diff planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cwltool-1.0.20191225192155.dist-info/METADATA @ 0:d30785e31577 draft

"planemo upload commit 6eee67778febed82ddd413c3ca40b3183a3898f1"
author guerler
date Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:18:57 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cwltool-1.0.20191225192155.dist-info/METADATA	Fri Jul 31 00:18:57 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: cwltool
+Version: 1.0.20191225192155
+Summary: Common workflow language reference implementation
+Home-page: https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwltool
+Author: Common workflow language working group
+Author-email: common-workflow-language@googlegroups.com
+License: UNKNOWN
+Download-URL: https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwltool
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: Environment :: Console
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Healthcare Industry
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
+Classifier: Natural Language :: English
+Classifier: Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X
+Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX
+Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
+Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 10
+Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 8.1
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
+Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics
+Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy
+Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Atmospheric Science
+Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis
+Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.
+Classifier: Topic :: System :: Distributed Computing
+Classifier: Topic :: Utilities
+Requires-Python: >=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, <4
+Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
+Requires-Dist: setuptools
+Requires-Dist: requests (>=2.6.1)
+Requires-Dist: ruamel.yaml (<=0.16,>=0.12.4)
+Requires-Dist: rdflib (<4.3.0,>=4.2.2)
+Requires-Dist: shellescape (<3.5,>=3.4.1)
+Requires-Dist: schema-salad (<5,>=4.5)
+Requires-Dist: mypy-extensions
+Requires-Dist: six (>=1.9.0)
+Requires-Dist: psutil
+Requires-Dist: scandir
+Requires-Dist: prov (==1.5.1)
+Requires-Dist: bagit (>=1.6.4)
+Requires-Dist: typing-extensions
+Requires-Dist: coloredlogs
+Requires-Dist: future (>=0.16)
+Requires-Dist: pathlib2 (!=2.3.1)
+Requires-Dist: subprocess32 (>=3.5.0) ; os.name=="posix" and python_version<"3.5"
+Requires-Dist: typing (>=3.5.3) ; python_version<"3.6"
+Provides-Extra: deps
+Requires-Dist: galaxy-tool-util ; extra == 'deps'
+Provides-Extra: docs
+Requires-Dist: sphinx (>=2.2) ; extra == 'docs'
+Requires-Dist: sphinx-rtd-theme ; extra == 'docs'
+Common Workflow Language tool description reference implementation
+CWL conformance tests: |Conformance Status| |Linux Status| |Windows Status| |Coverage Status| |Downloads|
+|CommandLineTool Support| |DockerRequirement Support| |EnvVarRequirement Support| |ExpressionTool Support|
+|InitialWorkDirRequirement Support| |InlineJavascriptRequirement Support| |MultipleInputRequirement Support| |Core Support|
+|ResourceRequirement Support| |ScatterRequirement Support| |SchemaDefRequirement Support| |ShellCommandequirement Support|
+|StepInputRequirement Support| |SubWorkflowRequirement Support| |Workflow Support|
+.. |Conformance Status| image:: https://ci.commonwl.org/buildStatus/icon?job=cwltool-conformance
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |Linux Status| image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/common-workflow-language/cwltool/master.svg?label=Linux%20builds
+   :target: https://travis-ci.org/common-workflow-language/cwltool
+.. |Windows Status| image:: https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/mr-c/cwltool/master.svg?label=Windows%20builds
+   :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/mr-c/cwltool
+.. |Coverage Status| image:: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/common-workflow-language/cwltool.svg
+   :target: https://codecov.io/gh/common-workflow-language/cwltool
+.. |Downloads| image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/cwltool/month
+   :target: https://pepy.tech/project/cwltool
+.. |CommandLineTool Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/command_line_tool.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |DockerRequirement Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/docker.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |EnvVarRequirement Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/env_var.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |ExpressionTool Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/expression_tool.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |InitialWorkDirRequirement Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/initial_work_dir.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |InlineJavascriptRequirement Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/inline_javascript.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |MultipleInputRequirement Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/multiple_input.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |Core Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/required.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |ResourceRequirement Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/resource.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |ScatterRequirement Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/scatter.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |SchemaDefRequirement Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/schema_def.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |ShellCommandequirement Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/shell_command.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |StepInputRequirement Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/step_input.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |SubWorkflowRequirement Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/subworkflow.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+.. |Workflow Support| image:: https://flat.badgen.net/https/raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/conformance/master/cwltool/cwl_v1.0/cwltool_latest/workflow.json
+   :target: https://ci.commonwl.org/job/cwltool-conformance/
+This is the reference implementation of the Common Workflow Language.  It is
+intended to be feature complete and provide comprehensive validation of CWL
+files as well as provide other tools related to working with CWL.
