diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/cloudsearchdomain/layer1.py @ 0:d30785e31577 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:18:57 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/cloudsearchdomain/layer1.py	Fri Jul 31 00:18:57 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
+# tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
+# persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
+# lowing conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+from boto.compat import json
+from boto.exception import JSONResponseError
+from boto.connection import AWSAuthConnection
+from boto.regioninfo import RegionInfo
+from boto.cloudsearchdomain import exceptions
+class CloudSearchDomainConnection(AWSAuthConnection):
+    """
+    You use the AmazonCloudSearch2013 API to upload documents to a
+    search domain and search those documents.
+    The endpoints for submitting `UploadDocuments`, `Search`, and
+    `Suggest` requests are domain-specific. To get the endpoints for
+    your domain, use the Amazon CloudSearch configuration service
+    `DescribeDomains` action. The domain endpoints are also displayed
+    on the domain dashboard in the Amazon CloudSearch console. You
+    submit suggest requests to the search endpoint.
+    For more information, see the `Amazon CloudSearch Developer
+    Guide`_.
+    """
+    APIVersion = "2013-01-01"
+    AuthServiceName = 'cloudsearch'
+    DefaultRegionName = "us-east-1"
+    DefaultRegionEndpoint = "cloudsearch.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
+    ResponseError = JSONResponseError
+    _faults = {
+        "SearchException": exceptions.SearchException,
+        "DocumentServiceException": exceptions.DocumentServiceException,
+    }
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        region = kwargs.get('region')
+        if not region:
+            region = RegionInfo(self, self.DefaultRegionName,
+                                self.DefaultRegionEndpoint)
+        else:
+            del kwargs['region']
+        if kwargs.get('host', None) is None:
+            raise ValueError(
+                'The argument, host, must be provided when creating a '
+                'CloudSearchDomainConnection because its methods require the '
+                'specific domain\'s endpoint in order to successfully make '
+                'requests to that CloudSearch Domain.'
+            )
+        super(CloudSearchDomainConnection, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.region = region
+    def _required_auth_capability(self):
+        return ['hmac-v4']
+    def search(self, query, cursor=None, expr=None, facet=None,
+               filter_query=None, highlight=None, partial=None,
+               query_options=None, query_parser=None, ret=None, size=None,
+               sort=None, start=None):
+        """
+        Retrieves a list of documents that match the specified search
+        criteria. How you specify the search criteria depends on which
+        query parser you use. Amazon CloudSearch supports four query
+        parsers:
+        + `simple`: search all `text` and `text-array` fields for the
+          specified string. Search for phrases, individual terms, and
+          prefixes.
+        + `structured`: search specific fields, construct compound
+          queries using Boolean operators, and use advanced features
+          such as term boosting and proximity searching.
+        + `lucene`: specify search criteria using the Apache Lucene
+          query parser syntax.
+        + `dismax`: specify search criteria using the simplified
+          subset of the Apache Lucene query parser syntax defined by the
+          DisMax query parser.
+        For more information, see `Searching Your Data`_ in the Amazon
+        CloudSearch Developer Guide .
+        The endpoint for submitting `Search` requests is domain-
+        specific. You submit search requests to a domain's search
+        endpoint. To get the search endpoint for your domain, use the
+        Amazon CloudSearch configuration service `DescribeDomains`
+        action. A domain's endpoints are also displayed on the domain
+        dashboard in the Amazon CloudSearch console.
+        :type cursor: string
+        :param cursor: Retrieves a cursor value you can use to page through
+            large result sets. Use the `size` parameter to control the number
+            of hits to include in each response. You can specify either the
+            `cursor` or `start` parameter in a request; they are mutually
+            exclusive. To get the first cursor, set the cursor value to
+            `initial`. In subsequent requests, specify the cursor value
+            returned in the hits section of the response.
+        For more information, see `Paginating Results`_ in the Amazon
+            CloudSearch Developer Guide .
+        :type expr: string
+        :param expr: Defines one or more numeric expressions that can be used
+            to sort results or specify search or filter criteria. You can also
+            specify expressions as return fields.
+        For more information about defining and using expressions, see
+            `Configuring Expressions`_ in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer
+            Guide .
+        :type facet: string
+        :param facet: Specifies one or more fields for which to get facet
+            information, and options that control how the facet information is
+            returned. Each specified field must be facet-enabled in the domain
+            configuration. The fields and options are specified in JSON using
+            the form `{"FIELD":{"OPTION":VALUE,"OPTION:"STRING"},"FIELD":{"OPTI
+            ON":VALUE,"OPTION":"STRING"}}`.
