        self._pearson_precision = 0
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.data)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self.data)
+    def _get_sorted_data(self):
+        """When using a copy of the data, it's better to have that copy be
+        sorted, but we do it lazily using this method, in case no
+        sorted measures are used. I.e., if median is never called,
+        sorting would be a waste.
+        When not using a copy, it's presumed that all optimizations
+        are on the user.
+        """
+        if not self._use_copy:
+            return sorted(self.data)
+        elif not self._is_sorted:
+            self.data.sort()
+        return self.data
+    def clear_cache(self):
+        """``Stats`` objects automatically cache intermediary calculations
+        that can be reused. For instance, accessing the ``std_dev``
+        attribute after the ``variance`` attribute will be
+        significantly faster for medium-to-large datasets.
+        If you modify the object by adding additional data points,
+        call this function to have the cached statistics recomputed.
+        """
+        for attr_name in self._prop_attr_names:
+            attr_name = getattr(self.__class__, attr_name).internal_name
+            if not hasattr(self, attr_name):
+                continue
+            delattr(self, attr_name)
+        return
+    def _calc_count(self):
+        """The number of items in this Stats object. Returns the same as
+        :func:`len` on a Stats object, but provided for pandas terminology
+        parallelism.
+        >>> Stats(range(20)).count
+        20
+        """
+        return len(self.data)
+    count = _StatsProperty('count', _calc_count)
+    def _calc_mean(self):
+        """
+        The arithmetic mean, or "average". Sum of the values divided by
+        the number of values.
+        >>> mean(range(20))
+        9.5
+        >>> mean(list(range(19)) + [949])  # 949 is an arbitrary outlier
+        56.0
+        """
+        return sum(self.data, 0.0) / len(self.data)
+    mean = _StatsProperty('mean', _calc_mean)
+    def _calc_max(self):
+        """
+        The maximum value present in the data.
+        >>> Stats([2, 1, 3]).max
+        3
+        """
+        if self._is_sorted:
+            return self.data[-1]
+        return max(self.data)
+    max = _StatsProperty('max', _calc_max)
+    def _calc_min(self):
+        """
+        The minimum value present in the data.
+        >>> Stats([2, 1, 3]).min
+        1
+        """
+        if self._is_sorted:
+            return self.data[0]
+        return min(self.data)
+    min = _StatsProperty('min', _calc_min)
+    def _calc_median(self):
+        """
+        The median is either the middle value or the average of the two
+        middle values of a sample. Compared to the mean, it's generally
+        more resilient to the presence of outliers in the sample.
+        >>> median([2, 1, 3])
+        2
+        >>> median(range(97))
+        48
+        >>> median(list(range(96)) + [1066])  # 1066 is an arbitrary outlier
+        48
+        """
+        return self._get_quantile(self._get_sorted_data(), 0.5)
+    median = _StatsProperty('median', _calc_median)
+    def _calc_iqr(self):
+        """Inter-quartile range (IQR) is the difference between the 75th
+        percentile and 25th percentile. IQR is a robust measure of
+        dispersion, like standard deviation, but safer to compare
+        between datasets, as it is less influenced by outliers.
+        >>> iqr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
+        2
+        >>> iqr(range(1001))
+        500
+        """
+        return self.get_quantile(0.75) - self.get_quantile(0.25)
+    iqr = _StatsProperty('iqr', _calc_iqr)
+    def _calc_trimean(self):
+        """The trimean is a robust measure of central tendency, like the
+        median, that takes the weighted average of the median and the
+        upper and lower quartiles.
+        >>> trimean([2, 1, 3])
+        2.0
+        >>> trimean(range(97))
+        48.0
+        >>> trimean(list(range(96)) + [1066])  # 1066 is an arbitrary outlier
+        48.0
+        """
+        sorted_data = self._get_sorted_data()
+        gq = lambda q: self._get_quantile(sorted_data, q)
+        return (gq(0.25) + (2 * gq(0.5)) + gq(0.75)) / 4.0
+    trimean = _StatsProperty('trimean', _calc_trimean)
+    def _calc_variance(self):
+        """\
+        Variance is the average of the squares of the difference between
+        each value and the mean.
