view load.xml @ 1:dc0840e31406 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit 40ca64669b0f8c875835fcf41ce91e6adb391283"
author iuc
date Thu, 07 Apr 2022 14:06:41 +0000
parents 474bbc45ddd9
children 8d77d277996e
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="ampvis2_load" name="ampvis2 load" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@VERSION_SUFFIX@" profile="@PROFILE@" license="MIT">
    <expand macro="header"/>
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
        #if $otutable.ext.startswith("biom")
            ln -s '$otutable' otutable.biom &&
            ln -s '$otutable' otutable.tsv &&
        #end if
        #if $taxonomy
            ln -s '$taxonomy' taxonomy.tsv &&
        #end if
        Rscript '$rscript'
        <configfile name="rscript"><![CDATA[
            library(ampvis2, quietly = TRUE)
            library(readr, quietly = TRUE)
            ## 'manually' load metadata treating all columns as character
            ## giving colClasses to amp_load seems not possible
            #if $metadata
                metadata <- read.table("$metadata", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", colClasses = "character")
            #end if
            data <- amp_load(
                #if $otutable.ext.startswith("biom")
                    otutable = "otutable.biom",
                    otutable = "otutable.tsv",
                #end if
                #if $metadata
                    metadata = metadata,
                #end if
                #if $taxonomy
                    taxonomy = "taxonomy.tsv",
                #end if
                #if $fasta
                    fasta = "$fasta",
                #end if
                #if $tree
                    tree = "$tree",
                #end if
                pruneSingletons = $pruneSingletons
            ## try to guess column types with plyr::type.convert
            #if $guess_column_types
                data\$metadata <- readr::type_convert(data\$metadata, guess_integer=TRUE)
            #end if
            saveRDS(data, "$ampvis")
            ## write metadata list for biom input or if metadata is given 
            #if "metadata" in $write_lists
            #end if

