diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/rds2/layer1.py @ 0:d30785e31577 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:18:57 -0400
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/rds2/layer1.py	Fri Jul 31 00:18:57 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3783 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
+# tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
+# persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
+# lowing conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import boto
+from boto.connection import AWSQueryConnection
+from boto.regioninfo import RegionInfo
+from boto.exception import JSONResponseError
+from boto.rds2 import exceptions
+from boto.compat import json
+class RDSConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
+    """
+    Amazon Relational Database Service
+    Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a web service
+    that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational
+    database in the cloud. It provides cost-efficient, resizable
+    capacity for an industry-standard relational database and manages
+    common database administration tasks, freeing up developers to
+    focus on what makes their applications and businesses unique.
+    Amazon RDS gives you access to the capabilities of a familiar
+    MySQL or Oracle database server. This means the code,
+    applications, and tools you already use today with your existing
+    MySQL or Oracle databases work with Amazon RDS without
+    modification. Amazon RDS automatically backs up your database and
+    maintains the database software that powers your DB instance.
+    Amazon RDS is flexible: you can scale your database instance's
+    compute resources and storage capacity to meet your application's
+    demand. As with all Amazon Web Services, there are no up-front
+    investments, and you pay only for the resources you use.
+    This is the Amazon RDS API Reference . It contains a comprehensive
+    description of all Amazon RDS Query APIs and data types. Note that
+    this API is asynchronous and some actions may require polling to
+    determine when an action has been applied. See the parameter
+    description to determine if a change is applied immediately or on
+    the next instance reboot or during the maintenance window. For
+    more information on Amazon RDS concepts and usage scenarios, go to
+    the `Amazon RDS User Guide`_.
+    """
+    APIVersion = "2013-09-09"
+    DefaultRegionName = "us-east-1"
+    DefaultRegionEndpoint = "rds.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
+    ResponseError = JSONResponseError
+    _faults = {
+        "InvalidSubnet": exceptions.InvalidSubnet,
+        "DBParameterGroupQuotaExceeded": exceptions.DBParameterGroupQuotaExceeded,
+        "DBSubnetGroupAlreadyExists": exceptions.DBSubnetGroupAlreadyExists,
+        "DBSubnetGroupQuotaExceeded": exceptions.DBSubnetGroupQuotaExceeded,
+        "InstanceQuotaExceeded": exceptions.InstanceQuotaExceeded,
+        "InvalidRestore": exceptions.InvalidRestore,
+        "InvalidDBParameterGroupState": exceptions.InvalidDBParameterGroupState,
+        "AuthorizationQuotaExceeded": exceptions.AuthorizationQuotaExceeded,
+        "DBSecurityGroupAlreadyExists": exceptions.DBSecurityGroupAlreadyExists,
+        "InsufficientDBInstanceCapacity": exceptions.InsufficientDBInstanceCapacity,
+        "ReservedDBInstanceQuotaExceeded": exceptions.ReservedDBInstanceQuotaExceeded,
+        "DBSecurityGroupNotFound": exceptions.DBSecurityGroupNotFound,
+        "DBInstanceAlreadyExists": exceptions.DBInstanceAlreadyExists,
+        "ReservedDBInstanceNotFound": exceptions.ReservedDBInstanceNotFound,
+        "DBSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs": exceptions.DBSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs,
+        "InvalidDBSecurityGroupState": exceptions.InvalidDBSecurityGroupState,
+        "InvalidVPCNetworkState": exceptions.InvalidVPCNetworkState,
+        "ReservedDBInstancesOfferingNotFound": exceptions.ReservedDBInstancesOfferingNotFound,
+        "SNSTopicArnNotFound": exceptions.SNSTopicArnNotFound,
+        "SNSNoAuthorization": exceptions.SNSNoAuthorization,
+        "SnapshotQuotaExceeded": exceptions.SnapshotQuotaExceeded,
+        "OptionGroupQuotaExceeded": exceptions.OptionGroupQuotaExceeded,
+        "DBParameterGroupNotFound": exceptions.DBParameterGroupNotFound,
+        "SNSInvalidTopic": exceptions.SNSInvalidTopic,
+        "InvalidDBSubnetGroupState": exceptions.InvalidDBSubnetGroupState,
+        "DBSubnetGroupNotFound": exceptions.DBSubnetGroupNotFound,
+        "InvalidOptionGroupState": exceptions.InvalidOptionGroupState,
+        "SourceNotFound": exceptions.SourceNotFound,
+        "SubscriptionCategoryNotFound": exceptions.SubscriptionCategoryNotFound,
+        "EventSubscriptionQuotaExceeded": exceptions.EventSubscriptionQuotaExceeded,
+        "DBSecurityGroupNotSupported": exceptions.DBSecurityGroupNotSupported,
+        "InvalidEventSubscriptionState": exceptions.InvalidEventSubscriptionState,
+        "InvalidDBSubnetState": exceptions.InvalidDBSubnetState,
+        "InvalidDBSnapshotState": exceptions.InvalidDBSnapshotState,
+        "SubscriptionAlreadyExist": exceptions.SubscriptionAlreadyExist,
+        "DBSecurityGroupQuotaExceeded": exceptions.DBSecurityGroupQuotaExceeded,
+        "ProvisionedIopsNotAvailableInAZ": exceptions.ProvisionedIopsNotAvailableInAZ,
+        "AuthorizationNotFound": exceptions.AuthorizationNotFound,
+        "OptionGroupAlreadyExists": exceptions.OptionGroupAlreadyExists,
+        "SubscriptionNotFound": exceptions.SubscriptionNotFound,
+        "DBUpgradeDependencyFailure": exceptions.DBUpgradeDependencyFailure,
+        "PointInTimeRestoreNotEnabled": exceptions.PointInTimeRestoreNotEnabled,
+        "AuthorizationAlreadyExists": exceptions.AuthorizationAlreadyExists,
+        "DBSubnetQuotaExceeded": exceptions.DBSubnetQuotaExceeded,
+        "OptionGroupNotFound": exceptions.OptionGroupNotFound,
+        "DBParameterGroupAlreadyExists": exceptions.DBParameterGroupAlreadyExists,
+        "DBInstanceNotFound": exceptions.DBInstanceNotFound,
+        "ReservedDBInstanceAlreadyExists": exceptions.ReservedDBInstanceAlreadyExists,
+        "InvalidDBInstanceState": exceptions.InvalidDBInstanceState,
+        "DBSnapshotNotFound": exceptions.DBSnapshotNotFound,
+        "DBSnapshotAlreadyExists": exceptions.DBSnapshotAlreadyExists,
+        "StorageQuotaExceeded": exceptions.StorageQuotaExceeded,
+        "SubnetAlreadyInUse": exceptions.SubnetAlreadyInUse,
+    }
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        region = kwargs.pop('region', None)
+        if not region:
+            region = RegionInfo(self, self.DefaultRegionName,
+                                self.DefaultRegionEndpoint)
+        if 'host' not in kwargs:
+            kwargs['host'] = region.endpoint
+        super(RDSConnection, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.region = region
+    def _required_auth_capability(self):
+        return ['hmac-v4']
+    def add_source_identifier_to_subscription(self, subscription_name,
+                                              source_identifier):
+        """
+        Adds a source identifier to an existing RDS event notification
+        subscription.
+        :type subscription_name: string
+        :param subscription_name: The name of the RDS event notification
+            subscription you want to add a source identifier to.
+        :type source_identifier: string
+        :param source_identifier:
+        The identifier of the event source to be added. An identifier must
+            begin with a letter and must contain only ASCII letters, digits,
+            and hyphens; it cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive
+            hyphens.
+        Constraints:
+        + If the source type is a DB instance, then a `DBInstanceIdentifier`
+              must be supplied.
+        + If the source type is a DB security group, a `DBSecurityGroupName`
+              must be supplied.
+        + If the source type is a DB parameter group, a `DBParameterGroupName`
+              must be supplied.
+        + If the source type is a DB snapshot, a `DBSnapshotIdentifier` must be
+              supplied.
+        """
+        params = {
+            'SubscriptionName': subscription_name,
+            'SourceIdentifier': source_identifier,
+        }
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def add_tags_to_resource(self, resource_name, tags):
+        """
+        Adds metadata tags to an Amazon RDS resource. These tags can
+        also be used with cost allocation reporting to track cost
+        associated with Amazon RDS resources, or used in Condition
+        statement in IAM policy for Amazon RDS.
+        For an overview on tagging Amazon RDS resources, see `Tagging
+        Amazon RDS Resources`_.
+        :type resource_name: string
+        :param resource_name: The Amazon RDS resource the tags will be added
+            to. This value is an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For information
+            about creating an ARN, see ` Constructing an RDS Amazon Resource
+            Name (ARN)`_.
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: The tags to be assigned to the Amazon RDS resource.
+            Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {'ResourceName': resource_name, }
+        self.build_complex_list_params(
+            params, tags,
+            'Tags.member',
+            ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='AddTagsToResource',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def authorize_db_security_group_ingress(self, db_security_group_name,
+                                            cidrip=None,
+                                            ec2_security_group_name=None,
+                                            ec2_security_group_id=None,
+                                            ec2_security_group_owner_id=None):
+        """
+        Enables ingress to a DBSecurityGroup using one of two forms of
+        authorization. First, EC2 or VPC security groups can be added
+        to the DBSecurityGroup if the application using the database
+        is running on EC2 or VPC instances. Second, IP ranges are
+        available if the application accessing your database is
+        running on the Internet. Required parameters for this API are
+        one of CIDR range, EC2SecurityGroupId for VPC, or
+        (EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either EC2SecurityGroupName or
+        EC2SecurityGroupId for non-VPC).
+        You cannot authorize ingress from an EC2 security group in one
+        Region to an Amazon RDS DB instance in another. You cannot
+        authorize ingress from a VPC security group in one VPC to an
+        Amazon RDS DB instance in another.
+        For an overview of CIDR ranges, go to the `Wikipedia
+        Tutorial`_.
+        :type db_security_group_name: string
+        :param db_security_group_name: The name of the DB security group to add
+            authorization to.
+        :type cidrip: string
+        :param cidrip: The IP range to authorize.
+        :type ec2_security_group_name: string
+        :param ec2_security_group_name: Name of the EC2 security group to
+            authorize. For VPC DB security groups, `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be
+            provided. Otherwise, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either
+            `EC2SecurityGroupName` or `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be provided.
+        :type ec2_security_group_id: string
+        :param ec2_security_group_id: Id of the EC2 security group to
+            authorize. For VPC DB security groups, `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be
+            provided. Otherwise, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either
+            `EC2SecurityGroupName` or `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be provided.
+        :type ec2_security_group_owner_id: string
+        :param ec2_security_group_owner_id: AWS Account Number of the owner of
+            the EC2 security group specified in the EC2SecurityGroupName
+            parameter. The AWS Access Key ID is not an acceptable value. For
+            VPC DB security groups, `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be provided.
+            Otherwise, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either
+            `EC2SecurityGroupName` or `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be provided.
+        """
+        params = {'DBSecurityGroupName': db_security_group_name, }
+        if cidrip is not None:
+            params['CIDRIP'] = cidrip
+        if ec2_security_group_name is not None:
+            params['EC2SecurityGroupName'] = ec2_security_group_name
+        if ec2_security_group_id is not None:
+            params['EC2SecurityGroupId'] = ec2_security_group_id
+        if ec2_security_group_owner_id is not None:
+            params['EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId'] = ec2_security_group_owner_id
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def copy_db_snapshot(self, source_db_snapshot_identifier,
+                         target_db_snapshot_identifier, tags=None):
+        """
+        Copies the specified DBSnapshot. The source DBSnapshot must be
+        in the "available" state.
+        :type source_db_snapshot_identifier: string
+        :param source_db_snapshot_identifier: The identifier for the source DB
+            snapshot.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be the identifier for a valid system snapshot in the "available"
+              state.
+        Example: `rds:mydb-2012-04-02-00-01`
+        :type target_db_snapshot_identifier: string
+        :param target_db_snapshot_identifier: The identifier for the copied
+            snapshot.
+        Constraints:
+        + Cannot be null, empty, or blank
+        + Must contain from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        Example: `my-db-snapshot`
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier': source_db_snapshot_identifier,
+            'TargetDBSnapshotIdentifier': target_db_snapshot_identifier,
+        }
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='CopyDBSnapshot',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def create_db_instance(self, db_instance_identifier, allocated_storage,
+                           db_instance_class, engine, master_username,
+                           master_user_password, db_name=None,
+                           db_security_groups=None,
+                           vpc_security_group_ids=None,
+                           availability_zone=None, db_subnet_group_name=None,
+                           preferred_maintenance_window=None,
+                           db_parameter_group_name=None,
+                           backup_retention_period=None,
+                           preferred_backup_window=None, port=None,
+                           multi_az=None, engine_version=None,
+                           auto_minor_version_upgrade=None,
+                           license_model=None, iops=None,
+                           option_group_name=None, character_set_name=None,
+                           publicly_accessible=None, tags=None):
+        """
+        Creates a new DB instance.