+        >>> variance(range(97))
+        784.0
+        """
+        global mean  # defined elsewhere in this file
+        return mean(self._get_pow_diffs(2))
+    variance = _StatsProperty('variance', _calc_variance)
+    def _calc_std_dev(self):
+        """\
+        Standard deviation. Square root of the variance.
+        >>> std_dev(range(97))
+        28.0
+        """
+        return self.variance ** 0.5
+    std_dev = _StatsProperty('std_dev', _calc_std_dev)
+    def _calc_median_abs_dev(self):
+        """\
+        Median Absolute Deviation is a robust measure of statistical
+        dispersion: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_absolute_deviation
+        >>> median_abs_dev(range(97))
+        24.0
+        """
+        global median  # defined elsewhere in this file
+        sorted_vals = sorted(self.data)
+        x = float(median(sorted_vals))
+        return median([abs(x - v) for v in sorted_vals])
+    median_abs_dev = _StatsProperty('median_abs_dev', _calc_median_abs_dev)
+    mad = median_abs_dev  # convenience
+    def _calc_rel_std_dev(self):
+        """\
+        Standard deviation divided by the absolute value of the average.
+        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_standard_deviation
+        >>> print('%1.3f' % rel_std_dev(range(97)))
+        0.583
+        """
+        abs_mean = abs(self.mean)
+        if abs_mean:
+            return self.std_dev / abs_mean
+        else:
+            return self.default
+    rel_std_dev = _StatsProperty('rel_std_dev', _calc_rel_std_dev)
+    def _calc_skewness(self):
+        """\
+        Indicates the asymmetry of a curve. Positive values mean the bulk
+        of the values are on the left side of the average and vice versa.
+        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skewness
+        See the module docstring for more about statistical moments.
+        >>> skewness(range(97))  # symmetrical around 48.0
+        0.0
+        >>> left_skewed = skewness(list(range(97)) + list(range(10)))
+        >>> right_skewed = skewness(list(range(97)) + list(range(87, 97)))
+        >>> round(left_skewed, 3), round(right_skewed, 3)
+        (0.114, -0.114)
+        """
+        data, s_dev = self.data, self.std_dev
+        if len(data) > 1 and s_dev > 0:
+            return (sum(self._get_pow_diffs(3)) /
+                    float((len(data) - 1) * (s_dev ** 3)))
+        else:
+            return self.default
+    skewness = _StatsProperty('skewness', _calc_skewness)
+    def _calc_kurtosis(self):
+        """\
+        Indicates how much data is in the tails of the distribution. The
+        result is always positive, with the normal "bell-curve"
+        distribution having a kurtosis of 3.
+        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurtosis
+        See the module docstring for more about statistical moments.
+        >>> kurtosis(range(9))
+        1.99125
+        With a kurtosis of 1.99125, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] is more
+        centrally distributed than the normal curve.
+        """
+        data, s_dev = self.data, self.std_dev
+        if len(data) > 1 and s_dev > 0:
+            return (sum(self._get_pow_diffs(4)) /
+                    float((len(data) - 1) * (s_dev ** 4)))
+        else:
+            return 0.0
+    kurtosis = _StatsProperty('kurtosis', _calc_kurtosis)
+    def _calc_pearson_type(self):
+        precision = self._pearson_precision
+        skewness = self.skewness
+        kurtosis = self.kurtosis
+        beta1 = skewness ** 2.0
+        beta2 = kurtosis * 1.0
+        # TODO: range checks?