+This is written and tested for
+`Python <https://www.python.org/>`_ ``2.7 and 3.x {x = 5, 6, 7, 8}``
+The reference implementation consists of two packages.  The ``cwltool`` package
+is the primary Python module containing the reference implementation in the
+``cwltool`` module and console executable by the same name.
+The ``cwlref-runner`` package is optional and provides an additional entry point
+under the alias ``cwl-runner``, which is the implementation-agnostic name for the
+default CWL interpreter installed on a host.
+Your operating system may offer cwltool directly. For [Debian](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/cwltool "Debian cwltool package tracker") or [Ubuntu](https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cwltool "Ubuntu Launchpad overview for cwltool") try
+.. code:: bash
+  apt-get install cwltool
+Otherwise, to
+avoid conflicting versions of the same library,
+it is recommended to do the following:
+.. code:: bash
+  virtualenv -p python2 venv   # Create a virtual environment, can use `python3` as well
+  source venv/bin/activate     # Activate environment before installing `cwltool`
+Installing the official package from PyPi (will install "cwltool" package as
+.. code:: bash
+  pip install cwlref-runner
+If installing alongside another CWL implementation then
+.. code:: bash
+  pip install cwltool
+Or you can install from source:
+.. code:: bash
+  git clone https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwltool.git # clone cwltool repo
+  cd cwltool         # Switch to source directory
+  pip install .      # Install `cwltool` from source
+  cwltool --version  # Check if the installation works correctly
+Remember, if co-installing multiple CWL implementations then you need to
+maintain which implementation ``cwl-runner`` points to via a symbolic file
+system link or `another facility <https://wiki.debian.org/DebianAlternatives>`_.
+Run on the command line
+Simple command::
+  cwl-runner [tool-or-workflow-description] [input-job-settings]
+Or if you have multiple CWL implementations installed and you want to override
+the default cwl-runner use::
+  cwltool [tool-or-workflow-description] [input-job-settings]
+You can set cwltool options in the environment with CWLTOOL_OPTIONS,
+these will be inserted at the beginning of the command line::
+  export CWLTOOL_OPTIONS="--debug"
+Use with boot2docker
+boot2docker runs Docker inside a virtual machine and it only mounts ``Users``
+on it. The default behavior of CWL is to create temporary directories under e.g.
+``/Var`` which is not accessible to Docker containers.
+To run CWL successfully with boot2docker you need to set the ``--tmpdir-prefix``
+and ``--tmp-outdir-prefix`` to somewhere under ``/Users``::
+    $ cwl-runner --tmp-outdir-prefix=/Users/username/project --tmpdir-prefix=/Users/username/project wc-tool.cwl wc-job.json
+Using user-space replacements for Docker
+Some shared computing environments don't support Docker software containers for technical or policy reasons.
+As a work around, the CWL reference runner supports using alternative ``docker`` implementations on Linux
+with the ``--user-space-docker-cmd`` option.
+One such "user space" friendly docker replacement is ``udocker`` https://github.com/indigo-dc/udocker and another
+is ``dx-docker`` https://wiki.dnanexus.com/Developer-Tutorials/Using-Docker-Images
+udocker installation: https://github.com/indigo-dc/udocker/blob/master/doc/installation_manual.md#22-install-from-indigo-datacloud-repositories
+dx-docker installation: start with the DNAnexus toolkit (see https://wiki.dnanexus.com/Downloads for instructions).