+        :type db_name: string
+        :param db_name: The meaning of this parameter differs according to the
+            database engine you use.
+        **MySQL**
+        The name of the database to create when the DB instance is created. If
+            this parameter is not specified, no database is created in the DB
+            instance.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters
+        + Cannot be a word reserved by the specified database engine
+        Type: String
+        **Oracle**
+        The Oracle System ID (SID) of the created DB instance.
+        Default: `ORCL`
+        Constraints:
+        + Cannot be longer than 8 characters
+        **SQL Server**
+        Not applicable. Must be null.
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier: The DB instance identifier. This
+            parameter is stored as a lowercase string.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens (1 to 15
+              for SQL Server).
+        + First character must be a letter.
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
+        Example: `mydbinstance`
+        :type allocated_storage: integer
+        :param allocated_storage: The amount of storage (in gigabytes) to be
+            initially allocated for the database instance.
+        **MySQL**
+        Constraints: Must be an integer from 5 to 1024.
+        Type: Integer
+        **Oracle**
+        Constraints: Must be an integer from 10 to 1024.
+        **SQL Server**
+        Constraints: Must be an integer from 200 to 1024 (Standard Edition and
+            Enterprise Edition) or from 30 to 1024 (Express Edition and Web
+            Edition)
+        :type db_instance_class: string
+        :param db_instance_class: The compute and memory capacity of the DB
+            instance.
+        Valid Values: `db.t1.micro | db.m1.small | db.m1.medium | db.m1.large |
+            db.m1.xlarge | db.m2.xlarge |db.m2.2xlarge | db.m2.4xlarge`
+        :type engine: string
+        :param engine: The name of the database engine to be used for this
+            instance.
+        Valid Values: `MySQL` | `oracle-se1` | `oracle-se` | `oracle-ee` |
+            `sqlserver-ee` | `sqlserver-se` | `sqlserver-ex` | `sqlserver-web`
+        :type master_username: string
+        :param master_username:
+        The name of master user for the client DB instance.
+        **MySQL**
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters.
+        + First character must be a letter.
+        + Cannot be a reserved word for the chosen database engine.
+        Type: String
+        **Oracle**
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters.
+        + First character must be a letter.
+        + Cannot be a reserved word for the chosen database engine.
+        **SQL Server**
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 128 alphanumeric characters.
+        + First character must be a letter.
+        + Cannot be a reserved word for the chosen database engine.
+        :type master_user_password: string
+        :param master_user_password: The password for the master database user.
+            Can be any printable ASCII character except "/", '"', or "@".
+        Type: String
+        **MySQL**
+        Constraints: Must contain from 8 to 41 characters.
+        **Oracle**
+        Constraints: Must contain from 8 to 30 characters.
+        **SQL Server**
+        Constraints: Must contain from 8 to 128 characters.
+        :type db_security_groups: list
+        :param db_security_groups: A list of DB security groups to associate
+            with this DB instance.
+        Default: The default DB security group for the database engine.
+        :type vpc_security_group_ids: list
+        :param vpc_security_group_ids: A list of EC2 VPC security groups to
+            associate with this DB instance.
+        Default: The default EC2 VPC security group for the DB subnet group's
+            VPC.
+        :type availability_zone: string
+        :param availability_zone: The EC2 Availability Zone that the database
+            instance will be created in.
+        Default: A random, system-chosen Availability Zone in the endpoint's
+            region.
+        Example: `us-east-1d`
+        Constraint: The AvailabilityZone parameter cannot be specified if the
+            MultiAZ parameter is set to `True`. The specified Availability Zone
+            must be in the same region as the current endpoint.
+        :type db_subnet_group_name: string
+        :param db_subnet_group_name: A DB subnet group to associate with this
+            DB instance.
+        If there is no DB subnet group, then it is a non-VPC DB instance.
+        :type preferred_maintenance_window: string
+        :param preferred_maintenance_window: The weekly time range (in UTC)
+            during which system maintenance can occur.
+        Format: `ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi`
+        Default: A 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of
+            time per region, occurring on a random day of the week. To see the
+            time blocks available, see ` Adjusting the Preferred Maintenance
+            Window`_ in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
+        Valid Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
+        Constraints: Minimum 30-minute window.
+        :type db_parameter_group_name: string
+        :param db_parameter_group_name:
+        The name of the DB parameter group to associate with this DB instance.
+            If this argument is omitted, the default DBParameterGroup for the
+            specified engine will be used.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type backup_retention_period: integer
+        :param backup_retention_period:
+        The number of days for which automated backups are retained. Setting
+            this parameter to a positive number enables backups. Setting this
+            parameter to 0 disables automated backups.
+        Default: 1
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be a value from 0 to 8
+        + Cannot be set to 0 if the DB instance is a master instance with read
+              replicas
+        :type preferred_backup_window: string
+        :param preferred_backup_window: The daily time range during which
+            automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled,
+            using the `BackupRetentionPeriod` parameter.
+        Default: A 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of
+            time per region. See the Amazon RDS User Guide for the time blocks
+            for each region from which the default backup windows are assigned.
+        Constraints: Must be in the format `hh24:mi-hh24:mi`. Times should be
+            Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). Must not conflict with the
+            preferred maintenance window. Must be at least 30 minutes.
+        :type port: integer
+        :param port: The port number on which the database accepts connections.
+        **MySQL**
+        Default: `3306`
+        Valid Values: `1150-65535`
+        Type: Integer
+        **Oracle**
+        Default: `1521`
+        Valid Values: `1150-65535`
+        **SQL Server**
+        Default: `1433`
+        Valid Values: `1150-65535` except for `1434` and `3389`.
+        :type multi_az: boolean
+        :param multi_az: Specifies if the DB instance is a Multi-AZ deployment.
+            You cannot set the AvailabilityZone parameter if the MultiAZ
+            parameter is set to true.
+        :type engine_version: string
+        :param engine_version: The version number of the database engine to
+            use.
+        **MySQL**
+        Example: `5.1.42`
+        Type: String
+        **Oracle**
+        Example: ``
+        Type: String
+        **SQL Server**
+        Example: `10.50.2789.0.v1`
+        :type auto_minor_version_upgrade: boolean
+        :param auto_minor_version_upgrade: Indicates that minor engine upgrades
+            will be applied automatically to the DB instance during the
+            maintenance window.
+        Default: `True`
+        :type license_model: string
+        :param license_model: License model information for this DB instance.
+        Valid values: `license-included` | `bring-your-own-license` | `general-
+            public-license`
+        :type iops: integer
+        :param iops: The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations
+            per second) to be initially allocated for the DB instance.
+        Constraints: Must be an integer greater than 1000.
+        :type option_group_name: string
+        :param option_group_name: Indicates that the DB instance should be
+            associated with the specified option group.
+        Permanent options, such as the TDE option for Oracle Advanced Security
+            TDE, cannot be removed from an option group, and that option group
+            cannot be removed from a DB instance once it is associated with a
+            DB instance
+        :type character_set_name: string
+        :param character_set_name: For supported engines, indicates that the DB
+            instance should be associated with the specified CharacterSet.
+        :type publicly_accessible: boolean
+        :param publicly_accessible: Specifies the accessibility options for the
+            DB instance. A value of true specifies an Internet-facing instance
+            with a publicly resolvable DNS name, which resolves to a public IP
+            address. A value of false specifies an internal instance with a DNS
+            name that resolves to a private IP address.
+        Default: The default behavior varies depending on whether a VPC has
+            been requested or not. The following list shows the default
+            behavior in each case.
+        + **Default VPC:**true
+        + **VPC:**false
+        If no DB subnet group has been specified as part of the request and the
+            PubliclyAccessible value has not been set, the DB instance will be
+            publicly accessible. If a specific DB subnet group has been
+            specified as part of the request and the PubliclyAccessible value
+            has not been set, the DB instance will be private.
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'DBInstanceIdentifier': db_instance_identifier,
+            'AllocatedStorage': allocated_storage,
+            'DBInstanceClass': db_instance_class,
+            'Engine': engine,
+            'MasterUsername': master_username,
+            'MasterUserPassword': master_user_password,
+        }
+        if db_name is not None:
+            params['DBName'] = db_name
+        if db_security_groups is not None:
+            self.build_list_params(params,
+                                   db_security_groups,
+                                   'DBSecurityGroups.member')
+        if vpc_security_group_ids is not None:
+            self.build_list_params(params,
+                                   vpc_security_group_ids,
+                                   'VpcSecurityGroupIds.member')
+        if availability_zone is not None:
+            params['AvailabilityZone'] = availability_zone
+        if db_subnet_group_name is not None:
+            params['DBSubnetGroupName'] = db_subnet_group_name
+        if preferred_maintenance_window is not None:
+            params['PreferredMaintenanceWindow'] = preferred_maintenance_window
+        if db_parameter_group_name is not None:
+            params['DBParameterGroupName'] = db_parameter_group_name
+        if backup_retention_period is not None:
+            params['BackupRetentionPeriod'] = backup_retention_period
+        if preferred_backup_window is not None:
+            params['PreferredBackupWindow'] = preferred_backup_window
+        if port is not None:
+            params['Port'] = port
+        if multi_az is not None:
+            params['MultiAZ'] = str(
+                multi_az).lower()
+        if engine_version is not None:
+            params['EngineVersion'] = engine_version
+        if auto_minor_version_upgrade is not None:
+            params['AutoMinorVersionUpgrade'] = str(
+                auto_minor_version_upgrade).lower()
+        if license_model is not None:
+            params['LicenseModel'] = license_model
+        if iops is not None:
+            params['Iops'] = iops
+        if option_group_name is not None:
+            params['OptionGroupName'] = option_group_name
+        if character_set_name is not None:
+            params['CharacterSetName'] = character_set_name
+        if publicly_accessible is not None:
+            params['PubliclyAccessible'] = str(
+                publicly_accessible).lower()
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='CreateDBInstance',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def create_db_instance_read_replica(self, db_instance_identifier,
+                                        source_db_instance_identifier,
+                                        db_instance_class=None,
+                                        availability_zone=None, port=None,
+                                        auto_minor_version_upgrade=None,
+                                        iops=None, option_group_name=None,
+                                        publicly_accessible=None, tags=None):
+        """
+        Creates a DB instance that acts as a read replica of a source
+        DB instance.
+        All read replica DB instances are created as Single-AZ
+        deployments with backups disabled. All other DB instance
+        attributes (including DB security groups and DB parameter
+        groups) are inherited from the source DB instance, except as
+        specified below.
+        The source DB instance must have backup retention enabled.
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier: The DB instance identifier of the read
+            replica. This is the unique key that identifies a DB instance. This
+            parameter is stored as a lowercase string.
+        :type source_db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param source_db_instance_identifier: The identifier of the DB instance
+            that will act as the source for the read replica. Each DB instance
+            can have up to five read replicas.
+        Constraints: Must be the identifier of an existing DB instance that is
+            not already a read replica DB instance.
+        :type db_instance_class: string
+        :param db_instance_class: The compute and memory capacity of the read
+            replica.
+        Valid Values: `db.m1.small | db.m1.medium | db.m1.large | db.m1.xlarge
+            | db.m2.xlarge |db.m2.2xlarge | db.m2.4xlarge`
+        Default: Inherits from the source DB instance.
+        :type availability_zone: string
+        :param availability_zone: The Amazon EC2 Availability Zone that the
+            read replica will be created in.
+        Default: A random, system-chosen Availability Zone in the endpoint's
+            region.
+        Example: `us-east-1d`
+        :type port: integer
+        :param port: The port number that the DB instance uses for connections.
+        Default: Inherits from the source DB instance
+        Valid Values: `1150-65535`
+        :type auto_minor_version_upgrade: boolean
+        :param auto_minor_version_upgrade: Indicates that minor engine upgrades
+            will be applied automatically to the read replica during the
+            maintenance window.
+        Default: Inherits from the source DB instance
+        :type iops: integer
+        :param iops: The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations
+            per second) to be initially allocated for the DB instance.
+        :type option_group_name: string
+        :param option_group_name: The option group the DB instance will be
+            associated with. If omitted, the default option group for the
+            engine specified will be used.
+        :type publicly_accessible: boolean
+        :param publicly_accessible: Specifies the accessibility options for the
+            DB instance. A value of true specifies an Internet-facing instance
+            with a publicly resolvable DNS name, which resolves to a public IP
+            address. A value of false specifies an internal instance with a DNS
+            name that resolves to a private IP address.
+        Default: The default behavior varies depending on whether a VPC has
+            been requested or not. The following list shows the default
+            behavior in each case.
