diff src/cent_adjust.c @ 1:7eab80f86779 draft

author immport-devteam
date Mon, 27 Feb 2017 13:26:09 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/cent_adjust.c	Mon Feb 27 13:26:09 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1009 @@
+//  Cent_adjust version number and modification history
+//  ImmPort BISC project
+//  Author: Yu "Max" Qian
+//  v1.01: Oct 16, 2009
+//         Line 899 of the main function:
+//         Changed kmean_term=1 to kmean_term=2
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define DEBUG 0
+#define LINE_LEN 1024
+#define FILE_NAME_LEN 128
+#define PARA_NAME_LEN 64
+#define MAX_VALUE 1000000000
+#define CUBE 0
+void getctrfileinfo(FILE *f_src_ctr, long *num_clust)
+	int ch='\n';
+	int prev='\n';
+	long num_rows=0;
+	while ((ch = fgetc(f_src_ctr))!= EOF )
+    {
+		if (ch == '\n')
+        {
+			++num_rows;
+        }
+		prev = ch;
+    }
+	if (prev!='\n')
+		++num_rows;
+	*num_clust=num_rows;
+	//printf("center file has %ld rows\n", *num_clust);
+/************************************* Read basic info of the source file **************************************/
+void getfileinfo(FILE *f_src, long *file_Len, long *num_dm, char *name_string, int *time_ID)
+	char src[LINE_LEN];
+	char current_name[64];
+	char prv;
+	long num_rows=0;
+	long num_columns=0;
+	int ch='\n';
+	int prev='\n';
+	long time_pos=0;
+	long i=0;
+	long j=0;
+	src[0]='\0';
+	fgets(src, LINE_LEN, f_src);
+	name_string[0]='\0';
+	current_name[0]='\0';
+	prv='\n';
+	while ((src[i]==' ') || (src[i]=='\t')) //skip space and tab characters
+		i++;
+	while ((src[i]!='\r') && (src[i]!='\n')) //repeat until the end of the line
+	{
+		current_name[j]=src[i];
+		if ((src[i]=='\t') && (prv!='\t')) //a complete word
+		{
+			current_name[j]='\0';
+          /* 
+           * Commented out John Campbell, June 10 2010
+           * We no longer want to automatically remove Time column.
+           * This column should have been removed by column selection
+          if (0!=strcmp(current_name,"Time"))
+            {
+              num_columns++; //num_columns does not inlcude the column of Time
+              time_pos++;
+              strcat(name_string,current_name); 
+              strcat(name_string,"\t");
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              *time_ID=time_pos;
+            }
+          */
+           num_columns++;
+           strcat(name_string,current_name);
+           strcat(name_string,"\t");
+		   current_name[0]='\0';
+		   j=0;			
+		}		
+		if ((src[i]=='\t') && (prv=='\t')) //a duplicate tab or space
+		{
+			current_name[0]='\0';
+			j=0;
+		}
+        if (src[i]!='\t')
+	        j++;
+		prv=src[i];
+		i++;
+	}
+	if (prv!='\t') //the last one hasn't been retrieved
+	{
+		current_name[j]='\0';
+      /* 
+       * Commented out John Campbell, June 10 2010
+       * We no longer want to automatically remove Time column.