+Run `cwltool` just as you normally would, but with the new option, e.g. from the conformance tests:
+.. code:: bash
+  cwltool --user-space-docker-cmd=udocker https://raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/master/v1.0/v1.0/test-cwl-out2.cwl https://github.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/blob/master/v1.0/v1.0/empty.json
+.. code:: bash
+  cwltool --user-space-docker-cmd=dx-docker https://raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/master/v1.0/v1.0/test-cwl-out2.cwl https://github.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/blob/master/v1.0/v1.0/empty.json
+``cwltool`` can use `Singularity <http://singularity.lbl.gov/>`_ version 2.6.1
+or later as a Docker container runtime.
+``cwltool`` with Singularity will run software containers specified in
+``DockerRequirement`` and therefore works with Docker images only, native
+Singularity images are not supported. To use Singularity as the Docker container
+runtime, provide ``--singularity`` command line option to ``cwltool``.
+With Singularity, ``cwltool`` can pass all CWL v1.0 conformance tests, except
+those involving Docker container ENTRYPOINTs.
+.. code:: bash
+  cwltool --singularity https://raw.githubusercontent.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/master/v1.0/v1.0/v1.0/cat3-tool-mediumcut.cwl https://github.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/blob/master/v1.0/v1.0/cat-job.json
+Running a tool or workflow from remote or local locations
+``cwltool`` can run tool and workflow descriptions on both local and remote
+systems via its support for HTTP[S] URLs.
+Input job files and Workflow steps (via the `run` directive) can reference CWL
+documents using absolute or relative local filesytem paths. If a relative path
+is referenced and that document isn't found in the current directory then the
+following locations will be searched:
+You can also use `cwldep <https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwldep>`
+to manage dependencies on external tools and workflows.
+Overriding workflow requirements at load time
+Sometimes a workflow needs additional requirements to run in a particular
+environment or with a particular dataset.  To avoid the need to modify the
+underlying workflow, cwltool supports requirement "overrides".
+The format of the "overrides" object is a mapping of item identifier (workflow,
+workflow step, or command line tool) to the process requirements that should be applied.
+.. code:: yaml
+  cwltool:overrides:
+    echo.cwl:
+      requirements:
+        EnvVarRequirement:
+          envDef:
+            MESSAGE: override_value
+Overrides can be specified either on the command line, or as part of the job
+input document.  Workflow steps are identified using the name of the workflow
+file followed by the step name as a document fragment identifier "#id".
+Override identifiers are relative to the toplevel workflow document.
+.. code:: bash
+  cwltool --overrides overrides.yml my-tool.cwl my-job.yml
+.. code:: yaml
+  input_parameter1: value1
+  input_parameter2: value2
+  cwltool:overrides:
+    workflow.cwl#step1:
+      requirements:
+        EnvVarRequirement:
+          envDef:
+            MESSAGE: override_value
+.. code:: bash
+  cwltool my-tool.cwl my-job-with-overrides.yml
+Combining parts of a workflow into a single document
+Use ``--pack`` to combine a workflow made up of multiple files into a
+single compound document.  This operation takes all the CWL files
+referenced by a workflow and builds a new CWL document with all
+Process objects (CommandLineTool and Workflow) in a list in the
+``$graph`` field.  Cross references (such as ``run:`` and ``source:``
+fields) are updated to internal references within the new packed
+document.  The top level workflow is named ``#main``.
+.. code:: bash
+  cwltool --pack my-wf.cwl > my-packed-wf.cwl
+Running only part of a workflow
+You can run a partial workflow with the ``--target`` (``-t``) option.  This
+takes the name of an output parameter, workflow step, or input
+parameter in the top level workflow.  You may provide multiple
+.. code:: bash
+  cwltool --target step3 my-wf.cwl
+If a target is an output parameter, it will only run only the steps
+that contribute to that output.  If a target is a workflow step, it
+will run the workflow starting from that step.  If a target is an
+input parameter, it will only run only the steps that are connected to
+that input.
+Use ``--print-targets`` to get a listing of the targets of a workflow.
+To see exactly which steps will run, use ``--print-subgraph`` with
+``--target`` to get a printout of the workflow subgraph for the
+selected targets.