            #if "tax" in $write_lists
            #end if
            ## print overview of the data to stdout
        <param argument="otutable" type="data" format="tabular,biom1,biom2" label="OTU table"/>
        <param argument="metadata" type="data" format="tsv" optional="true" label="Sample metadata">
            <validator type="expression" message="Table must have at least 1 column"><![CDATA[value.metadata.columns > 0]]></validator>
            <!-- TODO in future versions this might change
                 if so, then also adapt help text and test data -->
            <validator type="expression" message="First column must be named SampleID"><![CDATA[value.metadata.column_names[0] == "SampleID"]]></validator>
        <param name="guess_column_types" type="boolean" checked="true" label="Guess metadata column types" help="See help"/>
        <param argument="taxonomy" type="data" format="tabular" optional="true" label="Taxonomy table"/>
        <param argument="fasta" type="data" format="fasta" optional="true" label="Fasta file"/>
        <param argument="tree" type="data" format="newick" optional="true" label="Phylogenetic tree"/>
        <param argument="pruneSingletons" type="boolean" truevalue="TRUE" falsevalue="FALSE" checked="false" label="Remove singleton OTUs"/>
        <param name="write_lists" type="select" optional="true" multiple="true" label="Output list data sets" help="Needed by most downstream tools. Select if the inputs contain taxonomic / metadata information.">
            <option value="tax" selected="true">Taxonomy list</option>
            <option value="metadata" selected="true">Metadata list</option>
        <data name="ampvis" format="ampvis2"/>
        <data name="metadata_list_out" format="tabular" label="${} on ${on_string}: metadata list">
            <filter>write_lists and "metadata" in write_lists</filter>
        <data name="taxonomy_list_out" format="tabular" label="${} on ${on_string}: taxonomy list">
            <filter>write_lists and "tax" in write_lists</filter>
        <!-- load otu table + metadata + taxonomy -->
        <test expect_num_outputs="3">
            <param name="otutable" value="AalborgWWTPs.otu.csv"/>
            <param name="metadata" value="AalborgWWTPs.tsv" ftype="tsv"/>
            <param name="taxonomy" value=""/>
            <output name="ampvis" value="AalborgWWTPs.rds" ftype="ampvis2" compare="sim_size"/>
            <output name="metadata_list_out" value="AalborgWWTPs-metadata.list"/>
            <output name="taxonomy_list_out" value="AalborgWWTPs-taxonomy.list"/>
                <has_text text="575.79"/>
                <has_text text="SampleID, Plant, Date, Year, Period"/>
                <has_text text="200(100%)   194(97%) 177(88.5%)   170(85%)   152(76%) 113(56.5%)      2(1%)"/>
        <!-- load otu table + metadata + taxonomy + tree + fasta -->
        <test expect_num_outputs="3">
            <param name="otutable" value="AalborgWWTPs.otu.csv"/>
            <param name="metadata" value="AalborgWWTPs.tsv" ftype="tsv"/>
            <param name="taxonomy" value=""/>
            <param name="fasta" value="AalborgWWTPs.fa" ftype="fasta"/>
            <param name="tree" value="AalborgWWTPs.nwk" ftype="newick"/>
            <output name="ampvis" value="AalborgWWTPs-complete.rds" ftype="ampvis2" compare="sim_size"/>
            <output name="metadata_list_out" value="AalborgWWTPs-metadata.list"/>
            <output name="taxonomy_list_out" value="AalborgWWTPs-taxonomy.list"/>
                <has_text text="575.79"/>
                <has_text text="SampleID, Plant, Date, Year, Period"/>
                <has_text text="200(100%)   194(97%) 177(88.5%)   170(85%)   152(76%) 113(56.5%)      2(1%)"/>
        <!-- test biom 1/2 input (taken from
             metadata seems not to be loaded from a biom file
             taxonomy is loaded from all but 1 
            <param name="otutable" value="rich-dense.biom" ftype="biom1"/>
            <output name="ampvis" ftype="ampvis2">
                    <has_size value="748"/>
                <has_text text="4.5"/>
                <has_text text="SampleID, BarcodeSequence, LinkerPrimerSequence, BODY_SITE, Description"/>
                <has_text text="5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%)  1(20%)"/>
            <param name="otutable" value="rich-sparse.biom" ftype="biom1"/>
            <output name="ampvis" ftype="ampvis2">
                    <has_size value="751"/>
                <has_text text="4.5"/>
                <has_text text="SampleID, BarcodeSequence, LinkerPrimerSequence, BODY_SITE, Description"/>
                <has_text text="5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%)  1(20%)"/>
            <param name="otutable" value="min_sparse_otu_table_hdf5.biom" ftype="biom2"/>
            <output name="ampvis" ftype="ampvis2">
                    <has_size value="395"/>
                <has_text text="4.5"/>
                <!-- input file seems to miss metadata check that no metadata & taxonomy is loaded (ampvis2 adds dummy metadata) -->
                <has_text text="SampleID, DummyVariable"/>
                <has_text text="0(0%)   0(0%)   0(0%)   0(0%)   0(0%)   0(0%)   0(0%)"/>
            <param name="otutable" value="rich_sparse_otu_table_hdf5.biom" ftype="biom2"/>
            <output name="ampvis" ftype="ampvis2">
                    <has_size value="753"/>
                <has_text text="4.5"/>
                <has_text text="SampleID, BODY_SITE, BarcodeSequence, Description, LinkerPrimerSequence"/>
                <has_text text="5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%)  1(20%)"/>

What it does

This tool reads an OTU-table and corresponding sample metadata, and returns
a RDS data set for use in all ampvis2 tools. It is therefore required to load
data with this tool before any other ampvis2 tools can be used.

The Galaxy tool calls the `amp_load <>`_
function of the ampvis2 package. This function validates and corrects the
provided data frames in different ways to make it suitable for the rest of the
ampvis2 tools. It is important that the provided data sets match the
requirements as described in the following to work properly.


