diff process_input.py @ 3:7d751b5943b0 draft default tip

author ieguinoa
date Tue, 22 Feb 2022 11:03:34 +0000
parents e25357392813
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/process_input.py	Fri Feb 04 15:52:45 2022 +0000
+++ b/process_input.py	Tue Feb 22 11:03:34 2022 +0000
@@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
 import gzip
+import json
 import os
 import sys
 import shutil
 import yaml
-from Bio import SeqIO
-Takes as input:
-    1. A receipt obtained from ENA submission tool. 
-    A txt file that includes a YAML section with 
-    2. A fasta file with fasta entries ids defined after the files used for the raw submission.
-    3. Path to write generated manifests
-    4. Path to write generated fasta files
-    5. manifest template path: the manifest with the global values set (e.g COVERAGE, MINGAPLENGHT..)
-def get_section_string(f, start_line, end_line):
+def get_section_string(f, start_line, end_line, return_string=False):
     # consume starting lines
     start_string = iter(f.readline, start_line)
     start_string = ''.join(line for line in start_string)
     # read YAML lines
     yaml_string = iter(f.readline, end_line)
-    return ''.join(x for x in yaml_string)
+    if return_string:
+        return ''.join(x for x in yaml_string)
+    else:
+        return [x for x in yaml_string]
+def fill_from_yaml_data(yaml_only_dict, studies_samples_dict):
+    # fill experiment information (platform)  **** 
+    for index,exp in yaml_only_dict['ENA_experiment'].items():
+        study_alias = exp['study_alias']
+        sample_alias = exp['sample_alias']
+        if study_alias in studies_samples_dict.keys():
+            if sample_alias in studies_samples_dict[study_alias].keys():
+                studies_samples_dict[study_alias][sample_alias]['experiments'].append({'platform': exp['platform']})
+            else:
+                studies_samples_dict[study_alias][sample_alias] = {'experiments': [{'platform': exp['platform']}]}
+        else:
+            studies_samples_dict[study_alias] = {sample_alias: {'experiments':[{'platform': exp['platform']}]}}
+def load_receipt_data(input_file_path):
+    # should do some health check of the input file?
+    # load yaml section
+    loaded_data = {} 
+    yaml_delimiter = 'YAML -------------\n'
+    with open(input_file_path) as input_file:
+        yaml_only_section = yaml.safe_load(get_section_string(input_file, start_line=yaml_delimiter, end_line=yaml_delimiter, return_string=True))
+    fill_from_yaml_data(yaml_only_section, loaded_data)
+    # read study accessions
+    study_delimiter = 'Study accession details:\n'
+    end_line = '\n'
+    with open(input_file_path) as input_file:
+        studies_accession_lines = get_section_string(input_file, start_line=study_delimiter, end_line=end_line)
+    # loaded_data['studies'] = {}
+    for study_line in studies_accession_lines:
+        if study_line != '\n':
+            alias, accession, *_ = study_line.split('\t')
+            try:
+                loaded_data[alias]['accession'] = accession
+            except KeyError:
+                print(f"Experiment {exp} has unknown study or sample")
+            # loaded_data['studies'][alias]['accession'] = accession
+    samples_delimiter = 'Sample accession details:\n'
+    with open(input_file_path) as input_file:
+        samples_accession_lines = get_section_string(input_file, start_line=samples_delimiter, end_line=end_line)
+        ## need to iterate over all studies, because here I don't know which study is the sample from.
+    # loaded_data['samples'] = {}
+    for sample_line in samples_accession_lines:
+        if sample_line != '\n':
+            alias, accession, *_ = sample_line.split('\t')
+            for study in loaded_data.keys():
+                if alias in loaded_data[study].keys():
+                    loaded_data[study][alias]['accession'] = accession
+                    break
+    return loaded_data
+Takes as input:
+    1. A receipt obtained from ENA submission tool: 
+        a txt file that contains sections describing submission details.
+    2. A json file with the list of fasta that the user loaded
+    3. Path to write generated manifests
+    4. Manifest template path: the manifest with the global values set 
 def main():
-    input_file = open(sys.argv[1])
-    fasta_in = open(sys.argv[2])
+    input_file_path = sys.argv[1]
+    fasta_names_list_path = sys.argv[2]
     out_manifest_base = sys.argv[3] 
-    out_fasta_base = sys.argv[4] 
-    manifest_template = sys.argv[5]
-    yaml_delimiter = 'YAML -------------\n'
-    yaml_only = yaml.safe_load(get_section_string(input_file, start_line=yaml_delimiter, end_line=yaml_delimiter))
-    # print(yaml_only)
-    submission_tuples_list = []
-    # parse the sequence IDs
-    for record in SeqIO.parse(fasta_in, "fasta"):
-        seq_id = record.id
-        # need to map the seq ID to 1 or more seq files submitted: for single files these is the exact file name? 