+.. code:: bash
+  cwltool --print-targets my-wf.cwl
+  cwltool --target step3 --print-subgraph my-wf.cwl > my-wf-starting-from-step3.cwl
+Visualizing a CWL document
+The ``--print-dot`` option will print a file suitable for Graphviz ``dot`` program.  Here is a bash onliner to generate a Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) file:
+.. code:: bash
+  cwltool --print-dot my-wf.cwl | dot -Tsvg > my-wf.svg
+Modeling a CWL document as RDF
+CWL documents can be expressed as RDF triple graphs.
+.. code:: bash
+  cwltool --print-rdf --rdf-serializer=turtle mywf.cwl
+Leveraging SoftwareRequirements (Beta)
+CWL tools may be decorated with ``SoftwareRequirement`` hints that cwltool
+may in turn use to resolve to packages in various package managers or
+dependency management systems such as `Environment Modules
+Utilizing ``SoftwareRequirement`` hints using cwltool requires an optional
+dependency, for this reason be sure to use specify the ``deps`` modifier when
+installing cwltool. For instance::
+  $ pip install 'cwltool[deps]'
+Installing cwltool in this fashion enables several new command line options.
+The most general of these options is ``--beta-dependency-resolvers-configuration``.
+This option allows one to specify a dependency resolver's configuration file.
+This file may be specified as either XML or YAML and very simply describes various
+plugins to enable to "resolve" ``SoftwareRequirement`` dependencies.
+To discuss some of these plugins and how to configure them, first consider the
+following ``hint`` definition for an example CWL tool.
+.. code:: yaml
+  SoftwareRequirement:
+    packages:
+    - package: seqtk
+      version:
+      - r93
+Now imagine deploying cwltool on a cluster with Software Modules installed
+and that a ``seqtk`` module is available at version ``r93``. This means cluster
+users likely won't have the binary ``seqtk`` on their ``PATH`` by default, but after
+sourcing this module with the command ``modulecmd sh load seqtk/r93`` ``seqtk`` is
+available on the ``PATH``. A simple dependency resolvers configuration file, called
+``dependency-resolvers-conf.yml`` for instance, that would enable cwltool to source
+the correct module environment before executing the above tool would simply be:
+.. code:: yaml
+  - type: modules
+The outer list indicates that one plugin is being enabled, the plugin parameters are
+defined as a dictionary for this one list item. There is only one required parameter
+for the plugin above, this is ``type`` and defines the plugin type. This parameter
+is required for all plugins. The available plugins and the parameters
+available for each are documented (incompletely) `here
+Unfortunately, this documentation is in the context of Galaxy tool
+``requirement`` s instead of CWL ``SoftwareRequirement`` s, but the concepts map fairly directly.
+cwltool is distributed with an example of such seqtk tool and sample corresponding
+job. It could executed from the cwltool root using a dependency resolvers
+configuration file such as the above one using the command::
+  cwltool --beta-dependency-resolvers-configuration /path/to/dependency-resolvers-conf.yml \
+      tests/seqtk_seq.cwl \
+      tests/seqtk_seq_job.json
+This example demonstrates both that cwltool can leverage
+existing software installations and also handle workflows with dependencies
+on different versions of the same software and libraries. However the above
+example does require an existing module setup so it is impossible to test this example
+"out of the box" with cwltool. For a more isolated test that demonstrates all
+the same concepts - the resolver plugin type ``galaxy_packages`` can be used.
+"Galaxy packages" are a lighter weight alternative to Environment Modules that are
+really just defined by a way to lay out directories into packages and versions
+to find little scripts that are sourced to modify the environment. They have
+been used for years in Galaxy community to adapt Galaxy tools to cluster
+environments but require neither knowledge of Galaxy nor any special tools to
+setup. These should work just fine for CWL tools.
+The cwltool source code repository's test directory is setup with a very simple
+directory that defines a set of "Galaxy  packages" (but really just defines one
+package named ``random-lines``). The directory layout is simply::
+  tests/test_deps_env/
+    random-lines/
+      1.0/
+        env.sh
+If the ``galaxy_packages`` plugin is enabled and pointed at the
+``tests/test_deps_env`` directory in cwltool's root and a ``SoftwareRequirement``
+such as the following is encountered.