+        + **Default VPC:**true
+        + **VPC:**false
+        If no DB subnet group has been specified as part of the request and the
+            PubliclyAccessible value has not been set, the DB instance will be
+            publicly accessible. If a specific DB subnet group has been
+            specified as part of the request and the PubliclyAccessible value
+            has not been set, the DB instance will be private.
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'DBInstanceIdentifier': db_instance_identifier,
+            'SourceDBInstanceIdentifier': source_db_instance_identifier,
+        }
+        if db_instance_class is not None:
+            params['DBInstanceClass'] = db_instance_class
+        if availability_zone is not None:
+            params['AvailabilityZone'] = availability_zone
+        if port is not None:
+            params['Port'] = port
+        if auto_minor_version_upgrade is not None:
+            params['AutoMinorVersionUpgrade'] = str(
+                auto_minor_version_upgrade).lower()
+        if iops is not None:
+            params['Iops'] = iops
+        if option_group_name is not None:
+            params['OptionGroupName'] = option_group_name
+        if publicly_accessible is not None:
+            params['PubliclyAccessible'] = str(
+                publicly_accessible).lower()
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='CreateDBInstanceReadReplica',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def create_db_parameter_group(self, db_parameter_group_name,
+                                  db_parameter_group_family, description,
+                                  tags=None):
+        """
+        Creates a new DB parameter group.
+        A DB parameter group is initially created with the default
+        parameters for the database engine used by the DB instance. To
+        provide custom values for any of the parameters, you must
+        modify the group after creating it using
+        ModifyDBParameterGroup . Once you've created a DB parameter
+        group, you need to associate it with your DB instance using
+        ModifyDBInstance . When you associate a new DB parameter group
+        with a running DB instance, you need to reboot the DB Instance
+        for the new DB parameter group and associated settings to take
+        effect.
+        :type db_parameter_group_name: string
+        :param db_parameter_group_name:
+        The name of the DB parameter group.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        This value is stored as a lower-case string.
+        :type db_parameter_group_family: string
+        :param db_parameter_group_family: The DB parameter group family name. A
+            DB parameter group can be associated with one and only one DB
+            parameter group family, and can be applied only to a DB instance
+            running a database engine and engine version compatible with that
+            DB parameter group family.
+        :type description: string
+        :param description: The description for the DB parameter group.
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'DBParameterGroupName': db_parameter_group_name,
+            'DBParameterGroupFamily': db_parameter_group_family,
+            'Description': description,
+        }
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='CreateDBParameterGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def create_db_security_group(self, db_security_group_name,
+                                 db_security_group_description, tags=None):
+        """
+        Creates a new DB security group. DB security groups control
+        access to a DB instance.
+        :type db_security_group_name: string
+        :param db_security_group_name: The name for the DB security group. This
+            value is stored as a lowercase string.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        + Must not be "Default"
+        + May not contain spaces
+        Example: `mysecuritygroup`
+        :type db_security_group_description: string
+        :param db_security_group_description: The description for the DB
+            security group.
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'DBSecurityGroupName': db_security_group_name,
+            'DBSecurityGroupDescription': db_security_group_description,
+        }
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='CreateDBSecurityGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def create_db_snapshot(self, db_snapshot_identifier,
+                           db_instance_identifier, tags=None):
+        """
+        Creates a DBSnapshot. The source DBInstance must be in
+        "available" state.
+        :type db_snapshot_identifier: string
+        :param db_snapshot_identifier: The identifier for the DB snapshot.
+        Constraints:
+        + Cannot be null, empty, or blank
+        + Must contain from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        Example: `my-snapshot-id`
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier:
+        The DB instance identifier. This is the unique key that identifies a DB
+            instance. This parameter isn't case sensitive.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'DBSnapshotIdentifier': db_snapshot_identifier,
+            'DBInstanceIdentifier': db_instance_identifier,
+        }
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='CreateDBSnapshot',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def create_db_subnet_group(self, db_subnet_group_name,
+                               db_subnet_group_description, subnet_ids,
+                               tags=None):
+        """
+        Creates a new DB subnet group. DB subnet groups must contain
+        at least one subnet in at least two AZs in the region.
+        :type db_subnet_group_name: string
+        :param db_subnet_group_name: The name for the DB subnet group. This
+            value is stored as a lowercase string.
+        Constraints: Must contain no more than 255 alphanumeric characters or
+            hyphens. Must not be "Default".
+        Example: `mySubnetgroup`
+        :type db_subnet_group_description: string
+        :param db_subnet_group_description: The description for the DB subnet
+            group.
+        :type subnet_ids: list
+        :param subnet_ids: The EC2 Subnet IDs for the DB subnet group.
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'DBSubnetGroupName': db_subnet_group_name,
+            'DBSubnetGroupDescription': db_subnet_group_description,
+        }
+        self.build_list_params(params,
+                               subnet_ids,
+                               'SubnetIds.member')
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='CreateDBSubnetGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def create_event_subscription(self, subscription_name, sns_topic_arn,
+                                  source_type=None, event_categories=None,
+                                  source_ids=None, enabled=None, tags=None):
+        """
+        Creates an RDS event notification subscription. This action
+        requires a topic ARN (Amazon Resource Name) created by either
+        the RDS console, the SNS console, or the SNS API. To obtain an
+        ARN with SNS, you must create a topic in Amazon SNS and
+        subscribe to the topic. The ARN is displayed in the SNS
+        console.
+        You can specify the type of source (SourceType) you want to be
+        notified of, provide a list of RDS sources (SourceIds) that
+        triggers the events, and provide a list of event categories
+        (EventCategories) for events you want to be notified of. For
+        example, you can specify SourceType = db-instance, SourceIds =
+        mydbinstance1, mydbinstance2 and EventCategories =
+        Availability, Backup.
+        If you specify both the SourceType and SourceIds, such as
+        SourceType = db-instance and SourceIdentifier = myDBInstance1,
+        you will be notified of all the db-instance events for the
+        specified source. If you specify a SourceType but do not
+        specify a SourceIdentifier, you will receive notice of the
+        events for that source type for all your RDS sources. If you
+        do not specify either the SourceType nor the SourceIdentifier,
+        you will be notified of events generated from all RDS sources
+        belonging to your customer account.
+        :type subscription_name: string
+        :param subscription_name: The name of the subscription.
+        Constraints: The name must be less than 255 characters.
+        :type sns_topic_arn: string
+        :param sns_topic_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SNS topic
+            created for event notification. The ARN is created by Amazon SNS
+            when you create a topic and subscribe to it.
+        :type source_type: string
+        :param source_type: The type of source that will be generating the
+            events. For example, if you want to be notified of events generated
+            by a DB instance, you would set this parameter to db-instance. if
+            this value is not specified, all events are returned.
+        Valid values: db-instance | db-parameter-group | db-security-group |
+            db-snapshot
+        :type event_categories: list
+        :param event_categories: A list of event categories for a SourceType
+            that you want to subscribe to. You can see a list of the categories
+            for a given SourceType in the `Events`_ topic in the Amazon RDS
+            User Guide or by using the **DescribeEventCategories** action.
+        :type source_ids: list
+        :param source_ids:
+        The list of identifiers of the event sources for which events will be
+            returned. If not specified, then all sources are included in the
+            response. An identifier must begin with a letter and must contain
+            only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens; it cannot end with a
+            hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
+        Constraints:
+        + If SourceIds are supplied, SourceType must also be provided.
+        + If the source type is a DB instance, then a `DBInstanceIdentifier`
+              must be supplied.
+        + If the source type is a DB security group, a `DBSecurityGroupName`
+              must be supplied.
+        + If the source type is a DB parameter group, a `DBParameterGroupName`
+              must be supplied.
+        + If the source type is a DB snapshot, a `DBSnapshotIdentifier` must be
+              supplied.
+        :type enabled: boolean
+        :param enabled: A Boolean value; set to **true** to activate the
+            subscription, set to **false** to create the subscription but not
+            active it.
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'SubscriptionName': subscription_name,
+            'SnsTopicArn': sns_topic_arn,
+        }
+        if source_type is not None:
+            params['SourceType'] = source_type
+        if event_categories is not None:
+            self.build_list_params(params,
+                                   event_categories,
+                                   'EventCategories.member')
+        if source_ids is not None:
+            self.build_list_params(params,
+                                   source_ids,
+                                   'SourceIds.member')
+        if enabled is not None:
+            params['Enabled'] = str(
+                enabled).lower()
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='CreateEventSubscription',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def create_option_group(self, option_group_name, engine_name,
+                            major_engine_version, option_group_description,
+                            tags=None):
+        """
+        Creates a new option group. You can create up to 20 option
+        groups.
+        :type option_group_name: string
+        :param option_group_name: Specifies the name of the option group to be
+            created.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        Example: `myoptiongroup`
+        :type engine_name: string
+        :param engine_name: Specifies the name of the engine that this option
+            group should be associated with.
+        :type major_engine_version: string
+        :param major_engine_version: Specifies the major version of the engine
+            that this option group should be associated with.
+        :type option_group_description: string
+        :param option_group_description: The description of the option group.
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'OptionGroupName': option_group_name,
+            'EngineName': engine_name,
+            'MajorEngineVersion': major_engine_version,
+            'OptionGroupDescription': option_group_description,
+        }
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='CreateOptionGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def delete_db_instance(self, db_instance_identifier,
+                           skip_final_snapshot=None,
+                           final_db_snapshot_identifier=None):
+        """
+        The DeleteDBInstance action deletes a previously provisioned
+        DB instance. A successful response from the web service
+        indicates the request was received correctly. When you delete
+        a DB instance, all automated backups for that instance are
+        deleted and cannot be recovered. Manual DB snapshots of the DB
+        instance to be deleted are not deleted.
+        If a final DB snapshot is requested the status of the RDS
+        instance will be "deleting" until the DB snapshot is created.
+        The API action `DescribeDBInstance` is used to monitor the
+        status of this operation. The action cannot be canceled or
+        reverted once submitted.
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier:
+        The DB instance identifier for the DB instance to be deleted. This
+            parameter isn't case sensitive.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type skip_final_snapshot: boolean
+        :param skip_final_snapshot: Determines whether a final DB snapshot is
+            created before the DB instance is deleted. If `True` is specified,
+            no DBSnapshot is created. If false is specified, a DB snapshot is
+            created before the DB instance is deleted.
+        The FinalDBSnapshotIdentifier parameter must be specified if
+            SkipFinalSnapshot is `False`.
+        Default: `False`
+        :type final_db_snapshot_identifier: string
+        :param final_db_snapshot_identifier:
+        The DBSnapshotIdentifier of the new DBSnapshot created when
+            SkipFinalSnapshot is set to `False`.
+        Specifying this parameter and also setting the SkipFinalShapshot
+            parameter to true results in an error.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        """
+        params = {'DBInstanceIdentifier': db_instance_identifier, }
+        if skip_final_snapshot is not None:
+            params['SkipFinalSnapshot'] = str(
+                skip_final_snapshot).lower()
+        if final_db_snapshot_identifier is not None:
+            params['FinalDBSnapshotIdentifier'] = final_db_snapshot_identifier
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DeleteDBInstance',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def delete_db_parameter_group(self, db_parameter_group_name):
+        """
+        Deletes a specified DBParameterGroup. The DBParameterGroup
+        cannot be associated with any RDS instances to be deleted.
+        The specified DB parameter group cannot be associated with any
+        DB instances.
+        :type db_parameter_group_name: string
+        :param db_parameter_group_name:
+        The name of the DB parameter group.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be the name of an existing DB parameter group
+        + You cannot delete a default DB parameter group
+        + Cannot be associated with any DB instances
+        """
+        params = {'DBParameterGroupName': db_parameter_group_name, }
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DeleteDBParameterGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def delete_db_security_group(self, db_security_group_name):
+        """
+        Deletes a DB security group.
+        The specified DB security group must not be associated with
+        any DB instances.
+        :type db_security_group_name: string
+        :param db_security_group_name:
+        The name of the DB security group to delete.
+        You cannot delete the default DB security group.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        + Must not be "Default"
+        + May not contain spaces
+        """
+        params = {'DBSecurityGroupName': db_security_group_name, }
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DeleteDBSecurityGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def delete_db_snapshot(self, db_snapshot_identifier):
+        """
+        Deletes a DBSnapshot.
+        The DBSnapshot must be in the `available` state to be deleted.
+        :type db_snapshot_identifier: string
+        :param db_snapshot_identifier: The DBSnapshot identifier.
+        Constraints: Must be the name of an existing DB snapshot in the
+            `available` state.
+        """
+        params = {'DBSnapshotIdentifier': db_snapshot_identifier, }
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DeleteDBSnapshot',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def delete_db_subnet_group(self, db_subnet_group_name):
+        """
+        Deletes a DB subnet group.
+        The specified database subnet group must not be associated
+        with any DB instances.
