# HG changeset patch
# User infr
# Date 1655905004 0
# Node ID 0a9cf7f52b9c2c212841bba8875ff6386332002e
planemo upload commit 213f6eeb03f96bb13d0ace6e0c87e2562d37f728-dirty
diff -r 000000000000 -r 0a9cf7f52b9c impc_tool.py
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/impc_tool.py Wed Jun 22 13:36:44 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+import sys
+import requests
+import pandas as pd
+import urllib.request as url
+impc_api_url = "https://www.gentar.org/impc-dev-api/"
+impc_api_search_url = f"{impc_api_url}/genes"
+impc_api_gene_bundle_url = f"{impc_api_url}/geneBundles"
+def stop_err(msg):
+ sys.exit(msg)
+def main():
+ inp = str(sys.argv[1])
+ query = str(sys.argv[3])
+ try:
+ if query == '7':
+ full_gene_table()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if str(sys.argv[5])=="txt":
+ s = str(sys.argv[6])
+ if s == "t":
+ sep = "\t"
+ elif s == "s":
+ sep = " "
+ elif s in ",;.":
+ sep = s
+ else:
+ sys.exit("Separator not valid, please change it.")
+ inp = pd.read_csv(inp, header=None, delimiter=sep)
+ if len(inp.columns)==1:
+ inp = str(inp[0].values[0]).replace("'","")
+ else:
+ inp = inp.to_string(header=False, index=False).replace(" ",",")
+ if query == '8':
+ genes_in_pipeline(inp)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif query == '10': # it's here but not totally implemented
+ par_pip_ma(inp)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif query == '11': # it's here but not totally implemented
+ par_gen(inp)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif query == '2' or query == "4":
+ final_list=pheno_mapping(inp)
+ else:
+ final_list=gene_mapping(inp)
+ inp= ",".join(final_list)
+ if query == '1':
+ get_pheno(inp)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif query == '2':
+ get_genes(inp)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif query == '3':
+ gene_set(inp)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif query == '4':
+ extr_img(inp)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif query == '5':
+ parameters(inp)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif query == '6':
+ sign_par(inp)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif query == '9':
+ sign_mp(inp)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ stop_err("Error, non-implemented query selected: " + query)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ stop_err('Error running impc_tool.py:\n' + str(ex))
+# 1-Given a gene id, retrieve all the phenotypes related to it (id and name)
+def get_pheno(inp):
+ head = sys.argv[4]
+ mgi_accession_id = inp
+ gene_url = f"{impc_api_search_url}/{mgi_accession_id}"
+ gene_data = requests.get(gene_url).json()
+ p_list = []
+ id_list = []
+ if gene_data['significantMpTerms'] == None:
+ stop_err("No significant MP terms found for this gene")
+ else:
+ for x in gene_data['significantMpTerms']:
+ p_list.append(x['mpTermId'])
+ id_list.append(x['mpTermName'])
+ df = pd.DataFrame()
+ df['MP term name'] = p_list
+ df['MP term id'] = id_list
+ if head == 'True':
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+# 3-Extract all genes having a particular phenotype or a set of phenotypes (e.g. relevant to a disease)
+def get_genes(inp):
+ head = sys.argv[4]
+ target_mp_terms = inp
+ ## All the data is paginated using the page and size parameters, by default the endpoint returns the first 20 hits
+ gene_by_phenotypes_query = f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllBySignificantMpTermIdsContains?mpTermIds={target_mp_terms}&page=0&size=20"
+ genes_with_clinical_chemistry_phenotypes = requests.get(gene_by_phenotypes_query).json()
+ print(f"Genes with {target_mp_terms}: {genes_with_clinical_chemistry_phenotypes['page']['totalElements']}")
+ list_of_genes = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Gene accession id', 'Gene name', 'Gene bundle url'])
+ acc = []
+ name = []
+ url = []
+ for gene in genes_with_clinical_chemistry_phenotypes['_embedded']['genes']:
+ acc.append(gene['mgiAccessionId'])
+ name.append(gene['markerName'])
+ url.append(gene['_links']['geneBundle']['href'])
+ list_of_genes['Gene accession id'] = acc