+.. code:: yaml
+  hints:
+    SoftwareRequirement:
+      packages:
+      - package: 'random-lines'
+        version:
+        - '1.0'
+Then cwltool will simply find that ``env.sh`` file and source it before executing
+the corresponding tool. That ``env.sh`` script is only responsible for modifying
+the job's ``PATH`` to add the required binaries.
+This is a full example that works since resolving "Galaxy packages" has no
+external requirements. Try it out by executing the following command from cwltool's
+root directory::
+  cwltool --beta-dependency-resolvers-configuration tests/test_deps_env_resolvers_conf.yml \
+      tests/random_lines.cwl \
+      tests/random_lines_job.json
+The resolvers configuration file in the above example was simply:
+.. code:: yaml
+  - type: galaxy_packages
+    base_path: ./tests/test_deps_env
+It is possible that the ``SoftwareRequirement`` s in a given CWL tool will not
+match the module names for a given cluster. Such requirements can be re-mapped
+to specific deployed packages and/or versions using another file specified using
+the resolver plugin parameter `mapping_files`. We will
+demonstrate this using `galaxy_packages` but the concepts apply equally well
+to Environment Modules or Conda packages (described below) for instance.
+So consider the resolvers configuration file
+.. code:: yaml
+  - type: galaxy_packages
+    base_path: ./tests/test_deps_env
+    mapping_files: ./tests/test_deps_mapping.yml
+And the corresponding mapping configuraiton file (`tests/test_deps_mapping.yml`):
+.. code:: yaml
+  - from:
+      name: randomLines
+      version: 1.0.0-rc1
+    to:
+      name: random-lines
+      version: '1.0'
+This is saying if cwltool encounters a requirement of ``randomLines`` at version
+``1.0.0-rc1`` in a tool, to rewrite to our specific plugin as ``random-lines`` at
+version ``1.0``. cwltool has such a test tool called ``random_lines_mapping.cwl``
+that contains such a source ``SoftwareRequirement``. To try out this example with
+mapping, execute the following command from the cwltool root directory::
+  cwltool --beta-dependency-resolvers-configuration tests/test_deps_env_resolvers_conf_rewrite.yml \
+      tests/random_lines_mapping.cwl \
+      tests/random_lines_job.json
+The previous examples demonstrated leveraging existing infrastructure to
+provide requirements for CWL tools. If instead a real package manager is used
+cwltool has the opportunity to install requirements as needed. While initial
+support for Homebrew/Linuxbrew plugins is available, the most developed such
+plugin is for the `Conda <https://conda.io/docs/#>`__ package manager. Conda has the nice properties
+of allowing multiple versions of a package to be installed simultaneously,
+not requiring evaluated permissions to install Conda itself or packages using
+Conda, and being cross platform. For these reasons, cwltool may run as a normal
+user, install its own Conda environment and manage multiple versions of Conda packages
+on both Linux and Mac OS X.
+The Conda plugin can be endlessly configured, but a sensible set of defaults
+that has proven a powerful stack for dependency management within the Galaxy tool
+development ecosystem can be enabled by simply passing cwltool the
+``--beta-conda-dependencies`` flag.
+With this we can use the seqtk example above without Docker and without
+any externally managed services - cwltool should install everything it needs
+and create an environment for the tool. Try it out with the follwing command::
+  cwltool --beta-conda-dependencies tests/seqtk_seq.cwl tests/seqtk_seq_job.json
+The CWL specification allows URIs to be attached to ``SoftwareRequirement`` s
+that allow disambiguation of package names. If the mapping files described above
+allow deployers to adapt tools to their infrastructure, this mechanism allows
+tools to adapt their requirements to multiple package managers. To demonstrate
+this within the context of the seqtk, we can simply break the package name we
+use and then specify a specific Conda package as follows:
+.. code:: yaml
+  hints:
+    SoftwareRequirement:
+      packages:
+      - package: seqtk_seq
+        version:
+        - '1.2'
+        specs:
+        - https://anaconda.org/bioconda/seqtk
+        - https://packages.debian.org/sid/seqtk
+The example can be executed using the command::
+  cwltool --beta-conda-dependencies tests/seqtk_seq_wrong_name.cwl tests/seqtk_seq_job.json
+The plugin framework for managing resolution of these software requirements
+as maintained as part of `galaxy-tool-util <https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/tree/dev/packages/tool_util>`__ - a small,
+portable subset of the Galaxy project. More information on configuration and implementation can be found
+at the following links:
+- `Dependency Resolvers in Galaxy <https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/latest/admin/dependency_resolvers.html>`__
+- `Conda for [Galaxy] Tool Dependencies <https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/latest/admin/conda_faq.html>`__
+- `Mapping Files - Implementation <https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/commit/495802d229967771df5b64a2f79b88a0eaf00edb>`__
+- `Specifications - Implementation <https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/commit/81d71d2e740ee07754785306e4448f8425f890bc>`__
+- `Initial cwltool Integration Pull Request <https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwltool/pull/214>`__
+Use with GA4GH Tool Registry API
+Cwltool can launch tools directly from `GA4GH Tool Registry API`_ endpoints.