+        :type db_subnet_group_name: string
+        :param db_subnet_group_name:
+        The name of the database subnet group to delete.
+        You cannot delete the default subnet group.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        """
+        params = {'DBSubnetGroupName': db_subnet_group_name, }
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DeleteDBSubnetGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def delete_event_subscription(self, subscription_name):
+        """
+        Deletes an RDS event notification subscription.
+        :type subscription_name: string
+        :param subscription_name: The name of the RDS event notification
+            subscription you want to delete.
+        """
+        params = {'SubscriptionName': subscription_name, }
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DeleteEventSubscription',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def delete_option_group(self, option_group_name):
+        """
+        Deletes an existing option group.
+        :type option_group_name: string
+        :param option_group_name:
+        The name of the option group to be deleted.
+        You cannot delete default option groups.
+        """
+        params = {'OptionGroupName': option_group_name, }
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DeleteOptionGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_db_engine_versions(self, engine=None, engine_version=None,
+                                    db_parameter_group_family=None,
+                                    max_records=None, marker=None,
+                                    default_only=None,
+                                    list_supported_character_sets=None):
+        """
+        Returns a list of the available DB engines.
+        :type engine: string
+        :param engine: The database engine to return.
+        :type engine_version: string
+        :param engine_version: The database engine version to return.
+        Example: `5.1.49`
+        :type db_parameter_group_family: string
+        :param db_parameter_group_family:
+        The name of a specific DB parameter group family to return details for.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more than the `MaxRecords` value is available, a
+            pagination token called a marker is included in the response so
+            that the following results can be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only
+            records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by
+            `MaxRecords`.
+        :type default_only: boolean
+        :param default_only: Indicates that only the default version of the
+            specified engine or engine and major version combination is
+            returned.
+        :type list_supported_character_sets: boolean
+        :param list_supported_character_sets: If this parameter is specified,
+            and if the requested engine supports the CharacterSetName parameter
+            for CreateDBInstance, the response includes a list of supported
+            character sets for each engine version.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if engine is not None:
+            params['Engine'] = engine
+        if engine_version is not None:
+            params['EngineVersion'] = engine_version
+        if db_parameter_group_family is not None:
+            params['DBParameterGroupFamily'] = db_parameter_group_family
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        if default_only is not None:
+            params['DefaultOnly'] = str(
+                default_only).lower()
+        if list_supported_character_sets is not None:
+            params['ListSupportedCharacterSets'] = str(
+                list_supported_character_sets).lower()
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeDBEngineVersions',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_db_instances(self, db_instance_identifier=None,
+                              filters=None, max_records=None, marker=None):
+        """
+        Returns information about provisioned RDS instances. This API
+        supports pagination.
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier:
+        The user-supplied instance identifier. If this parameter is specified,
+            information from only the specific DB instance is returned. This
+            parameter isn't case sensitive.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type filters: list
+        :param filters:
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results may be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            DescribeDBInstances request. If this parameter is specified, the
+            response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value
+            specified by `MaxRecords` .
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if db_instance_identifier is not None:
+            params['DBInstanceIdentifier'] = db_instance_identifier
+        if filters is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, filters,
+                'Filters.member',
+                ('FilterName', 'FilterValue'))
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeDBInstances',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_db_log_files(self, db_instance_identifier,
+                              filename_contains=None, file_last_written=None,
+                              file_size=None, max_records=None, marker=None):
+        """
+        Returns a list of DB log files for the DB instance.
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier:
+        The customer-assigned name of the DB instance that contains the log
+            files you want to list.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type filename_contains: string
+        :param filename_contains: Filters the available log files for log file
+            names that contain the specified string.
+        :type file_last_written: long
+        :param file_last_written: Filters the available log files for files
+            written since the specified date, in POSIX timestamp format.
+        :type file_size: long
+        :param file_size: Filters the available log files for files larger than
+            the specified size.
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: The pagination token provided in the previous request.
+            If this parameter is specified the response includes only records
+            beyond the marker, up to MaxRecords.
+        """
+        params = {'DBInstanceIdentifier': db_instance_identifier, }
+        if filename_contains is not None:
+            params['FilenameContains'] = filename_contains
+        if file_last_written is not None:
+            params['FileLastWritten'] = file_last_written
+        if file_size is not None:
+            params['FileSize'] = file_size
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeDBLogFiles',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_db_parameter_groups(self, db_parameter_group_name=None,
+                                     filters=None, max_records=None,
+                                     marker=None):
+        """
+        Returns a list of `DBParameterGroup` descriptions. If a
+        `DBParameterGroupName` is specified, the list will contain
+        only the description of the specified DB parameter group.
+        :type db_parameter_group_name: string
+        :param db_parameter_group_name:
+        The name of a specific DB parameter group to return details for.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type filters: list
+        :param filters:
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results may be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            `DescribeDBParameterGroups` request. If this parameter is
+            specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up
+            to the value specified by `MaxRecords`.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if db_parameter_group_name is not None:
+            params['DBParameterGroupName'] = db_parameter_group_name
+        if filters is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, filters,
+                'Filters.member',
+                ('FilterName', 'FilterValue'))
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeDBParameterGroups',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_db_parameters(self, db_parameter_group_name, source=None,
+                               max_records=None, marker=None):
+        """
+        Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular DB
+        parameter group.
+        :type db_parameter_group_name: string
+        :param db_parameter_group_name:
+        The name of a specific DB parameter group to return details for.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type source: string
+        :param source: The parameter types to return.
+        Default: All parameter types returned
+        Valid Values: `user | system | engine-default`
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results may be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            `DescribeDBParameters` request. If this parameter is specified, the
+            response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value
+            specified by `MaxRecords`.
+        """
+        params = {'DBParameterGroupName': db_parameter_group_name, }
+        if source is not None:
+            params['Source'] = source
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeDBParameters',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_db_security_groups(self, db_security_group_name=None,
+                                    filters=None, max_records=None,
+                                    marker=None):
+        """
+        Returns a list of `DBSecurityGroup` descriptions. If a
+        `DBSecurityGroupName` is specified, the list will contain only
+        the descriptions of the specified DB security group.
+        :type db_security_group_name: string
+        :param db_security_group_name: The name of the DB security group to
+            return details for.
+        :type filters: list
+        :param filters:
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results may be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            DescribeDBSecurityGroups request. If this parameter is specified,
+            the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the
+            value specified by `MaxRecords`.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if db_security_group_name is not None:
+            params['DBSecurityGroupName'] = db_security_group_name
+        if filters is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, filters,
+                'Filters.member',
+                ('FilterName', 'FilterValue'))
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeDBSecurityGroups',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_db_snapshots(self, db_instance_identifier=None,
+                              db_snapshot_identifier=None,
+                              snapshot_type=None, filters=None,
+                              max_records=None, marker=None):
+        """
+        Returns information about DB snapshots. This API supports
+        pagination.
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier:
+        A DB instance identifier to retrieve the list of DB snapshots for.
+            Cannot be used in conjunction with `DBSnapshotIdentifier`. This
+            parameter is not case sensitive.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type db_snapshot_identifier: string
+        :param db_snapshot_identifier:
+        A specific DB snapshot identifier to describe. Cannot be used in
+            conjunction with `DBInstanceIdentifier`. This value is stored as a
+            lowercase string.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        + If this is the identifier of an automated snapshot, the
+              `SnapshotType` parameter must also be specified.
+        :type snapshot_type: string
+        :param snapshot_type: The type of snapshots that will be returned.
+            Values can be "automated" or "manual." If not specified, the
+            returned results will include all snapshots types.
+        :type filters: list
+        :param filters:
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results may be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            `DescribeDBSnapshots` request. If this parameter is specified, the
+            response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value
+            specified by `MaxRecords`.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if db_instance_identifier is not None:
+            params['DBInstanceIdentifier'] = db_instance_identifier
+        if db_snapshot_identifier is not None:
+            params['DBSnapshotIdentifier'] = db_snapshot_identifier
+        if snapshot_type is not None:
+            params['SnapshotType'] = snapshot_type
+        if filters is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, filters,
+                'Filters.member',
+                ('FilterName', 'FilterValue'))
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeDBSnapshots',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_db_subnet_groups(self, db_subnet_group_name=None,
+                                  filters=None, max_records=None,
+                                  marker=None):
+        """
+        Returns a list of DBSubnetGroup descriptions. If a
+        DBSubnetGroupName is specified, the list will contain only the
+        descriptions of the specified DBSubnetGroup.
+        For an overview of CIDR ranges, go to the `Wikipedia
+        Tutorial`_.
+        :type db_subnet_group_name: string
+        :param db_subnet_group_name: The name of the DB subnet group to return
+            details for.
+        :type filters: list
+        :param filters:
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results may be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            DescribeDBSubnetGroups request. If this parameter is specified, the
+            response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value
+            specified by `MaxRecords`.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if db_subnet_group_name is not None:
+            params['DBSubnetGroupName'] = db_subnet_group_name
+        if filters is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, filters,
+                'Filters.member',
+                ('FilterName', 'FilterValue'))
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeDBSubnetGroups',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_engine_default_parameters(self, db_parameter_group_family,
+                                           max_records=None, marker=None):
+        """
+        Returns the default engine and system parameter information
+        for the specified database engine.
+        :type db_parameter_group_family: string
+        :param db_parameter_group_family: The name of the DB parameter group
+            family.
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results may be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            `DescribeEngineDefaultParameters` request. If this parameter is
+            specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up
+            to the value specified by `MaxRecords`.
+        """
+        params = {
+            'DBParameterGroupFamily': db_parameter_group_family,
+        }
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeEngineDefaultParameters',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_event_categories(self, source_type=None):
+        """
+        Displays a list of categories for all event source types, or,
+        if specified, for a specified source type. You can see a list
+        of the event categories and source types in the ` Events`_
+        topic in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
+        :type source_type: string
+        :param source_type: The type of source that will be generating the
+            events.
+        Valid values: db-instance | db-parameter-group | db-security-group |
+            db-snapshot
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if source_type is not None:
+            params['SourceType'] = source_type
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeEventCategories',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_event_subscriptions(self, subscription_name=None,
+                                     filters=None, max_records=None,
+                                     marker=None):
+        """
+        Lists all the subscription descriptions for a customer
+        account. The description for a subscription includes
+        SubscriptionName, SNSTopicARN, CustomerID, SourceType,
+        SourceID, CreationTime, and Status.
+        If you specify a SubscriptionName, lists the description for
+        that subscription.
+        :type subscription_name: string
+        :param subscription_name: The name of the RDS event notification
+            subscription you want to describe.
+        :type filters: list
+        :param filters:
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions request. If this parameter is
+            specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up
+            to the value specified by `MaxRecords` .
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if subscription_name is not None:
+            params['SubscriptionName'] = subscription_name
+        if filters is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, filters,
+                'Filters.member',
+                ('FilterName', 'FilterValue'))
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeEventSubscriptions',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_events(self, source_identifier=None, source_type=None,
+                        start_time=None, end_time=None, duration=None,
+                        event_categories=None, max_records=None, marker=None):
+        """
+        Returns events related to DB instances, DB security groups, DB
+        snapshots, and DB parameter groups for the past 14 days.
+        Events specific to a particular DB instance, DB security
+        group, database snapshot, or DB parameter group can be
+        obtained by providing the name as a parameter. By default, the
+        past hour of events are returned.
+        :type source_identifier: string
+        :param source_identifier:
+        The identifier of the event source for which events will be returned.
+            If not specified, then all sources are included in the response.
+        Constraints:
+        + If SourceIdentifier is supplied, SourceType must also be provided.
+        + If the source type is `DBInstance`, then a `DBInstanceIdentifier`
+              must be supplied.
+        + If the source type is `DBSecurityGroup`, a `DBSecurityGroupName` must
+              be supplied.
+        + If the source type is `DBParameterGroup`, a `DBParameterGroupName`
+              must be supplied.
+        + If the source type is `DBSnapshot`, a `DBSnapshotIdentifier` must be
+              supplied.
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
+        :type source_type: string
+        :param source_type: The event source to retrieve events for. If no
+            value is specified, all events are returned.
+        :type start_time: timestamp
+        :param start_time: The beginning of the time interval to retrieve
+            events for, specified in ISO 8601 format. For more information
+            about ISO 8601, go to the `ISO8601 Wikipedia page.`_
+        Example: 2009-07-08T18:00Z
+        :type end_time: timestamp
+        :param end_time: The end of the time interval for which to retrieve
+            events, specified in ISO 8601 format. For more information about
+            ISO 8601, go to the `ISO8601 Wikipedia page.`_
+        Example: 2009-07-08T18:00Z
+        :type duration: integer
+        :param duration: The number of minutes to retrieve events for.
+        Default: 60
+        :type event_categories: list
+        :param event_categories: A list of event categories that trigger
+            notifications for a event notification subscription.
