# HG changeset patch
# User guerler
# Date 1603976687 0
# Node ID 5469e19f1f96627a4c7742e12b0e513c924b57b1
# Parent acaff61a09b26c2142c3eb75ea8f5e67cd0203ec
"planemo upload commit 37a4c6844fd7ab1071ddf90f51915ec1a13c26b3"
diff -r acaff61a09b2 -r 5469e19f1f96 spring_minz.py
--- a/spring_minz.py Wed Oct 28 06:49:58 2020 +0000
+++ b/spring_minz.py Thu Oct 29 13:04:47 2020 +0000
@@ -3,120 +3,125 @@
import os
def main(args):
- inputs = list()
- with open(args.inputlist) as file:
- for index, line in enumerate(file):
- name = line.strip()
- inputs.append(name)
- print ("Loaded %s input names from `%s`." % (len(inputs), args.inputlist))
- targets = list()
- duplicates = 0
- with open(args.targetlist) as file:
- for index, line in enumerate(file):
- name = line.strip()
- targets.append(name)
- if name in inputs:
- duplicates = duplicates + 1
- print ("Loaded %s target names from `%s`." % (len(targets), args.targetlist))
- crossReference = dict()
- with open(args.crossreference) as file:
- for index, line in enumerate(file):
- columns = line.split()
- core = columns[0]
- partner = columns[-1]
- if core not in crossReference:
- crossReference[core] = []
- crossReference[core].append(partner)
- print ("Loaded cross reference from `%s`." % args.crossreference)
- interactions = dict()
- for targetName in targets:
- targetDirectory = args.targetpath.rstrip("/")
- targetFile = "%s/%s" % (targetDirectory, targetName)
- matchScores(targetFile=targetFile,
- targetName=targetName,
- inputs=sorted(inputs),
- inputPath=args.inputpath,
- crossReference=crossReference,
- minScore=args.minscore,
- idLength=args.idx,
- interactions=interactions)
- if duplicates != len(targets):
- for inputName in inputs:
- inputDirectory = args.inputpath.rstrip("/")
- inputFile = "%s/%s" % (inputDirectory, inputName)
- matchScores(targetFile=inputFile,
- targetName=inputName,
- inputs=targets,
- inputPath=args.targetpath,
- crossReference=crossReference,
- minScore=args.minscore,
- idLength=args.idx,
- interactions=interactions)
- interactions = sorted(interactions.values(), key=lambda item: item["minZ"], reverse=True)
- with open(args.output, 'w') as output_file:
- for entry in interactions:
- output_file.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (entry["targetName"], entry["inputName"], entry["minZ"], entry["minInfo"]))
+ logFile = open(args.log, 'a+')
+ targets = list()
+ targetPath = args.targetpath.rstrip("/")
+ with open(args.targetlist) as file:
+ for index, line in enumerate(file):
+ name = line.strip()
+ targets.append(name)
+ print ("Loaded %s target names from `%s`." % (len(targets), args.targetlist))
+ if args.inputlist:
+ inputs = list()
+ inputPath = args.inputpath.rstrip("/")
+ with open(args.inputlist) as file:
+ for index, line in enumerate(file):
+ name = line.strip()
+ inputs.append(name)
+ print ("Loaded %s input names from `%s`." % (len(inputs), args.inputlist))
+ else:
+ inputs = targets
+ inputPath = targetPath
+ crossReference = dict()
+ with open(args.crossreference) as file:
+ for index, line in enumerate(file):
+ columns = line.split()
+ core = columns[0]
+ partner = columns[-1]
+ if core not in crossReference:
+ crossReference[core] = []
+ crossReference[core].append(partner)
+ print ("Loaded cross reference from `%s`." % args.crossreference)
+ interactions = dict()
+ for targetName in targets:
+ targetFile = "%s/%s" % (targetPath, targetName)
+ matchScores(targetFile=targetFile,
+ targetName=targetName,
+ inputs=inputs,
+ inputPath=inputPath,
+ crossReference=crossReference,
+ minScore=args.minscore,
+ idLength=args.idx,
+ logFile=logFile,
+ interactions=interactions)
+ if args.inputlist:
+ for inputName in inputs:
+ inputDirectory = inputPath
+ inputFile = "%s/%s" % (inputDirectory, inputName)
+ matchScores(targetFile=inputFile,
+ targetName=inputName,
+ inputs=targets,
+ inputPath=targetPath,
+ crossReference=crossReference,
+ minScore=args.minscore,
+ idLength=args.idx,
+ logFile=logFile,
+ interactions=interactions)
+ interactions = sorted(interactions.values(), key=lambda item: item["minZ"], reverse=True)
+ with open(args.output, 'w') as output_file:
+ for entry in interactions:
+ output_file.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (entry["targetName"], entry["inputName"], entry["minZ"], entry["minInfo"]))
+ logFile.close()
-def matchScores(targetFile, targetName, inputs, inputPath, crossReference, minScore, idLength, interactions):
- targetTop, targetHits = getTemplateScores(targetFile, minScore, idLength)
- if not targetHits:
- print("No targets found `%s`" % targetFile)
- else:
- print ("Loaded target scores from `%s`." % targetFile)
- for inputName in inputs:
- inputDirectory = inputPath.rstrip("/")
- inputFile = "%s/%s" % (inputDirectory, inputName)
- inputTop, inputHits = getTemplateScores(inputFile, minScore, idLength)
- minZ = 0
- minInfo = ""
- for t in targetHits:
- if t in crossReference:
- partners = crossReference[t]
- for p in partners:
- if p in inputHits:
- score = min(targetHits[t], inputHits[p])
- if score > minZ:
- minZ = score
- minInfo = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (targetTop, inputTop, t, p)
- if minZ > minScore:
- if targetName > inputName:
- interactionKey = "%s_%s" % (targetName, inputName)
- else:
- interactionKey = "%s_%s" % (inputName, targetName)
- if interactionKey in interactions:
- if interactions[interactionKey]["minZ"] >= minZ:
- continue
- interactions[interactionKey] = dict(targetName=targetName, inputName=inputName, minZ=minZ, minInfo=minInfo)
- print("Predicting: %s, min-Z: %s, templates: %s" % (inputName, minZ, minInfo))
- return interactions