+       * This column should have been removed by column selection
+      if (0!=strcmp(current_name,"Time"))
+        {
+          num_columns++;
+          strcat(name_string,current_name);
+          time_pos++;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          *time_ID=time_pos;
+        }
+      */
+      num_columns++;
+      strcat(name_string,current_name);
+	}
+	if (DEBUG==1)
+	{
+		printf("time_ID is %d\n",*time_ID);
+		printf("name_string is %s\n",name_string);
+	}
+	// # of rows
+	while ((ch = fgetc(f_src))!= EOF )
+    {
+		if (ch == '\n')
+        {
+			++num_rows;
+        }
+		prev = ch;
+    }
+	if (prev!='\n')
+		++num_rows;
+	*file_Len=num_rows;
+	*num_dm=num_columns; 
+	//printf("original file size is %ld; number of dimensions is %ld\n", *file_Len, *num_dm);
+/************************************* Read the source file into uncomp_data **************************************/
+void readsource(FILE *f_src, long file_Len, long num_dm, double **uncomp_data, int time_ID)
+	long time_pass=0; //to mark whether the time_ID has been passed
+	long index=0;
+	long i=0;
+	long j=0;
+	long t=0;
+	char src[LINE_LEN];
+	char xc[LINE_LEN/10];
+	src[0]='\0';
+	fgets(src,LINE_LEN, f_src); //skip the first line about parameter names
+	while (!feof(f_src) && (index<file_Len)) //index = 0, 1, ..., file_Len-1
+	{
+		src[0]='\0';	    
+	  	fgets(src,LINE_LEN,f_src);
+		i=0;
+		time_pass=0;
+		if (time_ID==-1)
+		{
+			for (t=0;t<num_dm;t++) //there is no time_ID
+			{
+				xc[0]='\0';
+				j=0;
+				while ((src[i]!='\r') && (src[i]!='\n') && (src[i]!=' ') && (src[i]!='\t'))
+				{
+					xc[j]=src[i];
+					i++;
+					j++;
+				}
+				xc[j]='\0';	    
+				i++;
+				uncomp_data[index][t]=atof(xc);
+			}	
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			for (t=0;t<=num_dm;t++) //the time column needs to be skipped, so there are num_dm+1 columns
+			{
+				xc[0]='\0';
+				j=0;
+				while ((src[i]!='\r') && (src[i]!='\n') && (src[i]!=' ') && (src[i]!='\t'))
+				{
+					xc[j]=src[i];
+					i++;
+					j++;
+				}
+				xc[j]='\0';	    
+				i++;
+				if (t==time_ID)
+				{
+					time_pass=1;
+					continue;
+				}
+				if (time_pass)
+					uncomp_data[index][t-1]=atof(xc);
+				else
+					uncomp_data[index][t]=atof(xc);
+			}
+		}        	
+		index++;     	
+	    //fprintf(fout_ID,"%s",src);
+    } //end of while
+	if (DEBUG == 1)
+	{
+		printf("the last line of the source data is:\n");
+		for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+			printf("%f ",uncomp_data[index-1][j]);
+		printf("\n");
+	}
+void readcenter(FILE *f_src_ctr, long num_clust, long num_dm, double **cluster_center, long *IDmapping)
+	char src[LINE_LEN];
+	char xc[LINE_LEN/10];
+	long i=0;
+	long j=0;
+	int m=0;
+	int t=0;
+	for (i=0;i<num_clust;i++)
+	{
+		src[0]='\0';
+		fgets(src,LINE_LEN, f_src_ctr); 
+		m=0;
+		for (j=0;j<num_dm+1;j++)
+		{
+			xc[0]='\0';
+			t=0;
+			while ((src[m]!='\r') && (src[m]!='\n') && (src[m]!=' ') && (src[m]!='\t'))
+			{
+				xc[t]=src[m];
+				m++;
+				t++;
+			}
+			xc[t]='\0';	    
+			m++;
+			if (j==0)
+				IDmapping[i]=atoi(xc);
+			else
+				cluster_center[i][j-1]=atof(xc);
+			//printf("cluster_center[%d][%d]=%f\n",i,j,cluster_center[i][j]);
+		}
+	}
+/**************************************** Normalization ******************************************/
+void tran(double **orig_data, long clean_Len, long num_dm, long norm_used, double **matrix_to_cluster)
+	long i=0;
+	long j=0;
+	double biggest=0;
+	double smallest=MAX_VALUE;
+	double *aver; //average of each column