+        c0 = (4 * beta2) - (3 * beta1)
+        c1 = skewness * (beta2 + 3)
+        c2 = (2 * beta2) - (3 * beta1) - 6
+        if round(c1, precision) == 0:
+            if round(beta2, precision) == 3:
+                return 0  # Normal
+            else:
+                if beta2 < 3:
+                    return 2  # Symmetric Beta
+                elif beta2 > 3:
+                    return 7
+        elif round(c2, precision) == 0:
+            return 3  # Gamma
+        else:
+            k = c1 ** 2 / (4 * c0 * c2)
+            if k < 0:
+                return 1  # Beta
+        raise RuntimeError('missed a spot')
+    pearson_type = _StatsProperty('pearson_type', _calc_pearson_type)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_quantile(sorted_data, q):
+        data, n = sorted_data, len(sorted_data)
+        idx = q / 1.0 * (n - 1)
+        idx_f, idx_c = int(floor(idx)), int(ceil(idx))
+        if idx_f == idx_c:
+            return data[idx_f]
+        return (data[idx_f] * (idx_c - idx)) + (data[idx_c] * (idx - idx_f))
+    def get_quantile(self, q):
+        """Get a quantile from the dataset. Quantiles are floating point
+        values between ``0.0`` and ``1.0``, with ``0.0`` representing
+        the minimum value in the dataset and ``1.0`` representing the
+        maximum. ``0.5`` represents the median:
+        >>> Stats(range(100)).get_quantile(0.5)
+        49.5
+        """
+        q = float(q)
+        if not 0.0 <= q <= 1.0:
+            raise ValueError('expected q between 0.0 and 1.0, not %r' % q)
+        elif not self.data:
+            return self.default
+        return self._get_quantile(self._get_sorted_data(), q)
+    def get_zscore(self, value):
+        """Get the z-score for *value* in the group. If the standard deviation
+        is 0, 0 inf or -inf will be returned to indicate whether the value is
+        equal to, greater than or below the group's mean.
+        """
+        mean = self.mean
+        if self.std_dev == 0:
+            if value == mean:
+                return 0
+            if value > mean:
+                return float('inf')
+            if value < mean:
+                return float('-inf')
+        return (float(value) - mean) / self.std_dev
+    def trim_relative(self, amount=0.15):
+        """A utility function used to cut a proportion of values off each end
+        of a list of values. This has the effect of limiting the
+        effect of outliers.
+        Args:
+            amount (float): A value between 0.0 and 0.5 to trim off of
+                each side of the data.
+        .. note:
+            This operation modifies the data in-place. It does not
+            make or return a copy.
+        """
+        trim = float(amount)
+        if not 0.0 <= trim < 0.5:
+            raise ValueError('expected amount between 0.0 and 0.5, not %r'
+                             % trim)
+        size = len(self.data)
+        size_diff = int(size * trim)
+        if size_diff == 0.0:
+            return
+        self.data = self._get_sorted_data()[size_diff:-size_diff]
+        self.clear_cache()
+    def _get_pow_diffs(self, power):
+        """
+        A utility function used for calculating statistical moments.
+        """
+        m = self.mean
+        return [(v - m) ** power for v in self.data]
+    def _get_bin_bounds(self, count=None, with_max=False):
+        if not self.data:
+            return [0.0]  # TODO: raise?
+        data = self.data
+        len_data, min_data, max_data = len(data), min(data), max(data)
+        if len_data < 4:
+            if not count:
+                count = len_data
+            dx = (max_data - min_data) / float(count)
+            bins = [min_data + (dx * i) for i in range(count)]
+        elif count is None:
+            # freedman algorithm for fixed-width bin selection
+            q25, q75 = self.get_quantile(0.25), self.get_quantile(0.75)
+            dx = 2 * (q75 - q25) / (len_data ** (1 / 3.0))
+            bin_count = max(1, int(ceil((max_data - min_data) / dx)))
+            bins = [min_data + (dx * i) for i in range(bin_count + 1)]
+            bins = [b for b in bins if b < max_data]
+        else:
+            dx = (max_data - min_data) / float(count)
+            bins = [min_data + (dx * i) for i in range(count)]
+        if with_max:
+            bins.append(float(max_data))
+        return bins
+    def get_histogram_counts(self, bins=None, **kw):
+        """Produces a list of ``(bin, count)`` pairs comprising a histogram of
+        the Stats object's data, using fixed-width bins. See
+        :meth:`Stats.format_histogram` for more details.
+        Args:
+            bins (int): maximum number of bins, or list of
+                floating-point bin boundaries. Defaults to the output of
+                Freedman's algorithm.
+            bin_digits (int): Number of digits used to round down the
+                bin boundaries. Defaults to 1.
+        The output of this method can be stored and/or modified, and
+        then passed to :func:`statsutils.format_histogram_counts` to
+        achieve the same text formatting as the
+        :meth:`~Stats.format_histogram` method. This can be useful for
+        snapshotting over time.