**The OTU-table**

contains information about the OTUs, their read counts in each sample, and
optionally their assigned taxonomy. The OTU table can be given as

- Tabular data set
- BIOM version (1 and 2)

Metadata and taxonomy in the tabular or BIOM files that are given via the
``OTU table`` parameter can is overwritten if by data presented via the
``Sample metadata`` or ``Taxonomy table`` parameters.

If given in tabular format the provided OTU-table must be a table with the
following requirements:

- The rows are OTU IDs and the columns are samples.
- The OTU ID's are expected to be in a column called "OTU", "ASV", or "#OTU ID".
- The column names of the table are the sample IDs, exactly matching those in
  the metadata
- The last 7 columns are optionally the corresponding taxonomy assigned to the
  OTUs, named "Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus", "Species".

Generally avoid special characters and spaces in row- and column names.

The OTU table can also contain the taxonomic information in additional columns:
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus.

Check `here <>`_ for information on the BIOM formats.

**The metadata**

contains additional information about the samples, for example where each sample
was taken, date, pH, treatment etc, which is used to compare and group the
samples during analysis. The amount of information in the metadata is unlimited,
it can contain any number of columns (variables), however there are a few
- The sample IDs must be in the first column and the column must be named
  ``SampleID``. These sample IDs must match exactly to those in the OTU-table. Any
  unmatched samples between the otutable and metadata will be removed with a
- Generally avoid special characters and spaces in row- and column names.

By default the data types of metadata columns are guessed with
``readr::type_convert``. The guessed column types can be seen in the last (4th)
column of the ``metadata list`` output and also stdout of the tool.  Guessing of
data types can be disabled using the parameter ``Guess metadata column types``.
If disabled matadata from separate tabular input is treated as character data,
and if loaded from biom files that data is used as is. Metadata types can be set
manually using the tool ``ampvis2: set metadata``

Dates should be given in the format ``YYYY-MM-DD`` (Y: year, M: month, D: day).

In addition to the RDS data set a metadata (resp. taxonomy) list data set is returned
if metadata (resp. taxonomic information) is given to this tool. It contains
restructured metadata (taxonomic information) that is used in downstream ampvis2
Galaxy tools in order to select metadata / metadata values (resp. taxonomic levels).


is a tabular data set with 7 columns and one row per ASV/OTU:

- the 1st column is identical to the 1st column of the OTU table parameter
- the remaining columns contain data for Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus

Note that the taxonomic information can also be embedded in the OTU table.


a tree with branch lengths in Newick format. 

This is needed / usefull only if the data is used as input of: ``ampvis2:
ordination plot`` for ordination methods NNDS / MMDS with (un)weighted UniFrac
distances. Note that the loaded tree is also filtered by the ``ampvis2: subset
...`` tools.


a fasta file containing the sequences of the OTUs. Note that this information is
only used in ``ampvis2: export fasta``. If the OTU table is modified by 
``ampvis2: mergereplicates`` or the ``ampvis2: subset ...`` tools this might be
useful to obtain a filtered list of sequences.



The main output of the tool is an RDS data set that contains the R representation of
the ampvis2 object containing the provided data (OTU table, metadata, taxonomy,
phylogenetic tree, and fasta).

**List files**

Summarize the metadata and taxonomy information:

- the taxonomy list file lists all taxa in a 1 column tabular data set
- the metadata list file lists the Metadata variables (column 1), and the corresponding
  available metadata values (column 2), if the variable is the SampleID (column 3), and
  the data type of the corresponding metadata variable (column 4)

These files are auxilliary files that are needed in downstream ``ampvis2`` Galaxy tools
to allow selecting metadata and taxonomy. They are not passed to the underlying R functions.

Note that, if the no taxonomy (or metadata) is given then the underlying ``ampvis2`` R
function adds dummy taxonomy (resp. metadata). In this case the output of the list datasets
can be disabled with the ``Output list data sets`` parameter.
    <expand macro="citations"/>