+	double *std; //standard deviation of each column
+	aver=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*clean_Len);
+	memset(aver,0,sizeof(double)*clean_Len);
+	std=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*clean_Len);
+	memset(std,0,sizeof(double)*clean_Len);	
+	if (norm_used==2) //z-score normalization
+	{
+		for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+		{
+			aver[j]=0;
+			for (i=0;i<clean_Len;i++)
+				aver[j]=aver[j]+orig_data[i][j];
+			aver[j]=aver[j]/(double)clean_Len;
+			std[j]=0;
+			for (i=0;i<clean_Len;i++)
+				std[j]=std[j]+(orig_data[i][j]-aver[j])*(orig_data[i][j]-aver[j]);
+			std[j]=sqrt(std[j]/(double)clean_Len);
+			for (i=0;i<clean_Len;i++)
+				matrix_to_cluster[i][j]=(orig_data[i][j]-aver[j])/std[j];  //z-score normalization
+		}
+	}
+	if (norm_used==1) //0-1 min-max normalization
+	{
+		for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+		{
+			biggest=0;
+			smallest=MAX_VALUE;
+			for (i=0;i<clean_Len;i++)
+			{
+				if (orig_data[i][j]>biggest)
+					biggest=orig_data[i][j];
+				if (orig_data[i][j]<smallest)
+					smallest=orig_data[i][j];
+			}
+			for (i=0;i<clean_Len;i++)
+			{
+				if (biggest==smallest)
+					matrix_to_cluster[i][j]=biggest;
+				else
+					matrix_to_cluster[i][j]=(orig_data[i][j]-smallest)/(biggest-smallest);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (norm_used==0) //no normalization
+	{
+		for (i=0;i<clean_Len;i++)
+			for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+				matrix_to_cluster[i][j]=orig_data[i][j];
+	}
+void assign_event(double **Matrix, long k, long dist_used, double kmean_term, long file_Len, long num_dm, long *shortest_id, double **center, int random_init)
+	long i=0;
+	long j=0;
+	long t=0;
+	long random=0;
+	long random1=0;
+	long random2=0;
+	long times=0;
+	long times_allowed=0;
+ 	long *num;  //num[i]=t means the ith cluster has t points
+	double vvv=1.0; // the biggest variation;
+	double distance=0.0;
+	double xv=0.0;
+	double variation=0.0;
+	double EPS=0.0;
+	double diff=0.0;
+	double mean_dx=0;
+	double mean_dy=0;
+	double sum_var=0;
+	double dx=0;
+	double dy=0;
+	double sd_x=0;
+	double sd_y=0;	
+	double *temp_center;	
+	double *shortest_distance;
+	double **sum;	
+	temp_center = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+	memset(temp_center,0,sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+	/* Choosing Centers */
+	if (random_init)
+	{
+		for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+		{	
+			random1=rand()*rand();
+			//srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
+			random2=abs((random1%5)+1);
+			for (t=0;t<random2;t++)
+				random2=random2*rand()+rand();
+			random=abs(random2%file_Len);
+			//printf("random=%d\n",random);
+			for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+				center[i][j]=Matrix[random][j];			
+		}
+	}
+	//printf("finish random selection\n");
+	/* To compute the nearest center for every point */
+	shortest_distance = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*file_Len);
+	memset(shortest_distance,0,sizeof(double)*file_Len);
+	num = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long)*k);
+	memset(num,0,sizeof(long)*k);
+	sum = (double **)malloc(sizeof(double*)*k);
+	memset(sum,0,sizeof(double*)*k);
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+	{
+		sum[i] = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+		memset(sum[i],0,sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+		for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+			sum[i][j]=0.0;        //sum[i][j] = k means the sum of the jth dimension of all points in the ith group is k 