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results may be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            DescribeEvents request. If this parameter is specified, the
+            response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value
+            specified by `MaxRecords`.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if source_identifier is not None:
+            params['SourceIdentifier'] = source_identifier
+        if source_type is not None:
+            params['SourceType'] = source_type
+        if start_time is not None:
+            params['StartTime'] = start_time
+        if end_time is not None:
+            params['EndTime'] = end_time
+        if duration is not None:
+            params['Duration'] = duration
+        if event_categories is not None:
+            self.build_list_params(params,
+                                   event_categories,
+                                   'EventCategories.member')
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeEvents',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_option_group_options(self, engine_name,
+                                      major_engine_version=None,
+                                      max_records=None, marker=None):
+        """
+        Describes all available options.
+        :type engine_name: string
+        :param engine_name: A required parameter. Options available for the
+            given Engine name will be described.
+        :type major_engine_version: string
+        :param major_engine_version: If specified, filters the results to
+            include only options for the specified major engine version.
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only
+            records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by
+            `MaxRecords`.
+        """
+        params = {'EngineName': engine_name, }
+        if major_engine_version is not None:
+            params['MajorEngineVersion'] = major_engine_version
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeOptionGroupOptions',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_option_groups(self, option_group_name=None, filters=None,
+                               marker=None, max_records=None,
+                               engine_name=None, major_engine_version=None):
+        """
+        Describes the available option groups.
+        :type option_group_name: string
+        :param option_group_name: The name of the option group to describe.
+            Cannot be supplied together with EngineName or MajorEngineVersion.
+        :type filters: list
+        :param filters:
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            DescribeOptionGroups request. If this parameter is specified, the
+            response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value
+            specified by `MaxRecords`.
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type engine_name: string
+        :param engine_name: Filters the list of option groups to only include
+            groups associated with a specific database engine.
+        :type major_engine_version: string
+        :param major_engine_version: Filters the list of option groups to only
+            include groups associated with a specific database engine version.
+            If specified, then EngineName must also be specified.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if option_group_name is not None:
+            params['OptionGroupName'] = option_group_name
+        if filters is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, filters,
+                'Filters.member',
+                ('FilterName', 'FilterValue'))
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if engine_name is not None:
+            params['EngineName'] = engine_name
+        if major_engine_version is not None:
+            params['MajorEngineVersion'] = major_engine_version
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeOptionGroups',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_orderable_db_instance_options(self, engine,
+                                               engine_version=None,
+                                               db_instance_class=None,
+                                               license_model=None, vpc=None,
+                                               max_records=None, marker=None):
+        """
+        Returns a list of orderable DB instance options for the
+        specified engine.
+        :type engine: string
+        :param engine: The name of the engine to retrieve DB instance options
+            for.
+        :type engine_version: string
+        :param engine_version: The engine version filter value. Specify this
+            parameter to show only the available offerings matching the
+            specified engine version.
+        :type db_instance_class: string
+        :param db_instance_class: The DB instance class filter value. Specify
+            this parameter to show only the available offerings matching the
+            specified DB instance class.
+        :type license_model: string
+        :param license_model: The license model filter value. Specify this
+            parameter to show only the available offerings matching the
+            specified license model.
+        :type vpc: boolean
+        :param vpc: The VPC filter value. Specify this parameter to show only
+            the available VPC or non-VPC offerings.
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more records exist than the specified `MaxRecords`
+            value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the
+            response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions request. If this parameter is
+            specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up
+            to the value specified by `MaxRecords` .
+        """
+        params = {'Engine': engine, }
+        if engine_version is not None:
+            params['EngineVersion'] = engine_version
+        if db_instance_class is not None:
+            params['DBInstanceClass'] = db_instance_class
+        if license_model is not None:
+            params['LicenseModel'] = license_model
+        if vpc is not None:
+            params['Vpc'] = str(
+                vpc).lower()
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_reserved_db_instances(self, reserved_db_instance_id=None,
+                                       reserved_db_instances_offering_id=None,
+                                       db_instance_class=None, duration=None,
+                                       product_description=None,
+                                       offering_type=None, multi_az=None,
+                                       filters=None, max_records=None,
+                                       marker=None):
+        """
+        Returns information about reserved DB instances for this
+        account, or about a specified reserved DB instance.
+        :type reserved_db_instance_id: string
+        :param reserved_db_instance_id: The reserved DB instance identifier
+            filter value. Specify this parameter to show only the reservation
+            that matches the specified reservation ID.
+        :type reserved_db_instances_offering_id: string
+        :param reserved_db_instances_offering_id: The offering identifier
+            filter value. Specify this parameter to show only purchased
+            reservations matching the specified offering identifier.
+        :type db_instance_class: string
+        :param db_instance_class: The DB instance class filter value. Specify
+            this parameter to show only those reservations matching the
+            specified DB instances class.
+        :type duration: string
+        :param duration: The duration filter value, specified in years or
+            seconds. Specify this parameter to show only reservations for this
+            duration.
+        Valid Values: `1 | 3 | 31536000 | 94608000`
+        :type product_description: string
+        :param product_description: The product description filter value.
+            Specify this parameter to show only those reservations matching the
+            specified product description.
+        :type offering_type: string
+        :param offering_type: The offering type filter value. Specify this
+            parameter to show only the available offerings matching the
+            specified offering type.
+        Valid Values: `"Light Utilization" | "Medium Utilization" | "Heavy
+            Utilization" `
+        :type multi_az: boolean
+        :param multi_az: The Multi-AZ filter value. Specify this parameter to
+            show only those reservations matching the specified Multi-AZ
+            parameter.
+        :type filters: list
+        :param filters:
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more than the `MaxRecords` value is available, a
+            pagination token called a marker is included in the response so
+            that the following results can be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only
+            records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by
+            `MaxRecords`.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if reserved_db_instance_id is not None:
+            params['ReservedDBInstanceId'] = reserved_db_instance_id
+        if reserved_db_instances_offering_id is not None:
+            params['ReservedDBInstancesOfferingId'] = reserved_db_instances_offering_id
+        if db_instance_class is not None:
+            params['DBInstanceClass'] = db_instance_class
+        if duration is not None:
+            params['Duration'] = duration
+        if product_description is not None:
+            params['ProductDescription'] = product_description
+        if offering_type is not None:
+            params['OfferingType'] = offering_type
+        if multi_az is not None:
+            params['MultiAZ'] = str(
+                multi_az).lower()
+        if filters is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, filters,
+                'Filters.member',
+                ('FilterName', 'FilterValue'))
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeReservedDBInstances',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def describe_reserved_db_instances_offerings(self,
+                                                 reserved_db_instances_offering_id=None,
+                                                 db_instance_class=None,
+                                                 duration=None,
+                                                 product_description=None,
+                                                 offering_type=None,
+                                                 multi_az=None,
+                                                 max_records=None,
+                                                 marker=None):
+        """
+        Lists available reserved DB instance offerings.
+        :type reserved_db_instances_offering_id: string
+        :param reserved_db_instances_offering_id: The offering identifier
+            filter value. Specify this parameter to show only the available
+            offering that matches the specified reservation identifier.
+        Example: `438012d3-4052-4cc7-b2e3-8d3372e0e706`
+        :type db_instance_class: string
+        :param db_instance_class: The DB instance class filter value. Specify
+            this parameter to show only the available offerings matching the
+            specified DB instance class.
+        :type duration: string
+        :param duration: Duration filter value, specified in years or seconds.
+            Specify this parameter to show only reservations for this duration.
+        Valid Values: `1 | 3 | 31536000 | 94608000`
+        :type product_description: string
+        :param product_description: Product description filter value. Specify
+            this parameter to show only the available offerings matching the
+            specified product description.
+        :type offering_type: string
+        :param offering_type: The offering type filter value. Specify this
+            parameter to show only the available offerings matching the
+            specified offering type.
+        Valid Values: `"Light Utilization" | "Medium Utilization" | "Heavy
+            Utilization" `
+        :type multi_az: boolean
+        :param multi_az: The Multi-AZ filter value. Specify this parameter to
+            show only the available offerings matching the specified Multi-AZ
+            parameter.
+        :type max_records: integer
+        :param max_records: The maximum number of records to include in the
+            response. If more than the `MaxRecords` value is available, a
+            pagination token called a marker is included in the response so
+            that the following results can be retrieved.
+        Default: 100
+        Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: An optional pagination token provided by a previous
+            request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only
+            records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by
+            `MaxRecords`.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if reserved_db_instances_offering_id is not None:
+            params['ReservedDBInstancesOfferingId'] = reserved_db_instances_offering_id
+        if db_instance_class is not None:
+            params['DBInstanceClass'] = db_instance_class
+        if duration is not None:
+            params['Duration'] = duration
+        if product_description is not None:
+            params['ProductDescription'] = product_description
+        if offering_type is not None:
+            params['OfferingType'] = offering_type
+        if multi_az is not None:
+            params['MultiAZ'] = str(
+                multi_az).lower()
+        if max_records is not None:
+            params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def download_db_log_file_portion(self, db_instance_identifier,
+                                     log_file_name, marker=None,
+                                     number_of_lines=None):
+        """
+        Downloads the last line of the specified log file.
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier:
+        The customer-assigned name of the DB instance that contains the log
+            files you want to list.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type log_file_name: string
+        :param log_file_name: The name of the log file to be downloaded.
+        :type marker: string
+        :param marker: The pagination token provided in the previous request.
+            If this parameter is specified the response includes only records
+            beyond the marker, up to MaxRecords.
+        :type number_of_lines: integer
+        :param number_of_lines: The number of lines remaining to be downloaded.
+        """
+        params = {
+            'DBInstanceIdentifier': db_instance_identifier,
+            'LogFileName': log_file_name,
+        }
+        if marker is not None:
+            params['Marker'] = marker
+        if number_of_lines is not None:
+            params['NumberOfLines'] = number_of_lines
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='DownloadDBLogFilePortion',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def list_tags_for_resource(self, resource_name):
+        """
+        Lists all tags on an Amazon RDS resource.
+        For an overview on tagging an Amazon RDS resource, see
+        `Tagging Amazon RDS Resources`_.
+        :type resource_name: string
+        :param resource_name: The Amazon RDS resource with tags to be listed.
+            This value is an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For information about
+            creating an ARN, see ` Constructing an RDS Amazon Resource Name
+            (ARN)`_.
+        """
+        params = {'ResourceName': resource_name, }
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='ListTagsForResource',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def modify_db_instance(self, db_instance_identifier,
+                           allocated_storage=None, db_instance_class=None,
+                           db_security_groups=None,
+                           vpc_security_group_ids=None,
+                           apply_immediately=None, master_user_password=None,
+                           db_parameter_group_name=None,
+                           backup_retention_period=None,
+                           preferred_backup_window=None,
+                           preferred_maintenance_window=None, multi_az=None,
+                           engine_version=None,
+                           allow_major_version_upgrade=None,
+                           auto_minor_version_upgrade=None, iops=None,
+                           option_group_name=None,
+                           new_db_instance_identifier=None):
+        """
+        Modify settings for a DB instance. You can change one or more
+        database configuration parameters by specifying these
+        parameters and the new values in the request.
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier:
+        The DB instance identifier. This value is stored as a lowercase string.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be the identifier for an existing DB instance
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type allocated_storage: integer
+        :param allocated_storage: The new storage capacity of the RDS instance.
+            Changing this parameter does not result in an outage and the change
+            is applied during the next maintenance window unless the
+            `ApplyImmediately` parameter is set to `True` for this request.
+        **MySQL**
+        Default: Uses existing setting
+        Valid Values: 5-1024
+        Constraints: Value supplied must be at least 10% greater than the
+            current value. Values that are not at least 10% greater than the
+            existing value are rounded up so that they are 10% greater than the
+            current value.
+        Type: Integer
+        **Oracle**
+        Default: Uses existing setting
+        Valid Values: 10-1024
+        Constraints: Value supplied must be at least 10% greater than the
+            current value. Values that are not at least 10% greater than the
+            existing value are rounded up so that they are 10% greater than the
+            current value.
+        **SQL Server**
+        Cannot be modified.
+        If you choose to migrate your DB instance from using standard storage
+            to using Provisioned IOPS, or from using Provisioned IOPS to using
+            standard storage, the process can take time. The duration of the
+            migration depends on several factors such as database load, storage
+            size, storage type (standard or Provisioned IOPS), amount of IOPS
+            provisioned (if any), and the number of prior scale storage
+            operations. Typical migration times are under 24 hours, but the
+            process can take up to several days in some cases. During the
+            migration, the DB instance will be available for use, but may
+            experience performance degradation. While the migration takes
+            place, nightly backups for the instance will be suspended. No other
+            Amazon RDS operations can take place for the instance, including
+            modifying the instance, rebooting the instance, deleting the
+            instance, creating a read replica for the instance, and creating a
+            DB snapshot of the instance.