+ list_of_genes['Gene name'] = name
+ list_of_genes['Gene bundle url'] = url
+ if head == 'True':
+ list_of_genes.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ list_of_genes.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+# 4. Extract all phenotypes which are present in a particular gene set (e.g. genes together in a pathway)
+def gene_set(inp):
+ head = sys.argv[4]
+ target_genes = inp
+ genes_in_gene_list_query = f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllByMgiAccessionIdIn?mgiAccessionIds={target_genes}"
+ genes_in_gene_list = requests.get(genes_in_gene_list_query).json()
+ list_of_mp_terms_vs_gene_index = {}
+ for gene in genes_in_gene_list['_embedded']['genes']:
+ mp_terms = gene['significantMpTerms']
+ gene_acc_id = gene["mgiAccessionId"]
+ if mp_terms is None:
+ continue
+ for mp_term_name in mp_terms:
+ if mp_term_name['mpTermId'] not in list_of_mp_terms_vs_gene_index:
+ list_of_mp_terms_vs_gene_index[mp_term_name['mpTermId']] = {"mp_term": mp_term_name['mpTermId'], "mp_name": mp_term_name['mpTermName'], "genes": []}
+ list_of_mp_terms_vs_gene_index[mp_term_name['mpTermId']]["genes"].append(gene_acc_id)
+ genes_by_mp_term = list(list_of_mp_terms_vs_gene_index.values())
+ df = pd.DataFrame()
+ terms = []
+ names = []
+ genes = []
+ for i in genes_by_mp_term:
+ terms.append(i['mp_term'])
+ names.append(i['mp_name'])
+ genes.append(",".join(i['genes']))
+ df['mp_term'] = terms
+ df['mp_name'] = names
+ df['genes'] = genes
+ if head == 'True':
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ # 7. Extract images with a particular phenotype or a set of phenotypes
+def extr_img(inp):
+ head = sys.argv[4]
+ target_mp_terms = inp # ['MP:0002110', 'MP:0000559']
+ ## All the data is paginated using the page and size parameters, by default the endpoint returns the first 20 hits
+ gene_by_phenotypes_query = f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllBySignificantMpTermIdsContains?mpTermIds={target_mp_terms}&page=0&size=20"
+ genes_with_morphology_mps = requests.get(gene_by_phenotypes_query).json()
+ list_of_gene_bundle_urls = [gene["_links"]["geneBundle"]['href'] for gene in
+ genes_with_morphology_mps['_embedded']['genes']]
+ gene_bundles = []
+ for gene_bundle_url in list_of_gene_bundle_urls:
+ gene_bundle = requests.get(gene_bundle_url).json()
+ gene_bundles.append(gene_bundle)
+ images_with_morphology_mps = []
+ ## Doing just the first 20 and filtering out fields on the images
+ display_fields = ['geneSymbol', 'parameterName', 'biologicalSampleGroup', 'colonyId', 'zygosity', 'sex',
+ 'downloadUrl', 'externalSampleId', 'thumbnailUrl']
+ for gene_bundle in gene_bundles[:20]:
+ if len(gene_bundle) == 4:
+ continue
+ if gene_bundle["geneImages"] is not None:
+ images = gene_bundle["geneImages"]
+ for image in images:
+ display_image = {k: v for k, v in image.items() if k in display_fields}
+ images_with_morphology_mps.append(display_image)
+ images_table = []
+ print(f"Images related to phenotype {target_mp_terms}: {len(images_with_morphology_mps)}")
+ ## Displaying just the first 20 images
+ for i in images_with_morphology_mps[:20]:
+ row = [f""] + list(i.values())
+ images_table.append(row)
+ df = pd.DataFrame()
+ externalSampleId = []
+ geneSymbol = []
+ biologicalSampleGroup = []
+ sex = []
+ colonyId = []
+ zygosity = []
+ parameterName = []
+ downloadUrl = []
+ thumbnailUrl = []
+ for i in images_table:
+ externalSampleId.append(i[1])
+ geneSymbol.append(i[2])
+ biologicalSampleGroup.append(i[3])
+ sex.append(i[4])
+ colonyId.append(i[5])
+ zygosity.append(i[6])
+ parameterName.append(i[7])
+ downloadUrl.append(i[8])
+ thumbnailUrl.append(i[9])
+ df['externalSampleId'] = externalSampleId
+ df['geneSymbol'] = geneSymbol
+ df['biologicalSampleGroup'] = biologicalSampleGroup
+ df['sex'] = sex
+ df['colonyId'] = colonyId
+ df['zygosity'] = zygosity
+ df['parameterName'] = parameterName
+ df['downloadUrl'] = downloadUrl
+ df['thumbnailUrl'] = thumbnailUrl
+ if head == 'True':
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ # 11- Which parameters have been measured for a particular knockout EASY