+	//printf("before recursion\n");
+	if (kmean_term>=1)
+		times_allowed = (long)kmean_term;
+	else
+		EPS = kmean_term;
+	times=0;
+	while (((vvv>EPS) && (kmean_term<1)) || ((times<times_allowed) && (kmean_term>=1)))
+	{
+		for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+		{
+			num[i]=0;
+			for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+				sum[i][j]=0.0;  
+		}
+		for (i=0;i<file_Len;i++)  //for each data point i, we compute the distance between Matrix[i] and center[j]
+		{		
+			shortest_distance[i]=MAX_VALUE;
+			for (j=0;j<k;j++)  //for each center j
+			{
+				distance=0.0;
+				if (dist_used==0)  //Euclidean distance
+				{
+					for (t=0;t<num_dm;t++) //for each dimension
+					{
+						diff=center[j][t]-Matrix[i][t];
+						if (diff<0)
+							diff=-diff;
+						if (CUBE)
+							distance = distance+(diff*diff*diff);	
+						else
+							distance = distance+(diff*diff);
+					}
+				}
+				else  //pearson correlation
+				{
+					mean_dx=0.0;
+					mean_dy=0.0;
+					sum_var=0.0;
+					dx=0.0;
+					dy=0.0;
+					sd_x=0.0;
+					sd_y=0.0;
+					for (t=0;t<num_dm;t++)
+					{
+						mean_dx+=center[j][t];
+						mean_dy+=Matrix[i][t];
+					}
+					mean_dx=mean_dx/(double)num_dm;
+					mean_dy=mean_dy/(double)num_dm;
+				//printf("mean_dx=%f\n",mean_dx);
+					for (t=0;t<num_dm;t++)
+					{
+						dx=center[j][t]-mean_dx;
+						dy=Matrix[i][t]-mean_dy;
+						sum_var+=dx*dy;
+						sd_x+=dx*dx;
+						sd_y+=dy*dy;
+					}
+					if (sqrt(sd_x*sd_y)==0)
+						distance = 1.0;
+					else
+						distance = 1.0 - (sum_var/(sqrt(sd_x*sd_y))); // distance ranges from 0 to 2;
+					//printf("distance=%f\n",distance);			
+				}	//pearson correlation ends 
+				if (distance<shortest_distance[i])
+				{
+					shortest_distance[i]=distance;						
+					shortest_id[i]=j;
+				}			
+			}//end for j
+			num[shortest_id[i]]=num[shortest_id[i]]+1;
+			for (t=0;t<num_dm;t++)
+				sum[shortest_id[i]][t]=sum[shortest_id[i]][t]+Matrix[i][t];
+		}//end for i
+	/* recompute the centers */
+	//compute_mean(group);		
+		vvv=0.0;
+		for (j=0;j<k;j++)
+		{
+			memcpy(temp_center,center[j],sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+			variation=0.0;
+			if (num[j]!=0)
+			{
+				for (t=0;t<num_dm;t++)
+				{
+					center[j][t]=sum[j][t]/(double)num[j];
+					xv=(temp_center[t]-center[j][t]);
+					variation=variation+xv*xv;
+				}
+			}
+			if (variation>vvv)
+				vvv=variation;  //vvv is the biggest variation among the k clusters;			
+		}
+	//compute_variation;
+		times++;
+	} //end for while
+	free(num);
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+		free(sum[i]);
+	free(sum);
+	free(temp_center);
+	free(shortest_distance);
+/*************************** Show *****************************/
+void show(double **Matrix, long *cluster_id, long file_Len, long k, long num_dm, char *name_string, long *IDmapping)
+	int situ1=0;
+	int situ2=0;
+	long i=0;
+	long id=0;
+	long j=0;
+	long info_id=0;
+	long nearest_id=0;
+	long insert=0;
+	long temp=0;
+	long m=0;
+	long n=0;
+	long t=0;
+	long *size_c;
+	long **size_mybound_1;
+	long **size_mybound_2;
+	long **size_mybound_3;
+	long **size_mybound_0;
+	double interval=0.0;
+	double *big;
+	double *small;
+	double **center;
+	double **mybound;
+	long **prof; //prof[i][j]=1 means population i is + at parameter j
+	FILE *fpcnt_id; //proportion id
+	//FILE *fcent_id; //center_id, i.e., centers of clusters within the original data
+	FILE *fprof_id; //profile_id