+        :type db_instance_class: string
+        :param db_instance_class: The new compute and memory capacity of the DB
+            instance. To determine the instance classes that are available for
+            a particular DB engine, use the DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions
+            action.
+        Passing a value for this parameter causes an outage during the change
+            and is applied during the next maintenance window, unless the
+            `ApplyImmediately` parameter is specified as `True` for this
+            request.
+        Default: Uses existing setting
+        Valid Values: `db.t1.micro | db.m1.small | db.m1.medium | db.m1.large |
+            db.m1.xlarge | db.m2.xlarge | db.m2.2xlarge | db.m2.4xlarge`
+        :type db_security_groups: list
+        :param db_security_groups:
+        A list of DB security groups to authorize on this DB instance. Changing
+            this parameter does not result in an outage and the change is
+            asynchronously applied as soon as possible.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type vpc_security_group_ids: list
+        :param vpc_security_group_ids:
+        A list of EC2 VPC security groups to authorize on this DB instance.
+            This change is asynchronously applied as soon as possible.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type apply_immediately: boolean
+        :param apply_immediately: Specifies whether or not the modifications in
+            this request and any pending modifications are asynchronously
+            applied as soon as possible, regardless of the
+            `PreferredMaintenanceWindow` setting for the DB instance.
+        If this parameter is passed as `False`, changes to the DB instance are
+            applied on the next call to RebootDBInstance, the next maintenance
+            reboot, or the next failure reboot, whichever occurs first. See
+            each parameter to determine when a change is applied.
+        Default: `False`
+        :type master_user_password: string
+        :param master_user_password:
+        The new password for the DB instance master user. Can be any printable
+            ASCII character except "/", '"', or "@".
+        Changing this parameter does not result in an outage and the change is
+            asynchronously applied as soon as possible. Between the time of the
+            request and the completion of the request, the `MasterUserPassword`
+            element exists in the `PendingModifiedValues` element of the
+            operation response.
+        Default: Uses existing setting
+        Constraints: Must be 8 to 41 alphanumeric characters (MySQL), 8 to 30
+            alphanumeric characters (Oracle), or 8 to 128 alphanumeric
+            characters (SQL Server).
+        Amazon RDS API actions never return the password, so this action
+            provides a way to regain access to a master instance user if the
+            password is lost.
+        :type db_parameter_group_name: string
+        :param db_parameter_group_name: The name of the DB parameter group to
+            apply to this DB instance. Changing this parameter does not result
+            in an outage and the change is applied during the next maintenance
+            window unless the `ApplyImmediately` parameter is set to `True` for
+            this request.
+        Default: Uses existing setting
+        Constraints: The DB parameter group must be in the same DB parameter
+            group family as this DB instance.
+        :type backup_retention_period: integer
+        :param backup_retention_period:
+        The number of days to retain automated backups. Setting this parameter
+            to a positive number enables backups. Setting this parameter to 0
+            disables automated backups.
+        Changing this parameter can result in an outage if you change from 0 to
+            a non-zero value or from a non-zero value to 0. These changes are
+            applied during the next maintenance window unless the
+            `ApplyImmediately` parameter is set to `True` for this request. If
+            you change the parameter from one non-zero value to another non-
+            zero value, the change is asynchronously applied as soon as
+            possible.
+        Default: Uses existing setting
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be a value from 0 to 8
+        + Cannot be set to 0 if the DB instance is a master instance with read
+              replicas or if the DB instance is a read replica
+        :type preferred_backup_window: string
+        :param preferred_backup_window:
+        The daily time range during which automated backups are created if
+            automated backups are enabled, as determined by the
+            `BackupRetentionPeriod`. Changing this parameter does not result in
+            an outage and the change is asynchronously applied as soon as
+            possible.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be in the format hh24:mi-hh24:mi
+        + Times should be Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)
+        + Must not conflict with the preferred maintenance window
+        + Must be at least 30 minutes
+        :type preferred_maintenance_window: string
+        :param preferred_maintenance_window: The weekly time range (in UTC)
+            during which system maintenance can occur, which may result in an
+            outage. Changing this parameter does not result in an outage,
+            except in the following situation, and the change is asynchronously
+            applied as soon as possible. If there are pending actions that
+            cause a reboot, and the maintenance window is changed to include
+            the current time, then changing this parameter will cause a reboot
+            of the DB instance. If moving this window to the current time,
+            there must be at least 30 minutes between the current time and end
+            of the window to ensure pending changes are applied.
+        Default: Uses existing setting
+        Format: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi
+        Valid Days: Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
+        Constraints: Must be at least 30 minutes
+        :type multi_az: boolean
+        :param multi_az: Specifies if the DB instance is a Multi-AZ deployment.
+            Changing this parameter does not result in an outage and the change
+            is applied during the next maintenance window unless the
+            `ApplyImmediately` parameter is set to `True` for this request.
+        Constraints: Cannot be specified if the DB instance is a read replica.
+        :type engine_version: string
+        :param engine_version: The version number of the database engine to
+            upgrade to. Changing this parameter results in an outage and the
+            change is applied during the next maintenance window unless the
+            `ApplyImmediately` parameter is set to `True` for this request.
+        For major version upgrades, if a non-default DB parameter group is
+            currently in use, a new DB parameter group in the DB parameter
+            group family for the new engine version must be specified. The new
+            DB parameter group can be the default for that DB parameter group
+            family.
+        Example: `5.1.42`
+        :type allow_major_version_upgrade: boolean
+        :param allow_major_version_upgrade: Indicates that major version
+            upgrades are allowed. Changing this parameter does not result in an
+            outage and the change is asynchronously applied as soon as
+            possible.
+        Constraints: This parameter must be set to true when specifying a value
+            for the EngineVersion parameter that is a different major version
+            than the DB instance's current version.
+        :type auto_minor_version_upgrade: boolean
+        :param auto_minor_version_upgrade: Indicates that minor version
+            upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB instance during
+            the maintenance window. Changing this parameter does not result in
+            an outage except in the following case and the change is
+            asynchronously applied as soon as possible. An outage will result
+            if this parameter is set to `True` during the maintenance window,
+            and a newer minor version is available, and RDS has enabled auto
+            patching for that engine version.
+        :type iops: integer
+        :param iops: The new Provisioned IOPS (I/O operations per second) value
+            for the RDS instance. Changing this parameter does not result in an
+            outage and the change is applied during the next maintenance window
+            unless the `ApplyImmediately` parameter is set to `True` for this
+            request.
+        Default: Uses existing setting
+        Constraints: Value supplied must be at least 10% greater than the
+            current value. Values that are not at least 10% greater than the
+            existing value are rounded up so that they are 10% greater than the
+            current value.
+        Type: Integer
+        If you choose to migrate your DB instance from using standard storage
+            to using Provisioned IOPS, or from using Provisioned IOPS to using
+            standard storage, the process can take time. The duration of the
+            migration depends on several factors such as database load, storage
+            size, storage type (standard or Provisioned IOPS), amount of IOPS
+            provisioned (if any), and the number of prior scale storage
+            operations. Typical migration times are under 24 hours, but the
+            process can take up to several days in some cases. During the
+            migration, the DB instance will be available for use, but may
+            experience performance degradation. While the migration takes
+            place, nightly backups for the instance will be suspended. No other
+            Amazon RDS operations can take place for the instance, including
+            modifying the instance, rebooting the instance, deleting the
+            instance, creating a read replica for the instance, and creating a
+            DB snapshot of the instance.
+        :type option_group_name: string
+        :param option_group_name: Indicates that the DB instance should be
+            associated with the specified option group. Changing this parameter
+            does not result in an outage except in the following case and the
+            change is applied during the next maintenance window unless the
+            `ApplyImmediately` parameter is set to `True` for this request. If
+            the parameter change results in an option group that enables OEM,
+            this change can cause a brief (sub-second) period during which new
+            connections are rejected but existing connections are not
+            interrupted.
+        Permanent options, such as the TDE option for Oracle Advanced Security
+            TDE, cannot be removed from an option group, and that option group
+            cannot be removed from a DB instance once it is associated with a
+            DB instance
+        :type new_db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param new_db_instance_identifier:
+        The new DB instance identifier for the DB instance when renaming a DB
+            Instance. This value is stored as a lowercase string.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        """
+        params = {'DBInstanceIdentifier': db_instance_identifier, }
+        if allocated_storage is not None:
+            params['AllocatedStorage'] = allocated_storage
+        if db_instance_class is not None:
+            params['DBInstanceClass'] = db_instance_class
+        if db_security_groups is not None:
+            self.build_list_params(params,
+                                   db_security_groups,
+                                   'DBSecurityGroups.member')
+        if vpc_security_group_ids is not None:
+            self.build_list_params(params,
+                                   vpc_security_group_ids,
+                                   'VpcSecurityGroupIds.member')
+        if apply_immediately is not None:
+            params['ApplyImmediately'] = str(
+                apply_immediately).lower()
+        if master_user_password is not None:
+            params['MasterUserPassword'] = master_user_password
+        if db_parameter_group_name is not None:
+            params['DBParameterGroupName'] = db_parameter_group_name
+        if backup_retention_period is not None:
+            params['BackupRetentionPeriod'] = backup_retention_period
+        if preferred_backup_window is not None:
+            params['PreferredBackupWindow'] = preferred_backup_window
+        if preferred_maintenance_window is not None:
+            params['PreferredMaintenanceWindow'] = preferred_maintenance_window
+        if multi_az is not None:
+            params['MultiAZ'] = str(
+                multi_az).lower()
+        if engine_version is not None:
+            params['EngineVersion'] = engine_version
+        if allow_major_version_upgrade is not None:
+            params['AllowMajorVersionUpgrade'] = str(
+                allow_major_version_upgrade).lower()
+        if auto_minor_version_upgrade is not None:
+            params['AutoMinorVersionUpgrade'] = str(
+                auto_minor_version_upgrade).lower()
+        if iops is not None:
+            params['Iops'] = iops
+        if option_group_name is not None:
+            params['OptionGroupName'] = option_group_name
+        if new_db_instance_identifier is not None:
+            params['NewDBInstanceIdentifier'] = new_db_instance_identifier
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='ModifyDBInstance',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def modify_db_parameter_group(self, db_parameter_group_name, parameters):
+        """
+        Modifies the parameters of a DB parameter group. To modify
+        more than one parameter, submit a list of the following:
+        `ParameterName`, `ParameterValue`, and `ApplyMethod`. A
+        maximum of 20 parameters can be modified in a single request.
+        The `apply-immediate` method can be used only for dynamic
+        parameters; the `pending-reboot` method can be used with MySQL
+        and Oracle DB instances for either dynamic or static
+        parameters. For Microsoft SQL Server DB instances, the
+        `pending-reboot` method can be used only for static
+        parameters.
+        :type db_parameter_group_name: string
+        :param db_parameter_group_name:
+        The name of the DB parameter group.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be the name of an existing DB parameter group
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type parameters: list
+        :param parameters:
+        An array of parameter names, values, and the apply method for the
+            parameter update. At least one parameter name, value, and apply
+            method must be supplied; subsequent arguments are optional. A
+            maximum of 20 parameters may be modified in a single request.
+        Valid Values (for the application method): `immediate | pending-reboot`
+        You can use the immediate value with dynamic parameters only. You can
+            use the pending-reboot value for both dynamic and static
+            parameters, and changes are applied when DB instance reboots.
+        """
+        params = {'DBParameterGroupName': db_parameter_group_name, }
+        self.build_complex_list_params(
+            params, parameters,
+            'Parameters.member',
+            ('ParameterName', 'ParameterValue', 'Description', 'Source', 'ApplyType', 'DataType', 'AllowedValues', 'IsModifiable', 'MinimumEngineVersion', 'ApplyMethod'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='ModifyDBParameterGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def modify_db_subnet_group(self, db_subnet_group_name, subnet_ids,
+                               db_subnet_group_description=None):
+        """
+        Modifies an existing DB subnet group. DB subnet groups must
+        contain at least one subnet in at least two AZs in the region.
+        :type db_subnet_group_name: string
+        :param db_subnet_group_name: The name for the DB subnet group. This
+            value is stored as a lowercase string.
+        Constraints: Must contain no more than 255 alphanumeric characters or
+            hyphens. Must not be "Default".
+        Example: `mySubnetgroup`
+        :type db_subnet_group_description: string
+        :param db_subnet_group_description: The description for the DB subnet
+            group.
+        :type subnet_ids: list
+        :param subnet_ids: The EC2 subnet IDs for the DB subnet group.