+        You can specify the following faceting options:
+        + `buckets` specifies an array of the facet values or ranges to count.
+              Ranges are specified using the same syntax that you use to search
+              for a range of values. For more information, see ` Searching for a
+              Range of Values`_ in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide .
+              Buckets are returned in the order they are specified in the
+              request. The `sort` and `size` options are not valid if you specify
+              `buckets`.
+        + `size` specifies the maximum number of facets to include in the
+              results. By default, Amazon CloudSearch returns counts for the top
+              10. The `size` parameter is only valid when you specify the `sort`
+              option; it cannot be used in conjunction with `buckets`.
+        + `sort` specifies how you want to sort the facets in the results:
+              `bucket` or `count`. Specify `bucket` to sort alphabetically or
+              numerically by facet value (in ascending order). Specify `count` to
+              sort by the facet counts computed for each facet value (in
+              descending order). To retrieve facet counts for particular values
+              or ranges of values, use the `buckets` option instead of `sort`.
+        If no facet options are specified, facet counts are computed for all
+            field values, the facets are sorted by facet count, and the top 10
+            facets are returned in the results.
+        For more information, see `Getting and Using Facet Information`_ in the
+            Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide .
+        :type filter_query: string
+        :param filter_query: Specifies a structured query that filters the
+            results of a search without affecting how the results are scored
+            and sorted. You use `filterQuery` in conjunction with the `query`
+            parameter to filter the documents that match the constraints
+            specified in the `query` parameter. Specifying a filter controls
+            only which matching documents are included in the results, it has
+            no effect on how they are scored and sorted. The `filterQuery`
+            parameter supports the full structured query syntax.
+        For more information about using filters, see `Filtering Matching
+            Documents`_ in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide .
+        :type highlight: string
+        :param highlight: Retrieves highlights for matches in the specified
+            `text` or `text-array` fields. Each specified field must be
+            highlight enabled in the domain configuration. The fields and
+            options are specified in JSON using the form `{"FIELD":{"OPTION":VA
+        You can specify the following highlight options:
+        + `format`: specifies the format of the data in the text field: `text`
+              or `html`. When data is returned as HTML, all non-alphanumeric
+              characters are encoded. The default is `html`.
+        + `max_phrases`: specifies the maximum number of occurrences of the
+              search term(s) you want to highlight. By default, the first
+              occurrence is highlighted.
+        + `pre_tag`: specifies the string to prepend to an occurrence of a
+              search term. The default for HTML highlights is `<em>`. The
+              default for text highlights is `*`.
+        + `post_tag`: specifies the string to append to an occurrence of a
+              search term. The default for HTML highlights is `</em>`. The
+              default for text highlights is `*`.
+        If no highlight options are specified for a field, the returned field
+            text is treated as HTML and the first match is highlighted with
+            emphasis tags: `<em>search-term</em>`.
+        :type partial: boolean
+        :param partial: Enables partial results to be returned if one or more
+            index partitions are unavailable. When your search index is
+            partitioned across multiple search instances, by default Amazon
+            CloudSearch only returns results if every partition can be queried.
+            This means that the failure of a single search instance can result
+            in 5xx (internal server) errors. When you enable partial results,
+            Amazon CloudSearch returns whatever results are available and
+            includes the percentage of documents searched in the search results
+            (percent-searched). This enables you to more gracefully degrade
+            your users' search experience. For example, rather than displaying
+            no results, you could display the partial results and a message
+            indicating that the results might be incomplete due to a temporary
+            system outage.
+        :type query: string
+        :param query: Specifies the search criteria for the request. How you
+            specify the search criteria depends on the query parser used for
+            the request and the parser options specified in the `queryOptions`
+            parameter. By default, the `simple` query parser is used to process
+            requests. To use the `structured`, `lucene`, or `dismax` query
+            parser, you must also specify the `queryParser` parameter.
+        For more information about specifying search criteria, see `Searching
+            Your Data`_ in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide .
+        :type query_options: string
+        :param query_options:
+        Configures options for the query parser specified in the `queryParser`
+            parameter.
+        The options you can configure vary according to which parser you use:
+        + `defaultOperator`: The default operator used to combine individual
+              terms in the search string. For example: `defaultOperator: 'or'`.