+	big=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+	memset(big,0,sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+	small=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+	memset(small,0,sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+	for (i=0;i<num_dm;i++)
+	{
+		big[i]=0.0;
+		small[i]=(double)MAX_VALUE;
+	}
+	size_c=(long *)malloc(sizeof(long)*k);
+	memset(size_c,0,sizeof(long)*k);
+	center=(double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*k);
+	memset(center,0,sizeof(double*)*k);
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+	{
+		center[i]=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+		memset(center[i],0,sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+	}
+	mybound=(double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*num_dm);
+	memset(mybound,0,sizeof(double*)*num_dm);
+	for (i=0;i<num_dm;i++) //there are 3 mybounds for 4 categories
+	{
+		mybound[i]=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*3);
+		memset(mybound[i],0,sizeof(double)*3);
+	}
+	prof=(long **)malloc(sizeof(long*)*k);
+	memset(prof,0,sizeof(long*)*k);
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+	{
+		prof[i]=(long *)malloc(sizeof(long)*num_dm);
+		memset(prof[i],0,sizeof(long)*num_dm);
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<file_Len;i++)
+	{
+		id=cluster_id[i];
+		for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+		{
+			center[id][j]=center[id][j]+Matrix[i][j];
+			if (big[j]<Matrix[i][j])
+				big[j]=Matrix[i][j];
+			if (small[j]>Matrix[i][j])
+				small[j]=Matrix[i][j];
+		}
+		size_c[id]++;		
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+		for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+		{			
+			if (size_c[i]!=0)
+				center[i][j]=(center[i][j]/(double)(size_c[i]));
+			else
+				center[i][j]=0;	
+		}
+	for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+	{
+		interval=((big[j]-small[j])/4.0);
+		//printf("interval[%d] is %f\n",j,interval);
+		for (i=0;i<3;i++)
+			mybound[j][i]=small[j]+((double)(i+1)*interval);
+	}
+	size_mybound_0=(long **)malloc(sizeof(long*)*k);
+	memset(size_mybound_0,0,sizeof(long*)*k);
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+	{
+		size_mybound_0[i]=(long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*num_dm);
+		memset(size_mybound_0[i],0,sizeof(long)*num_dm);		
+	}
+	size_mybound_1=(long **)malloc(sizeof(long*)*k);
+	memset(size_mybound_1,0,sizeof(long*)*k);
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+	{
+		size_mybound_1[i]=(long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*num_dm);
+		memset(size_mybound_1[i],0,sizeof(long)*num_dm);		
+	}
+	size_mybound_2=(long **)malloc(sizeof(long*)*k);
+	memset(size_mybound_2,0,sizeof(long*)*k);
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+	{
+		size_mybound_2[i]=(long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*num_dm);
+		memset(size_mybound_2[i],0,sizeof(long)*num_dm);	
+	}
+	size_mybound_3=(long **)malloc(sizeof(long*)*k);
+	memset(size_mybound_3,0,sizeof(long*)*k);
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+	{
+		size_mybound_3[i]=(long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*num_dm);
+		memset(size_mybound_3[i],0,sizeof(long)*num_dm);
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<file_Len;i++)
+		for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+			{
+				if (Matrix[i][j]<mybound[j][0])// && ((Matrix[i][j]-small[j])>0)) //the smallest values excluded
+					size_mybound_0[cluster_id[i]][j]++;
+				else
+				{
+					if (Matrix[i][j]<mybound[j][1])
+						size_mybound_1[cluster_id[i]][j]++;