+def parameters(inp):
+ head = sys.argv[4]
+ knockout = inp # "MGI:104636"
+ gene_info = requests.get(impc_api_search_url + "/" + knockout).json()
+ if gene_info['phenotypingDataAvailable']:
+ geneBundle = requests.get(gene_info['_links']['geneBundle']['href']).json()
+ gen_imgs = geneBundle['geneImages']
+ par_list = []
+ l = {}
+ for i in gen_imgs:
+ l = {"Parameter Name": i['parameterName']}
+ if l not in par_list:
+ par_list.append(l)
+ df = pd.DataFrame()
+ l = []
+ for i in par_list:
+ l.append(i['Parameter Name'])
+ df['Parameter'] = l
+ if head == 'True':
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ stop_err("No parameters available for this knockout gene")
+# 12- Which parameters identified a significant finding for a particular knockout line (colony) EASY
+def sign_par(inp):
+ head = sys.argv[4]
+ knockout = inp # "MGI:104636"
+ gene_info = requests.get(f"{impc_api_url}statisticalResults/search/findAllByMarkerAccessionIdIsAndSignificantTrue?mgiAccessionId=" + knockout).json()
+ gene_stats = gene_info['_embedded']['statisticalResults']
+ if len(gene_stats) == 0:
+ stop_err("No statistically relevant parameters found for this knockout gene")
+ else:
+ df = pd.DataFrame()
+ n = []
+ p = []
+ for g in gene_stats:
+ n.append(g['parameterName'])
+ p.append(g['pvalue'])
+ df['Parameter name'] = n
+ df['p-value'] = p
+ if head == 'True':
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+# 13- List of genes names and ID measured in a pipeline
+def genes_in_pipeline(inp):
+ head = sys.argv[4]
+ pip = inp
+ g_in_p_query = f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllByTestedPipelineId?pipelineId={pip}&page=0&size=1000"
+ genes_in_pip = requests.get(g_in_p_query).json()
+ pages = genes_in_pip['page']['totalPages']
+ max_elem = genes_in_pip['page']['totalElements']
+ print(f"Genes with {pip}: {genes_in_pip['page']['totalElements']}")
+ d ={ }
+ list_d = []
+ list_of_genes = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Gene accession id', 'Gene name'])
+ acc = []
+ name = []
+ if max_elem > 1000:
+ g_in_p_query = genes_in_pip['_embedded']['genes']
+ for i in range(1,pages):
+ gl = requests.get(f'{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllByTestedPipelineId?pipelineId={pip}&page={i}&size=1000').json()['_embedded']['genes']
+ g_in_p_query += gl
+ else:
+ g_in_p_query = genes_in_pip['_embedded']['genes']
+ for g in g_in_p_query:
+ d = {"Gene Accession ID": g['mgiAccessionId'], "Gene Name": g['markerName']}
+ list_d.append(d)
+ for i in list_d:
+ acc.append(i['Gene Accession ID'])
+ name.append(i['Gene Name'])
+ list_of_genes['Gene accession id'] = acc
+ list_of_genes['Gene name'] = name
+ if head == 'True':
+ list_of_genes.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ list_of_genes.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+# 14- Extract all genes and corresponding phenotypes related to a particular organ system(eg: significatMPTerm)
+def sign_mp(inp):
+ head = sys.argv[4]
+ mp_term = inp # ['MP:0005391']
+ gene_by_mpterm_query = f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllBySignificantMpTermIdsContains?mpTermIds={mp_term}&size=1000"
+ genes_with_mpterm = requests.get(gene_by_mpterm_query).json()
+ pages = genes_with_mpterm['page']['totalPages']
+ genes_info = genes_with_mpterm['_embedded']['genes']
+ for pn in range(1,pages):
+ pq = f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllBySignificantMpTermIdsContains?mpTermIds={mp_term}&page={pn}&size=1000"
+ g = requests.get(pq).json()['_embedded']['genes']
+ genes_info += g
+ list_d=[]
+ d={}
+ for g in genes_info:
+ names=[]
+ ids=[]
+ for s in g['significantMpTerms']:
+ names.append(s['mpTermName'])
+ ids.append(s['mpTermId'])
+ d={'Gene':g['mgiAccessionId'], 'mpTermId': ids, 'mpTermName':names}
+ list_d.append(d)
+ g = []
+ ids = []
+ names = []
+ for i in list_d:
+ g.append(i['Gene'])
+ ids.append(i['mpTermId'])
+ names.append(i['mpTermName'])
+ df = pd.DataFrame()
+ df['Gene Id']=g
+ df['Significant MP terms Ids']=ids
+ df['Significant MP terms Names']=names
+ if head == 'True':