+              For the `dismax` parser, you specify a percentage that represents
+              the percentage of terms in the search string (rounded down) that
+              must match, rather than a default operator. A value of `0%` is the
+              equivalent to OR, and a value of `100%` is equivalent to AND. The
+              percentage must be specified as a value in the range 0-100 followed
+              by the percent (%) symbol. For example, `defaultOperator: 50%`.
+              Valid values: `and`, `or`, a percentage in the range 0%-100% (
+              `dismax`). Default: `and` ( `simple`, `structured`, `lucene`) or
+              `100` ( `dismax`). Valid for: `simple`, `structured`, `lucene`, and
+              `dismax`.
+        + `fields`: An array of the fields to search when no fields are
+              specified in a search. If no fields are specified in a search and
+              this option is not specified, all text and text-array fields are
+              searched. You can specify a weight for each field to control the
+              relative importance of each field when Amazon CloudSearch
+              calculates relevance scores. To specify a field weight, append a
+              caret ( `^`) symbol and the weight to the field name. For example,
+              to boost the importance of the `title` field over the `description`
+              field you could specify: `"fields":["title^5","description"]`.
+              Valid values: The name of any configured field and an optional
+              numeric value greater than zero. Default: All `text` and `text-
+              array` fields. Valid for: `simple`, `structured`, `lucene`, and
+              `dismax`.
+        + `operators`: An array of the operators or special characters you want
+              to disable for the simple query parser. If you disable the `and`,
+              `or`, or `not` operators, the corresponding operators ( `+`, `|`,
+              `-`) have no special meaning and are dropped from the search
+              string. Similarly, disabling `prefix` disables the wildcard
+              operator ( `*`) and disabling `phrase` disables the ability to
+              search for phrases by enclosing phrases in double quotes. Disabling
+              precedence disables the ability to control order of precedence
+              using parentheses. Disabling `near` disables the ability to use the
+              ~ operator to perform a sloppy phrase search. Disabling the `fuzzy`
+              operator disables the ability to use the ~ operator to perform a
+              fuzzy search. `escape` disables the ability to use a backslash (
+              `\`) to escape special characters within the search string.
+              Disabling whitespace is an advanced option that prevents the parser
+              from tokenizing on whitespace, which can be useful for Vietnamese.
+              (It prevents Vietnamese words from being split incorrectly.) For
+              example, you could disable all operators other than the phrase
+              operator to support just simple term and phrase queries:
+              `"operators":["and","not","or", "prefix"]`. Valid values: `and`,
+              `escape`, `fuzzy`, `near`, `not`, `or`, `phrase`, `precedence`,
+              `prefix`, `whitespace`. Default: All operators and special
+              characters are enabled. Valid for: `simple`.
+        + `phraseFields`: An array of the `text` or `text-array` fields you
+              want to use for phrase searches. When the terms in the search
+              string appear in close proximity within a field, the field scores
+              higher. You can specify a weight for each field to boost that
+              score. The `phraseSlop` option controls how much the matches can
+              deviate from the search string and still be boosted. To specify a
+              field weight, append a caret ( `^`) symbol and the weight to the
+              field name. For example, to boost phrase matches in the `title`
+              field over the `abstract` field, you could specify:
+              `"phraseFields":["title^3", "plot"]` Valid values: The name of any
+              `text` or `text-array` field and an optional numeric value greater
+              than zero. Default: No fields. If you don't specify any fields with
+              `phraseFields`, proximity scoring is disabled even if `phraseSlop`
+              is specified. Valid for: `dismax`.
+        + `phraseSlop`: An integer value that specifies how much matches can
+              deviate from the search phrase and still be boosted according to
+              the weights specified in the `phraseFields` option; for example,
+              `phraseSlop: 2`. You must also specify `phraseFields` to enable
+              proximity scoring. Valid values: positive integers. Default: 0.
+              Valid for: `dismax`.
+        + `explicitPhraseSlop`: An integer value that specifies how much a
+              match can deviate from the search phrase when the phrase is
+              enclosed in double quotes in the search string. (Phrases that
+              exceed this proximity distance are not considered a match.) For
+              example, to specify a slop of three for dismax phrase queries, you
+              would specify `"explicitPhraseSlop":3`. Valid values: positive
+              integers. Default: 0. Valid for: `dismax`.