+					else
+					{
+						if (Matrix[i][j]<mybound[j][2])
+							size_mybound_2[cluster_id[i]][j]++;
+						else
+							//if (Matrix[i][j]!=big[j]) //the biggest values excluded
+								size_mybound_3[cluster_id[i]][j]++;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+	fprof_id=fopen("profile.txt","w");
+	fprintf(fprof_id,"Population_ID\t");
+	fprintf(fprof_id,"%s\n",name_string);
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+	{
+		fprintf(fprof_id,"%ld\t",IDmapping[i]);
+		for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+		{
+			if (size_mybound_0[i][j]>size_mybound_1[i][j])
+				situ1=0;
+			else
+				situ1=1;
+			if (size_mybound_2[i][j]>size_mybound_3[i][j])
+				situ2=2;
+			else
+				situ2=3;
+			if ((situ1==0) && (situ2==2))
+			{
+				if (size_mybound_0[i][j]>size_mybound_2[i][j])
+					prof[i][j]=0;
+				else
+					prof[i][j]=2;
+			}
+			if ((situ1==0) && (situ2==3))
+			{
+				if (size_mybound_0[i][j]>size_mybound_3[i][j])
+					prof[i][j]=0;
+				else
+					prof[i][j]=3;
+			}
+			if ((situ1==1) && (situ2==2))
+			{
+				if (size_mybound_1[i][j]>size_mybound_2[i][j])
+					prof[i][j]=1;
+				else
+					prof[i][j]=2;
+			}
+			if ((situ1==1) && (situ2==3))
+			{
+				if (size_mybound_1[i][j]>size_mybound_3[i][j])
+					prof[i][j]=1;
+				else
+					prof[i][j]=3;
+			}
+			//begin to output profile
+			if (j==num_dm-1)
+			{
+				if (prof[i][j]==0)
+					fprintf(fprof_id,"1\n");
+				if (prof[i][j]==1)
+					fprintf(fprof_id,"2\n");
+				if (prof[i][j]==2)
+					fprintf(fprof_id,"3\n");
+				if (prof[i][j]==3)
+					fprintf(fprof_id,"4\n");
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if (prof[i][j]==0)
+					fprintf(fprof_id,"1\t");
+				if (prof[i][j]==1)
+					fprintf(fprof_id,"2\t");
+				if (prof[i][j]==2)
+					fprintf(fprof_id,"3\t");
+				if (prof[i][j]==3)
+					fprintf(fprof_id,"4\t");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	fclose(fprof_id);
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	fpcnt_id=fopen("percentage.txt","w");
+	fprintf(fpcnt_id,"Population_ID\tPercentage\n");
+	for (t=0;t<k;t++)
+	{
+		fprintf(fpcnt_id,"%ld\t%.2f\n",IDmapping[t],(double)size_c[t]*100.0/(double)file_Len);										
+	}
+	fclose(fpcnt_id);
+	free(big);
+	free(small);
+	free(size_c);
+	for (i=0;i<k;i++)
+	{
+		free(center[i]);
+		free(prof[i]);
+		free(size_mybound_0[i]);
+		free(size_mybound_1[i]);
+		free(size_mybound_2[i]);
+		free(size_mybound_3[i]);
+	}
+	free(center);
+	free(prof);
+	free(size_mybound_0);
+	free(size_mybound_1);
+	free(size_mybound_2);
+	free(size_mybound_3);
+	for (i=0;i<num_dm;i++)
+		free(mybound[i]);
+	free(mybound);
+/******************************************************** Main Function **************************************************/
+int main (int argc, char **argv)
+	//inputs
+	FILE *f_src; //source file pointer
+	FILE *f_src_ctr; //source center file
+	//outputs
+	FILE *f_cid; //cluster-id file pointer
+	FILE *f_mfi; //added April 16, 2009
+	char name_string[LINE_LEN]; //for name use
+	int time_id=-1;
+	long file_Len=0;
+	long num_clust=0;
+	long num_dm=0;
+	long norm_used=0;
+	long dist_used=0;
+	long i=0;
+	long j=0;
+	long *cluster_id;
+	long *IDmapping; //this is to keep the original populationID of the center.txt
+	double kmean_term=0;
+	double **cluster_center;
+	double **orig_data;
+	double **normalized_data;
+	_strtime( tmpbuf );
+    printf( "Starting time:\t\t\t\t%s\n", tmpbuf );
+	_strdate( tmpbuf );
+    printf( "Starting date:\t\t\t\t%s\n", tmpbuf );
+	if (argc!=3)
+	{