+        """
+        bin_digits = int(kw.pop('bin_digits', 1))
+        if kw:
+            raise TypeError('unexpected keyword arguments: %r' % kw.keys())
+        if not bins:
+            bins = self._get_bin_bounds()
+        else:
+            try:
+                bin_count = int(bins)
+            except TypeError:
+                try:
+                    bins = [float(x) for x in bins]
+                except Exception:
+                    raise ValueError('bins expected integer bin count or list'
+                                     ' of float bin boundaries, not %r' % bins)
+                if self.min < bins[0]:
+                    bins = [self.min] + bins
+            else:
+                bins = self._get_bin_bounds(bin_count)
+        # floor and ceil really should have taken ndigits, like round()
+        round_factor = 10.0 ** bin_digits
+        bins = [floor(b * round_factor) / round_factor for b in bins]
+        bins = sorted(set(bins))
+        idxs = [bisect.bisect(bins, d) - 1 for d in self.data]
+        count_map = {}  # would have used Counter, but py26 support
+        for idx in idxs:
+            try:
+                count_map[idx] += 1
+            except KeyError:
+                count_map[idx] = 1
+        bin_counts = [(b, count_map.get(i, 0)) for i, b in enumerate(bins)]
+        return bin_counts
+    def format_histogram(self, bins=None, **kw):
+        """Produces a textual histogram of the data, using fixed-width bins,
+        allowing for simple visualization, even in console environments.
+        >>> data = list(range(20)) + list(range(5, 15)) + [10]
+        >>> print(Stats(data).format_histogram(width=30))
+         0.0:  5 #########
+         4.4:  8 ###############
+         8.9: 11 ####################
+        13.3:  5 #########
+        17.8:  2 ####
+        In this histogram, five values are between 0.0 and 4.4, eight
+        are between 4.4 and 8.9, and two values lie between 17.8 and
+        the max.
+        You can specify the number of bins, or provide a list of
+        bin boundaries themselves. If no bins are provided, as in the
+        example above, `Freedman's algorithm`_ for bin selection is
+        used.
+        Args:
+            bins (int): Maximum number of bins for the
+                histogram. Also accepts a list of floating-point
+                bin boundaries. If the minimum boundary is still
+                greater than the minimum value in the data, that
+                boundary will be implicitly added. Defaults to the bin
+                boundaries returned by `Freedman's algorithm`_.
+            bin_digits (int): Number of digits to round each bin
+                to. Note that bins are always rounded down to avoid
+                clipping any data. Defaults to 1.
+            width (int): integer number of columns in the longest line
+               in the histogram. Defaults to console width on Python
+               3.3+, or 80 if that is not available.
+            format_bin (callable): Called on each bin to create a
+               label for the final output. Use this function to add
+               units, such as "ms" for milliseconds.
+        Should you want something more programmatically reusable, see
+        the :meth:`~Stats.get_histogram_counts` method, the output of
+        is used by format_histogram. The :meth:`~Stats.describe`
+        method is another useful summarization method, albeit less
+        visual.
+        .. _Freedman's algorithm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedman%E2%80%93Diaconis_rule
+        """
+        width = kw.pop('width', None)
+        format_bin = kw.pop('format_bin', None)
+        bin_counts = self.get_histogram_counts(bins=bins, **kw)
+        return format_histogram_counts(bin_counts,
+                                       width=width,
+                                       format_bin=format_bin)
+    def describe(self, quantiles=None, format=None):
+        """Provides standard summary statistics for the data in the Stats
+        object, in one of several convenient formats.
+        Args:
+            quantiles (list): A list of numeric values to use as
+                quantiles in the resulting summary. All values must be
+                0.0-1.0, with 0.5 representing the median. Defaults to
+                ``[0.25, 0.5, 0.75]``, representing the standard
+                quartiles.
+            format (str): Controls the return type of the function,
+                with one of three valid values: ``"dict"`` gives back
+                a :class:`dict` with the appropriate keys and
+                values. ``"list"`` is a list of key-value pairs in an
+                order suitable to pass to an OrderedDict or HTML
+                table. ``"text"`` converts the values to text suitable
+                for printing, as seen below.