+        """
+        params = {'DBSubnetGroupName': db_subnet_group_name, }
+        self.build_list_params(params,
+                               subnet_ids,
+                               'SubnetIds.member')
+        if db_subnet_group_description is not None:
+            params['DBSubnetGroupDescription'] = db_subnet_group_description
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='ModifyDBSubnetGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def modify_event_subscription(self, subscription_name,
+                                  sns_topic_arn=None, source_type=None,
+                                  event_categories=None, enabled=None):
+        """
+        Modifies an existing RDS event notification subscription. Note
+        that you cannot modify the source identifiers using this call;
+        to change source identifiers for a subscription, use the
+        AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription and
+        RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription calls.
+        You can see a list of the event categories for a given
+        SourceType in the `Events`_ topic in the Amazon RDS User Guide
+        or by using the **DescribeEventCategories** action.
+        :type subscription_name: string
+        :param subscription_name: The name of the RDS event notification
+            subscription.
+        :type sns_topic_arn: string
+        :param sns_topic_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SNS topic
+            created for event notification. The ARN is created by Amazon SNS
+            when you create a topic and subscribe to it.
+        :type source_type: string
+        :param source_type: The type of source that will be generating the
+            events. For example, if you want to be notified of events generated
+            by a DB instance, you would set this parameter to db-instance. if
+            this value is not specified, all events are returned.
+        Valid values: db-instance | db-parameter-group | db-security-group |
+            db-snapshot
+        :type event_categories: list
+        :param event_categories: A list of event categories for a SourceType
+            that you want to subscribe to. You can see a list of the categories
+            for a given SourceType in the `Events`_ topic in the Amazon RDS
+            User Guide or by using the **DescribeEventCategories** action.
+        :type enabled: boolean
+        :param enabled: A Boolean value; set to **true** to activate the
+            subscription.
+        """
+        params = {'SubscriptionName': subscription_name, }
+        if sns_topic_arn is not None:
+            params['SnsTopicArn'] = sns_topic_arn
+        if source_type is not None:
+            params['SourceType'] = source_type
+        if event_categories is not None:
+            self.build_list_params(params,
+                                   event_categories,
+                                   'EventCategories.member')
+        if enabled is not None:
+            params['Enabled'] = str(
+                enabled).lower()
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='ModifyEventSubscription',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def modify_option_group(self, option_group_name, options_to_include=None,
+                            options_to_remove=None, apply_immediately=None):
+        """
+        Modifies an existing option group.
+        :type option_group_name: string
+        :param option_group_name: The name of the option group to be modified.
+        Permanent options, such as the TDE option for Oracle Advanced Security
+            TDE, cannot be removed from an option group, and that option group
+            cannot be removed from a DB instance once it is associated with a
+            DB instance
+        :type options_to_include: list
+        :param options_to_include: Options in this list are added to the option
+            group or, if already present, the specified configuration is used
+            to update the existing configuration.
+        :type options_to_remove: list
+        :param options_to_remove: Options in this list are removed from the
+            option group.
+        :type apply_immediately: boolean
+        :param apply_immediately: Indicates whether the changes should be
+            applied immediately, or during the next maintenance window for each
+            instance associated with the option group.
+        """
+        params = {'OptionGroupName': option_group_name, }
+        if options_to_include is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, options_to_include,
+                'OptionsToInclude.member',
+                ('OptionName', 'Port', 'DBSecurityGroupMemberships', 'VpcSecurityGroupMemberships', 'OptionSettings'))
+        if options_to_remove is not None:
+            self.build_list_params(params,
+                                   options_to_remove,
+                                   'OptionsToRemove.member')
+        if apply_immediately is not None:
+            params['ApplyImmediately'] = str(
+                apply_immediately).lower()
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='ModifyOptionGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def promote_read_replica(self, db_instance_identifier,
+                             backup_retention_period=None,
+                             preferred_backup_window=None):
+        """
+        Promotes a read replica DB instance to a standalone DB
+        instance.
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier: The DB instance identifier. This value
+            is stored as a lowercase string.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be the identifier for an existing read replica DB instance
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        Example: mydbinstance
+        :type backup_retention_period: integer
+        :param backup_retention_period:
+        The number of days to retain automated backups. Setting this parameter
+            to a positive number enables backups. Setting this parameter to 0
+            disables automated backups.
+        Default: 1
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be a value from 0 to 8
+        :type preferred_backup_window: string
+        :param preferred_backup_window: The daily time range during which
+            automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled,
+            using the `BackupRetentionPeriod` parameter.
+        Default: A 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of
+            time per region. See the Amazon RDS User Guide for the time blocks
+            for each region from which the default backup windows are assigned.
+        Constraints: Must be in the format `hh24:mi-hh24:mi`. Times should be
+            Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). Must not conflict with the
+            preferred maintenance window. Must be at least 30 minutes.
+        """
+        params = {'DBInstanceIdentifier': db_instance_identifier, }
+        if backup_retention_period is not None:
+            params['BackupRetentionPeriod'] = backup_retention_period
+        if preferred_backup_window is not None:
+            params['PreferredBackupWindow'] = preferred_backup_window
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='PromoteReadReplica',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def purchase_reserved_db_instances_offering(self,
+                                                reserved_db_instances_offering_id,
+                                                reserved_db_instance_id=None,
+                                                db_instance_count=None,
+                                                tags=None):
+        """
+        Purchases a reserved DB instance offering.
+        :type reserved_db_instances_offering_id: string
+        :param reserved_db_instances_offering_id: The ID of the Reserved DB
+            instance offering to purchase.
+        Example: 438012d3-4052-4cc7-b2e3-8d3372e0e706
+        :type reserved_db_instance_id: string
+        :param reserved_db_instance_id: Customer-specified identifier to track
+            this reservation.
+        Example: myreservationID
+        :type db_instance_count: integer
+        :param db_instance_count: The number of instances to reserve.
+        Default: `1`
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'ReservedDBInstancesOfferingId': reserved_db_instances_offering_id,
+        }
+        if reserved_db_instance_id is not None:
+            params['ReservedDBInstanceId'] = reserved_db_instance_id
+        if db_instance_count is not None:
+            params['DBInstanceCount'] = db_instance_count
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def reboot_db_instance(self, db_instance_identifier, force_failover=None):
+        """
+        Rebooting a DB instance restarts the database engine service.
+        A reboot also applies to the DB instance any modifications to
+        the associated DB parameter group that were pending. Rebooting
+        a DB instance results in a momentary outage of the instance,
+        during which the DB instance status is set to rebooting. If
+        the RDS instance is configured for MultiAZ, it is possible
+        that the reboot will be conducted through a failover. An
+        Amazon RDS event is created when the reboot is completed.
+        If your DB instance is deployed in multiple Availability
+        Zones, you can force a failover from one AZ to the other
+        during the reboot. You might force a failover to test the
+        availability of your DB instance deployment or to restore
+        operations to the original AZ after a failover occurs.
+        The time required to reboot is a function of the specific
+        database engine's crash recovery process. To improve the
+        reboot time, we recommend that you reduce database activities
+        as much as possible during the reboot process to reduce
+        rollback activity for in-transit transactions.
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier:
+        The DB instance identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase
+            string.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type force_failover: boolean
+        :param force_failover: When `True`, the reboot will be conducted
+            through a MultiAZ failover.
+        Constraint: You cannot specify `True` if the instance is not configured
+            for MultiAZ.
+        """
+        params = {'DBInstanceIdentifier': db_instance_identifier, }
+        if force_failover is not None:
+            params['ForceFailover'] = str(
+                force_failover).lower()
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='RebootDBInstance',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def remove_source_identifier_from_subscription(self, subscription_name,
+                                                   source_identifier):
+        """
+        Removes a source identifier from an existing RDS event
+        notification subscription.
+        :type subscription_name: string
+        :param subscription_name: The name of the RDS event notification
+            subscription you want to remove a source identifier from.
+        :type source_identifier: string
+        :param source_identifier: The source identifier to be removed from the
+            subscription, such as the **DB instance identifier** for a DB
+            instance or the name of a security group.
+        """
+        params = {
+            'SubscriptionName': subscription_name,
+            'SourceIdentifier': source_identifier,
+        }
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def remove_tags_from_resource(self, resource_name, tag_keys):
+        """
+        Removes metadata tags from an Amazon RDS resource.
+        For an overview on tagging an Amazon RDS resource, see
+        `Tagging Amazon RDS Resources`_.
+        :type resource_name: string
+        :param resource_name: The Amazon RDS resource the tags will be removed
+            from. This value is an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For information
+            about creating an ARN, see ` Constructing an RDS Amazon Resource
+            Name (ARN)`_.
+        :type tag_keys: list
+        :param tag_keys: The tag key (name) of the tag to be removed.
+        """
+        params = {'ResourceName': resource_name, }
+        self.build_list_params(params,
+                               tag_keys,
+                               'TagKeys.member')
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='RemoveTagsFromResource',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def reset_db_parameter_group(self, db_parameter_group_name,
+                                 reset_all_parameters=None, parameters=None):
+        """
+        Modifies the parameters of a DB parameter group to the
+        engine/system default value. To reset specific parameters
+        submit a list of the following: `ParameterName` and
+        `ApplyMethod`. To reset the entire DB parameter group, specify
+        the `DBParameterGroup` name and `ResetAllParameters`
+        parameters. When resetting the entire group, dynamic
+        parameters are updated immediately and static parameters are
+        set to `pending-reboot` to take effect on the next DB instance
+        restart or `RebootDBInstance` request.
+        :type db_parameter_group_name: string
+        :param db_parameter_group_name:
+        The name of the DB parameter group.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type reset_all_parameters: boolean
+        :param reset_all_parameters: Specifies whether ( `True`) or not (
+            `False`) to reset all parameters in the DB parameter group to
+            default values.
+        Default: `True`
+        :type parameters: list
+        :param parameters: An array of parameter names, values, and the apply
+            method for the parameter update. At least one parameter name,
+            value, and apply method must be supplied; subsequent arguments are
+            optional. A maximum of 20 parameters may be modified in a single
+            request.
+        **MySQL**
+        Valid Values (for Apply method): `immediate` | `pending-reboot`
+        You can use the immediate value with dynamic parameters only. You can
+            use the `pending-reboot` value for both dynamic and static
+            parameters, and changes are applied when DB instance reboots.
+        **Oracle**
+        Valid Values (for Apply method): `pending-reboot`
+        """
+        params = {'DBParameterGroupName': db_parameter_group_name, }
+        if reset_all_parameters is not None:
+            params['ResetAllParameters'] = str(
+                reset_all_parameters).lower()
+        if parameters is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, parameters,
+                'Parameters.member',
+                ('ParameterName', 'ParameterValue', 'Description', 'Source', 'ApplyType', 'DataType', 'AllowedValues', 'IsModifiable', 'MinimumEngineVersion', 'ApplyMethod'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='ResetDBParameterGroup',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot(self, db_instance_identifier,
+                                             db_snapshot_identifier,
+                                             db_instance_class=None,
+                                             port=None,
+                                             availability_zone=None,
+                                             db_subnet_group_name=None,
+                                             multi_az=None,
+                                             publicly_accessible=None,
+                                             auto_minor_version_upgrade=None,
+                                             license_model=None,
+                                             db_name=None, engine=None,
+                                             iops=None,
+                                             option_group_name=None,
+                                             tags=None):
+        """
+        Creates a new DB instance from a DB snapshot. The target
+        database is created from the source database restore point
+        with the same configuration as the original source database,
+        except that the new RDS instance is created with the default
+        security group.
+        :type db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param db_instance_identifier:
+        The identifier for the DB snapshot to restore from.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type db_snapshot_identifier: string
+        :param db_snapshot_identifier: Name of the DB instance to create from
+            the DB snapshot. This parameter isn't case sensitive.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        Example: `my-snapshot-id`
+        :type db_instance_class: string
+        :param db_instance_class: The compute and memory capacity of the Amazon
+            RDS DB instance.
+        Valid Values: `db.t1.micro | db.m1.small | db.m1.medium | db.m1.large |
+            db.m1.xlarge | db.m2.2xlarge | db.m2.4xlarge`
+        :type port: integer
+        :param port: The port number on which the database accepts connections.
+        Default: The same port as the original DB instance
+        Constraints: Value must be `1150-65535`
+        :type availability_zone: string
+        :param availability_zone: The EC2 Availability Zone that the database
+            instance will be created in.
+        Default: A random, system-chosen Availability Zone.
+        Constraint: You cannot specify the AvailabilityZone parameter if the
+            MultiAZ parameter is set to `True`.
+        Example: `us-east-1a`
+        :type db_subnet_group_name: string
+        :param db_subnet_group_name: The DB subnet group name to use for the
+            new instance.
+        :type multi_az: boolean
+        :param multi_az: Specifies if the DB instance is a Multi-AZ deployment.
+        Constraint: You cannot specify the AvailabilityZone parameter if the
+            MultiAZ parameter is set to `True`.