+		printf("usage: cent_adjust input_center input_data_file\n");       
+		exit(0);
+	}	
+	f_src_ctr=fopen(argv[1],"r");	
+	//read source data
+	f_src=fopen(argv[2],"r");
+	getfileinfo(f_src, &file_Len, &num_dm, name_string, &time_id); //get the filelength, number of dimensions, and num/name of parameters
+	rewind(f_src); //reset data file pointer	
+	orig_data = (double **)malloc(sizeof(double*)*file_Len);
+	memset(orig_data,0,sizeof(double*)*file_Len);
+	for (i=0;i<file_Len;i++)
+	{
+		orig_data[i]=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+		memset(orig_data[i],0,sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+	}
+	readsource(f_src, file_Len, num_dm, orig_data, time_id); //read the data;
+	fclose(f_src);
+	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	getctrfileinfo(f_src_ctr, &num_clust); //get how many populations
+	norm_used=0;
+	dist_used=0;
+	kmean_term=2;  //modified on Oct 16, 2009: changed kmean_term=1 to kmean_term=2
+	rewind(f_src_ctr); //reset center file pointer
+	//read population center
+	cluster_center=(double **)malloc(sizeof(double*)*num_clust);
+	memset(cluster_center,0,sizeof(double*)*num_clust);
+	for (i=0;i<num_clust;i++)
+	{
+		cluster_center[i]=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+		memset(cluster_center[i],0,sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<num_clust;i++)
+		for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+			cluster_center[i][j]=0;
+	IDmapping=(long *)malloc(sizeof(long)*num_clust);
+	memset(IDmapping,0,sizeof(long)*num_clust);
+	readcenter(f_src_ctr,num_clust,num_dm,cluster_center,IDmapping); //read population center
+    fclose(f_src_ctr);
+	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	normalized_data=(double **)malloc(sizeof(double*)*file_Len);
+	memset(normalized_data,0,sizeof(double*)*file_Len);
+	for (i=0;i<file_Len;i++)
+	{
+		normalized_data[i]=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+		memset(normalized_data[i],0,sizeof(double)*num_dm);
+	}
+	tran(orig_data, file_Len, num_dm, norm_used, normalized_data);
+	/************************************************* Compute number of clusters *************************************************/
+	cluster_id=(long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*file_Len);
+	memset(cluster_id,0,sizeof(long)*file_Len);
+	assign_event(normalized_data,num_clust,dist_used,kmean_term,file_Len,num_dm,cluster_id,cluster_center,0);
+	//show(orig_data,cluster_id,file_Len,num_clust,num_dm,show_data,num_disp,name_string); 
+	show(orig_data, cluster_id, file_Len, num_clust, num_dm, name_string, IDmapping);
+	f_cid=fopen("population_id.txt","w");
+	for (i=0;i<file_Len;i++)
+		fprintf(f_cid,"%ld\n",IDmapping[cluster_id[i]]);
+	fclose(f_cid);
+	//added April 16, 2009
+	f_mfi=fopen("MFI.txt","w");
+	for (i=0;i<num_clust;i++)
+	{
+		fprintf(f_mfi,"%ld\t",IDmapping[i]);
+		for (j=0;j<num_dm;j++)
+		{
+			if (j==num_dm-1)
+				fprintf(f_mfi,"%.0f\n",cluster_center[i][j]);
+			else
+				fprintf(f_mfi,"%.0f\t",cluster_center[i][j]);
+		}
+	}
+	fclose(f_mfi);
+	//ended April 16, 2009
+	for (i=0;i<num_clust;i++)
+		free(cluster_center[i]);
+	free(cluster_center);
+	/********************************************** Release memory ******************************************/
+	for (i=0;i<file_Len;i++)
+	{
+		free(orig_data[i]);		
+		free(normalized_data[i]);
+	}
+	free(orig_data);
+	free(normalized_data);
+	free(cluster_id);
+	free(IDmapping);
+	_strtime( tmpbuf );
+    printf( "Ending time:\t\t\t\t%s\n", tmpbuf );
+	_strdate( tmpbuf );
+    printf( "Ending date:\t\t\t\t%s\n", tmpbuf );