+        + `tieBreaker`: When a term in the search string is found in a
+              document's field, a score is calculated for that field based on how
+              common the word is in that field compared to other documents. If
+              the term occurs in multiple fields within a document, by default
+              only the highest scoring field contributes to the document's
+              overall score. You can specify a `tieBreaker` value to enable the
+              matches in lower-scoring fields to contribute to the document's
+              score. That way, if two documents have the same max field score for
+              a particular term, the score for the document that has matches in
+              more fields will be higher. The formula for calculating the score
+              with a tieBreaker is `(max field score) + (tieBreaker) * (sum of
+              the scores for the rest of the matching fields)`. Set `tieBreaker`
+              to 0 to disregard all but the highest scoring field (pure max):
+              `"tieBreaker":0`. Set to 1 to sum the scores from all fields (pure
+              sum): `"tieBreaker":1`. Valid values: 0.0 to 1.0. Default: 0.0.
+              Valid for: `dismax`.
+        :type query_parser: string
+        :param query_parser:
+        Specifies which query parser to use to process the request. If
+            `queryParser` is not specified, Amazon CloudSearch uses the
+            `simple` query parser.
+        Amazon CloudSearch supports four query parsers:
+        + `simple`: perform simple searches of `text` and `text-array` fields.
+              By default, the `simple` query parser searches all `text` and
+              `text-array` fields. You can specify which fields to search by with
+              the `queryOptions` parameter. If you prefix a search term with a
+              plus sign (+) documents must contain the term to be considered a
+              match. (This is the default, unless you configure the default
+              operator with the `queryOptions` parameter.) You can use the `-`
+              (NOT), `|` (OR), and `*` (wildcard) operators to exclude particular
+              terms, find results that match any of the specified terms, or
+              search for a prefix. To search for a phrase rather than individual
+              terms, enclose the phrase in double quotes. For more information,
+              see `Searching for Text`_ in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide
+              .
+        + `structured`: perform advanced searches by combining multiple
+              expressions to define the search criteria. You can also search
+              within particular fields, search for values and ranges of values,
+              and use advanced options such as term boosting, `matchall`, and
+              `near`. For more information, see `Constructing Compound Queries`_
+              in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide .
+        + `lucene`: search using the Apache Lucene query parser syntax. For
+              more information, see `Apache Lucene Query Parser Syntax`_.
+        + `dismax`: search using the simplified subset of the Apache Lucene
+              query parser syntax defined by the DisMax query parser. For more
+              information, see `DisMax Query Parser Syntax`_.
+        :type ret: string
+        :param ret: Specifies the field and expression values to include in
+            the response. Multiple fields or expressions are specified as a
+            comma-separated list. By default, a search response includes all
+            return enabled fields ( `_all_fields`). To return only the document
+            IDs for the matching documents, specify `_no_fields`. To retrieve
+            the relevance score calculated for each document, specify `_score`.
+        :type size: long
+        :param size: Specifies the maximum number of search hits to include in
+            the response.
+        :type sort: string
+        :param sort: Specifies the fields or custom expressions to use to sort
+            the search results. Multiple fields or expressions are specified as
+            a comma-separated list. You must specify the sort direction ( `asc`
+            or `desc`) for each field; for example, `year desc,title asc`. To
+            use a field to sort results, the field must be sort-enabled in the
+            domain configuration. Array type fields cannot be used for sorting.
+            If no `sort` parameter is specified, results are sorted by their
+            default relevance scores in descending order: `_score desc`. You
+            can also sort by document ID ( `_id asc`) and version ( `_version
+            desc`).
+        For more information, see `Sorting Results`_ in the Amazon CloudSearch
+            Developer Guide .
+        :type start: long
+        :param start: Specifies the offset of the first search hit you want to
+            return. Note that the result set is zero-based; the first result is
+            at index 0. You can specify either the `start` or `cursor`
+            parameter in a request, they are mutually exclusive.
+        For more information, see `Paginating Results`_ in the Amazon
+            CloudSearch Developer Guide .