+By default, cwltool searches https://dockstore.org/ .  Use ``--add-tool-registry`` to add other registries to the search path.
+For example ::
+  cwltool quay.io/collaboratory/dockstore-tool-bamstats:develop test.json
+and (defaults to latest when a version is not specified) ::
+  cwltool quay.io/collaboratory/dockstore-tool-bamstats test.json
+For this example, grab the test.json (and input file) from https://github.com/CancerCollaboratory/dockstore-tool-bamstats ::
+  wget https://dockstore.org/api/api/ga4gh/v2/tools/quay.io%2Fbriandoconnor%2Fdockstore-tool-bamstats/versions/develop/PLAIN-CWL/descriptor/test.json
+  wget https://github.com/CancerCollaboratory/dockstore-tool-bamstats/raw/develop/rna.SRR948778.bam
+.. _`GA4GH Tool Registry API`: https://github.com/ga4gh/tool-registry-schemas
+Running tests locally
+-  Running basic tests ``(/tests)``:
+To run the basic tests after installing `cwltool` execute the following:
+.. code:: bash
+  pip install -rtest-requirements.txt
+  py.test --ignore cwltool/schemas/ --pyarg cwltool
+To run various tests in all supported Python environments we use `tox <https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwltool/tree/master/tox.ini>`_. To run the test suite in all supported Python environments
+first downloading the complete code repository (see the ``git clone`` instructions above) and then run
+the following in the terminal:
+``pip install tox; tox``
+List of all environment can be seen using:
+``tox --listenvs``
+and running a specfic test env using:
+``tox -e <env name>``
+and additionally run a specific test using this format:
+``tox -e py36-unit -- tests/test_examples.py::TestParamMatching``
+-  Running the entire suite of CWL conformance tests:
+The GitHub repository for the CWL specifications contains a script that tests a CWL
+implementation against a wide array of valid CWL files using the `cwltest <https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwltest>`_
+Instructions for running these tests can be found in the Common Workflow Language Specification repository at https://github.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/blob/master/CONFORMANCE_TESTS.md
+Import as a module
+.. code:: python
+  import cwltool
+to your script.
+The easiest way to use cwltool to run a tool or workflow from Python is to use a Factory
+.. code:: python
+  import cwltool.factory
+  fac = cwltool.factory.Factory()
+  echo = fac.make("echo.cwl")
+  result = echo(inp="foo")
+  # result["out"] == "foo"
+CWL Tool Control Flow
+Technical outline of how cwltool works internally, for maintainers.
+#. Use CWL ``load_tool()`` to load document.
+   #. Fetches the document from file or URL
+   #. Applies preprocessing (syntax/identifier expansion and normalization)
+   #. Validates the document based on cwlVersion
+   #. If necessary, updates the document to latest spec
+   #. Constructs a Process object using ``make_tool()``` callback.  This yields a
+      CommandLineTool, Workflow, or ExpressionTool.  For workflows, this
+      recursively constructs each workflow step.
+   #. To construct custom types for CommandLineTool, Workflow, or
+      ExpressionTool, provide a custom ``make_tool()``
+#. Iterate on the ``job()`` method of the Process object to get back runnable jobs.