+        Here is the information returned by a default ``describe``, as
+        presented in the ``"text"`` format:
+        >>> stats = Stats(range(1, 8))
+        >>> print(stats.describe(format='text'))
+        count:    7
+        mean:     4.0
+        std_dev:  2.0
+        mad:      2.0
+        min:      1
+        0.25:     2.5
+        0.5:      4
+        0.75:     5.5
+        max:      7
+        For more advanced descriptive statistics, check out my blog
+        post on the topic `Statistics for Software
+        <https://www.paypal-engineering.com/2016/04/11/statistics-for-software/>`_.
+        """
+        if format is None:
+            format = 'dict'
+        elif format not in ('dict', 'list', 'text'):
+            raise ValueError('invalid format for describe,'
+                             ' expected one of "dict"/"list"/"text", not %r'
+                             % format)
+        quantiles = quantiles or [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]
+        q_items = []
+        for q in quantiles:
+            q_val = self.get_quantile(q)
+            q_items.append((str(q), q_val))
+        items = [('count', self.count),
+                 ('mean', self.mean),
+                 ('std_dev', self.std_dev),
+                 ('mad', self.mad),
+                 ('min', self.min)]
+        items.extend(q_items)
+        items.append(('max', self.max))
+        if format == 'dict':
+            ret = dict(items)
+        elif format == 'list':
+            ret = items
+        elif format == 'text':
+            ret = '\n'.join(['%s%s' % ((label + ':').ljust(10), val)
+                             for label, val in items])
+        return ret
+def describe(data, quantiles=None, format=None):
+    """A convenience function to get standard summary statistics useful
+    for describing most data. See :meth:`Stats.describe` for more
+    details.
+    >>> print(describe(range(7), format='text'))
+    count:    7
+    mean:     3.0
+    std_dev:  2.0
+    mad:      2.0
+    min:      0
+    0.25:     1.5
+    0.5:      3
+    0.75:     4.5
+    max:      6
+    See :meth:`Stats.format_histogram` for another very useful
+    summarization that uses textual visualization.
+    """
+    return Stats(data).describe(quantiles=quantiles, format=format)
+def _get_conv_func(attr_name):
+    def stats_helper(data, default=0.0):
+        return getattr(Stats(data, default=default, use_copy=False),
+                       attr_name)
+    return stats_helper
+for attr_name, attr in list(Stats.__dict__.items()):
+    if isinstance(attr, _StatsProperty):
+        if attr_name in ('max', 'min', 'count'):  # don't shadow builtins
+            continue
+        if attr_name in ('mad',):  # convenience aliases
+            continue
+        func = _get_conv_func(attr_name)
+        func.__doc__ = attr.func.__doc__
+        globals()[attr_name] = func
+        delattr(Stats, '_calc_' + attr_name)
+# cleanup
+del attr
+del attr_name
+del func
+def format_histogram_counts(bin_counts, width=None, format_bin=None):
+    """The formatting logic behind :meth:`Stats.format_histogram`, which
+    takes the output of :meth:`Stats.get_histogram_counts`, and passes
+    them to this function.
+    Args:
+        bin_counts (list): A list of bin values to counts.
+        width (int): Number of character columns in the text output,
+            defaults to 80 or console width in Python 3.3+.
+        format_bin (callable): Used to convert bin values into string
+            labels.
+    """
+    lines = []
+    if not format_bin:
+        format_bin = lambda v: v
+    if not width:
+        try:
+            import shutil  # python 3 convenience
+            width = shutil.get_terminal_size()[0]
+        except Exception:
+            width = 80
+    bins = [b for b, _ in bin_counts]
+    count_max = max([count for _, count in bin_counts])
+    count_cols = len(str(count_max))
+    labels = ['%s' % format_bin(b) for b in bins]
+    label_cols = max([len(l) for l in labels])
+    tmp_line = '%s: %s #' % ('x' * label_cols, count_max)
+    bar_cols = max(width - len(tmp_line), 3)
+    line_k = float(bar_cols) / count_max
+    tmpl = "{label:>{label_cols}}: {count:>{count_cols}} {bar}"
+    for label, (bin_val, count) in zip(labels, bin_counts):
+        bar_len = int(round(count * line_k))
+        bar = ('#' * bar_len) or '|'
+        line = tmpl.format(label=label,
+                           label_cols=label_cols,
+                           count=count,
+                           count_cols=count_cols,
+                           bar=bar)
+        lines.append(line)
+    return '\n'.join(lines)