+        """
+        uri = '/2013-01-01/search'
+        params = {}
+        headers = {}
+        query_params = {}
+        if cursor is not None:
+            query_params['cursor'] = cursor
+        if expr is not None:
+            query_params['expr'] = expr
+        if facet is not None:
+            query_params['facet'] = facet
+        if filter_query is not None:
+            query_params['fq'] = filter_query
+        if highlight is not None:
+            query_params['highlight'] = highlight
+        if partial is not None:
+            query_params['partial'] = partial
+        if query is not None:
+            query_params['q'] = query
+        if query_options is not None:
+            query_params['q.options'] = query_options
+        if query_parser is not None:
+            query_params['q.parser'] = query_parser
+        if ret is not None:
+            query_params['return'] = ret
+        if size is not None:
+            query_params['size'] = size
+        if sort is not None:
+            query_params['sort'] = sort
+        if start is not None:
+            query_params['start'] = start
+        return self.make_request('POST', uri, expected_status=200,
+                                 data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers,
+                                 params=query_params)
+    def suggest(self, query, suggester, size=None):
+        """
+        Retrieves autocomplete suggestions for a partial query string.
+        You can use suggestions enable you to display likely matches
+        before users finish typing. In Amazon CloudSearch, suggestions
+        are based on the contents of a particular text field. When you
+        request suggestions, Amazon CloudSearch finds all of the
+        documents whose values in the suggester field start with the
+        specified query string. The beginning of the field must match
+        the query string to be considered a match.
+        For more information about configuring suggesters and
+        retrieving suggestions, see `Getting Suggestions`_ in the
+        Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide .
+        The endpoint for submitting `Suggest` requests is domain-
+        specific. You submit suggest requests to a domain's search
+        endpoint. To get the search endpoint for your domain, use the
+        Amazon CloudSearch configuration service `DescribeDomains`
+        action. A domain's endpoints are also displayed on the domain
+        dashboard in the Amazon CloudSearch console.
+        :type query: string
+        :param query: Specifies the string for which you want to get
+            suggestions.
+        :type suggester: string
+        :param suggester: Specifies the name of the suggester to use to find
+            suggested matches.
+        :type size: long
+        :param size: Specifies the maximum number of suggestions to return.
+        """
+        uri = '/2013-01-01/suggest'
+        params = {}
+        headers = {}
+        query_params = {}
+        if query is not None:
+            query_params['q'] = query
+        if suggester is not None:
+            query_params['suggester'] = suggester
+        if size is not None:
+            query_params['size'] = size
+        return self.make_request('GET', uri, expected_status=200,
+                                 data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers,
+                                 params=query_params)
+    def upload_documents(self, documents, content_type):
+        """
+        Posts a batch of documents to a search domain for indexing. A
+        document batch is a collection of add and delete operations
+        that represent the documents you want to add, update, or
+        delete from your domain. Batches can be described in either
+        JSON or XML. Each item that you want Amazon CloudSearch to
+        return as a search result (such as a product) is represented
+        as a document. Every document has a unique ID and one or more
+        fields that contain the data that you want to search and
+        return in results. Individual documents cannot contain more
+        than 1 MB of data. The entire batch cannot exceed 5 MB. To get
+        the best possible upload performance, group add and delete
+        operations in batches that are close the 5 MB limit.
+        Submitting a large volume of single-document batches can
+        overload a domain's document service.
+        The endpoint for submitting `UploadDocuments` requests is
+        domain-specific. To get the document endpoint for your domain,
+        use the Amazon CloudSearch configuration service
+        `DescribeDomains` action. A domain's endpoints are also
+        displayed on the domain dashboard in the Amazon CloudSearch
+        console.
+        For more information about formatting your data for Amazon
+        CloudSearch, see `Preparing Your Data`_ in the Amazon
+        CloudSearch Developer Guide . For more information about
+        uploading data for indexing, see `Uploading Data`_ in the
+        Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide .
+        :type documents: blob
+        :param documents: A batch of documents formatted in JSON or HTML.
+        :type content_type: string
+        :param content_type:
+        The format of the batch you are uploading. Amazon CloudSearch supports
+            two document batch formats:
+        + application/json
+        + application/xml
+        """
+        uri = '/2013-01-01/documents/batch'
+        headers = {}
+        query_params = {}
+        if content_type is not None:
+            headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
+        return self.make_request('POST', uri, expected_status=200,
+                                 data=documents, headers=headers,
+                                 params=query_params)
+    def make_request(self, verb, resource, headers=None, data='',
+                     expected_status=None, params=None):
+        if headers is None:
+            headers = {}
+        response = AWSAuthConnection.make_request(
+            self, verb, resource, headers=headers, data=data, params=params)
+        body = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
+        if response.status == expected_status:
+            return body
+        else:
+            raise JSONResponseError(response.status, response.reason, body)