1 <tool id="data_manager_fetch_gff" name="Create entries in gff data table" version="0.0.1" tool_type="manage_data">
2 <description>fetching</description>
3 <command><![CDATA[
4 python "$__tool_directory__"/data_manager_fetch_gff.py "${out_file}"
5 --type $file_type
6 #if str( $dbkey_source.dbkey_source_selector ) == 'existing':
7 --dbkey_description ${ dbkey_source.dbkey.get_display_text() }
8 #else
9 --dbkey_description "${ dbkey_source.dbkey_name or $dbkey_source.dbkey }"
10 #end if
12 ]]></command>
13 <inputs>
14 <param name="file_type" type="select" label="GFF file with only one representative transcript per gene (for htseq-count use) or full features file">
15 <option value="representative">Representative GFF</option>
16 <option value="full">GFF with complete features</option>
17 </param>
19 <conditional name="dbkey_source">
20 <param name="dbkey_source_selector" type="select" label="Use existing dbkey or create a new one.">
21 <option value="existing" selected="True">Existing</option>
22 <option value="new">New</option>
23 </param>
24 <when value="existing">
25 <param name="dbkey" type="genomebuild" label="DBKEY to assign to data" />
26 </when>
27 <when value="new">
28 <param type="text" name="dbkey" value="" label="dbkey" optional="False" />
29 <param type="text" name="dbkey_name" value="" label="Display name for dbkey" />
30 </when>
31 </conditional>
32 <param type="text" name="sequence_name" value="" label="Name of sequence" />
33 <param type="text" name="sequence_id" value="" label="ID for sequence" />
34 <conditional name="reference_source">
35 <param name="reference_source_selector" type="select" label="Choose the source for the reference genome">
36 <option value="url">URL</option>
37 <option value="history">History</option>
38 <option value="directory">Directory on Server</option>
39 </param>
40 <when value="url">
41 <param type="text" area="True" name="user_url" value="http://" label="URLs" optional="False" />
42 </when>
43 <when value="history">
44 <param name="input_fasta" type="data" format="fasta" label="FASTA File" multiple="False" optional="False" />
45 </when>
46 <when value="directory">
47 <param type="text" name="fasta_filename" value="" label="Full path to FASTA File on disk" optional="False" />
48 <param type="boolean" name="create_symlink" truevalue="create_symlink" falsevalue="copy_file" label="Create symlink to original data instead of copying" checked="False" />
49 </when>
50 </conditional>
51 </inputs>
52 <outputs>
53 <data name="out_file" format="data_manager_json"/>
54 </outputs>
55 <tests>
56 <!-- TODO: need some way to test that new entry was added to data table -->
57 <test>
58 <param name="dbkey" value="anoGam1"/>
59 <param name="sequence_name" value=""/>
60 <param name="sequence_desc" value=""/>
61 <param name="sequence_id" value=""/>
62 <param name="reference_source_selector" value="history"/>
63 <param name="input_fasta" value="phiX174.fasta"/>
64 <param name="sort_selector" value="as_is"/>
65 <output name="out_file" file="phiX174.data_manager_json"/>
66 </test>
67 </tests>
68 <help>
69 **What it does**
71 Fetches a gff file from various sources (URL, Galaxy History, or a server directory) and populates the "all_gff" data table.
73 ------
77 .. class:: infomark
79 **Notice:** If you leave name, description, or id blank, it will be generated automatically.
81 </help>
82 </tool>