+        :type publicly_accessible: boolean
+        :param publicly_accessible: Specifies the accessibility options for the
+            DB instance. A value of true specifies an Internet-facing instance
+            with a publicly resolvable DNS name, which resolves to a public IP
+            address. A value of false specifies an internal instance with a DNS
+            name that resolves to a private IP address.
+        Default: The default behavior varies depending on whether a VPC has
+            been requested or not. The following list shows the default
+            behavior in each case.
+        + **Default VPC:**true
+        + **VPC:**false
+        If no DB subnet group has been specified as part of the request and the
+            PubliclyAccessible value has not been set, the DB instance will be
+            publicly accessible. If a specific DB subnet group has been
+            specified as part of the request and the PubliclyAccessible value
+            has not been set, the DB instance will be private.
+        :type auto_minor_version_upgrade: boolean
+        :param auto_minor_version_upgrade: Indicates that minor version
+            upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB instance during
+            the maintenance window.
+        :type license_model: string
+        :param license_model: License model information for the restored DB
+            instance.
+        Default: Same as source.
+        Valid values: `license-included` | `bring-your-own-license` | `general-
+            public-license`
+        :type db_name: string
+        :param db_name:
+        The database name for the restored DB instance.
+        This parameter doesn't apply to the MySQL engine.
+        :type engine: string
+        :param engine: The database engine to use for the new instance.
+        Default: The same as source
+        Constraint: Must be compatible with the engine of the source
+        Example: `oracle-ee`
+        :type iops: integer
+        :param iops: Specifies the amount of provisioned IOPS for the DB
+            instance, expressed in I/O operations per second. If this parameter
+            is not specified, the IOPS value will be taken from the backup. If
+            this parameter is set to 0, the new instance will be converted to a
+            non-PIOPS instance, which will take additional time, though your DB
+            instance will be available for connections before the conversion
+            starts.
+        Constraints: Must be an integer greater than 1000.
+        :type option_group_name: string
+        :param option_group_name: The name of the option group to be used for
+            the restored DB instance.
+        Permanent options, such as the TDE option for Oracle Advanced Security
+            TDE, cannot be removed from an option group, and that option group
+            cannot be removed from a DB instance once it is associated with a
+            DB instance
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'DBInstanceIdentifier': db_instance_identifier,
+            'DBSnapshotIdentifier': db_snapshot_identifier,
+        }
+        if db_instance_class is not None:
+            params['DBInstanceClass'] = db_instance_class
+        if port is not None:
+            params['Port'] = port
+        if availability_zone is not None:
+            params['AvailabilityZone'] = availability_zone
+        if db_subnet_group_name is not None:
+            params['DBSubnetGroupName'] = db_subnet_group_name
+        if multi_az is not None:
+            params['MultiAZ'] = str(
+                multi_az).lower()
+        if publicly_accessible is not None:
+            params['PubliclyAccessible'] = str(
+                publicly_accessible).lower()
+        if auto_minor_version_upgrade is not None:
+            params['AutoMinorVersionUpgrade'] = str(
+                auto_minor_version_upgrade).lower()
+        if license_model is not None:
+            params['LicenseModel'] = license_model
+        if db_name is not None:
+            params['DBName'] = db_name
+        if engine is not None:
+            params['Engine'] = engine
+        if iops is not None:
+            params['Iops'] = iops
+        if option_group_name is not None:
+            params['OptionGroupName'] = option_group_name
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def restore_db_instance_to_point_in_time(self,
+                                             source_db_instance_identifier,
+                                             target_db_instance_identifier,
+                                             restore_time=None,
+                                             use_latest_restorable_time=None,
+                                             db_instance_class=None,
+                                             port=None,
+                                             availability_zone=None,
+                                             db_subnet_group_name=None,
+                                             multi_az=None,
+                                             publicly_accessible=None,
+                                             auto_minor_version_upgrade=None,
+                                             license_model=None,
+                                             db_name=None, engine=None,
+                                             iops=None,
+                                             option_group_name=None,
+                                             tags=None):
+        """
+        Restores a DB instance to an arbitrary point-in-time. Users
+        can restore to any point in time before the
+        latestRestorableTime for up to backupRetentionPeriod days. The
+        target database is created from the source database with the
+        same configuration as the original database except that the DB
+        instance is created with the default DB security group.
+        :type source_db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param source_db_instance_identifier:
+        The identifier of the source DB instance from which to restore.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be the identifier of an existing database instance
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type target_db_instance_identifier: string
+        :param target_db_instance_identifier:
+        The name of the new database instance to be created.
+        Constraints:
+        + Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens
+        + First character must be a letter
+        + Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
+        :type restore_time: timestamp
+        :param restore_time: The date and time to restore from.
+        Valid Values: Value must be a UTC time
+        Constraints:
+        + Must be before the latest restorable time for the DB instance
+        + Cannot be specified if UseLatestRestorableTime parameter is true
+        Example: `2009-09-07T23:45:00Z`
+        :type use_latest_restorable_time: boolean
+        :param use_latest_restorable_time: Specifies whether ( `True`) or not (
+            `False`) the DB instance is restored from the latest backup time.
+        Default: `False`
+        Constraints: Cannot be specified if RestoreTime parameter is provided.
+        :type db_instance_class: string
+        :param db_instance_class: The compute and memory capacity of the Amazon
+            RDS DB instance.
+        Valid Values: `db.t1.micro | db.m1.small | db.m1.medium | db.m1.large |
+            db.m1.xlarge | db.m2.2xlarge | db.m2.4xlarge`
+        Default: The same DBInstanceClass as the original DB instance.
+        :type port: integer
+        :param port: The port number on which the database accepts connections.
+        Constraints: Value must be `1150-65535`
+        Default: The same port as the original DB instance.
+        :type availability_zone: string
+        :param availability_zone: The EC2 Availability Zone that the database
+            instance will be created in.
+        Default: A random, system-chosen Availability Zone.
+        Constraint: You cannot specify the AvailabilityZone parameter if the
+            MultiAZ parameter is set to true.
+        Example: `us-east-1a`
+        :type db_subnet_group_name: string
+        :param db_subnet_group_name: The DB subnet group name to use for the
+            new instance.
+        :type multi_az: boolean
+        :param multi_az: Specifies if the DB instance is a Multi-AZ deployment.
+        Constraint: You cannot specify the AvailabilityZone parameter if the
+            MultiAZ parameter is set to `True`.
+        :type publicly_accessible: boolean
+        :param publicly_accessible: Specifies the accessibility options for the
+            DB instance. A value of true specifies an Internet-facing instance
+            with a publicly resolvable DNS name, which resolves to a public IP
+            address. A value of false specifies an internal instance with a DNS
+            name that resolves to a private IP address.
+        Default: The default behavior varies depending on whether a VPC has
+            been requested or not. The following list shows the default
+            behavior in each case.
+        + **Default VPC:**true
+        + **VPC:**false
+        If no DB subnet group has been specified as part of the request and the
+            PubliclyAccessible value has not been set, the DB instance will be
+            publicly accessible. If a specific DB subnet group has been
+            specified as part of the request and the PubliclyAccessible value
+            has not been set, the DB instance will be private.
+        :type auto_minor_version_upgrade: boolean
+        :param auto_minor_version_upgrade: Indicates that minor version
+            upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB instance during
+            the maintenance window.
+        :type license_model: string
+        :param license_model: License model information for the restored DB
+            instance.
+        Default: Same as source.
+        Valid values: `license-included` | `bring-your-own-license` | `general-
+            public-license`
+        :type db_name: string
+        :param db_name:
+        The database name for the restored DB instance.
+        This parameter is not used for the MySQL engine.
+        :type engine: string
+        :param engine: The database engine to use for the new instance.
+        Default: The same as source
+        Constraint: Must be compatible with the engine of the source
+        Example: `oracle-ee`
+        :type iops: integer
+        :param iops: The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations
+            per second) to be initially allocated for the DB instance.
+        Constraints: Must be an integer greater than 1000.
+        :type option_group_name: string
+        :param option_group_name: The name of the option group to be used for
+            the restored DB instance.
+        Permanent options, such as the TDE option for Oracle Advanced Security
+            TDE, cannot be removed from an option group, and that option group
+            cannot be removed from a DB instance once it is associated with a
+            DB instance
+        :type tags: list
+        :param tags: A list of tags. Tags must be passed as tuples in the form
+            [('key1', 'valueForKey1'), ('key2', 'valueForKey2')]
+        """
+        params = {
+            'SourceDBInstanceIdentifier': source_db_instance_identifier,
+            'TargetDBInstanceIdentifier': target_db_instance_identifier,
+        }
+        if restore_time is not None:
+            params['RestoreTime'] = restore_time
+        if use_latest_restorable_time is not None:
+            params['UseLatestRestorableTime'] = str(
+                use_latest_restorable_time).lower()
+        if db_instance_class is not None:
+            params['DBInstanceClass'] = db_instance_class
+        if port is not None:
+            params['Port'] = port
+        if availability_zone is not None:
+            params['AvailabilityZone'] = availability_zone
+        if db_subnet_group_name is not None:
+            params['DBSubnetGroupName'] = db_subnet_group_name
+        if multi_az is not None:
+            params['MultiAZ'] = str(
+                multi_az).lower()
+        if publicly_accessible is not None:
+            params['PubliclyAccessible'] = str(
+                publicly_accessible).lower()
+        if auto_minor_version_upgrade is not None:
+            params['AutoMinorVersionUpgrade'] = str(
+                auto_minor_version_upgrade).lower()
+        if license_model is not None:
+            params['LicenseModel'] = license_model
+        if db_name is not None:
+            params['DBName'] = db_name
+        if engine is not None:
+            params['Engine'] = engine
+        if iops is not None:
+            params['Iops'] = iops
+        if option_group_name is not None:
+            params['OptionGroupName'] = option_group_name
+        if tags is not None:
+            self.build_complex_list_params(
+                params, tags,
+                'Tags.member',
+                ('Key', 'Value'))
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def revoke_db_security_group_ingress(self, db_security_group_name,
+                                         cidrip=None,
+                                         ec2_security_group_name=None,
+                                         ec2_security_group_id=None,
+                                         ec2_security_group_owner_id=None):
+        """
+        Revokes ingress from a DBSecurityGroup for previously
+        authorized IP ranges or EC2 or VPC Security Groups. Required
+        parameters for this API are one of CIDRIP, EC2SecurityGroupId
+        for VPC, or (EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either
+        EC2SecurityGroupName or EC2SecurityGroupId).
+        :type db_security_group_name: string
+        :param db_security_group_name: The name of the DB security group to
+            revoke ingress from.
+        :type cidrip: string
+        :param cidrip: The IP range to revoke access from. Must be a valid CIDR
+            range. If `CIDRIP` is specified, `EC2SecurityGroupName`,
+            `EC2SecurityGroupId` and `EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId` cannot be
+            provided.
+        :type ec2_security_group_name: string
+        :param ec2_security_group_name: The name of the EC2 security group to
+            revoke access from. For VPC DB security groups,
+            `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be provided. Otherwise,
+            EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either `EC2SecurityGroupName` or
+            `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be provided.
+        :type ec2_security_group_id: string
+        :param ec2_security_group_id: The id of the EC2 security group to
+            revoke access from. For VPC DB security groups,
+            `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be provided. Otherwise,
+            EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either `EC2SecurityGroupName` or
+            `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be provided.
+        :type ec2_security_group_owner_id: string
+        :param ec2_security_group_owner_id: The AWS Account Number of the owner
+            of the EC2 security group specified in the `EC2SecurityGroupName`
+            parameter. The AWS Access Key ID is not an acceptable value. For
+            VPC DB security groups, `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be provided.
+            Otherwise, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either
+            `EC2SecurityGroupName` or `EC2SecurityGroupId` must be provided.
+        """
+        params = {'DBSecurityGroupName': db_security_group_name, }
+        if cidrip is not None:
+            params['CIDRIP'] = cidrip
+        if ec2_security_group_name is not None:
+            params['EC2SecurityGroupName'] = ec2_security_group_name
+        if ec2_security_group_id is not None:
+            params['EC2SecurityGroupId'] = ec2_security_group_id
+        if ec2_security_group_owner_id is not None:
+            params['EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId'] = ec2_security_group_owner_id
+        return self._make_request(
+            action='RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress',
+            verb='POST',
+            path='/', params=params)
+    def _make_request(self, action, verb, path, params):
+        params['ContentType'] = 'JSON'
+        response = self.make_request(action=action, verb='POST',
+                                     path='/', params=params)
+        body = response.read()
+        boto.log.debug(body)
+        if response.status == 200:
+            return json.loads(body)
+        else:
+            json_body = json.loads(body)
+            fault_name = json_body.get('Error', {}).get('Code', None)
+            exception_class = self._faults.get(fault_name, self.ResponseError)
+            raise exception_class(response.status, response.reason,
+                                  body=json_body)