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+# 16- Full table of genes and all identified phenotypes
+def full_gene_table():
+ head = sys.argv[4]
+ gene_list = requests.get(impc_api_search_url + '?page=0&size=1000').json()
+ pages = gene_list['page']['totalPages']
+ genes_info = gene_list['_embedded']['genes']
+ for pn in range(1,pages):
+ gp = requests.get(impc_api_search_url + f'?page={pn}&size=1000').json()['_embedded']['genes']
+ genes_info += gp
+ d = {}
+ list_d=[]
+ for i in genes_info:
+ l = []
+ if i['significantMpTerms'] is None:
+ d={"Gene": i['mgiAccessionId'], "Identified phenotypes": "None"}
+ else:
+ d = {"Gene": i['mgiAccessionId'], "Identified phenotypes": [sub['mpTermId'] for sub in i['significantMpTerms']]}
+ list_d.append(d)
+ df = pd.DataFrame()
+ g = []
+ p = []
+ for i in list_d:
+ g.append(i['Gene'])
+ p.append(i['Identified phenotypes'])
+ df['MGI id'] = g
+ df['MP term list'] = p
+ for i in range(0, len(df)):
+ if df['MP term list'][i] != "None":
+ df['MP term list'][i] = str(df['MP term list'][i])[1:-1].replace("'", "")
+ if str(sys.argv[1]) == 'True':
+ if head == 'True':
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ df = df[df['MP term list'] != "None"]
+ df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
+ if head == 'True':
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ df.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+# Old method, chech which is faster
+# max_elem = gene_list['page']['totalElements']
+# d = {}
+# list_d = []
+# for i in range(0, pages):
+# gl = requests.get(impc_api_search_url + '?page=' + str(i) + '&size=' + str(max_elem)).json()
+# for g in gl['_embedded']['genes']:
+# if g['significantMpTerms'] is None:
+# d = {"Gene": g['mgiAccessionId'], "Identified phenotypes": "None"}
+# else:
+# d = {"Gene": g['mgiAccessionId'], "Identified phenotypes": [ sub['mpTermId'] for sub in g['significantMpTerms'] ]}
+# list_d.append(d)
+# 18- Extract measurements and analysis for a parameter or pipeline
+def par_pip_ma(inp):
+ head = sys.argv[4]
+ id = inp
+ if id[0:4] == "IMPC":
+ par = True
+ ma_query = f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllByTestedParameterId?parameterId={id}&page=0&size=1000"
+ else:
+ ma_query = f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllByTestedPipelineId?pipelineId={id}&page=0&size=1000"
+ par = False
+ ma_in_pip = requests.get(ma_query).json()
+ pages = ma_in_pip['page']['totalPages']
+ max_elem = ma_in_pip['page']['totalElements']
+ print(f"Genes with {id}: {ma_in_pip['page']['totalElements']}")
+ d = {}
+ list_d = []
+ list_of_genes = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Measurements', 'Analysis'])
+ mes = []
+ an = []
+ if max_elem > 1000:
+ ma_in_pip = ma_in_pip['_embedded']['genes']
+ for pn in range(1, pages):
+ if par:
+ pip = requests.get(f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllByTestedParameterId?parameterId={id}&page={pn}&size=1000").json()['_embedded']['genes']
+ else:
+ pip = requests.get(f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllByTestedPipelineId?pipelineId={id}&page={pn}&size=1000").json()['_embedded']['genes']
+ ma_in_pip += pip
+ else:
+ ma_in_pip = ma_in_pip['_embedded']['genes']
+ for g in ma_in_pip:
+ d = {"Measurements": g[''], "Analysis": g['']}
+ list_d.append(d)
+ for i in list_d:
+ mes.append(i[''])
+ an.append(i[''])
+ list_of_genes['Analysis'] = an
+ list_of_genes['Measurements'] = mes
+ if head == 'True':
+ list_of_genes.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ list_of_genes.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+# 19- Get all genes and measured values for a particular parameter
+def par_gen(inp):
+ head = sys.argv[4]
+ id = inp
+ pa_query = f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllByTestedParameterId?parameterId={id}&page=0&size=1000"
+ gm_par = requests.get(pa_query).json()
+ pages = gm_par['page']['totalPages']
+ max_elem = gm_par['page']['totalElements']
+ print(f"Genes with {id}: {gm_par['page']['totalElements']}")
+ d = {}
+ list_d = []
+ list_of_genes = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Genes', 'Measured Values'])
+ gen = []