+   #. ``job()`` is a generator method (uses the Python iterator protocol)
+   #. Each time the ``job()`` method is invoked in an iteration, it returns one
+      of: a runnable item (an object with a ``run()`` method), ``None`` (indicating
+      there is currently no work ready to run) or end of iteration (indicating
+      the process is complete.)
+   #. Invoke the runnable item by calling ``run()``.  This runs the tool and gets output.
+   #. Output of a process is reported by an output callback.
+   #. ``job()`` may be iterated over multiple times.  It will yield all the work
+      that is currently ready to run and then yield None.
+#. ``Workflow`` objects create a corresponding ``WorkflowJob`` and ``WorkflowJobStep`` objects to hold the workflow state for the duration of the job invocation.
+   #. The WorkflowJob iterates over each WorkflowJobStep and determines if the
+      inputs the step are ready.
+   #. When a step is ready, it constructs an input object for that step and
+      iterates on the ``job()`` method of the workflow job step.
+   #. Each runnable item is yielded back up to top level run loop
+   #. When a step job completes and receives an output callback, the
+      job outputs are assigned to the output of the workflow step.
+   #. When all steps are complete, the intermediate files are moved to a final
+      workflow output, intermediate directories are deleted, and the output
+      callback for the workflow is called.
+#. ``CommandLineTool`` job() objects yield a single runnable object.
+   #. The CommandLineTool ``job()`` method calls ``make_job_runner()`` to create a
+      ``CommandLineJob`` object
+   #. The job method configures the CommandLineJob object by setting public
+      attributes
+   #. The job method iterates over file and directories inputs to the
+      CommandLineTool and creates a "path map".
+   #. Files are mapped from their "resolved" location to a "target" path where
+      they will appear at tool invocation (for example, a location inside a
+      Docker container.)  The target paths are used on the command line.
+   #. Files are staged to targets paths using either Docker volume binds (when
+      using containers) or symlinks (if not).  This staging step enables files
+      to be logically rearranged or renamed independent of their source layout.
+   #. The ``run()`` method of CommandLineJob executes the command line tool or
+      Docker container, waits for it to complete, collects output, and makes
+      the output callback.
+Extension points
+The following functions can be passed to main() to override or augment
+the listed behaviors.
+  ::
+    executor(tool, job_order_object, runtimeContext, logger)
+      (Process, Dict[Text, Any], RuntimeContext) -> Tuple[Dict[Text, Any], Text]
+  An implementation of the toplevel workflow execution loop, should
+  synchronously run a process object to completion and return the
+  output object.
+  ::
+    ()
+      () -> Text
+  Return version string.
+  ::
+    logger_handler
+      logging.Handler
+  Handler object for logging.
+The following functions can be set in LoadingContext to override or
+augment the listed behaviors.
+  ::
+    fetcher_constructor(cache, session)
+      (Dict[unicode, unicode], requests.sessions.Session) -> Fetcher
+  Construct a Fetcher object with the supplied cache and HTTP session.
+  ::
+    resolver(document_loader, document)
+      (Loader, Union[Text, dict[Text, Any]]) -> Text
+  Resolve a relative document identifier to an absolute one which can be fetched.
+The following functions can be set in RuntimeContext to override or
+augment the listed behaviors.
+  ::
+    construct_tool_object(toolpath_object, loadingContext)
+      (MutableMapping[Text, Any], LoadingContext) -> Process
+  Hook to construct a Process object (eg CommandLineTool) object from a document.
+  ::
+    selectResources(request)
+      (Dict[str, int], RuntimeContext) -> Dict[Text, int]
+  Take a resource request and turn it into a concrete resource assignment.
+  ::
+    make_fs_access(basedir)
+      (Text) -> StdFsAccess
+  Return a file system access object.
+In addition, when providing custom subclasses of Process objects, you can override the following methods:
+  ::
+    make_job_runner(RuntimeContext)
+      (RuntimeContext) -> Type[JobBase]
+  Create and return a job runner object (this implements concrete execution of a command line tool).
+  ::
+    make_workflow_step(toolpath_object, pos, loadingContext, parentworkflowProv)
+      (Dict[Text, Any], int, LoadingContext, Optional[ProvenanceProfile]) -> WorkflowStep
+  Create and return a workflow step object.