-        #  ... but for paired it may not be the exact same
-        # ...initially I should attempt to find a 
-        #  .. if this 
-        # in any case, if I cant make the right match then I should do a kind of substring match
-        # find the exp_alias associated with the file
-        exp_alias = None
-        for index,run in yaml_only['ENA_run'].items():
-            if run['file_name'] == seq_id:
-                ## TODO: match also cases when the seq entry name is == entry_[1|2].fastq.gz or something
-                exp_alias = run['experiment_alias']
-                break
-        if not exp_alias:
-            raise Exception("No run files match for the sequence entry {seq_id}")
-        # find the sample and study for that experiment
-        sample_alias = None
-        study_alias = None
-        for index,exp in yaml_only['ENA_experiment'].items():
-            if exp['alias'] == exp_alias:
-                sample_alias = exp['sample_alias']
-                study_alias = exp['study_alias']
-                platform = exp['platform']
-                break
-        if not sample_alias:
-            raise Exception("No sample associated with experiment {exp_alias}")
-        if not study_alias:
-            raise Exception("No study associated with experiment {exp_alias}")
+    manifest_template = sys.argv[4]
+    # load submitted data from receipt file
+    data_dict = load_receipt_data(input_file_path)
+    # iterate over the list of fasta files
+    with open(fasta_names_list_path, 'r') as fasta_files_json_file:
+        fasta_files_list = json.load(fasta_files_json_file)
+    with open('submit_list.tab', 'w') as written_manifests_out:
+        for fasta_file in fasta_files_list:
+            if fasta_file.endswith('.fasta.gz'):
+                sample_alias = fasta_file[:-9]
+            else:
+                sample_alias = fasta_file[:-6]
+            print(f'Processing {sample_alias}')
+            found_metadata = False
+            for study_alias in data_dict.keys():
+                if sample_alias in data_dict[study_alias].keys():
+                    sample_accession = data_dict[study_alias][sample_alias]['accession']
+                    study_accession = data_dict[study_alias]['accession']
+                    ### TODO get a string that concatenates plaform information from multiple exp
+                    platform = data_dict[study_alias][sample_alias]['experiments'][0]['platform']
+                    manifest_path = os.path.join(out_manifest_base, sample_alias + '.manifest.txt')
+                    with open(manifest_path, "w") as output_handle:
+                        # first dump the contents of manifest template
+                        # containing the global vars
+                        with open(manifest_template) as m_template:
+                            output_handle.write(m_template.read())
+                        output_handle.write("ASSEMBLYNAME\tconsensus_" + sample_alias + "\n")
+                        output_handle.write("PLATFORM\t" + platform + "\n")
+                        output_handle.write("STUDY\t" + study_accession + "\n")
+                        output_handle.write("SAMPLE\t" + sample_accession + "\n")
+                        # files should be available in the corresponding dir and named:
+                        #  sample_alias.fasta.gz 
+                        output_handle.write("FASTA\t" + sample_alias + '.fasta.gz' + "\n")
+                    found_metadata = True
+                    written_manifests_out.write(manifest_path + '\n')
+                    break
+            if not found_metadata:
+                print(f'No metadata found for sample {sample_alias}')
-        # and finally create a fasta file for each sequence (e.g named with the seq id or the run ID)
-        fasta_path = os.path.join(out_fasta_base, seq_id + '.fasta')
-        with open(fasta_path, "w") as output_handle:
-            SeqIO.write([record], output_handle, "fasta")
-        #gzip the file (required by ENA upload tool)
-        fasta_path_gz = fasta_path + '.gz'
-        with open(fasta_path, 'rb') as f_in:
-            with gzip.open(fasta_path_gz, 'wb') as f_out:
-                shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
-        # create the manifest
-        # add to the manifest the: 
-        # 
-        manifest_path = os.path.join(out_manifest_base, seq_id + '.manifest.txt')
-        with open(manifest_path, "w") as output_handle:
-            # first dump the contents of manifest template
-            # containing the global vars
-            with open(manifest_template) as m_template:
-                output_handle.write(m_template.read())
-            output_handle.write("ASSEMBLYNAME\tconsensus_" + seq_id + "\n")
-            output_handle.write("PLATFORM\t" + platform + "\n")
-            output_handle.write("STUDY\t" + study_alias + "\n")
-            output_handle.write("SAMPLE\t" + sample_alias + "\n")
-            output_handle.write("FASTA\t" + fasta_path_gz + "\n")
-        # ... and a dict  (or tuple list???) that contains for each study - sample  the name of the file that has the consensus sequence
-        # ****  is it ok to use the unique ids of the study and sample in the manifest?? or should I use the accessions??
-        # in the latest case then I also need to parse the  Study accession details: and Sample accession details: entries
-        # samples_dir[study][sample] = seq_id + '.fasta'
-        submission_tuples_list.append((manifest_path, fasta_path))
-    with open('submit_list.tab', "w") as output_handle:
-        for submit_tuple in submission_tuples_list:
-            output_handle.write('\t'.join(submit_tuple) + '\n')
-    ## DEBUG CASE
-    #study details
-    # start_study = 'Study accession details:\n'
-    # empty_end = '\n'
-    # study_data = get_section_string(input_file, start_line=start_study, end_line=empty_end)
-    # if len(study_data.split('\n')) > 2:
-        # # more than 1 study accession
-        # raise Exception("Multiple study accessions found")
-    # out_manifest.write(f'STUDY\t{study_data.split()[1]}\n')
-    # start_sample = 'Sample accession details:\n'
-    # sample_data = get_section_string(input_file, start_line=start_sample, end_line=empty_end)
-    # if len(sample_data.split('\n')) > 2:
-        # # more than 1 study accession
-        # raise Exception("Multiple sample accessions found")
-    # out_manifest.write(f'SAMPLE\t{sample_data.split()[1]}\n')
-    # platform = 'Ion Torrent'
-    # out_manifest.write(f"PLATFORM\t{platform}\n")
-    # out_manifest.close()
 if __name__ == '__main__':