+ mes = []
+ if max_elem > 1000:
+ gm_par = gm_par['_embedded']['genes']
+ for pn in range(1, pages):
+ pip = requests.get(f"{impc_api_search_url}/search/findAllByTestedParameterId?parameterId={id}&page={pn}&size=1000").json()['_embedded']['genes']
+ gm_par += pip
+ else:
+ gm_par = gm_par['_embedded']['genes']
+ for g in gm_par:
+ d = {"Genes": g['mgiAccessionId'], "Measured Values": g['']}
+ list_d.append(d)
+ for i in list_d:
+ gen.append(i['Genes'])
+ mes.append(i['Measured Values'])
+ list_of_genes['Genes'] = gen
+ list_of_genes['Measured Values'] = mes
+ if head == 'True':
+ list_of_genes.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=True, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+ else:
+ list_of_genes.to_csv(sys.argv[2], header=False, index=False, sep="\t", index_label=False)
+def gene_mapping(inp):
+ tmp = inp.split(",")
+ final_list = []
+ sym_list = []
+ for i in tmp:
+ if 'MGI:' in i:
+ final_list.append(i)
+ else:
+ sym_list.append(i)
+ del (i)
+ if len(sym_list) != 0:
+ sym_list = ",".join(sym_list)
+ biodbnet = f'https://biodbnet.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/webServices/rest.php/biodbnetRestApi.xml?method=db2db&format=row&input=genesymbol&inputValues={sym_list}&outputs=mgiid&taxonId=10090'
+ u = url.urlopen(biodbnet)
+ db = pd.read_xml(u, elems_only=True)
+ empty = True
+ discarded = []
+ for i in db.index:
+ if db['MGIID'][i] != '-':
+ empty = False
+ final_list.append(db['MGIID'][i][4:])
+ break
+ else:
+ discarded.append(db['MGIID'][i][4:])
+ if (len(db) == 0 and len(final_list) == 0) or (empty and len(final_list) == 0):
+ stop_err("Error: it was not possible to map the input.")
+ elif empty:
+ print("Warning: it was not possible to map any of the gene symbols entry. Only MGI entries will be used.")
+ elif len(discarded) != 0:
+ print("Warning: it was not possible to map these elements: " + ",".join(discarded) + "\n")
+ return(final_list)
+def pheno_mapping(inp):
+ tmp = inp.split(",")
+ final_list = []
+ sym_list = []
+ for i in tmp:
+ if 'MP:' in i:
+ final_list.append(i)
+ else:
+ sym_list.append(i)
+ del (i)
+ if len(sym_list) != 0:
+ url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndreaFurlani/hp_mp_mapping_test/main/hp_mp_mapping.csv"
+ mapper = pd.read_csv(url,header=0,index_col=2)
+ empty = True
+ discarded = []
+ for i in sym_list:
+ try:
+ final_list.append(mapper.loc[i]['mpId'])
+ empty=False
+ except KeyError:
+ discarded.append(i)
+ continue
+ if empty and len(final_list)==0:
+ stop_err("Error: it was not possible to map the input.")
+ elif empty:
+ print("Warning: it was not possible to map any of the HP term entries. Only MP entries will be used.")
+ elif len(discarded) != 0:
+ print("Warning: it was not possible to map these elements: " + ",".join(discarded) + "\n")
+ return (final_list)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 0a9cf7f52b9c impc_tool.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/impc_tool.xml Wed Jun 22 13:36:44 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ query tool.
+ requests
+ pandas
+ lxml
+ https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gku1193
+ https://doi.org/10.1038/nature19356
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diff -r 000000000000 -r 0a9cf7f52b9c shed_example.yml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/shed_example.yml Wed Jun 22 13:36:44 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+categories: [Web Services]
+description: "A collection of tools that allow to query the IMPC database"
+name: "impc_tools"
+owner: andrea.furlani
+type: "unrestricted"
+long_description: "This tool allow the user to retrieve different types of information from the IMPC database. The tool allows as input both files (txt,csv,tab) or direct input. If you are using any query inside a workflow, only the file input option is usable. Moreover, when using a file as input please take note on which separator are you using in that file. If you are not sure on which separator is used in a file, as default consider to use the 'tab' option."
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