+def matchScores(targetFile, targetName, inputs, inputPath, crossReference, minScore, idLength, logFile, interactions):
+ targetTop, targetHits = getTemplateScores(targetFile, minScore, idLength)
+ if not targetHits:
+ print("No targets found `%s`" % targetFile)
+ else:
+ print ("Loaded target scores from `%s`." % targetFile)
+ for inputName in inputs:
+ inputFile = "%s/%s" % (inputPath, inputName)
+ inputTop, inputHits = getTemplateScores(inputFile, minScore, idLength)
+ minZ = 0
+ minInfo = ""
+ for t in targetHits:
+ if t in crossReference:
+ partners = crossReference[t]
+ for p in partners:
+ if p in inputHits:
+ score = min(targetHits[t], inputHits[p])
+ if score > minZ:
+ minZ = score
+ minInfo = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (targetTop, inputTop, t, p)
+ if minZ > minScore:
+ if targetName > inputName:
+ interactionKey = "%s_%s" % (targetName, inputName)
+ else:
+ interactionKey = "%s_%s" % (inputName, targetName)
+ if interactionKey in interactions:
+ if interactions[interactionKey]["minZ"] >= minZ:
+ continue
+ interactions[interactionKey] = dict(targetName=targetName, inputName=inputName, minZ=minZ, minInfo=minInfo)
+ logFile.write("Interaction between %s and %s [min-Z: %s].\n" % (targetName, inputName, minZ))
def getTemplateScores(hhrFile, minScore, identifierLength):
- result = dict()
- topTemplate = None
- identifierLength = identifierLength + 4
- if os.path.isfile(hhrFile):
- with open(hhrFile) as file:
- for index, line in enumerate(file):
- if index > 8:
- if not line.strip():
- break
- templateId = line[4:identifierLength]
- templateScore = float(line[57:63])
- if templateScore > minScore:
- if topTemplate is None:
- topTemplate = templateId
- result[templateId] = templateScore
- return topTemplate, result
+ result = dict()
+ topTemplate = None
+ identifierLength = identifierLength + 4
+ if os.path.isfile(hhrFile):
+ with open(hhrFile) as file:
+ for index, line in enumerate(file):
+ if index > 8:
+ if not line.strip():
+ break
+ templateId = line[4:identifierLength]
+ templateScore = float(line[57:63])
+ if templateScore > minScore:
+ if topTemplate is None:
+ topTemplate = templateId
+ result[templateId] = templateScore
+ return topTemplate, result
if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script identifies interactions by detecting matching HH-search results.')
- parser.add_argument('-il', '--inputlist', help='Text file containing identifiers.', required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-ip', '--inputpath', help='Directory containing `hhr` files', required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-tl', '--targetlist', help='Text file containing identifiers.', required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-tp', '--targetpath', help='Directory containing `hhr` files', required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-c', '--crossreference', help='Cross Reference index file', required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-x', '--idx', help='Length of identifier', type=int, default=6)
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Output file containing min-Z scores', required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-m', '--minscore', help='min-Z score threshold', type=int, default=10)
- args = parser.parse_args()
- main(args)
\ No newline at end of file
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script identifies interactions by detecting matching HH-search results.')
+ parser.add_argument('-tl', '--targetlist', help='Text file containing identifiers.', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-tp', '--targetpath', help='Directory containing `hhr` files', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-il', '--inputlist', help='Text file containing identifiers.', required=False)
+ parser.add_argument('-ip', '--inputpath', help='Directory containing `hhr` files', required=False)
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--crossreference', help='Cross Reference index file', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-x', '--idx', help='Length of identifier', type=int, default=6)
+ parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Output file containing min-Z scores', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', help='Log file', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-m', '--minscore', help='min-Z score threshold', type=int, default=10)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main(args)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r acaff61a09b2 -r 5469e19f1f96 spring_minz.xml
--- a/spring_minz.xml Wed Oct 28 06:49:58 2020 +0000
+++ b/spring_minz.xml Thu Oct 29 13:04:47 2020 +0000
@@ -2,59 +2,60 @@
filter operation
> 'input_list' &&
- #end for
- mkdir -p targets &&
+ mkdir -p targets &&
#for target in $targets
link '${str(target)}' 'targets/${target.element_identifier}' &&
echo '${target.element_identifier}' >> 'target_list' &&
#end for
- python3 '$__tool_directory__/spring_minz.py' -il input_list -ip inputs -tl target_list -tp targets -m '$minscore' -c '$crossreference' -x '$idx' -o '$output'
+ #if str($input_type.input_type_selector) == "true":
+ mkdir -p inputs &&
+ #for input in $input_type.inputs
+ link '${str(input)}' 'inputs/${input.element_identifier}' &&
+ echo '${input.element_identifier}' >> 'input_list' &&
+ #end for
+ python3 '$__tool_directory__/spring_minz.py' -tl target_list -tp targets -il input_list -ip inputs -m '$minscore' -c '$crossreference' -x '$idx' -o '$output' -l '$log'
+ #else
+ python3 '$__tool_directory__/spring_minz.py' -tl target_list -tp targets -m '$minscore' -c '$crossreference' -x '$idx' -o '$output' -l '$log'
+ #end if
@@ -62,16 +63,20 @@